Gay Erotic Stories


by Mercure


“Vulnerable” Chapter One

Superman flew swiftly over Metropolis, performing one final scan of the city before heading home. With Lois out of town on assignment for the Daily Planet, he had more time than usual to maintain law and order in the nation’s largest city. Crime was down by a double-digit percentage while Superman was pulling this extra duty. With Lois away, Superman was able to focus on what he did best: Capturing criminals, and making sure they were handed over to the authorities.

This night seemed to be no different from any other – the occasional attempted burglary, an odd attempted mugging, nothing out of the ordinary…until Superman heard an announcement on an exceptionally high-pitched frequency that not even dogs could register.

“Hello, old friend.”

It was Lex Luthor. Superman’s eyes narrowed as he listened.

“I’m going to skip the preliminaries. I know you can hear me, I know you know I have a compelling reason for you to go where I tell you, and when. So just head to – ”

But Superman was already bursting through the doors of the waterfront warehouse, having traced the origin of the transmission. Hands on hips, he addressed his frequent nemesis.

“All right, Luthor. What’s going on here?” Superman demanded.

“How many times do I have to ask you to call me Lex? Never mind. Oh, I see you’ve noticed that room.”

Lex was referring to a door at the far end of the room the two men stood in. Indeed, Superman had been using his X-ray vision to examine the warehouse, finding nothing strange with the exception of the door in question. Apparently the room behind that door was entirely lined with lead…which meant it was obviously where Superman was meant to look.

“Luthor, this is a waste of my time. I’m not in the mood for your games.”

But just before he started to fly away, Lex grabbed his attention. “Do I really have to say it? Lois Lane is in that room, of course. And the room is rigged so that if anyone but me opens the door, or goes through any of the walls or the ceiling or floor, she’ll be killed instantly. I’d tell you all the details, but they don’t really matter, do they?”

With that, Superman was nose to nose with Lex – nose to nose because he had lifted the shorter Lex Luthor up by his lapels. As Luthor dangled, he grabbed onto Superman’s massive arms, covered in tight blue fabric, for balance. Superman couldn’t believe Luthor actually had the nerve to smile.

“You hurt Lois, and I will kill you, Luthor. It’s that simple.”

“Your loyalty is touching. Put me down. I don’t WANT to kill her, you know. I have something else in mind.”

But Superman refused to let Lex Luthor down. The two men were very close. Very, very close. On the pretense of trying to keep from slipping, Lex grabbed onto Superman’s shoulders, then around his neck. Superman made no notice, and simply growled, “What do you want?”

“Well, as nice as it is to be so near you, I’d kind of like to stand on my own two feet at the moment.” An angry Superman let Luthor down, but held him near. As Lex looked up at him, he said, “Thanks. Now, then. There’s something in that room besides Lois that concerns you. So here’s how it’s going to be played. Ready?”

“YES!” roared Superman, stepping in even closer, body to body, to initimidate Luthor. And in fact Luthor found himself shaking slightly at the nearness of this outstanding, incredible physical specimen, wrapped in body-hugging fabric that left nothing to the imagination.

“Okay, Superman. Through that door is an antechamber, leading to a larger room, which is also lined with lead. Both rooms have the same tripwire device, and Lois dies if anyone but me enters without the proper code. The code’s genetic, so you can’t beat it out of me – not that you’d do that. Your allegiance to ‘honor’ won’t let you, will it? The next thing you need to know is that the device that can kill Lois Lane is also set to trigger if you attack me. Understand?” Superman said nothing, just nodded his head almost imperceptibly. “Here’s what will happen: In the antechamber, a low level of Kryptonite radiation will bathe you – well, bathe us both, but it won’t affect me, will it?”

“You’re insane, Luthor, if you think I’m going to walk into a room with Kryptonite in it willingly.”

“Yes, but if you don’t, Lois dies. Get it?”

A moment’s silence followed. Superman stared into Lex’s eyes, trying to get a bead on the situation. Lex stood still, breathing deeply to take in as much of this incredible creature before him as he could. It was all he could do not to run his hands over that magnificent chest. Well, he thought, time enough for that soon.

“Go on.”

“We enter the antechamber, where there’s a low level of Kryptonite radiation. Understand that it is in no way my intention to kill you, Superman. But I need your powers reduced – if my calculations are correct, the Kryptonite in the antechamber will make you the equivalent of a normal human being. Once your powers are neutralized, we’ll enter the room beyond the antechamber, where Lois is being held. That room is also infused with the same low level of Kryptonite radiation. Once we’re in there…well, I’ll chain you up. But I’ll let Lois go, and I’ll let you go, too, after an hour or two, with no permanent impairment to your superpowers or to Lois or to anyone or anything you hold dear. I have a theory I want to test.”

“You think I believe your promises, you sick freak?”

“I’ve never denied being a freak. Besides, you don’t exactly have any choice, do you?”

Superman had to admit he didn’t.

“After you, Superman.”

Lex followed Superman to the door in question. The fans blowing in the warehouse kept the great red cape in motion, and Lex kept his eyes on Superman’s hard ass, clad in red speedos over the famed blue tights. Lex’s dick was swelling to the point of delicious discomfort inside his briefs. When they reached the door, Superman turned, raising an eyebrow at Lex. “Well? Let’s get this over with.”

“I love a superhero with a keen sense of anticipation. Here we go.” Luthor opened a panel of the wall, in look no different than the rest of the room, but containing a retinal scan device. “Just so you know, Superman,” Lex said as he offered his left eye to the device, “this retinal scan does more than simply identify my retina. I actually have to think a specific set of passwords. The device reads the changes in blood pressure, the sizes of my capillaries, in my retina as I think those different thoughts. So you see it’s quite sophisticated.”

“Just open the door, Luthor.”

“Done.” And it was. Lex stretched his arm out. “Here we go, Superman.” And you have no idea what you’re in for, he thought. THE CHARACTERS IN THIS WORK OF FAN FICTION ARE THE PROPERTY OF DC COMICS AND NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT IS INTENDED.

