Gay Erotic Stories

Baby Blue Boxer Shorts

by Don bellew

by Donnie D Bellew

Something about Rayburn just seemed soft; he wasn’t sissy by any means, but he had that quality of easing past objections and ignoring jibes, you know? Like he didn’t really need disagreements--they made him nervous. He smiled a lot. He was easy company, anyway, and I usually paired off with him when the boss handed out job orders. If you got to work with a man all day then you want a guy who won’t give you a hard time. He could be funny, too. He kept my mood up on days I just wanted to say “fuck it” and take off running.

Me? Hell, I mostly piss people off. I got a smart mouth and I don’t put up with any bull shit. If I think somebody’s edging up on me I call their hand, and I get that feeling all the time, even when people don’t mean anything. Most of the crew steers away from me and I’m glad. If I had to work with Hartsell or some of the others I’d kill ‘em before lunch, they just too damn stupid to live.

Rayburn likes me, though. He doesn’t mind if I prickle up at times, he knows how to ease me out of it. Makes me think of the way my little brother could put Daddy in a good mood, wrap him around a finger when I had him mad as blue blazes. Guess I take after the old man.

Dunlap sent us up to the top of the larry belt, had a report said a roller was squealing and running hot. Ray took a grease gun and I grabbed a new bearing and my tools. We tossed our coke cans and headed up the long incline. The larry belt feeds the ore and shit into the furnace, runs way the hell up in the air so the stuff falling down gets blended by gravity. It was a climb nobody liked to make--up through the smoke and inside a metal housing that was blistering hot in summer. One good thing, old Dunlap wouldn’t come up to supervise our work. He was too damn lazy to climb up there. I peeled off my tee shirt just inside the door. We weren’t allowed to work without a shirt but this was out of sight and it was soaked already. I hung it up on a nail, pick it up on the way back down and maybe it’s dry by then. Ray glanced around and grinned. I laughed, “What the hell? The boss ain’t coming up here!” So Ray unbuttons his shirt and pulls out the tail flaps...he won’t take it off but he finds a compromise. That’s Ray.

Nice view from the top. A little flap in the corrugated tin sidewall lets you see for miles, beyond the plant and off into the mountains. “This plant don’t seem so important from way up here, like we’re above it all. Shit, I guess we are, huh?” Ray is always thinking. I squeezed up behind him to see out and it was something. Makes you think, being up high like that. I propped my chin on his shoulder, face next his. I braced one arm on a post and the other reached around to hold onto him. The floor was a steep incline. His stomach tensed up where my palm flattened against him and he flinched, but then relaxed. It was a little strange, pressed up on him like that. Maybe he would think I was after his ass? I laughed. His face turned toward me with a big grin, “It’s like flying, ain’t it? The mountains look so close!”

“Yeah. Like we could jump over ‘em!” My feet slipped and I clutched at Ray’s belt buckle. He had an arm tight around a post, he tried to catch me but I went down hard, stopped by my grip on his thigh. My knees banged on the loose chunks of coke covering the floor and my face pressed into his ass. “Shit! That hurts, yeah!” I got my balance. He pulled me back to my feet.

“You okay?” His arm went around my bare waist, held me. Something in his eyes right that second, like he really cared if I was all right… it was great. Damn few folks would give a fuck if I died, you know? I’m this big sweaty Mick and he’s a little skinny pup trying to hold me up. His brown eyes are concerned, the long lashes flapping...

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I couldn’t help grinning at him. “Just don’t tell nobody I kissed your ass, okay?”

“Hey! It’s our secret. I’ll never tell,” and we laughed. He could do that, make me feel good. A cool guy!

Easy to see which bearing was squeaking, the fitting was caked in old grease, couldn’t be any getting inside. The lube guys didn’t give a fuck; they rushed through the job without noticing which fittings were stopped up. Not their problem if a bearing burned up. Took us an hour of down time to get the old one off and replace it, it was welded onto the roller axle. When we got it going again we were both soaked and tired. I sat down and leaned back against the wall, stretched my legs out. “We’ll wait a while, see if it’s gonna run smooth. Ought to check the other end, too.”

“Sure, but not too long. I gotta take a leak.” He was picking up our tools.

