Gay Erotic Stories

Suck Daddy

by SkyDaddy38

Disclaimer: The following is a work of erotic fiction and has no connection with any real persons or events. All characters are at least eighteen years old. No younger age is intended or implied.


by Carl Swank Chapter One

It had been two years since I last visited the old beach house off the Washington State coast. It can be lonely out there, even for a writer who likes the peace and quiet of solitude in order to do his work. I had been living in Seattle. But when my son, Jason, contacted me, things changed. My Seattle environment had grown stale and I was ready to move on. Jason's call immediately brought back to mind the old beach house. I had lost contact with my son. His mother and I had both always known that we were gay, but somehow we had the idea that we could put aside our natural orientation, marry, raise a family, and just be like other people. It was nonsense, of course. But it failed without ill feelings. Marla had given birth to Jason, and since he was only five years old when the marriage ended, Marla and I both agreed that it was better if he went to live with her in London. Marla had met and fallen in love with a woman in London, Jessie, and the two of them parented Jason. I corresponded with both Marla and Jessie for some time. I always wanted to know about Jason. And as Jason grew a little older, he began writing me letters. Even with the photos I received from Jay and his mom, I couldn't quite believe that this cute little blond kid was my own son. But it is hard to maintain connection with someone you never see. Jason was changing; so was I. Our lives were taking different paths and we just lost touch. So I was surprised when in the late summer I received the phone call from Jay. He blurted out that Jessie and Marla had both been killed in an auto accident just outside of London and that he wanted to come to Seattle to live with me. I was excited, of course, and I immdeiately went about making the arrangements. Jason was just seventeen and in the custody of a child protection agency there, so it took a little while to get everything together. Jay and I continued to talk on the phone, but more often we communicated by computer; he had a laptop Marla and Jessie had given him for his seventeenth birthday, which made my gift of a wristwatch seem paltry, even if it was expensive. But our communications were awkward and stilted. Neither of us quite knew what to say to the other after so long a silent separation. What surprised me most, however, was Jason's sudden confession in the last IM note that he was gay. He just said it, added a quick "I love you and am anxious to see you!" Then signed off and was gone.

Evan was a beautiful black man I had met at a dinner party. We were the same age -- thirty-seven. Both of us had been fairly athletic all our lives, although we had slowed down in our later years. But we were both in good shape. He did a jazz program on radio and had a voice like -- and I have stolen this from, I think, Duke Ellington -- such sweet thunder. I loved hearing him on the radio. Evan was the first and only black man I had ever had sex with. On our first date we rented a small motor boat and went off to explore the coast line. We found a beautiful and very private little inlet, pulled ashore and explored the beach. Although the water was cold, we decided on a lark to strip off and go for a swim. When I saw him nude, his beautiful ebony body gleaming in the sun, I was stunned. I don't know if it is true what they say about black men generally, but Evan had a long thick circumcised cock which hung out over an incredible set of balls! It was eight inches even soft! What's more, he loved showing it off, and when he saw how much it excited me just to see him nude, he flashing a gorgeous smile and said, "Just for you, Babe." He said it quietly, his hand closing around his cock. We took our swim, came up out of the water shivering, and laid back on the warm grassy bank to absorb the sun. Evan had one arm up over his eyes to shield them from the sun. But his other hand moved down over his taut belly, closed around his enormous cock, and stroked it slowly. He looked sideways at me, and in that velvety voice, asked, "Do you want it?" I had never been much into sex of any kind, much less gay sex -- part of that denial that Marla and I went through, to be sure. But now I was staring at Evan's stiffening cock with a hunger that shook me to the foundations! I was literally trembling. My own cock, though not as big as Evan's, was substantial, and it was stiffening quickly. I didn't want to touch myself for fear of going out of control and cumming, and it was too soon for that. "Ohhh, yessss," I whispered. I got up and went over to him, stretching out between his smooth heavily muscled legs, running my palms up his thighs. He just looked down, watching me, then put both of his hands up behind his head, giving himself to me completely. I loved everything about him -- the sight of him, the fresh summer scent of him, the touch of his warm skin; and right in front of me, just inches from my face, that massive black cock, hard and trembling, the huge balls pulled up tight in their sac. I leaned down, licked his balls, running my tongue over them as I slid my hand up the long length of his shaft. Evan's breath caught in his throat for an instant, then he moaned softly, lifting his hips slightly. He put one hand down, gently touching my face with the tips of his fingers. I slid my tongue up the length of his cock and eased it down to my mouth. I had sucked cock before. And I had been sucked before. But this was different. It was almost mystic, almost supernatural. It was as if I were engaging in some religious act. I not only loved his cock, I adored it, worshipped it! And when I took it into my mouth and sucked, lapping it with my tongue while caressing his balls, I was transported to a whole different reality. Time stopped. Evan began breathing hard, lifting his hips, thrusting toward my mouth, goraning and biting out words in a voice now raspy and constrained. "Suck it, Babe! Suck my big cock! Suck my big black cock! God, how I love it! ...fucking your mouth ...fucking your ... ohhhh .... oh, my god, i can't hold it! I'm cumming. I'm cumming...!" And suddenly the head of his cock swelled in my mouth, his cock went absolutely rigid, and the hot, thick liquid of him flooded my mouth, spilling out over my chin. I couldn't let go, not even when he put a hand to my lips and gently urged me back. It was so intense for me, as I knew it was for him. But finally I let go, deleriously happy, my heart pounding in my chest, my pulse racing. I was breathing so fast and hard I began to feel dizzy. In my excitement, I had cum, too, and my cock was slowly wilting. For a long while we lay there before taking another quick dip, getting dressed and getting back into the boat. Going back, Evan just watched me for a long while. Then, again, in that soft-thunder voice, he said, "I know what you like." And he smiled. "I know what you like, too," I said

But that was some time ago. Now I was just thinking of my young gay son who was coming to me from London.

Author's note: this story will continue in episodes. If you like the story and want to read more, send me a note at I would love to hear from you. And I would especially like to hear from you if you have had any real sexual experiences with your son or your dad. Later. Carl Swank.


2 Gay Erotic Stories from SkyDaddy38

Son Lust, Chapter 1

DISCLAIMER: What follows is a work of pure fiction. It depicts a sexual relationship between a man and his son and goes on to explore other homosexual relationships. It is important to note that incest has no particular connection with homosexuality, and no such particular connection is implied by this story. This is adult material and not intended for minors. If you are under eighteen years

Suck Daddy

Disclaimer: The following is a work of erotic fiction and has no connection with any real persons or events. All characters are at least eighteen years old. No younger age is intended or implied. SUCK DADDY by Carl Swank Chapter One It had been two years since I last visited the old beach house off the Washington State coast. It can be lonely out there, even for a writer who likes


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