Gay Erotic Stories

Swamp-Thing Vs Deathfang, Part 1

by David Circe

SwampThing, walks about an area of the large swamp that is his home and gives him his awesome powers, with out sun-light or a swamp like this one… SwampThing would surely be in danger of drying up and being utterly, destroyed!

A young muscle bound and very handsome young man Rod, a college student is camping with a friend and is alone at the moment, he has fallen deep and fast asleep after taking… A powerful sleeping drug he was told by his camping buddy, also in the same college he is attending and so called friend of his, that it was said to be very mild.

Peter, the supposed guy friend is jealous of Rod, all though Peter, is just as muscle bound and even slightly more hung then Rod, his looks are just plain, not an eye catcher like this stud, Rod… And the young Rod keeps turning Peter's requests down! To be his lover and for dates which drives Peter, mad and insane for Rod!

Two hours after the young stud Rod, had been tricked about the sleeping pills, and was so very deep in sleep, he didn’t know his so called friend Peter, who was stripping him naked of his boxer shorts and T-shirt Rod, is so deep in the power of the to potent sleeping drugs Rod, does not know he is being violated…

Peter, after completely stripping Rod naked, quickly strips himself completely nude then looks down at a naked Rod’s, handsome face and awesome muscle bound body and then looks…at Rod’s, beautiful cut 10-inch long when fully erect penis, Rod's penis is every gay-man’s dream. Peter, smiles big watching his slightly fatter and longer cut 12-inches going fully erect and throbbing and pulsating, it is now very rock hard!

Peter, came prepared and from his near by back-pack he pulls out an expensive tube of lubricant and slicks down his power-tool, that’s what he calls his very fat and big 12-inches long, cock! With this is done Peter, goes and turns a very out of it Rod, over onto his belly and spreads him eagle, then he opens Rod’s, tight ass-crack with his long fingers… Peter, sticks the tube-like mouth of the expensive lubricant to Rod’s, now exposed ass-hole and squirts and coats inside and out of Rod’s, rectum completely…

Next Peter, slowly inserts the long tube-like mouth of the lubricant into Rod’s, asshole while squirting lubricant until he feels like Rod, is good and slick, inside. Peter throws the lubricant aside and puts his throbbing pulsating very fat 12-inch long cut penis head to a still un-knowing what’s happening to him, Rod… Peter, slowly gets his huge cock head into Rod’s, tight ass-hole and with his muscle bound power, he forces it into a now some-what coming out of his deep sleep…and feeling sharp pain to his virgin ass-hole and feeling the shock, about what is going on and is happening to him!

Rod, begins to yell very loud, the young stud is very disoriented but some how he knows it is Peter, raping him and loudly begs him to stop! Peter has his backpack close and reaches inside for a spray bottle of a morphine drug, for his Mother’s, headaches! When Rod, opens his mouth wide open again yelling and moaning very loud, Peter, sprays a huge load of the liquid morphine into Rod’s, yelling mouth!

Rod, begins to vomit violently from the liquid morphine, Peter, laughs loud and keeps raping Rod, until he is yanked off of a morphine zapped Rod, by Swamp-Thing! Peter’s, eyes go wide and he is very dumb struck looking at the big green muscular Plant-Man, before him who looks very powerful indeed! That has messed up his plans! He tries to run out of the tent but is stopped dead cold in his tracts by Swamp-Thing, before he knows what is happening Swamp-Thing, lifts a root like vine from his own head area…and shoves it into Peter’s, mouth, and a large amount of a white liquid, flows from the vine and coats a being zapped senseless by it, Peter!

SwampThing: “Do you hear me? What you did to that young man was very wrong! You will never do that sort of thing to him or any one else ever again! While you live on this earth! DO YOU! UNDER STAND ME?”

Peter, talking in a very dazed and fearful like voice tells SwampThing, yes he under stands and is sorry and will never do that to Rod, or anyone ever again while he lives on this earth. SwampThing, commands Peter, to re-main naked and go get the extra sleeping-bag he seen of Rod’s and go to very far end of the tent and go to sleep. Peter, in a very frightened, dazed like state of mind and body does as SwampThing, commands and is soon laying at the far end of the tent and is fast, asleep!

SwampThing, goes to a naked, out of it and on his belly spread eagle with clear drool, running out of his sexy mouth Rod, and quickly takes a fat root…from the cut of his very green huge bubble-round peck's area, this long root has green liquid, that will subdue and bring Rod, out of his been drugged senseless state of mind, fast! It works fast and Rod is now fully alert and smiling big at a shy because of his looks Swamp-Thing, he is not afraid and is very attracted to his big and looks very muscular and very powerful looking green knight, who came to his rescue!

Rod: "Hello my big green muscular looking Hero! My name is Rod."

“Rod, you are my big green muscular looking, Hero! Thank you so much! Peter was working me over! Raping my virgin hole and I think he had planned to this for a long time, I'm so grateful to you! What is your name my hero?”

SwampThing: "I'm called SwampThing, I saw what he was doing to you and it was only the right thing to do, you're very welcome young, Stud!"

Rod's, long fingered hands are right upon both of SwampThing's huge bubble like peck's, and he is smiling a very sexy smile, at SwampThing! SwampThing, is very turned on by this muscle bound young stud and ask him to remain naked and follow him to his hide out, the young incredibly handsome Rod, shakes his head up and down very fast and both are off walking.

After a good 15-minutes both are at a part of the swamp that is far away from the normal path.

SwampThing: " Excuse me I must eat some of this purple mushroom here to allow my root like penis and balls and asshole area to come forth from it's protection pouches and go fully erect for you, if you so desire young, stud?"

Rod: "That would be awesome! I'm taking a Herpetology-class in college and it would turn me on big time, please do!"

SwampThin, smiles and reaches down for the largest of the purple mushrooms and pulls it up and deposits into his mouth and starts chewing and then swallowing it down. SwampThing's smooth root like penis comes forth from it's protection pouch and starts growing and going quickly erect! It is smooth, thick and also 10-inches long and very green along with two huge green shaped, oval like balls, his testicles! SwampThing has a drunk like grin on his face, his eyes are glazed over, and this caused by the powerful mushroom's, effect!

Rod: "Wow! It's beautiful can I touch your penis and testicles?"

SwampThing, in a drunk like stupor answers yes and grins big! Rod gently strokes SwampThing's, penis and cups his very large green balls.

SwampThing: "Would you like to go to my place Rod? It's under the water, it's a very well hidden under ground cave, I have two other not wet at all entrances into my cave hide out but this is the closes one to where we are now."

Rod: "Oh yes please, my big green muscular hero, I'm going hard! See my penis?" SwampThing looks down to see Rod's, fat 10-inch cut penis going quickly to full erection and Rod, grinning that sexy grin of his!

