Gay Erotic Stories

The Rape and Emancipation of Superman

by Faeden


Once upon a time there flew through the air a handsome, young man of muscle and steel who dazzled the world with his speed and endurance. For several years he performed good works through the exercise of powers unknown until his arrival. Then he disappeared, never to be seen again. He was called SUPERMAN and this is his story. To the world SUPERMAN was "the blue god". His blue top and tights, red briefs and flowing red cape were adorned by a gold "S" emblazoned on his chest and cape. His uniform was a second skin covering a well-developed but not overly muscled frame. He walked purposefully and confidently but with agile grace, his back rigid and his chest projecting forward. SUPERMAN was the most beautiful man to ever appear on earth. People gazed in awe, stunned by his splendour. With a head crowned in wavy, dark curls his cheeks glowed with magnetism and youth. His eyes matched the vibrant blue of his uniform. His deeply dimpled jaw and aquiline nose were surrounded by a heavy dark beard, suggesting an even more hairy torso. At six feet, two inches and 280 pounds SUPERMAN's size did not intimidate. To the contrary, his allure was natural and complete. His full, red lips and perfectly white teeth smiled continuously inviting trust and confidence from those who came into contact with him.

SUPERMAN quickly became a protector, a man whose superhuman powers invited both worship and envy. He appeared invincible, for neither flesh nor uniform could be penetrated. He was fearless and invulnerable to pain and injury. He displayed no tears, no anxiety, no emotion. His powers of strength and speed allowed him to fly through the air undetected- to lift gargantuan objects- to move the unmoveable. He sought to protect the weak from the strong, good from evil. His time here brought a peace and tranquillity never seen before or since. He was truly a super man.

This is not to say, however, that no questions were asked about him. Indeed the reason for his presence was never known. Who was he? Where did he come from? How did he get his powers? Was he human? Was he even a man? His uniform did show a magnificent basket but was he even interested in ... SEX? During his time here he was never seen with anyone, woman or.... man.

Some searched for SUPERMAN's weaknesses. Surely SUPERMAN could be controlled and his powers harnessed if the key to his soul was unlocked. And the search was intense.

And, finally, successful for just as he suddenly arrived to an amazed world, SUPERMAN abruptly vanished without explanation. While many speculated only one person knew why. He was a person more powerful and rapacious than SUPERMAN could ever be- a master who uncovered the secrets of the young god, transformed his body and soul, and unleashed appetites and desires that quickly proclaimed SUPERMAN's true destiny.

II. PREPARATIONS The Master...for that is what SUPERMAN called him... took control of the young man's mind and flesh by discovering the key to his invulnerability. Exposure to a rare metal temporarily destroyed his superhuman powers, humbling SUPERMAN to the pathetic status of a slave and concubine.

By luring SUPERMAN to a remote location the Master unleashed a near-deadly radiation. Debility swiftly took hold and the young body crashed unconscious to the floor. When he awoke the dazed man stared up at massive thighs and chest and rugged face. For the first time the deep, reverberating voice of the new Master spoke.

" Welcome, SUPERMAN, to your new home and your true destiny!"

The bewildered, blue-eyed figure lay sprawled on the black tiled floor, breathing heavily and nervously, his muscles visibly palpitating under his blue spandex tights.

" Fate brings you here, SUPERMAN! Your new life begins. You are here to serve me as I command. You will obey and respect me. While you may at times plead for mercy your flesh will answer with an unquenchable ache! I know you don't understand but in time you will. will be truly thankful!" And with a clap of his hands two naked musclemen entered.

The blond, mustached men swiftly grabbed SUPERMAN's wrists and ankles. Oblivious to their gigantic, swaying genitals they tossed SUPERMAN onto a large metal table like a slab of beef about to be butchered. Splayed on his back, SUPERMAN stared at his handlers in bewilderment.

Like adhesive being torn from flesh the blue uniform was pealed in opposite directions- tights to the ankles and top to wrists outstretched over the head. A cry of anguish squeaked out of the 220 pound form- (yyyyyyyiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!).

With a yank the rubbery uniform and cape were tossed aside, uncovering the undulating skin of SUPERMAN. Never having been so exposed and defenceless before his flesh tingled with vulnerability. From the solid biceps of his out-stretched arms, through his mountainous pectorals and rippling abdomen, to his trunk-like thighs and calves SUPERMAN was covered in a forest of soft, black hair. It could not disguise, however, his immense nipples and strangely unique genitals.

Suddenly a scream (EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!) broke the silence. The slaves wrenched SUPERMAN's cock and balls and gouged the brown nipple-tips. The vicious assault generated sensations never before experienced by the crying man.(NOOooooooooo! nnoooooooo!!)

"What you feel now, SUPERMAN, is PAIN! Your invulnerability is gone. You hurt and ache like any other human. Learn to accept and appreciate! Pain will become your companion and soulmate!"

As one slave wrenched a fistful of hairy balls high into the air SUPERMAN shrieked loudly (eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!) then suddenly crossed a new pain threshold into unconsciousness.

Over the next hours SUPERMAN's flesh was totally lathered in cream. Slowly and crudely a butcher's knife sliced its way across the hairy landscape removing every piece of dark pelt from the thrashing legs, chest and arms to his face, head and eyebrows. Like a skinned baby seal SUPERMAN lay utterly naked and bleeding from the cuts inflicted by the well-used blade. Jerking constantly in an attempt to avoid the pain SUPERMAN struggled with his voice:

"Wha...a...whaaaat..iissss....happppp....penn...innn' to meeee? Whhaaatttt is ...this ...terrible...feeling....!!! Oooooooooo!.....! I cannn't BREATHE!!"

After the burly slaves shaved the twitching form only incoherent moans arose from the steel table. SUPERMAN gasped (AAAAHHHHH!!!) when his cut flesh was rubbed with alcohol to staunch the bleeding. Screaming and bouncing so loudly and violently that his body and face turned purple, SUPERMAN howled (oooooooooo..OOOOOOOO!..oooooOOOOO!!....OOOOOoowww!!!!)- over and over and over again - until stilled by yet another collapse into darkness.

When SUPERMAN opened his eyes it was upon a glistening, hairless chest. As the rough palms of his burly handlers moved over the shiny plateaus SUPERMAN was startled by this new perspective of himself- white, muscular flesh - stubby two-inch nipples rising upward from three-inch brown aureoles planted on each pec. A stunted but thick, three-inch cock lay covered by grapefruit-sized balls. Translucent, pale skin exposed throbbing veins and muscle. SUPERMAN swallowed hard and fast as involuntary moans escaped his lips.

Abruptly, one blond musclestud wrapped his burly arm around SUPERMAN's waist. Crushing the young man's abdomen with a bruising twist he heaved the deadened form face down, with a splat. Then with his other fist crunching SUPERMAN's balls, he yanked the ass of the groaning torso (OOOOOOO..OOwwwwww!!) high into the air, exposing firm, dimpled buttocks.

