Gay Erotic Stories

Speed Freak, Part 1

by Rimpig

SPEED FREAK, by RimPig ¨ 2003

I’m not a bad guy; Maybe a little wild. Okay... a lot wild. I’m a real speed freak! No! Not the kind of speed that you snort or shoot in your veins! The kind you get in a real hot car or on a really hot motorcycle! Anything that goes fast, I love it! Even as a little kid. Used to ride my bike down the steepest and most dangerous hills I could find.

Some people might think I’ve got a ‘death wish’. Fuck that! What I’ve got is an addiction to that clench in your guts and the racing of your pulse when you’re flyin’ down the road, clockin’ at around 130 mph. I sometimes scream out my passion while I’m doin’ it!

Unfortunately, that all came to a halt about six weeks ago. Me and some of my buddies were drag racing out on old State Road 9, way out in the boonies. We’d been drag racing out there for a couple of years. The road is dead at night. No traffic, nobody around. What the fuck did it hurt? Well...the Highway Patrol didn’t see it that way. They pulled a sting operation on us. Suddenly, there are fuckin’ cop cars everywhere and the next thing I know, my studly butt is sittin’ in a jail cell!

Was my Dad pissed! Fuck! I had some real fuckin’ second thoughts about just stayin’ in that stinkin’ jail cell when he came to bail me out! I ain’t ever seen him that mad before! I figured he’d fuckin’ punch my lights out when we got home. Not that he’d ever hit me...well...not since I was real little and he’d spank me, but he didn’t even do that after I was about five years old.

He didn’t say one word to me on the way home and I didn’t dare open my mouth either. When we got home, all Dad would say was, “Go to your fuckin’ room and stay there! I don’t want to see your stupid fuckin’ face again tonight!”

I tried to at least say ‘Thank you’ for bailin’ me out but he just held up his hand.

“Shut the fuck up! I don’t want to hear nothin’ from you! Just go to your room and get outa my face!” he growled at me, his voice all that more menacing because he wasn’t shouting - just real quiet.

So go, I did. By that time, it was after 3:00 a.m. so I just stripped and crawled naked into bed. I always sleep naked. Been doin’ it since I was a little kid, maybe 3 or 4. I know I started sleepin’ that way because Dad does. I knew that from crawlin’ into bed with him when I would get scared, either by a bad dream or ‘monsters’ in the closet or under the bed.

All I ever had was my Dad to go to. My mom died when I was two. I don’t really remember her. I don’t know how she died. Dad won’t talk about it and so I don’t bring it up. I guess it’s still somethin’ that hurts him, even after all these years. See...they were high school sweethearts. Fell in love their freshman year and never dated anyone else. When they were seniors, my mom got pregnant with me. They got married, the day after graduation. Dad was my age, 18. They had me and two years later, she’s dead and Dad is left with a fuckin’ rug-rat to raise - all by himself. His own Dad was dead from an accident at work when he was 12 and his mother wouldn’t have anything to do with him after he knocked my mom up. After my mom died, Dad’s mom tried to make peace, but Dad just told her to fuck off! He didn’t need her. I don’t think they got along before my mom got pregnant.

My mom’s parents tried to go to court and take me away from my Dad. My Dad went into court without even havin’ a lawyer (because he couldn’t afford one) and fought them. Luckily, the law was on his side. Since my mom’s parents had not one shred of evidence that my Dad was unfit as a parent, the judge told them to, basically, take a hike! That’s when me and my Dad moved to Ridgeville, almost 300 miles from where Dad grew up. If my mom’s parents ever tried to find us, they weren’t successful because we never heard from them again.

My Dad got a job working construction and studied at night to become a licensed contractor and started his own construction firm. I went to day-care and then through school. I played a lot of sports: baseball, football, wrestling; didn’t play well enough to get a scholarship to college or anything, didn’t want to go to college. School was just a pain in the ass that I put up with so that I could play sports and have fun. What I loved about it was all the comradery . I loved hanging out with the other guys. I didn’t have any girlfriends. Most girls were just too fuckin’ stupid to be around. All they cared about was clothes, their hair and who everybody else was dating. Most of them were looking for some guy to latch onto who would pay for everything and end up pussy-whipped, doing anything they wanted. That wasn’t me.

Oh, I’d dated. I wasn’t no fuckin’ virgin. But, I just never saw what other guys saw in girls and sex. I saw it as too much effort for very little return. I had better things to do with my time - like re-building a 1974 Firebird Trans-Am SD 455 with a 4-speed transmission. This was a rare car! Only 212 of them were built. This one was ‘Buccaneer Red’ with a huge black Firebird on the hood. The car still had a true twin exhaust system (catalytic converters wouldn’t be required until 1975) and 3.42 axle ratio which made that mother one mean fuckin’ speed machine!

I’d found her in a junk yard and paid $300 for her when I was 15 years old. Dad and I worked on the car, along with me and a lot of my friends and team-mates, for almost two years to get her back into almost the condition she came out of the show-room in. That car is my life! I love her more than anything else in the world. Well...all right...not as much as my Dad - but nearly!

Now she was sitting in an impound lot and I was facing charges of speeding, reckless endangerment, etc. Dad was pissed as hell at me and I didn’t know what the fuck was gonna happen or what I was gonna do.

I woke up the next morning around 10:00 a.m. I figured Dad had gone to work hours ago but I was wrong. When I went down to the kitchen to see if I could scrounge up some breakfast, he was sittin’ there, naked as a jay-bird, drinkin’ coffee and readin’ the paper. I was naked, too, not expecting anybody to be home. Actually, I spent a lot of time naked at home. So did Dad. Guess neither on of us cared much for clothes.

I mumbled a ‘good-morning’ as I stumbled over to the coffee pot and poured myself a cup.

“Sit down, son. We gotta talk.” Dad said quietly. He didn’t sound mad or anything. I was surprised.

“Look...I’m sorry about last night. I shouldn’t be pissed at you. I did the same fuckin’ stuff when I was your age. Your mom used to scream at me all the time that I was gonna fuckin’ kill myself. I didn’t listen to her. I just wanted to see how fast I could get that car to go.” Dad said.

Oh, did I mention that Dad had a ‘73 Firebird when he was my age? Yeah! Like father, like son.

“Dad, I really am sorry! We didn’t know what we were doin’ was so wrong. We never hurt nobody. We didn’t intend to.” I insisted.

“I know, son, but whether you intend it or not, accidents happen and people can get hurt or killed.” he said. “I know you don’t think that anything can happen to you. I didn’t when I was your age. But it can and, above all, I don’t want to lose you, Kevin. You’re my whole fuckin’ life since your mom died!”

Because we’re guys, Dad doesn’t talk a whole lot about how he feels. He doesn’t say ‘I love you’ very often. He doesn’t have to. I know he does. And he knows I love him. At least I hope he does. I love him more than anyone or anything in this world. I’ve always wanted to be just like him. I admire him as a man and I love him as a son. So all in all, this was quite a speech he just made.

“Dad, I don’t know what to say?” I said. “All I can say is I’m sorry and it won’t happen again.”

“What won’t happen again? You won’t race that car of yours or you won’t get caught?” Dad said, raising his eyebrow and grinning at me.

I looked at him in shock! I guess for once he had all the angles covered!

“I won’t race anymore.” I said quietly looking down at my coffee.

“I have the feeling you may not be able to anyway. From the charges I had to bail you out from, they’re gonna throw the book at you. You’ll be lucky if they don’t revoke your license to drive.” Dad said. “So we better go down to the impound yard and get your Firebird back here while we can.”

This announcement hit me like a ton of bricks! Revoke my license?! Not be able to drive?! Why don’t they just cut my nuts and dick off! Fuck!

I guess Dad noticed the look on my face - like, how could he miss it!

“I’ve called a lawyer already. We have an appointment with him this afternoon. We’ll see if we can make a deal.” Dad said.

