Gay Erotic Stories

A Roll of the Rice, Part 2

by Thatlansingguy

It was Sunday evening in northeast Missouri. The sun had barely disappeared beyond the tree-lined horizon and the sky’s colour was either velvet-rich purple or pitch black, depending on who you asked. Five miles from town, a large, badly rusted but otherwise sound-looking and somewhat large tool shed sat perched upon a tuft surrounded by a sea of knee-high grasses, virtually invisible against the darkened sky except for a patch of soft yellow being cast out its lone window.

A ripped, olive skinned 20-something Latino wearing brilliantly-fitted khakis, a white button up shirt -- purposefully half-tucked in for that ‘casual preppy’ look – and a plain black, tight blazer stood standing in front of a circle of five guys huddled around a three-legged stool. Despite the fact he was fully clothed, and looked more like he belonged in an Abercrombie catalogue than a Missouri wheat field, Jose’s clothes did nothing to hide the obviously well-muscled body underneath. The five guys, wearing only tight fitting plain white Ts stood watching Jose – some in open admiration – as he examined them.

“Well?” came a booming voice from one of the taller guys.

“Hold your horses, Dave, no hurries!” Jose winked at him as he walked toward them “Do you have the goods, Jesse?”

Without saying a word, Jesse, a solidly build but markedly-shorter young man with rippling abs reached for a duffle bag that’d been laying outside the circle. Picking it up, the boys heard the familiar sounds of little round objects clanking within.

“Here,” Jesse said as he handed the bag over to Jose, his eyes fixed on the slight bulge in Jose’s shorts.

“Well?” Dave came again, now also looking at the bulge.

After a moment, Jose realized and gasped “Oh! You want to see ‘em,” he said while he cooly undid his belt, unclasped his pants and let the khakis fall to the floor.

While still jostling items out of the duffle, Jose stepped completely out of the pants and walked confidently toward the waiting group of guys as he wielded a Sharpie like a blade.

“Ben was one…” Jose started around the circle, marking the chest of the tallest boy with a 1. Ben couldn’t help but smile, liking his lips seductively as he caught of whiff of Jose’s cologne.

“Eric was two…” Jose marked Eric’s chest. The two of them briefly locked eyes before Jose continued “David was three…” David’s handsome face beamed as if Jose was awarding him a medal.

“Let’s see… Matt was five.” Jose wrote a ‘5’ slightly above the nipple of a broad-chested young man, whose hair was dyed blond and spiked giving him a much more youthful appearance than mid-twenties.

“And finally Jesse was six.” Jesses’ well toned chest was marked with a six.

Jose stopped for a moment admiring his handy work as the five studs’ shirts were now neatly marked one through six, with the notable exclusion of four. He grinned, again locking eyes with Eric and bellowed “And I was four!”

He shorts dropped to the floor to a collective gasp. Eric looked especially distraught by what he saw, but couldn’t help but be caught up in the collective excitement. Five muscled guys were now fully hard, a few of them openly jerking, and staring at a totally bizarre spectacle. As Jose stood, his legs spread wide, the boys watched as two walnut-sized plastic testicles were perched below Jose’s cock, hanging like some twisted variation of ear-rings by a cockring nestled firmly against the base of his cock.

“Go ahead! Touch ‘em.” He joked as Eric, lanky yet tone, approached. The two looked at each other for a moment, exchanged a friendly kiss on the cheek and then smiled as Eric began fondling the false testicles.

“Yeah, they’re like some kind of silicone shit. The sack is molded to look real through my pants – its even filled with two sacks of this liquid goo that makes em…” he jiggled his hips a bit “… jiggle as I walk. I mean, they’re purely cosmetic, but combined with all the shots I gotta’ take now, I almost feel like a man again,” he chuckled.

“Actually stud, your manhood ended right here….” Eric roared and pointed to the point on his chest where much of Jose’s testicles had splattered the last time they played their little game nearly 3 months ago.

