Gay Erotic Stories

Joker's Funhouse, Part 2

by Superbriefsboy

Flanked by the Joker’s henchman, Jack and King, Batman, cuffed with his own Batcuffs, unwillingly was being dragged over to his awaiting cell.

“How could I have fallen victim to the Joker so easily,” Batman thought as he was ushered through his open cell door. He still felt like he was in somewhat of a daze, having just been drained of his manly juices by the Joker’s assault on his cock. “I’ve got to find us a way out of here,” he thought as he glanced across the room at his crime-fighting partner, Robin, who was still lying spread-eagle, chained to the platform Joker had placed him on.

“Have a seat, Batman,” Jack said, as he and King turned him around and forced him to sit on the bench on the back wall of the cell.

“Let’s go ahead and secure him before we go get Robin,” King told Jack. They released his cuffs and pulled his arms out and simultaneously attached an iron shackle to his wrists. Jack snapped a cuff onto Batman’s right wrist; King cuffed his left. Jack started to leave the cell to head across the room, when King stopped him.

“Hold on. Joker gave me instructions to clean him up.” King said and stepped over to one of the glass cabinets and opened it up and pulled out a hose and stretched it over to the cell. He turned in on and a stream of water came out, which he sprayed onto Batman’s crotch. “Got to hose you down, Joker’s orders.”

“Swell. Joker thinks of everything,” Batman said as he felt the water on his loins, at least it washes off the stickiness, he thought.

King turned off the hose and went back over to the cabinet, pulled out a small tank with a tube and funnel attached to it and walked back in to Batman’s cell. “Joker does think of everything. He figured you’d have to take a leak at some point and rather than make a mess, you can use this.” He knelt between Batman’s legs, spread them and placed the tank in between. He then grabbed Batman’s dick and aimed it into the funnel. “Go ahead and relieve yourself while we go get Robin.” King told Batman.

“Remind me to thank Joker for his hospitality,” Batman said.

“No problem. Let us know if you’ve got to take a dump.” King said. Batman leaned back and relieved himself, thinking how bad the situation was if Joker’s assisting them with nature’s calling.

“C’mon, let’s go bring Robin over,” Jack said, as both he and King crossed the room. Batman watched as they got over to Robin’s platform, released his shackles, pulled off his green spandex briefs and carried him back over to the cell next to him. Robin got the same treatment as Batman; sat down on the bench, chains attached to his wrists, hosed down and given the opportunity to relieve himself.

“Feeling better, boys??” Jack asked, as he removed the funnel and tank from in front of Robin. He walked over and got the one from Batman and disposed of them in the waste chute.

“Yeah. But I’ll feel better when we’re out of here.” Batman answered.

“Well, considering you’re now chained to that wall, I don’t think that’s going to be for a while,” King said as he entered Batman’s cell. He was carrying two pairs of Speedos. He handed the green pair to Jack. “Go put these on him” he told Jack. “These are for Batman,” and held up a pair of blue Speedos in front of Batman. “Compliments of the Joker.”

King once again knelt down in front of Batman’s legs, “Put your legs together so I can slip these on.” Batman complied. He didn’t really care to be dressed by this buffoon, but it was better than sitting here in the buff. Jack did the same thing to Robin.

Both Jack and King stepped back. “Well, time to let Joker know they’re all clean and secure and ready for more fun!”

“No! Think of what you’re doing!” Batman exclaimed as he jumped to his feet and yanked against the chains that held him. “Ughhhh,” he grunted as he pulled against his irons. To no avail. He couldn’t break free. Robin was on his feet as well, pulling against his chains. “You don’t want to be pawns in Joker’s little game!” Batman said

“Sure we do,” Jack told him as he stood mere inches in front of Batman’s scowled face.

“Very soon, as Joker as promised us, we’ll get to play with those meaty muscles between your legs, too,” and he reached down with his right hand and grabbed Batman’s balls and fondled them. King did the same thing to Robin, squeezing his already growing shaft.

