Gay Erotic Stories

Senior Year--3:00 Sunday Afternoon

by TJ Tachet

Sunday morning I slept in.

While sleeping past 7 was not something I did very often, after last night I needed it. When I finally woke up around 10, I could hear my folks fumbling around downstairs. Needing a reality check, I threw on my robe and walked down, holding the rail.

“Hey sleepy head,” my mom was her usual chipper self, up bright and early every morning.

“Hey,” I said.

“We thought you were dead.”

“Thanks,” I said, smiling.

“Your dad finally went in to check in you about a half hour ago and you were snoring.”

“I was snoring?”

“Absolutely, I thought I walked into the wrong kid’s room,” my dad responded.

“I can’t believe I was snoring.”

My dad just chuckled and turned back to the Sunday paper on the table.

“Do we have any coffee?” I asked. I never drank the stuff but it seemed like the right thing to do this morning.

“Coffee? You’re going to drink coffee?” my mom looked at me quizzically.

“Mom….” I groaned. “Just gimme a break; I think I need to try it.”

“What did you boys do last night?” my mom asked, getting me a cup.

“What do you mean?” I asked innocently.

“I mean are you hung over or something?” my mom asked. My dad looked up from his paper. “I can’t remember you sleeping this late since you were like two or something.”

“I don’t think I’ve done it either,” I said, taking the cup of hot brown liquid. “Should I put something in it?” I asked.

“How about some milk?”


“You know, white stuff you put on cereal,” my mom laughed.

“Okay, milk.” I poured some in and regarded the cup as if it contained something foul.

“So…?” my mom asked again.

“So what?” I paused and looked around. I had their rapt attention. “I guess we should have this conversation. But I can’t do it right now,” I said, hoping that this would end the discussion until my head was clearer.

“Drink your coffee,” my dad said.

I took a sip and made a face. “This is disgusting. How do you guys do it every day?”

“You get used to it. Your father used to use a ton of sugar but he takes it black now.”

“Blech. Double disgusting.”

“Well if you need a minute or two to gather yourself, that’s fine. But we’re having this conversation before you get up out of this chair.”

“Can I shower first? I’m supposed to help Joey with his History right after lunch.” I asked, hoping to be excused.

“No,” my mom said. “T.J. honey, you’re just 18, you live at home. In this house, you play by our rules and you’ll tell us what happened.”

I took another big swig of the coffee and felt it burn my throat and chest.

“I’m getting some sugar,” I said. My mom got up to get it out of the cabinet for me and added two spoonfuls. The result was a huge improvement, but I still wasn’t crazy about it. My head was a little clearer however.

“So I guess we drank some stuff,” I started. My dad put down his paper.

“What stuff?”

“With who?”

“I don’t know, it was some kind of liqueur or cognac or something,” I explained.

“And this was over at Will’s house?” my mom wanted to know. “Where were his parents?”

“No, we were over at Andy’s, his parents went away for a cruise I think.”

“Who’s Andy?” my father asked.

“Andy is T.J.’s new friend on the football yardage crew. They just moved here over the summer from New York,” my mother answered for me.

“Oh, New York, that explains the cognac--very fancy.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I don’t know, back east, they drink all kinds of weird stuff. Here, we just drink beer.”

“Oh,” I said with some finality as if all the pieces in the puzzle of my life’s last couple of weeks were coming together.

“So? How much cognac did you drink?” my father wanted to know.

“I don’t know. Three.”

“Three what? Three bottles?”

I laughed. “No. Three glasses.”

It was my mother this time. “You drank three glasses of cognac?”

“Um, I think so.”

“I’ll get you some aspirin.”

My dad sat back in his chair and laughed out loud. My mom got up to get me the pills and I concentrated on the witch’s brew of disgusting coffee in my cup. I was beginning to feel remarkably alert.

“Son, I don’t really like the idea of you drinking, especially when there are no adults around.”

“What do you mean?” I whined. “We’re all seniors and we’re all 18. I’m the youngest.”

He lowered his voice and got serious. “You know exactly what I mean. Even though you had your 18th birthday, you don’t suddenly become responsible. And the drinking age in California is still 21. So while you live at home with your mother and me you will listen to me and do as I say.”

“Yes dad.”

He went back to his paper. Maybe I was off the hook. “All right then.”

I finished my coffee and screwed my face up to make the taste go away.

