Gay Erotic Stories

Warrior and Robin in Peril

by Lycrastud02


Catman had set his trap well and now two of his three arch enemies -- Warrior and Robin -- were in his control. He had ensnared these pesky 19-year old superhero teens numerous times before and put them into deadly situations, but they had always managed to escape.

This time they would not, He vowed, for what he had planned for the duo was not deadly but would prove to be highly embarrassing as well as painful. At that moment, they were tied face down over a pair of barrels, which had been affixed to a turntable that was moving slowly in a counter-clockwise direction.

He was enjoying watching them as their masked faces and their shorts-covered rear ends took turns pointing in his direction. Finally, he tired of the exercise, and decided to get to the business at hand. So, when they had reached the point where they were once again facing away from him, he stopped the machinery.

"Now, my young friends," Catman purred, "I am going to unmask you, but not in the way you may expect; at least, not yet." As he spoke, he moved up behind Robin and, to his consternation, took hold of the waistband of his shorts.

"Hey! What are you doing?" he shouted.

Without answering, Catman pulled both the shorts and the posing pouch down to expose the young man's very bare butt. Warrior couldn't see what was going on, but he quickly found out when fingers invaded the waistband of his shorts and boxers and drew them down. Both of the lower uniforms hung at their ankles, held only by the ropes that bound their feet to the barrel.

It was the loveliest sight Catman had ever seen -- the young, ripe and bare buttocks of two of his long-time tormentors smiling back at him. And, to make it even more enjoyable were the goose bumps that were showing on those white mounds that indicated the humiliation the two were enduring.

"Ahh yes. These should spank very well," He said, patting each of the four cheeks. "Now, don't go away," He added with a laugh. "I'll be right back.

"Holy redcheeks!" Robin exclaimed as he looked over at his buddy.

"Oh god," Warrior responded. "He's going to spank us, Robin -- and bare-assed at that. This is the worst fix we've ever been in."

"Oh, come now," the "Boy Wonder" said. "Granted, this was not what we expected when we got that tip about Catman being holed up in this abandoned warehouse, but the worst fix ever? Have you forgotten about the time we were tied up over a vat of boiling oil? If Batman hadn't saved us, we could have been the main course on some cannibal's menu."

"Well, maybe I did exaggerate a bit," he conceded, "but I don't take a spanking well. I haven't had one for years, but I howled and cried over Daddy's lap. And I don't think my buns are any less tender today."

What Robin didn't know was that Warrior, without his uniform and mask was actually gym towel-boy Shane Gordon, son of Police Commissioner Gordon. Even the commissioner was not aware of it.

"Speaking of Batman," Warrior continued, "where is he? We could certainly use him now."

"I told you that he left earlier tonight to be guest speaker at a law-and-order dinner," Robin reminded him.

"Oh, great!" Warrior replied. "He's sitting at the head table enjoying a good meal while our bare buns are turned up and about to be blistered."

"The dinner should be about over," Robin said. "Maybe he will find us in time again." As he spoke, Catman returned and smiled to see the two young crime fighters still struggling with their bonds while their plump, white ass cheeks lay upturned and tempting. He walked in front of them to show what He had brought with his -- an oval-shaped paddle and an old-fashioned razor strop.

"It took a lot of shopping around to do before I found this little beauty," he told his helpless captives. "Razor strops are not exactly common in today's world, but I've been told they have great tanning power. Anyway, we'll see how your butts hold up under this one."

"You won't get away with this, Catman!," Warrior exclaimed. "You may have us now, but we'll get you in the end!."

"Not before I get you two in the end!," He laughed.

******* CHAPTER 2

As the bared buttocks of Warrior and Robin faced imminent jeopardy, Batman had arrived at the office of Commissioner Gordon, who was working late at his desk in Gotham City Hall.

"Have you heard from Robin tonight, Commissioner?" he asked. "I haven't been able to find him anywhere."

"He called on the Bat phone and said that he and Warrior were on their way to check out some old warehouse," the commissioner replied. "He said it probably wasn't anything important, but, if it was, he'd contact me. I haven't heard a word from him since."

