Gay Erotic Stories

How a bottom was made

by Hotchoc09

It's funny when your introduced to something at a young age, and no matter how hard you fight it, it surfaces again.

I grew up on the east coast. The summer I turned 18 was a strange time for me. As a young teen the hormones are racing out of control constantly, but I was shy and not too good with the girls. I was the youngest kid in my neighborhood and my next door neighbor Terry was my best friend. Terry was four years older than me and cool enough to let me hang with him as much as possible, but a lot of the time I was just too young to go places, or they just didn't want a kid around. Terry lived next door with his mother, his dad was killed in a car accident several years earlier. My parents didn't mind me spending the night or hanging with Terry as I was an only child and had very few friends. Both parents worked so I spent a lot of time on my own.

That summer, Terry's uncle (his mothers brother) came to stay with them for a while. Uncle Mike was forty-five and just retired from the military. He was married, but they decided to take some time apart because they were having problems. So, Mike came to help his sister out financially and start looking for a civilian job. Mike stayed in the basement and had a cool set-up. Terry's dad hadn't completed the basement when he died. The basement was still the way Terry's dad left it and still had a lot of his old tools around. For that reason, Terry's mom almost never went into the basement. Her brother Mike said he would finish the basement and then get rid of the tools for her during his stay.

I lived next door and stayed the night plenty of times and became good friends with uncle Mike. He would let us drink a beer and look at his porn magazines. Terry's mom was a nurse, so she had a rotating shift (she worked nights sometimes). One night while Terry's mom was working a night shift, we had lots of beer in the basement and started to look at Mikes porn magazine collection. Terry got a call from his girlfriend and left the house. That left me and Mike alone. Mike stripped down to his underwear and was walking aorund drinking. He had a huge boner and was rubbing it constantly. I was never into guys and never even thought about gay sex. Mike said that we needed to lay down for a while to sleep off the buzz just in case Terry's mom came home. Mike turned on the T.V. He told me to go a head and lay on his bed. I thought he was going to just sit in the chair, but he climed over behind me in the bed. I didn't think anything at the time until I felt his hard dick pressing against me through his underwear. I was so nervous, but didn't do anything as he was just laughing at what was on T.V. Then he asked me to take off my shorts. i was too nervous to move or respond so he pulled them down for me. Then I felt his his hard dick bare against my butt. He reach around and started playing with my nipples and started licking my neck. I had never experienced this before and it felt good. As i started to breeath really heavily, he stopped and turned me toward him. I didn't know what was next, he just looked at me and smiled. Then he slid himself upward toward the headboard bringing his dick level with my face. He was stroking it and i was laying there on my side shaking. He put his dick on my lips while stroking it and slowing parted my mouth. Mike instructed me on how to suck it and i did it reluctantly. I closed my eyes as he held my head pumping my mouth. I remember my lips getting numb and my jaw hurting after a few minutes. I opened my eyes because he started making noises and I wasn't sure what was happening. Theas when he slid his dick far into my mouth and started releasing his sperm. A lot went down my throat, but I choked and pulled away, Thats when he held my head and continued to shoot on my lips and face. My face was covered in cum. I was nervous and jumped up and ran upstairs washed up and got into bed. I lay there thinking about what had happened. i finally dosed off to sleep.

A few hours later, the door to the room opened slowly, i thought it was Terry back from his girlfriend's and I sat up in bed with a smile on my face. When the light hit his face and i saw that it was Mike I got nervous again. This time he had something in each hand. He had a towel in one hand and a jar of vaseline in the other. He told me to get up and take my clothes off---I did. He put the towel in the middle of the bed and told my to lay down on it. He got on top of me and started sucking my nipples again. Then he put me on my stomach. I felt him put a big glob of vaseline between my cheeks and I felt a finger go into my hole. I made a grunt noise as he kissed on the back of my neck. He played with my ass for at least twenty minutes. Then I heard him jacking the vaseline on his dick. I felt him parting my butt and I could feel his swollen head searching for my hole. He found the opening and started to push inside. As the head started to stretch my hole I started to scream. He pushed my face into the pillow and push into me slowly. Going in --stopping and coming back out. He did that for five minutes or so and then pushed all the way in me. I screamed as he pushed my face into the pillow again. This time I felt his weight on top of me. My hole was burning. It felt like I was on fire. He didn't move, he just layed there. Once I calmed down, I could hear him whispering in my ear that I was going to be his girlfriend. He made me say OK. After a few minutes, he started fucking me. He had a slow stroke and was breathing hard and licking my ear. After a short time he moaned and I could feel him shooting into my ass. After he finished, he layed there for a few minutes telling me how good it was and how he was going to do all kinds of things for me. Then he got up and left the room.

I got up the next morning, Terry was back and so was his mother. While everyone was asleep, i threw on some shorts and walked home. My butt was sore and it was jiggling like crazy when i walked. I saw Mike looking at me out of the basement window smiling as I walked away.

Mike fucked me several more times which were kind of awkward. Those few times were awkward because i wasn't used to being fucked or used to the idea that I was getting fucked by a man. Plus I had to really get used to sperm being shot in me all the time. Mike taught me how to deuche, and started fucking me almost every day. Some times I told my parents I was spending the night at Terry's house. Terry and his mom wouldn't know about it and I would sneak in the basement door downstairs where Mike stayed and he would fuck me all night and several times in the morning. After a while, Mike always had my ass open. He would always say he was going to give me pussy lips. I didn't know what he meant until i bent over one day to inspect my hole in the mirror. My hole was almost like a partially opened slit with the lips pushed out and of course cum dripping out. Now I understood. I also noticed that my underwear now creep up my butt constantly.

When summer ended, Mike couldn't fuck me as much because I started a local junior college. But I would sneak over early some mornings so he could fuck me before I went off to class. By October I needed to put paper towels in my underwear to catch the sperm draining from that morings fuck. Try sitting in economics farting out cum uncontrollably. The only time my ass got a break was when his wife would come and stay several nights as they tried to work things out. Even then he would find away to get me to give him a blowjob. He he had one of those wives that felt like blowjobs were nasty and for sluts, so she never sucked him. A few times I sucked him just after he fucked her, that was my first taste of pussy.

I was good at keeping everything a secret. No one knew about me. Mike and his wife eventually bought a house and moved away. I finally got a girlfriend and forgot about my eight month long escapade. Although it took a while to stop thinking about being fucked. Years later my friend Terry finally told me he knew about me and his uncle.


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1 Gay Erotic Stories from Hotchoc09

How a bottom was made

It's funny when your introduced to something at a young age, and no matter how hard you fight it, it surfaces again. I grew up on the east coast. The summer I turned 18 was a strange time for me. As a young teen the hormones are racing out of control constantly, but I was shy and not too good with the girls. I was the youngest kid in my neighborhood and my next door neighbor Terry was my


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