Gay Erotic Stories

Fantasy Physical Exam

by DoctorTD

"Sean....Sean" the nurse in the waiting room called out. I stood up and gave her a wave. "Sean I have some bad news the doctor you normally are scheduled for was just called for an emergency surgery for a local sports team. Would you like to reschedule or would you mind seeing another doctor today?" The nurse asked me. "I don't mind seeing another doctor today though I prefer a male doctor if possible" I replied "Oh I think that can be arranged" the nurse replied, "but in the mean time why don't we get you into an exam room and ready so we can give you priority" "Sounds good to me"

We started to walk down the hall to the scales and measuring wall. "well Sean at 24 I doubt you'll be growing taller any more, but you look a little bit skinnier than 155" "Yeah I got myself a personal trainer and he's helped me shave off a couple extra pounds of fat and helped me really tone up" I replied "140 lbs at 5'6".. That’s definitely an improvement from last time. Alright let’s get you ready for the doctor come follow me"

As we entered the room it was nothing fancy just your basic room with your hospital examination table. Not that I minded seeing those basic Ritter tables they always reminded me of the fun doctors of my past... little did I know that this new doctor would make memories of my old doctor fade away in a good way.

"Alright Sean just a couple more things let’s check your blood pressure" I always loved getting my blood pressure checked however sometimes I wish they would use it on my hard cock just to feel that wrist band inflate and squeeze my hard cock.

"Good everything seems normal you're losing weight and your blood pressure seems fine, now would you like to wear a gown for the examination? Or would you prefer to just wear your underwear or be nude?" Asked the nurse

"the doctor is going to see everything eventually so no point in wearing a gown, but this isn’t exactly Arizona weather in here so I think I’ll keep my underwear on" I replied

The nurse smiled and said "Well whatever makes you happy but like you said the doctor is going to examine everything so the underwear is kind of pointless.." Then she walked out.

I began to get undressed just remembering the older doctors examining me as a kid with their hands on approach to my examination. A few minutes later just as I got undressed down to my underwear I heard a knock at the door.

"Good afternoon Sean, my name is Doctor Roberts but most people call me Bob or Doctor Bob." “Hi Al” I replied. “So Sean I see you were scheduled for an appointment with another doctor, but he was called out lucky for you my last patient just finished up about 5 minutes before your doctor called in and asked me to help him out. So Sean since I’ve never met you before I’m going to have to ask you a couple questions about your lifestyle okay” “Okay” “First off what do you do for a living at 24? Are you settled in working some desk job or are you working some manual labor job of some sorts?” “Currently I’m working on my 4 year degree in computers but I push carts at the local grocery store” “Are you in a relationship?” “Yes” “Heterosexual or homosexual or both” “Currently a Heterosexual relationship but I have done some things in my past that are of homosexual nature” “Are you sexually active with your girlfriend? Do you perform intercourse, oral sex, anal sex?” “Yes, intercourse on rare occasions but oral sex is a weekly thing” “Do you wear protection?” “Yes”

“In your homosexual life have you had sexual intercourse, anal intercourse, oral intercourse?” “I’ve had a guy stick his finger in my ass and I played with another guy’s cock but nothing I’d consider intercourse” ~ I replied “Have you had any problems lately that you need to go over with me or are you on any medications currently” “Nope just here for my regular yearly physical exam” “Alright now that’s done then let’s gets started go sit up on the table” “Okay” I replied “Hmm it looks like the nurse forgot to take your temperature… but that’s okay they always keep the old electric thermometers in the cabinets should the new technology not be reading properly… Now if you could just do me a favor and instead of sitting could you hop down and face the table” “Yes I can doctor but why are you having me bend over the table if the thermometer just needs to go in my mouth?” “In your mouth, ha that’s a good one… this is a hospital we can’t just stick these thermometers in your mouth that’s inaccurate so instead we have to administer them rectally to be accurate” “Okay”

