Gay Erotic Stories

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-4

by David Circe

The Sea King falls Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part4 SuperBoy flying holding Tempest's hand heading towards Atlantis. SuperBoy says…. "Why are you being so quiet StormRider? You haven't said a word since we left our place." Tempest says…. "Arthur and I got into a fight we said some pretty ruff words to each other and now something has happened to him I love Arthur as much as I love you SteelRod if anything bad has happened to him I'll never forgive myself." Tempest lowers his handsome head sadness on his face. SuperBoy says…. "Oh, baby don't worry Arthur knows how much you love him all of us have always seen that we'll find him I promise!" Tempest says…. "Arthur's been through so much hell here lately that red haired bitch he married causing him to lose his arm Thank the Gods our scientist came up with a way to restore it. That Hurricane that passed over our Atlantis caused allot of damage some lives were lost not to mention countless other things. And I go starting a fight with him oh that's just great!" SuperBoy says…. "What was the fight over StormKing?" SuperBoy smiles that sexy smile of his and pulls Tempest close to his well-muscled frame. Tempest says…. "I told him I was going to go sink the whaling ships." SuperBoy says…. "I see hum I know how much that bothers you my love but you can't do that and you know it why don't we when this is all over with go on our little stop that now you bad-bad-whalers." SuperBoy kisses Tempest neck and runs his mouth to Tempest ear and softly sucks the lobe. Tempest smiles big and turns towards SuperBoy and says…. "Oh, you drive me insane you know how much that makes me happy when we do that!" Tempest smiles big at SuperBoy with very apparent love in his eyes. Soon they are over Atlantis and SuperBoy takes Tempest back by his hand. SuperBoy says…. "I see the entrance just swim with me through the tube my love." Tempest says…. "Ok sounds good I'll alert Joseph that we are here and will meet him in the Throne room." Tempest adjusts a dial on his communicator and pushes a button. Then a voice comes back…. "Joseph here." Tempest says…. "Joseph, SuperBoy and I have arrived we will meet you in the Throne room have all the data you have on this transferred there." Joseph says…. "Ok Garth see you soon. Welcome SuperBoy, Joseph out." Tempest says…. "You ready SteelRod?" SuperBoy says…. "Yes I know the routine I hold my breath." SuperBoy laughs. Tempest laughs back SuperBoy dives with Tempest in his arms soon they hit the water fast SuperBoy using his super strength makes his muscled legs paddle fast like a motor spinning a wheel. SuperBoy enters the tube and swims on holding Tempest close to himself after some time they pass through a darker blue colored part of the tube and a clear barrier closes behind them then all the water is sucked out and SuperBoy stands and lets go of Tempest. They walk to a round door and Tempest pushes some buttons in a silver box like devise on the wall next to it. The round door opens and they both walk inside. They come up the walkway and are greeted by two station guards. Tempest and SuperBoy continue on walking and start going around the hall and are greeted by Servants young males and females here and there performing tasks. The young men and women have friendly smiles on their faces seeing Tempest and SuperBoy walking besides him. They all say sweet words to SuperBoy and he answers back smiling with that charming grin. Soon they come to the Throne room and go inside. Joseph is there and greets them and tells them to be seated and food and drink has been ordered and will be here shortly. Tempest and SuperBoy sit down at a big round table next to each other. A beeping sound comes from one of the entrance doors and Joseph goes to it and opens it. Two young handsome men come in with all types of food and wine they start placing food on the table. SuperBoy and Garth are both given golden goblets of wine tasted by each young man who served them. Garth has lost his appetite but sips his wine. SuperBoy digs in at light speed just here and there keeping his composure and sips on his wine. Both young men grin big watching SuperBoy doing this. The people of Atlantis love Superman and SuperBoy above all the other Superheroes. They marvel at the things they do when they're around there is a deep love for SuperBoy because he is always charming genial and very true but also stern when called upon and is