“And the rest of it ended right here!” Jesse chimed in, raising his foot and pointing to the under side, then stomping quickly. Jose grimaced while the other boys roared in laughter.

“Ha! Ha! Well, one of you is about to join the ranks of the un-nutted… but what are we gonna’ do about the number four? My number?”

The boys hadn’t thought of this. The game had to continue and dice still had six sides, not five.

“Let’s just skip the turn if it lands on four, like a throw-away,” Matt suggested.

“Nope, I got a better idea,” Jose beamed brightly as he proceeded to write a tiny ‘four’ on the chest of every guy in the circle “Four is the wild card. If you roll it, you get to pick any guy you want.”

There was a whoop of delight. “Now for the equipment…” Jose wasted no more time taping the grape-sized black bombs to each boy’s potentially-doomed left testicle. Jose took special delight in attaching Jesse’s bomb, looking up into the cute boy’s face as it briefly filled with dread and rubbed his hand smoothly over Jesse’s Abercrombie inspired chest. There was an ever brief moment of hesitation before the bomb on Eric’s nut was attached, and Jose – consciously or not, it wasn’t certain – handled Eric’s package much more gently than the way he manhandled the others’.

“Okay, so we all remember the rules? The white dice is the Boy dice and the red one is the Time dice. Roll a boy’s number, light his fuse for the number of seconds on the Time dice. The game keeps going until… well…. “he gave his fake nuts a hard slap that would have sent him reeling had they been real. The boys all laughed. The game was on.

Ben rolled first, hitting Eric’s number and four seconds. The crackling of the bomb’s fuse was almost deafening in the silence. Four...three… two… one. It was over.

“Looks like the tables may turn, Eric” Jose laughed balling his hand into a fist, then opening his palm to feign the look of something solid and round suddenly bursting apart…

Next up was Eric, who rolled David’s number for three seconds. David, who towered over Eric even when Eric was standing, looked even taller as Eric knelt between his muscular legs to light the fuse. Three seconds came and went while David nonchalantly stroked his thick cock, pre-cum oozing from the cockhead and landing on Eric.

The next three rolls were nothing short of devastating to one of the poor boys. David, his hands still slimy from precum, took the dice and rolled Jesse’s number for three seconds. Since this was no longer than anyone had gotten so far, Jesse took his burning fuse in stride, even making ‘scrambled egg’ references.

Next it was Matt’s turn, who promptly rolled a wild card and a four-second dice. The boys looked around nervously, except Jose who knew he was safe. Matthew slowly walked behind the boys and around the circle, making no effort to hide the lust as he eyed them up and down.

“Mmm… how about you!” he stopped at Eric who was shaking like a leaf, “Nah… how about…” he stopped at Jesse, “You!”

Taking a step in front of Jesse, he knelt down and lit the fuse, being sure to enunciate each number of the countdown with deliberate bliss.

Next up was Jesse, glad to have the attention taken from his twice-threatened package; he rolled the dice quickly as if they were cursed and let out a barely-muted yelp at the results: It landed on his number and five additional seconds.

“Blow them off! Blow them off!” the boys, led by Jose, began to chant. Reluctantly, Jesse took the lighter and flicked the fuse to life. Jose conducted a ‘non-bias’ countdown and Jesse’s fuse inched closer to his oversized testicles. After was seemed like forever, Jose gave the signal and Jesse extinguished the flame. Sweat now beading on his forehead and soaking through the pits of his shirt.

The other boys now eyed Jesse like an animal stalking wounded prey; his fuse was markedly shorter than the others and sweat was beginning to bead up on his scrotum. It was Ben’s turn to roll, landing on Eric’s number and four seconds. Eric, who unlike the other boys, was visibly horrified by the prospect of his fuse running short, strained to stand still –legs spread – while Ben reached down and lit the fuse. As he counted down, Ben’s locked onto Eric’s with a malicious, piercing gaze that was countered by a pleading stare from Eric. By the time the four seconds were up, Eric’s fuse was only slightly longer than Jesse’s, which was in – the boys collectively determined – the danger zone.