“So? Just piss on the ore belt. Ain’t gonna hurt nothing.” I wished he wouldn’t be so scared of rules and stuff.

“Yeah, okay,” and he did. I looked up, hoping to catch a peek but his shirt tail covered his hand and his dick. I was betting he had a little shorty, maybe that’s why he always kept it so private. I stood and stepped up beside him, opened my pants and pulled out ol’ faithful. I liked to show off, always did, I shoved my shorts down and the air felt cool and nice. I let go a stream that arced up and crossed his, splattering piss over the moving rocks. We both watched and laughed. I looked down at him. Not as small as I figured, the guy had a decent tool. Nothing to be ashamed of, anyway. Uncut ones always looked a little strange. He shook off and pushed it quickly inside, maybe he didn’t like me seeing it but he sure as hell took a look at mine! He grinned and his eyes came up to meet mine, “Son of a bitch! You don’t stick that IN nobody, do you?”

“I sure as hell try!” Soft, it was impressive, thick and long, no reason to tell him it didn’t grow much when it got hard. That’s what I liked about showing off, that look of amazed wonder and envy. Most guys just go wide eyed and look away, pretend they didn’t notice. At least Ray was honest enough to say what he thought. I liked that.

We sat down and talked a while, cooled off. I left my pants open so the sweat could evaporate. Even my shorts were soaked, sticking to my skin. I didn’t understand why Ray kept his wet shirt on, must be hot as hell.

“Hey, did I tell you I got the VCR?” I asked.

“The one from the pawn shop?” he remembered, “Does it work all right?”

“Just bought it last night, didn’t get it hooked up yet. It looks new but it ain’t got no instructions with it. You know anything about ‘em? I never had one before.”

“Yeah, nothing to it. I’ll hook it up if you want... show you how to work it. They’re all about the same.”

“You got one?” He didn’t talk about himself much.

“Had one. Lost it in the divorce, along with everything else.” He grinned like it didn’t hurt. I knew how that grin felt.

“Sure. Can you come by after work? I mean, if you got a date or something.”

“Nawh, I ain’t got nothing,” he laughed, “done forgot what Friday night’s for.”

“Yeah, me too. I’m not a real sociable type.” “You got any tapes? For the VCR?” He stood up. Makes him nervous killing time, he’ll be wanting to go back down. I put up my hand, he pulled me up.

“I bought a couple at the pawn shop, a western and a fuck movie.”

“Yeah?” he watched me zip up and button my pants. “I like westerns!”

“What’s that mean?” I laughed, “You don’t like fuck movies?”

“Hell, I donno. Never seen one,” he shrugged and grinned.

“Well, hook up my machine and you’ll see one tonight!” I laid my palm open, he slapped it.

“All right! Now I got a date!” he laughed. We headed down to the ground. I followed him, thinking about how me and my brothers used to raid Dad’s closet when we were home alone, dig out his porno magazines and get so excited we could hardly talk for the giggles. Carl, the oldest, he didn’t laugh much, just stared open mouthed and drooled. The jerk off sessions after that were what made us feel so close, sharing our secrets. It was like the best sex ever, because it was all so new and mysterious--even a little scary because we didn’t know shit about it. I don’t know which was best, looking at the black and white pictures of American soldiers putting it to Japanese women or the feeling of jerking off while bumping elbows with my brothers. We didn’t do each other, understand, but just sharing the feelings made it better, you know?

Gave me some pretty weird dreams, let me tell you! Me and my brothers would be fucking these skinny Japanese women and the soldiers would come in and start fighting with us, tie us up and shit, make us eat the women after they fucked ‘em, all kinds of freaky crap. Sometimes I’d wake up shivering and scared, holding onto Carl. Sometimes I’d wake up spurting in my shorts, too. One time I woke up and Carl was down under the covers, sucking my dick and I blasted off in his mouth and pretended to still be asleep. Or maybe that was a dream, too. I don’t know.

Ray stopped at the place I left my tee shirt. It was dry, I pulled it on. I wondered if he noticed the big boner I had. I rubbed it. He opened the door and led the way out into the sunlight, very bright after the dark belt housing. .................

