Gay Erotic Stories

My College Boarder Hunk

by Sgp389

I had a nice older two story home in the small college town where I had lived for awhile. I was an artist and photographer and had been using my upstairs area as a studio. But I needed some extra money with the economy being what it was, and I was becoming the typical 'starving artist'. I decided to move my studio downstairs and make the best of it and rent out the one big room upstairs to a boarder. Since my home was located only a few block from campus, I targeted the campus area to find a decent border. I wanted someone who wasn't a big partier, but didn't really care about anything else. Then I added, "discount for helping with home repairs and other household duties". I put the flyers around the campus at the beginning of the winter term. The first weekend I had a phone call asking about the room. The kid sounded very nice and polite on the phone and I told him to come on over. About an hour later he showed up. It was freezing cold that day and he had on a heavy parka, but I could tell he was a big guy. He said he had a few minutes to check it out, before he had to meet someone for lunch, but wanted to see what my place looked like and ask a few questions.

"You said you would give a discout for helping out right?" "Sure, what can you do?" "Well, I 've done a little carpentry and am good at fixing things." "Wow, that would be great! By the way, I didn't catch your name." "Oh sorry, It's Russ. Mind if I go upstairs?" "Go ahead." We both went up and checked out the room. It was a big room that took up most of the second floor. "This is awesome", Russ said. "It'll be great for all my stuff! And the floor looks solid." He jumped up and down a couple of times and the floor shook under his weight. "It should hold you", I said and laughed a bit as I looked again at his size. "Yeah, but my stuff is pretty heavy. I think this is great. I'll be happy to move in tomorrow if it's okay with you." I was happy to have a border so soon. "Tomorrow would be great! Are you gonna need some help?" " No, I don't have a lot of stuff, but what I do have is heavy." "Well, okay then. I'll see you tomorrow!" Russ went on out and I was happy to have a nice big kid to paying me rent.

The next morning, it had warmed up a bit, unseasonably warn, but still a nip in the air. I heard a knock on the door. It was Russ.

"Hey, come on in...." I stopped and looked for a moment. Russ had on a pullover hooded sweatshirt that looked like it had shrunk. I could tell there was some serious muscle underneath. His thick neck blended seamlessly into tight traps that became strong wide shoulders. Hanging by his side were waht appeared to be the biggest arms I had seen. The wide shoulders were no match for expansive chest that bulged out and made the college letters on the sweatshirt twice as big as they were. The sweatshirt came almost down to his waist stopping just short of his jeans. The big chest tapered down to a narrow, but taut waist and then was all supported by legs that looked as if the could finish off the rips already in his torn jeans. I gasped, hoping I wasn't too noticeable. I stammered over my words of welcome. "Come on in... um...Rick"

"It's Russ. That's okay. I've been called a lot of names." He came on in and placed a huge foot locker down on the floor. "Let me get a few more things out of my truck and then I can take it all up at once."

"I can get this if you want and take it on up," I offered. Russ watched me try to pick up one end. It wouldn't budge. "Wow!" was all I could get out.

"Don't worry about it. I'll get it in a minute." Russ made about three more trips out to the truck, each time coming back with a foot locker that landed on the floor with a thud. After the fourth one he stood there and was breathing heavy. "There I think that's everything I need." He started up the stairs and one by one hoisted each foot locker up the stairs and it landed with a thud. I thought, "This kid is unbelieveable!"

After the last one was put upstairs, he came down and again was breathing heavy. His chest was rising so high his sweatshirt came up above his belt and I could see what looked like some very well defined muscles underneath. He was sweating a bit, so I offered him a chance to sit down and have something to drink.

"That would be great. Just some water though." He sat down on a stool on the other side of the kitchen counter. I tried to not stare at the massive kid who would now be living with me. I figured we should get to know each other.

"So when you said you'd been called a lot of names, did you mean like nicknames or something?"