“Besides Sean if you’re having a guy stick a finger in your bottom I’m sure this thermometer will be nothing for you” ~ Doctor Bob replied “Doctor that was a long time ago like when I was a teenager, but I see your point” The next thing I heard were the cabinets shutting and doctor Al walking across the room. “Alright well it’s going to be pretty hard to get a rectal temperature with your underwear on” Without notice the doctor pulled down my underwear down enough that when he let go it just dropped to the floor as if I couldn’t feel any more vulnerable… “Now if you could spread your legs and reach behind and spread your cheeks apart we can get this over with quickly” As I reached behind to spread my cheeks apart I could hear the doctor opening a jar of petroleum jelly… “Alright Sean breath in 3, 2…1…” *beep* “all done, 98.6 degrees, now let’s get started with our examination now that the pre-examination work has been done why don’t you turn around and hop up on the table” I bent over to grab my underwear and pull it up only to hear the doctor say “Sean what are you doing you’ve been to enough examinations to know that I’m going to end up examining your genitals later no need to put on your underwear only for me to take it off again in a couple minutes” “Yeah I guess you’ve got a point there Bob” I replied, as I stood up and sat on the table. “Alright let’s get started first I’m going to listen to your heart so hop up on that exam table. And breathe in….. And out….. In…. out….. Now for your back in…..out….in….out everything sounds fine with the heart and lungs have you experienced any chest pains lately or any abdominal pains?”