I didn’t want to lose him at quitting time. He didn’t know where I lived. I rushed through my shower and dressed, headed down to the other end of the bath house. I knew he had a locker down there somewhere close to where the black guys congregated because he talked about the way they’d sing in the shower, do this bee-bop harmony shit and dance around. I wouldn’t mind catching some of that.

I found him coming out of the shower, sat on his bench while he dried off and shaved. He wrapped a towel around his waist. All the other guys shaved naked. Long line of saggy butts at the sinks, just Ray in his little skirt. He’s funny. I smoked and waited. I could hear the black guys singing in the next room, pretty damn good, too.

Ray came over, grinned with a thumb aimed at the music. “Like I told you, live floor show. You ought to go see ‘em dance.”

“Nawh, I’ll pass.” His tan stopped at his neck and his elbows, rest of his body pale. Hell, I was tan down to my waist and up to my thighs. Guess he never went outside in shorts, huh? Never without a shirt. I wondered if he’d turn his back when he dropped his towel. He didn’t. He kept his face aimed at me, almost daring me to look down while he pulled on his drawers. I looked, anyway. Hell, I don’t see the need for shame and modesty. Ain’t I seen a dick before? What’s the big deal? Everybody’s curious, why not look?

Baby blue boxer shorts, looked like they’d been ironed, shit! I didn’t even put any on after my shower, too fuckin’ hot. Khaki pants and a blue shirt... he looked like a college kid, skinny as he was. Fresh face and wet combed hair--maybe a high school kid with a few early wrinkles?

“Ready?” He slammed his locker door.

“Hell yeah,” I stood and rubbed at my crotch, the boner had been coming back all afternoon. With no drawers it sure made a bulge in my jeans! I walked behind him through the crowded hallway, not ashamed, just private, right?

“Come on in. Bet you live neater than this, huh? Sorry, I’m no good at house keeping. Just one room but I can’t handle it.”

“I’m staying with my aunt and uncle. She’s a neat freak. Tell you the truth, it’s a relief to get out of her house a while. She follows me around with a dust cloth to polish everything I touch. I hate it. Can’t wait to get my own apartment, be sloppy as I want to be!” He laughed, “Well, maybe not this sloppy!”

I grinned. It was a mess, I know, but I liked it like that. “I need a Mom, huh?”

“Nawh, I was kidding, looks comfortable to me. Can I take off my shoes?”

“Hot as it is? You can take off everything. I’m stripping down but I’ll put on a pair of shorts just ‘cause you’re company. Cold beer coming up.” I opened the window and put the fan on the sill, turned it on and cooler air washed through the apartment. He was looking over the new VCR. “Wait up. Have a beer first, relax. Didn’t mean to put you right to work, no hurry.” Ice box in the little kitchenette, I grabbed a couple of bottles, opened them.

“Here you go.”

He flopped back on the convertible sofa, hit the brew while I stripped off the street clothes and searched around for a pair of shorts. Found some old cut off sweats and pulled them on. He was flipping through a Sports Illustrated. “Ah, much better,” I lit a smoke and collapsed on the other end of the sofa and put my feet on the coffee table. “You up for pizza? I got a phone number, they deliver. Hey, you gotta take off the shirt, okay? It’s already got big wet circles. Come on, Ray!”

He grinned but began unbuttoning the long sleeved blue shirt. “Pizza’s great, I’ll split the check with you.”

“You just hook up the VCR and I’ll pay for the supplies. You got no tan at all, do you?”

“Nope, I burn real easy. Pale skin, I guess. Mother was a red head. I got her skin, just lucky I didn’t get her orange hair.” He shrugged off his shirt.

“Yeah, I can see it, the red in your hair... especially under your arms, it’s copper color. My Dad was a red head, but dark red, like a chestnut horse. He had light skin, too, and freckles. You don’t have freckles?”

“Well, I do really, just the tan on my arms and face covers them up. I’ve tried to wear shorts in summer but my legs get real splotchy freckles, and my back, too. I never got used to going without my shirt, still makes me feel naked.”

“So? Relax. I’ve seen you naked before. You got nothing to hide.” His modesty irritated me. Me and my brothers never thought about it, took baths together and everything. Part of being at ease with men is getting used to your own body. It’d be awful to live inside a body you didn’t want to look at, or let anybody see. That’s sissy stuff, I wanted him to get over it. Modest is a girl thing, a virgin’s problem. “Tell the truth, don’t that feel cooler? Can you feel the fan, now?”

