Gay Erotic Stories

My First Night Out With Jan and Rita

by William Penn

My first night out with Jan and Rita The follow on story to Dutch Cigar shop By William Penn

After a wonderful experience with Jan at his cigar shop in the late afternoon, William would find a new life had opened up to him. With Jan’s direction, William’s life would change for the better. I looked at myself in the mirror as I straighten my shirt collar. It was nearly eleven pm and I had agreed to meet Jan at a small private club on the out skirts of Amsterdam’s world famous red light district.

an had given me a pass that I would need to gain entre as it was a private club for members and their guests only. Jan had told me he always had dinner with Rita on Friday evenings where they would dine at a friend’s restaurant. Rita he explained was his oldest and dearest friend, they had known each other since school days and they always headed for the club for around midnight. Jan had also told me that the club’s membership was made up of likeminded souls that enjoyed the kinkier side of sex and that I might be surprised by some of the characters I might meet.

I had been invited to dinner, however I felt tired because my body clock was still messed up after spending the last three months in Australia. I needed a couple of hours sleep to take the edge off. I walked down to the hotel bar and ordered a BLT with coffee because I was now hungry and I thought that I might need some substance to get through the next few hours with Jan.

The club was only a short walk down a small side street from my hotel, so I had no need to worry about getting a taxi; Jan had said it was a ten minute walk. I took a brandy with my coffee too the small beer garden which lay in the middle of the hotel, I fired my first cigar into life, taking a huge inhale to satisfy my need for a nicotine injection.

I had planned to get to the club after midnight because I wanted Jan to already be in there, that way I would at least have someone I could feel at ease with if the club proved to be as different as Jan had promised. It had been four month since I had been with a man until earlier that day, so part of me could still feel Jan deep inside me as I sat down on the chair, it felt good as it always did and my cock started to stir in my trousers as I wondered what the early morning had in store for me.

I checked my watch again as I walked down the small street puffing on my cigar looking for the small entrance to the club, there was no sign, however I knew from what Jan had told me I had arrived at my destination because the large black door that I was standing outside was opposite the small statue that Jan had described for me.

I pushed the button on the side of the door and waited because I knew the security would be looking at me from the small camera that was positioned at the side of the door. Within a few seconds the door open and I produced my pass, telling the guy I was a guest of Jan. The guy smiled and told me to go through, telling me that Jan was over in his normal position which was too the right of the bar area.

On the face of it, the club was made up of both men and woman of various ages, many dressed up to the nines in all manner of fetish clothes with some guys dress in jackets and trousers like myself. However I knew from Jan’s description that the club was a men only club and the woman that looked so gorgeous were of course transvestites, some of which could have graced the world’s cat walks.

The smell of the club struck me as a mixture of heady perfumes and expensive cigars; I thought to myself I was in heave as Jan caught my eye waving me over to his table. I kissed Jan on the cheek and he introduced me to Rita who looked absolutely fantastic in a low cut black dress that left nothing to the imagination. Her breasts were huge silicone implants of course, but still looked wonderful.

Rita had a wonderful deep throaty voice that had been formed from years of cigar smoking; she looked so hot puffing on a large cigar, the masculine mixing with her over the top feminine looks, gave her real sex appeal. As the waiter poured our drinks I studied Rita for a short while, she looked like many mature woman of a certain age, even though she must have been around sixty, she could pass for forty five without a problem. There was not a line on her pretty face, her surgeon of choice must of been very good with his knife, her lips were full with a pout that craved cock, her cheek bones were high and sharp, I wondered to myself how many times she had been under the knife to produce the look she now had.

It never failed to impress me how far some guys would go to become their perfect ultra ego, changing into what they thought to be the perfect female; however I wondered if Rita had changed everything, something told me that she would still have her cock in full working order as I doubted if Jan would be satisfied with a cockles Rita in bed. Rita smiled at me as she took a large open mouth inhale from her large cigar; she seemed to know what I was thinking as I expect most guys like me must have been thinking the same thing when they first met her.

Yes, William the plumbing is fully in tacked she said with a smile, I laughed out loud and said sorry, I did not mean to stare but you are beautiful, she laughed at this, my dear boy, if I did not want you to stare I would not have spent so much money and months of agony, changing into this she said as she pointed to herself.