The other slave meanwhile pried open the round ass muscles to expose SUPERMAN's most prized but hidden possession. A white tube was jabbed through the sensitive, red muscular clamp into the moist cavity beyond. To an ever increasing crescendo of wailing (oooooooo...OOOO!..oooohhhh!..aaarrrggggggg!) tepid water entered SUPERMAN's gut. Like an impregnated beast SUPERMAN's belly enlarged. When it became obvious that he could absorb only two gallons a giant rubber plug was driven into the spasming red aperture.

Immediately, SUPERMAN was flipped onto his back, sweat pouring off his shiny skin. As he lay panting, his face twisted in agony, his belly was pummelled. Cramps became moans, then cries, and finally wails ( NNOOOOoooooooooooo!!!!!!). Tears gushed from the bony, hairless face.

"Look at yourself, SUPERMAN! See what you truly are! Your body must be clean and pure, both inside and out! Let go of yourself! Don't fight your anguish! Suffer it gladly! Learn its mysterious pleasures! Plead for its forgiveness! Prostrate yourself before the altar of torture!"

Abruptly the handlers dragged the limp form across the chamber to a wall of mirrors. Through his tear-swollen eyes a grotesquely unrecognisable form appeared. Only thousands of red nicks and cuts dotted the totally white-skinned landscape. SUPERMAN felt humiliated. He was hairless! Not a single strand remained. His stomach and abdomen sagged over his genitals. Water sloshed through his flesh.

With the thunderous yells of "Cow!" from his handlers SUPERMAN was thrown to the floor head first, followed by his belly. Blood seeped out his forehead, then his asshole gave way with an audible RRRRRIIPP! SUPERMAN's insides spewed out over his splayed torso and legs. Shit, blood and water slopped onto the tiles.

"Oh my ggggggaaaawwwwddddd...!" The once powerful man wailed. "WWWhhyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee!? oh help meee! Won't some one HELP ME?! OOoohhhhh the PAIN!" And dragging himself instinctively into the fetal position SUPERMAN wept as ooze seeped from his bloody asshole.

Yet again was the limp body tossed on the metal altar. Despite the bleeding tear SUPERMAN's ass sphincter was clamped open exposing the soft, dark mucus-covered walls of his shitchute. Amidst drifting awareness SUPERMAN felt cold steel probe his torn ass tube, then the agony of a sharp incision. He squirmed to avoid it but to no avail.

With the assuredness of an experienced surgeon one blond stud extended a scalpel through the assring into the wet darkness. Locating the underside of the prostate, he sliced the flesh and with a flick of his fingers inserted an electrode, quickly suturing the wound.

Six hours had now elapsed. To the former young god it seemed like an eternity. Awash in pain, every nerve ending exposed excruciating agony. Sagging flesh was stripped of dignity. His torso floated in sweat tinged with red, his chest gasping and heaving.

"OoooooHH! SWEEEEETTT JJJEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSUSSSSS!!!!!!!!..stop!!..can't....ppa...pain....any.mmmmMMMMMmmmmmmMMMMOOOORREE!! (whimper..whimper)."

But it did not. After only a brief reprieve, SUPERMAN felt his flesh being torn apart once more. Vise-like hands seized first one testicle, then another and pulled with horrific force. The grapefruit-sized fleshy melons were wrenched to the very bottoms of their hairless sac. Like the last drop of toothpaste the male eggs were crushed against their fleshy walls. SUPERMAN gagged.

Suddenly a knife tore the sac cutting a gash from bottom to top. The prostrate man screeched... screeched in agony as blood poured from the frightening wound (EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!)..screeched as the surgeon-slave quickly sutured the incisions. When it was over - SUPERMAN had lapsed again into unconsciousness - he was left with two ball sacs, each bandaged to help heal and stretch them.

Next, the two handlers attacked SUPERMAN's bulging nipples. Wrapping a giant metal punch around the base of each plump knob they squeezed the sharp edge through, taking a quarter inch chunk of flesh. Through the pink holes they twisted round gold rings big enough to encircle the nipples tips. Then another but much smaller ring was threaded through the sensitive flesh at the cap of each tit. SUPERMAN`S chest glittered with golden jewellery. But SUPERMAN WAILED again (EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!..OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!) as blood gushed to be quickly staunched by the attending bodyguards. "What are you'?? WHhhaa.a.a.a.a.aaaaaaaaaaa.....?!" he repeated over and over and over ......without reply.

Next, and most painfully, SUPERMAN's stubby cock was squeezed brutally and tightly. Then a long, tapered spike was shoved through the swollen head -and piss slit- to the other side. A large silver ring filled the hole and was soldered quickly into one piece. Like a ring in a bulls nose SUPERMAN's new ornament hung ponderously down over the now deflated cockhead. Then a smaller silver ring was inserted underneath and through the flesh connecting his mushroom cap ti the stem. Finally afifth ring pierced the flesh between his asscheeks, near his red opening- a hook to tie his stubby cock into obedience if ever necessary.

The young man's flesh and sex were now transformed beyond his recognition and control. Tidalwaves of excruciating pain washed over his limp and useless body. Delirium overtook him as his bodily juices oozed out. Blood, drool, sweat, tears, shit and urine now covered the metal table.

Slowly, but inevitably the Master's abasement had successfully reduced the once undefiled and beautiful man to a heaving, sobbing hunk of hairless, rubbery flesh.


Time disappeared into nothingness. Hours became days, then weeks. SUPERMAN drifted in and out of consciousness as his defeated body struggled to accept the attacks made upon it. It was a slow process for his superhuman powers had long disappeared and the two naked attendants were constantly present to grind and stretch his wounded flesh.

His manhandlers paid very close attention. Every 4 hours, regardless of SUPERMAN's state of sleep, they attacked his nipples and cock to bathe the wounds and turn the new metal ornaments. Three times a day they brought in food- mainly liquids- which SUPERMAN crudely gobbled.

Most painful to SUPERMAN was the daily ritual of bathing and stretching his two ball sacs. SUPERMAN accepted the excrutiating pain as inevitable. As the gashes healed the handlers strapped the drooping flaps of skin with more and more gold wire. Each juicy male egg was squeezed to the bottom of the sac. Throbbing purple veins threaded their way around the balls and up the transluscent skin. Inevitably the sacs lengthened as the wire stiffened the connection between testicle and root.

SUPERMAN was continuously stripped of any evidence of hair. Occasionally, his juicy knobs received heavier studs. Daily he endured the coarse fondling and even the name-calling of - "cow-bitch-baby-cunt-whore-twat" - thrown at him in continuous jibes. SUPERMAN did not resist. He didn't have the strength to fight. However, it was more than that. SUPERMAN knew that even if he tried he would be battered by the muscular guards. He could feel the overpowering strength in their hands as they roughened his skin and quickly learned that resistance would be met with far greater pain and abuse. As it was he could barely endure the daily tortures inflicted upon his swollen nipples and bruised balls and penis.

Time passed, however. Wounds mended and aches dissipated. SUPERMAN remained impotent. When he finally staggered to his feet he saw in the mirrored walls a much thinner man. Sagging abdominals and chest and the rubbery thighs easily visible under the oiled white skin testified to his loss of weight. SUPERMAN was not the superhuman of before.