“Just relax for now. You’ll need your stamina. See you later, boys.” King said as he released his grip from Robin’s dick. As they left the room, Jack hit a button next to the door and both cell doors to Batman and Robin’s jail slid shut with a heavy clang.

“Now what, Batman??” Robin turned and asked as he tugged on the chains that held him to the wall.

“Well, I might have an idea, Robin.” Batman said with assurance. “You know we’ve got homing devices in our utility belts to be activated in case one of us had to find the other”

“Right,” Robin agreed. He’d used it before when captured by Cat Woman about six months ago and Batman found him easily.

“I got to thinking about how in the past when we’ve gotten into situations like this, most of our foes always go for our Utility Belts as a way to neutralize us,” Batman paused, “so I thought how are we to activate the homing device if we don’t have our belts on us . . . so I put a GPS device in my cowl and your mask”

“Holy, light bulb, Batman!” Robin exclaimed. “What a great idea!”

“Earlier this afternoon, when I’d realized we’d been captured, I knew our belts would be removed, but then Joker had us spread-eagle on those platforms so I couldn’t activate the GPS device,” Batman looked over at Robin and grinned, “But now, I think I can just about reach the button.” And even though his wrists were in chains, he was able to lift his right hand, place his forefinger underneath his cowl just above his right ear, felt the button and activated it.

“What a relief!” Robin said

“There. That should send a signal to the Justice League. Hopefully, we’ll be out of here in no time. Let’s just try to relax and build our stamina and strength back up, just in case Joker comes back before help does.” Batman told the Boy Wonder.

“Sure thing,” Robin said.

A couple of hours passed. Batman was getting concerned. Here they still were in Joker’s Funhouse and no one from the Justice League had arrived. All of a sudden the door to the Funhouse opened and in walked Joker and Queenie.

“Huullloooo, Bat Boys!” Joker greeted them. “Ready to get hard, Batman??”

“More like ready to get out of here, Joker.” Batman replied.

“Not a chance. You two are my slaves. I’m ready for dinner and I think I’ll make a nice tasty meal out of your big ‘ol Batpole!” Joker salivated, as he pushed a button on the wall. The cell doors to Batman and Robin’s jail cells slid open and Joker walked over and entered Batman’s cell.

Queenie opened the glass cabinet and took out two pairs of iron cuffs and joined the Joker.

“On your feet, Bats,” Joker ordered, “Got to do this delicately.” He released the shackle holding Batman’s left wrist and Queenie immediately clamped on one side of the iron cuff. Joker then took it from her and clamped the other cuff on Batman’s right wrist, then released the wall shackle that was on his right wrist.

“You sure are into bondage, aren’t you, Joker,” Batman said. “Sure am. You ain’t seen nothing yet, Batman. Now march out of this cell to the center of the room.” Batman complied, with Joker following him.

“Stop.” Joker ordered. Queenie pushed a button on her remote control and a thick iron chain lowered from the ceiling. Joker attached it to the middle of the cuffs that held Batman’s wrists, nodded to Queenie, who pushed another button, and up the chain went so that Batman’s wrists were now suspended above his head. “That will do.” Joker stood back, admiring his captive. “Nice,” he reached down and grabbed the bulge that was forming in Batman’s Speedo and massaged it.

“Ahhh . . . uhhhhh,” Batman groaned. It was starting all over again. He could feel himself growing larger by the second. He looked down to see Joker’s hand stroking his bulge up and down, up and down.

“Better stop for a sec, don’t want you to cum too fast.” Joker said and released his grip and walked over to Robin’s cell. He and Queenie did the same maneuver on the Boy Wonder and marched him out to the center of the room and strung him up, as well, so that now both Batman and Robin were facing each other. Queenie went and sat at the control console in the corner of the funhouse to set up the cameras.

“What sort of deviltry are you up to now, Joker?!” Batman demanded to know, as both he and Robin struggled to break free of their new restraints.