“Just don’t upset your mother. You know how she worries about you,” he said conspiratorially.

“Okay dad, I know.” With that, my mom walked back in the room with a bottle of aspirin. She filled a glass with water from the sink and brought me two white tablets.


I did as I was told.

“Can I go upstairs now?” I asked.

“Well. Is that all you have to tell us? There’s nothing else we need to worry about.”

I looked at her trying to read her face. What could she possibly know?

“Nope, nothing,” I lied. This was the first time I’d totally lost control and had gotten so fucking stoned out of my mind. The liqueur had merely been a chaser. But somehow alcohol was not going to get me into trouble in the same way I would if they know I’d smoked about 10 bong loads.

“Okay, then, you can go get cleaned up. You smell like a brewery.”

I giggled to myself as I walked back up the stairs. A brewery? I think my mom needed a nose transplant.

In my room, I thought I’d call Joey to check on what time he wanted to get together. I was shaking a little when I picked up the receiver and pushed the buttons on my phone.


“Joey? Hey, it’s T.J.”

“Hey, how’s it goin?”

I inhaled deeply trying to calm myself down. Fuck, what this guy did to me!

“Great. Great. I just wanted to check if you still wanted to get together today,” I asked. “To study..” I added.

“Right, we talked about that, didn’t we? How about three?”

“Three? Um, okay, three’s great.”

“My place?” Joey asked. Of course his place I thought to myself. There was no way I was going to bring Joey back to my room with my Grease poster on the ceiling. On the other hand, Joey lived in the garage in his parents’ house and had the coolest room ever.

“Yep, okay, sounds good,” I said. “What should I bring?”

“What do you mean?” Joey asked, probably teasing me about whether I really would bring over a History textbook.

I played along.

“I mean, what should I bring? History? Math? English?”

“You got a football?” he asked me. As the starting quarterback for our high school football team, Joey hardly needed me to bring a football over. He probably had about 50 of them. Our original deal had been that I would tutor him in History and he would teach me football. Then without warning, Joey had changed the deal and I was supposed to tutor him in History and give him a massage and he would teach me football. It had gotten slightly more unfair from my standpoint, but I was willing to give of myself. After all, he was the quarterback.

I had to think about that one. “I might have one from when I was like twelve. You can’t possibly really need a football.”

“No, I’ve got plenty. I just wanted to make good on our bargain.”

“Oh. The bargain to teach me football?”

“Um hmm, that one. After all, you help me with all these classes, you rub my back. I think it’s time for a little payback,” he said with a funny tone in his voice.

“Okay, payback it is. I’ll dig around in the garage and see what I can find. See you at three,” I said.

“Cool. See you at three.”

I smiled to myself. He was totally playing with my head. There was no fucking way I was going to let him take me outside and teach me to play football. If it was my choice, there was no fucking way I was going to let him wear clothes. I could massage his hot body for hours. Screw History.

I showered and tried to get myself to some semblance of normal. I was definitely moving a little more slowly than usual. The coffee was doing something weird to me but it was more of a good weird than a bad one.

At 2:30 on the dot, I kissed my mom, threw on my backpack with some books inside (just in case) and hopped on my bike to ride over to Joey’s. I had found the football but decided not to bring it. It was red, and I was not going to bring a red football over to the home of the starting varsity quarterback.

I arrived a little early and decided to take a lap around the block so that Joey wouldn’t think me too anxious. Which I was--naturally.

At 3:01 I knocked on Joey’s garage door. It opened very quickly and Joey stood there in a towel. He smiled when I turned red.

“Hi, T.J. how was the ride?”


“Do you want to come in?”

“Um, sure, I guess.” I took a breath and tried to compose myself. The site of this 18-year old stud standing in front of me in a towel was a shocking but happy surprise.

“I just got out of the shower,” he explained as he noticed me looking stupidly at his towel.

“Right. What happened to your uniform, you said you’d be wearing it.”

“This is it pal. Where’s yours?”

“Joey,” I giggled. “I didn’t think you were serious about me wearing that ridiculous orange jumper. Friday nights are plenty, don’t you agree?”

I put my backpack down on his dresser and turned around to face him. He was totally gorgeous of course and I could feel my pants get just a little bit tighter. Joey’s wet brown hair hung loosely in wavy ringlets over his ears and onto his shoulders. His eyes studied me and he grinned with incredible white teeth. He had a fine, dark layer of hair on his muscular chest that I wanted to grab immediately. His towel bulged a few inches south of his waist.