"Hmmm, that's strange," Batman said. "At any rate, he should be back by now. I'm going to drive out to the warehouse area of town and see if I can see anything unusual."

"Keep in touch and, by the way," the commissioner added, "if you see my son, Shane, anywhere along the way, ask his to call me. I haven't heard from his either tonight."

"Will do," the Caped Crusader said as he ran out of the office. "I hope Robin hasn't gotten into some kind of trouble. In his wildest dreams, Batman couldn't have imagined the "kind of trouble" not only Robin but also the commissioner's disguised son were in at that moment. For, in the basement of the warehouse, the two once white buns belonging to the pair had taken on a bright shade of pink as Catman was spanking each in turn with his gloved hand. "You'll ... ... Be sorry ... ... Catman!!!," Robin yelled as a series of swats landed, covering both exposed cheeks.

"Yeah, yeah. You'd better save your voice for crying, my young foe, because you will before long," He replied, moving on to the twin offerings of Warrior.

Spank! Spank! Spank! Another volley landed, causing shrieks of pain and indignation from the young superhero, whose buttocks matched in color those of his male comrade. No white remained on those defenceless ovals.

"Oh! I've ... ... never been so ... ... humiliated in ... ... my life," Warrior cried. "You'll pay for this, Catman!!." "My, such a nice, muscular, round tushie you have, Robin," Catman taunted, then walked back and forth behind the upturned rear cheeks, delivering resounding smacks as He went. "But, I fear it's time to move on, He added, picking up the wooden implement.. The paddle was shaped so that it would cover most of one buttock with each application and, as He approached, He saw both of his victims clenching their buns in dread anticipation.

SMACK! "YOWW!" SMACK! "OWWEEE!" SMACK! "OWOOOCHH!" SMACK! "YEEOWWW!" Catman smiled, noticing that no more threats were coming from the other side of the barrel as the two pairs of rosy cheeks became more inflamed. After being foiled by his enemies so often, it was sweet revenge to be administering a humiliating spanking to their bare hinies. The hard wooden paddle fell at least 20 times against each of the well-rounded, bouncing buttocks, leaving behind a scorching trail. Even after Catman had tossed the paddle aside, the bottoms of Robin and Warrior continued to wiggle and clench. So, He pulled up a chair and sat down to watch the performance for a few minutes before moving on to the finale.

"Now, I'm really going to blister your hinies," He declared as He got up, swinging the razor strop through the air. "Than I'm going to unmask your faces, and that should bring an end to your crime fighting careers." "NOOOOOO!, please, no more," Warrior pleaded, knowing He had finally been defeated by the arch criminal. But his pleas went for naught and Catman began the tanning process, sending the strop whistling against each of the already crimson seats. Robin and Warrior both screamed out their distress as the blisters started to form and continued to struggle at their bonds -- all in vain. By that time, Warrior was prepared for the worst, giving up his career as a crime-fighter, but Robin was still holding out hope that a miracle might still happen. The stropping came to a merciful end, but not before a pair of muscular butts had been put out of commission. Catman then walked to the other side of the barrel and up to the tearful face of his defeated enemy. As he reached for the mask, Warrior tried to pull his head away but was unsuccessful and Catman pulled the mask away.

"Well, well, if it isn't the towel boy and Commissioner Gordon's son, who enjoys shooting his mouth off on TV about crime and corruption," Catman said. "Well, I'll be sending the commissioner's little boy home with a sore and red little heiny. Now, let's see who Robin is. When I know that, I will probably know who Batman is as well."

But just as He was reaching for the Boy Wonder's mask, the basement door was flung open. All three yelled at once:


******* CHAPTER 3

"You fiend!" the Caped Crusader exclaimed, seeing the blistered buns on Robin, who in private life was his ward, Dick Grayson, and the de-masked Warrior. Before He could run, he grabbed Catman and, with his Bat rope, quickly tied him up.

But then, as he was about to untie the two sobbing victims, four members of Catman's criminal gang raced into the room.

