Gay Erotic Stories




While he struggled vainly, his ample bag and beautiful, long cock swung between his thighs.

“Answer me, BOY!” Fontaine shouted.

“No’er ‘appened like that.”

I watched while Linus and the others released Richard from the rack and shoved him forward to the space near the pillories. I marveled at his sleek body and how his muscles rolled beneath his sweat-glistening skin as he moved. While one of the men worked the pulleys another bound his wrists in heavy cuffs and attached the hooks. When they were ready the chains rattled as his arms were drawn above his head and stretched toward the stone ceiling until they lifted the whole weight of his body.

He twisted and kicked desperately and cursed behind the gag but to no avail. Soon his feet were off the floor and we heard another snap in his shoulder and a grimace of pain washed onto his face. His feet were spread wide and his ankles secured to the floor, leaving his vulnerable genitals hanging between his thighs. Louie moved in and brought his hand up along the heavy thigh into the space between his big bag and right leg, testing the muscle and sinew there. Richard lurched to the side, trying to escape the caress. Fontaine then retrieved a leather glove from his bag and walked back to the trembling, young Templar. Slipping it onto his hand, he held it up before the man’s face and the Templar’s eyes grew wide with terror.

It was a sturdy, common enough glove but anchored on the fingers and in the palm were hundreds of tiny, needle-sharp spikes. Blood from its previous victims stained the leather between each viscous tooth.

“Think carefully now, my lad. Did you or any of the Templar Knights ever engage in secret and unnatural acts with each other under the guise of ritual?”

“No, sire...,” he stammered, his eyes wide, his gaze never leaving the gloved hand as it was raised toward his body.

Fontaine slowly drew just two fingers through the wet, brown hair deep under the knight’s arm and toward his chest.

He screamed a full-throated howl and thrashed his head from side to side as the fingers left rows of thin bloody lines on his pale skin. From sheer terror the young knight’s bladder relaxed and a sudden stream of waste flowed from the tip of his cock and splashed on the stone beneath him.

“Monster.....villain...let ‘im be,” screamed the men in the cage.

“Wait your turns, lads,” I quipped, watching Richard squirm in his bonds, his naked body even more splendid with a new coat of sweat on his muscles.

“Tell me, boy what did happen during the secret rites of the Templars? You were used, were you not?”

“No, Sire,” the youth gasped.

Fontaine leaned in close to his victim and this time drew the glove slowly up the inside of the youth’s tender right thigh while looking into his face until his eyes closed and his mouth opened in a sharp, anguished cry. Blood ran in rivulets to the young man’s knee and dripped onto the floor. Without warning he then hooked one of the cruel barbs behind the boy’s pouting right nipple and while he looked down, pulled it forward with a quick movement, tearing the nub from its magenta background. The wounded nipple hung by a thread of tissue while blood trickled from the new wound onto his victim’s belly.

The young knight howled steadily and writhed on the gibbet, desperate to escape the torture.

“Richard...his lovely cock will be next to feel my barbed caress. Spare him that, please... Tell us where Thomas is and I’ll stop this, I promise... Remove the gag,” Louie ordered.

“Please stop,” Richard begged. “The boys know nothing...I cannot tell you much as it pains me, I cannot,” he sighed.

“It’s in your hands, then....Bring me that other one, the fair haired boy,”“ he ordered and the guards pulled the other from the cage and shoved the stunned, shackled youth toward the stocks.

“On your knees, boy. Pleasure your comrades cock....Go ahead, now...that’s a good man.” he directed.

The startled young man looked first at his friends wounded thigh and then up into his pain-filled eyes and lightly shook his head.

“Put your mouth on it, then. Get it nice and hard. A splendid piece like that deserves a good tonguing,” Edward coaxed while he pressed the boy’s head from behind.

He kneeled up and taking the cock in one hand, lowered his unwilling lips over the head and onto the long shaft, drawing most of it into his maw before choking on its length and pulling back

“These young ones amaze me, Edward,” Louie laughed.