Next was Eric, who, in a twist of fate, rolled Ben’s number and six seconds. Eric knelt between Ben’s tree-trunk legs and was instantly turned on by the sight of Ben’s massive, 8 inch cock sticking straight out. Eric licked his lips and stared at Ben’s ample nuts as they hung between his legs like small eggs stuffed into a too-small coin purse.

The circle continued until it was Eric’s turn again. During the rolls, Jesse, David, and Ben’s fuses were all burned – Ben’s was burned twice in a row for a total of 9 seconds, making his fuse among the shortest. However, Jesse’s triple exposure earlier on meant that his fuse was now the absolute shortest – mere inches from the bomb.

As Eric again took the dice, he hoped it would land on Ben’s number so that he’d be able to shorten his already short fuse. However, what he got turned out to be even better. The ‘Time’ dice landed with a thud on six seconds – the maximum – and the boy dice landed on 4; the wildcard.

Eric’s cock sprang to full attention at the thought of the de-nutting power he now wielded. Unlike most of the other burns, which were a matter of pure chance, Eric had the choice of whose nuts to blow. He thought carefully, occasionally looking over at Jose’s huge fake nuts.

“I pick… Jesse!”

Jesse shuddered, this entire over-muscled frame seemed to convulse. Eric stood next to the shorter, studlier Jesse, grabbed his package roughly and lit the fuse. As the fire burned, the circle tightened around Jesse as the flame raced toward its final definition.

“Oooh! Ouch! Ow! Man you’re crushing them!” Jesse whined, looking pleadingly at Eric whose hand was now in a vice-like grip on Jesse’s nuts.

“Not like that’s gonna matter soon,” Eric half-joked as he extinguished the flame. Jesse’s fuse was now the shortest and – much like they had earlier – the boys eyed his plump balls with malicious glee.

Next, David burned Ben three seconds so that Ben’s fuse was only barely longer than Jesse’s. Matt was forced to light his own fuse six seconds but as he hadn’t been picked yet, his fuse was still relatively safe in length.

Next it was Jesse’s turn and, feeling his place as a cornered animal, rolled the dice with a purposeful flick of his wrist. It landed on Ben and five seconds. There was a collective gasp.

“They’re gonna blow!” David shrieked, his cock throbbing as he stroked it “Ben’s balls are gonna…” David kept stroking as the boys gathered to watch Jesse light the fuse. Suddenly, caught up in the fantasy of Ben’s nut sack exploding that was playing in his mind, David explosively came, hitting Ben’s left thigh, Jesse’s chest and a bit of Eric’s shoulder, who had knelt down to watch the lighting.

Jose moved in closer, adding “Mmm, looks like someone’s nuts already busted!”

“Man than was – hoo – oot!” Matt exclaimed as suddenly Eric felt a blast of something warm and sticky hit him in the back of the head. Then another blast and another. Matt, who had also gathered in front of Ben and who’d been standing behind Eric – had cum watching David blow.

Eric’s cock jumped at the sensation, but he quickly added “Okay, let’s see some nuts REALLY bust!”

Jesse lit the fuse. “Five… four…” the boys chanted in unison… and at one... nothing happened. There was barely any fuse left, only a few lone fibers leading into the bomb.

“Damn it!” Jesse made no attempt to hide his contempt for not having ruptured Ben’s huge nuts “Next time.” Ben had the largest nuts of the group, and he knew it. As if his towering, hunky body wasn’t enough, he also out-sexed them in the genitals department with his egg-sized gonads hanging provocatively between his always-hard 9 inch mushroom-headed cock. Jesse was hoping the bomb would blow apart Ben’s huge left nut which it was attached to, while the right would be ‘cracked’ and near-bursting like the badly cracked egg in the bomb demonstration during their very first game. The boys would take delight watching Ben writhe around as – while he clutched his package in vain – his right nut would finally give and collapse.