SwampThing: "Let me come up to you from behind Rod, my roots will wrap around your chest and legs, as well as your abs here take this long tube root of mine it will give you the air you need to breath with." From SwampThing's, right bubble like chest a long tube like root comes forth he puts it to Rod's, full lips and Rod smiles feeling air blowing from the opening. Once this is done SwampThing’s tells Rod, not to be afraid he will hold onto him and then SwampThing, jumps into the water and goes deep and is soon both are within his hidden cave hideout, with the very sexy and muscle dripping, Rod! SwampThing, still in a dazed state of mind from the powerful mushroom has gone to full throbbing green colored erection! But he is able to release Rod, and Rod, smiles and turns around to look SwampThing, right in his eyes!

Both Rod's and SwampThing's, penises are touching as well as their testicles as Rod, moves his pinched very muscular hips forward! He goes closer to the big muscular and looking very dazed SwampThing! Rubbing his hard penis up against SwampThing's, rock hard penis!

SwampThing: "I want you Rod! I'm so hard for you, young stud God-like you are, I must have you and you also me-me-ah-ah-sorrrrrrrrry! The-the mushrooms are working my-my mind over-over! Please-please forgive me-me!"

Rod: "I told you, my green stud knight, my hero! I'm studying Herbology, at the college I'm attending and you got me stud hero, you got me in your love! Sex power! Your plant like body looks to be very muscular, indeed! You are a dream come true! May I suck your beautiful green penis and fondle your big green testicles?"

Swamp-Thing: "Oh yes please do Rod!" I want you so bad!" Rod wraps his big full lips around SwampThing's, throbbing penis and begins to suck, going way down on it and up and does this for several minutes, until SwampThing, pulls him off his about to erupt penis!

Rod: "Oh you didn't like that? I was really enjoying it very much, I'm sorry!"

SwampThing: "Oh It-It felt to-to good Rod, I-I was about to-to ejaculate a third of my load and it was to-to soon!" SwampThing's, face area actually turns red and he's blushing!

Rod: "Oh will your plant-like sperm be harmful to me? My looks very much like a body builder type, my big green stud hero!"

SwampThing: "No my plant-like sperm as you call it Rod, won't hurt you, in fact it will make you feel really good and increase your already awesome muscular body all over!"

Rod: "Wow! I have to have some of your sperm SwampThing, can I can I? My beautiful green muscle bound awesome powers hero, Hun?"

SwampThing: "You can have any thing you want from me Rod but lets take a tore of my cave hide out first shall we? And let these already not making me so dazed senseless mushrooms stabilize into my system!"

Rod: "Okay, that sounds good to me, tell me SwampThing, why do you call this large cave your hide-out?"

Swamp Thing: "Well Rod, because I had a secret formula to explode which caused this to happen to me and the evil Dr. Arcane wants to capture me and experiment on me, that is why I call it my, hide-out, to hide from his evil ways!"

Rod: "I hope he never is able to do that to my green stud hero, never!"

Swamp Thing: "Well he has worked me over many times and he has even used a powerful freezer devise on me as well as other weapons that made me totally weak and in his evil power!"

Rod: "I won't let that crazy man ever do anything to my stud green hero! If I can help it, I promise you my love!" Rod has a very serious look in his beautiful baby blue eyes! SwampThing, smiles and can't help but be totally turned on by this God-like handsome very muscular Rod, walking beside of himself!

SwampThing: "You know Rod, I was a herbologist professor and a champion body builder, as well, and you look like you're a body builder champ, yourself!"

Rod: "Yes I've won a body builder title or two, I just beat out Peter in just this last weeks Youngest Body Builder Championship, Match! Peter and I are both 21 and he did win second place though."

SwampThing, smiles big and starts touching Rod's huge bi-ceps and then runs his hands and long fingers to Rod's, big round pecks feeling them and putting a slight squeeze to Rod's good sized nipples.

Rod: "Oh that feels so good! I want you SwampThing, I need you!"

SwampThing: "In a little while my Power-Rod, who indeed looks to be of so much winning, power! Here, you stand in front of me and bend over and spread your pinched very beautiful ass and tight crack for me and let me place my rock hard plant-penis inside of it and we will walk together as we tore my hide-out cave!"

Rod, is beaming with a happy smile and does as SwampThing, ask him to do quickly! SwampThing, places his throbbing plant-penis that looks like a fat green 10-inches long cut normal looking mushroom penis into Rod's, very tight ass-crack and gently pulls Rod, back in an upward standing, position.

Rod: "Oh that feels so nice! I can feel your large green balls and fat green plant-penis rubbing up against my damn that Peter! Who raped my no longer virgin ass-hole, I'm totally in your power, my love my hero my dream come true!"

Swamp Thing: "Ummmm! Your Daddy must be rich and your Momma good looking? Because the two of them made a muscle bound Hercules, like God!" Rod smiles big and moans and groans in a loving way towards SwampThing! SwampThing has his many roots holding Rod, slightly off the floor of the cave and he walks slow but steady on ward through the sun beaming in holes all over here and there in his ceiling cave, hideout. SwampThing, shows Rod, the first dry exit and entrance to his very secret cave, SwampThing, is feeling so happy and excited over his new found Power Rod, As SwampThing, walks on he and Rod are both descending to lower levels of his hide-out cave He and Rod, are talking happily and with very pleasing words to each other! SwampThing hasn't felt like this in such a long-long time and he is so happy, like the first time he won a Body Builder Championship Title, he was in heaven then and now! After several minutes have pasted and still going down ward both SwampThing and Rod come to the last dry land exit or entrance, it is covered in hanging veins so thick it blends very well on, it's going and comings!

SwampThing: "Okay my PowerRod, just a little further more and I have a surprise for you to see, I sure hope you like it!"

Rod: "Like it? I love it, all! I can't wait to see my surprise! My green stud hero, my I love so much! My plant-man!" SwampThing, smiles big and is so truly happy as he further walks down a hidden area with very many veins he has to push away and makes sure non of them touch his, PowerRod! After he and Rod, have pass through the veins it opens up to a very large circle round area of the cave and has many types of furnishings... Rod's, eyes open very-very wide seeing all of the very nice things inside of SwampThing's, cave!

Rod, is amazed to see large assortments of S&M type devises hanging from the cave ceiling, slings and chains which looks to be titanium alloy thick cuffs, whips and an assortment of nipple clamps as well as ball and cock bondage tools, etc etc, etc! Rod, is wondering if he is or SwampThing, is to be put in some or all of these devises, he is very excited! But has never done such and is kind of tensing up a bit! SwampThing, can feel his PowerRod, tensing up and says...

SwampThing: "Oh don't you worry my PowerRod! I just have had a thing for S&M all my life and we will not do anything you don't want to do I promise you! And look over there underneath my blue-sunlight huge globe, beamer!" Rod looks and finds what SwampThing, is talking about a very plush king-sized bed with lots and lots of pillows!

Rod: "WOW! That is so beautiful! Take me to it my, Love!"

SwampThing: "I will obey my PowerRod, your wish is my command, I must obey and I will do and be happy to do as you wish of me!" Rod, now knows who is going to be the master and who will be the slave, it doesn't matter to him, it's all so wonderful and exciting to him and he is beaming with joy! SwampThing walks the both of them to the very sweet looking king-sized bed and his roots holding Rod, retract and Rod is gently lowered to the floor and SwampThing's, throbbing cock pulls out of Rod's very tight and feels so good! Ass-crack!