Even through the horrific pain of torture the cock had already begun to rise as the youth sucked steadily on the member.

“That’s the way, boy... I want him nice and hard when we begin. Keep sucking, Sir Knight,” he jeered.

There were tears streaming down the young man’s cheeks as he was made to minister again and again to the rampant penis, sobbing and drooling around the heavy shaft as he did.

Finally Louie seized a handful of his hair and pulled the youth away, pushing him to the floor.

“Richard...” he coaxed him while he closed the glove carefully around the boy’s wet, throbbing shaft. The dark blue veins stood out in harsh relief against the pale flesh as it disappeared in the torturous fist.

“Richard?...” Fontaine asked him again, closing his hand tighter while the struggling youth began to wail.

The handsome senior Templar just hung his head.

The sound of urine splashing on the stone floor came from the direction of the cage, where now only three of the junior knights waited.

Drops of crimson blood dripped from beneath Fontaine’s hand. He readjusted his grip to include the young knight’s bulbous head and pressed harder, although he knew the spikes could do their work with a minimum of pressure. He meant to deliver as much pain as possible and make it last.

The youth was screaming in a steady wail, only stopping to draw in more breath to howl again before he finally lost consciousness.

Fontaine loosened his grip and the mangled cock hung in a bloody arc away from the youth’s body, barely recognizable.

“Monster,” sobbed the big Templar. “I’ll kill you.” He shouted while he fought in the chains.

“Hardly in a position to threaten....Rouse the boy,” Louie ordered. “I am not finished with him...yet.”

I had to look away from the knights ruined sex while the guards doused him with cold water. He came to and looked out through bleary eyes, barely aware. I was hoping Richard would realize the extent of Fontaine’s cruelty and what he was willing to do to him to gain his information.

Louie delivered a hard, openhanded slap to the boy’s rib cage and then another to his tight belly, leaving scores of tiny bleeding wounds behind.

Full throated, pitiful screams came from the youth while he struggled on the pillory.

“Tell me; did take part in forbidden rituals of depravity, did you not?” He leaned in close to the knight’s face, awaiting his response. He gently cupped the knight’s big balls in his gloved fist, feeling the weight of them through the leather.

“Go to..Hell...,” croaked the youth.

“NNNNOOO...” Richard cried as he watched the enraged Count drag his horrible glove against the tender skin of the youth’s sack repeatedly, tearing the flesh open so severely that both testicles dropped between his legs, suspended only by their bloody cords.

“AAAAGGGGHHH...,” the boy screamed piteously before finally passing out again and dropping limp in his bonds.

Fontaine slapped his face again and again until the youth’s eyes opened briefly.

“Did you and the others take part in orgies with the senior Knights?” He drew his dagger and grasping the bloody mess between his thighs; Louie sliced the cords and tossed the severed balls into an empty bucket.

“...Yes...yes,” gasped the young knight between his shouts of anguish.

“Good, son, thank you... Prepare these two for the stake,” he told the guards. “Now, Richard...let us talk about Sir Thomas of Argyle. Where do you suppose he has gotten to?” Fontaine tossed off the bloody glove and approached the handsome big Knight, circling him and stroking his hanging body, testing the bundles of solid muscle.

“I will tell you nothing...those boys go to their deaths knowing you have forced lies from them but they, too are innocent,” Richard spat and pulled up on the chains.

“The scribes hear their answers, though. So they go to the stake as guilty men. Now, tell me where Thomas hides and make this much less painful for yourself and the others.” He ran his hand over the mounds of the knights rounded butt.

“Edward, I brought back from Persia....the land of your birth, Sir Richard...the most exquisite technique to use on the stubborn male. The Persians are people of tremendous patience and develop some fascinating devices to extract information from their enemies...”

The door opened once again and one of the guards entered to tell us that dusk had set and the servants had laid our supper. I told Louie, and then went to Richard’s side.