a knighted by Arthur Curry King of Atlantis, General of the realm. Joseph says…. "Arthur's distress signal started at this point." Joseph waves his hand and the ceiling of the throne room shows a view of the Atlantic Ocean. Joseph says…. "The flashing light is where Arthur's distress signal started at the very South-west part of the Bermuda Triangle his call devise was signaled then it went dead also. Tempest says…. "Have you checked the area Joseph?" Joseph answers…."Yes I sent a team, nothing." Tempest says…. "And what was the team leaders report?" Joseph replies…. "Eugene did a scan of the area and this is what came up." Joseph waves his hand again and an island shape appears before them. Joseph says…. We did the measurements what ever it is it's only ten square miles and Lalee came to me and told me that infact it looks like an island and she had talk to Arthur and was very concerned for him. A big frown spreads crosses Garth's face. Tempest says…. "Well if Lalee saw it then it's so. Do you have patrols out looking for Arthur Joseph?" Joseph says…. "Yes I sent four special teams in four different directions they will have to be recalled this just came in from Globle Watch." Joseph waves his hand again and a picture of the entire continent of South America appears. Next to Chili is a red flashing dot. Joseph says…. "The Globle Watch Head said this island just appeared out of no where a short time after the disappearance of Arthur and this mysterious island went off the chart." Tempest says…. "What does Globle Watch say about not detecting this island before now?" Joseph says… "The scientist at GW have a theory who ever this is can walk between dimension's." Tempest eyes go wide hate fills his face and he says…. "Mera?" Joseph says…. "I would think not Garth we know when Queen Mera comes over to this side and any of her people we have charted it." "Their comings and going all over this earth are known every time." "This is different I have look at the data myself it would seem who ever this is can skip through dimensions. Through perhaps some type of doorway a dimensional gate different from our former, Queens." "A weak strange glitch was picked up when the new island appeared off from the Chili coast." "Our alert monitors did not pick it up so saying that's how we missed it." "That's where he is Joseph, alert a squadron to the area!" Joseph says…. "One is already in route I just dispatched them before SuperBoy and you arrived." Tempest says…. "Good Joseph SuperBoy and I will go and see about finding Arthur." Joseph says…. "If you and SuperBoy are going let me stress caution we don't know what to make of an island that can disappear then reappear at will. We don't know who we are dealing with be careful both of you!" Tempest says…. "We will Joseph who is the squadron leader we will report to him and see what he has found out." Joseph says…. "Major Brendan is in charge of the squadron Garth he is to report on an hourly basis." Tempest says…. "Good Joseph, Major Brendan is good choice that makes me feel better! Are they well armed?" Joseph answers…. "Yes Garth well armed and ready they were sent to gather details and are on covert status." Tempest says…. "Good Joseph so glad for you! Hold down the fort, SuperBoy and I are going to find Arthur we'll bring him back watch our backs for us." Joseph says…. "I will Garth I will be at Global Watch I have put the realm on full alert status may the God's be watching over you I won't rest until I see Arthur SuperBoy and you safe and sound." Joseph walks over to a now standing up with SuperBoy, Garth and looks him in his eyes and holds his arms out to the handsome Tempest. Tempest goes to Joseph and they embrace. Joseph says softly…. "You go find him I'm so glad SuperBoy is with you please be careful you will be needing your Trident it's over there by Arthur's Throne!" Tempest says…. "We will Joseph, SuperBoy and I will find him and bring him home promise!" Tempest lets go of Joseph and goes to his Trident. Joseph turns towards SuperBoy and says…. "We thank you Lord General SuperBoy your underwater gear is ready you mean as much to us as our King and Prince Garth." SuperBoy nods his head and he and Tempest start walking out of the throne room. Meanwhile Aquaman is strung up in the harness naked his muscled out arms and legs are limp down to his sides also his fat penis limp and powerless. His aqua green eyes half open very drugged looking staring into space. Hypno-Pirate's hypnotic blasts chaining Aquaman's mind to the evil