Gay Erotic Stories

College Days

by Hornyfred

This was the first time that I exposed myself to anyone. I had just gone out of state to college and I was 18 years old. I was renting a basement apartment in a four-plex. The building and parking lot backed onto a convenience store and I noticed that some of the college students would cut through my backyard to get to the store. There was one guy in particular that I would see quite regularly walking by my basement bedroom window. He was probably 18 as well and was very slim with beautiful straight dark brown hair. Since he was trespassing through my property I thought that I would give him a show and see what he would do. He wasn't supposed to be there so if he didn't like it I could always play dumb.

I left the curtains open in my bedroom and put some books on the table by my bed to hide my head and then I lay down on my bed with my jeans pulled down to my knees. I was getting hard and didn't have the nerve to face the window so I had my back to the window.

After about 15 minutes I could hear someone walking down the street. I hoped it was that guy and that he would cut through my backyard. He was with someone else, but they were getting closer to my window as they talked. I noticed that as they got to my window their talking stopped abruptly and they seemed to stop walking as well. I think that they were admiring my butt and underwear. Nothing was said but they certainly stood outside my window for about 5 minutes before leaving. This was driving me crazy and I was getting very hard.

After they left I couldn't wait to jerk off. When I was done I thought that maybe they would have to walk back by my window so I went back and lay down again. After about 1 hour I heard voices approaching my window. There sounded like 3 or 4 people were coming and they were all talking at once. However, when they got close to my window I heard someone tell everyone to be quiet. They then came up to the window and I heard some whispering. They stood there for about another 10 minutes and made some comments about my round ass and tight green underwear. Then they left. This was so cool that I shot another load as soon as they left.

A few days later I had my light on again and I watched for them out my front window. I noticed that as soon as they could see my light the great looking guy started running towards the window. I dove into bed just before he got there and gave him a show by laying on my stomach with my pants right off. He seemed to appreciate it.

A week or so later I got bolder and actually stood in the bedroom in my yellow underwear with a towel over my head as if I had just come out of the shower. This time when the guy went by I heard him shout out "wow".

This went on for several months. On one occasion I was watching for him and he actually snuck up to the house with another guy. Since I didn't hear him coming I wasn't ready for him and had to just listen to his friend ask him if he actually thought that he would see me in my underwear again. The guy said yes and that he was disappointed that I wasn't there. Hearing his voice and his enjoyment made me so hard that I came while listening to him talk. After that I tried to put on a show for him whenever I could. Unfortunately I was too shy to approach him and the next year I was living somewhere else, but I will never forget that year.

If you would like more stories let me know.


4 Gay Erotic Stories from Hornyfred

College Days

This was the first time that I exposed myself to anyone. I had just gone out of state to college and I was 18 years old. I was renting a basement apartment in a four-plex. The building and parking lot backed onto a convenience store and I noticed that some of the college students would cut through my backyard to get to the store. There was one guy in particular that I would see quite regularly

Tent Shows, Part 2

The next day I was getting very hot having the three guys staring at my body. I decided to have some fun with them. I deliberately bent over my bicycle to let them see my ass. I could sneak looks in their direction without them knowing that I was watching them as well. It was extremely exciting to see how they would look at me and try to hide what they were doing. They would play catch and

The Window Shows

I was living in a ground floor apartment several years ago. There was one really cute guy who lived next door. I would see him hanging out with his friends. They were all around 18 years old. On one occasion he was stripping in front of his upstairs window. Although I lived downstairs I could still see straight up into his room. His jeans were on very tight and he really struggled to

Two Tents

Last summer I was supposed to meet some friends at a camp ground for the weekend. However, at the last minute they backed out. The site was booked so I figured that I might as well use it. When I got there I noticed that the site was fairly secluded so I would be able to jerk off in relative privacy. The only campers nearby were three guys in three tents behind me. One of them looked


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