Gay Erotic Stories



Saturnicus By Keith Christensen

It was 1882 and there were arguments taking place in the U.S. Senate about Wyoming becoming the next State in the Union, according to some, but on that clear, crisp night, under a full moon Sonny and Buck didn’t really care about such things. They still had another section of fence to check before turning in for the night. Sonny would have let it go until morning but Buck had told him it had to be done before they could be finished for the day...and Buck was the boss.

Beyond the fence the cattle lowed softly and in the distance the light rising from Cheyenne cast a weird glow up into the velvet sky. A million stars decorated the steely blue background of the horizon.

“Hey, Buck, look at the shooting star,” said Sonny, pointing up at the crystalline arc leaving a tail above them as it approached.

“Damndest thing I ever saw...You ever seen a shooting star look like that?” He sat up straight in his saddle looking up into the darkening gloom.

Just then both men were enveloped in the brightest, bluest light either of them had ever seen and fear froze them in place while the halo around them closed to the ground and a loud, low pitched drubbing sound deafened them both. Buck couldn’t even see into the other cone surrounding his partner as he felt himself becoming weightless, as if he were floating while still seated on his horse.

Suddenly the throbbing sound was replaced by a steady roaring noise coming from somewhere beneath his feet. He didn’t have time to look toward Sonny for all around him strange looking men were rushing toward them; two of them grabbed at his legs, dislodging him from his bolting horse while several more caught his falling body between them and wrestled him down to a hard, metallic floor.

“Stop...what the hell...?” He yelled just before one of them slapped a wad of a thick, slimy substance into his open mouth, nearly choking him. He struggled harder trying to work his mouth around the stuff; even to spit it out but it had molded itself around his teeth, and while it became no harder it was still unmovable.

Two of the odd men expertly pulled his arms behind his back and secured his wrists while two more jostled his body between them, tearing at his shirt until it had disappeared and then yanking his pants and boots from his kicking legs. Buck heard the struggle beside him and guessed it was Sonny being handled in the same way.

“Get aside. Let us see it,” said a deep voice in perfect American.

The wrestling stopped while the men separated , leaving only a pair of them holding Buck’s flailing legs and one more pressing his naked shoulders to the cold, vibrating floor. Two more of the odd looking men, this pair wearing blue and metallic looking uniforms glared down at him. They had large, bulging eyes and, like the others looked as if they had never had any hair on their heads. Not like it had been removed but more like there had never been any there to begin with. Their mouths were small and round and there were openings on the sides of their heads where ears should have been.

“Hmm...Get that other rag off. We want to view all of it… and the other.”

While he was held fast another of his captors tore at his underwear until Buck felt cool air on his legs and the cold metal against the flesh of his bare butt. He thrashed with all his strength but a sharp kick to his ribs abruptly quieted him.

“Be still!”

He felt a hand with long cold fingers on his legs, then they were lifting his limp dick out from between his spread thighs. The frigid fingers pushed his foreskin back and cool air wafted around the exposed head.

“Hmm...this one will probably end up at Saturnicus. Valcon will appreciate how it is equipped,” said the one who appeared to be in charge. “Let us see the other.”

Buck was being hauled to his feet and then pushed forward until he found himself in another darkened chamber. Hundreds of pipes and hoses were draped from the ceiling and more naked and silenced people were hung by their wrists on the opposite wall. He was shoved backward into place between two more men and hung by his wrists while he watched them bring Sonny in and push him toward another space on the wall. One of the strangers reached up and pulled a thin hose from the tangle above him and Buck felt a quick sharp pain in his arm pit where the needle was inserted. Then the odd men left through the door and it closed with a heavy thud behind them.


Buck did not know how much time had passed when he finally awoke, groggy and with a bitter taste filling his mouth behind the rubbery gag. His legs ached and pain ricocheted from his wrists down the length of his thick arms to his broad chest. Even in the cold room, sweat trickled down from beneath his arms to his hips and into the crevice between his butt cheeks before dripping onto his legs.

All at once, a demanding need pressed at his lower body and he had no choice but to relax as the steady stream broke from the hooded tip of his penis, arced out before him and splashed into a golden puddle on the dark floor before disappearing through the series of thin slats in the metal.

“Umpf....umpf,” he cried behind the goo filling his mouth. But there was no answer, only stifled moaning around him and the steady roar from below.

Then, as if they had heard his cries, several of the strange creatures entered the room and came straight toward him. They released his bonds, pulled him down and quickly pushed him, stumbling forward, between them into another strange, bone-chilling room.

At the center of the room a large steel table stood in an illuminated area surrounded by weird looking tools and equipment. Suspended from the low ceiling was another chaos of tubes and pipes.

The low pitched drubbing of machinery continued beneath Buck’s feet while the men wrestled his naked body onto the cold surface of the table, securing one wrist and then the other to each upper corner. He fought but in his drugged state he was no match for their superior strength as they manipulated him into position. His legs were roughly pulled and tugged until he was kneeling on the table, his head held down by a band secured around his neck and his butt raised, his ankles strapped to the sides. He struggled, pulled and twisted but he could go nowhere. Not a sound was spoken as they worked and when they seemed satisfied with his position they left through the door while two others dressed in white entered and came toward him.

Buck tried to bolt loose as one of them ran a cold hand over his back and onto his bare flank, then up onto the raised curve of his butt. The other one reached beneath him and grasped the shaft of Buck’s hanging cock, pulling it gently toward his side, into the crease made by his thigh and the bottom of his convulsing belly. He pressed the long foreskin back until the dark magenta head was exposed and then gently squeezed the big knob until the lips of Buck’s long slit opened between the mans long fingers. Buck strained his neck to watch, as if he could stop anything that might be happening to him, and saw the creature pull a long clear tube from the mass above the table and begin applying a dark gel to its tapered metal tip.

“Uummpf...uumpf....” Buck cried out as he pulled at the bonds.

His penis had begun to stiffen from his captor’s handling of it but it shriveled back down as the tip of the tube was slowly inserted into his open hole and fed up into the length of his dick. An odd freezing sensation spread through his equipment, then up into his lower body as the tube was pushed further into him.

Suddenly, at his ass there was a new sensation. The other captor had spread his cheeks and was applying another fluid to the rosette of his ass hole, pressing into the opening, first with one slim finger and then another which he manipulated inside the velvety chute. He was soon joined by the other tormentor as he continued his exploration.

Buck groaned behind the gag, first from the intense pain of his violation, then from the unusual pleasure starting to unfold inside of him.

The man found the swollen button of Buck’s prostate and then the mass of vessels just above it and began the slow, deliberate massage of the glands and ducts.

The other watched the cock and the tube coming from the deep piss slit. It had lengthened but had not become hard and would not as long as the refrigerated tube was properly inserted in it. He examined the full testicles, rolling them between his fingers while the big male continued to protest and groan before them. Finally a tiny trickle of crystalline fluid appeared in the transparent hose just below the tip of the long penis and the man seized the thick member.