“Yeah, I can. Maybe I should join a nudist colony, huh? Get one big, all over freckle and be done with it.” He laughed, still a little nervous.

“All right! You find a nudist colony and I’ll join, too. I’m a natural born nudist. Grew up going skinny dipping every day. We lived out in the country, didn’t bother much about clothes in warm weather. Hot nights, me and my brothers slept on the porch naked as jay birds. Just spread a quilt and called it camping out.”

“God, my mother made me wear pajamas all summer. She didn’t even let my dad take off his shirt outside the bedroom. She was a churchy woman, always worried about sin and the devil. Guess she had a real dirty mind.” He laughed again. Maybe he didn’t take that stuff seriously or maybe it made him nervous, I couldn’t tell. “She’s been dead for years but I guess she trained me well. I know I’m uptight, man, you don’t have to tell me.”

“No big deal, Ray. You can get over it when you want to. I didn’t like beer the first time I tried it. Now I love it. No sunshine in here. You ain’t gonna get no burn or no freckles so why sit there and sweat inside long pants? Your boxers are enough modesty for anybody. You think I might rape you or what?”

“Shit”, he laughed, “Don’t remind me what you’re packing. I’ll never take off my pants if I think about that thing!”

I grinned, amused, but reassured him. “I swear I’ve never fucked a man and I ain’t gonna start tonight. You could bend over right in front of me and feel safe! I swear.”

He laughed, “You mean you wouldn’t even try to kiss it again?”

“You just ain’t that lucky, Ray!”

But the little bastard still kept his long pants on. Old habits die hard, I guess. When the pizza man knocked at the door, Ray grabbed his shirt and stuck his arms in the sleeves. I laughed at him, die hard shy! I opened the door and the dude didn’t care what I had on, he just wanted his money, fast. Lots more stops to go.

The sun was going down. “Grab us a fresh beer and let’s eat on the balcony, I got a little table out there.” When he came outside, he’d left the shirt behind. I didn’t say a word, no use reminding him. But I was proud of him. We ate slow and talked. Not like at work, where you just chat. I mean we talked about growing up, about what we thought about stuff, you know. The sunset was a pretty one, red and purple, then darkness swallowed us up and it was a little bit like up in the belt tower. We were on the balcony looking down at the world, almost a part of the night sky and we were separate, above it all. Ray spread his elbows along the rail and rested his chin on his hands. His back curved into a sad line, head down. I leaned closer and put my hand on his shoulder.

“One divorce is not the end of life, man. Everybody goes through it. You’ll get over it. Next week or next month you’ll meet somebody and it’ll start all over again.”

“Yeah, maybe, maybe not. You seem to do okay on your own. That’s what I want to do next. Just make a place of my own. I ain’t gonna rush into another marriage just because I can’t cut it by myself. Hell, I was pretty damn lonely when I was living with Kay. Maybe I need to grow up a little before I try again.” He turned his face to look towards me in the dark, “At least, this time, I wont confuse a blow job with eternal love”, and he laughed. Not the nervous laugh, the kind of quite amusement that means relaxation.

“Sounds like you already did some growing up. Lots of guys make that mistake, Ray. Good sex is fine, a nice thing... but it ain’t enough to sell your life for. Lots of great sex out there, it’s all around us. What’d the man say; worst I ever had was wonderful?”

“I thought it was: first I ever had was wonderful. Guess I misunderstood. Kay was my first. Still my only. I never had sex with anybody else, man. Is that stupid or what?”

“No. No, Ray, not stupid... just very innocent. Innocence is a nice thing to look back on, once we get past it”, and we both laughed that gentle, relaxed laugh.

He was quiet and I wondered if he could see my face in the dark, or were his eyes even open. Then he sat up, took one of my smokes and lit it, polished off the beer that had to be warm. He stood and opened his pants, stepped out of them. Right there on the balcony. Was he grinning? I couldn’t see.

“Let’s hook up that VCR, I got a date with a fuck movie.” He tugged at my arm.

“All right! I’ll vote for that!”