"What have you done with the Commissioner?" demanded a surprised Batman. "Oh, he and his buddies are a little tied up at the moment! He! He!" chuckled one of the goons. Then they pounced.

These muscle-bound thugs soon had Batman overpowered. They quickly tied him over the 3rd barrel on the turntable. Catman was just as quickly untied and guffawed at the sight before him.

"HA! HA! Now I'm really going to have some fun!"

"Wh-Wh-What are you going to do, Catman?" the struggling Batman asked nervously as he approached.

"I think you had a very good idea, Batman," he replied.

"NO! NO! YOU WOULDN'T DARE! YOU CAN'T SPANK ME!" He yelled in alarm.

“Oh yes I would!, and oh yes I can!! You see, I've studied you for many a long month, cocky caped crusader. I know where your dastardly foes have gone wrong. They've tried to kill you! Well don't worry; your life is safe with me. But I am going to put an end to your do-gooding ways! By total humiliation! Look round the room, Batman. Notice all the cameras? This video is going to make me a fortune! And when I unmask you - in close-up! - your crime-fighting days will be over!"

"You won't get away with this, Catman! Untie me now or else!"

"HA! HA! or else what, superhero? You’re all tied up! Garth, would you do the honors and remove Batman's tights and anything He might be wearing underneath?"

"It would be an honor, Catman," he replied, grasping the waistband of the crime-fighter's black spandex tights and slowly working them down over his hips. Catman gasped in awe at the perfect pair of ivory white melon-like ass cheeks that were now exposed and vulnerable, deliciously curved over the arch of the barrel in a picture perfect position for a good old-fashioned spanking!

With a chuckle, Catman's gloved palm landed repeatedly on Batman's rounded buns, bringing a bright red shade to the previously ivory white cheeks. "I wish I had thought of this earlier," he told him. "It might well have cut short your life of crime-fighting."

" ... ... Don't count on it ... ... Catman," he replied defiantly, looking over his shoulder at him. "I'll bounce back. It will take more than a spanking to stop me!."

"Then, I might as well make it a good one," he declared. "Will you please hand me that paddle, Garth?" Batman audibly gulped. Taking a firm grip on it and taking a few paces back, he took a running jump and gave those superhero globes an almighty THWACKKKK!!!!

"YEOOOOOOWWWWW!!" yelled Batman, wriggling and clenching his burning buns, just as his two comrades had done. Never before had anyone dared to assault him like this! A grown man getting a bare-assed spanking! In front of the camera too! How totally humiliating! and something else he'd never realised - how fuckin' painful!!

"Now this is what I call getting to the seat of a problem," chortled Catman, seeing a round red mark in the shape of the wooden implement.

"Very funny," Batman replied through gritted teeth, wishing he could rub the sting out of his sore ass cheeks.

"If you think that was funny, you'll double up with laughter at what's coming," Catman informed him, grinning from ear to ear. Screams of pain and outrage echoed off the warehouse walls as he set about tanning the defeated superhero’s perfect buns. First the paddle, then the razor strap. Poor Batman's bare naked ass was a fiery red by the time Catman had done!

But more than the pain, it was the total humiliation of being spanked bare-assed on camera that most hurt Batman. How could he ever live it down?

But Catman wasn't finished yet!

"Now for the coup-de-grace! He! He!"

Catman climbed onto the turntable and squatted in front of Batman's bright red sobbing face. One of the goons stood right behind holding a digital movie camera. Batman realised what was about to happen and tried to hide his face, but Catman grabbed hold of his hair and yanked his head up.

"Now we'll see who you really are! and on camera too! Ready for the end of your crime-fighting career, oh caped crusader? HA! HA! HA!"

"Don't do this Catman! Please don't do this!!!" begged a squirming, defeated Batman. He was finally going to be exposed! And there was nothing he could do about it. Exposed on camera with his spandex tights round his ankles in this humiliating position over a barrel, sporting a well-spanked naked heiny! He'd never be able to show his face in public again, even if it was masked!!