Buck felt the fingers moving inside his ass and then intense pleasure, but like nothing he had ever felt before. There was still the freezing feeling in his prick but there was also something he had never known and he gave himself to it. Suddenly he felt like he was pissing or should be but there was no way to control it. He felt something tickling deep inside and flowing into his cock as he tried to relax beneath his captors ministrations.

The glands of the male became harder as he massaged them and then he went in just a bit more and found the secreted bulb where their juices were stored and he began to gently manipulate that. The big male groaned louder beneath him as he rubbed his fingers over the warm, silky surface inside him. He watched the tube and saw the first of the milky fluid flow into it and be suctioned up toward the ceiling.

As the man’s spunk began to flow the other creature returned his attention to the burgeoning penis, beginning a steady, stroking massage to the bottom of the member from its thick base to the swollen head, coaxing the pearly fluid along the length of the males urethra and into their collection device. Later it would be used to produce more livestock on the Cedation farms.

All the adult humans were milked in the same manner every several days. It kept their seed pure and fresh for the breeding and avoided them wasting it themselves.

When the two men were satisfied that Buck would produce no more of his seed he was released from the table and shoved before two of the guards back to where he had been hanging. The needle was inserted once more into his vein and he drowsily closed his eyes just as he saw Sonny being pushed toward the milking room.


When Buck awoke again the constant roar that had surrounded him had stopped and the room was filled with the odd strangers, taking the people down from the walls, tying their hands behind them and pushing the naked and dazed captives toward the door.

Buck was driven with several other males up a long ramp and finally down another ramp fenced on either side with steel rails. He saw Sonny, with more men, struggling down yet another steep ramp off to his right.

They were outside but all around them the place looked like nothing they had ever seen or even dreamt. The sky was a dark blue color and the huge globe of what looked like a very near moon hung just above them. The air they were breathing was fresh but cold on their exposed flesh. Buck was amazed and looked anxiously around at the city and all the people surrounding them until one of his captors began slapping at his bare buttocks through the fence with a thin crop, coaxing him forward. Behind him loomed the huge silver colored ship he had stepped out of, resembling two coffee saucers fit together at their edges.

The males were taken down a series of ramps and herded into a large pen in the shadow of the parked vessel while the females were taken off in another direction. There were many men and they were crowded together tightly, their legs and buttocks, cocks and bound hands brushing against each other as they milled about. The contact aroused Buck and he felt his cock expanding like many of the others around him. He heard the sound of a strong stream of urine being dispensed onto the packed earth. He stepped into a pile of dried shit and stepped aside quickly.

Small boys, or at least Buck guessed they were boys, had gathered outside the pen and delighted at poking at the new humans with thin rods which flashed and stung severely when they came in contact with the sweating flesh of the males naked legs and butts. They laughed as the stung men bolted, trying to escape the torture. Soon, adults who looked like the men aboard the ship, pressed the young ones aside and stepped in closer to get a better look at the new cargo. They spoke in an odd series of clicks and grunts to each other as they admired the new captives. They all looked very similar, except some men who wore the silver and blue clothes Buck had seen before. These creatures seemed to be shown more respect than the others and moved up quickly, dispersing the crowds around them.

Just as Buck located Sonny among the others, a man appeared behind them and used his cruel whip to drive the pair and a few of the others closer to the fence. A man there seemed to be selecting the ones he wanted to see closer. As they stumbled forward through the mire in the pen, poles with cruel wire loops attached were quickly slipped over their heads and tightened around their throats. The men bucked and pulled away from the choking nooses but they were held fast and drawn further forward. At the fence line the chosen males were appraised by the men outside. They reached through the bars and tested the muscles of each chest and set of arms, abdomen and butt, discussing among themselves. They lifted each thick penis and examined the full bags suspended between each set of legs before moving onto the next prisoner. When the group came to Buck, one man tipped his head back and forced his mouth open to inspect his teeth while another seized his hardened cock and chattered excitedly as he skinned back his long hood to expose the tumid head and moist slit. Buck tried to back away from the ministration but was forced forward again by the man holding the tight ring about his throat.

When a dozen or more had been inspected they were taken from the corral and forced along another ramp and into a building at the side. Inside each man was washed with a coarse brush, forced under strong sprays of water and then roughly dried. When they were ready they were prodded into a cage mounted at the rear of a large craft. Buck huddled in the back of the strange vehicle near Sonny, shivering from the cold and fear of the unknown while the vehicle traveled very fast in the air just a few feet above the floor of the dry, featureless landscape outside the city.

After what seemed like a long time the machine came to a stop at the side of a large stone building, one of many they had gone by after passing through the gates of a large, complex. One of the guards opened the cage and the stinging prods were used to coax the captive males out of the craft. Buck stumbled along, keeping Sonny in sight as they were driven through a door and along a narrow, straw littered corridor. All around them were more of the creatures dressed in white coveralls, chattering in their odd language while they shoveled waste from the floor into large wheeled carts while others seemed to be preparing pans of something that smelled good as the men passed. Several hundred yards into the corridor Buck was stopped and his chest was pressed into the wall. One of his captors held him while another released his wrists and pulled the wedge of goo from his mouth. He flexed his jaws as a door slid open and he was shoved through it. The noose was taken from his neck and the door closed behind him.

He found himself in a single room with floor to ceiling glass walls on three sides and a solid wall behind him where the door had been. Bright light came from holes in the ceiling above him, illuminating everything in the space. He saw himself reflected in each of the side walls but beyond the front wall, more of the creatures, many of them with young ones, roamed along in a dimly lit corridor. Beyond the people in front he saw another row of cubicles containing more human males and some creatures he had never even imagined, each in their own....cage. Was that what he was in...a cage on the opposite side?

A small group of the people stopped and peered through the glass at him and Buck suddenly felt very aware of his nakedness and lowered his hands to cover his obscenely exposed sex. The children pointed and laughed at his gesture.

At the back corner of the space there was a raised, rectangular platform covered with a heavier layer of the fresh straw bedding and beside it a bowl, fixed to the wall, with clean running water purling through it. The room wasn’t as cold as the outside, yet still cold enough to chill his bare body.

While he investigated the enclosure a slit opened near the door and one of the pans of food he had seen was slid in. Buck had no idea when he had last eaten but he was suddenly famished.

The food had a very odd look but when he tasted it he found it very satisfying and hungrily ate the whole amount, washing it down with plenty of fresh water.