We spent the next two hours in the club drinking, smoking and really having a great time. Every so often a guy or tranny would come over to our table and I would be introduced to them. I was like a kid in a candy store, so many good looking guys in one place, all with so many kinks; it was my version of heaven. We left the club at three in the morning heading off to Rita’s apartment on the outskirts of the city.

She had a wonderful home, very expensive looking, with a huge living room area that was full of very up market furnishings. The pictures and painting on the walls were of various models dressed in kinky fetish garb, but did look tasteful, she smiled at me as I surveyed the room, telling me that she had either painted or taken the photos that I could see.

She poured a couple of drinks for Jan and myself and left the room to changed, Jan was wearing his leather trousers and waste coat that he was fast changing out of, I followed by taking off all of my clothes. Within a few seconds Jan and I were kissing and enjoying each other’s bodies when Rita appeared through the door, saying, “Started without me boys?”

She looked fantastic, dressed in PVC stockings and Basque, sporting very high heels that made her looks even taller. She also had nipple rings as well as a huge ring through the head of her large cock which was standing to attention. Seeing her standing there with a large cigar clamped in her wonderful full pouting lips, I knew that things were about to get very interesting.

It did not take long for both Jan and I was work on Rita, I took her full nine inches into my mouth, feeling the ring of her cock rubbing against my throat muscles. Rita was very vocal and she ordered me to suck her deep whilst Jan tongued her wonderful large sloppy pussy.

After a while she pulled out from my throat and walked round behind me as I took Jan’s nine into my mouth, again working him hard so he could throat fuck me. Rita pulled on a condom and rubbed a small amount of lube with her long fingers into my pussy that was in need of another good seeing too. Her red painted nails caught my love tunnel and I loved the feeling as she worked the lips of my man pussy with all the experience that many nights of man to man sex had given her over the years. It was not long before she pushed herself into me, forcing my anal muscles into submission so her long and thick cock could be felt deep inside me.

There was no need to clamp onto her shaft, she was the biggest I had felt in my years of large cocks, only Jan cock was close to hers in size, but even his wonderful weapon was smaller in girth than Rita’s magic wand. She shouted all sorts at me in both English and Dutch as she fucked me for an age with no let up, god she was good and my body was shaking with pure pleasure as both Jan and Rita attacked both my holes like it was the last day on earth.

I could not remember how long we had been at it, both Jan and Rita took it in turns to fuck my pussy and throat, changing like a tag team, until my hard cock could not take no more and I shot my cum in time with Rita’s thrusting movement as she worked my pussy harder and harder.

I was becoming hard again and both Jan and Rita were fucking me with no let up, I knew it could not be much longer so I savoured every moment until both pushed there cocks into my face and covered me with a hot cum shower that made my knees give way as I tried to take both of them into my mouth.

Rita kissed my mouth and face all over until she was satisfied that she had removed all the cum, this again made me feel so horny, however I was a spent force as I laid on the floor breathing heavy with pure pleasure.

t was late when Jan and I left Rita’s, the sun was up and I could hear the birds chirping as we got into the taxi. Rita had made me promise to stay on for a few days at Jan’s, so the first job before I could go to sleep was to ring the airport and change my ticket. Jan had gone back to his to make sure the spare room was ready for me as I booked out of my hotel, it seemed strange that I would be staying with a guy that up until a day or so ago I had never meet, however it all seem so right and to be honest I could not wait to move in.


9 Gay Erotic Stories from William Penn

Dutch Cigar Shop

William finds more than premium cigars to smoke at Jan’s cigar shop.

London Dom

William meets Albert on the net

Mr. Owens

The Magic Powder stories are fictional stories that contain graphic accounts of fetish based gay sex.

My First Male Lover

My first male lover tells the story of a love affair with a much older man. The experienced gain from Bill would help shape me into the man I am today.

My First Night Out With Jan and Rita

After a wonderful experience with Jan at his cigar shop in the late afternoon, William would find a new life had opened up to him. With Jan’s direction, William’s life would change for the better.

Sex Shop 1

Jason finds a lot more than a didlo at the sex shop

Stuck in London

William meets Bill in a small hotel

The Local Club

William joins the local club and finds his older lovers

The Swimming Pool

The swimming pool deals with William’s first steps into a gay fetish world that he will learn to embrace with a great deal of pleasure because of an older man he meets at the pool.


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