“Vulnerable” Chapter Two

Superman passed into a small room, with several panels set into the walls. Luthor closed the door behind them, and Superman heard the whirring of several sets of gears as the sophisticated locking system reestablished itself. He heard them only with his “regular” hearing, of course, because the lead lining in the room blocked his superhearing just as it did his X-ray vision. He eyed the panels in the walls and deduced that they would be the source of the impending Kryptonite rays. He set his feet slightly apart, and cleched his fists in preparation.

“Ready, Superman?”

“Let me see Lois first.”

“How did I know you’d ask that? I can’t let you into that room yet, hero, but if you wait a second I’ll have the computer slightly lower the lead content in one small section of the wall so you can spot her with your X-ray vision. Understand that changing the lead content of the wall between here and there in no way changes the security measures I have in place, nor does it alter the fact that this antechamber and the room where Lois is being held are both wrapped in lead. Yes?”

“I understand, Luthor,” Superman growled, standing tall and glaring down at the bald villain.

“Look right there.” Superman directed his gaze to the spot on the wall Luthor had indicated, attempting to use his X-ray vision to pierce the lead walls. Nothing at first…but then, as he heard Luthor saying, “Computer, run program four point seven G,” he got a faint glimpse, very hazy, of a female figure bound to a chair and gagged in the next room. The shape was indeed very much like Lois’s. He added in his superhearing, and traced her heartbeat. He’d heard it a million times, in every variation, and he knew that indeed the figure in the next room was Lois. Then the lead content in the walls reestablished itself, and Superman was cut off. The visibility into the room had been so poor, and the window of opportunity so brief, that he had gotten no sense of what else the room might contain.

“Ready, Superman?”

“Just do it, Luthor.”

Lex smiled again, eyeing the fantastic form of the super man at his side. He said, “Computer, run program nine point nine.”

At first, Superman felt nothing. But as the Kryptonite level in the antechamber slowly increased, he began to feel some slight effects. The first thing he noticed was that the room felt rather warm – sensible, of course, since it was of limited size and held two grown men in close proximity. But Superman actually felt the warmth, instead of simply being able to calculate it by examining the sweat on Luthor’s head and upper lip and listening to Luthor’s heart rate. Superman felt his own heart rate begin to escalate very slightly, and felt his suit beginning to grow ever so slightly damp at the armpits and around the neck. To his surprise, he felt a bead of sweat pop into existence on his forehead and trickle down the side of his face.

“Fascinating,” Lex breathed beside him. Louder, he said, “Never let ’em see you sweat, isn’t that what they say, Superman? I apologize if it’s hot in here. It’s a small space. Computer, lower the temperature by five degrees.”

A fan somewhere within the lead enclosure kicked in, providing relief to the Man of Steel. By this time, he realized, his costume was darkening with sweat. It was a slightly darker shade at his armpits, and in a v-shape down the center of his chest. The whole costume clung to him in a way it never had – or perhaps it had, and he had never noticed. In the middle of this stream of thought, Luthor interrupted.

“That should do it, Superman. Are you in any pain?”

“No, Luthor.”

“Not that you’d admit it if you were, hero. But I believe you. And, more to the point, I believe in my own preparations. Time to see Lois.”

Luthor opened another eyescan panel, and the door to the inner chamber opened. There indeed was Lois Lane, eyes wide, struggling with the ropes that bound her to a chair that was bolted to the floor. Superman got a glimpse at the rest of the room as the door shut behind him and Luthor – there were the chains Luthor had vowed to use on him, designed to hold him standing spread-eagled. No time for thoughts of that.

“Go ahead, untie her, Superman.”

Superman attempted to speed over to Lois to undo her bonds, and found himself only able to shuffle like a regular man – quickly by mortal standards, but by no means with the lightning speed he was accustomed to. He briefly noticed that he felt his toes inside his boots rubbing against the tight fabric over them and then the harder surface of the boots themselves. He’d never noticed that in his life. Something very strange was happening, but there was no time to focus on it. He had to get Lois out of this place, as soon as possible. He untied her gag first.

“Superman, thank God! He – Luthor kidnapped me – ”

“Yes, yes, I kidnapped you, which is why I’ve had you here for the last few hours, blah blah blah. Those knots are tricky, aren’t they, Superman?”

Indeed, they were tricky. The rope was rough, and though Lois was protected by the layer of silk Luthor had put between the tight rope and her wrists and ankles, Superman had no such protection. The rough texture of the rope was novel. And on top of the disorienting sensations he was experiencing, Superman had to accept the fact that even though his first-rate mind still worked fast, he didn’t have the rapid dexterity his superpowers ordinarily gave him. As a result, it took him several seconds to unknot the ropes. But at last Lois was free.

“Well done, Superman. Miss Lane, you’ll be released in just a moment. Superman, would you step over here, please?” Lex was standing by the chains and manacles Superman had noticed upon entering the room.

“Superman, what’s going on?”

“I’ll tell you later, Lois.”

“Yes, Miss Lane, he’ll tell you later. He’ll be free in just a little while, unharmed. But for now, Superman, I need you to step over here to get chained up. Otherwise I can’t release Miss Lane, and I’ll be forced to kill her. The killing device is active until I leave this building, and I’m not going anywhere yet.”

“Superman, don’t let Luthor – ”

“Lois, I’ll be all right. We need to get you out of here.” And with that, Superman stepped over to the chains, where Luthor was standing.

“Spread your arms, please, Superman. Oh, wait a moment – would you please remove your cape first?” With evident loathing for Luthor, Superman complied, folding his cape and placing it on the floor nearby. “Thank you, Superman. Now, spread your arms. And can you set your feet further apart? Excellent.” With Superman in this position, Luthor attached a metal cuff – steel, by the looks of it – to each wrist and ankle of the hero. To each cuff was attached a length of chain, connected to a series of pulleys. There was a bit of slack in the chains, so that Superman was held in place, arms and feet out but not stretched to their limits. Luthor walked over to Lois.