“It seems we have to leave you again until tomorrow. We are dining on squab and venison with vegetables and rich sauces tonight while you can feast on your treachery.”

“Perhaps as you hang here in the cold with the rats you will think about the suffering I can bring to you in the morning and how giving me one small bit of information will avoid that,” Louie said. His laugh and the loud crack of flesh against flesh resounded through the chamber as he slapped hard at the perfect rump. He tossed a thin leather thong to the guard.

“Never, swine,” Richard spat.

“Bind his cock at the tip with that and satisfy his thirst with wine....enough to bulge his belly. Then hang him by his ankles. Perhaps the tremendous discomfort he’ll experience will help him think. Good night, love,” he said. “Edward, let us chose some entertainment for this evening...Guard, strip those three in the cage.”

They roughly pulled the tunics from the three cowering young men, and while each one was a splendid specimen, a pale, sandy-haired youth with a generous endowment stood out among the lot. He tried to shrink against the wall but the guard pulled him forward, yelping, by his hair.

“Yes...that one. What do you say, Edward...we’ll share the youth after dinner. Have him washed and brought up to my chambers. And, mind you... clean his chute or I’ll know the reason why.” Louie said as he stepped toward the door, retrieving his walking stick.

After dinner and brandy, we refilled our flagons and retired to the quarters I had reserved for guests of influence.

It was a beautifully appointed two-room suite with sumptuous French furniture and delicate fixtures and hangings. In front of a crackling fire in the sitting room stood a guard with the youth tied at his feet. According to Louie’s instructions the naked and freshly scrubbed boy was bound with one ankle trussed to each thigh and his strong wrists secured at the back of his neck with a cord that wrapped around his throat. A leather strap covering his mouth reduced his voice to garbling croaks. His cock had been coaxed to erection and tied above the base and behind his sack with a tight leather thong. That technique kept the tool so hard that the skin cover of the throbbing head was purple and glazed. A drop of pearly juice sparkled at the tip. The heat of the fire had coated his flesh with a film of gleaming sweat as he squirmed.

“Ah....perfect...He awaits us eagerly, I see.” Louie set his goblet aside and began stripping out of his clothes. “Get the dog to his knees,” he ordered.

My cock lurched and stretched at the sight of Fountain’s sensuous body. He was lean but hard with a cover of dark hair on his defined chest and rippled belly. A long, hooded cock sprang from a lush growth between his thighs and his ample bag was slung low between his strong legs.

When I had discarded my clothes we both stood naked beside the quivering knight. He was on his knees with his ass obscenely opened, supported by his elbows in front, below his chest.

Louie produced a riding crop and began laying vicious swats on the young mans pale ass cheeks, each time laughing heartily while the knight tried to vainly crawl away from the burning blows.

“Here, Edward, have at him while I fetch more wine for us. He is going to be thirsty work.”

I took the crop and began beating the young knight, though I chose the tender flesh of his sides, below the pits of his arms, just where the edge of his dark nipples were barely visible. Each time I patterned his skin with a dark red welt as he shrieked into the gag.

“There you are, Edward. I see you do have the knack for this. He seems to find your strokes very uncomfortable. Here’s a fine target.” Louie said, pointing out the youth’s low hanging testicles while he stroked his own erect dick.

I abandoned the fleshy sides and aimed at the full bag, drawing the crop up hard between the bound thighs. Each time I struck the knight screamed, trying without hope to close his legs against my attack. All the while Louie caressed and spanked the solid, raised rump with his bare open palms.

“I think he is softened sufficiently,” said the Count as he dipped his fingers into a flagon of fat and lathed it into the youthful crack and up into the hole secreted at the base. “Edward, he has a warm, tight pucker and a velvety chute. They cleaned him well out. Here, give me that crop.”

Louie turned the stiff riding whip and began to wedge the handle into the knight’s upturned hole, slowly twisting it until the handle disappeared and the man wailed behind the gag. I could scarcely believe how much of the crop had gone into the stricken youth before Louie began to pull it out; only to shove it back in with more ferocity.