Rod, quickly jumps onto the king-sized bed on his muscular back, face up with his thick and well made legs spread eagle... And smiling big at his savior SwampThing, as he starts flexing his awesome bubble like pecks and stroking his throbbing and pulsating cock for his, SwampThing!

SwampThing: "May I suck and drink down your PowerRod sperm, Master?

Rod: "Yes suck on my throbbing cock my love slave, you will obey!" SwampThing gets all dreamy eyes and bends over and wraps his green lips around Rod's, beautiful cut cock! And starts going up and down sucking not with all his seems to be like super strength power but at a tender but firm way! Rod: "Oh yes my love slave that-that feels so-so good! Don't stop don't stop-stop, you will-will, obey!" SwampThing is feeling a powerful delight hearing his PowerRod, stuttering like that drives him mad with desire to please! In no time at all Rod begins his climax roar!


The young stud Rod, starts ejaculating load after load of his salty semen into an eager for it SwampThing's, mouth! And SwampThing, is swallowing it down fast and steady as he, goes! After a good two minutes Rod, stops cumin but all of his muscles are reacting and making him wither and his eyes are going back into his head and he is panting loudly and moaning and groaning with deep-deep pleasure!

SwampThing pulls his green lips off of his PowerRod's penis head and looks only at his beautiful PowerRod's, reaction and God-like body, quivering all over!

SwampThing : "Did I please my ever so handsome and built like a brick shit-house, Master?"

Rod: "OH-OH-YES-MY-MY-HERO-OH-OH-THAT-THAT-WAS-SO-GOOD!" Rod's, heart is beating ninety to nothing but soon he relaxes and grins with calm and loving it all in his baby blue eyes, deep-deep, happiness!

Rod: "Now let your master, suck your green plant-like penis my slave you will come follow me, you will obey!" SwampThing, with a very wide grin nods his roots and leaves covered head and after Rod, gets up from the bed, he does as he was commanded to do and follows his, PowerRod! Soon both are at the hanging from the cave ceiling thick and very strong looking chains and cuffs, Rod attaches both cuffs to a putting his arms upward towards them SwampThing! SwampThing has to reach both his green colored arms upward and soon he is hanging from both chains, he is thrusting his pelvic area towards a smiling big at this Rod!

Rod: "You are pleasing your Master PowerRod, very well slave! I'm so pleased with you my, Love slave! SwampThing, has a dreamy look in his eyes as he is chained up and feeling very helpless! The way he likes to sex play and be done this way!

SwampThing: "Oh my Master is pleased! Master may I tell you a secret weakness of mine?"

Rod: "Oh yes do tell me my, Love slave! Your Master really does want to know!"

SwampThing: "My asshole is my main weakness if it is penetrated I grow weak of mind and as some would say very pussified! I trust you my PowerRod, my Master!"

Rod: "Oh how nice my Love Slave but first a big taste of your sperm supply that you said would make me feel good and increase my muscle bulk!"

SwampThing: "Oh yes my Master! Please suck me suck me please!"

Rod, smiles looking at a chained up and totally in his power! His hero his green knight, his looking very helpless and found out he likes it that way, SwampThing! Rod, wraps his full lips around the green head of SwampThing’s plant-like penis and like an expert goes to going all the way down to SwampThing’s balls and then up to the lips of SwampThing’s, green penis head and then back down!

SwampThing, is looking down at the muscle bound and God-like Rod, who is putting a very powerful suction force to his penis he is melting down fast and soon he is climaxing 1/3 his load into an eager for it, Rod's mouth and down his throat! SwampThing's, green and bubble like pecks are indenting wildly and his pinched very muscular ass is jerking forward and slightly back and thrust forward to the Max as all of his muscles seem to be trembling, with a Maximum force seems to be expert, he has never experienced, ever!


One third of SwampThing's, entire sperm supply has been somehow drained out of him! Which after a long five minute climax, his mind is trashed and he's in a temporary stunned state of mind!

Rod, smiles and stops sucking SwampThing's, penis and takes a big step back to look his handy works over! Rod, is smiling big seeing that he has indeed made his new slave feel so damn good! It has put him in a stunned senseless and all of his awesome muscles are in a non-stop jerking motion! SwampThing's, thick muscular legs are some how spread eagle to the max as his pinched muscular ass is thrusting forward and back non-stop, SwampThing's bubble like pecks are indenting also non-stop at his large pea sized nipples! He is talking weak out of his head words, his eyes are rolling all the way back into his green head!

Rod: "Oh yes my Love Slave, you're feeling your PowerRod's, power aren't you? Tell your Master something; do you have any Max sized condoms in your beautiful cave?”


"Ah! Your Master made you cum and cum a lot for me my slave! Your Master is so pleased with you! My Love Slave!" Rod, walks over to the chest by the bed and opens it and finds the Max condoms and walks back to a zapped senseless SwampThing, Rod opens one of the condoms...and puts it just around SwampThing's, penis head area and makes sure it's good and tight and won't come off by applying a rubber band all around SwampThing's penis head!

While at the chest Rod also picked up and got a good type of lubricant he saw in the chest, with the Max condom applied, he goes behind a still muscle jerking all over SwampThing, and with his very thick muscular legs spread eagle to the Max, some how? Rod lubes his throbbing hard cock and then lubricates SwampThing's looks to be very tight asshole! Once this is done Rod cups both of SwampThing's, very pinched and muscular ass cheeks and puts his penis head to SwampThing's suppose to be where all assholes' are to be at, and with his awesome power, slam thrusts his entire shaft into


Rod: "DeathFang is my name and thank you for playing the game! I had you in my power from the start you were my only game! Poor-Poor Peter, don't you see? He is the one who was sent from our world a Hero, sent to capture me! We are both MetaMorphs he and I, he is deadly to a Spider-mutant, that is I! A Wasp like Hero that you put to sleep and put him on, zero, oh shepedee!"

DeathFang: Oh Peter's real name is SuperStinger, he was working me over and I was almost beyond re-pair, with that fat 12-inches long stinger up my ass like a deadly dart, he had me in his power and was almost there! Then you came along and all his Hero work was totally gone! Thanks to the ugly, SwampThing!"


DeathFang: "Do you know of the Super Villain Zantar?"


DeathFang: "Oh you like it? Zantar is the one who sent out the beacon that reached my world and I and well other's picked up on it too and some of them were Hero teams, with a more advanced transportation vehicle, I met up with Zantar but SuperStinger, locked onto me! Zantar, wanted to enslave Tarzan, his cousin he said he was to him but he Zantar, was raised by and hidden in a deep-deep part of South America, Giant Albino Gorilla's, which as you know how an albino can, be?