He plugged in all the wires by the light of a single lamp, said he didn’t want any more light. In ten minutes he had a signal on the TV and popped in the western. A tall cowboy rode across the screen. “Come’ere, let me show you.”

I squatted beside him and he pointed out the necessary buttons and made me go through turning it on and off, play and record, etc. It was easier than I thought it would be. Then he had me take out the western, handed me the other tape and I put it in, hit play.

“Got it?”

“Easy. Thanks, Ray.”

“Got another beer? I’ll bring some next time, and cigarettes, too.”

While I got the beer, he cut off the lamp and sprawled on the couch, one leg up on the table. He wasn’t squeezed into the corner like before and I sat down beside him, our legs touching. He leaned a shoulder onto mine. We watched. I sat still, letting him concentrate on the flick. Didn’t try and talk.

It was a cheapy, just fuck loops over a chord organ sound tract. It wasn’t doing much for me, not physically, anyway. Near the end of the third clip it finally got to Ray. When the camera moved in for a close up of wet lips sliding up and down a hard cock his shorts began lifting from between his legs. That got me started. My sweat pants lifted along the thigh and a wet place grew near the leg opening. Ray put his other foot up on the table and spread his legs apart, his thigh pushed against mine. He slid down a little so his head was on the sofa back and his shorts pulled tight around the tent down there.

I reached for mine, first. Just squeezed it and held onto it. Then he put his hand inside his shorts and pulled his cock up straight up toward his navel. Kept him hand in there, still.

The dude on screen was twitching and throbbing; the girl backed off and let him shoot in her face. She licked her lips and his dripping cock. Ray’s hand moved under his shorts and I stroked mine through the jersey... on the back stroke I pulled the material so my dick head appeared out the leg and lifted up towards freedom. It gleamed wet in the glow of the TV.

A new loop began and I pulled the jersey back hard, grabbed naked skin in my fist and pumped slowly. Ray shoved his shorts down to his knees and took his own pleasure in hand. While the new actor undressed the new girl, I stood and peeled down my shorts, stepped out of them. Ray kicked his off. This was it for me, this was the old scenario of brothers together in trust and secret conspiracy, peeping into an adult world from the dark. All the old excitement rushed up to my chest, pounded inside my heart. Something beside sex in this, something about belonging and safety, about a warm mood of connecting to somebody else.

My strokes became faster, the blood surged quicker. I watched Ray tease himself with a thumb, his fist squeezed tight, then he moved it up and down making the foreskin slide down and expose his narrow pink head, then it moved up, like a turtle neck sweater, a hood, hiding the mystery in brown folds and wrinkles. His face turned to watch me and his fist moved in unison with mine. Just knowing he watched gave me a big charge, added thousands of nerve endings to my excitement.

My cock swelled up to it’s most suffuse size and when Ray put his hand on my thigh I shot a load up on my neck, then my chest, then my belly, and continues to jet tiny droplets with each spasm and it put him over. He spurted in a fat, messy wad onto his navel and then it wormed out in a long stream of creamy relief. I crossed my hand over wrist to lay on his thigh.

We breathed in sighs, slowly recovering. Coming down, sliding back to earth. His dimples twitched. I watched the corners of his lips pull back and curl up. A laugh gurgled out of me, my chest tickled. He coughed. He spoke first. “Wow. Our first date, too. Like the guy said, the first I ever had was wonderful!”

“I told you”, I laughed, “It’s the worst I ever had was wonderful.”

“Is all sex great?”

“If it’s bad, it ain’t sex, it’s torture.” I squeezed his thigh and grabbed my shorts off the floor to wipe up. He followed my example. When I lit a cigarette he swiveled around, put his legs across my lap and lay back on the arm of the sofa.

“I don’t think I’m gay, do you?” I couldn’t help but notice, after sex all his modesty was forgotten. He relaxed into a fully displayed pose, the back of his knees pressed on my limp dick, arms up behind his head.

“No. No more than most guys. It’s not a simple division between gay and straight, you know?” I stroked his soft belly, found traces of sticky moisture in the hairs.

“I always figured it was something I’d never do. Might think about it, wonder about it, but never do it.”

“Well, you still haven’t done anything, Ray. You just jerked yourself off. We didn’t do it for each other.”