He smiled wide and showed some perfect teeth and I saw some dimples in his cheeks. "Yeah," he said laughing. "When I was little, everybody called me Rusty. But I didn't like that name very much. My mom always has called me Russell. When I started in Junior High, I told my friends to stop calling me Rusty, because it sounded like a little kid name. Well, one of my friends started calling me Russell like my mom, and everyone else picked up on it."

"Sounds like you didn't like Russell either?"

"Well, its a long story", he sighed and again his chest expanded to inhuman size.

"That's okay, I'm interested in getting to know you."

"Well", he started, when I turned thirteen at the beginning of summer before Junior High, my dad bought me a weight set. I had always been on the skinny side, so he thought it would be good for me, you know, maybe put a little meat on my bones. I started lifting weights and actually did put on a few pounds over the summer. My friend that started calling me Russell saw me one day without my shirt on and asked what was wrong with me. I said nothing was wrong and he said I looked different. When he came closer he said I looked funny cause I had these little muscles all over my body. I guess it did look a little funny. You know how young kids with skinny little muscles look sometimes. He saked if I was trying to get some muscles...and I said yes. So he jokingly started calling me 'Russell the Muscle'. So then everybody started calling me that as a joke." He smiled as if he was thinking how funny it was now.

"So what happened?" I asked as if I didn't already know!

I kept on lifting weights to keep them from laughing at me. I even got on the football team. I really enjoyed playing sports; I was on the football team for a few years, wrestled one year, and even did track one year with shotput. But I really enjoyed just lifting. I stopped playing sports after the first two years of High School."

"Why did you stop? Did you get injured?"

"No, I'd just rather spend my time in the weight room than on the football field or anywhere else. I became more of an amatuer bodybuilder then, too. I know you probably think that's crazy, cause all my friends do. They don't understand why I would want such big muscles."

My heart skipped a beat. "You're....a ...bodybuilder? Wow! I don't think that's crazy at all; I think that's really cool! A guy who can build his muscles like you have should be proud! I've never met a bodybuilder before, but I'm sure it takes a lot of hard work. And even if your friends thought you were crazy, I bet nobody called you any more names after that!"

"Well, only one," he chuckled to himself. "My dad. When I was fifteen he started calling me 'Oak'." He smiled big again as he thought of it and his dimples showed again.

"Oak? Where did he get a name like that from?"

As the day was wearing on, it was getting a little warmer in the house. Russ pushed the sleeves on his sweatshirt up just a bit to show off some massive forearms.

"I'll tell you in a second, but can I get some more water first? It's getting warm in here." I took his glass and put some fresh water in it and handed it back. He turned the glass up and swallowed all of it in one long gulp. The big adam's apple in his strong neck bobbed up and down in rythym as he drank. I glanced over to his arm as he turned the glass all the way up to get every drop. There was no hiding the huge bicep under the fabric of the old sweatshirt. He sat the glass down and sighed. "That was good, but I'll have to find another shirt to put on, I'm really warm! I'll have to go upstairs cause everything else is packed."

"First you promised to tell me about the name 'oak' though." He stopped halfway from getting off the stool. "You're right. I promised if you got me the water. Okay, it's kind of silly anyway. When my dad bought me the weight set when I was thirteen, he said we should get some measurements so we could see how much I would grow with the weights. When he measured my biceps, they were 13". We decided to take all my measurements every year on my birthday. Next year, my biceps were fourteen inches. So when I turned fifteen, my biceps had grown to fifteen inches and he said I must be an oak tree, because you could tell my age just by measuring my biceps, just like counting the rings on an oak tree. And that's the way it's always been. Kinda silly I know. Well, I'm gonna go find a shirt to change into."

As he stood up, I decided to take a risk. "So how old are you now? Before you put on another shirt, i'd be interested in seeing if you're really telling the truth!"

Russ smiled and his dimples appeared again. "What? You want to see my biceps? You won't think it's gross, will you? A lot of people laugh at me because of my big muscles."

"Are you kidding? Like I said, I'm proud of you for working hard on building your muscles, plus I've never met a bodybuilder, so I'm dying to see what you've got under that sweatshirt!"

"Okay! You asked for it!"

