Gay Erotic Stories

A New Penis Man: The Fourth Trial of Pro’Phallus…Trial By Cellulose, Part One

by TheMightyOptimus


Chapter One

Pro'Phallus was given a brief respite, a welcomed interlude between Trials. He was permitted by the Guardians of Manhood to enjoy a light snack, a short rest and the opportunity to scrub the dead plant matter from his impeccable body. The cool, clean water sluiced over every inch of his perfect tanned, toned form as he luxuriously soaped every muscular ridge and crease and washed his golden hair.

As he lathered and scrubbed, the Virilon mentally replayed his extraordinary encounters thus far against Magmar, Frigidonis, Queen Freezia and that pesky Polarglide. He'd truly been challenged mightily by them! When he recalled his most recent contest against Verdurous, the young muscular stallion shuddered.

By the gods, his nipples still stung from the torturously tantalizing kisses of the tit-sucker vines from the Plant World! Pro'Phallus winced as he pinched each bullet-like tip roughly with his soapy fingers, only of course, in an effort to further toughen them up. His mighty "Deliverer" surged! Great Gonads, he'd have to be extremely careful in future encounters. His stacked twin, beefy pecs may someday cause him serious problems due to their extraordinary sensitivity to stimulation. (Nod to Cole1, Penis Man vs. SilverRod!) Yes, he'd have to try to remember that!

The perfect, bubble-like mounds of his glutes flexed and hardened as he fought to rid himself of the haunting memory of riding the waves of all-consuming, strength-sapping pleasure caused by the "pucker-fucker" vine. His perfect anus still throbbed and stung from his almost fatal encounter with the accursed foliage and tingled disconcertingly with verboten anticipation of another!

Pro'Phallus swore that he must never again permit a situation where he may be forced to submit or surrender his fabulous body to another incidence of anal penetration! His enemies must never again dominate him so! Such delectation would surely mean his destruction now that he'd tasted the rapturous, yet possibly dooming endowments of his heritage! Impossible as it seemed, his own formidable Virilon body might someday betray him, spelling his doom! But Pro'Phallus would not be deterred by these newfound, disturbing discoveries concerning his anatomy. His calling remained. The mantle of Penis Man beckoned. He would not be swayed!

The Virilon's massive "Rod of Power" flourished from the reinvigorating shower and begged to be handled. The "Deliverer" thumped against his cut abs as he dried himself. Between his muscular, sinewy legs, his glorious sack of strength, his mighty "Font of Virility" teemed with his fertile, generative juices. Despite the perils and formidable challenges to his manhood encountered in his first three trials, Pro'Phallus now felt physically stronger than ever!

He flexed and posed in the mirror while re-adorning himself with his tokens of victory. Pro'Phallus admired the gifts bestowed upon him by his conquered adversaries. The black-stoned ring on his perfectly tapered finger from his Trial by Fire, the blue-tinged ice crystal in his navel from his Trial by Ice and the golden acorn dangling between his huge, meaty pecs from the Trial by Cellulose. Yes, each gift was fitting and spectacular in its own way and showcased itself perfectly while also accentuating the Virilon's magnificent physique. His body glowed as never before with healthy vigor and puissance! But it was now time for the young, would-be Penis Man to re-fresh his soul.

The chiseled, nubile young buck lay on his back upon a soft sheepskin pelt, ever attempting to behold his reflection in the mirror. With one deft, athletic move, he flung his knees up and over his head. Yes! His throbbing tool was now straining at his lips, eager to be taken.

Pro'Phallus latched on and laved his magisterial cum-weapon with his hungry tongue. Drops of pre-cum already dripped from its meaty muzzle as he sucked his great shaft. His massive palms cupped his muscular ass cheeks as he deep throated his own length and within moments, his hot cum spewed down his throat! Re-invigorating power and energy flowed through him, igniting his brain and renewing his purpose to be Penis Man!

He was now ready for his next test.

Chapter Two

"Pro'Phallus, it has been decided that you will now enter the black portal," the spokesman for the Guardians of Manhood directed.

"Give our regards to the Dipteran!" yelled Bak'or, a member of the Council of Elders, in a menacing, mocking tone.

Pro'Phallus just looked at him, head held high atop his bull neck, then stepped through the portal.

"We test Pro'Phallus out of order, Bak'or," Mando remonstrated. "I knew nothing of this! He should be doing battle in the water world next. Surely he can't yet be ready for such a daunting challenge. Alas, brothers, the black portal might certainly spell his doom."

