Gay Erotic Stories

My Favourite Uncle, Part 2

by EY Bear

Our days together developed into a routine. Every evening I worked hard at my homework, and my grades improved yet again, and Uncle Pat showed his appreciation with extra pocket money. It surprised me that as I worked harder, and got better, the work seemed to get easier, and my grades were regularly in the top three in the class. Meanwhile Uncle Pat made sure that I worked hard at sport too, and he used to come and watch games if he was free to do so, something my Dad had never done. Every Sunday I had to write a letter to my parents, and I found it easier if I made notes during the week, so I had something to tell them. Uncle Pat wrote to them as well, and reassured them that all was well, and school was going well. He also stressed that I was no trouble to him, and he enjoyed some young life in the house. I did notice that there were very few replies to our letters.

The days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, and although I continued writing every week, my parents faded into the background.

The one thing that was troubling me was how to get Uncle Pat to be more physical with me. One bath time I asked him to check that I was cleaning my foreskin properly, but he just commented that it was my cock, and in my own interests to keep it clean, so he would rely on me to do a good job. Damn! I was hoping that he would handle my cock again, but no such luck.

One day he suggested that we went into town and got some weightlifting gear so I could train extra at home, and build up some muscle. This was better, and I checked if he would exercise with me. Okay, and after that we exercised twice a week with weights. I enjoyed this, as Uncle Pat did the exercises without a shirt and I could enjoy seeing his hairy chest and back, and the big nipples standing out from his chest. Sometimes he would spot for me as I handled the big weights. This was best as I could see up his shorts and see his low-hanging balls and big cock, all covered in thick hair. This got me horny, and helped with my private jerk off sessions, but got me no further in my plan to get my hands on him.

After some thought, I asked him one day why his tits were so much bigger than mine, which were non-existent, completely flat to my chest. They are not tits, he said, women have tits, as no doubt you've seen, men have nips, and in answer to your question, you have to play with them, pull them out from your chest, twist them, roll them in your fingers. Best try them in the bath when they are warm and soft from the bath water. But he didn't show me.

Rather to my surprise the next Tuesday, he produced two little black cups, rather like the end of a walking stick, and told me to have a hot bath. I did as I was told, and after the bath, when all my hard work on my nips still seemed to have no effect, he came in with the two cups, put them in the sink and ran very hot water on them. Then he rubbed Vaseline into the skin around my nipples, and squeezing the cups fastened one onto each nipple.

“Right, leave them there for a little while, and we'll see how it works. Don't put any pajamas on (I didn't have any, as he knew) just a loose dressing gown, and after half an hour we'll see how it has worked,” he instructed.

I could feel the suction on my nipples, but couldn't see what effect it was having. I watched TV while I was waiting, and then after half an hour, we went to the weights room, where I sat on the bench, and Uncle Pat pulled off each cup with a popping sound. Wow I had nips. They stood out red and swollen and were just what I wanted.

“They'll go back soon,” he said, “unless we do some work on them,” and with that he sat behind me so I could feel his hairy chest rubbing against my back, which made me horny, but there was no way I could hide it from him as my cock got harder and harder. I didn't really want to hide it either, but I knew I had to be careful with Uncle Pat, and knew better than to step out of line. He brought his hands around me so I felt warmly enclosed, and started to play with my nipples, pulling them with his thumb and forefinger, and rolling them around, twisting and pulling, so they got even bigger. They also got very tender, and made me feel hornier than ever.

"Sometimes this can make you feel quite horny," he said, and then continued, "but I can see that already. Do you want to take care of that now?" There was no suggestion from him that he should do anything which disappointed me, but at least he was there, and not discouraging me. I set to, and soon jerked off, and it didn't take long for me to shoot my cum. It should have been better with him there, but although I had a smallish orgasm, it was nothing great. "Not much for a young man! How often do you jerk off?" Most days, I replied, sometimes twice a day. That's too much. You want to go for quality, and you'll get quantity too. No jerking off till Friday, then I'll show you how to do the job properly. By the way, this may help you get a hairy chest, at least it won't do you any harm, and it'll save the sheets" and he rubbed my cum into my chest, then licked the rest off his fingers, giving me some to taste too. Sweet and salty, I liked the taste, and resolved that after Friday, when I was next going to jerk off, if I understood the score right, I would be able to taste it again.

I thought Friday would never come. I had been working on my nips, and although at least they were there, and not flat, they were nothing like they had been with the cups on. And Uncle Pat had kept the cups, and I didn't dare search for them.

Friday came, and I had, with difficulty, not jerked off once. I reminded him of our date, and he commented that I was a randy little bugger, but he certainly hadn't forgotten and was looking forward to teaching me how to jerk off properly. Now go and have a bath, and remember, no touching your cock until I say so.