He sent me after the stud Ape-man Tarzan and it wasn't easy but finally Tarzan, let his guard down when he and I were taking a naked bath Tarzan and I started playing and his eyes kept going to my beautiful penis, testicles and ass! My venoms work well on you human oh I forgot you’re a Thing! And slowly but surely Tarzan got trapped in my venom's and I webbed him up! It was so sweet! I fucked him down until he was totally, trashed! Then I took him to his new Master Zantar, were he is now a lot of the time leaking pee out of his fat, penis! Yeah it's a laugh Tarzan, is totally in Zantar's power in the hidden Kingdom near Tarzan's, home tree! Well after Zantar, scanned and worked a totally helpless and trashed Tarzan's, mind over and found out you gave him shelter when he went on the run Zantar sent me to destroy you and that's why I'm here, do you see you ugly thing?"


DeathFang: "Oh when you saved me from that Hero SuperStinger, that almost destroyed me and brought me out of his depositing me with his deadly venom and I was nearly dead to the point of no return! And you thought I was only in a big time drug stupor, when you pulled me back from the dead! And I saw it was you, my entire body started secreting a plant sexual desire venom, made by non-other then Zantar you were caught in my trap, SwampThing, and when you let me suck your green penis, a tube like feels good stinger went down deep within your rock hard shaft and I deposited a takes a bit of time plant toxins with a mind control plant venom, that is working over your stupid, Hero-ass!"


DeathFang: "Not going to happen SwampThing! Oh yeah my penis has found your entire sperm supply gland sack oh yeah and your sex bud Tarzan, told us how to find it and how to empty it!" DeathFang has had enough of the talking he was sent here to totally destroy SwampThing and he was doing a good job of it! DeathFang, rapidly yanks his very fat throbbing pulsating non-stop spraying plant toxin venom tainted sperm penis in and out of a going down slowly but non-stop SwampThing, until he can't stand hearing SwampThing's...very pussy-male acting voice and walks over to a shelf in the room, once there he picks up a ball gag and walks back to a limp as a rag doll and still hanging helplessly and pleading for help, SwampThing! DeathFang, puts the ball gag into SwampThing's mouth and then quickly re-inserts his fat penis into a all muscles jerking, SwampThing! DeathFang, knows how to make SwampThing, cum by using his penis, he and Zantar, made a totally mind controlled Tarzan, show them how on another one of Zantar's hero slave's!

DeathFang's penis head finds SwampThing's G-Spot his total sperm supply sack and starts working it SwampThing, moaning very loud as his G-Spot is being ravaged! In just a few minutes SwampThing, does as he is commanded to do and cums hard and this time for 7-minutes and fills the Max condom full! DeathFang, pulls his some how still rock hard penis out of a looks to be in a coma SwampThing and goes and pulls off the full of SwampThing's, really joyful feeling and makes your muscles grow even bigger sperm supply and swallows it all down!

After doing that DeathFang, once again places another Max condom upon SwampThing's, also still rock hard green penis head area only and lets it fall down ward and goes back and slams his fat rock cock back into a very trashed looking SwampThing! DeathFang starts pumping a moaning very loud SwampThing, with his long fingers right at SwampThing's nipples comes forth to very long stingers that insert and go deep within SwampThing's bubble like pecks and pump SwampThing full of more plant toxic, venom!

DeathFang's, penis starts working over SwampThing's, sperm storage sack and in no time SwampThing, starts ejaculating the last of his sperm supply into the Max condom, after another 7-minute ejaculation time SwampThing is totally trashed! And jerking all over his thick muscular legs are now together and he's out of it! DeathFang pulls his fat penis out of SwampThing and goes around and removes the condom and swallows it down, DeathFang’s already awesome muscle bound body is three times more muscular then it was and he is feeling very happy and good!

He puts his very long finger to a large vein at SwampThing's still rock hard green penis and in goes a stinger pumping SwampThing's penis full of some type of venom that acts very fast and at once shriveling up SwampThing's penis and green testicles! DeathFang removes the ball gag from SwampThing's, mouth and then takes a step back and looks his handy work over! SwampThing is turning brown all over and his eyes are all glazed over and un-blinking!


DeathFang: "Oh that’s not going to happen SwampThing and here have a nice stinger of my sleep venom, DeathFang puts his long right hand middle finger to SwampThing's asshole and a long stinger goes deep inside of it!


finger is vibrating and depositing a huge load of sleep venom into SwampThing's asshole after a minute DeathFang pulls his finger away and stands back to see a very out cold and turning quickly from green to brown, SwampThing! DeathFang, takes the key and un-cuffs SwampThing and holds the big zapped and now completely brown in color SwampThing, up by his neck area and starts webbing him up from webbing coming from his penis after a few minutes SwampThing, is completely webbed up! DeathFang, grabs the completely webbed up SwampThing and throws him over his wide shoulder and walks himself and a totally webbed up SwampThing to the exit of SwampThing's, hide-out cave and is off walking until he comes to Arcane's small and hidden, airfield! DeathFang, deposit's SwampThing, into the opened up Jet's storage area and locks it down then from an inside area of the jet he puts on underwear a sexy pair of briefs and a flight-suit after, he has once again transformed into a normal looking Rod, then gets inside of the Jet and takes off, headed due West!

After some time has passed he can hear an in agony SwampThing's, muffed nightmare moans! DeathFang, smiles an evil grin his job of destroying SwampThing, had went well indeed! He is flying over a very re-mote area of Arizona and circles an abandon airport he lands the jet. DeathFang, grabs a near by pair of black wrestler type boots and puts them on then… He goes to a completely webbed up SwampThing and roughly grabs him up and throws him over his very wide shoulder and begins to walk with him out into the very dry and hot desert grounds until he comes to a place that has four stakes in the desert floor.He throws a webbed up SwampThing down between the four stakes and rips away all the webbing, he takes a step back to take a final look at his handy work, SwampThing, is dreaming and mumbling weak minded words and all of his awesome muscular body has turned a dark brown in, color!

DeathFang, takes leather straps from each of the stakes and ties SwampThing's, wrist and just to the tops of his feet to each stake when finished SwampThing, is spread eagle and laying upon the hot desert sand with a tempter of 104.0 beaming down upon a very trashed and out of it, SwampThing! From a pants legs in his flight-pants DeathFang, removes a digital camera and snaps a couple of photo's of the beaten and soon to be destroyed, SwampThing!

DeathFang: "Oh there is no swamp around here you ugly monster! My how your sperm makes me feel so damn good SwampFuck! Damn to bad I drained you dry of your wonderful cum I would of like to have a few more condom sacks full of it, but oh well!" SwampThing, comes awake

"Rod, Rod my PowerRod! Let me up and please don't do this to me, PLEASE!

DeathFang: "Oh well the stuttering has stopped I guess that means you don't have much more time to live and with this hot desert Sun, beaming down on you that will quicken it up! Farewell Sucker, it's been nice, have a nice death, SwampThing! I'm off to destroy SuperStinger! Ta-Ta! DeathFang turns and walks back to the Jet.

SwampThing: "I'm finished he really got me good! I need my swamp must have my, SWAMP!"