"You speak as though you wish to worship his Staff of Manhood," Bak'or chided, inciting a few nervous chuckles, "instead of destroying the tainted pretender, Mando. The only reason he's gotten this far is because my nephew Uther has relieved him of the task of battling the more formidable foes!" he hissed.

"My esteemed colleague may very well be right and Uther has undeniably demonstrated himself as a force to be reckoned with as well. Yet, my brothers, there is a fire burning in the son of Humilius that demands a certain respect. After all, Bak'or, even you must admit that he has certainly gotten much farther in the Trials than your son!" Mando responded, knowing full well the effect his words would have on his fellow Councilman. They glared at one another until an affable colleague broke the silence with a friendly yet possibly lucrative challenge.

"We shall see, gentlemen. We shall see!" chimed in Plasmus. "What say you, Bak'or? I wager ten thousand cocktares that Pro'Phallus is victorious!"

"I'll take that bet, Plasmus," he spit, " for the black portal will surely spell this pretender's doom!"

"He'll certainly make some important discoveries about himself, that's for certain," Plasmus responded. They all agreed.

Chapter three

Pro'Phallus stepped confidently through the black portal, cum weapon in hand. He flexed his massive body and posed in preparation as he tossed back his honey locks. Surely he'd be met immediately this time. He racked and squeezed his shaft, just the way he always liked it, and was rewarded with a drop of glistening essence at his sluiceway.

Tremendous buzzing droned in his ears. The foul, thick air was rife with a rotten, putrid stench, the likes of which Pro'Phallus had never encountered. His stomach lurched beneath his perfectly chiseled abs and his beautiful face became a mask of revulsion. His blue eyes watered from the stench and he closed them tightly and wiped away the moisture. He suddenly felt a brushing, tickling sensation at the Deliverer's tip! His eyes flew open.

"What treachery is this?" he boomed in his mellifluous baritone. A swarm of pecker flies had arrived en mass and were teeming and buzzing around his mighty cock head, all attempting to get at the liquid pooled at his piss slit! They flew into his eyes and at his full, luscious lips, into both ears and up his nose as well. The Virilon swatted at the pesky gnats with one hand and waved his mighty, surging cock with the other, causing all that made him a man to slap against his meaty thighs. Impossible that such tiny enemies could work so well in causing him grief! He had to get away.

Pro'Phallus started to run towards a stand of deciduous trees, his sinewy legs pumping and propelling him swiftly. His stacked, muscular man-tits bounced as he ran lithely towards who-knew-what? It seemed he was outdistancing the pecker flies and the welcomed air generated by his forward motion blew across his face and lifted his honey-colored locks as he powered himself away.

He tore at his face to remove the remaining insects, not watching where he was going. There, directly before him, a swampy pond of brackish, slimy water! He must jump it! The swarming pests would surely be upon him should he become mired in that tainted, filthy muck! Pro'Phallus coiled his legs and leapt into the air. He just kept on going.

"By the gods!" he exclaimed. He was…he was flying! How was this possible? "How can this be?" he exclaimed aloud with great jubilance. He wanted to land and fall upon his knees to exalt the powers that had bestowed this incredible endowment upon him, but felt it more proper and fitting to glorify them while utilizing his newfound skill.

He knew, of course, that every Penis Man could fly but had always thought that it was through the ancient artifacts that such a wondrous ability was bestowed. Oh how he wished he could stand back and behold his own image as he wheeled gracefully through the air! He must indeed be a glorious sight to see!

His hair streamed out behind him, caressing his massive shoulders; his huge beefy arms were straight out before him, his stomach was taught and ridged. His rock hard thighs tapered back to his stacked calves and his perfect feet pointed straight back. Pro'Phallus flexed his buttocks and looked down at his smooth, marmoreal body. A thin layer of man-sweat glistened upon him from his exertion, highlighting every ridge and crease.

By the grace of Testis! His ultra-stiff staff of virility stuck out a forty-five degree angle from his groin! Pro'Phallus' excitement was magnified to such an extent that he felt as if he might discharge his implement of manly power right then and there! Drops of pre-cum bubbled forth and dripped from his slit; raining down to the surface below. He fingered his jutting, massive man-bag and called upon his Penis Strength to quell the desire.

Pro'Phallus observed the scenery below through new eyes and recognized that he was indeed in a world full of insects. He could see how they turned and wheeled in great swarming clouds beneath him. As he hurtled through the air, the mighty Virilon was now aware that his body was gifted with an instinctual understanding of how this newfound ability was to be controlled and utilized. The young buck was thoroughly and completely enraptured by his own body. His self-admiration blinded him to the fact that he was flying in to the deep dark woods as he chanted his thanks.

