Gay Erotic Stories

Dominic's Role Model, Part 2

by Dababyboi4ya

"You know what Dom its late and I know your Mom is asleep so why don't you just crash at my place." He suggested.

"Oh okay if you say so," I replied" will your mom care?" I knew she didn't care cuz Chris and I had stayed at his house on many weekends, I’d just never spent the night!

When we reached Chris' house we both hopped out of the car. He went to the trunk to get his books and I went to his door and began to knock. When the door opened Darius stood there in a wife beater and boxers, I was in complete amazement!

"Sup punk, you gonna come in or stand there wit your mouth open, you better close it fore I fill it with something." Darius blurted.

"Shut yo ass up fore I hit you in the eye," I replied.

Darius was Chris' older brother, he was about 6'0, Golden caramel complexion, with a body that was so perfect it alone made me horny, he always had a bulge no matter where or when, which only leads me to believe that he’s got the cock of my dreams. He and I were also close, he was the type of friend you always argue with, and get sarcastic with. Darius unlike Chris always flirted though, but I always thought he was just joking, because he came across as the straightest of the straight! Darius is the type of thug/jock that seems to be strictly a girl lover! At least I thought so then...but that’s a different story, and whoa are there details.

"Move asshole," blurted Chris.

We walked into the house and proceeded to Chris' room. When we reached Chris' room, he closed and locked his door, then checked it to make sure it was locked. This was unlike him, who usually left it wide open!

He turned from the door and smiled, "Let’s watch some TV."

We sat on his bed and began watching some show on MTV, I didn’t even pay attention, my mind was wandering the entire time! I wondered what in the world I could do to make him notice me, and even attempt to make a move, so I took off my pants and shirt and stood there in a white tank top and tight shorts that fit like biker shorts. The attire I wore made my arm, leg, and ass muscles bulge and flare, as I watched myself in his mirror; I was ripped with such precision that Id even been asked to model numerous times! This sight made me even hotter. I looked at my butt, and it stuck out with such grace that when I looked at Chris in the mirror he, not aware i noticed him, began to lick his sensual, cherry red lips.

I didn't want to move to fast or let him know I knew he was into me, so I sat down on the bed, popping my butt as I did.

"Damn it’s hot," I moaned as I sexually rubbed my ripped chest through the tank top.

He sat staring for a minute, mouth open, and then he turned to me

"You look like you need this Dick, I-I mean you're gonna take this dick Boy!"

I looked at him biting my glistening sexy red lips, "You mean this one," I whispered as I placed my hand on the bulge in his shorts

"Aahhhhh," he moaned, "yeah, that one."

I once heard that he longer you make him anticipate so I began to make him wait!

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked rubbing the bulge.

"Yes, oh yeah." he replied with his eyes closing as he threw his head back and grunted with pleasure.

Continuing in the spirit of anticipation, I got up and proceeded to sit on his lap, the bulge lined my ass, as I grinded it, but we both still had our shorts on.

"Let me fuck you Dom," he said frustrated.

"Will it fit? It seems so big!" I blurted on as I grinded it, it was getting harder by the minute and he wanted to fuck me!

Suddenly he stood, threw me to the bed, and stripped, "I'm gonna make it fit BOY and you're gonna do what I tell you to do."

He ripped my tank top off and pulled the shorts to my knees as I lay ass up on my stomach, the sight of my smooth, muscular, voluptuous ass made him fully erect instantly and I was truly worried that it may be too big; it was 11 inches and thick as the perfect cucumber. Though worried I lay silent awaiting his orders.

"Lay on your bac,k" he I did.

As I did, he grabbed my ankles and pushed them up over my head.

"Uuughhh!" I groaned as he did.

He then proceeded with a look of determination to suck his pointer finger.

He then wiped the precum from his cockhead placed my ankles on his shoulder and began to finger me using his precum as a lubricant.

"Aaaghhhhh, Aaaghhh, shit!" I yelled with ecstasy as he began to insert another finger, using his other hand to jerk his throbbing cock.

“I'm gonna wet it up for this dick baby," he grunted, leaking pools of precum.

All of a sudden with no warning he shoved his cock into my sweet little hole

"OOOOOOOowwwwwww!" I screamed as he began to push in and pullout.

His cock felt so good in my ass, it didn't even hurt as my hole stretched to accommodate his cock.