DeathFang is in the air and flying back to the swamp area and the fast asleep hero that he will destroy! And in a few short hours from now SwampThing, who first fell into his trap! He lands the jet and gets out of it and starts walking to the tent where he thinks SuperStinger aka Peter, is at when he finally arrives he walks into the very large tent and looks to see Peter aka SuperStinger, laying down in the sleeping bag. Completely naked his awesomely huge fat penis and big testicles and body builder body are all laying naked and there for the pickings! DeathFang quickly strips naked and smiles an evil grin at SuperStinger!

DeathFang: "Oh yeah Peter, I mean SuperStinger, why you make yourself in this human form to not be as handsome as I look is beyond me? Oh well I guess you have your reason for it, SwampThing is tied spread eagled and laying in a very hot Arizona desert! In a matter of a couple of hours without his needs it very much swamp he will indeed be very much destroyed! Just like you are fixing to be!"

DeathFang picks up SuperStinger's, beautiful fat and huge penis and shakes it to and fro and with his other hand cups SuperStinger's huge testicles, and smiles a wanting, smile! As DeathFang does this to SuperStinger, the awesomely muscle bound and hung like a horse superhero, his eyes stay closed and he seems to be in a deep-deep sleep! DeathFang, lift his thick muscular legs...and throws them over his very brood shoulders and is about to put the head of his fat penis to SuperStinger's asshole when Peter aka SuperStinger opens his eyes! And both his two first fingers go lightning fast to DeathFang's two nipples and in go two long stingers deep! DeathFang has a very shocked look upon his awesomely handsome face with his full lips mouth open wide to the Max! And his eyes open wide to the Max! As well!


SuperStinger: "I just stung your nice nipples and bubble like pecks with some obey venom, like it you fiend?"

DeathFang rolls over onto his back his head shaking quickly! Then DeathFang naked and falling very fast under the obey venoms power gets up and walks about the large tent in a very powerful daze out-like action! SuperStinger stops a wondering about the tent DeathFang and commands him to spread his thick muscular legs and bend over and with his long fingers spread open his ass-crack! DeathFang with his eyes all glazed over and un-blinking obeys! SuperStinger’s penis starts quickly from his fat thick 12-inch cock sprays will destroyer venom to lube DeathFang's exposed ass-hole and slams his rock hard huge 12-inch cut penis into, DeathFang!


SuperStinger” "There-there all over now! How are you feeling, DeathFang?"

DeathFang: "That really hurt your penis is so huge but now it's feeling really good! I feel your power, SuperStinger!"

SuperStinger: "What have you done to SwampThing, I know you was sent here to destroy him, tell me everything and where is he now!"

DeathFang: "After I worked him over with slow but steady plant toxins put into me by Zantar, I flew him to the abandoned West-circle air-field he is 100-yards due west and tied down spread eagle upon the sand there slowly being, destroyed!"

SuperStinger walks himself and a totally in his power DeathFang over to his back pack and pulls out his cell-phone, which is not a cell phone at all but a powerful communication devise, along with other tricks! SuperStinger, open the cell-phone looking devise and pushes a button on it.

A very sexy low toned voice answers..."SuperRanger John, here!"

SuperStinger: "SuperRanger John, this is SuperStinger, SwampThing is located at the West-circle air-field, and do you know that place? Over!"

SuperRanger John: "Yes I know that location over!"

SuperStinger: “Once there SuperRanger John, proceed 100-yards to the due West and that’s where SwampThing is please, hurry! He is in danger of being utterly destroyed! Over!”

SuperRanger John: "Will do my best SuperStinger! SuperRanger John, out!" With that done SuperStinger, removes another very strange looking devise from his back pack, it is a teleport devise that will take everything as it is back to his and DeathFang's, planet!"

SuperStinger: How are you feeling?”

DeathFang: "Oh yes your huge fat penis feels so good SuperStinger, please don't pull it out!"

SuperStinger: "Oh don't worry DeathFang, I won't just yet!"

DeathFang: "Oh thank you SuperStinger! Thank you, your awesome muscle bound body and your huge fat penis feels so delightful to me!"

SuperStinger, transforms himself into an even more handsome looking then DeathFang, he is normal looking but very muscle bound male and walks over to a large put up mirror in the tent, showing DeathFang, how beautiful he and DeathFang are! DeathFang, smiles big seeing how awesomely handsome SuperStinger is and flexes his pecks for SuperStinger, to see!

DeathFang: "Oh you are so handsome SuperStinger, like my new muscle bulk I got from drinking down SwampThing's, sperm?"

SuperStinger: "Yes I noticed that DeathFang, very nice indeed and oh by the way, you will not transform into any other, you will remain this way until I command you to change, do you understand?"

DeathFang: "Yes I will obey and not transform into another type as you, command!"

SuperStinger: "DeathFang, tell me where Tarzan, is located at and all about it's defenses and security, and tell me the best way to rescue Tarzan, will you?" DeathFang tells SuperStinger all about where Tarzan, is and how to get into the place and how to disable the alarm system and the best way to save, Tarzan! With the cell-phone looking devise in hand...

SuperStinger: "Did you copy that, MMH?"

MMH: "Yes I did I and HawkMan, will attend to saving our Tarzan, thank you so much! Over and out!”

SuperStinger, smiling big” "Oh your fat penis is very erect DeathFang, I'm going to pump you and fist pump your very rock hard penis at the same time, how does that sound, to you?"

DeathFang: "Oh it sounds so good! Make me feel good! SuperStinger, PLEASE!" SuperStinger, stings DeathFang, with a final venom of a powerful mind relaxer then he slowly pumps a in heaven and getting very close to climaxing DeathFang, while slowly fist pumping DeathFang's, very erect rock hard and throbbing penis, pre-cum is indeed oozing out of his penis hole and SuperStinger, smiles seeing that!

SuperStinger: "Oh I can see you like what I'm doing to you DeathFang, you will tell me when your going to climax, won't you?"


And as DeathFang, is cumin very hard more then he has ever cum in his entire lifetime SuperStinger, flexes his entire muscle bound body and un-loads the deadly venom to all Spider mutants! This venom that will quickly destroy, DeathFang! And it does DeathFang, never knew he was being destroyed SuperStinger, was kind to this fiend! That is now hung upon the Superhero SuperStinger's, rock hard cock, DeathFang the evil villain is very dead and limp as a rag doll! SuperStinger, picks up the transporter devise and pushes a few numbers and he and a very destroyed DeathFang, are gone! SwampThing, is talking out of his head he is so weak and his color in some places is turning black, his eyes are very glazed over, in another hour perhaps two, he will be completely destroyed!

But as SwampThing, has lost all since of reality, a jeep pulls up beside of him! It is SuperRanger John he is a very handsome and a muscle bound male with dark hair and cool looking sunglasses! His briefs are kaki colored with a black colored utility belt with black wrestler type boots and that’s all of his, costume! He came prepared and lifts from the open jeep a big plastic container of swamp-water and opens the spout and starts pouring it all over a talking out of his head, SwampThing! SuperRanger John, even pours some of the swamp-water into SwampThing's, mouth!