“Well, we could do some Math, I suppose,” He raised an eyebrow. “Math?”

“Or we could do History?” I asked, not sure what to say to this man. Ever.

“No, Math is fine. If you really want to…”

“Well, it’s not like I need to do math if you have some better idea.”

“Like what?” He was teasing me and I was in no state to deal with this very well. My attraction to Joey had grown like crazy after our one night together following the first football game of the season.

“Like I don’t know. Fuck, Joey. What are you fucking doing to me?” Unable to stand, I sat down on the floor right where I had been standing.

He smiled and bent from the waist. His hands cupped the back of my head and he kissed me wetly on the lips. I closed my eyes and breathed in the scent and taste of him. My dick surged to its full eight and one third inches and I had to move my hand to adjust it against my zipper.

Keeping my eyes closed, I let myself fall backward and bonked the back of my head on a knob of his dresser. The magic of the moment broken, we both laughed.

“Tell you what, horn dog, let’s go for a run.”

I looked up at him smiling. “For a run? With my hard-on like it is?”

“Umm,” he said, turning away and whipping his towel off of his waist. He flung it on the bed and walked into his bathroom.

“I didn’t bring anything to run in,” I yelled after him.

He came out of the bathroom in a white tank top with a blue #11 on it (his jersey number) and a pair of blue shorts. He was still barefoot and I found myself suddenly very attracted to his feet.

“Hmm. That could be a problem,” he teased. “You could run naked.”

“Yes, wouldn’t that be a sight? The varsity quarterback running decked out in hot running gear jogging alongside a naked boy with an erection.”

“What do you mean, running alongside?” he asked me, flipping some brightly colored clothes from his dresser to me. “You actually think you could keep up with me?”

I inspected the shorts and t-shirt he had tossed to me. Unconsciously I brought them to my face to sniff.

“Well, you have a point,” I said. “My boner would definitely slow me down.”

He laughed and I got up to put on his clothes. The idea of a run with Joey Collucci was probably exactly what I needed in my post-marijuana haze.

“Well, maybe we should take care of your boner now, before we run.” He stood before me and grabbed my crotch.

“Maybe we shou…” I was unable to finish my sentence as his mouth covered mine and his tongue found the back of my throat.

“Wow, you taste great,” Joey said, coming up for air after a minute or so of some serious exploration of my teeth.

“Mmm. You too,” I said. He released his grip on my dick and slid my jeans off.

“I don’t know,” Joey taunted me. “I’m not sure you’re going to fit into my little tiny running shorts.”

“Please, my dick is like half the size of yours,” I said.

He laughed and slid my underwear off. He moved his mouth to the tip of my cock and licked off a tiny drop of pre-cum.


He paid no attention.

“Joey, if you want to go for a run, that’s never going to happen if you keep doing that.”

He swallowed the whole shaft and my body shuddered.


“Okay, okay, I’m just getting it a little wet.”

“And driving me frigging nuts, too. Knock it off,” I warned him. Finally, his mouth released my penis and it bounced free. The cool air of the room felt nice on it, Joey’s saliva had been my own personal air conditioner.

I looked down at his bare feet. Like the rest of him, they were perfect. For an athlete, he took pretty good care of himself, even down there.

“I don’t have any shoes.”

Joey finished getting me dressed. He very softly tugged the shirt of my head and pulled his bright orange running shorts onto my legs. When the waistband of the shorts crossed my groin, he let it go and it snapped against the underside of my very hard cock. I looked up at his eyes and cracked up.

“You see,” he said. “It doesn’t fit. What are we going to do?”

“We’re going to count to ten and you’re not going to touch it. And it will go down.”

Joey chuckled. “How about if we count to eight and a third?”

I slugged him in the arm. “Don’t even talk about it,” I said.