"Blessed are the venerable powers that be! Blessed are the ancient Scrolls of the Sack for they….gaaaaaaaaaa!" As he flew, his attention diverted from his task at hand, he was snatched in mid-flight and held by four strong and powerful limbs. A huge, stalwart body pushed him down from above and behind onto a wide tree limb, smashing his head into a nearby branch and then pinning him with its massive weight and straddling his shapely ass.

Pro'Phallus felt a sharp object pressing on the back of his bull neck at the base of his skull. The appendages pulled him in harder, trapping his arms and pinning his "Deliverer" underneath him to the huge tree limb, woody upon wood.

"What? What perfidy befalls me?" he gasped while attempting to extricate him self from the steely grasp. He caught a glimpse of his captor's strong limbs encircling him and holding him down. They were insect-like; mostly black with many rows of black gouging beard-like bristles. At the end of each was a hand-like appendage that gripped him mightily. A deep, tremendous buzzing droned in his ear.

"Zzzzzzzzzzzz, Virilon, you are ssso enamored of yourself that you fail to ssssee the dangers right before your eyes!" the being buzzed menacingly as a black tongue darted out and explored the exposed side of his comely face.

"Release me, insect, or I shall be forced to…"

"Forced to what?" He felt the bug on his back shuffling and repositioning slightly. "Unleash your inept cum weapon against me? I think not! I'm ssssurprised you didn't fire upon yourself the way you were fingering your manly pouch in flight!" the insect taunted.

One of his bug hands reached out and plucked the ring from Pro'Phallus' finger, then snatched the golden acorn from around his throat and placed them in a pouch belted about his tapered abdomen. The pouch hung down, grazing his thorax.

"How dare you remove my gifts thief!" Pro'Phallus exclaimed.

"It isss entirely fitting, Virilon. I am, after all, a Robber Fly. I am TOLMERUSSSSSS, of the DIPTERAN! I'm now going to ssssteal your life as well by ssssucking your blood until your body isssss completely drained!" Pro'Phallus felt the sharp object push harder against his skin.

"Mmmmmph," Pro'Phallus moaned, feeling the insect's huge slimy fly cock poised and rubbing at the twin beefy mounds guarding his still-throbbing breech. He thought about the ice crystal tucked inside his navel. Alas, his mighty Deliverer was trapped directly beneath it. He risked flash-freezing his own cum weapon should he choose to call upon its frosty powers! He shuddered, thinking about being bug-fucked, then blood-sucked by this giant fly. He cursed himself for having been so pre-occupied!

"The brain your ancestors bequeathed you issss obviousssly sssmall and unable to processsss any information beyond allowing you to obsessss about the beauty your own body. Zzzzzzzzzzzz!" Tolmerus buzzed insidiously. "This has been acceptable for the jejune Penissss Men of the passsst, Virilon, but the ssstakesssss have now been raised by The Guradianssssss of Manhood!" he continued.

"Sssssee the ground beneath you muscular moron? See how it issss littered with the corpsesss of thossse I've desstroyed? You are no different, inane half-wit! Your body is as magnificent as your mind is ssssstupid! Zzzzzzzzzzzz! Prepare yourself as my beak punctures your skin. I'll begin to suck you dry while you're fully conscious then toss your dead, muscle-bound carcass to the wind!"

Pro'Phallus had indeed noted the dried Virilon man-husks littering the forest floor beneath this huge tree. He started to panic. His head was swimming as he felt Tolmerus' sharp mouth- part attempting to puncture his skin. Pro'Phallus desperately called upon his Penis Power to protect him from being perforated and tried to think.

"Curiousssss, Virilon," Tolmerus buzzed. "Try assss I might, my beak cannot punch through your skin! I shall have to reconssssi…..!!!!"

"Res Firma Mitescere Nescit," Pro'Phallus whispered softly to himself. Power surged into his limbs and he took advantage of the fly guy's hesitation. He tore the bristled limbs from around his torso and spun underneath his would-be conqueror, cum weapon in hand.

"Have a little of my home-brewed insecticide, evil one!" he cried and fired upon the surprised insect. His man-milk sluiced from the tip and splashed across one of the insect's compound eyes, blinding him. Tolmerus screamed and turned, allowing Pro'Phallus a direct hit to the left haltere, immobilizing the front wing.