SuperRanger John, frowns seeing that that didn't help like he thought it would and he quickly un-ties SwampThing and lifts him up into his big strong arms and off they go flying quickly to a 100-miles away, swamp! Once there he quickly puts SwampThing and himself into the swamp and hopes for the best! After a good long time SwampThing, starts coming around and acting normal and his color is back to a rich green this swamp has made SwampThing, feel really great!

SwampThing: "Who are you?"

SuperRanger John: "Ah, nice to see you feeling better SwampThing, I'm SuperRanger John, nice to meet you! And you did well, your secret assignment worked out very good I was told just a few minutes, ago!"

SwampThing: "Has Tarzan, been saved?"

SuperRanger John: "Sorry to say I haven't herd yet MMH and HawkMan have went to save him and I'm hoping that it will be a, success!" SwampThing, takes a good look at his savior SuperRanger John, and his now back to normal green penis goes to full erection checking out this very handsome muscle bound, SuperRanger John!

SwampThing: "Well I see that my hero is very stunning looking and that deep voice of yours is also to charming! I really must say, would you like to go skinny dipping with me?"

SuperRanger John: "It would be an honor and a pleasure to go skinny dipping with a big sexy muscle bound hero that you are SwampThing, here let me strip naked and lets have a bit of fun but then we must be off to your normal swamp to await MMH and HawkMan and hopefully Tarzan, will be with them!" SwampThing, smiles and nods his head and soon both he and SuperRanger John, are laughing and playing in the swamp and soon both are holding each other and groping and fondling each others, tools!

SwampThing: "Follow me SuperStud John!" SuperRanger John, smiles and follows SwampThing, to an edge of the swamp where both are just ankle deep in the water...

SwampThing: "I hate to say this but your so damn HOT! Would you super suck my green penis?"

SuperRanger John: "I thought you would never ask you sexy as all get out, SwampThing!" SwampThing, smiles big as SuperRanger John, drops to his knees and wraps his full lips around SwampThing's, throbbing and pulsating green cut penis and starts expertly sucking SwampThing's, Penis until SwampThing does his climax roar! Load after load of his sperm fly into an eager for it SuperRanger John's, mouth and down his throat! When the climax is done SuperRanger John's, already very muscular body, gains more muscles fast and he is feeling very, wonderful! Next SwampThing, does the same thing for SuperRanger John, when finished both are feeling very happy and smiling big!

SuperRanger John: "Well I hate this! But we really do need to get back to your hide-out, SwampStud!" SwampThing frowns!

SwampThing: "Oh no! Do we really have to?"

SuperRanger John: "Yes I'm afraid we really have to and don't you want to see your, man?"

SwampThing: "Well yes I do and I hope to see that he and HawkMan, did as good as I did on this mission!"

SwampThing: "Um how are we going to get to my swamp SuperStud John, may I ask? SuperRanger John is smiling big as he is putting on his briefs and utility belt then his boots.

SuperRanger John: "Oh this is the way we will travel” SuperRanger John, goes to a dreamy eyes SwampThing, and lightning quick gently picks up SwampThing, in his thick very muscular arms and off they go flying do East, it is dark and dusk has set in! Once back to his swamp SwampThing, with SuperRanger John, breathing air from a long thick like tube coming from SwampThing's, bubble like green pecks area jumps into the water holding on to a happy as he can be and feeling wonderful all over...SwampThing's, roots release SuperRanger John and they both start walking to the lower area of SwampThing's, hide-out, once there SuperRanger John, pulls from his utility belt a tube filled with a nectar that he must have once a day... He drinks it down and a big smile go wide crossed his awesomely good-looking face! He is beaming with joy and he starts flexing all his awesome new and more muscles he has gained, he stands in front of the mirror admiring his new muscle bulk!

SwampThing: "Um, SuperRanger John, excuse me but do you have a lover or special someone?"

SuperRanger John: "Oh no problem SwampThing, yes I have an open relationship with a sometimes member of the Justice League, you know him."

SwampThing: "Um I know him? And might I ask who he is?"

SuperRanger John: "SuperBoy"

SwampThing: "Hum SuperBoy, he is a good choice, but well I may sound stupid but with your awesome super strength and seems like you have more powers then just great strength, why didn't you go with the two who are going to try and rescue, Tarzan?" SuperRanger John's, smile fades away...

SuperRanger John: "Zantar, has found out what my only weakness is and he has fortified his areas before and had me down for the count and would of destroyed me but another Super-hero saved me from that fate, it was non-other than, SuperBoy!"

SuperRanger John: "Zantar, is a very evil mad as a hatter and malice natured to an extreme sic-O! I have never seen such before; I'm hoping that you can restore Tarzan back to his sexy normal, self!" A tear rolls down SuperRanger John's, handsome face, knowing that he can't go save his best friend, Tarzan! SwampThing comes close to SuperRanger John and puts his thick muscular arms around him and holds him and starts talking sweet words that puts a smile back on the stud hero SuperRanger John's face!

SuperRanger John: "This is an awesome hide-out SwampThing! Tell me does it go on from that area over there way back, in that looks like a corner?"

SwampThing: "Yes and I've been working on it, I've made a few nice things for Tarzan, if he comes back and I'm able to heal him! You know he and I got it on a few months back it was great! He stayed with me for a long while!"

SuperRanger John: "I know he told me about how nice you are and how much fun he had when he was with you, I had only left my best friend a day when that fiend Zantar, had some mutant from another world capture, him!"

SwampThing: "SuperRanger John, lets change the subject like man my penis and testicles have been out of their protection pouch for longer then I have ever had those mushrooms do that for me, it must be all the handsome as all get out men I've been about!" SuperRanger John, instantly has a wide eye and shocked look upon his handsome face and shakes his handsome now lowered head!

SwampThing: "Are you alright SuperRanger John? I'm sorry if I was talking to much, please forgive me!" SuperRanger John, with his head still lowered "It's not you SwampThing, it's just you mentioned mushrooms!"

SwampThing: "Oh well there is a rare purple mushroom very rare that allows my penis and testicles and rectum areas to come forth from my protective pouches."

SuperRanger John: "How interesting SwampThing, I'm very into herbs and such things as mushrooms but those are my only known weakness, well not all mushrooms only the Angel of Death mushrooms are my so called kryptonite! They are very deadly to a normal human being, too! But I'm a mutant or a good friend scientist friend of mine said so and the spores of the Angel of Death mushroom are what drain away my powers and I can eat them and they don't kill me but the effect wrecks my strength and dazes out my mind, I become weak mentally and physically!... To the point of a normal human male where a Villain can shoot me cut my throat or worse!"

SuperRanger John: "Well that’s a bad subject can we go see what you have been working on for my love my Buddy, Tarzan?"

SwampThing: "Sure come on stud and while we are in there maybe you'll go hard again and work me over with that huge slong of yours! That is if you could stand doing an ugly thing like me! And how long is it by the way?"