Joey turned his head away and closed his eyes. He counted aloud. When he got to eight I told him to keep going. He opened his eyes and looked over at me but I gave him a face that said he’d better listen to me or else. He smiled and closed his eyes again. I tucked my wiener into Joey’s orange shorts and put my hands in front of my crotch to protect it. While Joey finished counting, I took the opportunity to study him more closely. He certainly was amazing. It might be impossible, but he almost looked even more incredible standing in front of me wearing shorts and a tank top than he had in a towel! He opened his eyes and caught me mentally stripping him. As I appraised Joey for like the 10,000th time, he took his own stock of me. In truth, I was pretty much a regular guy. Scrawny by football standards certainly, I was thin since I had been running forever. My face was pretty normal. Some girls seemed to like me and said I was cute, but I was certainly no Joey. I had a grand total of three chest hairs now; one that had been around last month had sadly disappeared. My legs and butt were probably my best parts due to the cross country team. When I compared myself to most guys I saw naked in the locker room, I’d say I stood up pretty well. What Joey saw in me was a bit of a mystery though.

“So, did it work? Are you soft?” he asked, flattening the palm of his hand very softly on the top of the bulge in his shorts.

I moved my hips away from him.

“Come on Joey, cut it out. If you even breathe on it, you know it’ll get hard again,” I warned.

He laughed and turned away. “So, what are we going to do about shoes? Hmm. You wear a 9 right?”

“Yeah, what are you? Bigger right?”



“So let’s go for a barefoot run on the grass around the track at school,” Joey suggested.

“Barefoot? I’ve never done that.”

“It’ll be fun. I have a key to the gym and we can shower there after,” Joey said.

I gave him a look.

“What? They give me a key so I can work out in the weight room whenever I want.”

I gave him another look, this one to reassure him that it was okay that he was the most popular fucking guy in school. Of course I understood the coaches would trust him with a key.

It was a warm day for early fall, so we rode our bikes to school without any shoes. It felt strange, but I thought that if Joey could do it, I should probably just go with it. We parked our bikes by the entrance to the gym, grabbed a quick drink and then jogged down to the track. If we stayed on the grass just outside of the track, we could get a good run in without killing our feet. I was a little worried I’d step on something so I ran pretty gingerly at first. In a few minutes, it felt great. Free. Natural, like this was the way I was supposed to be running. Joey was in great shape, but he was not as fast as I was so I slowed my pace so he wouldn’t look bad.

“Come on, dude, don’t go easy on me. Give me all you’ve got,” Joey said, panting.

I picked up my pace a little but still stayed below my usual clip. We both fell into stride together. After about 10 laps, I took off my shirt and threw it onto the track and Joey whistled. There was something just incredibly sexy about running without shoes.

“Be careful T.J.,” he said. “I might have to just tackle you right here.”

“You’d have to catch me first,” I teased, and sprinted to the turn, leaving Joey in the dust.

The next lap Joey flipped his shirt onto the ground right near mine. I turned my head a few times to check him out shirtless and barefoot. When I felt the familiar stirring in my crotch, I thought better of it and stopped looking back. After 4 miles, I was really hitting my stride. Joey kept up no problem, but I thought I shouldn’t wear the poor boy out. I slowed down and picked up my shirt on the track. After all, he was going to have a huge practice as usual on Monday.

When Joey reached me, he was pretty winded. “Why are we stopping?”

“Because I’m beat,” I lied. “I had a late night last night with Will and Andy.”

“Okay, cool,” he said, bending over and resting his hands on his thighs.

We both slung our shirts over our shoulders, pulling the corners down with both hands and then walked slowly back up to the gym. My feet were very green on the bottoms and were aching. I was glad for the warmth of the pavement against the soles of my feet as we left the running track.

Joey wiggled a key out from the tiny pocket in his shorts and he opened the door so we could go inside and take a shower. I thought that it would be only seconds until I would rip his shorts off of him. I hoped he was thinking the same.

He was. We stood in front of the team lockers, our lips locked together, our hands exploring.

I had never spent a whole lot of time over in this section of the locker room. It was reserved for varsity teams like basketball or football and the lockers were huge. Since he was really the premier student athlete in our school, Joey’s locker was in pretty much the best spot, tucked around a corner with just a few others. If you wanted privacy in a big open place like gym, this was probably your only chance. Today we had the entire building to ourselves.

Joey was drenched in sweat. My mouth found his ears, his neck. The taste of him was salty and I took some slow licks. He reacted with a shudder and got goose bumps. Giggling, he pushed my face to the side with his strong shoulders and swallowed my entire left ear. His tongue pushed its way into places I’d never had touched. I laughed aloud and tried to force him away but he held firm, his amazing hands drawing me closer to him.

