Gay Erotic Stories

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-8

by David Circe

The Sea King Falls Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part-8 Tempest is in deep thought thinking about his lover the times the two have been together the things that they did and their deep passion for one another. His mood sours when his mind replays what happened to his SteelRod. He thinks out loud: "I'll fix this SteelRod I promise you!" Tempest is interrupted by a beeping sound he pushes a flashing red button. And says: "Tempest here." It is Duke Joseph he says…. "Garth we have a blip that appeared off the coast of the Eastern part of Africa, just South of the Equator area." Tempest response…. "That's the new location of the Island I would say have you sent a team?" Duke Joseph says…. "Yes in route now two of our new Battle Carriers." Tempest says…. "Our new Battle Carriers travel fast Joseph have them stop 100 miles from the Island send both Carriers locations to Major Brendan we will meet up with them soon enough I have something I have to do time to bring in reinforcements." Duke Joseph says…. "I will see to it Garth I'm so sorry about Lord General SuperBoy please be careful Garth! Joseph out." Tempest pushes in some private numbers on the console then presses a button. On the screen before him a handsome looking male appears wearing a green mask. The handsome male answers: "Green Lantern here, Garth?" Mean while. Hypno-Pirate is having his way with a now totally subdued SuperBoy. The handsome young hero's eyes are very drug like bulging out as Hypno-Pirate has his huge cock as far as it will go inside our muscled out hero and now completely naked except for the kryptonite boots. Like Aquaman attached to SuperBoy's penis is a collection condom stretched over his balls. Hypno-Pirate is walking SuperBoy around the room talking to him and fist pumping his slick lubed cock. Hypno-Pirate says: "Oh yeah SuperBoy I'm going to make a lot of money off of your super sperm two loads already now one more and I can go get my pay off." SuperBoy moaning and stuttering: "OH-OH-IT-IT-HURTS-IT-IT-HURTS-HURTS-SO-SO-BIG-BIG-MAKE-MAKE-ME-ME- WEAK-WEAK-NEED-NEED-MORE-MORE-POW-POW-POWERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" Hypno-Pirate says: "Does it SuperBoy? I'll give you some more power I just need one more of your huge loads of super sperm then I'll give you a little power to stop the pain." Hypno-Pirate smiles an evil grin knowing that he will indeed give SuperBoy some more of his super strength back but now that his brain drain devise zapped his will his super powers will be of no use to our handsome conquered SuperBoy. Hypno-Pirate, stops then pulls his huge cock almost out then slams it back into SuperBoy's abused asshole. Hypno-Pirate is fist pumping SuperBoy's rock hard cock faster and faster. Soon Hypno-Pirate can see pre-cum oozing out of SuperBoy's penis hole and dripping all over the head of his throbbing cock. Hypno-Pirate starts milking SuperBoy's phallus going all the way down and coming upwards. Hypno-Pirate juts his hips forward his huge cock as deep inside SuperBoy as far as it will go. He pulls back just a little then shoves it back in until it bottoms out. This does the job and SuperBoy's third climax begins. He starts shooting load after load of his super sperm into the collection condom. SuperBoy is moaning loud as his climax keeps on and on. Finally his shooting sperm slows then stops altogether. Hypno-Pirate, milks SuperBoy's penis to get the last drop. When he is sure all of SuperBoy's sperm is inside the collection condom he pulls it off of SuperBoy's now going limp penis and ties a knot at the top. He then pulls his huge hard cock out of SuperBoy. SuperBoy goes quickly down to his knees his breathing is labored his eyes are drug like his handsome head going from side to side. Hypno-Pirate takes the sperm filled collection condom to the refrigeration unit and puts it inside with the other two then closes the door. Hypno-Pirate walks back to a down on his knees SuperBoy he reaches up to a belt with strong rubber attachments to each side. With his long fingers he grabs SuperBoy by the neck and pulls him to his feet. He puts the belt around and at the bottom of SuperBoy's naked pecks and fashions it in the back. When this is done he lets loose and SuperBoy goes upward and his feet are some two feet from the floor. SuperBoy's arms and legs are limp and dangling. Hypno-Pirate then goes to the wall and pushes a button. Some how sunlight enters the room from the ceiling and washes over SuperBoy. Hypno-Pirate looks the naked SuperBoy over an evil grin goes crossed his handsome face. He puts his hands to SuperBoy's bulging eyes and the strobe lights begin. SuperBoy begins to moan loud as Hypno-Pirate tells him that he's just to weak to do anything and he's not to try and escape. SuperBoy answers…. "I'm to weak and can't escape I will obey." Hypno-Pirate removes his hands from SuperBoy's eyes then stands back and looks him over. What the evil villain looks upon is a naked muscled out handsome young man with a very drugged look in his eyes. Hypno-Pirate calls to his skull staff and it comes to him like an obedient dog. He takes his staff in hand then walks out of the room. When he enters the large torture room he finds his young lads all around Aquaman. Hemlock has his huge cock buried deep inside Aquaman pulling back and slamming it as far as it will go. WhiteKnight and Jaundice fist pumping their huge cocks and heat beams coming from the heads of their power tools hitting Aquaman in his pecks and abs. All three young men see their Captain come into the room and stop what they are doing to great him with smiles on their faces. Hypno-Pirate says…. "Now Lads we don't want to kill Aquaman now do we? Stop with the heat and pour some cold water on him he looks all dried up!" All three handsome young men say at once…. "Yes Captain as you command!" Hemlock pulls his throbbing cock out of Aquaman and goes with WhiteKnight and Jaundice to fetch the water. When they all come back they are holding buckets of water they begin pouring it over a very drugged looking Aquaman. When they a finished they stand at attention awaiting their orders. Hypno-Pirate tells his young men…. "One of you go get SuperBoy's sperm from the refrigeration unit and bring it to me." Hemlock runs toward the brain drain room his rock hard cock bobbing up and down. When he comes back he is holding the three collection condoms and hands them over to his Master. Hypno-Pirate walks over to his mirror and tell his mirror to dress him in a well to do man suit of black in color. The mirror obeys and in a flash he is dressed in a fine three-piece suit. Hypno-Pirate also ask his mirror for a small cooler unit. The mirror obeys and in his hand some type of silver box appears. Hypno-Pirate says…. "Ah that's great my mirror very good now bring up the location I last went to." Before Hypno-Pirate the same street alley appears. Hypno-Pirate grins wide and turns towards his three young men. Hypno-Pirate says…. "Now Lads each one of you in turn have your way with SuperBoy and Aquaman do not kill them or I will have your handsome HEADS!" Each one of the young handsome men say…. "By your command Captain!" The well dresses Villain nods his head then with his skull staff in hand and SuperBoy's super sperm in his pocket walks into the mirror and disappears.

