Gay Erotic Stories

Destiny Cultrane: Lost Time



By Keith Christensen

Destiny reined up his mare at the crest of the small rise and trained his eyes into the slope of desert ahead of them. Billy Hollis pulled his horse in beside him. Leather creaked and snapped as Cultrane raised his big body up in the stirrups to get a better look.

“What d’ya see, Cully?” the younger man asked, looking into the distance.

“Not sure...what do you make out there, near that brace of mesquite?”

“God...looks to me like it could be a man.”

“That’s what I was thinkin’,” Cultrane spurred his horse hard and she bolted ahead down the sandy rise.

The body lay face up, his wide open eyes staring into the blue sky above. The young mans mouth was slack and his burnished skin had already begun to take on a fallow tone. He had been trim and quite fit by his looks and handsome enough. His black shirt flopped open with the light breeze and another dusty lock of dark hair drifted onto his forehead.

Cultrane retrieved the man’s hat from the mesquite bush and knelt beside the body.

“Ain’t been shot. There’s no mark on him.” Destiny had rolled the body to check its back.

“Wonder what happened to ‘im.”

“Don’t know. I’ll take him into Serena and meet you in a couple days at Blanford, okay?” The marshal had pulled a blanket from behind his saddle and spread it out beside the dead cowboy. He and Billy wrapped him and secured the bundle, draped over the back of Destiny’s horse.

“Now, you go on an’ I’ll catch up in a few days.”

“ stay outta trouble.” Billy told him.

“You too.”

They leaned into one another while their mouths came together in a long, deep kiss. Parting, Destiny held his horse while his partner mounted.

“Love ya’. See you in a couple days.” he said as he slapped the mares rump and watched her gallop off toward the dusky copper colored mountains. He pulled off his hat and ran a gloved hand back through his dense blond hair.

Most of the people on Serena’s main street turned casually to watch the big lawman ride slowly toward the sheriff’s office with a body tied to the back of his horse. A small crowd of onlookers had gathered as he pulled his horse up to the post where Bill Carson waited outside.

“Hey, marshal. Who ya’ got there?” Bill had stepped off the deck and was coming around the tied horse.

“No idea, Bill. Billy and I found ‘im laying in the desert...dead as Hell and not a mark on ‘im.”

Sheriff Carson pulled back the blanket covering the face and pulled his head back by his hair.

“Don’t look familiar. He ain’t from around here. Here, let’s get ‘im over to the Doc’s and see what he’ll tell us.”

The two men lead the mare to the other side of the street toward a clean and bright looking white house surrounded by a short picket fence. A tall man, nattily dressed in a black suit followed at a short distance in the dusty road, sensing new business. Together Cultrane and the sheriff carried the boy into the doctors examining room while the silent undertaker settled his lanky frame on the porch.

“Give me some time alone with the boy, fellas,” said the doctor as they maneuvered the body onto his big table. “Go get a drink and come back in about two hours. Should know something by then.” He hustled them out the front door as he pulled on a white coat. Cultrane and the sheriff headed back toward Velma Baxter’s Saloon, The Trails End.

Billy Hollis had ridden deep into the foothills by the time the sun became a red-orange ball across his left shoulder. He and his horse both needed water and he was looking for a place to hole up for the night. Suddenly he noticed a thin column of smoke rising on the horizon from a thick stand of pine on the horizon. He pulled the reins and spurred his horse off in that direction.

The big cabin was set high in the hills at the base of a copper stained rock face a few hundred yards ahead. It looked well constructed and sturdy, built of logs and mortar with a clean sod roof. From the stone chimney at one end came the trail of white smoke Billy had seen. Higher up, behind the cabin he saw the dark entrance of a single mine shaft. Tracks extended out a ways and there was a single ore car standing near the opening. His hunger and thirst surfaced and he rode further in toward the house along a thin trail edged in deep grass. He dismounted at the side and heard his spurs jingling against the red earth as he walked around the corner toward the front porch. He saw something there that froze him in mid step.

There was a blond boy standing beside a stone well not far from the porch. He was naked and sluicing buckets of fresh water over his head and thick shoulders. It glistened on the tan skin of his back and beaded sensuously in the valley of his spine and on the voluptuous muscular loaves of his butt. His muscles coiled and recoiled under his flesh as he washed his long golden hair in the crystalline flow of water. The young mans arms were thick with clusters of muscle and his legs were like magnificent white columns rising toward his broad hips. He stood in the great rust colored puddle seemingly unaware of any presence behind him.