More often than he was at first prepared to acknowledge SUPERMAN was entranced with the hairless form staring back at him. After his handlers left he often found himself frozen before the mirrorred walls as if mesmerized by the view. Occasionally SUPERMAN patted his bejewelled body, often massaging it like his attendants had done, sometimes tweaking the jutting brown nipples, playing with the golden studs. He even rotated the large silver ring at the end of his penis which surprisingly was no longer painful. His giant balls, on the otherhand, completely mesmerized him.

As weeks became months his ballsacs lengthened. The pink flesh bearing the large male eggs was strung out like chewing gum. The golden wire took on the appearance of a thin metal rod jutting down his leg. At each end the swollen balls seemed precariously vulnerable especially when SUPERMAN struggled to walk. As the sensitive orbs crashed into his thighs as well as each other sending scalding flashes of searing pain up into his brain he struggled to avoid the torment by jutting out his pale ass.

The mirror displayed his reality. After many months SUPERMAN's balls reached his knees. One day his manhandlers unwound the wire and SUPERMAN discovered with amazement two fleshy orbs as if suspended in air. Only the narrowest of skin tied them to his cock. And the view... for some reason... took SUPERMAN's breath away- caused his heartbeat to skip for a second- sparked a twinge in his normally shrunken penis.

What is going on? SUPERMAN thought to himself. What is happening to me? What is this sensation...why do I feel this way? And as he moved about the room his balls swinging freely for the first time SUPERMAN felt a freedom unlike he had ever experienced before! As his naked attendants had done on many occasions, he slowly caressed himself. First his soft abdomen and shiny pelvis; then his chest with its jutting nipples and heavy studs; next, his hairless scalp and face. "Oh mi..ggggooooodddDDDDD!!" SUPERMAN moaned repeatedly. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" As his roaming hands grabbed his small, ringed cock his fingers slipped through the metal loop. Instinctively they pulled it out and up as if to connect the fleshy tube to some thing as yet undetermined while the white torso swayed to the chant of " my cock!my COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!" When SUPERMAN bent over to grab the swaying testicles unfamiliar surges of nervous fire overwhelmed the formerly impervious man. By holding his grapefruit balls in each palm SUPERMAN acquired a new passion that palpitated in his gut. The spongy eggs took control of his very existence! From them appeared to emanate his soul and his passion and by holding them SUPERMAN felt he regained control over his life.

Suddenly SUPERMAN yelled! He was squeezing his balls as viciously as his manhandlers ever had and, after pulling them up tohis chest, his cock was hard....steel hard. It was a new situation for he had never known the throes of such excitement nor had his flesh ever physically responded before.

SUPERMAN's legs wobbled in shock. His cock, while only three inches long even when hard, was amazingly thick- like a baseball bat. In fact it was so thick that SUPERMAN needed his two sweaty palms to hold it. Unconsciously, he squeezed it as he had his swaying testicles, moulding himself for a yet undefined and unacknowledged destiny. Sticky, white juice dribbled from his three-holed cock, a signal perhaps of things to come. For unbeknownst to him SUPERMAN was about to encounter an erupting human ecstasy. Only a fateful rendezvous with his Master remained to consummate his mortality.


SUPERMAN was stunned by the intense response of his flesh. His bewilderment lead quickly to trepidation then cold fear as he struggled to absorb what he had done. His mind and flesh were sucked into a state of vacuous turmoil from which he could find no escape- no answer. For days SUPERMAN was so lost that he did not know a tether being clipped onto his ringed cockhead. A sudden tug brought him back to reality.

The burly handlers yanked the vacant-eyed man to his feet and lead him naked, cock-first, through a bewildering maze of cold, dark corridors. SUPERMAN shuddered, his skin in goosebumps, his balls slapping noisily against his thighs.

Suddenly it was bright. The threesome entered an oasis of warmth and beauty. Tiled spaciousness was enclosed by tall windows overlooking lush gardens. Luxurious furniture abounded. A fountain quietly gushed in one corner. After tightly fixing SUPERMAN'S tether to a high steel ring SUPERMAN was ordered to kneel with head bowed, arms behind his back. A moist sheen coated his hairless flesh.

After some time SUPERMAN realized he was alone. Only his quick, nervous breathing and the distant trickle of water disturbed the silence. SUPERMAN'S thighs and buttocks ached. In his weary crouch he struggled against the tension of the line pulling his penisk straight up. His balls throbbed between his knees while his pounding heart reddened his skin and moistened his pores.

Unexpectedly a warm palm enveloped his white scalp. Terrified, SUPERMAN emitted a weak, high-pitched cry (EEEIIIII!!!).

"Welcome- again- SUPERMAN! It is rewarding to discover you are learning your place so well!" As the hand continued to travel over the pale skin, tweaking an ear, the neck, shoulder and back, SUPERMAN groaned and instinctively rubbed his cheek against the weathered flesh, licking it.

The sensuous voice moved in front of the supplicant. "Look at me, SUPERMAN! Who am I?"

Fearfully, SUPERMAN raised his bony head, for he KNEW the answer! "You are my MASTER!" his feeble voice replied, and he quickly looked away. SUPERMAN was overwhelmed with a sense of inadequacy, his shoulders drooping in humiliation and submission.

The Master stood before him. SUPERMAN sensed his massive size but had the courage only to stare at the muscular calves less than a few feet away.

A sudden kick to his groin caused SUPERMAN to part his thighs, exposing the grapefruit-sized testicles resting on the tiles, like fruit on an altarplate. To SUPERMAN's horror, the Master rolled one ball under his steel-toed boot, then the other. Without warning- the Master laughingly placed his full weight on one, flattening it like clay!

SUPERMAN shrieked! (EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and rising up on his knees grabbed the gigantic boot in an attempt to ward off the dreadful agony. The room echoed with a CRACK! SUPERMAN's head bounced about as the Master's giant fist struck the screaming torso across the cheek. For the first time SUPERMAN wept hysterically and uncontrollably!

", sob, sob, sob, sob) eeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! EEEEEEIIIIIIII!! (wail..wail..)nnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!"

"Don't you ever - EVER - resist me again, SUPERMAN!" screamed the Master. "You are here at MY pleasure, and will do as I command! Pain is your companion! ACCEPT IT! Let your flesh absorb and respond and MAKE LOVE to it!"

Now both balls took the weight of the titan. This time, however, SUPERMAN only threw his head back in desperate agony, screaming and shrieking, occasionally trying to muffle his cries by biting his hand. He continuously gasped for air, sometimes tasting blood and salty tears dripping onto his parched lips.

Slowly the screams gave way to whimpers, then erratic breathing. SUPERMAN's pain dissipated gradually into a gentle, stimulating warmth centred in his pelvis. Indeed, SUPERMAN became flushed - feverish - his blanch skin beet red!

Squirming uncomfortably from one aching thigh to the other, SUPERMAN discovered that the agony of moments before had given way to an exquisite heat. All parts of his body swayed to the beat of a silent drummer. What is going on? he asked himself.