“No, no chest pains or abdominal pains” “Okay, now if you could just lay back for me I’m just going to examine your chest and abdominal areas for any abnormalities” As I laid back my heart started to beat a little bit faster because I knew with every part he examined he was drawing closer to my favorite part of the examination, first with my chest examining then slowly moving down my stomach… I always used to love this part growing up because the doctor would always pull the band of my underwear down just a little to finish up the examination of my abdominal region just to give me an unintentional tease “Almost done Sean now if you could just hop off for a second I’m going to examine your spine to make sure everything is in order, just bend over the table just like before with the thermometer” I could feel the doctor feeling my spine as he grew closer and closer to my butt but I knew he was going to stop… eventually. “Well Sean everything feels fine back here you can get you back up on that table” Now for my favorite part minus the stupid questions… “We already discussed your girlfriend and a little bit of the homosexuality part of your sexuality earlier in the examination so I’ll just make note of that though I have to ask besides a finger have you ever put anything else up there like a toy?” “I used to have a toy, but once I got a girlfriend and found out that it didn’t really add much to the orgasms so I got rid of it” “If it’s okay with you Sean I’m going to perform a digital rectal examination today just to make sure you didn’t damage anything with your sexual explorations” “That’s fine doctor” “Any genital pains or issues that you’ve come across since your last examination” “Nope, everything works just fine” I replied “Okay first off I’m just going to make sure everything looks good and is in working order… hmm looks like you’re one of the few guys I examine that is uncircumcised do you wash him every day and keep him clean” “Yes doctor every morning in the shower I will clean it” “Okay well I know you wouldn’t lie but still I’m just going to take a look myself” With that being said doctor bob took his hand and slowly began to retract the foreskin back on my cock it was soft due to the room being cold but just feeling the doctor retracting my skin on my cock just made him wake up a little… but this time was different instead of just pulling the skin back a little he kept on retracting the skin till the whole head of my cock was visible then held it there while examining the whole head of the cock. Then letting go of the foreskin he began to move my cock up and down and side to side. “Alright that looks pretty clean no build up of smegma, and a full range of motion now if you would just stand up for me on this last step on the table I’m going to check for hernias and do a testicular examination” As I got off the exam table, the doctor pulled out the last stair on the table… Though I have to be honest every time the doctor has me stand up on this chair I find it a bit strange because they all tend to sit on the chair and be at about eye level with my cock and are only about a foot away. “Sean I’ll need you to turn your head and cough” *cough* “now the other direction” *cough* “good, now have you been giving yourself self testicular exams in the shower” “I try to do it at least once a month” I then felt the doctor begin to rub each of my testicles one by one between his thumb and pointer finger and feeling the vas deferens. “Now were almost done the last part of the examination will be that rectal examination that I was talking about earlier. There are a couple positions this can be done in however I find the best one is the one you were in before for the thermometer so why don’t you step down from that step and turn around for me” I did what the doctor asked only to hear him going through the cupboards again followed by the snap of a glove being put on and him opening the jar of petroleum jelly. “Alright Sean now since you’ve never had one of these types of examinations I’ll try my best to explain what is going on before I do it” I felt the doctor begin to spread my butt cheeks apart. “Well everything looks normal on the outside no hemorrhoids or fissures, now I’m going to insert my finger to examine the prostate it helps if you try to take a deep breath before I insert my finger and then as I’m sticking my finger in I’ll need you to bare down as if you’re going to the bathroom” “Okay Bob” I replied as I felt his finger start to be pressed inside me. “Sean I’m feeling some fecal matter back here and its going to prevent me from doing a proper examination I think I’m going to have to administer an enema to clean things out to give you a better examination” “An enema…What’s that?” “Well I’m just going to put a tube into your anus and let some water go inside you to clean things out and make going to the bathroom easier for you just stay like how you are and I’ll get one out of the cupboards… however this room doesn’t have a bathroom attached to it so why don’t you put on this gown on and grab your clothing and we’ll walk to a different examination room.” I stepped down from the examination table and put on the cloth gown and tied the back together and walked with the down the hall with doctor Al to the new room. In this room the examination table was a little different. It had stirrups and the bathroom attached like the doctor mentioned it had a full bathroom complete with a toilet and a basic shower. “Sean you can take of the gown now but since the exam table is a little different in this room would you prefer to lie down versus stand up for the enema?” “Sure doctor that sounds better” “Okay just hop on up onto the table and put your feet into the stirrups attached to the end of the table.” I climbed up on to the table and lay back with my feet in the stirrups. I saw the doctor grabbing an enema bag and filling it with water at the sink. “Now Sean I’m going to give you a 500ml enema to make sure you’re all cleaned out for the rest of the examination… This might feel a little uncomfortable but it shouldn’t be painful” With that being said Doctor Bob began to feed the plastic nozzle into my butt which wasn’t too bad just a little longer than a finger but skinnier. But when he opened up the valve on the enema that’s when things started to feel a little weird. I soon realized why an enema would clean me out as I felt the water flowing inside my body. “You’re just about half way done, are you feeling any discomfort at all?” “No doctor, it just feels weird not painful” Though as soon as I said that