Gay Erotic Stories

A Weeks Stay On the Farm - #2

by Skinflutelover

Don walked over to the stairs and let me go ahead and start upstairs so we could get ready for bed. I felt a bit horny from being around Don since I had arrived at the farm. I wondered if he was watching my butt as we climbed the stairs. Reaching the top, I walked down to his room and went inside. Looking the room over, I found some photos of him in high school. There were other photos - on in particular caught my eye and I had to see it up close. It was a shot of Don in a tight swim suit. I just stared at the suit and how his cock was showing so much. Not hard, just flaccid and it was clearly outlined even to the bulge of his cockhead. I could see that there was not sharp definition of the glans of his cock, so I assumed he was uncut. "Like that picture?" Don asked. I was surprised to hear his voice so close to me. I had been really concentrating on his body and his crotch. "Uh, Oh, yea! Great photo. Were you on a swim team?" I asked. "That was taken a few years ago on a trip my folks and I took to Hawaii." I had turned to look at him as he spoke, then turned back to look at the photo. "I'll bet you had fun over there. I want to go there someday, myself," I answered. I felt my face flush as I felt embarrassed thinking that he was aware that I was looking at his cock area so intently. "It was great. The scenery is great, and the beaches are awesome. And the sights on the beach are something else. And the water is so clear. You can swim out quite a way from the beach and still see the bottom," he added. "Any nude beaches over there?" I asked. He quickly answered that there were, but his folks wouldn't go near them. He explained that they were not into that type of living. He added, "If I ever go alone or with someone, I'm going to go to one of them and get my eyes full." I walked over toward the beds and asked which one he wanted me to take. He told me he usually slept in the bed next to the window, but said I was welcome to take it if I wanted to. I declined and said the other bed would be just fine and I went over and sat down on the bed. I started taking my shoes off, and Don sat down and was watching me. "Just for kicks, how do you like to sleep? You have pj's, shorts, or do you sleep bare? he asked. It caught me off guard because I had been wondering how he slept. I could imagine that bare body of his totally nude and in his bed, his cock laying softly on his thigh, and his hand lightly brushing his bush of hair. "Umm, I usually sleep in some shorts when I'm not at home," I replied. My thoughts again went back to 'watching him in my mind' as he played with his cock hair and lightly brushed from the base of his cock to the covered head. "Sleep however you like, There are no set rules in my room for sleeping attire," he assured me. Don began removing his shoes, slipped them under his bed, stood up and pulled his t-shirt off over his head. I looked at his lean slightly muscled chest and abs, Just above his belt was the beginning of a line of dark hair that disappeared beneath his pant waistband. My mind raced to imagine how much more hair was below that point. My t-shirt was off and I stood up to start taking my trousers off. Don was doing the same thing and watching me as I unbuckled my belt, pulled the end through the buckle and started to unbutton the top button on my fly. Looking over at Don, I saw that his eyes were following every move I made, and I felt that he was undressing me before I was done. As I took my fingers off the zipper tab, I took hold of my pants and was starting to push them down to take them off, and I looked over at Don. He had slipped his pants down over his hips, and they quickly dropped to the floor. He was standing there with a pair of white briefs with no fly in them. Again I saw the outline of his cock and balls and I froze for a second to take it all in. Then I pushed my pants down and let them fall to the floor and stood there in my boxers. Nervously I did the 'man thing' of flipping my cock around a bit. Don sat down on the side of his bed and took his pants off and laid them on the chair next to his bed. I reached down and stepped out of my pants and hung them on the back of the chair near my bed. I turned back and sat down on my bed. "You ever wear anything other than boxers?" he asked. My response was that I liked to wear boxers for awhile and then switch to briefs. I like both, and have several pairs of each. Don slipped his right hand down over his crotch and lightly rubbed his cock and balls. "I wore boxers for awhile, but they are too loose for me. My cock was always flopping from one side to the other, so I switched to briefs," he said. I felt my cock twinge with excitement thinking about his cock swinging in his boxers and I started getting aroused. "I need to take a leak," I said. Don told me the bathroom was down the hall to the left. He shared with me that his folks room was on the other side of the hall next to the bathroom. I got up and headed for the bathroom. I felt my cock starting to get hard and it began to swing left and right as I walked down the hall. By the time I got to the bathroom, it was raging hard and I wanted to stroke it and get it off and soft again. In my mind, I could see Don stoking his hard cock and stripping the skin back and forth over its head. As I stepped up to pee in the commode, my cock was so hard I thought I would never get started. But in a few seconds, the flow began and I was able to empty my bladder for the night. I shook it a time or two to get all the moisture off the tip of the head. I looked down at my hard cut cock. I again began to image Don stroking his cock and his precum lubricating his uncut cock. "Rob, get you mind on what you are doing," I thought I flushed the toilet and washed my hands and went back down the hallway to Don's bedroom. By this time I was getting soft, so I felt easy about getting back to Don's bedroom. As I stepped from the hallway into the room, I looked up and Don was hastily pulling the bed sheet up over his lower body, I got a brief glimpse of a bare butt cheek. My heart started pounding like a jack hammer in my chest and I felt my cock again twitch with anticipation. I continued to look at Don as I went to my bedside and saw that his left leg was bent causing the bed sheets to make a tent over his lower body. I sensed that perhaps Don was doing something 'personal' before I got back to his room. I turned down the sheet and got into bed. "Hope you have a good nights sleep," he said. "I'm sure I will," I responded.. With that, Don reached over and turned off the lamp on the table next to his bed. I moved around in the bed, got in a comfortable position and tried to go to sleep, but my mind was filled with Don's naked body, as I could imagine it. I turned over onto my belly, and concentrated on going to sleep. My cut cock was fully erect and as I laid on it with the head pointing toward my belly button, I shoved down into the mattress a few times and soon was able to relax and go to sleep, even tho' my cock was hard.