Outside the glass, the people strolled up one side and along the other looking in at each exhibit and occasionally stopping to see if the creature inside would do something worth watching. After a long while the crowd thinned and finally disappeared and the light in the corridor was extinguished along with half the light inside Buck’s enclosure and it became very quiet. He pulled himself up from where he had been sitting along the mirrored wall and strode several times along the length of it. After he chose a spot near the front corner he grasped his soft cock and spread his legs. His spray began slowly through the pucker of his foreskin but soon he was directing a heavy, satisfying stream onto the mirror while he watched himself and appraised his filthy, smudged body. His acrid smelling piss flushed the surface of the glass and flowed down onto the metal floor where it disappeared again through small openings in the surface. When he was done he shook off the last of it before turning toward the bedding platform and pulling himself onto it.

“Hey...I just pissed. Was anybody watching?” he yelled, speaking for the first time since the gag had been removed. His voice reverberated in the still cage but was answered by muffled voices and calls from the other inhabitants of the building. He thought he heard Sonny’s voice among them yell back but he wasn’t sure.

The small door beside him opened again and a long, thin hand reached in to remove the first pan. It was replaced with another one full of warm food before the door closed quickly again.

“Thanks,” Buck muttered as he approached and squatted beside his meal.

It was as tasty as the last and also as salty but he ate it greedily, using his fingers as before until he was finished. He washed it down with clear water again and settled back on his bed, this time truly ready for sleep.

During the night Buck slept restlessly, fighting the cold air circulating around him, battling his captors in vivid nightmares and trying to ignore the night noises present in this very strange place. He was also being tormented by an urgent, throbbing stiffness between his legs which he recognized as a night hard-on that would irritate him until it was taken care of.

Buck turned on his bed and closed a fist tentatively around his thick shaft, enjoying its stiffness and the warmth of the organ beneath the skin coat. He wondered briefly why his old friend felt harder, longer and even fuller than he ever remembered it being. His foreskin had already pulled itself free of the bulbous head as he began a slow, rhythmic stroking of the member, tantalizing himself and forcing his dick toward its inevitable climax.

He rolled onto his back, the pole of his penis rising from his groin as he enjoyed the rush of sensation sweeping through his body. His left hand slipped up to tease and torment his hardened nipples as he increased the rhythm of the strokes on his dick. Then, when he was at the brink of his orgasm he backed off, massaging only the thick shaft and avoiding the crown of his sensitive head until he was once again moaning out loud and at the point of release. This he did again and again until he was nearly mad with desire and the need to dump his seed, but still he prolonged it, thrilling himself. Buck thrashed on the hard bed, crying out in the dark, cursing; completely lost in the blackness of his ecstasy until he could wait no longer and the flood of his release had begun behind his balls and was rushing to escape his cock. He beat wildly at the engorged member until the first blast exploded from his prick and shot over his shoulder and onto the mirrored wall behind him. He screamed aloud with relief as the second bolt burst free and splattered on his neck and throat before poolling in the mat of hair on his broad chest. Finally, as he began to relax his dick continued to throb and spill the last of the load onto his convulsing belly.

“Oh, Christ...” Buck sighed as he recovered his breath and collected a dollop of his warm spunk from the trail of hair on his belly. He lifted the finger to his mouth and savored the salty, musky taste before he swallowed the milky juice. He ate all he could gather up before he turned and tried to return to sleep, the smell of his orgasm still hanging in the thin air.

When Buck awoke the corridor at the front was lighted again and some early people were there, apparently observing the morning feedings.

The pan was being slid in as he pulled himself from the platform and noticed the hard-on that had tormented him during the night had not faded but actually felt stronger. His deep foreskin covered about half of the thick head while the stiff member bobbed and jolted from thigh to thigh as he walked toward his food. One of the men outside held a strange instrument up to his face and pushed buttons on it as he followed Buck’s movements. He seemed most interested in the thick erection projecting from the big male’s crotch.

Buck finished his meal once more, not yet connecting the food with the responses of his body and began to look for a place to relieve his heavy bowels.

When he had finished he looked out the front, past the people in the corridor and into the enclosure behind them. The handsome, muscular young human that cage also sported a bulging erection and was entertaining a group of their captors by slowly stroking the throbbing tool as he stood in the middle of his cage. Finally, while Buck watched, his head flew back between his shoulders and he hollered, flinging his seed out in milky globs that splashed on the glass front and slid toward the floor, thrilling the Cedations watching his show. He continued to cum until he was emptied but still his cock did not fade, as Buck’s own had not, and he began to relax.

Suddenly the door at the rear of the cell opened and two large guards entered, one carrying the pole and noose and the other standing to the side, ready for anything that might happen. A group of people had gathered outside to watch the capture.

Not wanting to disappoint the onlookers, Buck rushed toward the door. It was a small effort and ended with him being seized easily by the waiting guard and held while the noose was secured about his throat. He choked and grabbed at the wire but he was held securely and easily guided from his cage and into the corridor while several others entered to begin cleaning the enclosure.

Once in the hall, he was pushed with two more human males toward a room at the end. Inside all three were suspended by their wrists from the ceiling, back to back at the center of room. Two of the workers appeared and went from one man to the next spreading a dark, thick paste onto their growing beards and rubbing it gently into their skin. With the other two they lathed the same gel onto their chests and up into their armpits, across the rippled plains of their bellies and then around and onto their stiff cocks and tight ball sacks. When one of them approached Buck with the stuff a man in back spoke harshly to the creature and Buck’s body hair was spared. That left the big man puzzled until the Cedation leader approached him.

Buck tried to kick at the man as he reached forward with his thin, cold hand and closed his fingers around the shaft of Bucks tumid cock, sliding the retracted foreskin even further back.

“You are a remarkably handsome specimen, Mr. Scott...a prize among my collection,” he said in perfect American English, yet Buck still heard the slight clicking sound behind his words.

“Take your damn hands off me,” Buck snapped.

As the leader focused his small black eyes on Buck’s, his hand moved up onto the taut belly, testing the muscles and then into the lush hair covering the swollen mounds of the male’s heaving chest.

Buck spat, then squirmed against the bonds holding his wrists.

“That is why I let you keep the lush fur decorating you. The people should be able to see a natural human male, one not groomed like the others. And, one which possesses the...other attributes, we seldom see. You see, we Cedations have no specific sex and your ample equipment fascinates the people.” His hand had again wandered down to cup Buck’s pendulous balls and lifted them forward.

“What the fuck is this...?”

“You are part of a Cedation zoo, Saturnicus, Mr. Scott. A place where my people can see examples of the creatures captured from many other worlds. If it were not for my zoo, you and the other humans would have gone directly to the farms when you arrived here and your future would not have been so...happy. Now that I have spared you from that fate your only task is to entertain the people who come to see the animals.”

“Nnnnnooooo...,” Buck screamed as the leader backed away to allow the workers to finish. By the time their bodies were washed and rinsed and they twisted there, still dripping, any hair that the stuff had been applied to was gone, leaving the two men beside Buck looking like large newborns, their full-grown sexual equipment hanging between their legs with nothing secreting it at all.