Villain's will the metal powers of the Superhero drained. The Villain and his young men made Aquaman cum eight times. Aquaman was given a sperm increase drug in a tube liquid form after Hypno-Pirate worked Aquaman's mind over putting him under a powerful hypnotic trance. Anything Hypno-Pirate told Aquaman to do Aquaman did. Hypno-Pirate stands back looking at totally conquered Superhero smiling at his handy work. Hypno-Pirate calls to his young men and they all stop their sexual romp with each other and come walking up. Hypno-Pirate says…. "Here Lads lets see how well my hypnotic power is working on our Muscled Superhero here." Hypno-Pirate starts talking to Aquaman…. "Aquaman who do you obey?" Aquaman answers…. "I obey Hypno-Pirate I'm in your power." Hypno-Pirate says…. "That's right Aquaman you will obey me and each voice you here now. Do you understand?" Aquaman answers…. "Yes Hypno-Pirate I will obey." Hypno-Pirate points to WhiteKnight giving him the signal to start speaking to Aquaman. WhiteKnight says…. "Aquaman I'm WhiteKnight check to the King you will obey me you will obey do you understand?" Aquaman answers…. "Yes WhiteKnight I will obey you." Then Hypno-Pirate points to Hemlock. Hemlock walks up to Aquaman and says…. "Aquaman I'm Hemlock poisonous by nature you will obey me do you understand?" Aquaman answers…. "Yes Hemlock I will obey you." Then Hypno-Pirate points to Jaundice, Jaundice says…. "Aquaman I'm Jaundice the color of sickness and death you will obey me do you understand?" Aquaman says…. "Yes Jaundice I will obey you." Aquaman while answering the questions showed no emotion just a blank stare. His great mind totally under Hypno-Pirate's hypnotic control. Hypno-Pirate says…. "Ok Lads un-harness him and take him to the showers and shave all his hair. Make his entire body smooth except for the hair on his head leave that alone. He will re-power under the water but his mind is mine. Shave his Goatee off make his face smooth Jaundice Hemlock braid his hair many-many strands boys work him over attach the nipple chain the gold one I have to go some where I will return shortly All three handsome young men remove the harness from Aquaman. WhiteKnight tells Jaundice and Hemlock to bend Aquaman over they do and WhiteKnight inserts his fat hard cock into Aquaman's abused asshole nothing from Aquaman his arms limp his eyes blank. Then WhiteKnight brings Aquaman up and tells him to walk Aquaman obeys and starts walking impaled on White Knights fat ten the young men lead Aquaman into the shower area. Hypno-Pirate smiles seeing his young men walking the conquered Aquaman away then he turns and walks over to a huge round mirror and looks at himself. He flexes his muscled pecks and turns sideways and flexes his muscled ass then picks up his long fat cock. Hypno-Pirate bragging and says…. "Yeah I have you to thank my cock when I put you in Aquaman the pain took away all of his resistant powers made him good and weak mentally and physically unable to fight my hypnotic control my cock paralyzing his great strength making him weak. Hypno-Pirate goes to the mirror and says to it…. "Businessman's wear for Tokyo my lovely and all the things I like." From out of the mirror multi-colored beam flash onto Hypno-Pirate dressing his naked hunk body with the latest fashion of this time. The Mirror dressed Hypno-Pirate in a fine silk black three-piece suit with silver bottoms down the vest a watch pocket with a long silver chain and stunning pocket watch of silver with an old English Galleon on it. Comfortable shoes Italian and black kid type gloves with holes in the palms he reaches into the lower pocket of the vest and pulls out a silver case and opens it up thin cigars of an intoxicating aroma. He reaches into a pocket and pulls out laser beam lighter. He breaks the beam and lights up one of the small cigars. He looks himself over in the mirror and smiles then he turns and goes to the refrigerator and gathers all the collection condoms filled with Aquaman's sperm. He puts then into a good-sized square shaped box that some how keeps them frozen. He turns and walks back to the mirror. Hypno-Pirate says…. "Now mirror lets see the area of business." An image appears a vacant alley with a large Dumpster and several doors. Hypno-Pirate says…. "My staff my lovely." From the mirror comes to Hypno-Pirate's right hand a black and silver long staff at the top of the staff a Skull with red glowing eyes. Hypno-Pirate smiles and walks into the mirror then is gone. End of part4. David Circe.

