Gay Erotic Stories

A Roll of The Dice, Part 1

by Thatlansingguy

The Missourian countryside was cloaked in an absolute, surreally quiet, darkness. As Friday night mingled carelessly into Saturday morning, even the ubiquitous sound of crickets had ceased for the evening. An ocean of wafting knee-high grass stretched off into the horizon, interrupted occasionally by a towering oak and, almost hidden in the blackness, dual trails of flattened grasses; tire tracks.

Five miles from the nearest town, the tracks veered off a nearby one lane road and into the field heading towards what on a cursory glance appeared to be nothing. About a quarter mile into the field, an eerie orange square lit the ground, being cast from the lone window of a cabin. The cabin – or more accurately a large tool shed – had rusting metal siding, a flat roof and a tiny, passably mowed ‘lawn’ in which four cars sat. Their tire threads were filled with earth and the ruins of grass stalks that had been flatted just an hour or so before.

Inside the almost perfectly square, one room building, the walls were mostly barren, with the exception of a few faded posters with grinning pop culture icons staring back, a few calendars and a little shelf with empty beer and liquor containers. A few pegs sticking from the walls, obviously placed to hang rakes and various tools, hinted to the building’s long-forgotten original function as a work shed.

The silence of the night was interrupted by a cold metal on metal snap as the tiny window was slammed shut by a muscular; mid-twenties man wearing only a wife beater which showcased his perfectly tanned skin: “Damn thing rusted! Look, it’s been open since the last time we were out here!” he complained, feigning dismay as he picked up the tattered remains of a poster that had been exposed to the elements.

“Yeah, when was the last time we were out here?” Matthew asked his voice calm but obviously shaking slightly.

“I wanna say the night after Mary Jane’s twenty-first… man that was a night!” Jose, the young man holding the tattered poster, replied while turning to face Matt and the rest of the group of guys standing in a circle in the middle of the shed. Jose walked over to the five men, ranging from nineteen to twenty four, who were standing essentially naked around a three-legged stool in the middle of the room. There was the occasional wife beater or flatteringly-tight t-shirt, but the boys were otherwise naked.

“Okay, gentleman!” Jose announced, “We all know why we’re here, and Jesse’s got the goods –“

With a nod, Jesse -a solidly-build, dark haired boy standing about 5’8” and showing off a 12 pack chest – giggled a duffle bag he’d been carrying and the sound of lots of little metal objects rattling inside. The boys chuckled nervously.

Jose continued “And Eric was nice enough to let us borrow this most refined venue,” and he nodded toward Eric, a tall lanky 19 year old with brunet hair and a defined, but not ripped, chest. “Jesse if you would?” Without delay, Jesse walked up to the three legged stool and reached into his duffle bag, producing two plump eggs. After some maneuvering, he was able to position them such that they were not rolling and were resting side by side. He then reached into the bag and produced two dice, one white and one blood red, and a small black ball, no larger than a cocktail olive, with a long while string attached.

“This…” he said standing dominatingly in the middle of the circle and holding the black olive above his hands as if showcasing a valuable treasure “… this is a product of Jesse’s Heavy Industries. A masterpiece of what a Google search for ‘mailbox bomb’ can produce.”

He held the bomb above his head, its fuse dangling lazily down his arm. Each of the men looked up at it as if expecting the unlit thing to explode in Jesse’s hand. David, who’d been silent up that point, licked his lips and exhaled loudly as he eyed the devise. David was a bit over 6 feet tall, with handsome – if a bit sharp –facial features, tree-trunk legs and a tidy head of jet black, styled hair.

Meanwhile Ben, the last of the boys, was by far the tallest as just shy of 7 feet, lankier even than Eric, but with arms that were so muscled they seemed comically disproportionate to the rest of this body. Between his legs his pendulous sack was hanging lower than normal, due to the heat of the evening, and his walnut sized nuts were resting heavy in them. When his eyes caught the gaze of the bomb, he giggled nervously and his cock sprang to attention in anticipation of what Jesse was going to say.

“The white dice is going to be the Boy Dice…” Jesse explained as he stuffed the bomb back into the duffle and pulled out a Sharpie. While walking around the circle, he wrote numbers on each boy’s chest, starting with Ben, who was 1.