As they finished with him, the leader slipped another noose around Buck’s throat and led him off in the opposite direction. Within a moment Buck was walking in the corridor in front of the cages, looking through the glass at the animals, like himself, which the people had come to see. Up ahead he saw a large crowd gathering at the front of one of the lighted enclosures.

“I want to show you what can happen if one of my human pets fails to cooperate and the people are not pleased with it,” said the leader.

The crowd parted and looked curiously at the naked male beast being lead into their midst. “This is a Gorson, one of the biggest and fiercest things I have ever had in my Zoo. It was captured on E-17 after it had ripped half of the expedition crew to pieces and eaten them. It seems to prefer the flesh of humans however, over that of our people....and, fortunately we have a good supply.”

Looking over the heads of the Cedations, Buck saw only a huge ball of black fur in one corner of the cage and a naked human male shuddering near the back door. He could see the man was screaming and trying desperately to escape but there was nowhere to go. His voice was barley audible through the thick glass and over the noise of the gathered crowd. He ran back and forth against the wooden wall, panicked, like a mouse trapped by a rattler. Still living but completely doomed.

“Stop this,” Buck yelled. “This is sick... End it.”

“ will end...soon, now, Mr., Scott. Pay attention.”

Suddenly, a thin, snake-like object slipped out from below the ball of fur and began stretching and slithering slowly toward the terrified man. He backed carefully away as it approached his bare feet, fearfully hypnotized by the movement.

Gradually the man moved nearer and neared the corner, closer and closer to the brooding bulk of the Gorson, driven by the aggressing tentacle threatening him. He did not see the other slight movement under the fur.

“No...No... Behind you!” shouted Buck over the cheering of the crowd.

In a fraction of the blink of an eye a single, huge paw, armed with razor sharp talons lashed out and in one movement tore the left arm from the stunned mans body, spraying the glass window with a broad arch of blood. The man fell and began to crawl but again the massive paw caught him, sinking the viscous claws into his back, peeling flesh and meat from his side and buttocks as the beast pulled the bloody body nearer.

The tortured screams became other-worldly as they died off and the man’s form disappeared beneath the hulking monster, leaving only a bloody trail on the surface of the floor. Buck found himself vomiting as the crowd cheered around him.

“A lesson well learned, Mr. Scott? The people must be way or another. Come, we will return you to your cage.”

Several days later, after having been washed and shaved, Buck sat against the mirrored wall of the enclosure staring up at a box mounted against the ceiling; a dark colored box which had never been there before. Beside it was a much smaller, black box with a round, shining disk at the front and a tiny red speck flashing rhythmically beside it. At the front of the cage, in the aisle, a group of Cedation visitors were gathering in front of the cage on the opposite side. Buck looked over, suspecting it was time for that male’s daily exhibition.

Suddenly Buck was startled by a flash of light in the box and a growing image, just as if it were coming from inside. He was amazed and rose to stare up at the screen. It was the inside of the human’s cage across from his own and in it was the man, so close Buck felt he could touch him.

The man had moved into the center of the cage and reached up with one arm to grasp the bar suspended from the ceiling. He held it firmly while his other fist slid over the surface of his belly and down over the stubble of his pubis to encircle the hardened shaft of his long cock.

Buck, for the first time, saw the shadow of dusky beard on the male’s handsome face, the cap of brown hair framing it and his blue, deep-set eyes and strong features. His mouth opened in a long sigh as he gave himself to the pleasure flooding his groin. Muscles coiled and reacted under the coat of tan skin as he moved in that sensual dance.

Suddenly he stopped, distracted by a movement at the back of the cage. Buck saw the door slide open and another human male being pushed through the opening. The noose on his throat was removed and he was released into the enclosure with the other while the door was closed behind him.

He looked warily about at a cage which was a duplicate of his own and then at the other man occupying it. He moved slowly in a slightly crouched stance to his right, his muscles tensed along his frame and his stiff cock and full ball sack wobbling and swaying between his powerful legs. The other male turned and moved toward the intruder with the same wary, slow movements.

As they came closer, Buck saw their heads tilting and their faces moving as they were sniffing at the air between them, testing each others tantalizing odors. He stared, mesmerized by the picture box while he was amazed by their silent communication, neither one uttering a word, yet seeming to understand their silent language. The intruder grasped the exercise bar with both hands and stretched out his shorter, yet heavily muscled body while the host moved in closer. While he was close enough to touch him, he hesitated, tilting his head into the hollow beneath the young man’s flexed arm, inhaling his scent. Buck felt his cock rise to a full hard-on, throbbing before him as a pink tongue flicked out and licked at the offered arm pit then onto the curve of his chest.

The young man kept his position, smiling toward Buck as he gave himself to the more experienced, ministering male. He tilted back his head and closed his eyes as the man licked and gently bit at the side of his neck and along his face toward his sensuous mouth. His lips parted and the man covered the young mouth with his own in a long, slow kiss.

Outside, the gathered Cedations shouted their delight.

Between their bodies rough hands explored the mounds of their chests and fingers pinched and twisted at the dark nipples until each human cried out aloud into the stillness of the cage. Buck saw only their faces as their big hands went to the hardened equipment between each other legs. He watched the younger male begin to lower his head against the front of his partner’s sweat slicked body, delivering licks and sensuous kisses to the tough skin, from his hard nipples to the triangle below his navel.

Buck’s cock throbbed up with excitement, arcing toward his belly as he watched the images in the box. He closed his fist around the stiff member and began a slow massage. He heard himself moan aloud from the need of release, triggered by the witnessed passion of the two men.

With the fingers of one hand the younger male skinned the flesh back on his mates cock and slowly lowered his wet mouth over the bulbous head and down the vein-etched shaft toward his inflamed balls. As he withdrew his mouth the slick member glistened and throbbed in the pulsing light until he dove again down onto it. The big man’s head fell back in ecstasy and his mouth opened in a low guttural cry that even Buck could hear.

Buck continued ministering to himself, feeling the tremendous need building in his groin as the men on the screen seemed to devour each other, falling, as if in slow motion to the straw covered floor.

Turning and twisting in a rutting knot, the young men’s bodies seemed to melt together, melding to form to one another until each head was between the others firm thighs, the eager cocks buried in their hungry mouths. Wet sucking sounds filled the area as their heads bobbed slowly up and down, rotating around the thrusting shafts. Tongues dipped into the long piss slits, collecting the pre-juice, driving the mated men to near madness. Then the flawless flesh was moving again and their voluptuous mouths were melting together in another wet kiss. Their hands were coursing over each others bodies, pulling and pumping at the lurching erections, then fondling and squeezing the compact testicles hung below them in the taut bags.

