Gay Erotic Stories

SuperSex Bowl

by Suitsmuscles

Deep down in the basement of the huge, oversized Chicago All Male Olympic Stadium, Mike Taylor was nervously walking in circles in the lockers for more than an hour now.

Mike had at the moment, at least, two problems, each of them as big as the All Male Olympic Stadium itself. As the official MC of the 2005 SuperSex Bowl, the major American Football event of the year, it was an understatement to say that Mike was anxious about the uncertain result of the match. The two biggest, most popular football teams of the country, the Donkey Dicks, from Houston and the Fuckers, from Chicago, were competing for the SuperSex Bowl championship and both of them, to say the least, were highly determined to literally laminate the other team to win the cup.

And get the prize.

And the prize was actually Mike Taylor’s second big concern. As big as his erection was each time the image of the prize was coming up to his mind, which is roughly every 50 seconds.

This year, it was the now worldly famous Ricky, the cute, angel like 13 years old model, who was supposed to climb on the podium and give the SuperSex Bowl cup to the Captain of the winning team, at the end of the match.

The most wanted (in more than just one way) Ricky had just arrived, two hours late, at the Stadium and had hastily been eased through a discreet corridor to his own VIP changing room along with his two bodyguards. Two complete outfits, absolutely perfect in every details, had been tailored for Ricky by the management of the All Male Olympic Stadium. One with the Donkey Dick’s colors: yellow satin pants and green and yellow mesh tee-shirt, and the other one, of course, with the red and blue colors of the Fuckers. Customized shoulders and knees pads had been especially made to fit Ricky’s young, thin but muscular body, as well as a cute, miniature helmet.

The blond little boy was supposed to wear the outfit featuring the colors of the winning team on stage and thus, had to wait the end of the match to know who the winner is.

Just like the twelve thousands excited guys in the Stadium.

And Mike Taylor himself, who was nervously checking his wrist watch every ten seconds. Only ten minutes to the end of the match, now, and, as the two teams had been both highly scoring during the match, it was difficult to make any predictions about the winning team. Even here, in the depth of the Stadium basement, the screaming and roaring of the crowd could be heard with an increasing tempo, now that the end of the match was getting closer and closer every minute.

Mike thought it was time, though, to check and see if Ricky will be ready in time for the end of the match. He had postponed this moment for a while, so far, unsure about his own reactions and ability to keep his self-control when confronted to the teenage idol he had wet dreams about, just like millions of boys and men over the planet.

Finally gathering his courage, Mike was about to knock at Ricky’s changing room door, when he suddenly froze. From inside the room, Mike could hear the juvenile voice of the kid, laughing and giggling:

Ooooooohhhhh… no, no… it tickles! Not there, please, it tickles…!

For a brief moment, Mike felt his cock was going to explode and cream his boxers here and now. Just the sexy, laughing voice of the cute boy was enough to have this effect on him. It was something to watch Ricky on TV commercials or video-clips, but it was a completely different thing to meet him live, as his engorged organ let him know.

Duty called, though: he had to check. So he knocked at the door, his throat dry, his member rock hard and oozing precum in his pants.

Come in…! boomed a low male voice, which could only be one of the Ricky’s bodyguard’s.

Inside the changing room, a large white towel had been spread out on the massage table. Ricky was reclined on it, entirely naked. The blond little boy, probably just returning from a stay in some exotic location, had an all over tan which enhanced the perfect lines of his body and gave his flawless, completely smooth skin the look of the thinnest of satins. The brown color of his complexion was underlining the young, defined muscles of Ricky’s thighs, arms and shoulders. His small pectoral muscles had a full, round, incredibly tantalizing aspect, crowned by his two plump dark pink nipples. His shoulders long nearly white curls and baby-blue eyes looked almost unreal in comparison. His cute little upturned nose and putty, sensual lips, uncovering perfect white teeth and a pink tongue when he was laughing, along with the usual innocent, boyish look of his face, had Ricky to deserve more than ever his nickname of “The World Sexiest Angel Boy”. None of the young boy’s features could have been improved, indeed, from his lovely toes to his round, smooth bubble butt, from his soft belly to gracious neck. Ricky was physical perfection. An alpha young boy.

That sight alone would have been enough to keep Mike Taylor staring there for the rest of his life and more. Like a glimpse of Heaven. But the scene he had just interrupted was way beyond any of Mike’s wet dreams. He didn’t even remember he ever had his organ throbbing, pulsating that way, profusely soaking his boxers.

I thought I had time to have a shower before the ending of the match and they were just giving me a… a massage! Ricky said with his angel like, naive look and clear eyes staring at Mike Taylor.