Well, they made a deal all right. My license was suspended for six months. That was bad but, as my Dad reminded me, it could have been worse. But there was another part that was much worse! I was given three months of house arrest! I have to wear this stupid ‘electronic bracelet’ on my ankle that transmits my location to a box that sits by my bed. If I try to take the fuckin’ thing off or if I get more than 500 feet from the box, the probation office is notified and I’m violated and will spend a year in jail!

So for the last month or so, I’ve been basically locked in the house. I can’t go anyplace. The only places I’m allowed to go are to work or any kind of doctor appointment. I don’t have a job. I was lookin’ for one but hadn’t found anything and I’m healthy as a horse, so there goes any doctor visits. I’m not lazy or anything. See, I want a job. But Dad won’t let me have the job I want. I want to work for him doing construction. He keeps tellin’ me that I’m better than that! And that I should get a job where I work with my brains not with my body. He just doesn’t get it! I want to go into construction and work just like he does. I wanna be just like him.

I’ve wanted to work construction ever since I was a little kid and would see Dad comin’ home in his hard hat. He’s be all sweaty and dirty and tired and shit but he’d pick me up from daycare or I’d be waitin’ for him at home after school and he’d take me in his big, strong arms and hug me. I remember the smell of him as he held me. I guess some people would be offended by all the sweat and musk but I remember that how he smelled made me feel good! That smell meant ‘Daddy’. It meant love and protection. It meant the man that I loved most in the world. I guess I was about 12 when he stopped huggin’ me. I don’t know why he did. I didn’t ask him to or nothin’.

I did get to work on a few of his jobs as a laborer during the summer when I was in high school, after I turned 16 and the insurance would cover me being on a job-site. Yeah, it was hard work but I’m strong and I’m definitely not lazy. I liked working with my hands and body. I liked gettin’ sweaty and dirty just like Dad because, even though he’s ‘The Boss’ he still works as hard or harder than any of the guys on his crew. I liked the give and take with the other construction workers who, at first, figured I was some spoiled little pussy-boy because I was the boss’s son. When I showed them that I could carry my own weight on the job, they accepted me. That meant a lot to me. But once I graduated from high school, Dad wouldn’t let me work there full-time. He wouldn’t even discuss it.

So here I was, locked in the house all day alone. Nothin’ to do. Nothin’ on the fuckin’ TV but soap operas and talk shows. Shows about girls gettin’ knocked up and then tryin’ to figure out which dude did it to them! Some people just have no pride at all! None of my friends came around because most of them were either on house arrest or their conditions of probation were such that we weren’t allowed to associate with each other! Talk about ‘stir crazy’! I was fuckin’ goin’ out of my mind!

Of course, the only thing that I could do was sleep, work out and beat my meat. I took to jackin’ three or four times a day - mostly just for somethin’ to do! That pretty well used up my fuck books real fast. I didn’t have enough of them for them not to get real boring real quick and I had no way to get more. I started more and more to get into fantasizing on my own. But then a funny thing started happening.

Because I didn’t go no where and I spent most of my time alone, I stopped takin’ showers all that often. After all, who the fuck was there to smell me - other than me? And the funny thing about that was, I started to kinda like the way I was smellin’. I was startin’ to like the stink in my pits and the raunchy smells that rose from my groin. I started to notice that those smells were triggering those memories of my Dad when I was a little kid. My scent was a lot like his. I knew this, because he still came home smellin’ that way. And for some reason, smellin’ like Dad, made me very happy - and very horny!

I would lie on my bed, playin’ with my cock and smellin’ my own raunchy body. I would really get into it! I’d raise my arm (the one I wasn’t jackin’ with) and turn my head so my nose would be right in my damp, stinky pit. I’d lay there, drawin’ in all that raunchy smell and gettin’ harder by the second! Fuck! I’d have to pull my nose out to keep from spoongin’. After all, I didn’t have nothin’ else to do so I wanted this to last!

Next, I would run my hand down my body to my balls and grope them, squeezing them gently while I slowly jacked my cock. Then I’d bring my hand to my face and take a deep whiff of the scent of my balls. Awesome! The stink on my hand would get me goin’ again and I’d have to let go of my cock to keep from cummin’ too soon.

Now, speaking of my cock, I’m a lot like Dad in that department as well. The house we live in is small, just two bedrooms and one bathroom so I’ve seen him with a piss-hard in the mornings sometimes on his way to the bathroom to piss and get rid of it. I gotta tell ‘ya, I’ve seen some cocks on guys in the locker rooms over the years but nothin’ to compare to Dad! I figure it’s about ten inches and very thick! I been measuring mine since I was about twelve so I know that I’ve got nine and a quarter inches and I’m still growin’. I have the same thickness as Dad. I’m a ‘chip off the old block’ in almost every way.

Dad’s about 6'2" and I’m about 6'1" but, like I said, I’m still growin’. I’ve got Dad’s blond hair and blue eyes. Dad’s got a good bod on him because he’s never let it go. We have a gym down in the basement and we both work out. Since I’ve been on house arrest, I’ve been hittin’ the weights pretty hard and I’ve been bulking up and defining a lot more. Even Dad noticed and said something about it a couple nights ago. ‘Course, one of the problems with workin’ out so much, is that I get real horny from it so that’s increased my jackin’ as well.

There’s one other way that Dad and I are alike. Our cocks are both uncut. I remember Dad tellin’ me he had to fight with the doctors when I was born to get me left ‘natural’. Dad told me when I was young that someday I’d thank him for that. I already have! It makes jackin’ so much easier than guys who are cut. It also makes somethin’ else that was really startin’ to get to me.

As I’d been gettin’ into the smells of my body, there was one smell that was really drivin’ me ‘round the bend! I’d been taught by Dad when I was real young how to keep my hood clean so that the smegma wouldn’t build up inside it. But since I ain’t been showering, the smegma and the smell of it had been building up under my hood. As I stroked my cock, movin’ my skin up and down, the scent of the build-up started to fill the room. Fuck! That’s raunchy! I wanted more!

I pulled the hood all the way down, holding the skin at the base of my hard cock so that the underside of my cockhead was exposed. The scent became really strong then. I took some of the white flecks on my finger and brought it to my nose. Fuck! The stink went right up my nose and about drove me wild! It was so nasty and raunchy, the real stink of a real male! I closed my eyes and just inhaled deeply of it and all a sudden, without even thinkin’ about it, I shoved my finger in my mouth and started tasting it!

The pungent, acrid burn of it hit my tongue and up inside my nose almost at the same time! Fuck! It tasted just like really stinky cheese! Now I finally understood why they call it ‘head cheese’. I always figured it was because it looked somewhat like cottage cheese - but it sure as fuck didn’t taste like that! No! This taste was way more strong - stronger than anything I’d ever tasted in my life! I loved it! I opened my eyes and took my finger and started gatherin’ up all the morsels of it that I could from my cock and bringin’ them to my mouth to savor as I continued to jack off.

When I’d gotten all the cock cheese I could find, I started playin’ with my balls again. I slid my finger down to play with my butt as well. I’d discovered how awesome playin’ with your butt could be when I was about 15. I was in the locker room one day after wrestling practice and overheard two other dudes on the team given each other some shit about butt-fuckin’. I’d never thought about fuckin’ a chick in the butt before but these dudes were talkin’ about fuckin’ another dude up the ass! They were sayin’ that the way one of the dude’s rode his opponent’s back during practice, he seemed to be wantin’ to shove his cock up his opponent’s butt!

Now, I figured they were lyin’! No dude, or chick for that matter, could take a fuckin’ cock up their hole! Shit! It was way too small for that! It would hurt like a bitch! But that night, while I was jackin’ before I went to sleep (I always have to jack at least once to get to sleep - otherwise my fuckin’ cock keeps me awake all night!) I decided to check it out. I took my finger and ran it into my butt-trench until I was fingerin’ my hole. I couldn’t believe how fuckin’ good it felt! Damn! Maybe there was somethin’ to this shit about butt-fuckin’ after all! I tried pushin’ my finger into my hole, but like I figured, it hurt way too much! So I learned just to play around the outside of my hole. That felt really good! So I kept doing that.