“Just more fun . . . and another scene in my movie.” Joker replied as he nodded over to Queenie. The cameras once again dropped from the ceiling and began filming. Joker knelt in between the Dynamic Duo and reached up and placed his left hand on Batman’s crotch and his right on Robin’s. “Oh how I love Bat bulges!” Joker exclaimed, as he ran his fingers up and down Robin’s bulging Speedo, squeezing his dick, running his fingers down and fondling his balls.

His left hand continued to rub and massage Batman’s dick, further stretching and filling out Batman’s Speedo. Both our heroes were moaning and groaning in ecstasy. Joker then pulled his right hand off Robin’s package momentarily and moved both hands over to Batman’s bulge, continuing his onslaught in hardening him up. Joker began sniffing and nuzzling Batman’s Speedo-covered crotch, “Damn! You’re huge, Batman!” Joker told him. He then placed his fingers in the waistband of Batman’s Speedo and slowly began pulling it down to his thighs.

Batman’s dick was erect at eight inches right in front of Joker’s face. “Fabulous, Batman! Time to stroke!” Joker took his left hand and cupped Batman’s balls and began scratching and tickling them. He grabbed Batman’s elongated shaft with his right hand and began to stroke.

“Aghhhhh . . . Mmmhhhhh . . . Uhhhhhh,” Batman moaned in sexual pleasure. “Another . . . hand . . . job . . . Joker?” Batman inquired.

“No, not exactly. Just prepping you, Batman,” Joker replied and continued gently stroking Batman’s rod.

“Prepping me? For what?” Batman asked.

“A little suck session . . . or not so little, I should say,” Joker cackled at the thought as he released his hands from Batman’s loins. “Time to harden you up, Boy Wonder.” And Joker turned his attention over to Robin’s package.

He began to rub and massage Robin’s Speedo-covered crotch once again.

“Ohhhh . . . ahhhhh,” Robin moaned, as he could feeling his cock and balls begin to swell inside his Speedo. “Release them, Joker!”

“Anything you say, Robin,” Joker said and promptly complied. He moved his fingers away from Robin’s crotch and to the sides of his Speedo and pulled down. Robin’s seven-inch cock was now in Joker’s face in all its glory.

“Beautiful, Boy Wonder.” Joker complimented him. “Love to stroke young, fresh meat.”

“Well, you started this, so finish me off, Joker.” Robin told the Clown Prince of Crime.

“No problem, Robin,” Joker said, “Time for both of you to cum!”

Joker turned his face back to Batman’s dick, stuck his tongue out and began tickling the tip of Batman’s head, licking his erect shaft down one side and up the other. With his left hand he once again cupped Batman’s balls and squeezed and fondled them. He then placed his entire mouth on Batman’s swollen cock and engulfed it.

“Ahhhh . . . oh, man, Joker, that’s awesome . . . ohhhh . . .uhhhhh,” Batman moaned out, enjoying being sucked.

Joker continued sucking Batman‘s dick, then paused for a moment, “It’s clear you’re enjoying this immensely, Batman.”

“Oh, yeah, don’t stop,” Batman told him.

Joker resumed sucking the Batrod for a few more moments and then he reached out with his right hand and grabbed Robin’s still-engorged cock and began stroking, savoring the moment of having Batman’s meaty dick in his mouth and Robin’s tool in his hand.

“What’s going on here??!!” an unfamiliar voice to Joker rang out.

He froze for a second, then turned around and noticed none other than the Man of Steel standing hands on hips in the entranceway to the funhouse.

“Superman!!” Joker exclaimed. “What are you doing here?”

“Superman, are we glad to see you,” Robin said.

“Sure about that?” Superman could only grin for a second. “Looks like you might be enjoying this a little too much.”

“Well, when’s the last time you got any head, Supes?” Batman asked. “Not too fond of being Joker’s slaves, though.”

“Fair enough.” the Man of Steel said, “Though, from the looks of it, you probably don’t mind that I wasn’t here any sooner . . . anyhow, I’ll have you free of those chains in a sec.” and he began walking towards Joker. “Slavery is outlawed, Joker, you do know that, don’t you?”