Unbeknownst to him, the Master had activated the powerful electrode embedded near his prostate. Surging electrical impulses stirred unfamiliar senses. SUPERMAN's short but stocky cock hardened!

My God! What's the matter with me? What's this... HOT.... feeling? And my COCK! It's SOOOOO H..A..R..DDDDD!!!! Oooohhh DADDY!! he called, unconsciously.

"Grab it, SUPERMAN!" shouted the Master. "Wrap your hands around your stubby, little COCK!"

Eyes squeezed shut, head swaying uncontrollably, SUPERMAN reached down and grasped the fleshy stump, moaning: "OOOOOOooooooouuuuuuu....yeaaa...aaaaaa!!!!"

"That's it, now SQUEEZE.....HARD!"

"Uuuuugggggghhhhhhhhhh...gggggrrrrrrrrrrruuuuuuu!!" SUPERMAN's chest and tits heaved and bounced as he stretched handsfull of foreskin up and down, nostrils flaring "oooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeeee ........ssssssssssssssssssssssssssshhhh.. phewwwwww...!!....puffff!!....uummmmppfff!!!!" Sweat soaked the tiled floor as SUPERMAN's torso splashed and squished involuntarily.

"Pump your pitiful excuse for MANHOOD, SUPERMAN! Show me what nature has taught you to do!"

"Huhhhhhh!! Hhhhhhhhhoooooooo!! NNNgggggggg!! OOOOOOoooooooooooo!!!! Ppppp..llllleeeeeeeaaaass!!!!!" And again yanking the fat four inch tube, SUPERMAN frantically tore the skin up and over the purple knob, over the metal ring, and back down again - slowly at first but then with fearful vigour.

Grabbing the tether the Master jerked the cock first one way, then another, as SUPERMAN fought to hold on. Bouncing up and down on his ass, his pelvis desperately fucking the air, SUPERMAN could only screech in confusion and submission: "EEEEEEEEE......oooooooo..0hhhh...nnoooooo....hheeeeeeelllppppp!!"

"You can do better than THAT, SUPERMAN! Fight like a MAN! Feel your COCK! " The Master laughed and teased the blood-engorged hunk as his cock was whipsawed above his crotch.

He didn't know why but all SUPERMAN could do was say "YEssss!! YES!.....OH GOD....YEEEEAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!"

SUPERMAN moaned, eyes clenched shut, as he struggled with the swaying cock. His soaking flesh reverberated to the sounds of a primordial heat! His balls which only a short time before lay crushed were now bursting with juices as they writhed in their long, stringy sacs. Hot flashes of indescribable pleasure shot into SUPERMAN's cock, then into his gut. The swaying torso grunted and groaned on the rubbery thighs: YYEESSSSSSSsssssssss.. "OOOOHHHHHH!!........eeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!Pleaaaasssse!.. Noooooo!..YESSSS!!"

The Master reached down and twisted the swollen brown nipples jutting from SUPERMAN's muscular tits. Rivulets of perspiration hung from each fleshy knobs dripping onto the hairless crotch down below. Twirling the studs the whimpering young man's head snapped back, mouth agape.."aaaarrrrrrggggggggg...oooooccccchhhhhhhh... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"

Seconds became minutes, then an hour as SUPERMAN contorted under this monumental fervour. As it intensified only sounds of increasing confusion, need and suffering passed his lips.

"uuggggghhhhhhhhh!!.......gggrrrrrrr!!...uummmpppppfffff... pppllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"

Suddenly SUPERMAN could take no more! Throwing his weakened arms into the air he finally begged:

"Oh, mmmmmm.. MMMMaaaassssss..ter!...Master! me! is HAPPENING to me? I'm so HOT! hot!..I need...something... please...make it STOP!...I can't go!"

In final desperation SUPERMAN grabbed his raw, bleeding cock and hysterically tearing the flesh pumped it madly for ...something.. something he could not describe!...some type of forgiveness...a release!

"Ugh..ugh..UGH!!...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuu!!!! Pleeeease, Daddddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! nnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!"

And then, quite explosively, as he fucked the Master's tugs, SUPERMAN lost his balance and toppled onto his broad, muscular back with a noisy, wet ..SPLAT..! Like a beached whale SUPERMAN flopped up and down on the cool tiled floor, buns slapping incessantly in the growing pool of sweat and juice dripping from his flesh. Any attempts to escape the throbbing in his groin were met with vicious tugs to his bleeding, swollen cock. The steely stub stood straight up, the three-holed knob stretched grotesquely by the gold ring.

"SUPERMAN, you are discovering the ecstacies of your flesh! This is your true destiny! You are about to experience an explosion so cataclysmic that the world you have known will disappear..... a sensual universe so profound as to make you insignificant!"

"YEASSSssssss!....yes!....yes!....YES!!...please, yes!" the former man of steel implored.

" will never reach ECSTACY unless you submit...WILLINGLY...! And you won't unless you learn to accept PAIN! Only then will you know happiness and fulfillment! Ecstacy is pain, SUPERMAN.... pain is your life and reward!"

"Yes, Master, yes...I understand..I!....Please, help.. me.. accept... my destiny...I want.. to serve..... YOU, Master! Please, Master.... I need PAIN!...want PAIN!...give me PAIN!..." And as he pleaded before his Master SUPERMAN writhed hysterically, intuitively fucking the air, opening himself to new levels of indoctrination.

"SUPERMAN! Are you ready?"

"OH! Yes! Master!...please....NOW!" moaned the prostrate young man, devoured by his struggles.

"Then..NOW! Lift your legs! Pull them up...back...over your head... way over..more...MORE!!"


"Spread your THIGHS! Open your ass!......... Now, SUPERMAN, what is that tender spot between your legs...that opening that craves for something! That's right, SUPERMAN, feel, tell me what is that wonderful thing?!"

", Master!"

"Never, you STUPID WHORE!" cried the Master, viciously kicking the swollen balls. SUPERMAN bounced in terror."It's your your mancunt.....your twat....your fuckhole..... your super tunnel to the gods! Feel THIS!" And as the Master rubbed his large fingers over the dripping, swollen, red lips SUPERMAN's white head bruisingly bounced up and down on the stone floor (crack...crack...crack...), his passion and pain becoming unmanageable.

"My cunt! CCCCCC....CUNNNNNTTTTTTTTTTTT!!.........oh sweet Master! me! Let me SHOOOOT!!!!!!!!!......." . Every muscle in SUPERMAN's body twitched in expectation. Moaning- indeed growling (gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)- the sweat-soaked frame bounced about the room as far as his chained cock would allow, backside slapping spastically against the hard surface. Screams reached fever pitch. "OOOHHHH GOODDDDDD!!!... NOOOOOooooooooooo!!!YYYYYYYYYYYYEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!" Two heavy legs swayed ponderously over the red-faced head.

The Master grabbed the immense juicy cannon balls from under SUPERMAN's ass. Joyfully twisting them, the flaps of skin became rope to pull SUPERMAN's torso along the wet floor. SUPERMAN writhed in the exhausting agony of pain and pleasure. With electricity surging through his prostate SUPERMAN approached collapse.