The big man nibbled and sucked at his friend’s neck as his body slid onto his broad back and he wedged his incredible cock into the warm crevice of his ass. He flexed his belly against the mounds of the young male’s buttocks, his hard cock rasping against the hidden pucker and probing the back of his sensitive sack. Gently he lifted the man’s hips until the ass was below him, molded to the front of his powerful body. He licked and drew long kisses along the wet flesh of his muscular back as he began to press tentatively against the tight opening.

he handsome head went up and a tortured cry briefly came from him before his mate covered his mouth with his own and the burgeoning cock head slipped past the portal and up into the warmth of his gut. Inch after inch of his massive penis buried itself in the young ass until their balls slapped together and he began to withdraw only to drive in again and again.

Buck had never imagined such an act between two men but watching the union drove him into the dark pit of his own lust. He imagined the taste of the big man’s sweating flesh and the sensation of his tumescent cock buried to the root in the warmth of that young ass. He laved the steady stream of juice leaking from the tip of his cock back over the swollen head, driving himself even closer to his own release.

The two sensuous bodies danced together in the tortuous rut, the younger man meeting each of his lover’s long thrusts with his own arching back, begging more depth from the pumping male while he moaned and cried aloud in the throws of his hunger.

Suddenly the top male roared and sunk his teeth onto the flesh of the others bulging shoulder and with one final push, buried himself in his bowels, so deep their flesh seemed like one body. He howled again into the chilled air while he came and the young human beneath him also erupted, jettisoning a thick stream of his seed over the hand on his cock and onto the straw cover spread out beneath them.

While they panted and kissed each other, their bodies still folded together, Buck felt his orgasm rushing through his loins toward release. He yelled, almost howling, as the first blast exploded from his cock and splattered on the glass before the crowd of watching Cedations. They shouted their approval as he blasted wad after wad of his milky spunk onto the surface while the other two males lay exhausted on the floor of the opposite cage.

Finally, the keepers entered and slipping the cruel noose over the younger mans neck, pulled him from the enclosure. Buck saw the image in the box fade and disappear as he dropped to the floor.


Another week passed with nothing extraordinary happening to mark the time. Buck ate, slept and in the afternoons, when the Cedations gathered outside he pleasured himself for their entertainment, flinging loads of his pearly spunk onto the glass separating them while they watched. From time to time the weird box would come to life and he could watch whatever it was they had chosen to show him; most of the time it was male humans sharing their lust in one cell or another.

The Director had continued to put many of them together but so far Buck had no company in his enclosure.

Several days later he awoke to the sound of the door sliding open and when he pulled himself up from his bed, swiping straw from his shoulders, he saw two keepers standing just inside the opening, one armed with the pole and noose. He quietly allowed him to slip the wire over his head while the other secured his wrists.

“What now? I was shaved and washed least I think it was yesterday... where we goin’ huh?” Buck said as he was turned and forced into the corridor. There was never any answer from the keepers. Just that clicking noise they made to each other as they walked.

Buck had grown accustomed to his nakedness but he was still oddly aware of the sensation of his testicles bumping from thigh to thigh and his tumid cock swaying before him as he walked. They lead him down another corridor and finally into a room equipped with an odd looking type of chair in the middle and a counter full of strange tools behind it. Buck was pressed ahead until he had no choice but to sit on the leather surface. While they positioned him Buck was reclined on the lounge with his legs up at the foot and his arms at his sides. Suddenly, from the chair metal hoops appeared, closing tight around is ankles and wrists. Another came from beneath the chair and forced his forehead back into the cushion.

“What is this?” he shouted as he struggled. He flexed and tugged while the bottom of the device separated, spreading his legs wide.

The Director appeared at is side as if from nowhere. “The time has come for you, Mr. Scott, to be identified as a possession of Saturnicus. About this you should be glad; the men who are not marked have an unsure future. So, don’t fight too hard,” he said while he lifted Buck’s half hard cock. Between his long fingers he held a large, thick silver ring, slowly rotating it. Buck could see the numbers and strange symbols etched into its surface.

Buck recalled seeing similar rings hanging from the tips of the other males dicks and he struggled harder on the recliner.

“Nnoooo....get off me...noooo,” he yelled.

One of the keepers had taken his cock from the Director and was sliding the long foreskin back onto the shaft while another slipped a small loop over his knob to hold the flesh back out of the way. Buck felt a rush of excitement while the exposed hole was smeared with a dark, strong smelling liquid inside and out. He continued bucking and jerking in the chair but froze when he saw the long needle glint in the hand of the Cedation turning toward him. The two bodies blocked his view but Buck felt the cold metal as it passed the lips of his cock and entered him.

“No, no, no, no... AAAGGGHH!” he screamed as he heard the ‘crack’ of tissue and felt the horrible, searing pain spread into his dick. His body tried to close on itself but the chair held him open while the keepers forced the ring into place and closed the gap in the metal. Several drops of blood were cleaned off and his foreskin was released to slide back into place, this time only partially covering the new jewelry.

When they were finished Buck was returned to his cage were he sat against the mirrored wall looking between his legs at the adornment in his sore penis. The thick ring passed into his piss hole and emerged from the shaft, just behind the flared crown to join itself. For more than a week he could not relieve himself of the pressure building in his loins, d it even hurt to piss, but in time the wound began to heal and he found he could satisfy himself again, jacking off for the amusement of the watching creatures outside. Oddly, he even enjoyed the feeling of the foreign object as he massaged his cock, urging himself toward eruption.

One morning, as he sat with his food tray, Buck heard the door being opened and his body stiffened as he moved toward the front of his cage. He watched suspiciously as the keepers pushed another naked male through the opening and released him from the noose about his throat, sliding the door closed behind him.

The stranger appeared young and fit, his chin tucked down into his chest and his muscular arms hanging loose at his sides. Like most of them he was bald and his body was completely hairless, even in the space between his legs and above his bouncing, erect cock. He stood with his long legs slightly spread, the bag holding his pendulous testicles swaying between his thick thighs.

Buck, too, found himself tentatively sniffing the air between them as he slowly approached his temporary companion, trying to pick up the scent of the man’s body. From the edge of his vision he saw the Cedations beginning to gather outside the cage to watch the two animals together.

The young man remained still as Buck approached, not wanting to anger the man who lived in this space. The sculpted mounds of his chest and ridges of his segmented belly rose and fell evenly with his quiet breaths. He knew not to look into the face of the approaching stranger, but gradually saw the hair covered legs and then the full crotch with the shining ring hanging from the head of the man’s long penis. As the large, wiry pelt at the base of his body came into view, the man wondered why this male had not been denuded as most of the others had been.

Buck hungrily inhaled the scent of the young male before him, aching to reach forward and finally touch another body. While he sniffed close to the side of the smooth face a memory was suddenly sparked; a memory buried deep in the back of his mind. He touched the bare head and slowly tilted the face up to look into the clear blue eyes.

“Sonny,” Buck murmured, not believing they were finally seeing each other again.

