Gay Erotic Stories

caught nude and sucking

by Nudezippy

early in the morning a horny man stop by looking for directions how ever i was on the back porch and suckin a contractor off who woked for the AT&T company he had seen me many times masterbating on the back porch or in the woods how ever this day was different this horny man came around back and caught me suckin off the contractor,he undid his pants pull his uncut cock out said before you give me directions to where i should me let me let you suck me to.Two is much better.I was so nervous when i first saw someone lookin,i dont know why as i love to be watched and seen.


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2 Gay Erotic Stories from Nudezippy

caught nude and sucking

early in the morning a horny man stop by looking for directions how ever i was on the back porch and suckin a contractor off who woked for the AT&T company he had seen me many times masterbating on the back porch or in the woods how ever this day was different this horny man came around back and caught me suckin off the contractor,he undid his pants pull his uncut cock out said before you give


Sunny day 88 degree weather,decided to get undressed and stroke my cock.looking out the window to see that no contractors or AT& T access workers were near by I took off my clothes and began to stroke my hard cock as I sat on my workout beach in my shed.Forgot about getting up to look out the window,a man walked up and pre entered my shed within easement of AT&T power line property which runs


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