“Now, Miss Lane, I’m going to blindfold you, and also place earplugs to block the bulk of your hearing. I’m doing this not to be cruel, but simply to ensure you have no knowledge of where we are. My driver will proceed to take you on the road for several hours. By the time you’re released – and you will be released unharmed, I swear it – you will have no idea how many times you’ve turned left, right, what have you, nor how many miles you’ve driven. You will be let out of the car outside of Metropolis, but within the service area of your cellphone so you’ll be able to get home. Though I suspect Superman himself will track you down. By the time you’re freed, he will be, too.”

“Lex Luthor, you’re sick! Let Superman go this instant!”

“Miss Lane, don’t make me use a gag as well. Did you enjoy being gagged?” Lois looked down. “All right. Here we go. Superman, we’ll be back in a moment. Take the opportunity to test those chains. Take normality out for a spin.” Superman couldn’t believe he saw Luthor actually wink at him before he blocked Lois’s ears and eyes, and left the room. THE CHARACTERS IN THIS WORK OF FAN FICTION ARE THE PROPERTY OF DC COMICS AND NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT IS INTENDED.

“Vulnerable” Chapter Three

Left alone in the Kryptonite chamber, Superman wasted no time pulling with all his might against the chains that held him. No use; he was held fast without his superpowers to call on. It then occurred to him not to pull at all four chains at once, but to focus on just one. With all his considerable muscle weight, Superman pulled with against the chain holding his left arm in place. He leaned to the right as far as the chains would allow, contracting his whole body’s musculature in an effort to break the chain. Once again he felt himself beginning to sweat, and now he also felt his muscles working against the metal that held him fast. Despite the lack of give in the chain, Superman refused to give up his efforts, tugging, leaning, pulling as hard as he could. The chain would not budge. Superman hoped this new sweat he was experiencing might come in handy, helping the cuffs slide off, but they gripped the tight skin-hugging fabric of his costume and his boots rather than his skin. The more he struggled, the more he felt his suit rubbing against his increasingly sweaty body. The sensation was completely novel – Superman had never truly felt his costume before. He had simply designed something for ease of motion. It had never crossed his mind that it might “feel” any particular way.

Lex reentered the room, without Lois. “She’s on her way to safety, Superman.”

“Luthor, you need to realize I’ll never believe a word you say.”

“I think I can change that, Superman. In fact, I know I can. You’ll believe me before you leave here.”

“What torture do you have in mind, Luthor?”

Lex stopped in his tracks. And he laughed, long and loud. “Oh, my God! Superman, I’m not going to torture you!”

“Then what henchman is going to do it for you?”

“None. Superman, the point of my experiment isn’t pain. It’s pleasure.”

Superman stopped pulling at his chains at that remark. Pleasure? Surely Luthor had finally lost what was left of his mind.

“We’re going to start with some questions, Superman. Now that you no longer have your superpowers, I can inject you with a truth serum. But I don’t want to do that – I don’t want anything to interfere with your experience here. So if you give me your word of honor, Superman, that you’ll tell me the truth, I won’t use this needle.” Lex gestured to a small tray with a hypodermic and a small vial of fluid beside it. Superman weighed the options. He hated giving Luthor even the smallest advantage, but not knowing what that vial might hold, and given his situation, trapped, held in irons, he had no choice but to offer Luthor his word. “Thank you, Superman. I believe you. First question: Prior to our experience in the antechamber a few minutes ago, had you ever sweated?”

After a moment, Superman said, “No.”

“Interesting. Had you ever felt heat?”


“What about cold? Have you ever felt cold?”

“No. Luthor, did you trap me here just to ask me questions about temperature?”

With a small smile, Lex said, “Hardly. But to continue: Describe for me what happens when a villain’s bullet hits your body and is deflected away.”

“What do you mean, Luthor?”

“Tell me about it. Give me a Superman’s-eye-view of the scenario. It certainly happens often enough.”

“All right.” Superman, unsure of what exactly Luthor wanted him to say, became distracted for a moment as he noticed his arms were actually beginning to feel…what was it? He felt the lactic acid building in his enormous arm muscles as they stayed stretched out at his sides, and he knew blood flow was slowly decreasing in them as well. He shook his arms a bit.

“Wait a moment, Superman – why did you just shake your arms?”

“They feel strange. It was an impulse to shake them, to encourage blood flow.”

“Superman!” Lex’s eyes had grown slightly wider. “Do you know what you’re feeling?” Silence from the Man of Steel compelled Lex to add, with a grin, “You’re feeling tired.” Again, no verbal response from Superman, though he did look at Luthor with an expression that bordered on surprise. “All right, back to the question. A ‘bad guy’ fires a bullet at you. Talk me through what happens to you.”

“A criminal or would-be criminal fires a bullet at me. It strikes my suit, most often, though occasionally it will hit my head or hand. The bullet is deflected at high speed, so if I calculate that the bullet’s rebound trajectory will pose danger to anyone in the vicinity, I catch the bullet with my hand rather than let it bounce away. If there is no such threat, I let the bullet fly away – ”

“No, no, Superman. I don’t want a scientific analysis. I want to know what your physical experience is.”

“I don’t know what you mean, Luthor.” And indeed, Superman didn’t. Physical experience, being hit by a bullet? Didn’t Luthor know he was invulnerable?

But Luthor seemed excited by that reply. “So your only experience being hit by a bullet is that you calculate the trajectory it will take? You don’t feel anything at all?”

“No, Luthor.”

Luthor stood, and stepped a little closer to the helpless hero. “That’s what I thought. Now I have another question, which is very personal, Superman. But I remind you that you gave me your word you’d answer my questions honestly. And I also remind you that I still have that hypodermic handy.”

“I know,” Superman said heatedly.

“Superman…are you a virgin?”

The question so shocked the captive that he was unable to speak for a moment. He felt his face growing warm as he struggled to find words.

“Why, Superman, you’re blushing!”

With that, Lex Luthor slid open a portion of wall opposite the bound Superman, offering the man in chains a full view of himself. “Don’t even think it, Superman, there’s lead behind that mirror.” Superman still tried to use his heat vision to shatter the mirror, in hopes of opening a chink in the room’s leaden armor. No use. His powers were well and truly gone, though he felt none of the deep pain he’d felt in previous exposure to Kryptonite. Luthor had done his homework thoroughly, Superman had to admit.