But this time, I decided that since I was gettin’ off on my own stink, there was one stink that was probably the most intense of all - my butt-stink! I could feel my ass was real wet and greasy. I was sweatin’ ‘cause it was a real hot day. I slowly brought the finger that had been in crack to my nose and was almost completely blown away by the smell! Holy Fuck!!! That was the most righteous stink I’d ever smelled! Dark, musky, pungent, strong! I instantly fell in love with the smell of my own butt! I went back for more! I ran my finger up and down my ass-crack several times gettin’ as much of the nasty smell on my finger as I could and then brought it back to my nose. I took a long, deep whiff of it and moaned out loud at the smell! FUCK!

Then my warped little brain got a brilliant idea! ‘Wanna get REALLY nasty? Taste it! Taste your own fuckin’ butt stink!’ my brain was telling me...well, the brain I thought with most of the time...the one in the little head! So I popped my finger in my mouth. As the stink of it rose up my nose, my tongue was tasting something tangy, musky, salty and maybe just a little bitter but it was great! I loved it! I especially loved the taste mixed with the really raunchy smell of it! I decided I wanted more!

I slid my now wet finger back down in my crack and started slidin’ it around. I was runnin’ it around my hole. I don’t know how it happened, maybe I was just relaxed or somethin’ but all of a sudden - my finger slipped right into my hole! Not only that - it felt GOOD! I pushed in and the farther I went, the better it fuckin’ felt! I touched somethin’ up inside me that was kinda hard and almost came from the feelings! FUCK! I started playin’ in my hole, runnin’ my finger in and out like I was fuckin’ myself and the feelings were overwhelming! I began to believe in butt-fuckin’!

As I lay there, snortin’ on the stink of my body, including the smells that were now coming from me fingerin’ my butt, my mind kinda drifted off in fantasies! I started fantasizing about this big, drippin’ cock, uncut, thick, leakin’ cock-snot and smellin’ of smegma! I fantasized jackin’ it, lickin’ it and then havin’ it rammin’ in my ass just like my fuckin’ finger was doin’! Fantasies like I’d never had in my whole fuckin’ life! I couldn’t figure out what cock it was I was fantasizin’ about. At first I thought it was my own, but it was bigger, had more hair around it. Blond hair....Oh, my fucking God! I was dreamin’ about my DAD’S COCK!!!

I no more realized that then my cock started blowin’ a huge load of spoonge! It was like I couldn’t stop cummin’! All over my face, down my chest and across my six-pack! I was blowin’ a load dreamin’ about my Dad fuckin’ me!

I lay there, spent and exhausted from the orgasm, my mind reeling! How could this be? What the fuck kinda pervert was I! Wantin’ my Dad to fuck me! Wantin’ to taste and smell his fuckin’ cock! I was completely weirded out by all this! But what made things worse fuckin’ cock wouldn’t go down! The more I thought about doin’ this shit with my Dad, the harder it seemed to get!

I couldn’t understand this! Was I queer? I’ll admit I like bein’ around guys more than chicks. Maybe that was the reason why. I started to think about my love for locker rooms. I began to realize that one of the things I loved about them was the smells of sweat and musk from other guys. And, yeah, I had to admit, I really had an appreciation for other’s guys’ well-developed bodies. And I always had a fascination with what their dicks looked like. I’d just always chocked that one up to ‘natural curiosity’ but maybe it was something more?

I lay there most of the afternoon trying to come to terms with all of this. I didn’t know what to do, who to talk to about it. The only person I trusted to talk to was Dad. And I couldn’t talk to him about this! Could I?!

Finally, exhausted from all of the emotional turmoil I was goin’ through, I fell asleep. I didn’t even bother to clean the cum from my body and I guess my hand was still holdin’ on to my hard cock because when I woke up, it was still wrapped around my hard nine inches.

What woke me up was Dad, standin’ in the open doorway of my room; just wearin’ a pair of old work jeans, lookin’ at me with a strange grin on his face. I knew it was nuts, but it almost looked like Dad was horny! Dad? Horny? Lookin’ at me?!

I grinned in embarrassment at the condition I was in.

“Hey! About time you woke up! I been callin’ your name for 10 minutes! Must have been some dream you were havin’!” Dad laughed, noting my ‘condition’.

Wonder what he’d say if I told him that my ‘dream’ had been of me suckin’ his cock and him fuckin’ me?!

“ was.” I said, hesitantly.

“Must have been! You shot off quite a load there! In fact, this room smells like you’ve let quite a few loads off!” Dad laughed. “And you must be really ripe, boy, ‘cause I can smell you all the way over here.”

“Well...okay, I ain’t taken a shower today.” I said, sitting up in the bed so my hardon wouldn’t be so obvious.

“From the smell, I would bet it was two or three days.” Dad grinned. “Don’t get me wrong. I ain’t bothered by it. Hell! You smell like the guys down at the job-site and I’m around them all day.”

At that point, Dad lifted his arm and snorted his own pit.

“I’m one to talk! I reek pretty good, too!” Dad said grinning at me.

I don’t know what got into me! It was one of those times (that I have WAY too often) when my mouth was running and neither of my brains were ‘in gear’! That’s the only explanation I have for what came out of it!

“I like the way you smell, Dad.” I said.

Oh, FUCK! What the fuck did I just say?! Oh, fuckin’ shit! How am I gonna explain that one!

“You do?” Dad said quietly as a slow grin spread across his face. “I gotta admit, so do I. I like when I stink like this - all smelly and sweaty. Why do you like it, Kevin?”

“ reminds me of when I was a little boy and you used to come home everyday from work and hug me and hold me. You smelled like that then.” I said.

“You miss me huggin’ you and holdin’ you, Kevin?” Dad asked quietly, searching my face for somethin’ but I didn’t know what.

“Yeah.” I said very quietly, my voice barely above a whisper and my face turned down so that I was lookin’ away from Dad. “I don’t know why you stopped. For a long time, I thought I’d done something wrong or somethin’.”

Dad came over and sat on the side of the bed. He reached out and took me in his arms. I felt his strong, muscular arms go around me and I smelled his strong scent surrounding me for the first time in so many years! With all the turmoil that was goin’ on inside me, my emotions just completely overwhelmed me and I threw my arms around him and started bawlin’ like a baby!!! Me, 18 years old and cryin’ in Daddy’s arms! I was so ashamed of myself! I just wanted a hole to open up and swallow me!

Dad didn’t say anything, he just held me in his arms, letting me get it all out of my system. I don’t know how long I cried. It felt like hours! I felt I was never goin’ to stop! I held onto him so tight, not wanting him to ever let go of me! I know it took a long while, but I finally was all ‘cried out’. I calmed down. I expected Dad, at that point, to let go of me, but he didn’t. He just kept holding me in his arms. I felt his head dip down and press his nose to my shoulder. I heard him breathe deep and somehow knew it was my scent that he was breathin’ in, my scent that he was after! I didn’t know why he was doin’ that. Maybe it was because I was doin the same thing to him. I was tryin’ to breathe in all of his scent that I could while he held me.

“You wanna talk about what’s botherin’ you?” Dad finally said his voice low and soft.

I guess I kinda ‘froze’ in his arms at that point. I knew he felt it. How could I talk to him about what was botherin’ me?! It was HIM that was botherin’ me - the way I felt about him, the way I was turned on to him, the way I wanted him! Fuck! My cock was rock hard and drippin’ just from bein’ this close to him! I didn’t know where this was comin’ from all of a sudden like this. Or maybe it wasn’t so ‘all of a sudden’? Maybe I’d always wanted this but repressed it or somethin’. I didn’t know! But how could I talk to him about it?

“I don’t know how.” I said honestly.

“What do you mean, Kev?” Dad asked and I could hear the concern in his voice which just made it harder! I didn’t want him to hate me and I knew he would if I told him.

“I don’t know how to talk about this. I’m afraid you’ll hate me if I do.” I said.