His pleas were ignored as Catman slowly pulled up the cowl over Batman's ruggedly handsome features.


"YES! Just look who it is! Bruce Wayne! Well I never! HA! HA! This is going to make me a millionaire too! And just look at those tears running down your cheeks, Batman ... oops, sorry, I mean Bruce. Did that spanking hurt? HA! HA!"

Robin watched all this with mounting horror. His hero, mentor, benefactor, humiliated and defeated in such an embarrassing way.

Catman turned to Robin. "I think I know who you must be!"

"Get your hands offa me!!!"

But the trussed up Robin was just as defenceless as Batman; there was no escape. Catman tore the mask away and help up the exposed face to the camera.

"Holy Dick! Care to say a few words to your fans? HA! HA!"

Three unmasked super-heroes, spanked and totally humiliated. And all caught on camera. But Catman had one final inspiration... He flicked a switch and the turntable started to move. Each of the so-called superheroes looked in horror as each in turn approached the paddle-waving Catman. And as each squirming crime-fighter passed by he took a well-aimed swipe at their exposed red and sore butts! Boy, did they howl!! and as they bucked and squirmed their totally exposed, tear-stained, grimacing faces were being filmed in loving Technicolor…

The End


Several weeks's a Friday night and Batman and Robin are leaving the police station after another successful night of crime-fighting and a few more criminals are behind bars. Lounging on the Batmobile is none other than Warrior.

"Let's get this over with" mutters Batman under his breath. They all climb in the car and head for a deserted warehouse near the docks.

But what about Catman and the video? Didn’t he vow to end their do-gooding ways? Well, he had a better idea. Much better. In return for not releasing the video to the general public, the three humiliated superheroes had to agree to a regular Friday night rendezvous with Catman ... and the paddle!! - Not forgetting the razor strap!

And if in the wee small hours of Saturday morning you happen to be near the docks of Gotham City you might just catch a glimpse of three sobbing spandex-clad superheroes limping slowly back to the Batmobile, clutching their red-raw sore-as-hell well-spanked heinies!



5 Gay Erotic Stories from Lycrastud02

A Superhero Called Blue

Even from the back you can tell it’s him, and not just because he’s dressed head to toe in skin-tight sea-blue spandex; it’s the way he walks – like he owns the place. Around 6 feet of solid muscle, broad shoulders tapering to an oh-so-narrow waist, accented by a broad black leather belt. Then his ass!: twin melons of pure muscle filling out and stretching the body-hugging blue spandex, showing

AquaStud in Peril

AquaStud in Peril Chapter 1 AquaStud ran as fast as he could through the back alleyways; he was on a high. Having just single-handedly defeated the notorious Shanghai gang he was desperate to get back to his apartment. His superhero strength was at a dangerously low ebb and needed a long rest to get it recharged. But just one block from home he stopped dead in his tracks; straddling an

Captain Jake’s Big Space Adventure, Part 1

Captain Jake’s Big Space Adventure Chapter 1 - Attack by the Space Monsters of Uranus Stardate 2212.128; just twenty-four hours to Earth and the twenty-four year old Captain Jake Botham can hardly wait. It’s been five long years since he’s seen his home planet and Boy! is he homesick. But then so would anyone be after five years in the company of droids and robots. Oh! for a real fuck!

Warrior and Robin in Peril

CHAPTER 1 Catman had set his trap well and now two of his three arch enemies -- Warrior and Robin -- were in his control. He had ensnared these pesky 19-year old superhero teens numerous times before and put them into deadly situations, but they had always managed to escape. This time they would not, He vowed, for what he had planned for the duo was not deadly but would prove to be

Whatever Happened to Meatman?

Now the true story can be told! Ever wondered what happened to Meatman, that super-lewd, super-hung super-hero? Well, after months of painstaking investigation the truth can now be revealed! That great artist, Stephen, chronicled a few of his adventures but shyed away from the real facts as we now know them. Here then, is the true and shocking ending to “Meatman Meets the Bionic Fuker”.


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