“Sure we did. Maybe not with our hands, but we did it together, anyway. We were connecting on a level I didn’t always get from Kay. With her, she was thinking about somebody else and sometimes I was, too. I knew what you were aiming for, sort of, every since this morning when you mentioned the fuck movie. You could have kept it to yourself, we’d watch the western and when I left you could jerk off by yourself. As soon as you told me about it I started wondering what we’d do together.”

“What did you imagine I’d want to do with you?” I was surprised, thought I’d been more subtle than that.

“I imagined lots of things, tried to decide what I’d do and what I wouldn’t do. Will we do more or you had enough?”

“What else did you have in mind? What things did you decide you’d do?”

“Hell, I never figured it out. I’ll have to find out, wont I? You never know what you’ll do until the moment happens. Guess I figured you wanted to blow me or wanted me to blow you. Something like that.”

“We got all night to think about it. Go slow, don’t get dramatic on me.”

We didn’t last much longer, maybe one more beer each then we dropped the sofa into the bed position and killed the TV. I had one arm behind my head and the other under his neck. Just floating on the edge of dreams when his hand came over to touch my dick, and then his head moved down in the bed. His cheek rested on my stomach and I stopped him with a hand on his head. “Wait. Please,” I told him, “wait till I’m asleep, okay?” .................................................................................... comment to


35 Gay Erotic Stories from Don bellew

Adventurous Marine

Adventurous Marine ... don bellew My cousin, James, he was a rounder. He was always chasing after some married woman or getting picked up for drunk and disorderly, some kind of trouble. He was a few years older than me and we never were close or nothing, just politely acknowledged our family connection and not that out in public. I guess I was an embarrassment to him, me being the butt of so

Anybody's Brother, Everybody's Son

Donnie D Bellew Charles got us another beer from the refrigerator. The light fixture over the table was one of those kinds that hang from a retractable cable. He pulled it low and threw most of the kitchen in darkness. When he sat down the light was harsh on his hands, showing up the ridged tendons and blue veins, the thin fingers and heavy knuckles. He tilted his chair back and rested his

As Sailors Sleep

As sailors sleep Bunk beds make strange sailboats yet I float and scut before the draft of your breath. As you lie sleeping, I hover above. Your watcher, your guardian spirit pinned in your sky. You sleep as if my weight were nothing, air about you granted worship. Fine striped blue ticking and tiny downy barbs are my cheek's lover not the tendoned tan hands I watch in repose,

Baby Blue Boxer Shorts

by Donnie D Bellew Something about Rayburn just seemed soft; he wasn’t sissy by any means, but he had that quality of easing past objections and ignoring jibes, you know? Like he didn’t really need disagreements--they made him nervous. He smiled a lot. He was easy company, anyway, and I usually paired off with him when the boss handed out job orders. If you got to work with a man all day then

Clear Cut

One thing I liked about Ralph, he never wore any underwear. His personality sure wasn’t star quality, he was no conversationalist at all but the sight of his heavy meat swinging loose inside thin blue cotton work pants kept me working near him day after day. He was one of those guys who seem completely comfortable with the world, you know? Never complained, never grumbled, just went about his

Cowboy Love

David was half way through his steak dinner, thinking it was likely the best food he’d had in a month, when he noticed the two cowboys at the next table. He was so entranced with the tender and savory meal he’d not even noticed them come in. They were not much older than him but they had the look of experienced wranglers. Kind of similar, both slim and browned from the sun, both faces deeply

Fake It Till You Make It

What? Twenty bucks?… just to see my dick? You shitting me?” “Here it is. I got it right here.” He watched the bill wave slowly. “Nawh, man. I can’t do it. Let me cut your grass or something. I gotta get some money, I owe this guy and he‘s pressing me, you know?” “Look at the yard. I cut the grass yesterday, Fred.” “Ain’t you got nothing else I can do?” I just grinned. “Yeah, I

Kitt and Cameron

donnie d bellew First day on the job and Kitt knew he wasn’t going to make it. When he signed up for the apprentice program he was only thinking about the money. Brick layers made more money than god! What he didn’t think about was the macho bullshit he’d have to put up with. Sure, he knew construction workers were gonna be homophobic and rude. He just didn’t realize how intimidating it