Yes, indeed, a massage. The two goons, fully dressed, grey suits and tie enhancing the contrast with Ricky’s complete nakedness, their hunky, heavy frames contrasting with the young boy’s elegant and gracious body, were treating the kid with what one could call, to some extend, a massage, yeah right. One of them, standing behind Ricky, was fondling the boy’s shoulders and upper back with his strong hands, while the other one, bent over the table between Ricky’s widely spread out thighs, was oiling up the kid’s crotch with some cream, his big paw entirely covering the tiny sex package, his mid-finger rhythmically disappearing into the tight, little ass hole.

Ricky, with a total lack of inhibition, was alternatively looking at Mike Taylor and at the big brute’s hand, whose thick finger was moving back and forth in his boy pussy with a wet, slurping noise. The blond angel eyes going from Mike’s to the thrusting finger, and how shamelessly Ricky was offering himself to the guy’s touch, was mostly what was sending Mike over the edge. The bodyguard was pleasuring Ricky with a patient, expert dexterity, alternatively caressing the dark pink ass lips with just the tip of his finger and penetrating them in a slow, steady rhythm. The visible flexing of the guy’s hand palm muscles when his finger was inserted into the kid’s anus were the obvious sign that, deep down inside the kid ass hole, the man was leaving no place unexplored. And the rolling eyes of the boy were the sign that Ricky was fully enjoying the… massage.

I… I’ll… I’ll be ready in a minute.. I... I’m … coming’

So did Mike Taylor, whose man juice was now uncontrollably spurting into his pants. The point of no return had been past, for sure.

His cell phone suddenly rang. Someone shouted: Donkey Dicks… the Donkey Dicks…! They won!! in a voice so loud that it had been clearly heard by everyone in the room.

Ricky, his small smooth cock bobbing erect in front of him, hoped from the massage table while the goon was pulling out his finger with an audible Plop! And jumped to the place were the two outfits were hanging on, waiting. The bodyguard put his mid-finger in his mouth, keeping it there for a while, savoring the boy’s most intimate taste.

Ricky quickly pulled up a small jockstrap, adjusting the straps below his round little butt, then stepped into the yellow, silky pants of the Donkey Dicks uniform the Stadium had tailored for him. The very tight pants were nicely hugging the boy bubble butt, the shiny fabric clinging to his curbs. The boy didn’t bother with the front laced panel he let freely hanging open, exposing the top of his jockstrap. The bodyguards helped him with the shoulders pads and Ricky finally slept into the mesh bright green and yellow tee-shirt saying DD in big yellow letters spread out on his torso.

How could this boy manage to be even sexier when he was dressed up than when he was nude was a complete mystery to Mike Taylor.

Ricky grabbed his miniature helmet and proudly left the room, his cute ass hugged by the sexy satin pants, followed by the two goons and a weak in the knees Mike Taylor, strutting around his nice boy-doll look.


Ricky climbed on stage dressed up in his own sexy little Donkey Dicks mascot outfit, under the screaming and cheering of the crowd, overexcited both by the DD’s victory and the appearance of “The World Sexiest Angel Boy”.

Ricky, laughing and giggling, playfully made a “little macho act”, puffing his chest, flexing his biceps and, thrusting his hand inside his unlaced yellow satin pants, obscenely fondling his small sex package through his jockstrap. The crowd went mad with his sexy, boyishly erotic display.

Mike Taylor, then, took on stage Todd Benson, the Captain on the Donkey Dicks, the other hero of the day. According to the tradition, the hunky, handsome Todd was to get his cup from the boy’s hands and, of course, his prize from the boy’s butt. Never in his life, Mike Taylor had been so envious of another man. He would have gladly murdered the smiling, self confident, good looking Todd under the crowd’s eyes if it could have got him the prize. The horny bastard… Mike was sure he had won purposely to get to fuck the kid! Visions of the Captain’s monster dick penetrating the little ass hole he just had a close, full view of, were torturing Mike’s overheated brain.

To carry on the heavy, nearly as high as himself silver winning cup was not an option for Ricky, so, gesturing Todd to bend over him, he just boyishly wrapped his two arms around the big guy’s neck and planted a kiss on each of his cheeks, noisily cheered by the enthusiastic crowd.

Todd grabbed Ricky under his butt and effortlessly sited him on one arms, catching the silver cup he raised up to the screaming audience with the other one. Ricky had his fingers in the hair of the DD Captain’s neck, holding his tee-shirt to keep his balance in the hunk’s arms that was strutting them altogether from one side of the stage to the other, waving to the audience.