“Take my shorts off,” he commanded. I looked into his eyes. He was staring at me with an intensity I had seen in him just one other time. Did he mean the shorts he was wearing or the ones I was?

“Um,” I started. “Do you mean…?”

Frustrated with my inaction, his hands moved to my hips and neatly slid the orange shorts down my legs, my dick swinging free. For perhaps the first time in weeks, I was not fully hard. He and I both looked at my soft cock with amusement.

“What’s that all about?” Joey asked.

“I’m sure it won’t be long,” I answered.

“I’m sure it will,” he laughed. “I’ve seen it.”

He dropped to his knees and took my limp penis between his lips. Instead of gulfing down the whole thing, he lingered on the end and used both his tongue and his teeth to get me going. If he noticed my new 'baby's bottom' soft scrotum, he didn't mention it.

I tilted my head back and looked at the ceiling of the gym. Holy shit! My dick was being sucked by the quarterback of our high school team. Who could have guessed this?

In the microsecond of my distraction, my cock responded and filled Joey’s mouth. He opened wider and found the base with his lips. Fuck!

“That’s more like it,” Joey said, looking up at me and smiling. His hands took over while his tongue took a break for air. “There’s my T.J., all eight and one third!”

Unconsciously I grabbed his hair and pushed him back onto my cock. His hands grabbed my butt and dug into my cheeks, spreading me just enough for the cool air inside the gym to hit my asshole with electricity. Slowly he kneaded me from behind and Hooverized my dick in front. I closed my eyes to enjoy the moment. I moved my hips back and forth with the rhythm of his sucking and heard myself moaning aloud. I was on the brink of exploding into his mouth.

“Joey,” I said, looking down.


“Joey, I’m not going to last long like this.”

In an instant he stood up and kissed me. As he pressed his body against me, my dick pointed straight up and I could feel his hardness through his shorts. The ones he was wearing this time.

“Take off my shorts,” he said again, leaving no doubt what he wanted.

I did. He was fully erect and I sat down awkwardly on the locker room bench behind me, pulling him forward as he flipped the shorts off of his dirty feet and onto the gym floor. He was bigger than I remembered him from after that first football game. Thick. The head was topped by an ice-cream cone like knob and covered with his pre-cum. I imitated what Joey had done to me and licked and nibbled lightly on the end. He let out a moan that was way louder than I expected in the emptiness of the room.

Comfortable sitting naked on the hard bench, I used every part of my mouth and both hands to fully explore Joey’s entire cock. His balls jiggled in their sack as my pace up and down the length of the shaft increased. I got into a groove and was really enjoying sucking him. This was pretty fucking cool!

“T.J., your mouth is fantastic,” Joey said, holding the back of my head with both hands.

I tried to speak while my lips kept him inside me but it came out garbled.

“What?” he asked.

I took a breath and replaced my mouth with my hands.

“You’re pretty fantastic yourself,” I said trying to sound casual.

He nodded his head, urging me to stand up, pulling me up under the arms. I resisted and went back to sucking on the tip while continuing to jerk him with my hands.

“Come on, little guy, let’s go take a shower.” He tugged me up harder this time and I was no match for his biceps. “I’ve got something more for us,” he added.

“We need towels,” I said. He looked over at me amused.

“Towels? I’m in the middle of getting a great blow job and you want to get a towel to wrap around you. You’re embarrassed?”

“No,” I laughed. “I just thought we’d need towels to dry off afterward.”

“Sorry dude, the towel boy no work on Sundays. I’ll dry you off.”

He grabbed a couple bottles out of his locker and we walked to the showers as if in 3-legged race, trying to kiss and hold each other’s dicks along the way. Joey stopped at one point to bend over and suck me. I leaned back against a locker and banged my head on the combination lock with a thud. Shit! That was like the third time I had done that!

“Ooh, I’m sorry,” he said, grabbing my head and rubbing the back.

“Yow,” I said. He kissed me and pressed against me again. I forgot about my head.

Under the warm water of the shower, Joey washed me with soap from the dispenser, taking special care to rub under my legs between my nuts and my ass. Involuntarily I bent over and grabbed my toes, giving him better access.

“That was easy,” he giggled.

I ignored him and pushed my chest against my thighs, feeling the painfully good stretch in my hamstrings and the curious sensation of Joey’s fingers touching my virgin butthole. He moved his body to stand directly behind me and flopped his thick cock between my ass cheeks. His hands spread my cheeks wider and his feet curved around mine. I stayed in the stretch, never wanting this moment to go away.