16 Gay Erotic Stories from Skinflutelover

A Neighbor Helps Me Out

This is purely a fantasy story about two guys finding a common interest and become good neighbors. It is my own story and the names are made up. + + + + + + + + I had been out of work for two months, and was about to give up and start walking the streets. My former employer had sold the company to a new owner and they had bankrupt the company in

A Time With A College Friend

Ellis and I have our way...

A Weeks Stay On the Farm - #1

One summer, during a break in my college education, I accepted an offer from a classmate to come to his family farm in western Kansas for a week and help out with the chores. I had no transportation so I rode a bus from my hometown to his home-town and his dad and my friend picked me up at the bus station. My friends father was a large muscular man that was very friendly and made me feel

A Weeks Stay On the Farm - #2

Don walked over to the stairs and let me go ahead and start upstairs so we could get ready for be. I felt a bit horny from being around Don since I had arrived at the farm. I wondered if he was watching by butt as we climbed the stairs. Reaching the top, I walked down to his room and went inside. Looking the room over, I found some photos of him in high school. There were other photos - on

A Weeks Stay On the Farm - #3

Try as much as I could, sleep was not on my mind. Instead, I was feeling the sheets against my hard cock and every few seconds I would push my hips down into the bed and make my cock slip toward my belly button. It was a very pleasing sensation, one I did very frequently when at home and alone. I turned from laying on my belly to laying on my left side facing the wall. That wasn't doing any good.

A Weeks Stay On the Farm - #4

Don gently and quietly stood up, pulled the sheet up over my bare body, and slipped over to his bed and got in it. We both laid in complete silence, with me trying to figure out why Don quit my massage and went back to his bed. In a very short while, I heard the commode flush in the toilet, heard the door open, then another door close. Evidently one of his folks had to use the bathroom and he

A Weeks Stay On the Farm - #5

Before long, I was sound asleep. Sometime during the night I had a dream about my cousin, the one that had introduced me to man to man sex in the hayloft of the barn. In my dream, I was in the barn with my cousin and he kept grabbing my crotch. We were both about 14 then and I kept trying to keep him from getting a hold on my cock. I was getting pretty worked up and really wanted to have some

A Weeks Stay On the Farm - #6

With my eyes full of sleep, and a hard on that would not quit, I staggered to the bathroom down the hall. I closed the door, dropped my briefs and lifted the seat on the commode. My piss stream was hard and strong and I had to aim down at the floor to keep from pissing all over the commode. A faint knock on the door surprised me, but I kept pissing.

Chance Encounter

I had a layover in Dallas on my way back to my home town in Texas.

My Falling Into the Lake Part 1

This is a work of fiction. It is my own creation. If you are not comfortable reading about men and intimate sex between them, then please leave this message and delete it. If you read my creation, and would like to share with me your comments, good or

My Falling Into the Lake Part 2

This is a work of fiction. It is my own creation. If you are not comfortable reading about men and intimate sex between them, then please leave this message and delete it. If you read my creation, and would like to share with me your comments, good or

Summer Camp, Part 1

NOTE: This is a story of my own creation, Names have been changed to protect the innocent. If you do not like reading about sexual experimentation of young me with each other, please read no further...... + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Our scout group was going on a week long camp out in central Kansas. There were fourteen of us, and one camp master. All of us

Summer Camp, Part 2

NOTE: This is a story of my own creation, Names have been changed to protect the innocent.

Summer Camp, Part 3

NOTE: This is a story of my own creation, Names have been changed to protect the innocent. If you do not like reading about sexual experimentation of young me with each other, please read no further...... + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +As I lay in the dark tent, I realized that, with Lawrence's leg being on my belly, that my right arm was caught between us. That

Summer Camp, Part 4

NOTE: This is a story of my own creation, Names have been changed to protect the innocent. If you do not like reading about sexual experimentation of young me with each other, please read no further...... + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +.....suddenly I was awake. I had been dreaming this all along. Lawrence massaging my cock with his thigh, my doing him the same

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