I didn’t know how to lie to him. I never have. If there’s one thing that Dad and I both believe in, it’s being honest.

“Kev, that can’t happen. I can never hate you! I love you. You’re my whole life. Whatever you’ve done, I’m not going to hate you for it.” he said.

“It isn’t something I’ve done.” I said quietly.

“Then what is it?” Dad asked, confusion showing in his voice.

I pulled out of his arms and got up off the bed. I walked over to the window of my room, my back to him. I couldn’t say this if I had to look at him or he was touching me.

“I...I think...well...I think that I’m gay.” Oh, Fuck! I’d said it! Somehow that made it true! And having said it, I could feel inside myself that it was true.

“Kev, why do you think that?” Dad asked quietly. His voice was soft. There was no shock, nor horror, no condemnation in it. Just a quiet request for the truth.

“Well...I’ve always kinda known that I didn’t like girls much. Didn’t like being around ‘em. I like being around guys more.” I said.

“There’s a lot of guys who feel that way without being gay, Kev.” Dad pointed out.

“I know that, Dad, but there’s more than that.” I said turning and facing him.

“Okay. What else, Kev?” Dad asked, smiling gently at me.

“Well...” I said, turning from him again. “I’ve really started to get into my own the smells and the tastes of it. I’m starting to discover that I like...well...some pretty raunchy things.” I said.

“Ain’t nothin’ wrong with that, Kev. I’ll admit that I like the way my body smells sometimes - especially when I’m all hot and sweaty. I kinda figured you like that, too, considering how ripe you are right now.” Dad said.

I quickly looked around to see if that was a criticism but Dad’s grin didn’t change so I guessed he was okay with it.

“Is that it, Kev?” he asked me.

“No.” I hung my head. “I’ve been getting into these fantasies about doin’ stuff with another guy.” I said quietly, not looking at him.

“What kinda stuff?” Dad asked, his voice low and hoarse.

“’ into the smells and tastes of his body...suckin’ his cock...havin’ him fuck me...” I stumbled to a stop. I’d said these things so quietly, I wasn’t sure if Dad heard them or not. Fuck! I barely heard them as I said them!

Dad didn’t say anything for a moment and then I heard his voice again. “Have you ever done any of those things with another guy?” he asked.

“No. I never have. I’ve only just begun to figure out that’s what I want to do!” I said, still not looking at him.

“Do you fantasize about guys when you jack off?” he asked.

“Yeah....yeah, I do.” I said.

“Is it some particular guy or just guys in general?” he asked.

I hesitated. How was I gonna answer this? How was I gonna tell my own fuckin’ father that he was the star of my jack-off fantasy? “Uhh...well...mostly...uhh....just one...just one guy...” I mumbled and turned around facing the window again.

I stood there trembling. I was so afraid that he was gonna ask who it was! I didn’t know what the fuck I would say at that point. I heard the bed creak behind me and Dad’s footfalls as he walked across the room. He walked up behind me and I could feel his body pressing against mine. His arms slipped around my waist and he drew me back tighter into him. I felt his hard cock press against my butt through his dirty work jeans. I could feel his sweaty chest against my back. I could smell his scent and my cock was bone hard and dripping. Suddenly I moaned because I felt his mouth on my shoulder, licking and biting at it! It was the most erotic thing I’ve ever felt in my life!

“If you want me to stop, just say so.” he murmured softly in my ear.

I didn’t know what was happening! I hadn’t told him, I know I hadn’t! Somehow he guessed, somehow he knew what I wanted, somehow he knew it was him that I wanted!

“Dad! Oh, fuck! Dad!” I groaned and felt my body go almost limp in his arms. I turned in his arms until we were looking into each other’s faces. “How did you know?” I asked.

“I didn’t for sure, Kev. It just all made sense though. I could see the hunger in your eyes when you were looking at me. Just like now.” he said, smiling.

“Does it show that bad?” I asked quietly, not taking my eyes from his.

“Yeah, Kev. It does.” he smiled. “Can’t you see it in my eyes?”

“ want me?” I asked. I couldn’t believe this! My Dad wanted me? Fuck!

“Trust me, I would never have told you. I didn’t want to hurt you or lose you. Frankly, I wondered for a long time if you were gay. I mean, I noticed that you didn’t date much - didn’t seem to enjoy it. And I noticed that you were always more at ease around other guys. But that didn’t mean anything. I waited for you to tell me.” he said.

“But are you gay, Dad?” I asked, not understanding what was really going on here.

“Well...yes and no. I guess you would say that I’m bisexual. I do prefer guys. Now, before you ask, no. Your mother didn’t know and, yes. I did love her. I loved her very much. So much, that I wasn’t interested in being involved with another woman after she...well...after she died.” Dad said.

“Have you had sex with other guys?” I asked.

“Yeah, I do. Quite a lot. A lot of different guys because I didn’t want to get involved with a guy either, because of you. I didn’t want you to have to be explaining why your Dad had a boyfriend.” he smiled.

“I’m sorry.” I said, really meaning it.

“Don’t be sorry! I told you. You’re my life. You have been since the day you were born. When they put you in my arms in the delivery room, I lost my heart to you. You are more important to me than anybody else in this world.” Dad said and gently went to kiss me in the forehead.

I reached up and grabbed his face before he could kiss me and held it in front of me. I moved in and gently kissed his lips. Not a long kiss. I didn’t quite know how he was gonna react to it. I pulled back and looked into his eyes.

“Are you sure, Kev? Are you sure this is what you want?” he asked.

“Yeah. I’m sure. I’m very sure.” I said, pushing my hard cock against his.

“I’m asking you because, once we cross this bridge, there’s no going back.” Dad said. “It can never be the way it was before.”

“Now that you know about me and I know about you, can anything be the way it was before?” I asked him.

“No, I guess not.” Dad smiled.

“Then I don’t see what the problem is.” I said.

“I guess you’re right. There’s no problem.” Dad said.

“Well...there is one...” I said.

“What?” Dad asked.

“You’ve got too many fuckin’ clothes on!” I grinned.

“Wanna do something about that?” Dad asked, grinning.

“I sure as fuck would!” I grinned back.

I gently pushed Dad back so that he took his arms from around me. I then sank to my knees and unbuttoned the top button of his jeans. I pulled down the zipper and pulled them open. Dad was, as usual, commando. Neither one of us liked underwear. Fuck! We didn’t like clothes so the less we had the wear the better!

I let Dad’s jeans slid down around his ankles and there it was! His cock! His hard, dripping stalk of man-meat! Then a thought hit me. I was looking at the cock that made me! Oh, fuck! That hit me like a fuckin’ hurricane! Fuck! It was that cock that fucked me into existence! I leaned forward and shoved my nose into Dad’s crotch. The strong, sweaty, raunchy scent hit me and I moaned out loud.

“Yeah! That raunchy enough for ‘ya, boy?” Dad growled.

I looked up, my nose still stuffed in his crotch.

“Fuck! Yeah! I love it!”

“Suck up all that stink you want, boy! It’s all for you!” Dad husked, his voice full of horniness.

I snorted loud and long of Dad’s sweaty, pissy crotch. The scent of his heavy male musk made me almost dizzy with horniness and desire. I not only wanted to sniff his crotch, I wanted to taste it! I began licking his crotch hair, tasting the saltiness of his sweat, the tang of his musk and the briny taste of dried piss. It was a combination that I had smelled on my own hands from my own crotch but never really tasted. Now that I did, I couldn’t get enough of it! Within a few minutes, Dad’s crotch was a sloppy mess of my spit. But I was just gettin’ started!

I moved down until my nose was pressed against his sweaty, hairy balls. Fuck! The man-funk of his furry sack was strong and raunchy! It was different from the rest of his groin. A darker, richer scent and one that drove me into a total fuck-lust! I breathed deep of the scent and then began licking at the furry sack. Dad started moaning as my tongue laved his balls in my spit. The taste of his nuts was tangy and salty. It was the taste of a ‘man’! I was surrounded by man-stink and lovin’ every moment of it.

