Gay Erotic Stories

Country Cop: The Last Day

by Bickbenedict

I woke up the next day to the early morning sunlight pouring through the bedroom windows. Harley was lying next to me on his side facing away, his shoulders hunched over in sleep. I reached out and ran my fingers across the pale, smooth skin of his muscular back. He moaned, rousing from sleep and turned over, stretching his arms overhead. In the sunlight, I saw his naked body clearly for the first time.

He opened his eyes and smiled. “Mornin’,” he said drowsily.

I rested my hand on his round stomach. “Morning,” I replied. He reached out and caressed my face with the back of his hand. I ran my fingers through his red chest fur that was matted in places with my dried cum from last night. His cock was full and long, as had mine been upon awakening. We lay on our sides facing one another, our hands roaming freely across each other’s bodies.

He ran his thumb along my lips, prompting a smile to spread across my face. “There it is,” he said with a grin. I took his thumb into my mouth and rolled my tongue around it, causing his swollen dick to twitch. I sat up in bed and positioned myself between his round thighs. He spread his legs for me as I took his fat dick in my hand. It pulsed eagerly. He put his hands behind his head, flexing his biceps as he lifted his pelvis towards me. I leaned over and licked the length of his shaft, causing him to sigh.

I gripped the base of his cock and ran my lips across his head, tasting him with my tongue. His cockhead was warm and soft as I slipped him into my mouth. He groaned and covered his eyes with his arm. I began sucking on the head of his cock with contained fervor, pausing every so often to roll my tongue around the tip.

He reached out and held my arm. “God, that feels fuckin’ incredible,” he moaned. I took him further into my mouth until the head of his cock pressed at the back of my throat. I concentrated on relaxing my muscles, swallowing his dick farther until I was able to take him down my throat.

He gasped and thrust his hips forward slightly until I had the entire length of him stuffed into my mouth. I held him there for a moment, tensing my throat muscles around his dick. He started to tremble and threw his head back with a grunt. I continued to milk his cock with my throat for a while before he pulled me off of him. He sat up and pushed his tongue into my mouth. I jerked on his wet cock as he held my face in his hands, kissing me hungrily. I eased him back down on the bed and took him into my mouth again. I began sliding him in and out of my mouth slowly, my hand wrapped tightly around the base of his shaft.

“Oh, yeah,” he whispered. “Your mouth feels so good on my dick.” He was bucking his hips, fucking my mouth with deliberate strokes as he ran his fingers through my rumpled hair. “That’s it, buddy,” he said, propping his head up with his other hand, watching his huge dick move in and out of my mouth. “Suck my cock.”

I picked up my pace, sliding my lips and hand along the length of his dick with a mounting passion. He matched my pace by thrusting forward into my mouth, moaning loudly. I brushed my thumb across the tip of my own dick, smearing my pre-cum around my head as his cock continued to slide in and out of my mouth.

“Aw, fuck, you’re gonna make me cum!” he called out. “I’m gonna cum!”

I pulled myself off his dick and squeezed the base of his shaft. The head of his dick expanded and began to pulse. He was breathless, waiting for his cum to be released.

“Aw, fuck!” he yelled again. His dick continued to throb in my hand as his orgasm began to mount with more force. He looked at me with his mouth agape, the veins bulging red at his temples. His hips started to buck, but I held him down, gripping his cock at the base. He threw his head back as his body began to shake. With a shout, the first blast of cum shot out of his dick. It flew high into the air, then dropped and splattered on his belly. His dick contracted again, releasing another blast of cum. His pelvis convulsed with the strength of his orgasm as shot after shot of cum erupted from his cock, splashing against his chest and stomach. I stroked the remaining seed from him until his body relaxed. He opened his eyes in amazement and began to laugh. “Man, I have never had a blowjob like that!” he exclaimed. “That was fuckin’ incredible! I don’t think I blew a load that big in my entire life!” He continued to laugh. “Oh, man!” He looked at me with a sparkle in his eye and sat up, scooping his cum from his chest in his hand. He then lathered my dick with it and began jacking me.

Within a few strokes, he brought me to orgasm. My cock swelled and I pumped out a load onto his hand. He squeezed the last drop of cum from the head of my dick and smiled at me. He released my dick and showed me his dripping fingers. “Man, you shoot a good, healthy load.” I laughed and covered my mouth with his, pulling him into me.

“Are you hungry?” he asked.

“I’m starving,” I replied.

“Good. I’m taking you out for breakfast. But first,” he nodded at the cum that was running down his forearm. “We need to get cleaned up.”

