Gay Erotic Stories

Finally Getting Tom

by Bluegay

He was in the same class as me; Tom--all the girls wanted him and had him. He had short brown hair, blue eyes and was really handsome. I used to sit behind him and just stare at his ass and try to get a glimpse of the top of his underwear. I'd go home and wank thinking about him.

He started being horrible to me but I couldn't stop wanting him. I don’t know why he would want me; I was just 'average' with short blond hair, blue eyes. I was quite skinny with some muscle. He was on the football team and all the girls would talk about his six-pack. But I borrowed his science book and he called me and said he desperately needed it and for me to come round and that I could stay a while.

It took me about 5 minutes to get there; I pulled up outside and hoped for more than just handing over a science book. I rang the doorbell and his mum answered and told me to go up because she was going out for the night. I went upstairs and I heard a shout from a door on my left. I went in and saw Tom in his boxers. I saw his huge bulge and perfect body. he saw me staring, he smirked and pulled on a tee shirt. I handed over the book and he suggested we watched a film.

He put it on and about half an hour in the TV went blank but then came back on, it wasn't the original film it was two guys sucking each other off. Tom looked at me and he saw my bulge get bigger, he didn't try to hide his. He told me he always thought I was gay. I was quite shocked because I though I hid it well. He leaned over and we kissed as he brought me on to his bed. I slowly took my mouth down to the top of his underwear, I sucked his cock through his underwear and he told me to do it for real.

I pulled down his boxers and gave them a quick lick and sniff. His cock was there, it must have been 8 inches, I licked it and then took it in my mouth, and wow it tasted great. I felt his pubes on my nose I got quicker and soon he was moaning loader, he came in my mouth and I lapped up everything.

Before I knew what was going on he was licking my ass, he inserted one finger, then two, then three. I told him to fuck me. He leant over to his drawer and pulled out a condom and some lube.

He rolled me on my front and slowly inserted his cock into me. His pace got quicker and quicker and I got my ass movements to correspond with his cock. I moaned and moaned while jacking off. He was shouting, “Fuck, fuck I’m gona cum!” He collapsed on top of me. Wow that was the best feeling ever.

He organised a sleepover for tomorrow, but that is for another time...


3 Gay Erotic Stories from Bluegay

Finally Getting Tom

He was in the same class as me; Tom--all the girls wanted him and had him. He had short brown hair, blue eyes and was really handsome. I used to sit behind him and just stare at his ass and try to get a glimpse of the top of his underwear. I'd go home and wank thinking about him. He started being horrible to me but I couldn't stop wanting him. I don’t know why he would want me; I was just

Fun Sleepover

Tom and I made arrangements and I arrived at his house at 8:30 in the evening. He answered the door wearing just his white Calvin Klein’s. I just stared for a while and took him in, he had his hair stuck up, and his bright blue eyes were wonderful to stare into; his perfect chest with just a sprinkle of hair. His abs were, in my eyes, perfect. I moved my eyes further down his body and saw his

I Was Straight Before This...

I had just turned 18; I was doing well at school, just getting on with it quietly really. I had wavy blonde hair. I worked out regularly so I was fairly well toned and had defined muscles. I loved Lycra and tight underwear but I didn’t consider myself gay. I had started a new Geography class, I didn’t like geography and so I just went into a daze during the lessons not paying much attention.


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