Before I could move on from Dad’s balls, however, he had some other ideas. He reached down and grabbed me under the arms, draggin’ me to my feet.

“That’s enough of that for now, boy.” he growled. “Time for Daddy to have some fun.”

I grinned at him. I didn’t know what the fuck he had in mind, but whatever it was, it was fine with me! Well, almost...I didn’t realize what it was he had planned.

“You know, boy, I never did punish you for that fuckin’ stupid stunt you pulled.” he said, his voice low and mean.

“No, Dad.” I gulped.

“What the fuck do you think I should do to ‘ya, huh?” he growled.

“Whatever you want, Daddy.” I said quietly.

Then it hit me. I hadn’t called him ‘Daddy’ since I was a fuckin’ little kid! All of a sudden, I felt like I was just that - a snot-nosed little rug-rat. And there was somethin’ very good about feelin’ like that!

“Yeah, that’s right boy. I’m your ‘Daddy’ and just like I used to, I think it’s time I busted your fuckin’ ass again for your misbehavior.” Dad said and with that, he kicked off his jeans so that he was naked.

He pulled out the desk chair that was next to my bed and put it in the middle of the room in the open. Dad sat down in the chair and patted his leg with his hand.

“Come ’ere boy! Lay your fuckin’ butt across Daddy’s lap. Time for a spankin’. That ought to set you straight!” Dad said.

I couldn’t fuckin’ believe this! Here I was, 18 years old and my old man was going to give me a spanking! Fuck! This just couldn’t be happenin’! But it was real fuckin’ obvious that the Old Man was serious as fuck! He was gonna fuckin’ bust my ass! Luckily, he must have been goin’ to use his hand because he didn’t pull the belt outa his jeans!

I didn’t know what else to do! I laid across his spread legs, my fuckin’ butt in the air and waited to have him beat my fuckin’ ass!

“Yeah! Let’s see how red I can make that pretty butt of yours.” Dad said as his hand slowly stroked across my smooth bubble butt.

The feeling of his hand was arousing. It swirled gently over the skin of my butt, making circles. Then, without any warning...

SMACK! Dad’s hand came down on my right butt cheek with a resounding slap of his open hand. It caught me completely by surprise and I cried out!


“Oww? The little boy said ‘Oww’? I’ll fuckin’ give you ‘Oww’!” Dad growled and his hand came down again.

SMACK! Harder this time, and on my left butt cheek! This time I merely grunted, having expected the contact of his hand with my butt. SMACK!! SMACK! Two rapid hits to my butt, one on each cheek! Harder than the other two had been. Dad was starting to really warm up to this and I could feel my butt-cheeks gettin’ warm as well!

SMACK!!! SMACK!!! Again, one slap to each cheek and harder than any previous ones.


Now Dad set up a rhythm, smacking one ass cheek and then the other, warmin’ my fuckin’ tail like he’d never done before. I began to realize how much he had to hold back when I was little and he would spank me. If he had hit my butt with this force when I was 4 or 5, I still wouldn’t be able to sit down!

As Dad continued to methodically wail on my ass, somethin’ started happenin’ that I could not explain. My fuckin’ cock started to rise! Not only rise but get as hard as I could ever remember it bein’ and drippin’ cock-snot like a leaky faucet! I looked down and could see a puddle of my fuckin’ juice on the floor between Dad’s legs! I didn’t want to admit it to myself but it looked like I’d discovered yet another fuckin’ ‘kink’ - I fuckin’ was gettin’ off on my old man beatin’ my fuckin’ ass!

But that wasn’t all! I kept feelin’ something pokin’ my gut and hittin’ my own hard rod. At first, I couldn’t tell what it was, but suddenly it dawned on me - there was only one thing it could be! My Dad’s cock! Dad was as hard as I was! And there was only on thing that could have caused that. My Dad was fuckin’ gettin’ off on beatin’ my ass! I couldn’t believe it at first but then I looked down between his legs again and that puddle down on the floor of cock-snot wasn’t all mine! Dad’s fuckin’ cock was so hard, it was drippin’ on the floor as well! Fuck!


The rhythmic beatin’ of my butt by Dad’s hand continued. Now I started moaning! Not just because my butt was gettin’ really sore but because my cock was so hard and the fuckin’ smacks were makin’ me hornier than fuck! I didn’t believe it could happen but I was close to fuckin’ cummin’ just from havin’ my ass spanked! This wasn’t fuckin’ possible! No way that my Dad could fuckin’ beat a load of cum outa me just by wailin’ on my ass!


Oh, fuck! I could feel myself going over edge! The harder that Dad smacked my ass, the stronger the tingles that shot though my fuckin’ balls and into my cock! This couldn’t be fuckin’ happenin’! Oh! Fuck! I couldn’t hang on! Dad’s hand came down and smacked against my ass and...

“AHH!!!... FUCK!!!” I screamed as my fuckin’ cock began to unload, untouched and unbidden.

My white, creamy spooge shot out, drenching my Dad’s leg and thigh, as well as creating a splatter pattern on the floor! I don’t think I’ve ever cum that much at one time in my entire life! And considering the fact that I’d already cum twice that day, it was nothing short of monumental!

My outburst caught my Dad by complete surprise, just as it had me. He stopped as I convulsed on his lap, my hips thrusting my cock into the open air between his legs as I delivered volley after volley of hot boy-cum. I think it took Dad a few minutes to figure out what the fuck was goin’ on with me. By the time he did, I had collapsed over his lap, my cock still drooling cum but the orgasm having wiped me out!

Dad’s hands now were softly rubbing my back and my ass. My ass was sore but tingled at the touch of his hand, gently smoothing my red, hot butt-cheeks.

“Fuck, boy! Did you cum?” Dad asked quietly.

“Yes, Daddy.” I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

“Shit! I had no idea that I could do that to ya!” Dad said in awe.

“I didn’t either.”

Dad lifted me up off his lap and told me to lay face down on my bed. He went into the bathroom and came back with some salve that contained some kind of topical anesthetic because it immediately cooled my burning butt-cheeks and then almost immediately numbed them so that I could feel almost nothing. Dad very gently massaged the stuff into my ass, making my butt feel really good but also making my cock begin to bone again.

As Dad massaged my butt, he started spreadin’ my cheeks apart, evidently looking at my butt-trench and hole. I knew from my own exploration that my butt-crack is nearly hairless and that my butt hole is a dusky rose color. I also know that my own butt-scent is rank and raunchy and, therefore, a tremendous turn on to me. Evidently to Dad, too, because the next thing I could hear was him sniffin’ deep and, lookin’ back over my shoulder, I could see that it was my fuckin’ crack he had his nose shoved in sniffin’!

“Yeah! Fuck, yeah! Smell my ass, Daddy! Smell your boy’s butt! You like how it stinks?! You like my butt funk? Huh, Daddy! You like the way your boy’s butt smells?!”

I don’t know where all this trash came from that was comin’ out of my mouth, but evidently it turned Dad on all to hell because he was moanin’ and really snortin’ my crack the whole time!

“Oh, fuck! Yeah! I love your crack, boy! I love the way it fuckin’ smells!” Dad groaned as he snorted deeply of my butt-scent.

I didn’t know where this was fuckin’ goin’. All I knew was my cock was bone hard beneath me and I was really gettin’ off on Dad smellin’ my butt. It was Dad that took the next step, one I never even imagined! All of a sudden, I felt something wet and wiggly sliding through my trench! I looked back to see my Dad fuckin’ lickin’ my fuckin’ butt!

“Ahh! FUCK!!!” I moaned. “Yeah! Lick my butt! Eat my fuckin’ hole! Lick out my stinkin’ ass!”

Dad took me at my word and began to lave his tongue up and down my crack. As his tongue slid over my sensitive hole, I moaned in need - the need to feel his tongue licking at my hole! Dad seemed to understand that need because I felt his tongue circling my opening and then his mouth locked to my hole and began to gently suck on it. His tongue, at the same time, made like a spear and pushed at the opening to my ass. I don’t know where I got the idea, but I pushed down on my ass muscles like I was taken a shit and I could feel my hole loosen and then Dad’s tongue begin to slide inside me!