“Stop right there, Superman.” Joker ordered. “Batman and Robin are mine now to do with as I please, and you’re not going to spoil my fun. It took me years to plan this funhouse. I’ve got much more to do here with the Dynamic Duo!”

“No, Joker. The fun’s over,” Superman told him as he reached for Joker’s arm to lift him to his feet.

“Queenie!!!” Joker yelled, “Help me!”

Superman looked to his left and saw Joker’s henchwoman sitting at the control console.

“Superman! Release the Joker or Batman and Robin are fried!!” Queenie demanded as she held up a remote control, her fingers on the buttons.

Superman released his grip on Joker and took a step back.

“That’s fine, Superman,” Joker said, “Stay right there. I’m sure you wouldn’t want any harm to come to the Dynamic Duo.”

“No, Joker,” Superman said, “I just want a safe end to this madness. Let’s talk about this.”

“Okay, Supes,” Joker grinned, “let’s talk. Let’s talking about you leaving and letting me get back to sucking the Batpole.”

“Afraid I can’t do that,” Superman told him. “It’s time for you to go, Joker, go back to Arkham, that is.” Superman stepped behind Robin and reached up and grabbed the chain that ran down to the cuffs that bound his wrists and was on the verge of breaking it when he felt a surge of energy run down the chain.

“Arghhh!” Robin screamed out. Superman let go of the chain and stepped back once again.

“Another false move like that, Superman, and I’ll have Queenie turn up the power and you’ll have a dead Boy Wonder on your hands!” Joker told the Man of Steel. “A dead Bat for that matter, too.”

Superman folded his arms in front of his chest, “Okay, Joker, what do you want? We’ve got to resolve this somehow.”

“Superman!” Batman exclaimed, “Watch out . . .he’s baiting you.”

“How to resolve this, hmmm?” Joker thought about this as he pulled up Robin’s Speedo, then turned to Batman and pulled up his Speedo. “I guess our suckfest will have to wait for just a bit longer.” He walked over to Superman and began eyeing his muscular body, zeroing in on Superman’s well-defined package.

“Well, Supes, if you’re really concerned about our Dynamic Duo here, you’ll accept my proposal.” Joker said, with an evil grin on his face, standing right in front of the Man of Steel now.

“And what would that be?” Superman asked skeptically, staring him down.

“I was just thinking what a wonderful addition you’d make to my funhouse,” Joker told him and reached down and ran his fingers along the bulge in the Man of Steel’s red spandex briefs.

“You’ve got to be joking!” Superman said, as he stepped out of Joker’s way. “I’ve had enough of this! Batman, Robin, time to bust you out of here!” Superman flew up to the ceiling near where Robin’s chain was attached, grabbed it and yanked it free from the bolts that held it in place. Sensing he was free, Robin ran to the glass cabinet to look for a key to unlock his cuffs.

Joker was momentarily stunned. Watching Robin run across the room, he realized all his well-made plans might end right here and now. Joker then looked up to the ceiling and saw Superman fly over to the chain that was holding Batman in place. Superman was about to tear it from the ceiling.

“Arghhh!!!” Batman screamed out in pain. Superman looked down and saw Batman thrashing about in pain.

Joker regained his wits and screamed out, “Jack! King! Seize Robin!!” Joker then looked up towards the ceiling and yelled out, “Superman!! Down here now!” Superman kept watching his pal writhe in the shocking pain and knew he had no choice but to comply with Joker’s order. He quickly descended to the floor. “Turn it off, Joker!” Superman demanded.

“Oh, very well, but on one condition.” Joker said and nodded over towards Queenie. The jolt surging through Batman’s body stopped and he hung his head, drained.

Superman walked over to Batman, “You okay, buddy?”

“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” Batman told his friend, “You better get out of here while you can. The Joker is our adversary. We’ll face him and hopefully, find a way out of this.”