Marvin & Lonnie, Part 1

Lonnie knew Marvin was gay the first time he went into the yard next door to talk. He told the guy right off he was straight. They understood the lay-out. Lonnie must have known Marvin would eventually try something and Marvin had to know Lonnie would protest, right? Lonnie liked going over there. Marvin had a big screen and cable, the computer with internet access, the well stocked

Marvin & Lonnie, Part 2

Marvin came out of the hot shower even more depressed than before. He put on his flannel robe and decided to send Lonnie home. He just wanted to sleep off the headache. “Hey, I can’t take the noise, man. Cut it off, okay? I got to lie back down, my head is splitting!” Lonnie didn’t turn it off but he hit the mute. “Dallas just got a first down!” He announced. “I made you some coffee, it’s

Model 4

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More or Less ... Part 1

At first Robert was reluctant to work for me. He always had another job when I called. I kept trying to hire him for a couple of reasons. First, he was the only man in our neighborhood that did lawn work on a full time basis, and you couldn’t depend on the high school boys to do a good job or to show up when they promised. But the main reason I wanted him doing my yard was because he looked so

More or Less ... Part 2

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Motel Six Morning

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Playing Around

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Red Neckin'

“See that boat up in the slew? Ain’t that Toby Martin?” Bobby Joe leaned out over the rail of the bridge, pointed. “Yeah, that’s him, cum sucking little faggot!” Earl spit a wad of brown juice into the river below. “Let’s go fuck with him … you can bet he’s got a cooler full of beer. He always does.” Bobby nudged Earl with an elbow. “Shit. I can’t stand that sissy! He don’t like me,

Reluctant Charlie, Part 1

My all time favorite reluctant lover was Charlie. He was a macho type but not too harsh; just butch enough to get my attention and cute enough to hold it. He was a body and fender man at an auto shop on my mail route. He was temporarily staying at his dad’s house just a couple of blocks from the garage. He was thirty five when we met, an ex-army special forces, parachute jumper, lean and mean

Reluctant Charlie, Part 2

I followed him to the kitchen. He set the bottle on the counter with a loud rattle, almost empty, hand not quite steady. “Get the beer … I’m gonna … uh,” he unsnapped his jeans and shoved them down, “gonna show youse da devil…” He turned half away, pushed his jockeys down off one side of his ass. “See?” he looked over his shoulder, awkward and silly. “Where?” I brought the beers over beside

Silent Life

I’m afraid this ain’t much of a story. It happened too fast, too sudden to develop a long story. I was staying up late one night, with my Uncle Matt. We’d watched the late movie and it was after midnight, the rest of the house was real quiet, everybody asleep. When he hit the remote, shut down the TV, the room went dark, no lamp on … Uncle Matt just kept sitting there. Hey, I was in no

Some Like It Cool

Some Like It Cool ... donnie d bellew It’s Monday and I’ve decided today my favorite flavor is white trash. I may not remember tomorrow so I’m writing it down today. Other times it’s been black street punks and sometimes blond teenage boys (eighteen and over, yeah-right) ... much earlier it was gray fatherly men with shameful pink secrets or tanned pin-up guys with black tank top pecs

Split Seams

“Hi, Craig. How’s it hanging?” “I’m cool.” He shrugged, shoved his hands in his pockets and leaned back on the gate to watch me wash the truck. I went on with my chore. Craig wasn’t the kind of guy to expect me to stop for him. He lived down the street and dropped by most anytime of day. We weren’t even good friends, just casual neighbors with nobody else around to talk to, hang out with.

Stonegate Ledgers 1

I think the year was twenty-five, I know the month was June with summer quickly burning off the downy spring. Dates grow encrusted and obscure but I hold clear a vision of saturated days, long and fever hot. I was at an interim of life, a milestone mark I wouldn’t soon erase. I’d never been away from home, the fall and college cast a looming shade. I clenched to this, my last toy summer, with the

Stonegate Ledgers 2

When I pulled up to the next spot, Ryan was standing by his upright post and taking a leak with his back turned towards me. I let the truck roll forward, squeaked to a halt just past him. When I got out, in front, he didn’t turn away. “Did you see the storm coming?” I pointed back down the road and he turned his head in that direction. “Aye, been watching ‘em. They moving slow.”