things began to start feeling a little fuller and soon figured out why the doctor decided to change our room to one with a bathroom. Lucky for me by the time my stomach felt like it was full as it could have been the doctor said the magical words. “All done; now I’ll let you empty yourself out” I then rolled to my side and climbed down off the examination table “Just stand still for a second there Sean I have to remove the enema nozzle” What a weird feeling that was to feel someone pulling a nozzle out of me but I’m glad he did because I had the urge to use that restroom so badly I could care less what was going on that moment. I rushed into the restroom to relieve myself. “Are you all done?” doctor Al asked as I exited the bathroom “Yes doctor all cleaned out” “Okay now I’ll need you to either bend over like before or in this new room you can lay down with your feet in the stirrups like you did for the enema” “I’m always up for trying something new so I think this time around I’ll just lie down on the bed with my feet in the stirrups” I got on the bed and laid down placing my feet in the stirrups when heard another snapping sound from the doctor putting on a glove and the sound of the petroleum jelly being opened again. “Okay Sean just like before I’m going to insert my finger into your rectum examination and I’ll need you to bare down just like before” I then began to feel the doctor’s finger slide into my rectum prying it open with his finger not painfully but just forcefully going deeper inside me and deeper than before “That enema did the trick there is no fecal matter blocking my fingers anymore” With this being said I felt the Doctor Bob’s finger go deeper until it rubbed up against something that felt very good. Good enough to make my cock perk up just a little bit. “The part I just rubbed up against is your prostate it controls several functions of the genital area and if stimulated correctly it can bring forth an orgasm which brings me to the next part of the examination. Sean I’m going to continue to massage your prostate until you ejaculate so we can make sure everything is functioning” I began to feel Doctor Bob’s finger being pulled out slowly only to be pushed back in rubbing against this newly found pleasure spot unable to stop my cock from getting rock hard on its own. As if this feeling wasn’t good enough on its own I then felt the doctor using his other hand in particular his thumb and pointer finger grabbing onto my foreskin and sliding it up and down against the head of my cock. Up and down his fingers would pull my foreskin causing me to leak out precum. “How does that feel Sean?” “It feels good doctor” “Now Sean if you could just sit up on the exam table and hold this sample cup so your ejaculation goes into the cup that would be perfect” Doctor Bob then let go of my hard cock with his two fingers and opened a drawer on the examination table and pulled out a sample cup “Now Sean I’m going to want a sample so unscrew the top for me and hold it in front of your cock so most of it goes inside the cup” The doctor then placed his whole hand on my cock and began to give me a hand job while still massaging my prostate I could barely contain myself long enough to open the container. With the container opened and in front of my cock doctor Al aimed my cock right for the container and pulled out his finger from my rectum only to shove two more in its spot. The mixed feelings of pleasure and pain entering my ass combined with the firm grip of doctor Al’s hand on my cock made the cum leak out of my cock while pulsating to the doctors fingers going in and out of my asshole. Until I finally stopped cumming and the sample cup was a third full of cum. “That was amazing Bob I’ve never had more than one finger inside me at a time but it feels great and reminds me of my first time my friend stuck a finger inside me… now doctor I see that you’re a little aroused do you have any other tools you’d like to use for my examination?” With that being said the doctor quickly began to unzip his pants and pulling down his underwear only for me to catch a glimpse of his hard uncircumcised cock before I felt it being pressed up against the entrance of my butt. The doctor then pulled a bottle of medical lubrication out of the drawer below and began to pour the lubrication all over his hard cock. Then what I felt next was just amazing and interesting the doctor Bob’s hard cock slowly entered my virgin hole filling it much like the enema but at the same time rubbing against my prostate in such a way that it turned me on first starting out slowly but gradually going in and out faster and deeper. “You’re really tight down here; I think you’ll need to make some follow up appointments” I tried to say anytime but it just came out to be a mumble as doctor Al started to pound my virgin ass. In and out I could feel his hard cock leave me feeling empty as it left my ass only to be rammed back in filling the empty void. Though I could see it in his eyes and hear it in his breath he wasn’t going to last much longer. In and out until finally in one last ramming he went all the way in my ass till his balls were right up against me as his cock pumped out a load of cum inside my ass filling me up like a warm enema. As the doctor began to pull out he began to realize that my asshole was starting to squeeze tightly on his hard cock. “Now Sean I’m going to need that sample out of your system before you go I’d hate to have it leaking out on the way home” ~ Said Doctor Roberts “I’m sorry doctor my asshole is closing on its own I can’t help it” “That’s okay Sean I have a special tool just for the occasion one more tool just for special occasions” Doctor Al opened the drawer on the medical table to pull out a speculum with some more lube. “Here comes the special tool just take a deep breath” As I breathed in I felt the speculum being inserted inside me slowly inching into my tight hole when it was finally in I thought that was it. Only to feel it separate my tight little hole apart slowly forcing me to open. As my asshole opened all I could feel is the doctors cum slowly drip out of my ass. “I guess we better clean you up there” The doctor then took a paper towel and used it to clean things up “Well Sean, everything looks good here and is fully functional. You can either get dressed or if you want you can join me in the shower connected to the bathroom for some more rectal opening techniques to help you for your future examinations become easier”


1 Gay Erotic Stories from DoctorTD

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