“Sorry, no can do. The Justice League stands united. We’ll get more help.” Superman assured his crime-fighting pal. He then turned to the Joker and asked, “Okay, Joker, what’s your condition?”

“Hopefully, you’ll hear me out this time, Superman, instead of trying to be the big, beefy superhero,” Joker leered. “As I was saying before, you’ll make a wonderful addition to my funhouse.”

“That much I’ve heard. Get on with it,” Superman said, arms folded across his chest once again. “I’m getting annoyed with this whole charade.”

“Charade?” Joker questioned. “This is very real, Superman. You agree to do my bidding or else your Bat friends get fried again, permanently!”

“What do you want me to do?” Superman asked

“See that wall behind you?” Joker asked. Superman turned around and saw a brick wall. He also saw the four sets of ankle and wrists shackles side by side. Chains, big deal, he thought.

“Yeah, I see it. Let me guess. You’re going to be all macho and march me over there and chain me to the wall, is that it?” Superman asked rhetorically.

“Precisely,” Joker responded. “Those shackles have your name written all over them, Superman.”

“I thought you were kidding,” Superman smirked, “You don’t think mere chains are going to keep me down, do you?”

“The Joker kid?” Joker giggled at the idea as he walked over to the wall with the chains and shackles. He held the shackle up on the right, showed it to Superman and confidently said, “Actually, I’m very certain these irons will keep you restrained quite well.”

Superman chuckled at the Joker‘s overconfidence.

“What’s so funny?” Joker asked, frowning. He released the shackle, letting it clang on the brick wall.

“I forgot I’m in Gotham City,” Superman told him, “I guess you probably don’t know too much about me. I mean, didn’t you just see me rip that chain from the ceiling??”

“I know all about you, Superman, you‘re one of the good guys” Joker sneered. He fantasized for a moment, then said, “Oh, to see the defeat in your eyes as I personally slip these iron shackles around your wrists and ankles. It would absolutely be my pleasure to chain you to this wall.”

“So much for the Joker joking. You’re serious, aren’t you?” Superman asked.

“I am,” Joker replied. Superman stood there still amazed that the Joker thought he’d be able to restrain him.

“Well, as you said earlier, let’s get on with it. So how about it? Do we have a deal? It’s you on the wall or Batman and Robin get fried.”

“Fine, Joker. If it keeps Batman and Robin safe, then I’ll let you have your little fantasy. I’ll let you put me in chains.” Superman told him as he raised his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

The Joker cackled wildly, “Marvelous! Step right up; this set of irons that I’m standing by are especially for you!” Joker picked up the iron shackle and held it out from the wall, running his hand up and down the chain, tugging against it making sure it would hold.

“Superman, no!” Robin yelled out, as he struggled to break free of the grip that Jack and King had on his arms. “It’s a trap. Go get help!”

“Don’t worry, Robin. The Joker’s not playing with a full deck. He’ll slip up. I’ll get you and Batman out of here.” Superman said confidently as he walked over to the iron cuff restraints the Joker had reserved for him.

“Very funny, Supes.” Joker said as Superman arrived at the wall. “Okay. Turn sideways and hold your left arm up and out.” Superman complied with what he was told to do. He felt the iron shackle being slipped on his left wrist and with a quick snap, Joker had locked it into place.

“Excellent!” Joker screeched with delight and skipped around to Superman’s right side. “Now place your back flush with the wall and lift your right arm up for me, please, Superman, so I can place the other shackle on you.” The Man of Steel once again did as he was told. Joker skillfully held Superman’s right arm in place with one hand and slipped the other iron shackle onto Superman’s wrist with ease, quickly locking it into place. Superman heard the loud click and knew that shackle was now locked. The iron felt cold and tight around his wrists, but Superman knew he’d be able to snap free of them soon.

“Having fun, Joker?” Superman asked, with a grin, while tugging on the chains that momentarily held him in place.

“Always,” Joker told him as he knelt down. “Now spread your legs a bit, Supes.”