While I had my bath, Uncle Pat changed and put on a loose dressing gown...great! I could see his big nips, hairy chest and when the gown moved, I could see his great heavy balls, covered in fur, and above them, almost weighing them down, his great cock. I wanted to reach out and touch them, any of them, and the thought made me rock hard, but I wasn't going to spoil things, so I let Uncle Pat take the lead. "Are you sure you haven't been playing with yourself?" he asked, and i assured him that I hadn't, it was the sight of him dressed like that! After the bath he greased my nips and then put the cups on.

"While we are waiting for the cups to do the trick, we'll have a little theory lesson (Oh Shit). Now, why do you jerk off?" I said that it was because I like cumming. I like the feeling. "Yes, that's called orgasm, the cum is really only the evidence. You can enjoy a meal, but you don't eat just so you can have a dump, do you?" The way to a better orgasm, which I'll show you, is as much part of the pleasure as shooting your load. Think about when we went on the big Dipper. We ended up about ten feet from where we started, but the excitement was the trip. It's like that.

Now first, you should learn that there are other places on your body which make you horny and feel good. It's not just your cock. You've already discovered your nips work, so what about your ears, and he leaned over and started nibbling the lobe of my ear, and I could feel his moustache tickling and prickling me. That's one place, now what about under your balls, between your balls and your arse hole. Try it" I did, and that felt good too. "Another place is the rim of your arse, and up the arse is the prostate gland which actually produces the cum. Your balls just make the sperm. Don't you do reproduction at school?"

“Yes, but they don't teach us about that sort of thing.”

"Your prostate is also like a trigger, and at the right moment, a little manipulation by shoving your finger up your arse will make the whole orgasm much stronger. “Look I'll show you the first part,” and he licked his finger and just ran it around the rim of my arse, and I was squirming with sexual feelings. “Right, let's see how your nips are doing,” and he pulled the cups off. Again they were red swollen and juicy, and Uncle Pat started to play with them, alternating between twisting and pulling and then rolling them around. Another finger played with my arsehole, and the he pulled my balls away from my body. “This will delay you cumming,” he said. “So every time you feel you are going to cum, pause, pull down on your balls and wait a moment or two, then you can carry on.”

By now I had noticed that Uncle Pat was as hard as me, his foreskin had retracted and a big hard hot angry looking cock head was showing, dripping precum. He milked it for a moment and then said we can use this as lube, and slathered it onto my cock. I nearly shot my load then, but Uncle Pat knew, and pulled down on my balls before I could unload. He sat behind me on the bench, and nestled his big cock between my arse cheeks, pressing against my balls which got slick with all the precum.

“Now, just make a loose fist on your cock, and go very slowly, pausing at the bottom of the stroke, and then slowly and gently move up to the top and pause again.” I did as I was told, and Uncle Pat held onto my balls, as I was desperate to shoot. But he wouldn't let me. This continued, and I begged him to let me cum, but no, the exquisite agony continued, but gradually he increased the pace, but each time I had to go from top to bottom, long purposeful strokes, not my usual short jerky movements when I jerked off by myself.

“Now you can go faster,” he said, and he nibbled my ear, one hand on my balls, keeping them away from my body, and the other finger gently circling my arsehole, while I wriggled to try and get it into my hole.

”Please let me cum,” I begged, but not yet.

Eventually he said, “Let me know when you want to cum he whispered.”

“Oh yes now, now!” I yelled. He let go off my balls and a second later shoved his finger right up my arse, and scraped against my prostate. I cried out loud, and started shooting cum, spasming with every orgasm, bucking uncontrollably, God knows how many times, and there was cum flying everywhere, all over my chest, face ,in my hair and when I looked at Uncle Pat in his face, moustache and hair too.

I stopped jerking off, but Uncle Pat took over and I started spewing yet more cum. I was exhausted and Uncle Pat ran the rough skin of his thumb over my cock lips, making me shudder again as he wiped off the last drops which were oozing out.

When I got my breath back, I noticed that the cum was much thicker and gooier than usual, as well as gallons more!

“Is that better than your usual jerk off?” he asked But I was too far gone in post orgasmic ecstasy to answer. I just leaned back into his hairy chest, raise my face to his and kissed him.


