Gay Erotic Stories

Married Dads

by Rilker

Our families got together two or three times a week and certainly every weekend. The kids loved each other, our wives got along great and we were always at ease and close. When we left in the evenings there was always a hug and sometimes with a little weed or some gin and tonics

Al and I would linger over the embrace. I didn't know what was going on for him but I was desperate to kiss him and the jolt when our cocks touched under our jeans or bathing suits was clear and exciting.

His body was beautiful. Slender, muscled, he was ex-navy. His cockhead was amazingly hot outlined against his cords or jeans. His ass was enough to make me drool with desire to lick it and fuck it.

Four years went by as we got closer and closer. He shared with me one night as we sat with our legs in the pool, our thighs close in the warm evening air that his wife was great but not all that interested in sex anymore. I told him that was a bummer but I knew how it was. I sure missed having a regular blowjob. He said that even in the best of times that getting head did not happen much. I asked him if he loved getting head, He said, "Christ yes."

“Want to let me do it?”

He looked at me and said, "You know I do." We walked to the back of the yard. I knelt down and he dropped his swimsuit. His seven inches jumped up hard in my face.

I said, “This begins something, you know? You can't back out after this."

He said, "Yes, suck me sweet buddy."

Twenty years have gone by, but the first night he shot his load in my throat and called my name is still so sweet.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Rilker

Married Dads

Our families got together two or three times a week and certainly every weekend. The kids loved each other, our wives got along great and we were always at ease and close. When we left in the evenings there was always a hug and sometimes with a little weed or some gin and tonics Al and I would linger over the embrace. I didn't know what was going on for him but I was desperate to kiss him and


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