Gay Erotic Stories

Tall and Short, Part 1

by Chris123

I don't know what this is, I was drunk, so I typed a load of weird fantasies.

I was only 20 years old, what had I got myself into?

Two men stood around me. They must have only been 5 or 10 years older than me. The tall one; I couldn't see his face; the room was dark and wore a cap. The shorter one was more visible; his bright blue eyes stared at me, grinning. He pushed his dark wavy hair out of his eyes to have a better look.

"I think we made a good choice bro" he said to the taller one, looking up. I felt kind of drunk.

"How did I get here?" I mumbled. The taller man walked over me; I could see his facial hair, a lighter brown, around his mouth. I saw that the cap was leather; and both of them were wearing leather gloves.

"We spiked your drink,” he said, in a deeper voice than the other man. "But this is where the real fun begins.” And they both laughed.

I pulled at the cuffs, but I couldn't get out. I tried to kick but I was still woozy. "Hey, hey! What do you think you're doing?" asked the smaller one sarcastically. "Daddy says you're grounded!"

"What?" I looked at him confused. Was I tripping?

The taller one reached into his pocket and pulled out a few pills. I freaked out. Were they going to drug me again?

He walked over to me and held my nose closed. I struggled for breath, and all I could smell was his leather gloves on my face. I couldn't hang on any longer, I gasped for air and he forced the pills down my throat. I gagged and screamed, or at least I tried too. I felt more and more woozy.

The smaller one came over and told me to calm down "Shhh" he stroked my face, again, with a gloved hand. "You're gonna forget everything okay? Your family, your life." It was like he was talking to a child. "I'm your daddy, okay? And you're going to do what me and master here tell you to do." He pointed to the tall man....Master. "Do you understand boy?"

"Yes daddy, I said. I tried to think, where was I before here?

Master came and unlocked the handcuffs, and I stood up.

"Kneel,” they said, and I did what he told me to do. He took off his jeans and underwear, and revealed his cock.

"Have you ever sucked one of these before?" he asked.

"No Daddy" I replied. He grabbed my hair and forced his cock into my mouth.

"You’ll like this!” he ordered. “You will like to please us.” I started to answer, but pleasing Daddy was more important. I sucked, and I liked it. Did I like it before I came here?

"He's good for a first timer,” he said as cum seeped out of my mouth. He slapped me. "No. That makes daddy cross! You take it all." He collected his cum on his fingers and shoved them in my mouth. I tasted cum on leather, and it felt like the first thing I had ever tasted, I liked them clean like a dog.

"Let me have a go,” said the taller man. Daddy pulled his pants back up, and I was pulled away as Master started kissing me. I felt his tongue in my mouth, his beard against my cheeks, and his hands around my throat. Did I like this more than sucking? I wasn't allowed favourites.

After kissing, Master lit a cigarette.

"Want one?"

I shook my head. "I don't smoke."

He and daddy looked at each other. "He's still thinking?" and Daddy gave me some more pills. I swallowed and Master pulled me from behind and held a cigarette to my mouth. I choked and inhaled.

"If you want to be like us, you're going to have to smoke little guy." Master said; he was suddenly more talkative.

"You want to be like us, don't you?"

I wanted to be like daddy and master. I held his hand to my face, and inhaled. Smoking wasn't so bad. I was pleasing master.

Master nodded and gave out a little laugh. "I like this guy." he said as he pulled his pants and underwear down.

"Bend over little guy" he said and he ripped my jeans down, I felt his cock enter my dry closed ass. I started to shout in pain when he told me to stop.

"I don't like it when you cry little guy,” he said as he fucked me from behind. I stayed quiet until I came, when I let out a sigh of relief. Daddy took my cum and put it in my mouth again. I took it all. When they had finished with me, they ordered me to put my clothes back on, while they put theirs back.

"You remember your name?" Daddy asked me causally.

I stared back. What did he mean?

"Of course you don't." He joked to himself. "Good thing really."

Master butted in. "Let’s call him Clark. He's my very own little super boy."

"Our super-boy.”

"Come on Clark, I'll show you your new home." master said and grabbed my arm. "What do we do next?" he asked daddy.

"We educate him. We make him one of us officially."

And they led me out of the room, and I saw the world for the first time.


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Chris123

Chris' Story

Chris was an average 18 year old. He liked to hang out with his friends, play video games, and surf the net. Like I said--average. He was on his way to his local shopping centre. He had received an anonymous email telling him to meet there. Normally, he wouldn't have gone, but something told him he should go. He stood outside, waiting for this anonymous person to show up. After what seemed

Tall and Short, Part 1

I don't know what this is, I was drunk, so I typed a load of wierd fantasies._________________________________________________________________________I was only 20 years old, what had I got myself into?2 men stood around me. They must have only been 5 or 10 years older than me. The tall one; I couldn't see his face, the room was dark and wore a cap. The shorter one was more visible, his


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