The knight gagged and choked on the sickness rising in his throat while Louie fucked him with the streaked tool, only withdrawing it when he had decided that it was time for us to mount him ourselves.

I was more than eagerly waiting; already stroking my engorged cock while I watched the Count brutalize the handsome youth bound at our feet. I knelt and lined my cock up to the well greased portal while the knight sputtered beneath me, probably begging me not to take him as I pushed my rampant cock into him, not stopping until I felt my balls against his and saw the dark clutch of my bush flattened against his pale flesh. I felt his slick sweat on my palms as I steadied his quivering hips and began a deep, satisfying rhythm, driving into him and then withdrawing until I could see the ridge of my cock head, then burying myself again in his warm ass. Again and again I thrust until a mounting need deep inside told me I was approaching my climax. I considered holding back, prolonging the sensational pleasure, but decided not to, knowing the tender ass would be mine again later, time and again. Sweat coursed from my every pore, mingled with the young knights and coated both our bodies with the salty lather while my hands wandered up his sides and seized and pinched his pouting nipples. I twisted the tender peaks savagely and pounded into him with no abandon until the flood began deep within me and I thrust in and held him firmly, feeling my seed course from my cock and jettison into his hot bowels.

I was still clinging, exhausted to the youth’s wet back when Louie pushed me to the side and prepared to mount the man himself. A trail of my cooling juice, blood and melted grease dripped from the knight’s worn hole as Louie pressed into him for his own turn.

“You used him well, Edward, but he is still good and tight. Good for me,” Louie laughed as he began his steady and long-stroking mount.

Just as the Count had finished filling the boy with more salty juice the door burst open and another of my guards rushed into the room. Louie barely noticed his agitated presence as he pulled his cock free of the young knight and wiped it on his discarded clothing.

“Well, what has caused this interruption?” he bellowed.

“...Beg your pardon, Your Grace.” he stammered. There has been an escape from the dungeon...”

“What?” I yelled, already pulling on my breeches and shirt. “Who?”

I already knew which prisoner had the bravado to escape when he said, “Sir Richard...My Lord....He wrestled free and killed Linus with his own dagger while he was being moved. He savagely stabbed two others on his way to the corridors. The men are searching the grounds outside the castle...but I fear he knows his way about.”

“He does indeed, you stupid lout! Edward, he cannot be allowed to rejoin Thomas. That is what he will attempt to do. Together they could cause the Crown much more trouble than they already have,” Louie said as he finished dressing and dashed from the room. I was close behind.

In the forest above the Earl’s castle, Sir Thomas of Argyle watched from his horse as his naked friend made his way through the thicket in the moonlight. He was panting heavily, blood streaming from dozens of tiny cuts on his legs as the Templar pulled him up onto the horse behind him.

“ took your fine time, I’ll say. I thought I’d be sitting here forever.”

“You might have been if I hadn’t convinced that fool of a guard to help me. I would have been on a stake the next time you saw me.” Richard pulled himself closer to the warmth of Thomas’ back and positioned his face closer to his own. Clouds of pale vapor escaped both mouths as their lips joined in a long kiss.

“Ummm...that was worth the wait,” said Thomas. “No stake for you, my handsome friend...not the warm and ready one you’ll find yourself on between my legs. I think I won’t give you any clothes. I like the feel of your bare flesh against me.”

Richard answered, “There’ll be time for all that, give me that coat. I’m freezing back here.”

Thomas pulled the great coat away from his saddle and passed it back to his friend as he turned the horse and spurred him in the direction of the mountains behind them.


23 Gay Erotic Stories from KWKEITH


BY KEITH CHRISTENSEN “Roger W. Jacobs, Commander USN, serial number F4990276,” he screamed in his head. He tried pulling up his feet but his bare ankles were bound together and tied to the frame of the iron cot they had him lying on. Another tight rope around his throat held his head to the top rail of the bed. He could smell the stinking mattress beneath him. His eyes were

Captives, Part 1

The boy was brought into my office and made to kneel on the floor before my desk. He had been stripped naked and recently washed. The fresh scent of pine soap rose from his warm skin and drifted across the space between us. I ordered him unbound and he rested his free hands unthreatening on the tops of his trim, muscular thighs. His butt rested on his ankles. He was an amazing specimen.