“We’re going to go around the circle in the order that I’m marking us now..” he wrote on each boy casually as he explained his little game’s twisted rules “Eric is 2, David is 3, Jose is 4, Matt – or resident volunteer fire fighter – is 5 and …” He finished by writing a small ‘six’ on his own left peck “I’m six”

“Now, this red dice is the Time Dice…” he reached into his bag and produced another bomb, a roll of white tape and a lighter. He proceeded to tear off a bit of the tape, held it for all to see, and lit it. With a blinding flash, the tape section incarnated into a puff of smoke and was gone. “This tape burns in a flash, so it won’t leave a mark if… well you’ll see.” He grinned.

Jesse then plucked off another small section of tape and proceeded to tape a bomb to one of the eggs, being careful to set it down carefully so as to not make the whole thing tumble off. The black olive looked like a small tumor compared to the egg and the fuse hung slightly over the side.

“Now, let’s say, for example, I roll the Boy Dice and I hit a 5…” he set the white dice on the stool with five displayed.

“And red dice I roll a six…” he demonstrated landing a six on the red dice.

“That’d mean that I’d have to light the fuse…” he lit the fuse without delay “and let it burn for six seconds…”

The seconds went by slowly as Jesse counted aloud. “There!” he said, the fuse had progressed up to the lip of the stool by the time he snuffed if with his fingers. “Now, let’s say I keep on rolling sixes…” he lit the fuse and walked casually away from the doomed eggs.

The radius of the circle grew slightly as the boys instinctively stepped away from the imminent explosion.

“You said this was a mailbox bomb?” Eric asked nervously.

“Hell no!” Jesse laughed, giving Eric a playful slap to the nuts as he took his place in the circle ‘I said it is molded after a mailbox bomb, but we’re not trying to rip anyone’s guts out!”

“He toned it down a bit,” Jose assured everyone, “Just watch.”

After about thirty seconds the fuse had disappeared inside the bomb and, after a slight delay while the chemicals reacted, the ‘olive’ exploded. The tape incarnated instantly. The attached egg exploded in half and bits of (now cooked) yolk went flying. The second egg had escaped the brunt of the blast, but its shell was badly cracked and yolk was oozing out of it onto the floor.

At the end, the smoking remains of one badly cracked and one half blown apart egg were swept unceremoniously onto the ground by Jesse who continued “See, just enough power to um… scramble some eggs…” he winked at Jose, “but not enough to do much else.”

By now all of the boys were hard, their cocks fueled by watching a ripe pair of nuts being destroyed by proxy. This is what Jesse had hoped for, as it made their nuts more accessible. He walked up first to Ben who was towering over him. Ben’s impressively thick 6 inch cock stuck out at full attention as Jesse carefully taped a bomb between his nuts like a third testicle.

Eric – number 2 – was next, with his bomb being placed on his slightly larger right ball. David was fitted with a bomb on his left nut, Jose’s bomb was tucked between his nuts, but in the back so that it could not be seen from the front (expect the dangling fuse). Jesse then stepped up to matt and gave his ample nut sack a playful squeeze before taping a bomb onto his right nut. Finally, Jesse carefully separated his own walnut sized nuts, placed a bomb between them, and let the balls close back in, like Ben, he looked as if he had a new third ball.

“Okay everyone!” Jose announced, “Let’s get ready to have a very unfortunate fireworks accident!!” he finished handing Ben—number 1 – the lighter and dice.

The group of boys laughed, all signs of nervousness replaced by thinly-veiled malice as each boys eyed the one he most wanted to nut.

Ben took the dice nervously and tossed them onto the stool. Remarkably, both stayed on. Boy Dice: Jesse, Time Dice 6. There was a hoot from the group as Ben stood in front of Jesse knelt down and lit the fuse. Jesse playfully counted down “Six… five…” as the boys laughed. At zero, Ben promptly extinguished the flames and it was then the boys noticed a striking difference between their own bombs and the one’s that had been used to decimate the eggs; their fuses were shorter! The eggs had busted at about 30 seconds, but there was no way to calculate how much less time these shorter fuses would allow… Jesse’s calculated snipping of the fuses had achieved its dramatic effect: the game was suddenly on, and serious!

Ben handed the die and lighter to guy #2 – Eric. Eric rolled them, the Boy Dice, rolling off the stool and landing a foot away: It was Matt. The Time Dice, however, landed on the stool and was a disappointing 1 second. Ben sighed as he took spot in front of Ben, grabbed the fuse hanging from his middle testis and lit it “One!” he barely got out before he was putting out the fuse again.