We got up and took a shower together, then got dressed and jumped in his truck. He drove me into town, to his favorite diner where we sat in a booth close to the door. When we walked in, he greeted everyone there by name and introduced me as his buddy from out of town, his hand lightly touching my back. We ate a large breakfast of sausages, eggs, toast, hash browns and cereal. Harley would gaze at me from across the table between mouthfuls and wink at me when he caught my eye.

We talked a little about families, our jobs and ourselves. That’s when I learned that his first name was Mike. The patrons commented on his good spirits and he would just smile and shrug his broad shoulders. I watched him with a growing affection as we shared our meal, often eating off of each other’s plates. He paid the bill and we left, jumping back into his truck and heading back to my place. On the ride back, he reached out and put his hand on my leg. We rode in silence for a time with him massaging my leg and stealing glances at me. His hand moved to my crotch and rubbed my dick, which had gotten hard from the moment he touched me. “Man, I can’t wait to get back home and have you fuck me with this beauty again.”

“Why wait until we get home?”

Harley turned and smiled at me, a twinkle in his bright green eyes. “I’m gonna pull over, next chance I get,” he said as he sped up. “My ass is aching for that cock of yours.”

A few miles down the road, Harley slowed down a bit, and then swung the truck off the main road onto a dirt road that disappeared into the woods. “Fuckin’ perfect!” he exclaimed. He tore up the steep incline until we came to a clearing. Harley stopped the truck and turned the engine off. “Come on and take a look,” he said as he opened his door and hopped out. I got out and walked around the truck to where he stood at the edge of the clearing. Through the trees, we could see a large lake that sparkled in the sunshine.

“What a great view,” I said, gazing across the valley that was surrounded by a thick forest of tress. The sun beat down on us as we stood in silence, feeling isolated from the rest of the world. I grabbed a hold of his arm and he turned to me. We leaned in for a kiss. His tongue began to explore my mouth as my hands tugged at the button of his jeans. I unzipped his pants and pushed them off his hips, finding his cock thick and hard. He moaned into my mouth as I took hold of him, thrusting his hips forward. I started to jack his dick as he slipped his hands into my pants.

He broke our kiss and lifted my shirt over my head. I removed his shirt and then we pressed our chests together in another deep kiss. I grabbed a hold of his butt and started kneading his ass with my hands. “You wanna fuck me, don’t you?” he asked in a low whisper.

“I sure do,” I replied, pulling him into me. He rubbed his cock against mine.

“I really want you to fuck me,” he asserted.

“Then what are we waiting for?”

He laughed, his head tilted back and his eyes shining unabashedly. He patted me on the arm and turned to walk back to the truck. I watched him as he crossed the gravel clearing, his muscular, V-shaped back pale in the bright light. His pants were low on his hips, exposing the top half of his buttocks. He opened the door of his truck and leaned in, rummaging through his glove compartment. He slammed it shut, and turned around, his dick sticking straight out from his unzipped pants. With our eyes locked on each other, I realized that my heart was pounding hard in my chest. I remembered what I thought the other day when we were walking back to our cars after I had fucked him in the woods: A few minutes ago, I was fucking this guy. This time, I knew that I was about to fuck him and a sense of pride and confidence coursed throughout my body. He was smiling at me and waving me over to him.

“What do you have there?” I asked when I was standing in front of him. He showed me a small packet of lube. “You keep that in your glove compartment?”

“Hey, I was raised a boy scout. I finally now have a use for this damn thing.” I laughed as he handed me the lube. “Come on,” he urged, and we walked around to the back of the truck. He pushed his pants down to his meaty thighs and bent over, throwing me a glance over his shoulder. “Feed me that big dick of yours.”

I quickly unzipped my pants and pushed them down before I tore open the lube and squeezed it onto my fingers. Harley moaned as I smeared the cool lube around his hole. I lubed up my dick and then aimed it at his hole. “I’m gonna fuck your ass now, Mike.”

“Oh, yeah,” he responded. “Fuck my ass, buddy.” I pressed the head of my dick against his hole. “That’s it,” he coaxed. “Shove your dick up inside of me.”

I pushed forward and his ass opened up to me, swallowing me eagerly. I continued to push forward as he moaned until I had the length of my dick all the way up inside of him.

“Aw, man, I love having your dick up my ass. Now, fuck me with it, buddy.” I slowly pulled out, causing his body to shiver in the heat, until I pulled all the way out of him. I paused for a second, and then entered him again. He groaned loudly. I buried my dick inside of him, and then paused again for a moment. “You’re gonna make me beg for it, aren’t you?” he asked, looking back at me.