End of part-8 David Circe. Aquaman SuperBoy Garth/Tempest Green Lantern is property of DC Comics. This is work of adult fan art. No Copyright infringement intended.

Hypno-Pirate WhiteKnight Hemlock Jaundice Duke Joseph Major Brendan is my creations.

Reviewed 5/31/2008 David Circe.


32 Gay Erotic Stories from David Circe

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-1

The Sea King falls. Aquaman Vs HypnoPirate,Part-1 Aquaman was having a ruff time of it his wife from another dimension was asking for an end to the marriage which he was all for but did not want his subjects to know that he had cheated on her. To make matters worse Garth was angry with him over something stupid and the both of them were fighting.. Nothing put him in a worse mood then when

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-10 Final Chapter

The Sea King Falls Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part10 As Hemlock pumps SuperBoy he activates a surrounding mirror in the room so he can see every inch of SuperBoy's muscled out body and see the look on his handsome face, as he is being pumped senseless and totally powerless. Hemlock with his huge 12-inch fat monster cock has his entire hard phallus buried deep inside a weak and brain washed

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-2

The Sea King Falls: Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part2 The lights coming from Hypno-Pirate's hands worked Aquaman's brain over stunning his telepathic power and draining his ability to think. As the three handsome men with Hypno-Pirate on their heels riding his Unicorn take Aquaman to a cave in the center of the island. Before going inside the cave Hypno-Pirate dismounts his Unicorn and

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-3

The Sea King Falls: Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part3 Hypno-Pirate smiles an evil grin seeing Aquaman shaking and his eyes bulging out and his pecks indenting and rippling. Hypno-Pirate says…. "Well now I see me draining his telepathic power really worked him over hum and there is still more to come." Hypno-Pirate reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small bottle and starts waving it under

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-4

The Sea King falls Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part4 SuperBoy flying holding Tempest's hand heading towards Atlantis. SuperBoy says…. "Why are you being so quiet StormRider? You haven't said a word since we left our place." Tempest says…. "Arthur and I got into a fight we said some pretty ruff words to each other and now something has happened to him I love Arthur as much as I love you

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-5

The Sea King Falls Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part-5 Aquaman impaled on WhiteKnight's huge fat 10-inch cock feels it but his mind won't respond. Hypno-Pirate kept blasting Aquaman's mind as he was raping him. Aquaman's brain turned only to Hypno-Pirate's huge penis working his weak asshole over. The Superhero’s mind unable to block the hypnotic blasts fore feeling the full assault of

Aquaman Vs hypno-Pirate Part-6

The Sea King Falls Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part-6 Tempest says…. "Black Unicorn's?" Major Brendan answers…. "Yes you heard right black Unicorn's their attaching us with some type of power blasts from their horns." Tempest says…. "Major Brendan pull back to a safe distance SuperBoy and I are on our way to you now!" Major Brendan says…. "Ok Lord Garth we have pulled back out of reach I'm

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-7

The Sea King Falls Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part-7 Hypno-Pirate keeps working Aquaman over pumping him senseless. Driving his huge cock into Aquaman's abused asshole then pulling it out then shoving it back in. Aquaman is very weak Hypno-Pirate's cock making him weaker by the second with each thrust of the Villain's huge penis Aquaman great strength being drained away fast. Hypno-Pirate

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-8

The Sea King Falls Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part-8 Tempest is in deep thought thinking about his lover the times the two have been together the things that they did and their deep passion for one another. His mood sours when his mind replays what happened to his SteelRod. He thinks out loud: "I'll fix this SteelRod I promise you!" Tempest is interrupted by a beeping sound he pushes a

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-9

The Sea King Falls Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part-9 All three of the evil Villain's young men are together arguing over who would be with SuperBoy first. Finally they decide to draw lots. WhiteKnight goes to a slip of paper and writes three numbers on it a ten a fifty and one hundred He tells Hemlock and Jaundice who ever chooses the highest number 100 will get his turn with SuperBoy first

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Batman vs Drugatron, Part 4

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Batman vs Drugatron, Part 5

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Batman vs Drugatron, Part 6

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