Captives, Part 2

Captives, Part 2 He woke slowly. There was a loud buzzing in his ears obliterating any other sound, and then gradually his senses began to return. An air conditioning motor cycled on somewhere above him and there were talking voices. He opened his eyes and the haze started to clear. He saw a straw covered floor, a high, white-washed fence, and in the distance a forest of tall poles and

Captives, Part 3

Captives, Part 3 The fat man and I had business to conduct and I decided that we should relax in my hot tub while we discussed it. I chose Hector, one of the young Mexican guards to accompany us. He could provide some special entertainment while we soaked. While Najef and I settled ourselves into the steamy bath we watched the soldier strip off his camouflage fatigues, exposing first,

Destiny Cultraine And The California Connection, Part 1

Billy Hollis stepped off the train and into the blackened bowels of the San Francisco terminal, his eyes wide with amazement over the size of the place and the sight of half a dozen locomotives all in a row, each one belching clouds of sooty smoke into the cavernous barn. A blast of steam from the undercarriage of a nearby engine startled him and he whirled around to see if Destiny was somewhere

Destiny Cultrane and the California Connection, Part 2 (conclusion)

“Sure thing Marshal. Say, how come I always hafta get you outta spots you get yourself into?” Hollis chuckled. “Jus’ lucky I guess. Now, hurry up.” Together they released the other prisoners and then made their way out, dressed as they had been when they entered, but encountered no resistance from Wo Hung’s henchman. Later Destiny would learn that the guards were too busy capturing the

Destiny Cultrane: Brushrock Pass

DESTINY CULTRANE: BRUSHROCK PASS BY KEITH CHRISTENSEN Swirls of snow driven by a fierce wind rose from the street like small tornadoes as Destiny coaxed his mare through the growing drifts. Puffs of steam froze into crystals of ice on the horses muzzle and below his nose as the storm tore at their faces. He pulled the collar of his duster in closer to his neck. To his right

Destiny Cultrane: Brushrock Pass (conclusion)

Reluctantly Moon shuffled to the upright and knelt beside Cultrane’s splayed legs. Right before his face was the lawman’s naked hip and Darby’s stiff cock lunging in and out of the furry crack. He was caught suddenly in the excitement as he raised his hand to the marshal’s hard thigh and then into the warmth of his crotch, past the sack, to the root of the throbbing cock. Cultrane groaned as

Destiny Cultrane: Lost Time

By Keith Christensen Destiny reined up his mare at the crest of the small rise and trained his eyes into the slope of desert ahead of them. Billy Hollis pulled his horse in beside him. Leather creaked and snapped as Cultrane raised his big body up in the stirrups to get a better look. “What d’ya see, Cully?” the younger man asked, looking into the distance. “Not sure...what do you

Deztiny Cultrane: The Cooper Situation

“Name’s Cultrane, Marshal Destiny Cultrane.” The husky baritone fairly rumbled in the stillness of the Judge’s heavily draped and richly paneled office. The Marshall had arrived in Tucson from a four day trail ride and had wasted no time climbing the marble stairs of the limestone courthouse and locating the judge’s office; he appeared strangely incongruous, filthy from his long trip,


FOOD BY KEITH CHRISTENSEN I drove to the self-storage warehouse in Key West. It was a huge, white painted concrete block building in the middle of an incongruous looking residential neighborhood. I had been told it had once been a cigar factory, which would explain why the place was built like a fortress. There were no windows and only a loading dock and a small door punctuating the