“, it’s good to see you.” He closed his arms around his old friend and pulled their naked bodies together.

Behind the thrill of seeing his buddy, Buck felt a flush of excitement as their cocks pressed into each other’s bellies. He suddenly found his mouth over Sonny’s, caressing his full lips with his tongue and pressing urgently into the warm opening while his hands held the back of the smooth head.

Sonny reacted as if this was not a new experience, returning the deep kiss and Buck welcomed the reaction, suspecting that this was not the first time the young man had been put into another’s enclosure.

Buck drew in his breath and the two men breathed as one while his hands traced down Sonny’s soft back toward the raised mounds of his milky butt. He gently lifted and massaged one firm globe and then the other, letting his fingers just tentatively dip into the warm crevice hidden between them. Beneath him Sonny shifted his weight, offering Buck more access to the secreted spot while silently announcing his desire for more contact.

He broke from their passion and delicately licked at Buck’s throat up toward each ear while the bigger man moaned with a new found excitement in the attentions. The body shuddered against Sonny’s while he continued kissing and nipping at the man. His head tilted and he moved down onto Buck’s hairy chest, thrilled by the taste of male hair against his lips as he searched for and located the pouting nubs of Buck’s distended nipples, sucking and chewing one and then the other until Buck moaned and cried out with desire.

He gradually knelt, sliding the sweating front of his body against Buck’s, tasting his salty flesh and locating the single hairy trail that began on the solid ridges of his abdomen, just above his navel and spread down into the wiry pelt filling the triangle below. The cock throbbed against his throat and Sonny felt the hard, cool ring against his skin as he kissed and licked at the delicate areas beside Buck’s warm, low hanging balls.

Buck pinched his eyes closed and held the man’s solid shoulders while he lost himself in the flood of lust taking over his mind and body. Sonny used his tender mouth and tongue expertly, exploring hidden areas in the base of Buck’s big body until he was crying aloud, unable to tolerate the amazing sensations. Looking down he saw the man’s hands on his hips, drawing him forward and the mouth opening as it closed on the swollen tip of his throbbing cock. A rush of passion Buck had never felt washed over him as the young man drew more and more of the rampant shaft into his mouth, sucking at its vein etched surface until it had disappeared inside and his nose pressed into the thatch of Buck’s rich and musky pubes.

He closed his hands on the back of the young mans bald head, remembering how handsome Sonny had been with a full head of hair, while never imagining he would be kneeling before him savoring his hard prick.

Above him Buck cried out again as Sonny tasted and teased the big solid ring piercing the cocks bulging head, driving the tip of his tongue into the center of the thing, then exploring the space where it vanished into the stiff shaft. He drew out the sweet-salty juices flowing out around the cool metal and swallowed them hungrily.

Joining in the erotic dance, Buck bent and kissed the back of the bald head and caressed the broad shoulders. Gradually he lowered himself to the floor, their sweating bodies still locked together, Sonny still impaled on his rampant prick. Panting and twisting, Buck positioned his head between Sonny’s taut legs, his face inches away from the man’s musk scented, full crotch. Before his eyes the big cock lurched and bounced with their movements, his big balls lying languidly over on one thigh like large eggs rolling in the skin bag. A rush of lust flashed from his own sex as the man working him enveloped his entire rod, sinking slowly down to the hairy root. He edged his mouth closer and heard the young man moan as he drew his tongue slowly along the cleft in the spongy head to the top of the flaring crown. He opened his mouth and returned the attentions being lavished on his own sex, sucking the hard cock deep into his gullet, tasting the sweet-salty flesh of the rod and drawing the young mans juices out and onto his tongue.

Together they rolled in their torrid coupling, devouring each other until all at once they began to wrestle, Buck trying to gain a top position over his partner while Sonny, laughing, tried vainly to resist the bigger man.

Buck gradually positioned Sonny beneath him as he drew his sweating body against the contour of the strong, young back. He was possessed with the need for release, the type of satisfaction he knew he could only find with another male in this strange environment. His belly was tight against Sonny’s panting back as his laved kisses and tender bites on the salty flesh, over the man’s broad shoulders and up to his stubbly neck. He inhaled the musky scent of him as his arms encircled Sonny’s and their big bodies became like one on the floor.

Sonny arched his back against the weight of Buck’s body as their sweat-slick flesh moved together. He spread his knees while he felt the stiffness of Buck’s cock slide against the mound of his ass cheeks and slip into the crevice between them. Consciously he thrust his back his hips, increasing their contact and telling Buck he was ready for him to enter him. He was wild with the need for the pleasure-pain the big man would give him as he felt the cock massaging his ass, seeking his secreted pucker.

While he kissed his neck Buck also caressed Sonny’s wet sides, slowly working his hands down toward his hips and the mounds of the firm ass beneath him. He kneaded the firm globes while his cock thrust into the divide, seeking the hot opening. He drew his rough palms up the backs of Sonny’s thighs, and then with one hand he grasped his rampant cock and guided the head to the puckered rosette and slowly wedged it in, past the pop of the sphincter and into the hot velvet membrane inside. Sonny yelped as he entered then began to moan beneath him as he slid into him, one thick inch at a time until the cock was buried to the sack of his balls in the young ass. He arced up, stretching his body back while he held tight to the convulsing hips and pulled his cock slowly out to the crown of its swollen head and then drove languidly back in; the amazing sensations in his crotch driving him nearly mad. He howled and panted as he increased his probing to a steady fucking rhythm that would drive them both to a shuddering orgasm. Buck slid his hand to the front of Sonny’s body, over the thrashing surface of his ripped belly and down to the root of the stiff member jutting up between his legs. It was hot and hard in his grasp, throbbing with life as he closed his fist around it. He felt the edge of the crown and then the stream of juice flowing from its tip onto his searching fingers. Buck gathered the leaking fluid and brought it his mouth, savoring its pungent flavor.

Driving his hips forward and then back, Sonny impaled himself harder onto the cock buried in him while the fist surrounding his own dick began pumping the hardened shaft and teasing the ridge of his tumid head. He arched his head back and cried out from the amazing pleasure surging through his body and kissed the lips of the man clinging to his back. He felt the first surge of rising orgasm pulsing through his groin as he yelled again and pressed himself back against Buck. As he panted and moaned he let himself drop into the abyss of his climax. He felt the flow of his seed racing through the base of his body and past the shaft of the dick buried in his gut, then into the root of his rampant penis. The familiar tickle told him to relax and he howled aloud again as his muscles clenched and the first blast flew from his long slit, over the flagging hand and into the straw beneath his face. He continued to cry out as a second and third jolt flew from him until there was only a steady stream of thick, opalescent cream flowing over the edge of Buck’s big hand.