SUPERMAN's wails reverberated around the walls of the chamber. "Do mee!Do meee! please HURT me! tear them off! AAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!........" Oblivious to everything he entered the realm of sensual disintegration. When the Master punched his fist through his spasming hole, the cunt of steel convulsed!

An earthquake audibly rumbled from SUPERMAN's depths and with an intense gurgling groan..then.........................................a... squeal.."eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ....the triple holes in his cockhead erupted. Unassisted by his hands SUPERMAN's baby-makers rifled their long-buried white cream up into the sky. Fountains of creamy liquid spewed out the gaping slits. One glob struck the ceiling 12 feet away. The stubby hard cock flooded the scalped crotch, running down the dangling legs into the deep crevice leading to SUPERMAN's cunt. The muscular form flopped on and on as it sought final, devastating release.

This seizure lasted for ten minutes. Even when there was no more creamy juice the body continued to arc its way into the air. The force of the convulsion was so great and unremitting that SUPERMAN's cock spewed blood as his balls tore into themselves to provide long-absent ecstasy. But eventually even this gave way and SUPERMAN was left with the excruciating pain of exhaustion and deliverance.

Battered and bruised almost beyond recognition SUPERMAN collapsed into a blood and cum-soaked stupor. Here he remained incoherent for an hour, moaning, until his handlers came to drag him back to his cell.

As he crawled along the stone floor his Master's voice slowly penetrated SUPERMAN's consciousness just as surely as he felt the powerful kick of his Master's foot into his sagging belly:

"Get up, SUPERMAN! You have much work to do! You are becoming weak and flabby! You must regain your strength and beauty if you are to be of service to me!....and if you are ever to be MILKED again." SUPERMAN looked surprised despite his state. "Like mother earth, you are cow...whose duty it is to produce creamy, white my command! But you have to earn your keep! "The handsome men will continue to see to your needs but you will have to see to theirs. must work very fulfil the destiny unleashed by your flesh!

"Now, go to your room, you pathetic 'man of steel'....! Take him away so he can become a servant to his Master!"

And with this admonition the two burly slaves grabbed the rope and dragged the purple cock and the humbled torso attached to it along the dark corridors to SUPERMAN's tiny cell.


SUPERMAN could not stir from his mattress for 36 hours. When the swollen, red eyelids broke through the crusted tears, every fibre of his being ached. The fatigue of his Master's indoctrination spread its pain-pleasure everywhere. No muscle...not even his cock or ass...escaped the sharp daggers of agony sporadically twitching his gut. Large welts and purple bruises dotted his asscheeks and back- the consequences of unremittant hammering against his Master's cold floors. SUPERMAN's palpitating head was deluged with explosive memories of his great convulsions. But... in spite of it all....for the first time...SUPERMAN was content!

Suddenly, SUPERMAN recognised his destiny! His Master's words were embedded in his soul!

I have to get stronger...better...more BEAUTIFUL...for my Master! I must please him and do anything he commands!

As memories of his explosions reverberated throughout his flesh, his sore balls and belly stirred.

Got to muscle-up for my Master.. make milk!... become a real cow!

And so began a year of growth and craving. Each day his manhandlers injected muscle-building steroids into his hardening buns. For 6 hours each day SUPERMAN pumped hundreds of pounds of iron. Each day, his dangling testicles, squeezed into his spandex tights, were repeatedly crushed by the rubbing of his growing thighs. Each day, before his workouts, SUPERMAN's torso was shaved - except now he was allowed to keep his brows and lashes and hairy scalp. Slowly, SUPERMAN's handsome body regained its handsome form and radiance.

As weeks became months, SUPERMAN developed into a hulk. At 310 pounds not an ounce of fat or flab remained on the 6 feet 2 inch physique. From his immensely engorged pecs jutted taut 4 inch nipples, studded at their base with glinting gold spikes. His ringed cock, though tiny, was always semi-hard..... evidence of an enduring tension perpetuated by the hormonal releases from his electrified prostate.

SUPERMAN's balls continued to arouse him! Despite the punishing abuse absorbed by the spongy globes, they remained extraordinarily vulnerable and painful! Every contraction of the mammoth, steroid-grown flanks ground them together. But SUPERMAN learned to savour the agony..and merely moaned in anticipation. Indeed, so bulky had SUPERMAN's thighs become that an observer might wonder how could he even pull his legs together. But SUPERMAN knew better! The key to his service...and happiness...lay between them!

Each day, after his weight training, SUPERMAN concentrated on stretching his expanding body. By massaging his hot twat (my wonderful CUNT!) every muscle relaxed. When he dropped naked to the floor, onto his back, swinging his heavy legs high into the air, he parted his tight cheeks which, like the Red Sea, exposed the path to his greatness! SUPERMAN massaged his hole....(yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!... mmmmmmpppppppffff!!...oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!..mmmmmmpphhewwwwwww!!!) forcing the juicy crimson lips to contort and extend. And it was in this vulnerable position, too, that he was always milked by his muscular chaperons.

In spite of his formidable proportions SUPERMAN continued to surrender to his Master's servants. As they attended to his needs, he knew he had to offer them a reward...and that prize was his rich, creamy juice...his delicious cum!

Regularly, sometimes daily, SUPERMAN's inner passions became so great that he pleaded for release. As he had been taught his supplicating form was laid before the musclemen, thighs and calves tossed straight upward, exposing palpitating cunt lips whose juices leaked onto his ballsacs draping the ground underneath. Whimpers and cries entreated the pair to free him from his painful, but exhilarating agony!

"Please..Sirs!...Take me!! Use me as you wish!...MILK me!...Crush my balls and ...and..feed me PAIN!"

Every vein pulsated under the veneer of skin encasing solid muscle! SUPERMAN's face was deformed by exquisite torment as wave upon wave of sexual tension caused him to hump the air, bouncing into space above the wooden planks that were his bed. SUPERMAN snivelled as he offered himself to his attendants.

"I'm yours, sirs!...please, hurt me!..NOW!..please..ooohhh...pleeeeeeeeaaaaaase........!"

Occasionally the two men laughingly goaded SUPERMAN by fingering his cunt, stroking the exposed lips. SUPERMAN went absolutely berserk with passion, crying out that he LOVED them both, would do ANYTHING for them...and squirming his ass in response to their toying he shouted repeatedly..."ANYTHING....ANYTHING....ANYTHING....ANYTHING!!!"

One day, to his surprise, SUPERMAN's tits received gold rings in place of the well-worn but familiar studs. His attendants joined the new tit rings with heavy gold chain and pulling it snugly they clipped it to the round metal extruding from SUPERMAN's cockhead. SUPERMAN's cock now stretched up from the shaved crotch to meet the throbbing brown nipples.

This jewellery presented SUPERMAN with a predicament. SUPERMAN, in his need to relieve himself, learned quickly that he could do so only by pissing on himself. No matter how contorted he became he could not avoid these gold showers. However, the yellow liquid only added another horny scent to his humping torso.