Boy #3 – David – wasted no time scooping up the dice and giving them a casino-style roll. Jesse was again the target and the time was five seconds. Ben cupped Jesse’s copious balls with one hand while lighting the fuse with the other. The group chanted “Five… four… three…” Meanwhile, David’s eyes were locked on Jesse’s, who – while still cheerful – was a bit nervous having been picked twice so soon in the game. Finally at zero, the flame was extinguished and the boys admired Jesse’s now noticeably shorter fuse, relishing in vulnerability it highlighted.

“Gee, Jess,” David chortled afterwards “Looks like your eggs are about the get scrambled,” the group laughed, except Jesse who gave his cock a quick jerk and spat back “We’ll see.”

The game carried on for the next eight rounds, with Jesse’s fuse losing eight more seconds, but Jose’s losing twelve. During the rapid round, Ben, and David also lost a few seconds of fuse, but miraculously Eric and Matt were spared.

It was Jesse’s turn to roll and his Boy Dice landed on Matt while the Time Dice stopped at 5. Jesse walked between Matt, smiled and kneed him lightly in the crotch, Matt doubled over slightly and Jesse swooped down, took Matt’s cock in his mouth and lit the fuse. As he sucked Matt’s veiny 9 inch cock, Jose counted down from five. When the fuse was extinguished, Jesse gave Matt’s cock one last lick and said “Come on guys! We don’t want whoever is gonna’ lose this game to have their last load splattered all over us by a bomb!” he laughed and the others joined in.

The next round consisted of Ben having to burn his own fuse one second, Eric burning David’s for six and David lighting Jose’s for six. At the end of that round, Jose was looking nervous. He fuse was now dangerously close to this bulging sack, and though the bomb couldn’t be seen from the front, all the guys knew that – if it lit – they’d be in for a very messy explosion as Jose’s egg-sized nuts burst outward from behind. David cupped Jose’s enormous balls in his hand, squeezed them a little harder than playfully and laughed as he announced “Looks like we’re all about the get some fresh, chunky Mexican salsa!”

“Mmm, gimme some!” Eric chimed in, swooping to his knees and taking Jose’s amble cock into his mouth. The boys watched as Eric’s cute face bobbed up and down on the Jose’s toned, Latin body. Jose, forgetting for a moment that Eric was only doing this as a ‘last rite’ tilted his head back and moaned.

“Okay, that’s enough of that kids,” Matt barked, picking up the dice and handing them to the next player – Jose.

“Okay Jose, time to even the score!” Matt said grinning, “Try for Jesse’s number, his fuse is really short!”

Jose blew on the dice for luck and chucked them onto the ground. There was a muted gasp from the crowd when they saw what the dice read: Boy Dice – Jose. Time Dice – 6 seconds.

“Oh god!” Jose gasped.

“You know the rules!” Jesse snapped handing Jose the lighter.

Jose’s entire body tensed, making his massive pecs glisten with sweat. His pendulous nuts hung heavy between his well defined legs and the fuse had no more than many 12 seconds left. With a sigh he lit the fuse and counted “Six... five.. four…”

“Cheater!” Jesse indicated and took over counting “Five… four… three…”

The fire was snuffed at zero and not a moment too soon. The fuse was practically touching Jose’s bomb and sweat was pouring from his face and abs. He mottled something to himself in Spanish as he handed Matt the dice and lighter.

Matt rolled Jesse and two seconds. “Two… one…”

To Jesse’s harrow, the fuse crept closer to his threatened manhood, nearly reaching it. He knew another six second roll would have him changing his name to Jessica.

Next, it was Jesse’s turn.

“Maybe he’ll have to blow off his own balls, like Jose almost did!” Ben laughed. “Or maybe we’ll be getting that mmm, mmm, fresh salsa!” Eric grinned, licking his lips and eyeing Jose’s body with lust “Nice and…”

Eric was interrupted by a bloodcurdling scream. While he’d been talking, Jesse had rolled the dice and it landed Boy Dice: Jose, Time: six seconds.

Jose screamed and grabbed his massive package as Jesse walked up to him with the lighter. Ben gasped. Eric stopped talking and stared. David and Matt looked at each other and all but gave high fives across the circle as their minds both reached the same conclusion about this round’s outcome.

Jose’s fuse obviously wouldn’t have lasted two seconds, three tops, let alone six.

“Hmm…” Jesse contemplated, “Eric, we know you like that south of the border flavour. Why not taste it one last time.”