Superman took a look at himself across the way, limbs spread and held out by chains, body in the familiar costume. The absence of his cape threw into sharper relief the red briefs and yellow belt around his crotch and waist. His wide back and huge chest looked most impressive in this pose. Superman glanced via the mirror at Luthor, and saw the villain enraptured at the sight of the hero’s massive form in its tight blue and red sheath. The sight of Luthor observing him, and of the apparent bulge in Luthor’s pants, caused yet another new and unexpected sensation in Superman, in his stomach – a small flip, is how he’d describe it. And yet, again, this was nothing like the typical nausea he’d come to associate with Kryptonite. Indeed, this new feeling was…well, it was actually nice, and that notion itself was disorienting.

“Look good, don’t you, Superman? I mean, you knew you were more developed than 99% of earth’s men, but that didn’t have real meaning to you until now, am I right?” No words from Superman, who was still processing wave after wave of sensory information. “Never mind. I want you to answer my other question. Are you a virgin?”

“No, Luthor, I am not a virgin,” replied the hero with more than a trace of hostility.

“And how many sexual partners have you had, Superman?”

After a long moment, of silence, the Man of Steel answered, “One.”

“And was your partner Lois Lane?” Superman whipped his head around to face Luthor directly, with as much fury as he had ever felt. “Don’t misunderstand me, Superman. I’m not denigrating you or Miss Lane. After all, sex is a normal, healthy thing…for those of us born on Earth, anyway. Have you two consummated your friendship?”

“Yes, Luthor. Enough questions about Lois – I’ll tell you what you like about myself, but she’s off limits.”

“Fair enough, Superman. I will no longer mention her. Tell me what happens when you have sex.”

“What?” Superman was frustrated, and perplexed. “Luthor, don’t tell me you don’t know about the birds and the bees.”

“Of course I do. Just tell me what your experience is. Like you did regarding the bullets.”

Superman sighed. This inquisition was irritating, but he could finally see no harm in it. “With my ability to control my body, I send blood to fill my penis. When it is erect, I insert it into the woman’s vagina – after making sure she’s sufficiently aroused, of course. I slide it in and out, slowly at first, then more quickly. I slightly alter the angle of entry to vary her experience. When I sense from her heartbeat and bloodflow that she is nearing orgasm, I trigger an ejaculation.”

Luthor stared, enrapt. “That’s your sexual experience?”

“With minor variations, yes. I also perform and receive oral sex, whatever my partner desires.”

“And what about what you desire, Superman?”

“My goal is to provide pleasure for my partner.”

“What do you feel when you, as you said, trigger your erection?”

Superman sighed. “I see my penis growing larger and firmer.”

“You see it, yes. Do you feel it?”

A pause. “No.”

“And what about your ejaculation. What do you feel then?”

“I feel semen travel from my testicles through my urethra and out the head of my penis.”

“And is that the extent of it?”

“Yes. Luthor, how many more questions do you have like this?” Superman shifted his weight, as he realized his arms were truly beginning to tire.

“Have you ever initiated sex with your partner, Superman?”

“Yes, if I have determined that enough time has passed that she may desire it.”

“But not for your own satisfaction?”

For the first time he had to face a truth he found as interesting as it was disturbing: “I’ve never wanted to.”

“Thank you, Superman. I realize this is difficult to speak about. I appreciate your honesty. Have you figured out my little theory yet?” Lex walked around so that he was standing directly in front of his prisoner, not touching him but as close as he could be without doing so. “It’s my theory that your famed invulnerability has not only prevented you from feeling pain. It’s also prevented you from feeling anything sensory at all – including pleasure.”


“Vulnerable” Chapter Four

“Superman, I’ll be honest with you. I’m gay, as you know. And I’m wildly attracted to you – as I’d be willing to bet most of the gay men and straight women on the planet are.” Lex adjusted his bulge. Superman, his attention arrested for a moment by the motion, quickly looked away.

“I have had people express their admiration for my body, Luthor.”

“But it’s never really meant anything to you, has it? It hasn’t turned you on, right, Man of Steel?”

“That’s a common turn of phrase. ‘Turned on.’”

“A phrase that’s always been meaningless to you, in any kind of real way. You don’t need to answer me. I know it’s true.”

Lex Luthor put his hands on the captive Superman’s chest, and Superman felt the warmth those hands had to offer. Never in his life had Superman felt anything like it – it was such a solid feeling, a sense of much more than the mere caloric increase from the proximity of flesh. It was so…complicated, so confusing. There was real warmth in that touch, not just a clinical rise of temperature – actual warmth. Superman struggled to understand just what was happening to him. As Luthor slowly and subtly rubbed his hands across Superman’s chest, the hero felt his breathing grow slightly quicker and shallower. When Luthor sent his thumb across Superman’s right nipple, the combination of heat, fabric and nipple made Superman gasp. He was as surprised at his instinctive gasp as he was at the novelty of the sensation.

“I like it, too,” Lex said. He looked into Superman’s eyes, and saw the unguarded surprise there. “You’re beautiful, Superman.”

Superman began to feel his loins tingle – for the first time without his conscious assistance. He glanced down at his crotch and saw the swelling there, the shift of his penis growing larger. Luthor watched it happening, too, and put his hand on his own crotch. Superman said, with some difficulty, “What’s going on?”

“You’re feeling, Superman. Not all bad, is it?” Lex took his hand off his pants, and stepped back from the man in chains. Superman tugged in vain at the bonds that held him – he had to escape, get out of here, try to figure out what the hell was happening to him. Not once had he ever considered that a low dose of Kryptonite might open this Pandora’s box of sensation, and he felt a tremor of helplessness at the thought that Luthor had trapped him here. Superman was shocked, even as he pulled at the chains, that the knowledge of his helplessness caused that pleasant stomach flip to reoccur.

“It’s so hot when you struggle, Superman.”