Aquaman Tempest SuperBoy Superman Queen Mera is property of DC Comics This is work of adult fan art. No Copyright infringement intended. Hypno-Pirate WhiteKnight Hemlock Jaundice Duke Joseph Major Brendan Team Leader Eugene Are my creations.

Reviewed 5/31/2008 David Circe.


32 Gay Erotic Stories from David Circe

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-1

The Sea King falls. Aquaman Vs HypnoPirate,Part-1 Aquaman was having a ruff time of it his wife from another dimension was asking for an end to the marriage which he was all for but did not want his subjects to know that he had cheated on her. To make matters worse Garth was angry with him over something stupid and the both of them were fighting.. Nothing put him in a worse mood then when

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-10 Final Chapter

The Sea King Falls Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part10 As Hemlock pumps SuperBoy he activates a surrounding mirror in the room so he can see every inch of SuperBoy's muscled out body and see the look on his handsome face, as he is being pumped senseless and totally powerless. Hemlock with his huge 12-inch fat monster cock has his entire hard phallus buried deep inside a weak and brain washed

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-2

The Sea King Falls: Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part2 The lights coming from Hypno-Pirate's hands worked Aquaman's brain over stunning his telepathic power and draining his ability to think. As the three handsome men with Hypno-Pirate on their heels riding his Unicorn take Aquaman to a cave in the center of the island. Before going inside the cave Hypno-Pirate dismounts his Unicorn and

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-3

The Sea King Falls: Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part3 Hypno-Pirate smiles an evil grin seeing Aquaman shaking and his eyes bulging out and his pecks indenting and rippling. Hypno-Pirate says…. "Well now I see me draining his telepathic power really worked him over hum and there is still more to come." Hypno-Pirate reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small bottle and starts waving it under

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-4

The Sea King falls Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part4 SuperBoy flying holding Tempest's hand heading towards Atlantis. SuperBoy says…. "Why are you being so quiet StormRider? You haven't said a word since we left our place." Tempest says…. "Arthur and I got into a fight we said some pretty ruff words to each other and now something has happened to him I love Arthur as much as I love you

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-5

The Sea King Falls Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part-5 Aquaman impaled on WhiteKnight's huge fat 10-inch cock feels it but his mind won't respond. Hypno-Pirate kept blasting Aquaman's mind as he was raping him. Aquaman's brain turned only to Hypno-Pirate's huge penis working his weak asshole over. The Superhero’s mind unable to block the hypnotic blasts fore feeling the full assault of

Aquaman Vs hypno-Pirate Part-6

The Sea King Falls Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part-6 Tempest says…. "Black Unicorn's?" Major Brendan answers…. "Yes you heard right black Unicorn's their attaching us with some type of power blasts from their horns." Tempest says…. "Major Brendan pull back to a safe distance SuperBoy and I are on our way to you now!" Major Brendan says…. "Ok Lord Garth we have pulled back out of reach I'm

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-7

The Sea King Falls Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part-7 Hypno-Pirate keeps working Aquaman over pumping him senseless. Driving his huge cock into Aquaman's abused asshole then pulling it out then shoving it back in. Aquaman is very weak Hypno-Pirate's cock making him weaker by the second with each thrust of the Villain's huge penis Aquaman great strength being drained away fast. Hypno-Pirate

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-8

The Sea King Falls Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part-8 Tempest is in deep thought thinking about his lover the times the two have been together the things that they did and their deep passion for one another. His mood sours when his mind replays what happened to his SteelRod. He thinks out loud: "I'll fix this SteelRod I promise you!" Tempest is interrupted by a beeping sound he pushes a

Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate Part-9

The Sea King Falls Aquaman Vs Hypno-Pirate, Part-9 All three of the evil Villain's young men are together arguing over who would be with SuperBoy first. Finally they decide to draw lots. WhiteKnight goes to a slip of paper and writes three numbers on it a ten a fifty and one hundred He tells Hemlock and Jaundice who ever chooses the highest number 100 will get his turn with SuperBoy first

Batman vs Drugatron, Part 2

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Batman vs Drugatron, Part 4

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Batman vs Drugatron, Part 5

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