Food, Conclusion

Ari had stretched my arms up and fastened my wrists into the leather shackles at the top corners of the cross while Saia slipped the jock down my legs and off my feet. By the time my ankles were shackled to the base my cock had fully raised and the foreskin had pulled back from the thick head. It throbbed before me in the cool air. “It looks like this one is ready for us, my brother. Let us


HUMANOID “Humans!!!” bellowed the supreme leader. “Yes, my Lord...two were reported in the 5th the mountains south of the old Tennessee section.” I pointed at the map with the lazar indicator. “That’s ridiculous! There hasn’t been a human sighted since they were exterminated by th Zylons...when was that...two hundred years ago.” “You’re correct my Liege. I’ve seen the

Lieutenant Evans

LIEUTENANT EVANS “Say...isn’t that Bennett’s boy? Sam Bennet, the Senator from Maryland? What’s he doing here?” Two men stood together in the darkened room, their eyes fixed on the screen mounted before them. “That’s the trouble with you boys. So full of questions, Jack...” I breathed and raised my glass, sipping again at the pale liquid, my favorite wine from our

Number 14

NUMBER 14 As told to Keith Christensen by Jake Nordland About a year ago, while traveling through Iowa, I had occasion to stop at a small country bar just outside the limits of a town somewhere in the middle of the state, I’m sorry, I really don’t remember the name of the town but it would have little bearing on the rest of the story anyway. I

NUMBER 14...End.

He knew what kind of man you are and was sure you would make the right decision about our future.” “Are you nuts?” John said. “He can’t keep you all.” “Well...yes, you can. You see, Sir, he left you the farm and the school.” Before the old man’s will was settled ol’ John and I really had our hands full. We installed temporary fixtures, sinks and showers in the shed, or I should


By Keith Christensen A slow steady roll of thunder rumbled across the horizon and a huge grey mass of clouds covered the already darkening sky. “Damn,” I thought, “If I get soaking wet out here I’ll really be pissed-off. This job is miserable enough.” Because of a useless degree I had once achieved in animal husbandry, I’d been taken from a comfortable job in agriculture and been


Saturnicus By Keith Christensen It was 1882 and there were arguments taking place in the U.S. Senate about Wyoming becoming the next State in the Union, according to some, but on that clear, crisp night, under a full moon Sonny and Buck didn’t really care about such things. They still had another section of fence to check before turning in for the night. Sonny would have let it go until

Saturnicus, Part 2

As they came closer, Buck saw their heads tilting and their faces moving as they were sniffing at the air between them, testing each others tantalizing odors. He stared, mesmerized by the picture box while he was amazed by their silent communication, neither one uttering a word, yet seeming to understand their silent language. The intruder grasped the exercise bar with both hands and stretched


SILVERROD By Keith Christensen Chase Hogan and his partner Smitty had spent three weeks riding a herd through a stretch of desert when they decided it was time for Smitty to return to Fort Laramie for some more supplies. It would be about a four day trip and Chase told him they’d meet up at Silverrod, where he’d wait at the local hotel. After they’d parted, Chase spurred his mare, turned

Silverrod (conclusion)

Reveling in his reaction, she started to rain every lash down on his chest, aiming carefully for the dollar sized targets on his chest, until the sweat that trailed across his convulsing belly ran red as it passed through the wet pelt just above his drooping cock and dripped from his legs to the stony ground. Gradually she worked down, across the plain of his ridged abdomen, striping his flesh


I called for the guards to escort me to the cells which we were, to my delight, once again using. We proceeded through the labyrinth of corridors and down numerous flights of stairs, lit only by torches along the way until the air became fouled with the smell of awful and urine and stale sweat. I pulled the perfumed hankie from my brocade pocket and held it to my nose. I had to see the new


While he struggled vainly, his ample bag and beautiful, long cock swung between his thighs. “Answer me, BOY!” Fontaine shouted. “No’er ‘appened like that.” I watched while Linus and the others released Richard from the rack and shoved him forward to the space near the pillories. I marveled at his sleek body and how his muscles rolled beneath his sweat-glistening skin as he


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