Next up was Ben, who rolled David’s number, letting his fuse burn for four seconds. Ben took pleasure watching the fuse burn and approached David’s recently emptied nuts, especially since they were emptied by the thought of Ben’s nuts being destroyed. However, David’s fuse was still well within the safe zone and the boys’ hard ons began to dissipate slightly.

Next was Eric’s turn. He again rolled the wild card and a four seconds. He as faced with a hard choice. Ben’s huge equipment would surely explode if picked this round; in fact, so little of the fuse remained that the bomb would likely explode at the mere flicking of the lighter. Eric, like Jesse, was fascinated by the prospect of watching such large balls splatter out of existence. However, the fuse leading to Jesse’s amble junk was vulnerably short as well, and Eric had always wanted to see Jesse’s walnut sized nuts get really cracked…. Finally, Eric took his spot in front of Ben. He’d made his decision.

“One flick and its meat sauce time for these things…” Eric began, grabbing Ben’s huge right nut, kneading it mercilessly in his hand “… fuck that’d make a mess.”

Ben shook and began to cry. He looked down at his massive junk – his cock was fully hard despite it all – and thought this may the last time he’d see his precious jewels.

“…But, I think Jesse’s would make a bigger mess.” Before anyone could even register than Ben’s nuts were safe, Jesse side-stepped to Jesse’s bulging crotch, swooped down and lit the fuse. Jesse shrieked as the felt the heat of the flame lap his testicles. It felt like his sperm was boiling; his nuts roasting the flame was so close. Jesse’s nuts were the size of walnuts, tightly packed together and typically drawn close to his ripped body. He shuddered at the prospect of losing them… the flame was extinguished without an explosive end. Now Jesse’s fuse, like Ben’s was so short, it disappeared into the bomb.

Next was David, who licked his lips and shouted “Come on Jesse!” as the dice hit the floor. The Time dice was 1 second. The Boy dice was a wild card.

“Oh hell yes!” David shouted, his cock already hard again.

He walked between Ben and Jesse, grabbing one set of ample man pods in each hand and squeezing. Ben and Jesse squirmed and moaned as David proceeded to manhandle their sensitive equipment. “One of these nut sacks is about to be opened… which one guys!” The room erupted into shouts of “Ben!” and “Jesse!” David squeezed the four nuts until his hand nearly closed shut. If he managed to pop one of their nuts like this, he thought, he’d just finish the job with the bomb.

“Okay, okay. It seems like there’s a tie as to who’ll lose em.”

“I say nut Jesse!” Jose screamed, not hiding his rage at the memory of Jesse mercilessly stomping his balls out of existence after a bomb had blown them out of their sack.

“Mmm…hot. I know. I’ll squeeze and squeeze each pair of nuts, and whoever goes the longest without screaming, wins their manhood!” David had barely explained his twisted rules as he began to squeeze. Sweat poured down each boy’s face and their ripped abs flexed; their faces contorted as they fought the urge to shout out.

“Oh! And if I manage to bust a pair like this…” David continued, he was now alternating between the amble nuts squeezing and kneading, “then I’ll just cover the evidence by blowing them apart!”

Eric especially liked watching David’s well-toned arms flex and ripple under the exertion of crushing the four nuts. David, through with his taunting, was now completely motivated to crush one of the balls with his bare hand. His face was heavy with determination, sweat pouring off it as it turned red with effort.

Ben and Jesse squirmed and bit their tongues, trying desperately not to scream. Meanwhile, the others watched in amazement, all of them stroking their cocks. Even Jose was mindlessly fondling his limp cock. David could feel one of the pairs of nuts swelling badly and getting a bit soft, so he instinctively began applying more pressure on them in an effort to make their’ owner crack and shout out… it didn’t take long.

“Ooow fuck!” Jesse screamed. David instantly let go of both nut sacks and Ben crumpled instantly to the floor clutching his badly squeezed nuts and screaming.