Buck felt the change in the young man’s body and knew it was his approaching climax. He held hard to the gyrating hips and buried his cock deep inside as the swollen ring in the ass tightened hard on his cock. Sonny cried out while in his hand Buck felt the first contractions of his thick cock and the explosion of his spunk as it burst from the tip. The musky scent of the man’s cum filled the space as it was flung onto the floor beneath them and then Buck was pumping the stream out onto his hand, gently massaging Sonny’s throbbing member. The tortured ring slackened around his dick and Buck began his fucking motion again, rapidly approaching his own orgasm. Suddenly the flood began deep within him. The voices of the cheering Cedations outside his cage disappeared as he became lost in the ecstasy of his release.

He heard himself yell as he grabbed Sonny’s hips and held him still beneath him, pumping desperately into him. With a great gasp he thrust forward, his pubic bush plastered against the young ass as he gave himself to the flood approaching the root of his dick and then racing toward the distended tip. Buck felt his superheated spunk rush in five distinct blasts from his cock into the guts of the man trapped under him as he yelled into the cold air of the cage, overcome with rapture.

Finally they were finished and Buck covered his partner’s mouth in a long, deep kiss before they fell panting to the floor, still locked in each others arms, their relaxing dicks lying on each other’s thighs leaking the last bit of their loads. All at once the door of the cage was slid open and the keepers entered. The noose was tightened around Sonny’s throat as he was pulled to his feet and forced toward the back of the cage and into the corridor. They closed the door and once again Buck was alone. Over the passing months, Sonny was brought to Buck many times; the Director and his guests seemed to like the way these males interacted and both men knew the most important thing was keeping the Cedations entertained.

One day, after he had been cleaned and fed the keepers once again appeared at the rear of the cage. Buck recognized their stance and saw the ready poles and nooses in their hands. “Now what?” he shouted. “I’ve been washed already....whatdya want?” Buck rose and let them approach quietly.

He was noosed easily, the wire pulling tight on his throat while his hands were bound high up into the small of his back. They clicked and growled at each other as they pushed him from the cage and into the corridor.

In the hall behind the cages perhaps a dozen or more of the human males were being assembled along the wall. Buck stretched his neck and saw Sonny’s naked body being pressed into the formation to his left. Once the keepers were satisfied, the bizarre parade was moved forward with accompanying stinging snaps to the buttocks from the guard’s small quirts. Then, at the end of the building the line was stopped and the men were grouped together side by side against the wall, their naked flanks pressing against one another.

While they were held there a group of naked men was led past them toward the cages deeper in the corridor. They all had the stunned look of newcomers etched on their faces and the wad of choking goo still lodged in their mouths.

When they had passed, two of the Cedations approached each bound man. While he struggled and spat, one lifted his penis and held it while the other cut the thick ring, drew the pieces from the cock, and disposed of the metal. It was done quickly and when the rings had been removed the men were hustled into a cage barely big enough to hold them, standing side by side.

On the third day of their confinement the guards came as they had for the past two days to select one of the men from the hapless group. This time it was Buck who was chosen, noosed and led, bound from the cage. He followed the guard, stumbling along in the hall until they arrived at a heavy door. It was pushed aside and he was untied and quickly pushed in. He heard the door slam behind him while he looked out the front window at the crowd of Cedation visitors gathered there.

“Noooo,” he screamed as he turned his head and saw the breathing black hulk huddled in the corner of the cage. Buck tried desperately to open the door, his muscles straining, his fingers tearing at the metal. His gaze flashed around the walls, vainly seeking another way out.

The hulk of the Gorson moved slightly and Buck saw the long tentacle begin to reach out in his direction. He panicked and clawed at the wall and mirror, panting and crying. His bladder relaxed from sheer terror and a strong stream of waste splattered to the floor. The black tentacle grew closer and he became mesmerized by its side to side slithering, taking his attention from the other movement beneath the fur.

Suddenly, the long appendage snapped forward and was wrapped around Buck’s ankle. He heard himself scream again as the creature tightened its grip and tugged the foot from beneath Buck’s thrashing body. He grabbed for anything he could grasp as he fell but there was nothing. He saw the blood stained steel floor rising toward him and then there was nothing but an inky void where he seemed to float.

“Buck... Buck...?” he heard someone call. “Can you hear me? Are you there? Come on, buddy... Come back here.”

He slowly opened his eyes. His head was in Sonny’s lap and he was looking up into his blue eyes. It was probably the best sight he’d ever seen.

“Wha... What happened? Where the hell? Ow... God, my head!”

“I’m surprised you woke up at all,” Sonny said. He mopped a cold, wet cloth once again across Buck’s forehead and face. “That was one hell of a fall. Your horse got spooked by something and threw ya’. I could hardly hold on to mine. Ya hit your head on one of them fence posts out there on your way down, boss. You’ve been out for awhile. ‘bout three days.”

Buck looked around and realized he was in a bedroom at their bosses ranch house with his friend still at his side.

“Pretty lucky, I guess....Sonny, I gotta piss mighty bad. Can ya’....?”

“Sure thing, buddy. Here, put your arm around my neck.”

“Sonny, you ever hear of Saturnicus?” Sonny was helping him toward the adjoining room where the chamber pot was kept.

“No, boss...other than you saying that word whilst you was out. You was having one hell of a nightmare in that delirium!”


Sonny turned while Buck pulled up the nightshirt they’d put him in, skinned back his long foreskin and aimed his cock into the clean ceramic container. While he pissed a steady drip of urine fell from a broad hole just below and behind the brooding head of his cock--a hole that a thick ring could have been pierced through.


23 Gay Erotic Stories from KWKEITH


BY KEITH CHRISTENSEN “Roger W. Jacobs, Commander USN, serial number F4990276,” he screamed in his head. He tried pulling up his feet but his bare ankles were bound together and tied to the frame of the iron cot they had him lying on. Another tight rope around his throat held his head to the top rail of the bed. He could smell the stinking mattress beneath him. His eyes were

Captives, Part 1

The boy was brought into my office and made to kneel on the floor before my desk. He had been stripped naked and recently washed. The fresh scent of pine soap rose from his warm skin and drifted across the space between us. I ordered him unbound and he rested his free hands unthreatening on the tops of his trim, muscular thighs. His butt rested on his ankles. He was an amazing specimen.