Billy also had not noticed anyone behind him until a crushing sudden pain at the base of his neck blinded him and buckled his legs beneath him.

“You’re right, marshal. There isn’t a mark on the boy.” The doctor washed his hands while Destiny and the sheriff looked down at the naked body. There was a small white towel lying across his middle, preserving the last of his dignity.

“What do you suppose happened to ‘im, Doc?” asked the sheriff.

“Well... his heart stopped. And, judging by that expression on his face...I’d say he died of ...fright.”

Billy awoke with an unimaginable pain across his shoulders that echoed and throbbed up into his neck and the base of his skull. He realized that he was standing, or hanging somewhere; he felt a wooden floor beneath his bare feet and his arms on either side of his pounding head. His wrists stung from the rope tied around them.

He called out but his voice didn’t escape the leather band covering his mouth. As his eyes flickered open he focused slowly on a large, dark room, the only light coming from a crackling fire on the hearth beside him. The rising heat caused streams of sweat to spring from his body and tickle down his bare sides. Billy tried to pull up on the bonds at his wrists but he was held fast to the beam above.

All at once he was aware of a spreading, urgent need in the pit of his body. He had no choice but to let it overtake him and he glanced down past his bare belly to the front of his dusty pants. He vainly tried to stop it but the tickle spread into his cock, racing toward the tip. “Oh shit....” Billy murmured while the warmth flushed his crotch and spread down his right leg, darkening the cloth before running off his foot and onto the plank floor.

He saw a pair of flies land at the puddles edge and begin to copulate.

Billy didn’t notice the men enter the room; they seemed to spring from the shadows and the dark. The handsome blond boy was still naked, his cock and full balls swinging between his thighs as he approached. And, beside him was the other; a huge, muscular man dressed in a filthy suit of underwear that was stretched to splitting across his massive chest and held his bulging genitals in a tight bundle at the crotch. A tousled crop of dark hair capped his head and a vacant, almost guileless expression was set on his hard features. He cradled a shotgun across his belly.

“I think this here one looks fit enough to work the mine. He’s got good arms and a good deep chest,” said the big man as he circled Hollis.

“I don’t know...He looks a might puny to me. Oh, look he’s done pissed hisself.” The blond had stepped in close. His breath was sour on Billy’s face.

“Then, lil’ brother, get them wet duds off ‘im and let’s have a look at the boy.”

“Uummmpf, Uummmpf,” Billy garbled as he saw the blade of a long knife glint in the firelight.

“You just be still now. Harlan’s awfully good with that thing, but if you go squirmin’ about he might cut something important.” The big man ran his hand gently down Billy’s wet side. “We don’t wanna hurt ya...yet.”

He slid the tip of the knife under the top of Hollis’s pants and sliced down the front of the sodden right leg as if the firm fabric was butter. Billy then felt the cold steel against his belly as the young man began to cut down the left leg. Soon his pants fell into the piss puddle between his feet as nothing more than a few rags. He felt the cool air of the room waft between his wet legs.

The older brother circled him again, his icy hands never leaving Billy’s skin. Shivers raked his body and a film of goose flesh broke out on his sides.

“Um hmm...very nice,” he sighed. “Strong back, big legs and a good firm ass...pretty package between his legs, too. I think we can get some use outta this one afore we’re done with im.”

Harlan removed the band covering his mouth. Billy spit and gulped in deep breaths.

“Now, suppose you tell us what you’re doin’ here,” instructed the elder.

“I...I just came for water and a place to rest for the night...honest mister.”

“LIAR,” he shouted. “Ya come lookin’ for the gold, didn’t ya?” He circled the terrified young man again.

“What gold,” Billy gasped. “I don’t know nothin’ about no gold. Please let me go. Please...I’ll go right away.” He struggled against the tight bindings.

The blond stepped in and closed his chilled hand on Billy’s bloated cock, massaging it and watching the sturdy member begin to fill out.

“Now, we can’t let ya do that. You’d miss all the fun we got planned. Here, Hank, I think the boy likes us. He’s right excited to be here.” Harlan held Billy’s risen cock in one dirty hand while he manipulated his own dick with the other.

It was a huge piece and soon rose from its tangled nest up in a hard arc toward his rippled abdomen. Below it his twin eggs hung loose in their vein etched sack.

A fresh sheen of sweat broke out on Billy’s skin and his flesh glistened in the fluttering light.