Slowly and gently, he pulled me up from the waist and turned me around to face him. I got dizzy as I stood up but found my bearings in his mouth. I pushed Joey’s head into mine with my hands and he pushed my pelvis toward him with his. We stood under the shower like this forever, kissing. He whispered in my ear, “Fuck me.”

I looked at him quizzically.


He smiled. “No, tomorrow, when the gym is full of people! Yes, now, of course, you idiot.”

He reached down to the floor and picked up a bottle I hadn’t noticed him bring. He turned off the shower water. Pushing me lightly away, he rubbed some kind of lubricant on my cock with one hand and then behind him on his own ass. Applied by somebody’s hands other than my own, the lube felt great on my dick.

“You want me to fuck you?” I asked. “I thought you were going to fuck me.”

“In time little one. In time. Let’s do this first,” Joey said.

He bent over and looked closely at my hard dick. It stood up straight as he rubbed a little more lube from the bottle all the way up and down. I barely noticed him edge his own ass around so that he was half-bent at the waist and facing away from me. With one hand on my hip, his other hand moved my cock toward his hole. I grabbed onto his lats. It went in surprisingly easily. As my dick disappeared inside the butthole of the varsity quarterback I closed my eyes again, finding another moment I never wanted to end. Our bodies moved in synch as I thrust back and forth against his ass. Joey was moaning louder than before and I suddenly remembered his cock.

I grabbed it with one of my hands and his sounds increased. Joey uncurled his waist and stood up with his back still to me. He turned his neck and we tried to kiss but he was too tall and I could only lick his neck. The sweat was gone and the taste was only Joey this time.

I pushed him back over and moved my hands to his hips. I fucked him harder and Joey yelled. “Oh god, yeah. Yeah”

After we were spent in this position, Joey slowly slid off of me and turned his body to kiss me again. He grabbed the lube and handed it to me. I looked at the bottle and thought that now, I would finally be fucked. I flipped open the top and poured some into my hand. As I began to move my arm toward my ass, he grabbed it and shoved my hand onto his cock. It was rock hard and the lube made it easier to slide around. I lubed up my other hand as I kept kissing Joey and put both onto him. I found I could barely get around the girth of his cock with my hands but the two could sit on top of each other and move up and down. Joey’s hips writhed around as I stroked his cock and we had trouble keeping our mouths together.

“Fuck me again, T.J.”

He eased us both to the tile floor of the shower and lay on his back. I lay heavily onto him, and all four of our greased up hands moved across our bodies making our skin slippery. Joey grabbed the bottle again and poured the lube directly onto his cock, then his balls. His hand found my dick and lathered me up again. In an instant I was inside of him and we kissed. I grabbed his dick and increased the intensity of my fucking. I rubbed his dick harder and Joey seemed to be loving it.

“Oh god, fuck me T.J. Harder. Harder.”

I looked down at his thick cock and moved my hips in synch with my hand.

“You like that big dick, don’t you?” I shouted.

Joey burst out laughing. A moment later, I did too. We stopped fucking as we both laughed uncontrollably. I rolled off of him and lay beside him on the floor. We both were hysterical. The passion of the moment had been broken by my scream.

“Yeah, I like that big dick,” he said, imitating me. Looking over at me and we hooted again. Joey doubled over and turned away. I tried to stop laughing but couldn’t.

“Joey, I’m sorry, I know. That was stupid.”

But he was too far gone. I leaned over to look at his face.

“That big fat dick,” he said. And we busted out again. After a few minutes, we took some deep breaths and were finally able to control ourselves. I spooned him like he had done with me on his bed last week. I was still pretty hard, but he had lost his hard on.

“Stick it in me,” he said.

“My dick?”

“Stick it in me,” he repeated. I did as I was told. I made love to Joey from behind for another few minutes, both of us on our sides up on one elbow. I found that we could kiss pretty well in this position and took full advantage to enjoy his mouth. A couple times I grabbed at his cock and tugged on it but he stayed soft.

“Come on, do it T.J., do it.”

“You want me to cum?” I asked.

“Come, T.J. Do it. Fuck me.”

I sped up my hips. In a few more thrusts, I was over the top.