“I have to. I love it when you talk dirty to me,” I replied.

“Okay, then. I’m begging you. I’m begging you to fuck my ass.” I started to pull out slowly again. He sighed deeply, resting his head against his hand that was gripping the side of the truck. I stopped when only the head of my dick was still inside of him, then plunged back in. I grabbed his hips and started pistoning in and out of him. “Aw, yeah, that’s it,” he encouraged. “Fuck me, man. I need you to fuck me.”

I pounded him for a while in the hot, breezeless sunshine. After several minutes, he stood up and I pulled out of him. He turned to me, panting and glistening with sweat. “Let’s get into the truck bed,” he said after he kissed me. He bent down and started to pull off his boot. In his haste, he lost his balance and I caught him. We laughed as he steadied himself. I held on to him while he took of his boots and tossed them to the ground. He shucked his pants and then waited as I shed my clothes. We threw them into the back of the truck and then hopped inside.

Harley laid on his back, spreading his legs and drawing his knees up to his broad shoulders. I immediately got on my knees and lined the tip of my dick with his hole. “Man, I can’t get enough of your dick,” he said in his deep, sexy voice. I smiled and then pushed myself inside of him. He cried out through clenched teeth.

I positioned myself on my hands and knees, and began fucking his ass roughly, causing the truck to rock back and forth. Harley closed his eyes and continued to moan. Sweat dripped from my forehead onto his muscular chest, matting the red chest hair against his skin. I grabbed his wrists and pinned his arms over his head, continuing my steady fucking of his ass as he wrapped his legs around me. I leaned down and licked the sweat from his armpit, before my tongue made its way to his perfectly round bicep.

He groaned and shivered. He opened his eyes, which were glassy with pleasure, and looked me straight in the eye. “Yeah, come on. Fuck me real good.” His thick, furry balls were rubbing against my stomach while we fucked, and this additional stimulation seemed to cause his impending orgasm to mount. “I’m gonna fuckin’ blow my load,” he said between gasps for air. I leaned back and increased my pace as he grabbed the underside of his thighs and spread his legs wide. The veins on his neck began to bulge and his face turned red as his cum started to boil up inside him, pressing for release. “Come on, buddy. Fuck the cum outta me.” My own orgasm was fastly approaching as he squeezed my dick with his round ass. “Aw, I’m gonna cum. You’re gonna make me cum.”

I blew first. My body jerked and I slammed into him, crying out as I shot my first load. Harley cried out also, as his swollen dick erupted with its first blast of cum. Our orgasms continued for a brief moment, causing us to alternately cry out with each shot. I thrust into him one last time before I collapsed on top of him. I exhaled deeply then started to laugh.

“What? What’s so funny?” Harley asked, amused.

“I don’t know,” I said. “I guess it’s just part of my release.”

Harley wrapped his arms around me with a chuckle and kissed me lightly on the forehead.

I pulled out of him and we sat up slowly. Harley stretched his arms overhead, then stood up. He smiled at me. “It’s fun being naked outdoors,” he said as he ran his hand over his stomach, smearing his cum around his sweaty torso.

We got dressed and jumped back into the truck.

We drove around the countryside for a while as he pointed out various landmarks. He had lived in these parts his entire life and while he loved it here, I could tell in his voice he was somewhat lonesome. While driving, his free hand was nearly always touching me, resting on my thigh or tousling my hair. After some time, we headed back to his place.

He showed me around his house, and then we took a seat next to each other on his couch. We talked about a lot of things before we settled in to watch a game on TV. He draped his thick arm behind me along the back of the couch, periodically nudging me closer to him. I rested my hand on his thigh and he immediately placed his other hand over it. We turned to each other and kissed, lightly, not closing our eyes. He smiled, and then leaned in to softly brush his lips against mine. It was tender and ignited another level of my desire for him. Soon our tongues met and our breathing became ragged. We continued to kiss deeply and we let our hand roam freely across each other’s bodies. I pulled back for a moment to gaze into his eyes. He smiled.

“Take your clothes off,” I ordered.

“Yes, sir!” he laughed.

I stood up and kicked off my shoes as he pulled off his boots. He quickly pulled off his shirt and pants and sat back completely naked, hands resting on his large thighs.

I unbuttoned my shirt then told him I’d be right back. He laughed as I turned and headed for his bedroom. I found a bottle of lube in his bedside table and returned with it.