“Hell yeah!” Eric barely got out before he was on his knees swallowing Jose’s big tanned cock. Jose moan in pleasure as Eric’s lanky arms explored Jose’s ripped chest and played with his ass. Eric licked Jose’s nuts while stroking his cock, slobbering on the sack. It was then Eric was actually consciously aware of how large Jose’s nuts actually were. And they tasted delicious; an intoxicating mixture of Axe and musk that drove Eric crazy. He stood up, still stroking Jose’s cock, and proceeded to lick and kiss up Jose’s chest – being sure to roll his tongue over the Latin boy’s tight six pack – until Eric’s face was buried in Jose’s neck, kissing it while Jose’s cockl stayed rigid under Eric’s manipulation.

In a bold move, Eric grabbed the back of Jose’s head, locked eye contact and proceeded to give Jose a passionate, lustful kiss. One hand jerked Jose’s throbbing cock and the other explored his tight muscled body. God, he’s hot, Eric thought to himself as Jose lost himself in the feeling of Eric’s expert make out session. Eric felt Jose’s cock start to spasm, so he pulled away from their kiss so he could witness Jose’s final load.

With a loud grunt and uttering something in Spanish, Jose’s cock spasmed and a thick rope of cum splattered against Eric’s thigh. Another rope hit Eric’s stomach. Eric kept stroking while Jose – lost in his orgasm – threw his head back and moaned. A third and fourth glob thoroughly painted Eric’s chest and was starting to drip to the floor. Meanwhile, unnoticed by spasming Jose, Jesse had snuck up and lit the last bit of fuse. Eric stepped back – as he had to the egg – and the boys all looked down at Jose’s amble junk.

“Two... one…” they breathed collectively, Jose just coming back to reality... but it was too late.

With a sickening ‘pop’ and a wisp of smoke, the bomb exploded. Jose’s eyes bugged out, a blood curdling scream escaped his lips and his knees buckled as he fell to the floor, his hands racing for the ruins of his balls.

What Jose didn’t get to see was what the boys all saw. The bomb, placed behind the scrotum and in between, had completely exploded his right nut. Bits of it splattered Eric and Jesse. The rest of his sac was split open, and the left nut hung out by its chords, but it was charred and – unexpectedly – on fire, though a small flame. Jose’s beautiful cock had, by design, escaped the bulk of the damage, but was bleeding a bit near where his scrotum had been attached.

With Jose on the ground, Jesse walked up coolly, noticed the tiny flame and said with mocked concern “Oh no buddy! Gotta put that out!”

“Nooo! Ple...” Jose was in too much shock to even continue begging, as if Jesse was going to listen.

He rose his bare foot over Jose’s left ball – the small flash flame had since gone out – and stomped down. The boys gasped. Raising his foot he say Jose’s nut, probably weakened by the explosion, and had exploded to mush. “Holy shit! Holy shit I popped it!” he said looking down as the bloody mess that had once been Jose’s huge Latino bollocks. He couldn’t believe how completely destroyed they were, especially the right nut which had turned to meat sauce and landed all over Eric after the explosion.

In quick succession, the other boys gathered around Jose’s writhing body and unloaded their pent up juice onto his face. Jose’s face was a sticky, pain and shock contorted mess, as five excited loads plastered him point blank.

“Okay, grab a towel to wipe off the jizz, Eric. We can handle the bleeding with this conveniently-handy medic kit, but we gotta get him into town…” Jesse instructed.

The boys quickly carried Jose to one of the waiting vehicles and, as they were about to speed off, Jesse noted, “And don’t look so happy... we’ve just had a horrible fireworks accident.” he grinned.

Feedback/suggestions for the next five chapters are appreciated:


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Thatlansingguy

A Roll of The Dice, Part 1

The Missourian countryside was cloaked in an absolute, surreally quiet, darkness. As Friday night mingled carelessly into Saturday morning, even the ubiquitous sound of crickets had ceased for the evening. An ocean of wafting knee-high grass stretched off into the horizon, interrupted occasionally by a towering oak and, almost hidden in the blackness, dual trails of flattened grasses; tire

A Roll of the Rice, Part 2

It was Sunday evening in northeast Missouri. The sun had barely disappeared beyond the tree-lined horizon and the sky’s colour was either velvet-rich purple or pitch black, depending on who you asked. Five miles from town, a large, badly rusted but otherwise sound-looking and somewhat large tool shed sat perched upon a tuft surrounded by a sea of knee-high grasses, virtually invisible against


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