“Joey, I’m gonna cum!”

“Go, T.J., go. Cum in me.”

I did. I exploded inside his ass. Joey reached back and grabbed my head to kiss me and stifle my screaming. He kissed me with a higher passion than we'd had before.

And then it was done. He rolled onto his back and pulled me up onto him with one arm.

I was amazed at his strength. My skinny body was completely enveloped by his stronger, more muscular one. As I cooled off, I could feel him getting hard again and I reached down and stroked his cock. Rubbing some of the lube from my chest onto my hands, I held the base of Joey’s thick hard-on and stroked the upper part of the shaft with the other.

In surprisingly little time, Joey’s hips started to buck. “Oh god, T.J. oh god!” He shot a huge load of come into the air. It landed sloppily on his chest and stomach and kissed him hungrily on the mouth when it was through.

He turned his head and was silent.

I sat up cross-legged and placed both hands on his chest. My hardon had not gone away and he was back to a pretty huge semi-hardness in a few minutes. His dick rested sideways toward his hip. Soft, it still was pretty imposing.

“So are you gonna tell me why you chose number 11 for your jersey.”

“No,” he said.

“Come on, I think I know anyway,” I pleaded.

“No you don’t,” he said. Joey sat up cross-legged and faced me. He kissed me lightly on the nose.

“If I guess it, will you tell me?”

“Hmm. Well, maybe.”

“Does it have anything to do with the length?”

“Hardly,” he laughed. “I’m not eleven inches, dodo.”

“Well it certainly seems like it.”

“T.J., you’ve never been with another guy before. How the hell do you know what an eleven inch wiener is like?”

“Well, I don’t, it’s just that… Well, it seems like you’re pretty fucking gigantic,” I said.


19 Gay Erotic Stories from TJ Tachet

High School Seniors: Campus Tour (including dorm room)

Dean and I walked around campus for about an hour after we left the locker room. He had on street clothes and I just wore my slightly sweaty running gear. He loaned me an extra warm-up jacket he had in his locker so I could feel at least a little bit more decent. The school really was beautiful and I honestly tried to concentrate during the tour but I was afraid my mind couldn’t really just

High School Seniors: Learning About College

After all the crazy sexcapades on our last trip to the Bay Area, I didn’t really want to go on another college road trip with my friends. But of course I did. We had decided to check out a couple schools in San Diego—we could drive there instead of fly—but I put up a fuss anyhow about needing to stick around and work on a paper that I wasn’t finished with. The truth was that I

High School Seniors: The Motel Room

At 2:30 in the morning I was still wide awake and unable to sleep so I flipped over onto my back to count something. Sheep were the obvious, but that seemed a little boring; my mind couldn’t really sort out sheep from goats anyway. Number of colleges that I was likely to get into was not a very big number so that wouldn’t take very long and probably wouldn’t put me to sleep. Number of

High School Seniors: The Road Trip

Toward the end of the football season, it came time to start thinking about college pretty seriously. My two closest friends and I had gotten our applications in all over the place in the first few months of our senior year. Now that we wouldn’t need to be anyplace on Friday nights, we had some time to go and visit a few universities where we had sent applications. Andy wanted to be an

High School Seniors: Will's Really Long Shower

The rest of the weekend was interesting as well. Will, Andy and I cruised around Cal all day on Saturday, checking out the campus and the dorms. Neither of them figured they had a very good shot of getting into the best public school in California so we didn’t even bother to sign up for any official tour. I thought my chances of being accepted were pretty good so I left my name with some

High School Seniors: A Circle Jerk (small)

First thing the next morning I called Will. “Hey TJ, how’s it going?” “Um, fine, fine, Will. Um, what are you doing Friday night?” “Friday? Well, I guess me and Peggy will catch a movie or something. Why?” Peggy was Will’s girlfriend, but I don’t think she had the hots for my best friend in the same way I did. I doubted she’d ever deep-throated his man-meat. “Oh, okay,” I said.

High School Seniors: Joey and his cousing Tino

At school on Monday I bumped into Joey. I hadn’t seen him around for a couple weeks. I thought I’d act cool, and maybe a little disinterested. “Hey T.J., what’s going on?” he said. He’d grown his dark hair a little longer since football season ended and the waviness covered the back collar of his shirt completely. He never failed to get me a little aroused just by the sound of his voice.