I pulled down my pants and under shorts and tossed them to the floor. He looked me up and down with a smile as I squeezed the lube onto the palm of my hand. I then lathered his hard cock with it and set the bottle aside. I took hold of his dick and straddled him, my knees on either side of him as I aimed his slippery cock at my hole. I slowly and deliberately eased him into me until I was sitting in his lap, my ass fully stuffed with his thickness and length. He pulled me into a kiss.

“You feel so good,” he said softly. I sat back and started to grind my butt against his hips. He reached out and caressed my face as I slowly rose off his dick before easing myself down again. As I concentrated on the sensations of his huge cock sliding in and out of my hole, I was consumed by an overwhelming feeling of passion and contentment. His dick in my ass, or mine in his, or his mouth on my cock or mine on his, all of it was fulfilling me in a way I never have been before and I could tell as he looked into my eyes that he was feeling the same way. We smiled as I continued slowly fucking myself on his cock. I wanted this to last.

He pulled me into another deep kiss, rotating his hips and pressing himself up into me. We soon fell into a rhythm of him gently thrusting as I came down on him. I squeezed his meaty pecs as his hands caressed my sides.

After a while, I rose up off of him and turned around with my back to him. I sat back down on his lap, reclaiming his cock with my ass. I leaned slightly forward and began to slowly rise up on his dick before easing back down. He rubbed my back and shoulders.

“Oh, yeah,” he moaned. “Ride my cock.”

I started to pick up the pace with a growing fervor that ignited his penchant for dirty talk.

“That’s it, buddy. Ride my cock good and hard.”

I continued to do so, grunting aloud. My own cock, which I had refrained from touching, started to ache for release. I slammed down onto him, causing him to cry out.

“Fuck my cock! Yeah, fuck my cock!” he yelled. “Aw, I’m gonna cum soon, man.”

I bounced continually on his dick, calling for him to blow his load up my ass.

“I love having my dick up your ass, man. I love fucking your ass.”

We continued fucking until his body began to convulse.

“Your ass is making me cum! I’m cumming!”

“Blow your load in my ass, Mike. Fill me with your cum.”

Harley’s dick erupted and I could feel the stream of his sperm shooting inside me. I continued to ride his cock until his orgasm subsided, then I pulled myself off of him, turned and straddled his body, jerking my cock.

“That’s it, buddy. Blow your load all over my face.” I started pounding my cock furiously as he closed his eyes and opened his mouth. Within seconds, I was bathing his face with my sperm. “Oh, fuck, yeah,” he said as my cum spurted all over his forehead, cheeks and lips. I stroked the last remaining seed from my dick as Harley opened his eyes and smiled. “That was fucking hot!” he said, licking his lips. We both laughed as he wiped the cum from his face.

We rested naked on the couch for a bit, before I sat up and told him that I needed to start heading back.

“Oh,” he replied, briefly looking away. “Right.”

We got up and dressed slowly in silence. He put his hands on my waist and softly kissed me, our lips lingering with each other’s touch even after we had pulled away.

“Before you go,” he said as he walked to the kitchen. “I wanted to give you my number.” He wrote his phone number on a piece of paper then handed it to me. “I hope you’ll be up this way again soon.”

“Yeah, I think I will,” I replied.

“Good,” he said with a nod. We left his house and got into his truck. He drove me back to my cousin’s place and helped me gather my stuff and put the place back in order. We joked and talked until we were finished, then we loaded up my car and stood for a moment facing each other under the darkening sky. “Give me a call when you get back to the city, will ya?”

“I will.”

He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly to him. “Well, it was really great meeting you,” he said.

I laughed. “Great meeting you to; I had a really nice time this weekend.”

“Yeah, me too.”

I paused before getting into my car.

“Drive safely,” he said with mock sternness.

“Yes, sir,” I replied with a smile as I closed my door. I started the car, turned and smiled once more, before driving off. I glanced a couple of times in my rearview mirror to see him standing in the driveway watching me go.

Copyright 2006.


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I had spent the early part of Saturday walking through the woods outside my cousin’s house, then came back to make a lunch before indulging in a short afternoon nap. Officer Harley occupied my mind throughout the day, overwhelming me with a longing I hadn’t felt in a very long time. Our encounter in the woods had left me restless, and the memory of it kept me in a constant state of arousal.

Country Cop: The Last Day

I woke up the next day to the early morning sunlight pouring through the bedroom windows. Harley was lying next to me on his side facing away, his shoulders hunched over in sleep. I reached out and ran my fingers across the pale, smooth skin of his muscular back. He moaned, rousing from sleep and turned over, stretching his arms overhead. In the sunlight, I saw his naked body clearly for the


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