14 Gay Erotic Stories from EY Bear

Army, Part 1

When I was six years old I somehow just knew I liked cocks. Not the little boy cocks like I saw at the changing room at school, but real men's cocks. I didn't know why I liked them, and had never heard of gay or queer or fag or even what they meant. I just liked seeing them, and it seemed to me that the best place to find them was at the swimming baths and specifically the changing rooms there,

My Favourite Uncle

Uncle Pat was always my favourite Uncle. He was Dad's youngest brother out of four. Dad was number two, and the eldest three were like my grandmother, slight, fair and sort of sandy. Uncle Pat was quite different, tall, very dark and heavily built, he took after my Grandfather, he was broad too, and an imposing man. The elder three were very bright, academic and with professional jobs, one a

My Favourite Uncle, Part 10

Now it's your turn Pat, said Bill, and I've got an idea which will make it different for you. You stay lying there, and I'll get our boy to take your cock while he sits over you, so I scooted round until I was facing Uncle Pat's face and then Bill guided Pat's cock into my arse, and I eased down until the whole of his cock was firmly in my arse. It felt great, just as I loved it, firmly in me

My Favourite Uncle, Part 2

Our days together developed into a routine. Every evening I worked hard at my homework, and my grades improved yet again, and Uncle Pat showed his appreciation with extra pocket money. It surprised me that as I worked harder, and got better, the work seemed to get easier, and my grades were regularly in the top three in the class. Meanwhile Uncle Pat made sure that I worked hard at sport too, and

My Favourite Uncle, Part 3

We stayed there some time. Uncle pat's arm around me, cradling me against his chest, and I could feel his cock hard between my arse cheeks. His hands tenderly massaged my balls which felt drained and he nibbled my ear lobes and gently kissed me on the neck. I felt so weak from the power of the orgasm that I doubted I could stand, but I tried and nearly fell over. Uncle Pat's strong arms steadied

My Favourite Uncle, Part 4

The next day brought an unpleasant surprise! A letter arrived from my parents telling me, no, ordering me to go see them for four weeks. Considering that they had hardly even written to me over the last months I thought the peremptory order was unfair, all the more so as I had just got to handle Uncle Pat and I had plans for his cock and my arse. Now it was all going wrong. I was in despair

My Favourite Uncle, Part 5

I had been so overcome by the emotion of our love-making that I hadn't realised that Uncle Pat was still deep within my bowels; rock hard and I fancied I could feel his great angry cockhead throbbing in my gut. He was heavy on me, his arms cradling me, kissing me deeply, and my lips were tender from the rough rasping of his moustache. Indeed every nerve in my body seemed to be sensitised. “Are

My Favourite Uncle, Part 6

The flight was long and boring. “Four fucking weeks away from Uncle Pat and his cock, and four fucking weeks without being fucked. Four non-fucking weeks! Shit!” I thought. We landed at the airport, no-one was waiting for me, eventually I asked and there was a message to get a taxi and go home. When I got there, there was no-one in, the house was dark and empty. Eventually my Mum turned up

My Favourite Uncle, Part 7

We fell asleep where we were, our cum-soaked bodies smearing the sheets, our cocks oozing cum and my arse leaking cum and blood onto the bedding. Uncle Pat woke me at some stage during the night. “I need more of that sweet arse Son.” He told me to get onto my knees, briefly told me it was called doggy style, and wham, his powerful cock was plundering my arse again, which greedily sucked him

My Favourite Uncle, Part 8

And so we set off to Paradise! Uncle Pat had done all the packing while I was asleep, and I had to wear a polo neck to hide the bruises. When we landed, we got a cab and Uncle Pat told the driver to take us to Paradise. It's busy there this week, the driver said; I've taken several fares there already. You should have a good week. In due course, we drew up at a discreet gateway, simply marked

My Favourite Uncle, Part 9

The door closed behind us and Bill looked around, "It's just the same as my chalet," he commented, and then added that the bed was easily big enough for the three of us. "Hang on Bill," said Uncle Pat, "You haven't even been invited to stay, and now you're organizing the place and us!" "Yes I know, and it's very true," said Bill, "but our boy here can't wait for another taste of my

Stowaway, Part 3

I awoke to the sound of movement in the cabin. Skip was shaving and I lay for a little while admiring the swirls of dark curly hair on his back. I wanted to run my fingers through it, and then I saw that Skip was watching me through the mirror, and I smiled at him. He came over to the bed and smiled at me and ran his fingers through my hair, and asked how my cherry felt. I replied that it still

Stowawy, Part 4

Skip continued to ride me, gently at first, just letting the pressure on my nipples do all the work, then he started to move more energetically within me, withdrawing until just his swollen cockhead was between my arse lips, while sometimes coming out altogether and then ramming his cock home while I tightened my arse muscles to give him a good fuck. I was clearly doing it right as he started

Village Life

I'm just an ordinary guy who happens to be gay. I always say I'm versatile but really I'm a bottom. This was in a sense a direct choice, as I loved both sides, both fucking and being fucked, but I reasoned that I could only fuck once (or maybe twice if it was a good day) but I could get fucked as much as I wanted, or as long as there was someone to fuck me. Let me tell you about Tunisia. You


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