In harassing SUPERMAN the musclemen usually yanked SUPERMAN's balls up into the air with mighty grunts. This was predictably followed by a screaming torso which rose to resist the torture. By grabbing the body chain the attendants wrenched the cock, tits and the muscular torso up and down, humiliating the massive young man. So vicious were these assaults that SUPERMAN feared his tits would be ripped from his chest. But.....SUPERMAN's internal furnaces were only stoked and in a daze, he constantly pleaded for more! "Yes, yes, yes.....hurt me...tear me apart... yes..anything....ooooooooeeeeeeeee...yes....more....more....MORE....OH, sirs! YES..cut me in me open....pull my TITS OFF!!!!..oooooohhhhhhh, god! UUUUGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

One slave usually attacked SUPERMAN's brown nipples which pulsated erratically as if to explode, biting and chewing them savagely. As usual SUPERMAN shrieked at this unfamiliar assault! When blood poured out the top SUPERMAN felt faint for never had he experienced stabs so searing to his chest. But as the manhandlers continued to chomp and suck and squeeze SUPERMAN's tits gushed in unexpected, massive spurts their own very hot, white syrup! Like squirting clams each nipple popped its load in apparent desperation. The muscleboys giggled as the tits fucked the air on their own, spewing their guts onto SUPERMAN's glistening abdomen.

Meanwhile, this scalding eruption caused SUPERMAN to lose any remaining control. His thighs dropped...piss poured from the three-holed cockhead....ass juice leaked between farts from his sloppy mancunt! SUPERMAN's agony was written across his tear-stained, contorted face. Scalding tit-milk burned his skin amidst his yells. (Nooooo! NoooooOOOOOO!! nnnnooooOOOOOOO!!!!). Searing welts suddenly appeared on his flesh. SUPERMAN screamed and screamed and screamed as he scrunched to avoid the stabbing pain! But....SUPERMAN's cock was again as hard as steel!

When a sweating SUPERMAN neared collapse, gasping and wheezing for breath, the pain-pleasure finally conquered him, and SUPERMAN always EXPLODED! The manhandlers, sensing the eruption, immediately swallowed SUPERMAN's ringed cock. Rythmicly milking his balls like a cow's udder, they also stroked his cunt to induce bouncing and fucking motions. By manipulating SUPERMAN's internal furnace they were able to get every muscle and cell in his handsome torso to concentrate on delivering his juicy cream! After spewing his white load SUPERMAN consistently collapsed into a stupor, exhausted and worn out by his labour.

The next morning, however, SUPERMAN began again. It was a life of routine.!! If he followed orders he was often, but not always, milked into exhaustion at the end of the day. Then SUPERMAN slept like a baby!

SUPERMAN's body and soul were thus transformed. Gigantic pecs were peaked by throbbing nipples permanently strapped to his cock. There was no hint of SUPERMAN's past delicate smooth proportions...only muscular beauty and instruments of service and pain and pleasure.

But for SUPERMAN it was a process of self-discovery. SUPERMAN finally realized that he was above all else a sexual animal and that his uncontrollable feelings were sexual cravings of the most basic kind. He also knew that only one sensation could make him come...pain...and the greater the intensity the greater the carnal reward. SUPERMAN recognised that, despite the repeated milkings, he craved something more...something resting in his gut...something hard and hot...his Master's COCK! SUPERMAN now knew that his body and soul were instruments designed for his Master's fucking and everything that he had to offer was meaningless - except for his CUNT!

As his prostrate continued to vibrate, unattended, SUPERMAN knew that only a massive cock could fill his penetrating desires. Only his Master could open his cunt..enter him..conquer him..and destroy him!

SUPERMAN fantasized about his Master and how he could sacrifice himself. SUPERMAN so came to love him that despite his milkings he desperately needed only what his Master could provide..his gigantic cock. So crazed did SUPERMAN become that each night he cried himself to sleep dreaming of his service.


Nine months passed since SUPERMAN last encountered his Master, fifteen since he disappeared from public view. SUPERMAN's former existence was obliterated from his memory. Only a name remained.

Slowly, SUPERMAN regained his dazzling looks- indeed improved upon them. His sparkling blue eyes, perfect white teeth, aquiline nose, soft dark hair and lashes, dimpled chin and square jaws surrounded full, ruby lips.

His 6'2" torso was solid fibre. Brown, tanned skin covered every inch. Veins weaved on top of muscle and writhed under the thin naked layer. SUPERMAN's arms bulged, biceps the size of telephone poles. His abdomen was so deeply indented that it could almost be called the Grand Canyon. Feet and calves were smooth yet powerful. A rippling back V'ed to a compact waist and bubble buns while massive thighs naturally drew one's attention to the deep hollows between them.

His huge, muscular body was transformed. But SUPERMAN had not yet been sacrificed upon the altar of service. He knew a great challenge lay before him for his flesh ached for release and satisfaction.

SUPERMAN's semi-hard cock stood at attention, connected to his permanently swollen nipples by tough wire. Each ringed nub stretched when muscle flexed and skin twisted. Maneggs swung heavily from the root of his stubby cock, sometimes crushed between his thighs and asscheeks. Not a strand of hair was visible on his smooth, glistening torso and crotch. His bubble butt swayed provocatively behind him but occasionally could be glimpsed SUPERMAN's puckered, red cuntlips inviting manipulation and conquest.

The day of SUPERMAN's ultimate sacrifice finally arrived. When he was told to go to his Master he did so willingly. I am ready to DIE for my Master, if that is what he wants, he said to himself. I am ready for whatever he does to me! Pain will be my guide and ecstacy my reward.

As SUPERMAN entered the inner sanctum his Master stood waiting, his giant, hairy torso fully exposed. SUPERMAN's eyes immediately fastened upon the gigantic cock softly hanging down his Master's legs and knew that this was the instrument of his destruction.

Despite his mental preparations SUPERMAN shook in terror. When he collapsed in submission, his metal bonds clanged as he hit the floor. With feet and arms spread wide SUPERMAN's balls rolled in their long sacs behind him. Slowly the terrified young man regained his composure and begged for mercy.

"Master! Master! I am here at your service! Please! Please! Tell me what I can do for you....what you want form meeeeeeee! I will do ANYTHING....ANYTHING for you........"

"Yes, SUPERMAN! you will...because I am going to tear you apart.... I am going to rape you so completely that you will no longer seem human! You have become SHEBULL- neither man nor woman- but a sponge to soak up manjuice and squeeze out milk. You will become a throbbing fuck machine giving pleasure to only those I allow! Your sole purpose in life will be to keep me happy and if you fail then you will be destroyed." The Master's foot viciously kicked the bouncing globes between SHEBULL's knees. SHEBULL whimpered.

Suddenly the air crackled with the sound of leather...then the echo of a high-pitched scream. A giant whip tore into SHEBULL's rocksolid ass. Another CRACK! (scream) CRACK! (scream). And so the whipping began...and proceeded.... on ....and on....and on......

With each stroke SHEBULL's butt became redder and redder, hotter and hotter, bloodier and bloodier. Frequently the leather tips caught the giant testicles squirming between the outstretched thighs. Then screeches reached an even higher pitch.