Straight Roommate, Part 1

We had a small yard but the temperature was in the high nineties and the humidity was thick enough to float a steel ball six feet off the ground so Warren was sweating like Niagara Falls. He made the last pass and pushed the mower up by the steps, peeled off his tee shirt and climbed up on the deck with a massive sigh. “You should have let me help. I told you it was too hot …” He waved his

Straight Roommate, Part 2

By late Saturday afternoon I was completely burnt out in Rich’s household accessories. Sometimes shopping just isn’t enough? I also picked up a couple of phone numbers, a clerk and a guy in the parking lot who looked really butch but friendly? So I called it a good day and went home. Warren was asleep on the couch while Wild Kingdom featured the life cycle of a green moth, fascinating stuff.

Straight to a Point

donnie d bellew ........ Tommy stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel just as he heard the front door open and quickly slam shut. “John? That you?” He called. “Well, yeah. Who else would it be, man?” His room mate came into the hall and stripped his tee shirt over his head. “It’s that kid next door, Kevin? He’s been over here twice already since I got home. He wants you to

The Album

With three trunks and several cardboard boxes full of papers, books and junk all smelling of whisky, mildew and pipe tobacco, it’s no surprise that it took me a month to discover the album. Uncle Harold had carefully packed up everything Granddad kept in his room and shipped it to me. I was his sole heir. Uncle Harold wasn’t really my uncle, just a long time resident in Granddad’s house.

The Baptist

I noticed him down at the end of the bar. He glanced up at me but didn’t smile so I didn’t try to talk to him right away. Still, we were both sailors, the only uniforms left in the place. Wouldn’t seem too odd if I spoke to him, would it? It was getting late and I guessed Tod wasn’t coming back. Several patrons seemed to leave at the same time and I looked around, wondered what time the place

The Far Edge of Friendship

I don’t generally announce my sexual tastes to just anybody I meet. I try and keep my private life private. Macall was just inquisitive as hell, though. He started in as soon as we began working together and wouldn’t quit. I kept avoiding his leading questions about who I dated and why I wasn’t married, etc. I actually told him it was none of his business, but that didn’t seem to make much of an

The Grand Obsession

The Grand Obsession ... don bellew It goes like this: He looks okay, not too damn defensive or nervous. He keeps watching your eyes, trying to tell if he reads you right. He’s not sure. You look right at his crotch, again, smile. Now he’s certain and he either grins or he gets the fuck away from you fast as he can. If he takes off then you keep looking, right? So he grins or he laughs … he’s a

Tiger Club Prank

When two guys from the Tiger Club sat down beside him in the library, Darren immediately began gathering up his books and notes. Common instinct for self preservation told him these guys had no good intensions towards him or anybody else. The Tiger Club was the top of campus hierarchy and nerds were down in the nether regions, dregs of the college social order. Darren very carefully avoided

Too Drunk To Go Home

When the poker game broke up Wallace was still sitting there, leaned over his fists. I thought he was about to cry or something. "He's wrecked, drunk as a skunk!" Somebody muttered. "That damn scotch, he was okay with the beer. Never should have started with the scotch ..." "Don't let him try and drive home, Donnie ... make him sleep it off." He roused up about the time everybody

Weak In The Knees

Weak in the knees ........... don bellew It had been cloudy all day, a dull silver sky that was growing dark in late afternoon. July it usually stayed light until nine but here it was only six-thirty and I was yawning. Too quiet, I guess. Quiet was the very reason I’d moved out to the country when I retired. I wanted to get out of the city and away from the sight of constant people.

Working Stiff

I was staying late one evening at the office, just hanging around to use our great system to surf the net. My home PC is okay, just slow. The boss is cool. He knows what I’m up to. I don’t get paid by the hour so he doesn’t care how long I stay. He actually benefits because I answer the phones and take messages until I leave, maybe eight o’clock on a good net night. When the crew of janitors

Writer's Camp

Writer’s Camp ... by Donnie D Bellew He wasn’t spectacular. Not even pretty, just an average face with an interesting ... uh, aura? persona? How do you label it? He was on the large size, not his hips but his long bones. He’d need a double x large sweater just to cover his wrists. Belt too high, shirt too plain for him to be gay. He didn’t have the look, either. Maybe that’s what drew my


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