“FUCK!!! YEAH!!! Eat out my hole! Fuck me with your tongue! Eat all my nasty ass!” I screamed out.

Dad’s tongue began to move rapidly in and out of my hole, just like a small, wet cock fucking me. I loved the feeling! The more he did it, the more relaxed my hole became! But the more he tongue-fucked me, the more my ass started to crave something bigger inside it!

Dad provided that by adding one of his thick, blunt fingers to my butt-hole. Sliding it inside me on his saliva and my ass-juices, he slowly slid it completely up my ass. Then he began moving it in and out, finger-fucking me until my ass was uncontrollably pushing back to get more and more of his finger up inside me. I heard my Dad chuckle deep in his throat at this sluttish reaction from me. I didn’t fuckin’ care! I was feelin’ shit I’d never felt in my whole fuckin’ life and I was lovin’ every minute of it!

Because it was my Dad, I could let myself completely go! I trusted him beyond anyone else in the world not to hurt me in any way. I knew that whatever we did, he would always take care of me. I knew he loved me and I wanted the chance to show him just how much I loved - and wanted - him!

“Ahh! Yeah! Fuck me! Please! Fuck me, Daddy! Fuck your boy’s ass!” I begged.

“You want my fuckin’ cock in your ass, boy? You want Daddy to fuck that slut hole of yours, make you my pussy-boy? Huh? Is that what you want?” he demanded.

“Fuck yeah! Shove your fuckin’ cock up my ass! Fuck me like a fuckin’ slut! Use my ass like a pussy! I want it! I need it! Gimme your fuckin’ cock!” I begged.

“If you want my cock, boy, you need to fuckin’ taste it first!” Dad said and got up off the bed.

He never took his finger out of my butt, just moved around to where his hard ten inches were right before my eyes. His cock looked huge! I had second thoughts about takin’ his huge fuckin’ boner up my shit-chute but then I moved my face closer and smelled it! Fuck! I could smell the sweat and dried piss but beyond that, I could smell the heavy scent of smegma coming from his hood! Like I said before, Dad was uncut like me. I could smell the man-stink of smegma comin’ from the ruffled lips of his foreskin. I knew it had been a while since my Dad had cleaned it out because nobody got THAT heavy a smell of cock-cheese unless it built up over time! I knew. Mine was just gettin’ to the rank level of ripeness and I hadn’t cleaned out my hood in three days.

I reached out and skinned down his foreskin until it pulled away from his dickhead and exposed the creamy, stinkin’ smegma that I loved! I pulled on his cock, moving my nose towards it as the same time until my nose brushed up against Dad’s hardon. I moaned as my nose was filled with the very male, very ripe and raunchy stink of Dad’s cockhead. Fuck! I snorted his cock-stink, breathing deep and moaning as I did so.

“Yeah, you like that fuckin’ cheese, don’tcha boy? I bet you’d like to taste that fuckin’ smegma, wouldn’t you?” Dad growled as he watched me snortin’ his stink.

“Fuck, yeah! I want all your fuckin’ cock-stink!” I moaned and licked out with my tongue, gathering some of the creamy raunch on it.

The pungent flavor of the ripe head-cheese burst in my mouth while the stink rose up my nose like smoke! I loved it. It was riper, more mature, heavier than my own that I’d licked from my fingers. This was a man’s raunch! Seasoned, mature, heavy! I loved it. I pulled his cock back to my mouth and, putting my mouth over his cockhead, began licking all the built-up gunk from under his flange. He moaned deep in his throat as my tongue teased his cock. Beyond the headcheese, I was also getting a mouthful of his cock-snot. Saltier than mine but with a sweetness that was somewhat the same. I loved it, too! I wondered what my Dad’s cum tasted like? I figured I would love that as well! I loved everything that came from his cock!

Now, that thought brought me up short! Everything? There was one thing that came from his cock I hadn’t thought about before. I tasted the remnants of some of it in his crotch hair but...what about his piss?! My head was suddenly filled with this picture of me, my mouth open and my Dad pissin’ in it like I was a urinal or somethin’! This was the grossest, most disgusting thing I’d ever imagined and I immediately wanted to do it! Every time I thought I’d gone as kinky as I could go - another door seemed to open and I discovered something even nastier that turned me on! Could I go through with it? Could I really drink Dad’s piss? Would he even let me?

I didn’t really have time to contemplate this. Dad, by now was diggin’ two fingers in my asshole and I was moaning like a two-dollar whore, wantin’ more and more for my ass to be filled with somethin’ bigger! Dad, however, abruptly pulled his fingers out of my hole and his cock out of my mouth.

“I got to get somethin’, boy. You just stay there.” he ordered.

Like I was goin’ anywhere with this fuckin’ bracelet on my fuckin’ ankle rattin’ me out if I so much as leave the fuckin’ house?! Not hardly! Dad was back in a minute with a bottle in his hand. I looked at it questioningly.

“Lube. I don’t wanna fuck you dry the first time! They’d hear your fuckin’ screams halfway down the fuckin’ block!” Dad grinned.

He pulled open one cheek of my butt and put the spout of the bottle right at my fuckhole and squeezed. I could feel the cold liquid going in my ass and I gasped.

“Sorry, guess it’s colder than I thought. Don’t worry, I’ll warm it the fuck up for ya!” Dad said.

He then coated two of his fingers with the stuff and they slid into my butthole real easy! He started really fuckin’ me with his fingers and I moaned at the good feelings in my ass! Fuck! My ass-pussy was so hot! I needed fucked, and I needed fucked right the fuck NOW!

Dad wasn’t done gettin’ me ready, though. The next thing I knew, he added another finger until three of his huge, long, thick fingers were workin’ in and out of my ass. He also took to spreadin’ them, forcing my hole to open even further. I loved the feeling of him spreadin’ my ass-lips and moaned as my butt pushed back to eagerly be penetrated by them.

“Yeah, you fuckin’ want this bad, don’tcha boy? You wanna get fucked! That fuckin’ boy-pussy of yours is just suckin’ at my fingers, beggin’ for something bigger!” Dad leaned down and cooed softly in my ear.

“Oh, fuck! Yeah! Please fuck me! Gimme your cock! Shove that Daddy cock up my fuckin’ ass!” I begged.

“Fuck, yeah, boy! I’m gonna take your cherry! Ain’t had me no boy-cherry in a long damn time! I’m gonna really enjoy splittin’ your tail open!” he growled.

He pulled his fingers from my butt and I felt him adding more lube to my hole. Then I heard the slurping sound of him lubing up that huge man-splitter of his before I felt the blunt knob of it, knockin’ at my back-door. I don’t know how Dad intended to enter me. I didn’t give him any choice! My ass was so hungry to be filled, I just pushed right the fuck back on his cock and it slid completely inside me in one, long glide! We both ended up moaning at the same time.

“AHH!!! FUCK!!!” I groaned as his cock slid home in my butt for the first time!

“FUCK!!!” Dad moaned at the feeling of my ass gobbling up his cock.

I won’t say there wasn’t any pain! Shit! At first it hurt like fuckin’ hell! But it hurt so good! Dad grabbed hold of me and held me in place so that I couldn’t move. Gradually, my shit-chute relaxed and the pain went completely away. All that was left was the incredible feeling of fullness! A fullness unlike any I’d ever felt in my life! I was filled up with Daddy’s cock and I loved it! I thought this would be the ultimate! Little did I realize how my entire perception of life and pleasure was about to change!

If you’ve never been fucked up the ass by a man’s cock, there is no fuckin’ way in hell to describe what it feels like. It is nothin’ like fuckin’! I don’t care how many asses or pussies you’ve fucked in your life, you have no fuckin’ idea of what bein’ fucked is like! And you might never want to know what it feels like because you just may never be able to get your fill of it! When Dad started pullin’ his cock back out of my butt and then slammin’ it back in, I thought I had fuckin’ died and gone to heaven! All I could do was lay there and groan at the incredible feelings that were going through my body! The only thing I could voice was my desire for more!