"Take it all, SHEBULL!

When the pulpy asscheeks burned with a firelike glow the Master kicked the groaning torso onto the swollen ass. SHEBULL's eyes scrunched in pain, his flesh leaked sweat. SHEBULL's chest heaved up and down, gasping breaths echoing around the room. The four inch spiked nipples palpitated erratically.

With a yell the Master reached over the gasping torso and grabbed the wet bodychain. Pulling with a mighty force the Master lifted SHEBULL's heaving flesh from the damp floor. Swollen tits and cock stretched grotesquely up into the air, causing the limp SHEBULL to scream in agony and fear.

The swollen, fleshy spikes invited abuse and the Master proceeded to intensify the pain. Tiny sharp alligator clips cut into the throbbing, hot nipples. Like the branches of a tree they encircled the fleshy trunk, a dozen or more piercing the sensitive flesh. SHEBULL screamed with the viciously sharp pain.

"Take them OFF! TAKE THEM OOOFFFFFFF!!! PLLL...EEASSE!! OH GaWDDD!! It hurts so bad! Oh FUCK!" While his chest heaved to throw off the tiny blades, the Master's giant palms crushed the metal covered spikes. SHEBULL let out a deathly shriek....EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.. and as the Master continued to force the clips shut the agonized manfuck fainted.

They were still there when he regained consciousness a few moments later. But the Master had now attached more to his swollen cock. Again SHEBULL whimpered as dozens of the small knives were clipped onto his raw meat. The stubby cock was surrounded entirely in metal. Even the piss-slit was clamped shut!

Next the Master clipped more to the stringy cords leading to SHEBULL's swollen balls. With each new cut into his flesh SHEBULL's heart beat a fraction faster. His brian exploded as the pain intensified. Finally, balls, tits and cock were completely covered in shiny silver blades. SHEBULL was suffocating in waves of pain. His tortured body gasped for breath as it bounced involuntarily.

The sharp pain sliced into SHEBULL's brain. But slowly- inevitably- his flesh accepted this additional torture! Soon SHEBULL's tits grew rock hard -begging for the Master's twisting manipulations. Metal sheathed cock stood upright, despite the tight pull of the body chain. Indeed, the cord looked like a highwire drawn between two poles. Suddenly, the Master seized wire, lifted the torso, and dropped it.

With a "crack" echoing throughout the chamber SHEBULL's head struck the granite floor. SHEBULL moaned in a daze. But this did not stop the Master from yanking his scalp and driving the bleating face onto the Master's jutting steel cock.

"Suck my manpole! Drink my sweet juices! You will need them if you expect to leave this room alive!"

SHEBULL gagged and wretched as he struggled to swallow the hard rod of flesh. His lips became puffy and swollen as they stretched to meet the Master's thrusts. SHEBULL's adam's apple bobbed up and down like a yoyo as the spasming throat struggled to absorb the pounding jabs.

The Master yelled in delight. Yanking SHEBULL's ears, he quickly developed a deep penetration into the sopping cavity. SHEBULL frequently lost consciousness as air was denied to him butthese spells lasted seconds only.

The more the Master pumped the bigger his supercock grew. Finally it wouldn't fit anymore into SHEBULL's mouth, despite the Master vicious grunts and shoves. With a loud POP! the phallus was wrenched from the now bleeding throat. SHEBULL collapsed in a wheezing, gasping mound of sweating flesh.

But there was no rest for SHEBULL. "You did not SATISFY me! You will pay for this, you ungrateful MANCUNT! Learn NOW that you can't defy me!" And with a frightful roar the Master lifted the heavy torso and hurled it against the wall!

With a crash SHEBULL was splattered against the stonework. Blood dripped from the gashes inflicted upon his back. Beet red SHEBULL groaned in a daze......but he was conscious enough to realize that he brought displeasure to his Master.

"Please...Master...masssterrrrr....don't hurt meee! T.t.tttt tt..eeell.. meeee.... what.... you.. want... meeeee..... to do..ANY....thing...."

"You stupid WHORE! You should know what I want...what you NEED!" And grabbing the chains attached to SHEBULL's rubbery, metal encrusted tits, the Master dragged the limp body into the centre of the room.

"What a disgusting sight you are!" he screamed, viciously kicking him in the groin. "And you said you would do anything for me! AND YOU WILL, CUNT!!"

The Master fell between SHEBULL's splayed thighs. Crudely he tore the bleeding ass while crushing the engorged pecs. Next he inserted his giant fingers into the slimey, dripping cunthole. SHEBULL's whimpers turned to moans as the giant hand worked its way into the cavity. The limp body offered no resistance when the muscular red clamp suddenly "SNAPPED" open and the bulky fist penetrated SHEBULL's ass. SHEBULL gasped.

"Oh my fuckin' gaaawwdd!! What are you doing to me? You're KILLING ME!! NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Please,!!!!!"

The hairless torso was spiked to the hard floor. As the Master's hand and arm slipped deeper into SHEBULL's gut he squirmed in indescribale pain/pleasure. While his trunk-like thighs wobbled high above, SHEBULL's head hysterically bounced up and down on the rockhard floor, bloodying it.

The Master's arm drove in and out with increasing speed, stretching the swelling cuntlips like a rubber band. The agonized cries of the prostrate young man became a chant - for more and less - at the same time!


High-pitched whimpers alternated with resounding grunts.


The floor under the thrashing torso soon was awash in drool and sweat. SHEBULL's skin developed a scarlet tinge, his breathing rapid and laboured. The Master's fist dug ever deeper causing an even greater squeel from the impaled SHEBULL. Rubbery limbs flapped lewdly about as back and ass absorbed the brutal jabs. Soon the Master's rythmic thrusts developed a music of their own....and SHEBULL responded.

SSSSSSSSsssqqqqqqqquuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuiiisssshhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! reverberated from the depths of SHEBULL's hole as the Master's giant forearm bulldozeed into the steaming cavity. "ggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaa........" was the low-pitched response from the impaled torso.

When the massive pole was pulled out a sloppy.... SSSSSllllllllllluuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpp!!! was met by SHEBULL's shrill whine...."eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE............"

Squuiiiiissh........sluuuurrrrrrrrrppp, accompanied the Master; gggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuuugggggggg...... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..... was the responding chant. With his other fist tightly wrapped around the titchain the Master increased the rhythm of his invading forearm. As he did he pushed the gurgling SHEBULL along the hard surface until it could go no more. Up against the wall the battered head was repeatedly driven into the vertical surface.

SHEBULL's weakened arms fought to counter the Master's powerful thrusts. By reaching over his head against the wall the pathetic SHEBULL pushed with all his might to absorb the violent lunges, but he could not stop the ceaseless pounding.

Slowly, inevitably the Master drove the impaled figure up the wall. Rising from his knees he lifted SHEBULL by one ankle and pumped into the wet cunt. SHEBULL limply rose ass-first flattened vertically against the cold rock. Then, when SHEBULL was lifted completely off the floor, the Master wrenched his arm from the torn opening. SHEBULL sank into a sweating, drooling heap of mancunt.