SuperRanger John smiling big! "It's a good 13-inches long when fully erect and 9-inches around and SwampThing I'm a scientist and my major field is Herbology and you are beautiful to me it would be an honor and a dream come true!"

SwampThing: "Wow! You are a stud! Well I just hope you'll stud me, senseless!" SwampThing, blushes and SuperRanger John, finds that so charming indeed about SwampThing, being so shy when he is well built and his penis looks to be a good 10-inches long, every gay mans dream! SuperRanger John, rushes up to SwampThing and inserts his huge penis down SwampThing's, ass-crack and walks so close and whispering sweet words to a falling fast for this new comer sexy hero, SuperRanger John! After walking several minute away going downward both SwampThing and SuperRanger John, come to a huge wooden door with a keypad lock on it SwampThing, pushes a certain key of numbers and the door opens up. SuperRanger John, is amazed to find out SwampThing, has electrical power all the way down here!

SwampThing: "Oh I bet you’re wondering about the power supply?"

SuperRanger John: "How did you know and yes I'm wondering about that!

SwampThing: "Well with help from other heroes' we are sucking power off od Arcane's electricity! HA HA HA! SuperRanger John laughs big! And then SuperRanger John's, eyes go wide seeing how beautiful it is down here and with a nice desk and computer with all the trimmings! It even has a nice clear swamp and trees all over the place with the holes beaming down all over, it's awesome!

SwampThing: "Well SuperStud John, what do you think?"

SuperRanger John: "It's amazing! SwampStud! How did you get all these tree down here? And are those trees for our Tarzan?"

SwampThing: "Well I had help from Superman and SuperBoy and Captain Marvel and etc etc etc and yes the trees are for Tarzan and HawkMan, you did know they are hitting off very well?"

SuperRanger John: "Yes I herd the two of them are a couple and I know HawkMan, is going nuts over Tarzan, being made a slave by that fiend, Zantar!"

SwampThing: "Yes HawkMan, has been beside himself over it!" SwampThing tenderly grabs SuperRanger John's, fat penis and starts working it! SuperRanger John moans with delight and thrust his pelvic area forward and back, his perfect buttock muscles are something to behold! SuperRanger John also takes a hold of SwampThing's, very erect green penis and works it now both are very rock hard and wanting each other very much so! SuperRanger John gently turns SwampThing, around and bends him over and with his feet spreads SwampThing's, legs wide! SwampThing loves this and soon feels a spit for lube fat 13-inch long penis go deep inside of him!


SuperRanger John: "Oh yeah that feels so good SwampStud! Let me know when you are about to cum so I can pull out and swallow down your sperm, it's like a good drug I could get addicted to it!" SwampThing stutters his yes he will let SuperRanger John, know when he is about to cum! SuperRanger John and SwampThing know how good this is feeling and after a long ten minutes SwampThing, announces his climax roar! And SuperRanger John, pulls out and quickly but tenderly, Turns SwampThing, around and wraps his full lips around SwampThing's, shooting penis and swallows down another load of the great sperm of SwampThing's!

SuperRanger John, as he was swallowing down SwampThing's, cum was super strength fist pumping his huge 13 and soon after SwampThing, has stopped cumin he starts! And SwampThing bends over and also swallows down the stud SuperRanger John's, sperm supply!

When all is finished and SwampThing, has recovered from his always makes him dazed senseless from his climaxing, SwampThing, ask an also very zapped senseless SuperRanger John, from feeling so good and feeling all over his awesomely body builder type body the new muscle growth coming on!

SwampThing, has SuperRanger John, to take them to a beautiful Oak tree and he does and they lay back on the made to be a floor with hardwood and it is huge and a professional made tree house just for Tarzan and HawkMan, all via SwampThing! Both SuperRanger John and SwampThing are happily talking and laughing when they hear a sound of someone coming! Both are very alert and happy to see MartianMan Hunter and Hawkman and SuperBoy, carrying a trashed totally, Tarzan!

SwampThing: "Bring Tarzan here! NOW!"

SuperBoy flies quickly to SwampThing with a very trashed and out of it Tarzan! SwampThing has SuperBoy lay Tarzan, in the far bed and tells them all to settle down and let him try and fix the stunningly handsome as well as being built like a brick shit house and also hung, Tarzan! HawkMan has an intense look in his Hawk-eyes as he won't sit down and won't leave his, Tarzan!

All the others go to the many chairs area where the PC is set up and one at a time start their re-ports, that will go directly to the Justice League, head quarters! After several hours all are very happy to see Tarzan, smiling from ear to ear and swinging from a vein with his big strong arms wrapped around SwampThing's waist and SwampThing, saying "Oh you put me down you big, ape!

HawkMan is grinning big seeing that his Tarzan is his same old self! Tarzan is excused from doing a report and getting him to do a report is very hard work, indeed! So Hawkman is first then finally SwampThing, SuperRanger John and Tarzan, are close and talking to each other with sweet words to each other and SuperBoy, smiling big is close by!

MartainMan Hunter is caressing SwampThing they are both very much in love! And both knew the dangerous risk involved to SwampThing but when SwampThing, heard it was Tarzan, he would not stop until all the Justice League, members herd his, plan! When SwampThing, is finished with his report he stands to see MartianMan Hunter, Hawkman, SuperBoy, SuperRanger John and Tarzan, all smiling from ear to ear at the hero who put himself in danger for another hero and then all bow to the one the only, SwampThing!

The End. David Circe. SwampThing, Dr.Arcane, MartianMan Hunter, Superboy, HawkMan and Superman, CaptainMarvel all belong to DC Comics Tarzan belongs to Dark Horse Comics. This is work of adult fan art, no copyright infringement intended! Zantar, SuperRanger John, DeathFang and SuperStinger belong to David Circe. Reviewed 6/1/2008


32 Gay Erotic Stories from David Circe

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-1

The Sea King falls. Aquaman Vs HypnoPirate,Part-1 Aquaman was having a ruff time of it his wife from another dimension was asking for an end to the marriage which he was all for but did not want his subjects to know that he had cheated on her. To make matters worse Garth was angry with him over something stupid and the both of them were fighting.. Nothing put him in a worse mood then when

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-10 Final Chapter

The Sea King Falls Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part10 As Hemlock pumps SuperBoy he activates a surrounding mirror in the room so he can see every inch of SuperBoy's muscled out body and see the look on his handsome face, as he is being pumped senseless and totally powerless. Hemlock with his huge 12-inch fat monster cock has his entire hard phallus buried deep inside a weak and brain washed

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-2

The Sea King Falls: Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part2 The lights coming from Hypno-Pirate's hands worked Aquaman's brain over stunning his telepathic power and draining his ability to think. As the three handsome men with Hypno-Pirate on their heels riding his Unicorn take Aquaman to a cave in the center of the island. Before going inside the cave Hypno-Pirate dismounts his Unicorn and

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-3

The Sea King Falls: Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part3 Hypno-Pirate smiles an evil grin seeing Aquaman shaking and his eyes bulging out and his pecks indenting and rippling. Hypno-Pirate says…. "Well now I see me draining his telepathic power really worked him over hum and there is still more to come." Hypno-Pirate reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small bottle and starts waving it under

