Gay Erotic Stories

It all started from his shower 1

by Drcock40

The first time I saw dad’s cock I was about 18. I was laying in my bed reading, when I looked over and saw him coming out of the bathroom. He was completely naked and wet as he opened the door to the linen closet looking for a clean towel.

He stood there for several minutes, the water glistening on his body, dripping down his chest and arms, and my young eyes were transfixed by the site before me. I had never seen a naked man before, but just the other kids in my gym class during showers, and I tried hard not to look at them fearing that they might catch me looking. But now I couldn't help but look. He didn't notice me, or didn't seem to anyway as he stood there naked and wet searching through the closet for something he wasn't finding.

I tried not to move, but turned my head to regard his body from a better perspective. I had seen him in his underwear before – threadbare white briefs which already left me to the imagination, but the sight of his cock "in the flesh" was more intriguing and erotic to me in a way I can't explain. His chest was hairy and broad. There were few patches of black hair around his nipples and in a path from his belly button to his crotch where they blossomed into a thick black bush of hair above his cock. His cock was soft and uncut but seemed enormous to me. It was about 4 inches long and looked thicker than I imagined. His foreskin was long and full. His huge balls were hanging low. As he leaned forward to search through the linens, his cock pulled away from his body and I could see the thick shaft with dark, wrinkled skin leading up and covering most of the cock head that was plump and slightly pinker than the rest of his cock.

As I regarded his cock I was simultaneously exhilarated and ashamed. It was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen and it made my own cock grow with excitement. I thought it was the most perfect cock that I would ever see and I couldn't keep my eyes away from it. At the same time I thought of my own cock and wondered if it would ever be so big or so beautiful and felt inadequate but hopeful that my still growing cock would some day catch up to his.

As he stood straight again, his cock once again rested against the soft skin surrounding his perfectly shaped balls. He pulled out a towel and started to dry himself in the hallway. At this point I began to wonder why he hadn't checked to see if he was alone but enjoyed my luck that he was not being cautious. After a minute of drying himself off in front of me, he stepped back into the bathroom and I was left alone with just the memory of my first voyeuristic experience. I was still peering down the hallway in the hope that I would be able to see him again. I couldn't get the image of his beautiful cock out of my head. I was glad that I saw it and hopeful that one day I too would have such a perfect cock.

By this time my own cock was hard and poking against my pajama bottoms. I adjusted myself through the fabric, turned to my side and tried to get back to my reading assignment but every time I looked at the page the only thing I could see was his cock in my mind and my own young cock got harder and harder. I laid there for a few more minutes when I noticed a shadow emerging from the bathroom door.

He was wrapped in a towel, which was so filled with holes that it should have been torn up for rags. I tried not to look but as he walked towards my room, he caught my eye and he began to speak.

"Do you have any towels in your room?" he asked, standing in my doorway. .... get more of these stories on


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Drcock40

It all started from his shower 1

The first time I saw dad’s cock I was about 18. I was laying in my bed reading, when I looked over and saw him coming out of the bathroom. He was completely naked and wet as he opened the door to the linen closet looking for a clean towel.He stood there for several minutes, the water glistening on his body, dripping down his chest and arms, and my young eyes were transfixed by the site before

It all started from his shower 2

I tried not to move too much, fearing my own cock would slip through my pajama bottoms but turned my head to the other side of the room to check.


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