“Fuck me! Oh yeah! Fuck me, Daddy! Fuck you boy! Fuck me HARD! Really fuck me HARD! HARDER! PLEASE!!!” I begged.

“You want it harder, slut?! You want your Daddy’s cock tearin’ up your pussy, huh, slut?! You love that cock in your ass, don’tcha boy?! You want it harder? I’ll give it to you harder, slut!” Dad growled at me as he fucked harder and harder into my hole!

Dad fucked me harder than I’d ever fucked anybody in my life. I doubt if any girl I’d ever fucked could take being fucked as hard as my Dad fucked me! But I could take it and was still beggin’ for more! Dad gave me all he had, piledriven that fuckin’ cock of his into my shit-hole, power-fuckin’ my boy-pussy until I was a quivering mass of electrified nerves! I didn’t even realize I was on the verge of shootin’ my nut until it was too late to try and stop or hold back. I came screamin’ while my Dad continued to plow my hole with his big dick!

“AHHH!!! FUCK!!!” I screamed as my cock shot its load of teen-cum all over the bed beneath me.

“Yeah! Get it, boy! Get your nut! Fuckin’ cum on your Daddy’s cock fuckin’ you!” Dad exclaimed as I shot my load of spoonge.

He didn’t stop though! He kept right on poundin’ my shit-chute with his man-rammer, not carin’ if I came or not! I could feel his balls slappin’ into me every time his cock slammed up my shit-hole. Harder and harder, faster and faster he fucked me. I didn’t know where he got the stamina for this, but I was sure grateful for it - wherever it came from. Before I knew it, my cock, which had never gone soft for a second, tingled with the wave of a new orgasm!

I wanted to feel more of Daddy’s cock in my ass so I started squeezin’ my ass muscles to get more of the feelin’ of his cock fuckin’ the shit outa my ass. The results of this were almost immediate!

“Ahh, yeah!” Dad screamed. “Tighten that fuckin’ hole! Fuckin’ milk my cock with your shit-hole! Fuck! You’ve got the best hole I ever fucked, boy! The hole I fuckin’ made! Suckin’ on my fuckin’ cock! Wantin’ my load! Wantin’ me to fuck you full of the cum that made you!”

That thought hit my brain like a run-away freight train! ‘The cum that made me!’ FUCK! This was my Dad fuckin’ me! The man who fucked my mom to bring me into existence! His cum, that had made me, was gonna be dumped into the asshole that it helped make! The thought was too much for me! I screamed out and dumped another heavy load of my own baby-batter on the wet bed below me!

“AHHH!!! FUCK!!! FUCK ME!!! FUCK MY ASS!!!” I screamed as I came.

I guess this was enough for Dad because almost as soon as my cock started belching out spoonge, I could feel him slam into me and his cock begin to twitch in my butt!

“FUCK!!! TAKE MY LOAD!!! FUCKIN’ YOU IN YOUR SHIT-HOLE, BOY!!!” Dad screamed as he pumped load after load of his Daddy-cum up my ass.

Dad shot so much that I could feel it leakin’ outa my hole and runnin’ down my balls! FUCK! My Dad could shoot a load! I lay there, collapsed, unable to move. Two gut-wrenching orgasms had completely done me in - but not Dad! He slid his cock outa my shit-chute and I could feel him movin’ behind me. I wasn’t sure what he was doin’ until I felt his hands pull my butt-cheeks apart and felt his tongue lickin’ up and down my nasty trench again. His mouth locked to my loose hole and I could feel him exerting sucking pressure to it. For a moment I wondered what the fuck he was doin’ and then I remembered the only thing I liked about fuckin’ a girl, goin’ down on her afterwards and suckin’ my cum outa her pussy! Dad was doin’ the same thing - suckin’ his load outa my ass!

His tongue and mouth felt so good on my ravaged hole, soothing away any soreness from the very rough fuck he’d given me. I moaned at the wonderful feelings he was sending through my butt. I was sorry when he finally stopped but then he crawled up over me until he was near my mouth. He pulled my head to his and kissed me deeply! I’d never kissed another guy before and here I was, suckin’ face with my own Dad! But Dad had a big surprise for me!

This kiss was nasty! When I opened my mouth to him, his tongue shoved a load of his cum flavored with my assjuice into my mouth! FUCK! What a nasty, raunchy thing to do! And, of course, I loved it! I loved the taste of his cum! Strong, masculine, salty. So much more so than mine. And the tang of my assjuice really set me off! I was moanin’ into his mouth, my tongue licking all over inside his mouth tryin’ to get at every last drop of the rank treat. When there was no more to be had, I looked into his eyes as I pulled my mouth from his.

“Gimme your cock!” I begged.

He rose up to his knees, presenting his half hard cock covered in his cum and my ass juices. I immediately went to work, slurping off all the taste treats I could find, finally taking his entire cock into my mouth and sucking off every last remnant of my hole! Finally, Dad pulled his cock from my mouth, too sensitive to have me workin’ on it anymore.

“Whew! That’s enough for now, boy! I gotta piss!” Dad informed me.

My eyes must have lit up because Dad looked at me funny. “What?” he asked, I think almost afraid to have me answer.

“I want it!” I said.

“Want what? My cock?” Dad asked, not gettin’ it yet.

“I want your piss!” I said, not knowing where the fuck I got the balls to openly ask for it.

“Fuck!” Dad exclaimed, shaking his head. “You sure, boy?”

“Fuck, yeah I’m sure! I want your fuckin’ rank piss!” I repeated.

“Well, I ain’t gonna piss on you in bed! Get the fuck up and get in the fuckin’ shower.” Dad said.

I hopped up off the bed and ran into the bathroom. I got into the shower and stood there. I didn’t really know what to do. I’d never done this - never even thought of doin’ it! I looked at Dad when he walked into the room. I guess he could see the kind of lost look on my face.

“Get down on your knees, boy.” he said and then stepped into the shower with me.

He took his cock in his hand and held it. It only took a moment and then his golden piss burst out of his piss slit and hit me square in the chest! The pressure and the heat of it surprised me at first. The smell of it was enticing and I loved the feeling of his hot piss cascading down my body, across my abs, through my pubic hair and dripping off my cock. I looked up at Dad and gave him a horny grin which he returned.

“So you’re a fuckin’ little piss-pig, too!” he grinned.

“Fuck, yeah!” I grinned back, not really even knowin’ what he meant by that.

As his piss continued to flow, I decided that I had to taste it! I had to fulfill my fantasy of such a short time ago. I had to take Dad’s pissing cock into my mouth and drink his fuckin’ piss! I bent down to where the hot piss was flowing from his spout and slowly moved forward, my mouth open until the stream began to flow into me. I tasted piss for the first time and it wasn’t near as bad as I expected. A little on the rank side but salty/sweet as well. I pulled back and swallowed what was in my mouth. Dad stopped pissin’ and looked down at me.

“You like it?” he asked.

I looked up, my face piss-covered and grinning. “Fuck, yeah! Gimme more! I wanna drink all your piss!” I begged.

“Yeah, you want Daddy’s piss, boy? You wanna be Daddy’s urinal?” Dad teased me, wavin’ his cock at me with his hand.

“Fuck, yeah! I want your piss, Daddy! Make me your urinal! I wanna drink all your hot, stinkin’ piss!” I begged again.

He put his hand on the back of my head and pushed it towards his groin as his other hand held his cock. “Here it is boy. Daddy’s fuckin’ cock. Drink Daddy’s piss for him. Yeah! Drink a man’s piss!”