High School Seniors: Will Really (really) Cums

“I don’t think I can cum that fast.” My best friend Will was naked from the waist down lying on my bed. He nodded toward his boner, as if I had no idea what he was talking about. “Mmm,” I said, sorry immediately for what that might have meant to him. To say that Will’s penis was on the large side was to say that Dolly Parton’s breasts (the original ones at least) were on the large

Senior Year - First Game of the Season

The rest of the week was mercifully uneventful. I didn’t see anybody naked. Nobody saw me naked. I didn’t touch anybody’s asshole during a massage. To sum it up, it was just a normal week at school for a terribly under-sexed 18-year old senior. Me. Until Friday night. Friday night was the first game of the season for our football team. I wouldn’t have missed it. Will, Andy and I

Senior Year--3:00 Sunday Afternoon

Sunday morning I slept in. While sleeping past 7 was not something I did very often, after last night I needed it. When I finally woke up around 10, I could hear my folks fumbling around downstairs. Needing a reality check, I threw on my robe and walked down, holding the rail. “Hey sleepy head,” my mom was her usual chipper self, up bright and early every morning. “Hey,” I said. “We

Senior Year--Getting Ready for a Run

Later that day, once we got back from the store doing our fitting for the uniforms we would have to wear, Andy and I decided to go for a run. I had to go home since I hadn’t brought any running stuff over to Will’s house. Andy dropped Will at home and we zipped up to my house. My parents were still not home from my dad’s business trip up north, so the house was deserted except for the dog.

Senior Year--it finally happens!

After like 10 minutes standing in Joey Collucci’s shower waiting for my hard-on to go down, I thought it would never happen and I might have to go out into Joey’s bedroom with a hardon--in front of the varsity quarterback and his trusty center. But, at last, while trying to think about all of the cheerleaders naked, I finally managed to get it to soften. I turned the water off. Opening the

Senior Year--Me and Joey

Back at school on Monday, I saw Joey at practice. After screwing up our meeting last week, I wasn’t sure he’d want to see me. I had to give it a try. After all, he was the varsity quarterback at our high school. At 18, Joey Collucci was an Italian god on campus…dark wavy hair and gorgeous dark eyebrows; the perfect Roman nose. Like six two and with this incredibly defined chest. From

Senior Year--Shopping for Uniforms

After breakfast, Will, Andy, and I took Will’s car over to JC Penny to get measured for the uniforms we would need in order to move the yardage markers at the Friday night football games. The whole thing had been Will’s idea, but I had warmed up to it quickly when I recognized that it meant that I would be hanging out for a couple of hours within breathing distance of all the guys on our high

Senior Year--Showering With a Friend?

Will and Andy were in the bathroom for what seemed like hours, talking like they were old friends. Like they were as close friends! Like Will and I were supposed to be, best friends in fact!! Damn! And Will was at most in a towel--or possibly less. The nerve of Andy to barge into the bathroom while Will was showering and just, well, talk to him! Why didn’t I think of that before? I

Senior Year--Sleepover

At school the next day, all Will could talk about was our new job moving the yardage markers at the varsity football game. He and I would pull the chains. We just needed a third for the first down marker. My interest was high in being so close to the guys on the varsity team. But given my blowing off of the very hunky and very good looking quarterback Joey Collucci because I was a little

Senior Year--The library bathroom

The next day at school I was barely able to concentrate. Such was my state of anticipation over being able to have a private tutoring session with the far-too-beautiful-for his-own-good hunky Italian quarterback of the football team. I thought about our deal. I would help him get a paper on World War I done for class. For repayment, Joey Collucci would teach me to play football.

Senior Year--The quarterback

By my senior year of high school, my fate was sealed. I would not play shortstop—or even right field—for the Dodgers. I was more the teacher’s pet brainiac than the jock. While I totally loved sports, I could not will myself into an athlete. My skills were just no match for the top guys at my school; the ones with the chiseled bodies. To me, their hair was perfect even a little messed

Senior Year--Will and Andy and T.J. Get High

Joey dropped me off at home just before 9:00 the next morning. Even though I’d had only a few hours sleep, I felt great. I told him I hoped he could make it through practice. Opening the passenger door to get out, I thanked him and asked if I could keep up the History tutoring. “Shit, yeah, dude. If I’m gonna pass History and graduate this damn school, I’ll need you.” “For sure?”


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