Superman stopped, and stared at the visibly aroused Lex Luthor. Superman determined not to give the architect of his capture any more satisfaction than he could possibly help. He focused his mind on the situation at hand: Kryptonite, chains, a lead-lined room…

“I know, Superman. You’re a man who’s used to the black-and-white of right against wrong. And now everything’s kind of grey. I don’t know about you,” Lex added, “but I’m hot in here.”

Luthor sat in the chair that had formerly held Lois, and took off his expensive leather shoes and silk dress socks. He rubbed his feet, eyeing Superman and saying, “You have no idea how good it feels to rub tired feet. But maybe you will soon.” Lex stood and fixed Superman with a commanding eyelock. “Have you ever watched another man take his clothes off, Superman?”

Superman didn’t answer. His mind was completely locked on the sight of Luthor loosening and removing his tie, then untucking his Egyptian cotton shirt. Slowly, Lex undid the shirt’s collar button, then made his way down the shirt, button by button, slowly opening the shirt. He paused as he got near the bottom of the shirt to shift his package, then undid the final button and took the shirt off. He wore a white A-shirt. Superman had of course made note of Luthor’s vital statistics in their many previous encounters, but now he saw as if for the first time the powerful muscles threading their way through the bald man’s shoulders and chest. His torso was strong and thick, but there was surprisingly little body fat showing. Luthor kept himself in impressive shape. As Luthor slowly ran his right hand over his dick and balls, and his left across his own right nipple through the A-shirt – all the while maintaining the masterful gaze with Superman – the Man of Steel felt his penis stirring even more, and his balls shift as well. Lex smiled cockily. “I like it when you’re turned on, Superman. It’s my fantasy come true. Well, one of my fantasies.” Luthor looked to his own belt, unbuckling it and sliding it out of the loops holding it in place. He coiled it and placed it on the chair. Then he stretched his arms, and untucked his A-shirt. He crossed his arms about his waist and pulled the shirt off in one swift motion. After righting it outside out, he placed it also on the chair beside him.

Superman’s observations had been accurate. Lex had strong arms and shoulders, yes, but his midsection looked tough as a bull’s. His waist was not slim, but neither was it fat – it fell in heavy, solid proportion to the rest of his upper body. Superman noticed Luthor had shaved his underarm hair, and trimmed the hair on his chest and stomach to a short length, practically stubble.

“You’re breathing kind of hard, Superman. Mind if I continue to undress?” Superman nodded without even knowing that he was doing so. Lex’s hands made their way to the waistband of his pants and unhooked the catch there. Superman found himself craning slightly to see what was underneath as Luthor slid down the zipper and reached in to undo the interior button of the trousers. Once that button was undone, Lex slid the pants off smoothly, folded them, and placed them carefully across the back of the chair.

Lex was a vision of masculinity in small black bikini briefs – small, tight briefs, now very full of his swollen cock and sizeable balls. When Luthor turned to set his pants down, Superman saw a nicely shaped ass, as solid as the rest of his frame. Luthor’s legs were similarly solid – a dancer’s legs, though Luthor was stockier than any dancer Superman had seen. Once Lex was wearing nothing but his briefs, he walked slowly over to his captive, his eyes roaming up and down Superman as surely as Superman’s eyes were taking Luthor in. THE CHARACTERS IN THIS WORK OF FAN FICTION ARE THE PROPERTY OF DC COMICS AND NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT IS INTENDED.

“Vulnerable” Chapter Five

“Are you hot, Superman?”

Superman again nodded. He was genuinely amazed to feel the blood flowing through his body – not just to be aware of it in a distant way, but to feel it for the first time. As he stood, his arms tired, his legs slightly spread, his cape removed, and the mirror across the room showing him everything he did, Superman felt…aroused. This was what it was to feel aroused.

Lex said, “I’m going to kiss you, Superman.” Superman opened his mouth to object, but Luthor’s lips met his at that instant, Luthor reaching up and pulling Superman’s head down a little as his own stretched up. A shockwave explosion rocked Superman’s body. Blood raced into his penis and through his brain and through his entire body with a previously unparalleled force. When Luthor’s tongue entered Superman’s mouth, Superman instinctively tried to wrap his arms around Luthor. The chains pulled him up short, and Luthor stepped back and smiled. “Nice, isn’t it? Are your arms still tired, Superman?”


Luthor pulled the chains tighter, spreading Superman’s arms very wide. Caught off guard, the Man of Steel gasped again. He felt the stretch across his back and chest, the tension in his biceps and triceps as he fought against the strong metal. He felt his costume, formerly no more than mere cloth, rub him as he struggled, and he felt his body respond.

Lex returned to stand right in front of Superman. Superman looked across the top of Luthor’s head and saw the villain’s back in the mirror – his back was as impressive as his front, and the sight of Luthor’s ass clad in clinging black caused a renewed swelling in Superman’s dick. Superman noticed the newly fantastic sensation of his penis sliding against the shiny fabric of his tights, inside the red briefs, and the way those briefs and tights hugged his genitals so snugly, cupping them firmly – not to mention how those briefs pulled tighter across his own butt as his erection increased.

Superman was so lost in these thoughts and feelings that he had no preparation for what came next. Luthor laid his mouth against Superman’s costume, directly atop his nipple. The wet warmth flooded the chained hero, and he actually bucked in pleasure as Luthor’s tongue stroked the blue costume. While he sucked Superman’s nipple, Lex sent his arms around Superman’s trunk, running his hands up and down the hero’s strong back, never letting up with his oral attack on the Man of Steel’s chest. The sensation was phenomenal. Luthor stepped in closer, still caressing his prisoner’s back and licking the tight fabric of his costume over his nipple, and now placing his bikini-bound cock against Superman’s upper thigh, slowly rubbing it there. Again, the heat of contact assaulted Superman, and now he moaned. This, indeed, was Pleasure, and Superman was lost in it, overwhelmed by it. His cock stood up and out to the left, now testing the stretch of his costume. Lex looked up at the hero, raised one cocky eyebrow, and switched his mouth over to the other nipple while his hands moved down to explore Superman’s rock-hard ass.