Tolmerus struck out blindly with his legs, his hairy bristles raking across the Virilon's mountainous nipples. His fly fists pummeled the chiseled abs and connected once or twice with vicious blows to Pro'Phallus' sack of power, the source of his manhood; each desperate move only fueling the muscular champion to further defeat and humiliate him.

Pro'Phallus leapt to his impeccable feet and continued to stroke his still-turgid magisterial shaft. He thought about posing and flexing his perfect body to further demean his foe but used his head and snatched the pouch containing his gifts instead. Using the golden acorn he called upon its power to bind the fly in lush green vines, remembering all-too-well their steely grip. He placed the ring upon his finger once again and checked upon the ice crystal imbedded in his navel. Tolmerus slumped in defeat.

"Ha! The so-called "King of the Dipteran" has been soundly defeated at the hands of this muscular moron? Bow before me and worship my staff of power, Tolmerus! My next challenge awaits!" Pro'Phallus decreed as he now allowed himself to posture and hero pose at the edge of the branch, squeezing his font of power with delight and tweaking his own huge bullet-like man-buds in sweet victory.

"Zzzzzzzzzzzz! Remember well my wordsssss, Virilon. Ussssse your head asss well asss your incredible body at all timessssss. Usssse it or lossssse it! Zzzzzzzzzzzz!"

"You treat me as though I'm stupid, insect-king, yet here I stand above you as your vanquisher. Worship me now and….!"

Pro'Phallus grunted as he was once again brutally snatched up from behind in six bristled arms, yet these were much larger and stronger than those of Tolmerus were. The body of this giant fly was much larger and heavier and he struggled vainly to dislodge himself. The whiskers raked and stimulated his nipples with electrifying jolts.

"Ugh! Res Firma, gaaaaaaaah!"

He felt the huge, hard, oozing fly cock slide between his muscular cheeks; the carapace opening and allowing the head of the shaft to penetrate him deeply; nullifying the Chant of Plenipotentious. He moaned and cursed as his Virilon body instinctively pleasured itself upon the giant fly's crank. This turn of events was disastrous! His cum weapon was dangerously close to firing.

"Zzzzzzzzzzzz, Virilon, you've succeeded in defeating my son! He's barely out of his pupating stage but had crushed many before you. You are indeed worthy of my attentions and now you belong to me. I am ASILIDAE and I AM KING OF THE DIPTERAN! Congratulations, you will be my new heir!

To be continued…


5 Gay Erotic Stories from TheMightyOptimus

A New Penis Man: The Third Trial of Pro’Phallus…Enter The Green Portal (Trial by Cellulose!) Conclusion

BY JOHNANYMOUSDOE@AOL.COM Part Two, Conclusion "So, conquered one, you awaken!" a voice creaked. It sounded to Pro'Phallus like a branch being scratched against a window. "Your man milk is excessively potent and plentiful. My beauties will flourish from your weed seed." Pro'Phallus opened his eyes and beheld a hoary being who looked as though he'd been carved from an ancient, petrified

A New Penis Man: The Fourth Trial of Pro’Phallus…Trial By Cellulose, Part One

By Chapter One Pro'Phallus was given a brief respite, a welcomed interlude between Trials. He was permitted by the Guardians of Manhood to enjoy a light snack, a short rest and the opportunity to scrub the dead plant matter from his impeccable body. The cool, clean water sluiced over every inch of his perfect tanned, toned form as he luxuriously soaped every muscular

A New Penis Man: The Third Trial of Pro'Phallus, Enter The Green Portal, Trial By Cellulose, Part One

Pro'Phallus was now directed by the Guardians of Manhood to pass through the portal glowing green. His questions to the Elders regarding the other challenger remained unanswered. His massive hand still clenched the ice crystal bestowed upon him by the Ice Queen, Freezia after his second trial. She had presented the token to him as she worshipped his imperial staff of virility in defeat. He

First Trial Of Pro'phallus...Trial By Fire!

By The guardians directed me to pass through the portal glowing red and I was immediately assaulted by an intense wave of heat. It seemed the entire surface of this strange world was burning. The air was thick with smoke and heat. My lungs burned causing my perfectly chiseled chest to heave in an attempt to acclimate myself. Fear clutched at my stomach until I

The Second Trial Of Pro'hallus, Part One

by (nods to cole for creating the character) Pro'Phallus stepped through the portal glowing white as directed by the Guardians of Manhood. His tanned, toned body still glistened with manly dew from his Trial by Fire encounter with Magmar. He expected to be attacked immediately and stroked his mighty cock, his Deliverer, all that made him a man! His honey-golden hair


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