And saying this, his flow started again as he put his cock inside my mouth. I closed my lips around it and began swallowing his hot, golden piss right from his cock. I noticed that the flow had slowed considerably from before. Evidently, Daddy was holding back, letting his piss out slowly so I would have an easier time drinking it. I knelt there, nursing on his pissing cock like a baby nursin’ on a woman’s tit. I knelt there what felt like a long time, suckin’ down every drop of Dad’s piss. His hand stayed on my head, gently strokin’ me as I drank. It was the most incredibly intimate act that I had ever experienced! Even more than Dad fucking me! When he’d emptied all his piss in me, I gently began to suck on his cock. He pulled it out of my mouth, however and turned around.

There, before my eyes, was my Dad’s ass! A magnificent sight if there ever was one! My Dad’s ass was everything that a man’s ass should be! Lightly furred with blond hair, round and firm like twin basketballs with a cleavage between the cheeks that I was eager to bury my nose in! Dad bent over and reached back with his hands, pulling his cheeks apart so that his whole fuckin’ ass-trench and hole were visible to me.

“Smell my ass, boy! Shove your nose in my crack and smell my ass!” Dad groaned.

I moved forward and did exactly what he told me to do! Fuck! It was ripe and raunchy! The man-smells coming from his ass just about knocked me out but they were so enticing I couldn’t pull away! I moved my nose up and down his furred crack, snorting down as much of his stink as I could until I was almost hyperventilating.

“Yeah! That’s it! Smell my fuckin’ ass, boy! Really get your nose filled with my stink!” Dad moaned as he heard me snorting loudly.

“You like my stink, boy?” Dad asked me.

“Oh! Fuck, yeah! I love your fuckin’ raunchy stink, Dad!” I groaned.

“Then taste my fuckin’ stink, boy! Lick your Daddy’s ass! Clean out my shit-hole, boy!” Dad ordered.

I immediately started runnin’ my tongue up and down his ass-crack, tasting all the tangy, spicy and tart flavors in his crack. The closer I got to his wrinkly hole, the stronger the flavors and the smell became. Now there was even some bitterness to the taste which only added to the thrill. I licked and lapped at his hole until finally I locked my lips around it and started sucking on it, pulling his ass-lips into my mouth and caressing them with my tongue. I pushed against his hole with my tongue and felt it open and allow my tongue to slide into the inner recesses of his ass! The idea that my tongue was up inside my Dad’s ass was mind-boggling to me! I was lost to the scent and flavors of his ass! My tongue was licking deep inside his hole, tasting the tart, tangy bitterness there - sliding my tongue against the smooth wall of his sphincter. I don’t know how long I would have stayed there but Dad pulled away from my ass-sucking mouth and stood up, turning around to face me.

He looked down at me, my tongue hangin’ out, my cock hard between my legs and smiled.

“You gotta piss, boy?” he asked calmly.

Did I have to piss? Fuck, yeah, I had to piss! I just came twice! Of course I had to piss but so what?! Why was Dad askin’ me this? Wait a minute! Did Dad? Nah! Couldn’t be?! Huh?!

I looked at him with what had to be a very stupid look on my face because he started laughin’. “Don’t look at me like that, boy! You think you’re the only guy on the face of the earth who likes to drink piss?” he laughed.

FUCK! My mind was in a tailspin! Dad - my Dad - likes to drink piss? Well, why the fuck not?! I evidently liked it! “ wanna drink my piss?” I asked, hesitantly.

“Fuck, yeah, boy! Can’t let you have all the fun!” he grinned as he got to his knees.

I stood up, my cock still harder than fuck! I knew I could piss through a hardon, though. I did so a lot of mornings in the shower when the damned thing wouldn’t go down and I was late to school so I couldn’t jack off a load.

Dad reached up and pulled my cock towards his mouth but then stopped before putting his mouth on it. I thought maybe he was having second thoughts about this but instead, he slid my hood back and began licking all the smegma from under my cock head.

“Oh, fuck! Yeah! Lick up all that smelly shit! Fuck!” I moaned as Dad continued to clean the head of my cock.



11 Gay Erotic Stories from Rimpig

Bath House Virgin

Disclaimer: This story is true. It actually happened on Saturday, February 8, 2003. BATH HOUSE VIRGIN by RimPig (c) 2003 It doesn’t happen often, but every rare ‘once in a while’, especially if you go to the baths as frequently as I do, you run into someone who has never been in a bath in their lives. Who knows what finally brings them? The lure of abandoning themselves to their own inner

Carolina Rest Stop

by RimPig ¨ 2003 It was late, around midnight. My friend Anne and I had been to the antique shows in Brimfield, MA and had come down through New York City to Washington, D.C. to go to the Smithsonian. It was also my one and only experience with “The Wall”. I never wanted to go back again. The way that it affected me emotionally was something I didn’t want to experience again. We started

Construction Worker's Son, Part 1

by RimPig (c) 2002 I guess I was about 12 when I first started noticing that all my jack off fantasies were about guys. I know now that this is not unusual. But I didn’t then. By the time I was 14, I pretty well figured out that I was probably not ever going to be as attracted to girls as I was to guys - if I was ever going to be attracted to girls at all, which I doubted. Okay, so I was

Construction Worker's Son, Part 2

by RimPig (c) 2002 I woke up very early the next morning. My cock was harder than hell and I needed to piss really badly. I guess having all of Dad’s piss from last night plus my own, really put a strain on my bladder. Plus the fact, that when I woke up my nose was in my Dad’s raunchy pit and smelling his pit-funk from yesterday. God! There’s no fucking better way to wake up than with my body

Construction Worker's Son, Part 2

by RimPig (c) 2002 - ( There we stood, me with my cock up Joe’s ass and Randy with is cock up mine! BUSTED!!! Dad stood there rubbing his hard cock and grinning--a very horny grin. I knew that he was just figuring which hole he’d like to plug that monster into. I have to admit, I sure hoped it was mine! “I should dock you all’s pay for fucking around. But I think I know

Construction Worker's Son, Part 4

by RimPig (c) 2002 ( The ride to Josh’s place took a while. Just like a couple of love-sick teens, we held hands the whole way. Even when Josh had to shift, he just put both our hands on the stick shift. It was exciting riding in the old “muscle car”. The roar of the V-8 engine and the blaring rock music from the killer CD system in the car prevented any real conversation.

Construction Worker's Son, Part 5

by RimPig (c) 2002 ( Now you might think that the rest of the night Josh and I fucked each other like rabbits. Well...we did make love to each other a couple of more times. But that was like icing on the cake. What we did do was talk. It was after I fucked him and pissed in his ass that we went to the shower room and I drank all of my piss and cum from his butt. He almost

Construction Worker's Son, Part 6

by RimPig (c) 2002 ( At Dad’s announcement of his horniness, both Josh and I leaned over and kissed Dad at the same time. It was a messy, sloppy, three-way kiss, but it was exciting for each of us. Dad reached down under my balls and started fingering my hole. I knew what he wanted. And I wanted it, too. Despite having that magnificent cock of Josh’s up my tail all weekend,

Construction Worker's Son, Part 7

by RimPig (c) 2002 ( The rest of the week became a simple routine: work, and then maybe a few beers with Dad and then home--to one home or the other. The every other day thing didn’t pan out. Dad was right, it seemed too regimented. We just played it by ear, and everybody concerned seemed happy about it. It was interesting sleeping with Josh in my old bed at Dad’s house. It

Construction Worker's Son, Part 8

by RimPig (c) 2002 ( When we woke up, Josh and I continued to lay in each other’s arms on his bed in the room he grew up in. There was not greater pleasure, to me, than waking up in Josh’s arms. To feel and smell his body close to mine. We talked quietly about nothing in particular. “God! I wished I’d known you when we were young. I bet we would have been friends then.” I

Speed Freak, Part 1

SPEED FREAK, by RimPig ¨ 2003 I’m not a bad guy; Maybe a little wild. Okay... a lot wild. I’m a real speed freak! No! Not the kind of speed that you snort or shoot in your veins! The kind you get in a real hot car or on a really hot motorcycle! Anything that goes fast, I love it! Even as a little kid. Used to ride my bike down the steepest and most dangerous hills I could find. Some people


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