“Looks like lil’ brother’s got something for you, boy.” Hank intoned as he popped his own cock free of the confines of his underwear. He slowly massaged the uncut truncheon until it too rose to its hardened length.

Hollis felt the younger brother’s warm breath on his back and a shudder raked his hanging body. There were his fingers probing the deep cleft of his butt, seeking his concealed opening. He heard himself cry from the sudden violation and then moan as the man began to knead the tender interior. Billy pulled his body forward trying to escape but there was nowhere to go as the fingers sunk deeper, stretching his tortured pucker. He felt something cold and slick being rubbed in, and then the blunt head was pressing against him. It popped past the violated ring and sank into him, gradually, until Billy felt the prickly stiff hairs of the man’s pubis against his skin.

“Agghh,” he heard himself cry out as the dick was withdrawn only to be forced in again, deeper and harder. Harlan’s thick chest and firm belly pressed against Billy’s sweating back and his big hands seized his solid hips as he increased the ferocity of his attentions to their captive. He licked and nibbled at the skin of Billy’s neck while he increased the rhythm of his thrusts, grunting and moaning behind Hollis’s ears. Billy pressed his eyes closed while a hand found the length of his penis and began slicking along the shaft and over the head in time with the thrusts of the cock in his tortured ass. He cried out aloud again and again as the fist passed the raised corona and jolts of ecstasy flashed through his body. He felt his breath coming in gasps while the inevitable sensation began somewhere behind his drawn up balls. Behind him the blond boy was lost in the power of his rut, sweat pouring off him onto Billy’s back. He was hollering into the room as he slammed his body into Hollis’s, beginning to sense his own rising orgasm.

Suddenly Billy’s body tensed, every muscle stiffening while he cried out from the force of his climax. His ass clenched against the plunging cock as the first bolt of his hot seed blasted from the tip of his dick, flying past the hand surrounding it and onto the dirty underwear of the big man.

“Agghh...shit,” he roared as a second, third and fourth bolts erupted from him again onto the man until the last of his seed trailed from the slit of his cock to the dirty floor below.

“Ahhh....Ahhhh...Yeah,” the blond boy hollered as his body stiffened against Billy’s back and he thrust his cock deep into the tortured chute, holding it there while Billy felt the member clenching again and again inside him, filling his tender bowel with the rich, warm seed. He panted into Billy’s neck as he recovered his breath, both of their bodies covered in gleaming, salty sweat.

“Step aside there, brother. I’m gonna have me some of that pretty ass before we’re done with it.” He pressed Harlan aside and lined his wide cock up with the leaking hole left by his brother.

Billy wailed as the cock tore relentlessly past his stretched ring and up into his cum loaded ass. He tried to relax while the big man started humping brutally behind him. He felt his own cock rising again, uncontrolled before him.

“He likes it, big brother. He’s gettin’ hard again.” Harlan said while he grabbed for Billy’s growing penis. “Yeah, fuck him!”

Hank bit into the muscles of his clenched shoulders and dug his thick fingers into Hollis’s flanks as he increased his driving tempo, not far from his own explosive climax. Suddenly, Billy felt his ass clutch against the swollen cock buried in him while a thick glob of milky cum splashed into Harlan’s massaging hand. Suddenly, the man plastered to his back hollered past his ear. He drove his stubby cock deeper into him as it too began to clench over and over inside, pumping out its warm load.

When he had regained his breath he pulled out and stuffed his still bloated cock back into his underwear.

They left their victim hanging there, a stream of cum and blood still leaking from his wounded ass. Without a word the men walked back into the shadows of the big room.

“That was real nice, son. Now, while we’re gone you just think about tellin’ us the truth, boy.” The voice seemed to come from the darkness.

“Hello...hey...I swear I told you the truth,” Billy panted while he pulled up again and fought the rope.

As time passed he drifted in and out of a restless, tortured sleep and delirium. He envisioned giant rats feeding on his feet and legs, fingers and hands. Hundreds of spiders crawled over his flesh and stung his genitals. A constant roar, like nothing he had ever imagined filled his ears. Again and again he forced himself awake only to pass out again, to be taken into that world of torture and terror. Something seized his cock, trying to tear it from his body.

“Come on, boy...wake up.” A voice entered his visions and Billy’s eyes fluttered open. “Tell us why you come up here.” The man stood so close Billy felt his warm breath on his cheek. He held his dick firmly in one cool hand.