The scene was surreal. The Master stood back to examine the results of his handiwork.

SHEBULL was silent. No sound escaped his lips except the hiss of total physical exhaustion and mental castration. Nostrals flared and swollen lips puckered for desperately needed oxygen.

The 310 pound manfuck lay stunned, dripping, bleeding, wheezing, and panting. So great had been the force of the Master's entry that SHEBULL'S exhausted thighs did not - could not - drop to the ground. Remaining upright, theu waived like white flags in surrender.

Between his still-upturned ass throbbed his swollen balls, now yo-yoing up and down their narrow sacs. As they moved they exposed the gaping hole into SHEBULL'S being. The opening could not close, the consequences of the Master's fist. Like a fish out of water the swollen cuntlips puckered desperately but to no avail.

SHEBULL merely stared exhaustedly at his Master. His steroid-fed biceps and forearms lay upturned at his side, outstretched. While his reddened, flushed chest rose and fell in gasps and spasms his silver coated tits flopped about, not knowing which way to point. In SHEBULL's belly puddled the rivers of sweat and drool produced by his labours. His flesh glistened in its wetness.

After a pause the Master jumped forward. Yanking SHEBULL again by the ankle he kicked the deadened torso into the centre of the room, dragging the swollen balls under it. With a crash the upturned ass fell to the floor, crushing the testicles. SHEBULL finally uttered a sound- a blood-curdling moan, almost a plea for release and destruction. The Master was only too-happy to oblige.

With a horrendous scream the giant man threw himself onto the defeated and panting manfuck. In one massive thrust the Master's 20 inch cock tore open the gates of SHEBULL's glory. Despite the previous manipulations his cunt was still not wide enough to receive the Master's gargantuan pole.

Screams of terror and anguish resounded from the pinned form. As it sank further into the warm, wet darkness the giant cock rearranged SHEBULL's intestines and gut. Lifting himself off the sprawled thighs the Master scraped his cock back out the torn cunttube before plunging back in again. Amazingly, however, the Master's cock was sucked in to its root into the warm, soggy hole.

As the Master's lunges increased in tempo SHEBULL's limp body was tossed about on the giant pole. SHEBULL's balls were flattened repeatedly and his prostate crushed and burned by the pounding. The Master's delirious grunts echoed off the walls.

At one point, in the midst of his fucking, he rose to his knees, then to his feet with the impaled SHEBBULL still attached. SHEBULL's head crashed to the floor and his thighs were driven back over his ears. The weight of the manfuck caused the Master's blood-engorged steel pipe to stretch upward into SHEBULL's abdominal cavity. Like a fist extended through a rubbery wall the cockhead bubbled outward. Fearing that he would punch through the abdomen, the Master grabbed the tit/cockchain for support.

Pulling ferociously, the Master lifted the heavy torso up towards him. Cock and tits were stretched another three inches as they bore the weight of the musclefuck. Only the rings looping through the swollen tits and engorged cockhead saved SHEBULL from being ripped apart. With one hand firmly wrapped around the chain, and the other slapping SHEBULL's face the Master's fucking resumed.

In and out went the conqueror's mammoth thrusts. SHEBULL arms and legs waved about like a ragdoll, pitiously and ineffectually. His pelvic muscles threw SHEBULL up to the tip of his cock and the slurping cunt sucked itself back down. With arms limp at his side and head slapped around and back so only his bobbing adam's apple seemed alive, SHEBULL's flesh absorbed the punishment meted out by the all-powerful Master.

On and on went this Master's glorious pounding! Ocassionally there was a puny response from the heaved form, as if SHEBULL's soul was struggling to accept, indeed join in the deadly fucking. Sometimes an arm struggled to find a grip, or the head turned to gaze at the conquering Master. Gradually he even strained to meet the thrusts the Master was so swiftly driving into him.

SHEBULL ricocheted off the giant cockhead as the Master's thighs increased their fucking pace. Then, with a giddy yell the Master yanked the momentarily suspended mancunt back onto the greasy cock and back down to its root with an obscene SSSSQQUUUUISSSSHH!! SHEBULL's battered cuntlips became obscenely extended but excruciatingly raw as the thrusts stabbed his gut.

SHEBULL was rendered incomprehensible and incoherent. Abruptly weeping uncontrollably and fitfully the former man of steel and idol to millions growled in supplication.

"Ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....aaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww!!!! gggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!! ........... mmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssss..." he struggled to call...."mmmm..sssttrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....yyyyyyyyuuuuuuuuuuu!! ddddddddddddddddd..deeeeeeeeeeeeeeepp...ppprrrrrrrrrrrrr!! dddeeeeeeesssssssssss......desttrrroooooooooooooooyy..meee. ....kkkkKKKKKIIIILLLLLLLLLLLL......MMMMEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!".

His Master was very pleased to hear these plaintive cries of self-destruction from the once mighty, and now submissive whore.

"You are making me very happy, SHEBULL! You are finally learning your place in this world. And as you beg I will destroy you!"

With a colossal grunt the Master renewed his monstrous thrusting. The pace was so fast and loud that SHEBULL became only a blurring, flopping mass of dripping flesh. The bodychain glowed as the Master elongated tits and cock to new lengths. Suddenly, however, the chain flopped loosely about.

SHEBULL's head crashed to the ground, then the rest of his torso now disconnected from the Master's pole. His chest was awash in red and his wobbling, swollen tits fell back towards his face. Both metal titrings had sliced through the root of each tit like knives through butter leaving smooth yet bleeding wounds. The other end of the chain, however, was still looped through the distended piss-slit.

But the stubby, little SHEBULL cock did not break! Now the Master sought to reduce it as well- to destroy it forever!

Grabbing the freshly loosened ends of the chain the Master lifted the limp and screaming SHEBULL high into the air! The stubby 3 inch cock became a stringy 9 inch band of skin. With a deadly laugh he dropped the contorted body to the ground with a thud. Then he did it again....and again...until SHEBULL once more cried: "Mmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssttttrrrr!!..........yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...!! kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllLLLLLLLLLLL....MMEEEEE!!"

And then the Master tried to do so! With a final and vicious start he drove his raging cock into the dripping and burning hole between SHEBULL's mammoth but limp thighs and with his full weight pulverizing the groaning SHEBULL he proceeded to slay the man once called superman.

With all his power and strength the Master fucked SHEBULL. He showed no mercy as he drove the weakened form into the earth. With each attack and lunge came a horrendous SLAPPPPP as the Master smashed the remains of SHEBULL's ass. The 20 inch cock was coated in cuntjuices as it pulled out from the steaming hole. Moisture splattered everywhere as


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Faeden

The Rape and Emancipation of Superman

I. DISCOVERY Once upon a time there flew through the air a handsome, young man of muscle and steel who dazzled the world with his speed and endurance. For several years he performed good works through the exercise of powers unknown until his arrival. Then he disappeared, never to be seen again. He was called SUPERMAN and this is his story. To the world SUPERMAN was "the blue


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