“Yes,” breathed Superman, pushing his crotch forward so it met Lex Luthor’s solid abdominal wall. Their bodies pushed at each other, struggling to find as many points of contact as possible. Lex’s own mind was blown by these events – he had certainly planned and prepared for this moment, but he’d never dared allow his fantasies to grow so passionate, so complete, so all-consuming.

“Superman, I have a surprise for you.”

“Wh…what?” was all Superman could manage to say. Luthor moved away from him, and Superman keenly felt the loss. Superman saw his own sweaty form in the mirror, his hair disheveled, his face flushed, his eyes wild – who was the man in the familiar suit, the suit he’d taken for granted all these years? Again, he struggled against the chains, but now it was not in any effort to escape. All thoughts of leaving had vanished. He merely wanted to watch his muscles work, to feel their mass and sinew and to sense them writhing against his tight blue costume. Luthor stood behind him and let out slack in the chains holding Superman’s arms, and those arms fell. The sound of the chains running through their pulleys, of the hero’s big, meaty arms hitting his sides, of his sigh of relief – had he ever felt relief like that? The only thing comparable was escaping from one of his near-death experiences with Kryptonite, but this was infinitely more satisfying. Then Superman felt Luthor, still behind him, begin to massage the prisoner’s arms to increase bloodflow. Superman stood, absorbing the feel of Luthor’s hands on his arms, their strength, the way they knew how to coax the blood back into neglected muscles. It was…Superman supposed it was normal, and it was fine. More than fine.

Lex unlocked the cuffs encircling Superman’s wrists and moved his ministrations there. He rubbed up and down each blue-clad arm, brushing against the Man of Steel’s sides, ribcage, pecs as he worked. “Feel better, Superman?”


With this break in the heated erotic action, Superman took a moment to consider his situation. Though he no longer had his powers, he still outweighed Luthor by a good seventy pounds of muscle, and stood four inches taller. Clearly he could take Luthor in a fight. But just as Superman began to formulate a plan, he felt Luthor’s hand begin to caress the bulge behind the red briefs. Instantly his penis flared to life, and Superman looked down. Luthor had moved in front of him again, and was looking deeply into Superman’s eyes.

“Feel better, Superman?”

“You…you already asked me that.”

Superman began to massage his own wrists to work out the last of the pain from the cuffs, and was thrilled by the sensuous feeling of his costume. It was as though his nerve endings had awakened from a coma, and yet were simultaneously caught up in a wonderful dream. As Luthor smiled into Superman’s eyes, and kept massaging Superman’s dick, Superman found his own hands working up his arms and onto his chest and abs. When he passed over his nipples, he felt the still new but by now more familiar wonderful stomach flip. His hands explored his own torso, all over, running across the large S and blue fabric. The cloth, damp with the Man of Steel’s sweat, had begun to carry the faint odor of Superman’s body, especially in the armpits. Luthor surprised Superman yet again by stepping in close, placing his face near Superman’s armpit and inhaling deeply. Luthor burrowed his face into that warm, wet hollow, and Superman lifted his arm to allow Luthor access. Again, Luthor’s tongue was on his costume, and the feeling was fantastic. Superman’s other hand found its way, tentatively at first but ever so naturally, to the back of Luthor’s neck. The movements were fluid, so easy and lovely. Superman felt the cool sweat on Luthor’s warm body as Luthor worked his face into Superman’s armpit, down and across to the chest, down to the abs – Luthor’s chest now pressed against the Man of Steel’s hard cock, rubbing against it. Luthor looked up, met Superman’s eyes again, and began to untuck the blue shirt from behind the yellow belt. Quickly, with heat and vigor, Luthor raised the tight shirt, clinging tighter than ever thanks to Superman’s sweat, pulled it up past the flat, ripped stomach, revealing Superman’s large, dark nipples to the air. Superman raised his arms to allow the shirt to come off at Luthor’s insistent ministrations.

Lex stepped away from Superman to get a look at the man he’d fantasized about for so long, finally shirtless before him. Superman looked both at Luthor and at his own reflection. He’d seen himself naked countless times, of course, but there was something arresting about the sight of himself clad in red briefs and boots over blue tights, the familiar yellow belt in place, still chained about the ankles, breathing heavier than he ever had, no shirt covering his upper body. He saw his large chest rise and fall, the dark hair there stuck fast to the skin by sweat. He saw the wall of his abdominal muscles in motion as he breathed, his taut sides expanding and contracting with each inhalation and exhalation. He saw his engorged cock and full balls push the red of his briefs out and down. He reached a hand up to wipe his face off, then ran both hands back through his hair. Luthor, still wearing his black briefs, moved around behind him. “I think you could use a massage, Superman.”

Lex’s strong hands grasped the back of Superman’s thick neck and began to work at the muscles there. Superman resisted at first – no one had ever given him a massage before, as it would have done no good to try to manipulate his Kryptonian frame. But after a few moments, Luthor’s strength and patience began to work. Superman felt the tight muscles in his neck begin to…relax, was that it? Was it possible he had never relaxed in his life? His mind reeled even as his body unwound. Luthor made his way to Superman’s wide shoulders, and Superman felt the blood in his body run through the muscles there. Luthor worked down, more quickly now, and worked Superman’s low back just above his waistband. Then he worked his hands over the Man of Steel’s ass again, still outside the costume. Superman found himself moaning again. Soon, Luthor reached around Superman’s waist and embraced his prey in a tight hug. Superman’s own arms found themselves on Luthor’s own. Luthor was kissing his back, his shoulder blades, up to his neck – God, it was incredible, Superman swooned as Luthor licked up the side of his neck and snaked his tongue around and into his ear. Superman watched in the mirror as his right arm lifted up and over, running his right hand around Luthor’s smooth scalp, slick with sweat. Luthor’s hands moved around again to Superman’s chest, playing with his nipples, but not merely caressing them as before. Now Luthor twisted and flicked them as well as rubbing them smoothly. Luthor also ran his fingers through Superman’s chest hair, occasionally grabbing a handful and tugging gently but firmly. All the while, he rubbed his hard cock against the back of Superman’s red briefs. Superman was lost in a frenzy of sensation. His left hand found its way around behind Luthor, and rubbed against the back of the tight black bikinis. Luthor began to hum as he licked the sweat off Superman’s neck, and the vibrations seemed to run directly to Superman’s now-throbbing cock, straining against fabric with all its might.