“Honest, sir,” he gasped, barely able to whisper. “I needed water and a place to camp for the...night. Please believe me.”

Behind the big man Billy saw the younger brother squatting before the hearth, his big balls dangling in their bag below the dark crevice of his butt. He had pulled one of the stones out and was tucking a small bag into the hole before replacing the dark stone.

“Harlan, this boy just won’t tell me he come for the gold....jes’ like all them others. You might have to convince him.”

Harlan finished at the fireplace and rose to rejoin his brother. He brought the vicious knife and held the gleaming blade close to Hollis’s face.

“I’m gonna ask you again, then Harlan here’s gonna start cuttin’ on ya. He can gut a critter like nothin’ I ever seen. Some of the others was still talkin’ and beggin’ for life while their guts was fallin’ out. Ain’t that so, lil’ brother?”

“Oh, God...No, please...don’t kill me. I just happened in here...lookin’ for water. Honest....please...Ooooh, God don’t.” Billy pleaded desperately while the naked boy held the knife to his chest.

“We’ll start here...just below your breast bone; just small cuts at first...hurtin’ small cuts. Right along here.” He slowly drew his finger along the cleft dividing Billy’s heaving belly, toward his navel. “The muscle’s strong here, so’s he might have to dig in a bit.”

“Oh, Christ...No, please....I don’t know nothin’ about no gold.... PLEASE...” He squirmed and thrashed with the last of his waning strength. He screamed as he felt the bite of the blades tip dig into his skin.

“Then down here, like so.” He drew a line from Hollis’s navel, through his pubic bush to the root of his stiff dick. “By that time you’re almost finished, but you can still feel it and beg a little.”

“Aaaagh...Billy screamed a deep throated horrible yell and felt himself slip into a deep, featureless void.

Billy yelled again and his eyes flashed open. He saw Destiny’s face and another man looking down at him. He was lying on his back in a clean comfortable bed.

“Whoa...whoa there young fella,” said the man and closed a firm hand on his shoulder.

“You’re okay now. You’re in my home. It’s okay. Marshal Cultrane’s here.”

“Cully? Wha...what happened?” Billy croaked.

“Just take it easy. Your horse came in alone and we started lookin’ for ya. A trail hand found ya wandering in the desert, near where we found the dead cowboy. You was naked, bad sun burned and near out of your mind. You’ve been unconscious almost two days and babbling about all kinds of stuff. Glad to have you back. Now, you just gotta rest and get well.”

“ gotta get them...they raped me and was gonna kill me...They killed others they said. You gotta get em.” Billy sat up and the sheet covering him fell into his lap.

“Okay, just lay down. Who are they?” he asked.

“Two brothers...miners...Hank and this place up in the hills. They had me hangin’ from the ceiling...Cully, they raped me and tortured me,” he sobbed.

“Okay...okay. You just rest and I’ll take a couple men and go up there and take a look around. Cultrane coaxed his friend back down.

“Marshal...stop downstairs on your way out,” the doctor intoned as he left the room. “Bill you get some sleep.”

Destiny met the doctor in his bright kitchen. He dropped his saddle bag on the floor and set his hat on an empty chair. The doctor poured him a cup of coffee from a large speckled pot. There was a heavy set woman bending over the oven and the room was filled with the smell of fresh baked bread.

“Sit down, Marshal. I got something you want to hear. Hank and Harlan Marston have been dead now for twelve years.”

Cultrane looked incredulous, wide eyed at the doctor. “What?”

“The two brothers were loners, only came to town if they needed to. They mined a small claim high up in the foothills. Folks say they flashed a lot of gold when they came in, so they must have found a bit up there. Well, it seems some real bad characters came upon the brothers while they were working and asked for some food. They must have jumped them and demanded their find, but the Marston’s wouldn’t talk. Some time later a trail hand saw the smoke and found the smoldering cabin. Seems that Harlan was stripped naked and horribly tortured, while his brother was made to watch. Folks thought Indians might have done it until the boys were caught further down south for rustling and confessed to the other.

“I don’t know how or why, but I think Billy was hallucinating. But, I’ll tell you one thing for certain. That boy has not been violated.” He sighed wearily and poured another cup.

“But, he’s never heard that story. Neither have I.”

“Destiny, if you wanna go up there, I’ll tell you the way. See it yourself.”

After the second week Billy was well enough to leave the house. He insisted Destiny ride with him into the hills, even though the lawman had told him he had seen nothing on his last trip.