I was shaking in anticipation. Russ looked at me and smiled and started to pull up his sweatshirt. The first thing I saw was an absolutely perfect eight-pack of abs. He kept looking me straight in the eye as if to see my genuine reaction. He then pulled one arm out and then the other. They were huge! The sweatshirt sat on top of his pecs as they continued to heave up and down from the workout of unloading his truck. He looked at me for a few seconds and could sense my anticipation. He smiled with his dimples, then he winked at me and pulled the sweatshirt off over his head and threw it on the chair. I just continued to stare with my mouth wide open.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he laughed to himself.

"I've never seen anyone or anything like this before! You look fantastic! Your muscles...." My voice drifted off as I continued to stare.

"Oh, by the way, nineteen"


"I'm nineteen." He motioned to me to come a little closer. I walked around the kitchen counter and stood next to him. I could feel the body heat escaping after he had removed his sweatshirt.

"Check it out." He shook his right arm a little bit and the muscles tightened and flexed underneath his perfect smooth skin. He stretched his arm straight out to the side and then slowly made a fist and dramatically brought it up to a full flex. The skin pulled tight around the baseball peak with a few veins criscrossing on the top. My knees went weak. "Nineteen!" Russ said proudly. "You can check it if you don't believe me. You got a tape measure?"

I continued to stare. "Uh-huh" was all I could say. I quickly got the tape measure out of the drawer and tried to hand it to him.

"It's easier if you do it. That way I can keep this bicep fully flexed." He could tell I was nervous. "It's okay. I don't bite. And it won't hurt a bit!"

I started to wrap the tape meaure around his huge hard bicep. I started to pull the tape measure tight, but before I did, I poked his muscle with my finger. "Like a rock isn't it?" he announced proudly. "It just depends on how hard you're flexing. Watch. He relaxed his arm and his bicep went down and became softer. He pushed it with his other hand. "See? You try it." I pushed it with my finger and pressed the muscle into the skin.I poked it a couple of times when Russ suddenly flexed again and his bicep popped up and exploded in my face. My finger was now unable to budge his rock hard bicep. He relaxed and flexed and let me feel the difference a few times. "Amazing!" I got the tape measure back in place and Russ gave it a full flex again. I stretched the tape forever around his peak. I stared at the tape measure. "It's actually nineteen and three-fourths inches. Your biceps are almost twenty inches!"

"My birthday is in a few months!" He said laughing. He slowly put his arm down. I continued to stare. "You've never seen muscles like this before have you? I'm glad I finally found someone who appreciates me and what I do.". At that moment his pecs twitched a bit.

"Oh my gosh, what was that you just did?


"Your chest popped up!"

"Oh, I must have flexed my pec muscles for a second. That happens a lot. It happens with out me even knowing it most of the time."

"How do you do that?"

"Do what? Flex my pecs? I don't know, it just kinda happens"

"Can you do it again? That was fantastic how you did that!"

"Sure. It's nothing special." Russ started flexing his pecs gently.

"Nothing special! That is spectacular the way you can make those things pop like that. They just go pop, pop...pop, pop...pop,pop."

I continued to stare at his smooth chest as it moved rythmically up and down.

"They're really called pecs, and actually, y'know, it is kinda fun to make 'em pop when someone enjoys watching it. So you like it?"

"Oh yeah!"

Russ conintued to pop his pecs for me and I moved closer to watch it.

"You can put your hand right here and really feel the pec muscle flex and pop."

I put my hand on his powerful broad chest and felt the warmth of the muscle. "I can feel your heart beat too." Russ started to pop his chest to the rhythm of his heartbeat. "You are awesome man!" I stood back and took in the whole picture as Russ stood there enjoying me admiring his muscles. Continued flexing his biceps and chest and hit a few poses for me. As it got a bit warmer, the sweat on his muscular body made all his muscles shine.

"Look, I really need to unpack all my weights and clothes and stuff. Would you like to come upstairs and help or at least watch me?"

"Sure, I'd be glad to."

We went upstairs to his room and enjoyed the rest of the day together.


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