Gay Erotic Stories

Cover in Mud, Naked

by RickPol86

Meet Tom, he is a 25-year-old in great shape, and at times a stressful job. He goes jogging after work sometimes to get his mind off work. After a couple weeks of rainfall and stressfully few days of work, Tom needed a run. So when the rain finally stopped. He put some running shorts and an old T shirt, then went running on a trail. Tom noticed it was getting dark and didn't want to be in the park after sunset, so He took a short cut that cuts haft mile off my return. As Tom is running down his short cut, he doesn't know that all the rain has turned the ground into a deep mud pit further head. When he enters the pit his left foot sink into the mud swallowing his shoe and pulled off. He then falls face down into the mud and started to sink. As he got to my feet, he was covered in thick heavy mud. He whipped the mud from his face and tried to look for his shoe, but in doing so the other shoe got pulled off his foot and was gone. As He continued on my way, he felt his socks fill with mud and come off. Tom was determined to get out of the mud pit, He was tripping over branches hidden in the mud, falling a few more times, only weighting down his clothes. As he got up he could fell the mud ripping off his shirt. The mud was getting deeper as he got towards the middle, going up to his knees. He though he was though the deepest part after the mud, when with one step he sank to his waist in mud. He could fill the mud seeping into the lining of his shorts on to his cock and balls. As he crawled his way out. He also could feel the running shorts sliding down every with every move he made. He tried to keep a grip with one hand and crawl is way out with the other, but he only sank deeper into the mud. He tightens his shorts and uses both hands to pull himself out and crawled the rest of the way. After what seemed like forever, he was out of the mud and back on the path was very exhausted. He stopped for a few minutes to rest and tried to clean some of the mud off. It was at that point I realized that his shorts where gone, pulled off when he freed himself. He is naked with mud dripping off his body and 3 miles from home. Tom started to head back as fast as he could barefooted. The park was empty after dark and didn't worry about being seen. He lived only a mile from the entrance of the park. Once he made it to the main road he hid behind bushes and in ditches to avoid being seen. One ditch was filled with water and washed the mud off clearly exposing Tom’s naked body. A couple of people honked their horns as the passed by, making him more nervous. He was also getting hard on from being naked outside. A passerby saw Tom in his naked state and called the cops. When Tom saw the blue lights from the cop car he jumps into a ditch that was filled with dark mud. He hears the car stop and the doors open. As the two officers approach the ditch Tom takes a deep breath and submerges himself into mud. The officer takes a quick look around and leaves. Tom stays in the mud until he can’t hold his breath anymore and stands up taking a deep breath. He sees the flashing lights from the cop car. He can see the car is empty, and looks around for the officers. No knowing where the went or how long they would be gone; he stays in the ditch. Tom is realizing how turned he is, by being naked outside. He started stroking his muddy cock making it oozed precum. As he was enjoying himself he heard the cops coming back to the car. Tom once again submerged himself in the mud only leaving his head above the mud. The cops got in their car and left. Tom started back jerking off in the mud and blow a load into the mud. After 5 minutes or so, Tom's erection subsided. It was very late now and He sees no cars on the road, Tom continues on his way. Tom was just across the street from an alleyway that ran behind his house, all he had to do was cross the street. He waited for couple minutes to cross the street. As he reaches the median in the road he see's the headlights of a car rapidly approaching. Tom freezes in the middle of the road as the car flew by. The excitement of being naked outside and seen, got Tom's cock started getting hard again. He quickly finished crossing the street into the ally. Once in the ally he cautiously made his way to his backyard gate. Tom final gets to his gate and enters his code when it starts to rain again. He falls flat on his back and lets the rain wash away most of the mud. Tom starts stroking his muddy cock and releases a massive load onto his chest and face. As Tom falls asleep on his patio bench, he starts to think to himself how much fun had and forgets all about work. His last though before dozing off is, “I must do something like this again.”


2 Gay Erotic Stories from RickPol86

Beach Trip

Beach Trip Meet Phil, a 25 white guy, 6 feet tall at 140 lbs. He is taking his first vacation alone. Phil's longtime girlfriend, Nicole, dumped him a few days before they were set to leave. Not able to cancel the travel plans and motel room, he deiced to go ahead and go. Phil had an uneventful flight, but after landing he discovers that his suitcase didn't make it. All he had was the clothes on

Cover in Mud, Naked

Meet Tom, he is a 25-year-old in great shape, and at times a stressful job. He goes jogging after work sometimes to get his mind off work. After a couple weeks of rainfall and stressfully few days of work, Tom needed a run.So when the rain finally stopped. He put some running shorts and an old T shirt, then went running on a trail. Tom noticed it was getting dark and didn't want to be in the


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