Todd had been touching that same silky yellow fabric of the tight pants billions of time while practising with the guys of his team. How comes that, with Ricky poured into this same outfit, it turned him so much? Todd’s huge member – he wasn’t the Captain of the DDs’ for nothing – was rapidly getting erect in his own pants. The bulge behind the front laced panel of his pants was massive, now, threatening to burst out every second. His big paw was entirely cupping the little boy’s ass and Todd could feel his body heat through the smooth fabric.

Ricky was gesturing to the crowd, now sited on one of Todd’s shoulders, laughing, having the time of his life.

Hold me tight, Todd, please….!

A very useless request from Ricky, as the horny Todd, at this step, had only one thought in mind: to privately enjoy his prize as soon as possible. This will have to wait a little longer though. As Todd was about to leave the stage with the boy tightly hugging him, from the packed Stadium, a rowdy voice hollered:

Ricky…! Take it all, Boy…! All around the Stadium, there were boisterous echoes. And a stomping chant of calls Strip, strip, strip…! Another rabble-rouser hollered "Get naked!"

Todd was getting more and more aroused by this sexual din and the lewd comments, but was unsure about what to do. Ricky complied with his usual boyish, smiling grace. Carefully dropped on the floor by the hunk, he first seductively striped off his green and yellow DD mesh tee-shirt. Todd helped him with the pads then the boy, already an experienced show man, turned his back to the crowd and, facing Todd, winked to him while slowly pulling down the sexy yellow tight pants and exposing to the crowd his perfect butt showcased by the little jockstrap.

Todd had butterflies in his stomach. Like any other man or boy, he had been wet dreaming about Ricky so many times, even jerking off when the blond angel was appearing near naked in those so sexy commercials and video-clips on TV drooling on the sometimes nearly naked young perfect body. And, of course, he had hoped the DD team will get the SuperSex Bowl cup, just to get a chance to come close to the blond idol. But now that he had the kid at the reach of his hands, just like Mike Taylor did one hour ago, Todd was thinking it really was something else ...

And Ricky had froze, now, staring at Todd.

Will you do it for me, please, Todd..? softly asked Ricky, the innocent look on his face denying how bold his public display was. The combination was just droving the horny Todd nut.

First, Todd stayed motionless, unsure about what Ricky had meant. Then the crowd’s chant, again “Get naked, get naked, get naked…” snapped the dizzy Captain from his daydreaming. Todd bent over Ricky – the Captain was so tall that the boy’s face was at his own crotch level – and, between each thumb and finger, gently, slowly, pulled down the small jockstrap along Ricky’s smooth thighs and calves, leaving the young boy’s rear fully exposed to the public and his front side exposed just to him. Ricky had an entirely smooth beautifully shaped little sex package, his tiny erection shamelessly displayed above a couple of boyish balls. The DDs’ Captain was mesmerized. Heaven must has been missing an angel, the one standing right under his disbelieving eyes.

A violent rush of testosterone suddenly hit Todd. He wanted the boy just to himself. He wanted to take him away. He grabbed the naked angel boy and, lifting him up effortlessly, held him tightly embraced against his torso, the young boy’s legs wrapped around his waist, one of his big paws cupping the naked little butt, the other one still holding the huge silver winning cup.

The chant has now changed to “A kiss, a kiss, a kiss…”

Once again, Ricky took control of the situation and, now held at Todd’s face level, gently pressed his lips against the Captain’s. It was all Todd could do not to cream his own jockstrap, underneath his yellow pants. He thrust his thick tongue between the little boy’s lips, tasting his saliva, breathing his breath. God, it was good.


All this and more had happened, like in a daze. Todd had finally been able to escape the stage, the crowd, the officials, the sponsors, Mike Taylor, everyone… even the two bodyguards, brutally pushing them aside while he was taking Ricky away.

I will care about him myself…!

The two goons, hesitating for a few seconds, had finally complied, not daring to confront the hunky, determined Captain of the Donkey Dicks. Todd, with the nude kid in his arms, was beautiful as a biblical Moses holding a baby Jesus.

All this had taken forever and everyone had left when the man, still holding his prize, entered the now deserted lockers. Todd carefully, gently laid down the young boy on a bench.

Need a shower… I’ll be back in a minute…!

Ricky hadn’t made a move, still laying at the very place Todd had sited him, when the Captain re –appeared, merging from the steam of the shower, his dark hair dripping, a towel wrapped round his waist.