Lex maintained his attack on Superman’s senses, and increased it by reaching down with his left hand, through Superman’s legs, stroking the Man of Steel’s balls and perineum and inner thighs. Superman tried to turn around, but his chained legs prevented him from doing so. Instead, he leaned his head back and to the right, his mouth open and waiting for Luthor’s to join it. Luthor leaned on Superman’s right shoulder and planted his hot mouth against the superhero’s, and instantly Superman’s tongue leapt to meet his own. Their tongues danced together, Superman and Luthor feeling the strength there, and each other’s teeth, and the roofs of their mouths, their nerve endings practically singing. Luthor’s right hand reached the buckle on the famous yellow belt, the belt millions if not billions of people had dreamed of touching. Deftly, Luthor undid the belt, and took it in his hands.

With the belt, Lex stepped away from his chained hero. Superman watched Luthor strut over to the mirror, wrapping the yellow belt around his own waist. When he’d fastened it, he took at good look at himself, running his hands across his dick, his balls, his ass, the belt. Then he faced Superman. Superman was more turned on, if possible, at the sight of part of his costume being worn by his arch-nemesis, the man who’d been the architect of so many plans to kill him, the man who had so often tried to cause his downfall. Had he at last succeeded? Superman was lost in thrall at the power this man now held over him, his strong and capable body, the absolutely world-changing sensations he’d introduced Superman to. Losing shouldn’t feel so much like winning. THE CHARACTERS IN THIS WORK OF FAN FICTION ARE THE PROPERTY OF DC COMICS AND NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT IS INTENDED.

“Vulnerable” Chapter Six

“Do you like me in your belt, Superman?”

“Yes, Luthor.”

“Do I turn you on, Superman?” “God, yes. I can’t believe – ”

“Shh,” said Lex, stepping in again, his mind still unable to comprehend just how far this reality outstripped even his most lurid fantasy. “I know. I can’t believe it, either. And I’ve done this before.”

“You mean – you’ve kidnapped people for sex?”

At that, Lex laughed an excellent, long, loud laugh. Superman found himself laughing as well, giddy with it. “No, Superman! Oh, my God, that is priceless. No, I just meant I’ve had sex before, you know – ”

“Oh! Oh, Luthor…oh, my!”

The men laughed. Lex stepped in close, reached up and kissed Superman once more. And once more Superman returned the kiss, a lighter-hearted kiss this time, still flavored with laughter from Superman’s unintentional gaffe. “Superman…don’t you think we’ve reached the first-name stage?”

“I’m – Luthor, I can’t reveal my secret identity. You know that.”

“That’s not what I mean.” A moment, as Lex looked at Superman. “You, calling me ‘Lex’?”

Again, they laughed. “You want me to call you that, don’t you? Well, I can’t just give you what you want.”

“You can’t, can you?”


“Take that, you cocky fucking flirt,” said Lex, plunging his hand down the inside of Superman’s tights, grasping the cock of the Man of Steel. It was red hot, and thick, and long – a dream cock, wet at the end with precum. Lex ran his hand along the shaft, and felt Superman’s foreskin slide forward and back with him. Taking his hand off Superman’s dick, he stroked the moist pubic hair above it, then moved down to cup Superman’s nicely hairy balls. “Mm,” Lex murmured, “that’s so nice.”

“That’s so nice,” Superman said at the same moment, eyes wide. This time, no laughter; instead, the two men locked eyes again, and Lex took his hand out of Superman’s tights, took a step away, and slid his own briefs down.

Superman took a long look at Luthor’s large, cut cock, about seven inches long and quite thick. Luthor tossed his underwear near the chair with his other clothing, then removed Superman’s yellow belt and threw it there as well. He put his hands on his hips in an approximation of the Man of Steel’s classic, iconic pose, his erection jutting slightly upward as he did so. Superman’s eyes locked onto Luthor’s penis, and his tongue unconsciously traced his lower lip.

“Touch yourself, if you like, Superman. Would you like that?”

Superman responded by placing his palms against the seat of his briefs, again marveling at the sensual smoothness of the fabric. His hands moved to his hips, fingers slipping under the brief’s leg on each side before snapping the cloth back in place. Finally, he ran one hand across the front of those briefs, while the other made its way again across his torso. He hooked first one hand, then the other, into the now empty belt loops of his costume. Luthor’s hands dropped from his hips as his eyes were trapped by the sight. “Do it,” Lex said. “Take them off.” Superman complied. He pulled down, slowly, and the briefs caught on the end of his firm tool, snapping past it when enough pressure was applied. Superman pulled his feet as close together as the chains would allow, and wriggled the damp red speedos to just below his knees. Now his package was clad only in blue tights.