"Yeah take it," he grunted demandingly, "no, you take it all.” Suddenly he began to push with such power that his balls began to slap my ass his cock massaged my organs as I moaned and screamed. As he fucked me, I began to feel as if I was gonna have an orgasm that I wanted to save, so I began to pull away from his cock.

"Where you goin’?" he screamed, "I'm not done with you!"

As he yelled this he pulled me back on his cock with all his strength. As he pulled me I tightened my ass. When his balls met my ass I let out a scream that brought tears to my eyes and he began to yell. Without even touching my cock I'd busted my cum all over my chest, it was even as far up as my chin, and he'd cum in my ass, as he continued to cum he roared with ecstasy, he pulled his cock from my ass and continued to squirt strings of sperm all over my stomach.

When we were done we cleaned up. He lay next to me kissed me on my forehead, placed his arm across stomach and whispered, "Stay over tomorrow Dom, you still owe me a blow job, I'm gonna choke you!"

I replied, "Whatever…" sarcastically.

And we went to sleep...

For the Rest and Pt.3 or Dominic's Special practice with Darius E-mail me at


9 Gay Erotic Stories from Dababyboi4ya

Dominic's Encounter With Marcus, Part 1

Every week me and my friends go to the friendly neighborhood Wal-mart, in a small town where there is no mall, ya gotta go somewhere to check out the sights, and look good. There are 5 counties in which there are 5 different schools, the popular jocks, thugs and preps from these schools all meet here to scam on each others girls and check out each other to try to remain ahead of the rest. On

Dominic's Encounter With Marcus, Part 2

As I approached the bathroom my cell phone rung, so I answered it, I was ecstatic, cuz it was my Chris. "Sup Dom, what you up to?" He asked as he always did. "I'm just about to leave the store. "I'll be home this weekend, I wanna come see you." "Good cuz I want you to," I replied giggling,"Its been a minute nigga, I miss dat good stuff we be doin." "I'm gonna give it to you real

Dominic's Practice with Darius

Now of course Chris is my boy and always will be but I just wouldn't be honest if I said that I wasn't drop dead infatuated with everything about Darius. He and I met about two weeks after Chris and I became friends, and he was a smartass from day one... The first time I went to Chris' house I was in his backyard waiting for him when all of a sudden "Who the hell are you?" says Darius, he

Dominic's Return!

What’s up folks? About two years ago on MOTNES I began I series of stories, based loosely on my own experiences about a young man named Dominic. I stopped writing the stories as my own life became almost as complicated as his, but recently I began to continue the story of Dom....I need to know who's interested in seeing Dom continue on? Who wants to see the rest of his tales come forth on MOTNES?

Dominic's Role Model, Part 2

"You know what Dom its late and I know your Mom is asleep so why don't you just crash at my place." He suggested. "Oh okay if you say so," I replied" will your mom care?" I knew she didn't care cuz Chris and I had stayed at his house on many weekends, I’d just never spent the night! When we reached Chris' house we both hopped out of the car. He went to the trunk to get his books and I

Dominic's Role Model, The All American! Part 1

Everyone’s got that someone that just does it for them, and once you find that person, no one else will do... Even if you don’t get that person in the long term relationship you hope for, just that one special night does it all. For me that night came about 4 years ago, when I was in the 12th grade, I'd just turned 18, and boy was I loving it. High school was treating me great! I was the type

Dominic's Surprise From Jarret

Jarret is my best friend, we’ve been boys for ever now and we're only getting closer. Jarret was always jealous of my friendship with Chris, but he never let that affect us too much. Now that Chris is away at college I don’t get to see him as much anymore, and boy do I miss him. With Chris away Jarret and I hang out together a lot more, and everywhere he goes he asks me to tag along. Chris

Dominic's Weekend (Tee gets turned out) Part 2

I sat watching the television for a couple more hours, trying to think of a way to deter Tee from going to Chris' house, when I heard Chris' horn outside the window. I immediately got up, trying to leave before Tee could notice, but as I approached the door, Tee followed. "Iight ma we're gone" I yelled to my mom, who was probably ecstatic about having a whole weekend without Tee. "OK boys,

Dominic's Weekend (Tee Introduced), Part 1

The Weekend finally came, and I was so happy I was gonna see my boo, Chris. It had been a while since he and I had seen one another. I couldn't help but wonder if Chris had as much feelings for me as I did for him. I'd been talking to Marcus regularly, and he'd told me although he had a Girlfriend (go figure) he thought of me constantly. I was flattered but this was no time to be thinking

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