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-4

The Sea King falls Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part4 SuperBoy flying holding Tempest's hand heading towards Atlantis. SuperBoy says…. "Why are you being so quiet StormRider? You haven't said a word since we left our place." Tempest says…. "Arthur and I got into a fight we said some pretty ruff words to each other and now something has happened to him I love Arthur as much as I love you

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-5

The Sea King Falls Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part-5 Aquaman impaled on WhiteKnight's huge fat 10-inch cock feels it but his mind won't respond. Hypno-Pirate kept blasting Aquaman's mind as he was raping him. Aquaman's brain turned only to Hypno-Pirate's huge penis working his weak asshole over. The Superhero’s mind unable to block the hypnotic blasts fore feeling the full assault of

Aquaman Vs hypno-Pirate Part-6

The Sea King Falls Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part-6 Tempest says…. "Black Unicorn's?" Major Brendan answers…. "Yes you heard right black Unicorn's their attaching us with some type of power blasts from their horns." Tempest says…. "Major Brendan pull back to a safe distance SuperBoy and I are on our way to you now!" Major Brendan says…. "Ok Lord Garth we have pulled back out of reach I'm

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-7

The Sea King Falls Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part-7 Hypno-Pirate keeps working Aquaman over pumping him senseless. Driving his huge cock into Aquaman's abused asshole then pulling it out then shoving it back in. Aquaman is very weak Hypno-Pirate's cock making him weaker by the second with each thrust of the Villain's huge penis Aquaman great strength being drained away fast. Hypno-Pirate

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-8

The Sea King Falls Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part-8 Tempest is in deep thought thinking about his lover the times the two have been together the things that they did and their deep passion for one another. His mood sours when his mind replays what happened to his SteelRod. He thinks out loud: "I'll fix this SteelRod I promise you!" Tempest is interrupted by a beeping sound he pushes a

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-9

The Sea King Falls Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part-9 All three of the evil Villain's young men are together arguing over who would be with SuperBoy first. Finally they decide to draw lots. WhiteKnight goes to a slip of paper and writes three numbers on it a ten a fifty and one hundred He tells Hemlock and Jaundice who ever chooses the highest number 100 will get his turn with SuperBoy first

Batman vs Drugatron, Part 2

It is well after midnight and a thick fog has cast over the city. As Drugatron, drives the bat mobile to his country hideout 10 miles on the out skirts of Gotham. No one at all notices the bat mobile not a sole. Batman is in a drugged stupor his cowled head all the way down his chin rests on his muscled pecs. His blue eyes glazed over un-blinking his pupils to pin points. He is moaning and his

Batman vs Drugatron, Part 3

The Super Villain Drugatron drugged Batman into utter submission, first to trap him with some kind of multi-powered white powder drugs that put our hero into a complete metal stupor. A powerful truth serum, drug, which drained away Batman’s, will and made him tell the complete damaging truth about himself and his cohorts, on camera and recorder. A mind paralyzing hypnotic drug that makes Batman

Batman vs Drugatron, Part 4

Robin paces back and forth; he’s going out of his mind worried sick about Batman. Night Wing comes walking down the stairs and looks to see a distraught Robin. Robin looks at Dick and says “Any word yet?” Dick: “No nothing yet calm down Tim, Bruce has gone missing for many days before and showed up out of the blue.” Tim keeps walking back and forth, a concerned look on his handsome face.

Batman vs Drugatron, Part 5

Batman wakes up sometime after midnight he is sitting in the bat mobile. He is parked on the Gotham boat pier. He cranks up the bat mobile and heads home to the bat cave. He is dressed in his complete costume even his cape looks normal utility belt around his waist. Batman’s penis imprint in his briefs is normal limp no erection. Batman has a slight grin on his face he feels refreshed and

Batman vs Drugatron, Part 6

Bruce sat at his desk going over Wayne Enterprises stock quotas it has been going up everyday. Directly the phone rings and he picks it up. Bruce: “Bruce Wayne.” Drugatron: “Drugatron 13.” Batman: “Yes Master, I hear your voice I await your command.” Drugatron: “Batman go to your vault and fill a container with a million dollars, then change into your Batman costume and come to me,

Batman vs Drugatron, Part 7 Final Chapter

After arriving at his hide out with the Limo and the Bat Mobile. Drugatron has Number1 and Number3 take an out cold Batman to the final re-programming room. Number1 and Number3 strip Batman completely naked except for his cowl, Drugatron kept Batman’s utility belt, why he did this both of them don’t know. They place a strong 4-inch wide rubber strap around the very bottom of Batman’s big pecs.

Batman vs Drugatron, Part-1

Batman sits naked at his desk in the Bat-cave looking over his last report. The villain Riddler had been caught it was a hard capture the Riddler had snuck a surprise in on Batman. Batman had fallen into one of the Riddler’s traps. Batman had walked into an electron shock net, which took him off his feet and into the air. His muscled arms hanging down his legs and booted feet above him. The

Captain Planet vs Acid Rainman

Captain Planet Vs Acid-Rain Man At a beach surrounding the Great Lakes, the Planeteer's are battling a flood of toxic waste coming from a place unknown? Thousands of fish are dead and drifting to shore different colors of waste wash to shore along with the fish! Despite all their efforts the Planeteer's are not making any headway and decide to call upon Captain Planet! With fists and rings

The New And Improved Metallo, Part 2

Superman totally drained of all his super strength...

The New And Improved Metallo, Part 3

Superman is totally powerless to Metallo's new and improved body ...

The New And Improved Metallo, Part 5

The new and improved Metallo: Part 5

The New And Improved Metallo, Part 6 Final Chapter

The new and improved Metallo, Part 6 Final Chapter.

The New And Improved Metallo, Part1

The new and improved Metallo, Part 1 Superman while flying over Metropolis hears an S.O.S signal from outer space. He flies to Starlabs and gets the oxygen apperatice he needs for space flight. Superman at light speed heads into space and goes to the source of the emergency signal. He comes upon a Black hole and is looking at a round human sized spinning blinking devise silver in color.

The New And Improved Metallo, Part4

The new and improved Metallo:

The New Robin, Part 1

The New Robin, Part1It’s been over a year and with hard work and help from Batman/Bruce Wayne and his college wrestling coaches.Tim Drake now has the body he has always wanted.Tim’s new body is bulking and muscled out to the max his pecs are huge and round.His biceps are big and rounded he has washboard six-pack abs.In general Tim Drake could now enter world class body building contests

The New Robin, Part 5

Alpha walks a very mind controlled Robin to his S&M room...

The New Robin, Part-2

The New Robin, Part2 The Riddler’s plan had worked very well so far. The new very muscle bound Robin had fallen into his trap. The Riddler’s two new young hung muscle studs took away all of Robin’s power completely body and mind. Batman and Commissioner Gordon both unaware of his clever escape from Archam. The Warden still thinking the Riddler was behind bars not knowing that a look alike


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