The man was impressive. His shoulders were as thick as they were broad and his pectoral muscles were insanely bulging. Ricky just couldn’t remember he had ever saw such big, powerful arms and thighs on any other guy at the gym. The Captain looked like some giant, compared to the gracious boy sited on the bench. The slightest of his moves made his muscles ripple underneath his brown skin and his towel was obscenely tented by his erection.

Despite his growing lust and desire for the young boy’s body, Todd was intimidated. This angel boy was irradiating something magic and immaculate, almost mystical, naked, all alone, surrounded by the white tiles of the walls and floor. Kneeling on the floor in front of Ricky, the giant took his face so close to the kid’s that he could feel his fresh breath.

Ricky… I know… I know it is the tradition… well, sort of… But… you don’t have to.. I mean if you don’t want to… I… I… The impressive Captain of the DDs was just stammering in front of the beautiful angel boy.

Ricky softly brushed the Captain’s thick, sensuous lips with his and slowly untied the towel which dropped on the tiled, wet floor. Todd’s member, fully erect now, was way thicker that the boy’s arm, his engorged cockhead bigger than his fist when closed. The huge shaft was throbbing and pulsating, profusely leaking sex juice, dripping on the oversized balls. Ricky, mesmerized, were staring at the clear drops of precum constantly appearing on the top of the cockhead from the gaping hole, one after the other, to run down along the whole length of the monster tool and finally pool between the man’s thighs. The huge cock head was glistening in the semi darkness of the deserted shower area, a wonderful promise of pleasure for the man and the boy as well. The blond boy was fascinated.

I want you. Do you want me, too…? Ricky whispered softly, in his usual boyish tone and manner.

Oh Ricky… my sweet angel like boy… I’m going to fuck you and pleasure you again and again. See how much I want you…? Please, be mine, now… now… Oh Ricky!

Todd raised up and straddled both the boy and the narrow bench where Ricky had laid down on his back, now. Standing above the kid, his thighs on each side of his torso, the Captain bent and took the young boy’s face into his two hands, gently placing his huge dick on the childish face. He slowing moved his hips back and forth, rubbing his member all along the boy’s face he was humping. His cock head was rhythmically disappearing into the blond curls, leaving clear traces of precum all over the kid’s chin, putty lips, nose, cheeks, forehead… Ricky, his mouth wide open, was doing his best to lick the monster cock, catching as much of the fluid as he could with his pink stuck out little tongue.

Ooooooooo Baby… Oh Ricky…!

After a while, Todd grabbed the young boys thighs and, spreading them widely, placed them on his shoulders, lifting up the boy’s hips from the bench. Pausing a moment to feast his eyes on the tight little hole and marvelling at how soft and tender it looked, Todd, then, started to lick the small ass lips with the tip of his tongue, first. Soon, he was penetrating them, thrusting his thick, dripping tongue inside the boy pussy. Ricky was delirious and, when the Captain looked again, the small ass hole was now glistening both from his saliva and the boy’s excitement, slightly gaping from the tongue fucking.

Ricky… I’m big and it may hurt, first, but you’re gonna love it… I promise

The angel boy grabbed the edges of the bench, arched his back and secured his thighs on each side of Todd’s neck, doing his best to get himself ready to be fucked by the monster dick. Again, he said I want you Todd…

The hunky Captain placed his cockhead at the boy’s entrance and pressed it gently but firmly, forcing the little anus to gradually accept the engorged, bulging monster. Very slowly, almost imperceptibly, the tight ass holes, lubricated by the man’s saliva, were giving way to the intrusive shaft. Ricky was clenching his teeth, breathing deeply. Suddenly, the small anus ring gave up and allowed the man’s big cockhead to enter. Todd paused for A while, giving time to the kid to adjust the hugeness inside him.

I’m fine… Ricky said with a weak smile. Come on, Todd…!

The Captain slowly started to hump the boy, thrusting his male organ always deeper into his anus, deeper and deeper. The sensation was incredible. Todd could feel how warm, how wet and soft the love canal of the boy was. It couldn’t have been compared to anything else he knew so far. This kid may look like an angel, but his ass was good enough to take any man to his own damnation, for sure. Soon, he was all inside Ricky, touching him deep down in places where the boy had never been touched before. Ricky was moaning, ecstatic. From the moment Todd had penetrated him, he had been climaxing many times, his over stimulated prostate sending him into countless dry orgasms only a 13 years old boy can experience. This Donkey Dicks Captain was so strong, so powerful.

Would there had been anyone else in the lockers, he would have been mesmerized by the incredibly erotic vision, in the semi darkness of the place, of the impossibly broad silhouette of the hunk bent over the upside down kid, entirely covering it, wildly humping him, now; the football star hero and the world sexiest angel boy.