The day was bright and beautiful; a late October sun shone warm on their backs. They stopped to eat the lunch the doctor’s cook had prepared, but Billy was anxious and they rode on.

A short distance into the hills Billy stopped.

“There, Cully. Up there.” He spurred his horse and rode down the thin trail again. Ahead he saw the lone, crumbling chimney and crows hunting among the charred and overgrown remains of a big cabin. High up behind it a broken ore car rested half on and half off its twisted rails. The entrance of the mine still gaped in the rocky crag.

Cultrane rested on his horse while Billy dismounted and wandered toward the dilapidated well. The red clay dust rose eerily around his boots

“It was real,” he murmured.

“I know it was, partner. I know it was. Can we go back to town?”

“Yeah....sure,” Billy sighed as he turned his horse back onto the path. “How, Cully?”

“I dunno.”

Hollis turned in his saddle and for a brief moment saw the two brothers on their broad porch, leering grins on their faces, motioning him back.

Together they rode silently toward town. The fragrant desert hummed and chirped around them. Suddenly, Billy stopped and turned again in his saddle. He spoke, almost in a whisper.

“Destiny...I. know where the gold is.”


23 Gay Erotic Stories from KWKEITH


BY KEITH CHRISTENSEN “Roger W. Jacobs, Commander USN, serial number F4990276,” he screamed in his head. He tried pulling up his feet but his bare ankles were bound together and tied to the frame of the iron cot they had him lying on. Another tight rope around his throat held his head to the top rail of the bed. He could smell the stinking mattress beneath him. His eyes were

Captives, Part 1

The boy was brought into my office and made to kneel on the floor before my desk. He had been stripped naked and recently washed. The fresh scent of pine soap rose from his warm skin and drifted across the space between us. I ordered him unbound and he rested his free hands unthreatening on the tops of his trim, muscular thighs. His butt rested on his ankles. He was an amazing specimen.

Captives, Part 2

Captives, Part 2 He woke slowly. There was a loud buzzing in his ears obliterating any other sound, and then gradually his senses began to return. An air conditioning motor cycled on somewhere above him and there were talking voices. He opened his eyes and the haze started to clear. He saw a straw covered floor, a high, white-washed fence, and in the distance a forest of tall poles and

Captives, Part 3

Captives, Part 3 The fat man and I had business to conduct and I decided that we should relax in my hot tub while we discussed it. I chose Hector, one of the young Mexican guards to accompany us. He could provide some special entertainment while we soaked. While Najef and I settled ourselves into the steamy bath we watched the soldier strip off his camouflage fatigues, exposing first,

Destiny Cultraine And The California Connection, Part 1

Billy Hollis stepped off the train and into the blackened bowels of the San Francisco terminal, his eyes wide with amazement over the size of the place and the sight of half a dozen locomotives all in a row, each one belching clouds of sooty smoke into the cavernous barn. A blast of steam from the undercarriage of a nearby engine startled him and he whirled around to see if Destiny was somewhere

Destiny Cultrane and the California Connection, Part 2 (conclusion)

“Sure thing Marshal. Say, how come I always hafta get you outta spots you get yourself into?” Hollis chuckled. “Jus’ lucky I guess. Now, hurry up.” Together they released the other prisoners and then made their way out, dressed as they had been when they entered, but encountered no resistance from Wo Hung’s henchman. Later Destiny would learn that the guards were too busy capturing the

Destiny Cultrane: Brushrock Pass

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Destiny Cultrane: Brushrock Pass (conclusion)

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Destiny Cultrane: Lost Time

By Keith Christensen Destiny reined up his mare at the crest of the small rise and trained his eyes into the slope of desert ahead of them. Billy Hollis pulled his horse in beside him. Leather creaked and snapped as Cultrane raised his big body up in the stirrups to get a better look. “What d’ya see, Cully?” the younger man asked, looking into the distance. “Not sure...what do you

Deztiny Cultrane: The Cooper Situation

“Name’s Cultrane, Marshal Destiny Cultrane.” The husky baritone fairly rumbled in the stillness of the Judge’s heavily draped and richly paneled office. The Marshall had arrived in Tucson from a four day trail ride and had wasted no time climbing the marble stairs of the limestone courthouse and locating the judge’s office; he appeared strangely incongruous, filthy from his long trip,


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Number 14

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NUMBER 14...End.

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Silverrod (conclusion)

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