Meanwhile, David, knowing who his victim would be, held out his now free hand and Jose placed the lighter in it. Locking eyes with Jesse, David proceeded to lift him into the air holding only his nuts. Jesse’s eyes crossed and his screaming became unintelligible banter. The boys were sure they heard a few ‘pleases’ and ‘oh Gods’ tossed in as the hunky boy writhed in the air, David’s arm flexing as he held him there. David then lowered Jesse to the ground, the rose him into the air again, his feet just barely off the ground and his entire body weight supported by his nuts. David did this several times, until several things happened at once. For the second time, David’s cock shot a thick rope of jism that painted Jesse’s shirt. Jesse let out a blood curdling scream and David shouted “Oh yes! I popped a sucker.”

He lowered Jesse to the ground, still holding his nuts and squeezed. Sure enough, Jesse’s ample right nut couldn’t take the pressure of being a yo-yo with 160 pounds of Jesse’s tight body at the other end. It was mushy in the sack and beginning to swell. Amazingly, Jesse was still conscious, though starting to black out.

“No! stay awake for this! There’s one left!” David laughed maniacally as he lit the barely existing fuse.


Jesse’s last nut exploded into nothing. Bits of it hit Eric and Matt, with the bulk landing on David’s thigh. What was left of the right testicle was literally oozing out of a split that had formed at the middle of his once taught scrotum. The blast must’ve finished what David had started with the right ball and liquefied it. Jesse collapsed to the ground. His ruined right nut leaking out; half his sack gone.

“They aren’t gonna be able to do anything for that – he’s Jessica now.”

The group laughed and promptly sprang into action, removing the remaining bombs from themselves and loading Jesse, blacked out but still breathing normally – into a waiting Escalade, which sped off into town. In the commotion, Jose and Eric found themselves alone in the shed.

“Boom!” Jesse laughed “Did you see them?”

“Yeah, hot! And the way David destroyed one without even using the bomb…”

“Guess he’s gonna’ need a pair of these,” Eric added matter-of-factly, slapping Jose’s ‘nuts’ hard with one hand while his other explored Jose’s rock hard body.

“Well I may know of a place. I’ve never tried them though…” Jose joked, grabbing Eric by the back of the neck, pulling his face in and locking his lips onto his.

They made out for what seemed like several minutes before Jose dropped to his knees and swallowed Eric’s long, slender cock into his mouth. Eric thrust his hips rhythmically faster and harder while Jose moaned in pleasure. It didn’t take long before Eric pulled out, jerked his cock and plastered Jose with several gooey squirts of cum.

“Mmm.. I’m drenched.” Jose gasped admiringly as he rubbed his hand over his face, spreading Eric’s ample load and making an even bigger mess of himself, “Even my shirt is soaked.”

“Yeah, well I wanna keep on painting you every night…” Eric said softly as he knelt down beside Jose and admired his gorgeous cum-covered face.

“… as long as you have a pair of these!” Jose laughed, giving Eric’s dangling, spent nuts a light tug.

The two locked lips briefly and walked out of the shed into the night.




2 Gay Erotic Stories from Thatlansingguy

A Roll of The Dice, Part 1

The Missourian countryside was cloaked in an absolute, surreally quiet, darkness. As Friday night mingled carelessly into Saturday morning, even the ubiquitous sound of crickets had ceased for the evening. An ocean of wafting knee-high grass stretched off into the horizon, interrupted occasionally by a towering oak and, almost hidden in the blackness, dual trails of flattened grasses; tire

A Roll of the Rice, Part 2

It was Sunday evening in northeast Missouri. The sun had barely disappeared beyond the tree-lined horizon and the sky’s colour was either velvet-rich purple or pitch black, depending on who you asked. Five miles from town, a large, badly rusted but otherwise sound-looking and somewhat large tool shed sat perched upon a tuft surrounded by a sea of knee-high grasses, virtually invisible against


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