Captives, Part 2

Captives, Part 2 He woke slowly. There was a loud buzzing in his ears obliterating any other sound, and then gradually his senses began to return. An air conditioning motor cycled on somewhere above him and there were talking voices. He opened his eyes and the haze started to clear. He saw a straw covered floor, a high, white-washed fence, and in the distance a forest of tall poles and

Captives, Part 3

Captives, Part 3 The fat man and I had business to conduct and I decided that we should relax in my hot tub while we discussed it. I chose Hector, one of the young Mexican guards to accompany us. He could provide some special entertainment while we soaked. While Najef and I settled ourselves into the steamy bath we watched the soldier strip off his camouflage fatigues, exposing first,

Destiny Cultraine And The California Connection, Part 1

Billy Hollis stepped off the train and into the blackened bowels of the San Francisco terminal, his eyes wide with amazement over the size of the place and the sight of half a dozen locomotives all in a row, each one belching clouds of sooty smoke into the cavernous barn. A blast of steam from the undercarriage of a nearby engine startled him and he whirled around to see if Destiny was somewhere

Destiny Cultrane and the California Connection, Part 2 (conclusion)

“Sure thing Marshal. Say, how come I always hafta get you outta spots you get yourself into?” Hollis chuckled. “Jus’ lucky I guess. Now, hurry up.” Together they released the other prisoners and then made their way out, dressed as they had been when they entered, but encountered no resistance from Wo Hung’s henchman. Later Destiny would learn that the guards were too busy capturing the

Destiny Cultrane: Brushrock Pass

DESTINY CULTRANE: BRUSHROCK PASS BY KEITH CHRISTENSEN Swirls of snow driven by a fierce wind rose from the street like small tornadoes as Destiny coaxed his mare through the growing drifts. Puffs of steam froze into crystals of ice on the horses muzzle and below his nose as the storm tore at their faces. He pulled the collar of his duster in closer to his neck. To his right

Destiny Cultrane: Brushrock Pass (conclusion)

Reluctantly Moon shuffled to the upright and knelt beside Cultrane’s splayed legs. Right before his face was the lawman’s naked hip and Darby’s stiff cock lunging in and out of the furry crack. He was caught suddenly in the excitement as he raised his hand to the marshal’s hard thigh and then into the warmth of his crotch, past the sack, to the root of the throbbing cock. Cultrane groaned as

Destiny Cultrane: Lost Time

By Keith Christensen Destiny reined up his mare at the crest of the small rise and trained his eyes into the slope of desert ahead of them. Billy Hollis pulled his horse in beside him. Leather creaked and snapped as Cultrane raised his big body up in the stirrups to get a better look. “What d’ya see, Cully?” the younger man asked, looking into the distance. “Not sure...what do you

Deztiny Cultrane: The Cooper Situation

“Name’s Cultrane, Marshal Destiny Cultrane.” The husky baritone fairly rumbled in the stillness of the Judge’s heavily draped and richly paneled office. The Marshall had arrived in Tucson from a four day trail ride and had wasted no time climbing the marble stairs of the limestone courthouse and locating the judge’s office; he appeared strangely incongruous, filthy from his long trip,


FOOD BY KEITH CHRISTENSEN I drove to the self-storage warehouse in Key West. It was a huge, white painted concrete block building in the middle of an incongruous looking residential neighborhood. I had been told it had once been a cigar factory, which would explain why the place was built like a fortress. There were no windows and only a loading dock and a small door punctuating the

Food, Conclusion

Ari had stretched my arms up and fastened my wrists into the leather shackles at the top corners of the cross while Saia slipped the jock down my legs and off my feet. By the time my ankles were shackled to the base my cock had fully raised and the foreskin had pulled back from the thick head. It throbbed before me in the cool air. “It looks like this one is ready for us, my brother. Let us


HUMANOID “Humans!!!” bellowed the supreme leader. “Yes, my Lord...two were reported in the 5th the mountains south of the old Tennessee section.” I pointed at the map with the lazar indicator. “That’s ridiculous! There hasn’t been a human sighted since they were exterminated by th Zylons...when was that...two hundred years ago.” “You’re correct my Liege. I’ve seen the

Lieutenant Evans

LIEUTENANT EVANS “Say...isn’t that Bennett’s boy? Sam Bennet, the Senator from Maryland? What’s he doing here?” Two men stood together in the darkened room, their eyes fixed on the screen mounted before them. “That’s the trouble with you boys. So full of questions, Jack...” I breathed and raised my glass, sipping again at the pale liquid, my favorite wine from our

Number 14

NUMBER 14 As told to Keith Christensen by Jake Nordland About a year ago, while traveling through Iowa, I had occasion to stop at a small country bar just outside the limits of a town somewhere in the middle of the state, I’m sorry, I really don’t remember the name of the town but it would have little bearing on the rest of the story anyway. I

NUMBER 14...End.

He knew what kind of man you are and was sure you would make the right decision about our future.” “Are you nuts?” John said. “He can’t keep you all.” “Well...yes, you can. You see, Sir, he left you the farm and the school.” Before the old man’s will was settled ol’ John and I really had our hands full. We installed temporary fixtures, sinks and showers in the shed, or I should


By Keith Christensen A slow steady roll of thunder rumbled across the horizon and a huge grey mass of clouds covered the already darkening sky. “Damn,” I thought, “If I get soaking wet out here I’ll really be pissed-off. This job is miserable enough.” Because of a useless degree I had once achieved in animal husbandry, I’d been taken from a comfortable job in agriculture and been


Saturnicus By Keith Christensen It was 1882 and there were arguments taking place in the U.S. Senate about Wyoming becoming the next State in the Union, according to some, but on that clear, crisp night, under a full moon Sonny and Buck didn’t really care about such things. They still had another section of fence to check before turning in for the night. Sonny would have let it go until

Saturnicus, Part 2

As they came closer, Buck saw their heads tilting and their faces moving as they were sniffing at the air between them, testing each others tantalizing odors. He stared, mesmerized by the picture box while he was amazed by their silent communication, neither one uttering a word, yet seeming to understand their silent language. The intruder grasped the exercise bar with both hands and stretched


SILVERROD By Keith Christensen Chase Hogan and his partner Smitty had spent three weeks riding a herd through a stretch of desert when they decided it was time for Smitty to return to Fort Laramie for some more supplies. It would be about a four day trip and Chase told him they’d meet up at Silverrod, where he’d wait at the local hotel. After they’d parted, Chase spurred his mare, turned

Silverrod (conclusion)

Reveling in his reaction, she started to rain every lash down on his chest, aiming carefully for the dollar sized targets on his chest, until the sweat that trailed across his convulsing belly ran red as it passed through the wet pelt just above his drooping cock and dripped from his legs to the stony ground. Gradually she worked down, across the plain of his ridged abdomen, striping his flesh


I called for the guards to escort me to the cells which we were, to my delight, once again using. We proceeded through the labyrinth of corridors and down numerous flights of stairs, lit only by torches along the way until the air became fouled with the smell of awful and urine and stale sweat. I pulled the perfumed hankie from my brocade pocket and held it to my nose. I had to see the new


While he struggled vainly, his ample bag and beautiful, long cock swung between his thighs. “Answer me, BOY!” Fontaine shouted. “No’er ‘appened like that.” I watched while Linus and the others released Richard from the rack and shoved him forward to the space near the pillories. I marveled at his sleek body and how his muscles rolled beneath his sweat-glistening skin as he


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