Todd, highly inspired by the young boy’s beauty and erotic body, was a wonderful, patient lover, holding back his own building up orgasm, the growing up fire he felt in his balls, to pleasure the angel kid as long as possible.

Only a human, though, if a highly sex charged one, the DDs’ hero had his own limits and he was reaching them, now. The boy pussy was holding his ready to burst out penis so tightly, providing such an intense suction feeling, the touch of the soft, warm skin of his inner thighs on his balls each time he was pushing himself deep down inside the kid was so erotic to him… Todd knew he couldn’t last longer, now.

Ricky felt the huge, hard member spasming inside him, and the first stream of burning man juice drenching him deep down in the bottom of his boy pussy. Then, the second one. Then another one… and several other ones.

Todd had long lost any control. He felt his balls would never stop pumping juice along his throbbing shaft to pour it into that sexy angel boy butt. Oh Ricky… my baby-boy… my beautiful baby-boy…!

Then it happened. Along with that wet, warm feeling of being soaked deep down inside him and that sensation of being so completely filled up by the huge male organ, the young boy felt that strange little tickling inside his own little tight balls and, before he knew what it was, his own erect small cock was spurting a thin, tiny clear stream of boy juice, just a few drops, the very first ones.

Oooooooh Todd, I… I came, I CAME! It’s you… it’s YOU who did that to me! You made me a real grown up boy…! Oh Todd…!

The Donkey Dicks’ Captain delicately took the little hard penis between two fingers and very gently jerked it a bit, making a few more droplets appear at the tip of the tiny cockhead, sticking to his fingers. He was still deeply buried in the young boy’s ass, his cock barely softening. Slowly lowering the kid’s hips on the bench, Todd disengaged his organ with many precautions, fearing he could hurt his blond baby angel. When the bulging cockhead passed back the anus ring again, the pressure made it release a few more drops of man juice, just the way his fingers did with Ricky’s.

Todd had never experienced such levels of excitement before. His eyes closed, he was trying to catch up his breath. While he came, his mind went blank for a while, his knees buckling, his eyes rolling back. And now, the hunk was in two minds. His still hard dick was begging for more, while an unsuspected tenderness for this baby angel inside him was holding him back, fearing he could hurt the boy with his adult sex drive. The Captain, feeling his own addiction to the boy’s pussy and all the pleasure it could give growing every minute, just couldn’t clearly think and take a decision. This little angel was taking him to Hell.

When he finally re-opened his eyes, the young boy was on all fours on the bench, now, his cute bubble butt provocatively raised up in the air. Glancing at Todd over his shoulder, he winked to the hunk and, giggling, playfully asked in his boyish way:

Please, do it that way, this time, Todd… I wanna cum again!


5 Gay Erotic Stories from Suitsmuscles

Joey Gets Examined

JOEY GETS EXAMINED by Stefan Part One: THE PASSION FOR PECS Joey admitted it: for the past year he had let his bodybuilding almost totally consume his life - and it had paid off. At eighteen, he was one of the youngest guys in his gym and also one of the best built. He had weight-trained since he was 13 years old and the past year had seen him make incredible muscle gains, particularly

Show Break

Show break It was few after 7:30 PM when Francois Lefevre, the young, handsome, very masculine manager of the security staff at the Opera de Paris heard a knock at the door of his office. Come in, please Because of his job he carried on for several years now, Francois Lefevre was used to come across, along the huge XIXth century building lobbies and rooms, many male dancers wearing those

Show Break (the sequel)

Show break : the sequel (sort of) The following is, in fact, just scattered snapshots of this “New attitude” world the action of “Show break” and “The Flying Muscle Twins” (published in the "exhibitionism" section of MOTN Erotic Stories) was set into. A world where trapeze circus acts are performed near-naked by horny hunks at the Opera de Paris, to the greatest delight of the audience

SuperSex Bowl

Deep down in the basement of the huge, oversized Chicago All Male Olympic Stadium, Mike Taylor was nervously walking in circles in the lockers for more than an hour now. Mike had at the moment, at least, two problems, each of them as big as the All Male Olympic Stadium itself. As the official MC of the 2005 SuperSex Bowl, the major American Football event of the year, it was an understatement

The Flying Muscle Twins Are Back

The Flying Muscle Twins are back ! (I met them…) Three years after their first acclaimed world tour, the Flying Muscle Twins are back in Paris. None of the readers of Muscle Exhib Mag who attended that show has forgotten their incredible performance on the Parisian stage. Three years ago, Paris was the last stop of a tour called “Muscles X-posed”. Viewed world wide by hundreds of thousands of


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