Superman did as was ordered. He felt Joker snap a leg iron on his right ankle and then move across and snap a leg iron on his left ankle. Then he felt a nuzzling feeling in his groin area. Superman peered down and saw the Joker’s nose massaging the bulge in his red briefs. “What exactly do you think you’re doing?”

“Oops, got sidetracked,” Joker told him, “Oh well, soon.” Joker then stood up and stepped back to admire his handiwork. “What a day! I would have never expected to place the mighty Superman in chains in my own funhouse!”

“You really think these will hold me?” Superman asked. “You saw me break that chain that was holding Robin. I’ll break free of these too.”

“And like I told you just a minute ago, these irons will keep you restrained quite well,” Joker replied and cackled wildly. Superman now was bit alarmed by this.

“And how’s that, Joker? You don‘t seem to have any Kryptonite.” Superman began to flex his muscles and started pulling against the chain that held his left arm. It slowly began to wedge free from the wall.

“Hold on, Superman! And listen up!” Joker ordered. Superman paused briefly to hear what he had to say. “Don’t need Kryptonite. Your own conscience will keep you chained to my wall.”

“What are you talking about, you buffoon?” Superman wanted to know.

Joker turned back over to Queenie and nodded. Batman felt a surge of energy pass through his body and screamed out in pain.

“You fiend, Joker!” Superman exclaimed. “I thought our deal was you wouldn’t harm them.”

“Exactly,” Joker explained, “You just stay put here in these iron shackles and out of my way, and I’ll not kill Batman and Robin.”

“Fine. I’m all yours, Joker. You win.” Superman hung his head, defeated.

“I always do.” Joker laughed. “And just so you know, Superman, all the chains in my funhouse are wired to the electrical shock mechanism, so don’t get any bright ideas. Now, Jack, King, bring Robin over here.”

Jack and King complied with their boss’s orders and dragged Robin over to the wall of chains. Robin thrashed and struggled to break free of their powerful grips but couldn’t. As soon as they had him at the wall, Joker walked over and pulled a key out of his trousers. “You wouldn’t have found this anyway, Boy Blunder.” He released Robin’s cuffs. “Spread him against the wall, boys.”

Joker quickly attached the shackles to Robin’s wrists and leg irons to his ankles. He then ordered Jack and King to bring Batman over to the wall, which they quickly did. Joker then proceeded to chain Batman to the wall.

Joker then stood back and admired his three captives, “Batman, Robin and Superman! Look at the three of you, nice and secure in your irons! All mine to play with!” Joker cackled at the thought, as Batman and Robin struggled to break free of the chains Joker now had them in, while Superman continued to hang his head in shame for being conned into capture.

“Oh, the fun we’ll have now,” Joker exclaimed and walked up to Superman, reached out with his right hand, cupped Superman’s bulge and fondled, rubbing it up and down.

“Ahhh . . . ohhhh . . . Joker . . . what are you planning now??” Superman moaned in pleasure.

“Queenie, dear, call up Lex. He really needs to see this!” Joker told his henchwoman. “And while you’re at it, see if he has any Kryptonite.” Joker cackled madly and continued to rub Superman’s growing bulge.

Superman stared at him in disbelief while Batman and Robin continued to free themselves of their iron restraints,



2 Gay Erotic Stories from Superbriefsboy

Joker's Funhouse, Part 1

He was lying on his back when he started to regain consciousness. His blurred vision began to focus and his mind began to clear. What happened, he wondered, racking his memory trying to recall. He tried to sit up but couldn’t. Why can’t I move, he questioned himself. He felt a slight chill caress his muscular chest and legs. Why do I feel cold, another unanswered question he thought to

Joker's Funhouse, Part 2

Flanked by the Joker’s henchman, Jack and King, Batman, cuffed with his own Batcuffs, unwillingly was being dragged over to his awaiting cell. “How could I have fallen victim to the Joker so easily,” Batman thought as he was ushered through his open cell door. He still felt like he was in somewhat of a daze, having just been drained of his manly juices by the Joker’s assault on his cock.


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