Lex stepped forward and knelt down, unlocking the ankle cuffs and chains from around Superman’s red boots. He said, “Put your hands on my shoulders.” Superman did so, and then Lex lifted Superman’s left foot a little, and worked off the red boot there, uncovering the entire tights-covered leg. That boot disposed of, he did the same for the right. Then Lex began to massage the Man of Steel’s feet, ankles, calves, and slid the red briefs off Superman completely. He held them to his face and took a deep, deep breath in – the scent of this Titan before him drove him into a frenzy of desire. He ran his mouth up along the inside thigh of his captive, finally licking the blue tights covering Superman’s package. He tasted Superman’s precum, leaking through those tights, and could barely hear Superman’s roars of pleasure, so pungent were the taste and smell of him. He looked up to see Superman tweaking his nipples, watching Lex mouth him through the blue. Lex wrapped his fingers inside the waistband of Superman’s tights and asked, “May I?” Superman, hypnotized by the knowledge of what was about to happen, nodded. Luthor pulled down, down, down, the tights rolled down the strong thighs and stone-like calves, until, again, Luthor removed them from each foot in turn. His hands went straight to Superman’s ass, and his mouth went onto Superman’s cock. It seemed to Superman that he had waited several lifetimes for this moment, and yet he also was fully aware that until a short time ago, the moment was completely unimaginable to him. To feel! To savor the joyous springing to life of his nerves and skin and cock, was simply the most incredible event he had ever experienced. Luthor’s mouth worked along his shaft, and his hands played with the foreskin and balls and amazing sensory lode between balls and asshole, not to mention the hero’s butt. Superman’s hands ran all over Luthor’s head and shoulders, the skin so smooth over such solid masculinity. Lex took Superman’s cock deep into his throat, and simultaneously spread his asscheeks and ran his finger lightly along the Man of Steel’s sweat-slicked hole – Superman howled with ecstasy. As Lex built to an oral rhythm on that cock, he felt Superman’s body tensing. Indeed, Superman felt his balls pulling up tight against him, the wildest feelings racing from his cock to every nerve ending in his body. The complete and total power of this feeling overwhelmed Superman, and he reveled in it even as he struggled to comprehend it. But conscious thought soon lost hold. Lex tightened his mouth around the supercock and then slid his finger inside Superman’s asshole. Superman roared, his body tensed, and he shot, pumping spurt after spurt after spurt of thick cum down Luthor’s throat. Lex focused on swallowing the Man of Steel’s massive output, getting virtually all of it by sheer dint of will. Superman came for what felt like forever, an eternity he would have been delighted never to see end. But end it did, and Lex withdrew his fingertip from Superman’s pucker, and pulled his mouth off Superman’s cock. He smiled up at the hero, who smiled back, dazed – he looked like a man on the best chemical high science could come up with. But the only chemistry here was the potent harnessing of Kryptonite energy.

Lex stood up, his own cock still standing at full mast. Superman reached for it, intuitively gentle with the balls below. Lex sighed, and smiled wider. “Let me, I have a little more experience with this,” he said kindly. Superman stepped back, and Lex retrieved a mix of spit and cum from his mouth, and proceeded to wet his cock with it. Superman knelt before him, not to suck his dick – though he yearned to – but rather to see this fascinating process in action. After just a few moments, Lex’s dick leapt to life, spewing a substantial reserve of jism. Some of it landed on Superman’s shoulder and chest. The hero wiped it off with a fingertip, stared at it intently, sniffed it, and then, meeting Luthor’s eyes again, licked the finger clean.

The two men, both standing again, faced each other, unashamed, enthralled, thrilled, and exhausted. They walked together, embraced, and kissed again, the taste of their cum mingling with their sweat and saliva. The kiss broke, and they hugged tightly, body against body. Lex found himself leaning his head against Superman’s upper chest, and Superman found himself stroking Luthor’s head. Both men had their eyes closed, feeling their breathing go from swift, to slightly faster than normal, to normal, to deep and relaxed. How long they stood that way neither one could say for sure. Finally, Lex pulled his head away, and they looked into each other’s eyes.

“Luthor – ”

“Let me. I got you into this, now let me tell you what happens next.”

“All right. I mean, I’m your prisoner here. I’m sure you have plans.”

“The only plan I have is to release you, as promised.”

Superman couldn’t believe his ears. “What are you talking about?”

“Superman, my theory has been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt – and beyond my wildest expectations, I might add. Now, as soon as I open those doors, you’re free to leave.”

“But I’ll still remember where this warehouse is, where you had Lois and me held against our will.”

“Yes. You will know where to find this place. You will know where these lead-lined rooms, specially calibrated to allow you to experience feeling, are located. You’ll know that I have access to this place any time I want…and if you want it, that can be arranged. You see, Superman,” and at this point Lex ran his hands lightly over the hero’s huge arms, “you’re free. Go to the police, tell them I kidnapped Lois, that you offered yourself up to stay in her place until you figured out a way to outsmart me.”

“I can’t do that. I can’t lie.”

“So be it, that’s your choice. My point is that I have no desire to tell anyone about what happened here. I don’t want anyone else to have the kind of amazing fun with you that I’ve had today – and that I’m hoping to have again, if you’re so inclined.”

“So – you want me to just leave, and let the police know you’re here?”

“I want you to do whatever you judge best. I’m satisfied to know that I’ve introduced grey into your black-and-white world. Now maybe you’ll have a better idea of the kind of life those you seek to protect really lead.” Lex kissed Superman lightly on the lips once more. “If you want to meet me here…well, you know where LexCorp headquarters is. I trust you’ll find a way to send a discreet message.”

A few minutes later, after both men had dressed – helping each other to do so – Luthor used the scan devices to open the doors to the outside world. They stepped into the open warehouse, where the fans once again blew Superman’s cape around with vigor. “Sorry,” said Lex, “that was cheap, I know. What can I say, I wanted a look at your ass.” He smiled as he turned the fans off. “Your powers, which I know are already returning, should be back to full strength in about ten minutes. Lois will be just outside the city limits on Route 18 at that time. Go rescue her, you do it so well.” He winked. “Goodbye for now, Superman. And thank you. I’ve never had anything like that kind of experience before.”

Superman didn’t reply. He felt his strength returning even as he watched Lex Luthor walk out of the warehouse into the night, into a car that whisked him away. He felt his familiar powers coming back, tested his heat vision on a nearby scrap of wood and found that it burned fairly soon. But as his powers – the qualities that made him Superman, defender of Truth, Justice and the American Way – steadily returned to full strength, he also felt his physical sensations shutting down. Soon, his costume would cause not a hint of reaction in his body. His chest and penis and the rest of him, his skin, would no longer be open to the electric charge of contact. He would only know heat by examining physical attributes and computing temperature, not by feeling. Of all the thoughts and questions reeling through his mind – Was he gay? Would he be able to face Lois? Would he turn Luthor in? and inifinite others – one thought stayed everpresent in the front of his mind…

He would miss heat.



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THE CHARACTERS IN THIS WORK OF FAN FICTION ARE THE PROPERTY OF DC COMICS AND NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT IS INTENDED. “Vulnerable” Chapter One Superman flew swiftly over Metropolis, performing one final scan of the city before heading home. With Lois out of town on assignment for the Daily Planet, he had more time than usual to maintain law and order in the nation’s largest city. Crime was


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