Gay Erotic Stories

The New Farm Hand, Part 1

by Erikpbrg26181

It was one of those hot, sweaty days where the sun hits you in the eyes regardless of where you look and the sweat is running down your legs and chest. Don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid of what it takes to get a hard job done, but one thing that I have never gotten use to is having my briefs soaked with sweat.

Anyhoo, it's about 11 AM and already 87 degrees. Alan, the ranch master told me to take the Hummer down to Twin Forks and pick up a new hire. He was coming in on a bus around noon. I didn't mind this little trip because one, I got to drive the Hummer and two, I could wait for this dude while snoozing in the A/C. I pulled off the edge of the road across from the drop off point where the bus normally stops. It's been years since it has ever stopped. The ranch is out in the middle of God's country with no other homes or farms within 10 to 15 miles. Alan is a widower, has been for 13 yrs and tends to be a hermit other than when he's out giving the ranch hands hell because the grass hasn't been cut or a fence is down. Twin Forks is about 10 miles from the ranch and sits fairly close to a small town, therefore, the bus passes by, but rarely stops.

I just started to nod off when I heard the rumble of the bus. I sat watching as the big Greyhound roared in like a locomotive, kicking up all the dust and dirt, hissing like a snake in the grass. After the bus came to what seemed like a two-second rest, it fired up again and then sped off. My first thoughts were, I'm not going to have anyone to pick up and Alan is going to be yelling and swearing all week long.

As the dust cloud begins to drift away and settle, I look hard and long at the rough and battered bus stop. At first I could see nothing, and then a faint shadow began to appear from the dust. I could see the image of a young man trying to re-group his bags from the bus ride. I step out of the cool Hummer into the nasty and sweltering heat. It is apparent that the guy has no clue anyone else is around. I walk over to the little shed. His back is to me while he is still struggling to juggle the bags.

As I get closer I can begin to see more details about this guy. I had to stop dead in my tracks just shy of being on the sidewalk. As he was bending over, his jeans sculptured his ass like one of those Italian statues. Two perfectly round cheeks, definitely what I call "bubble." I quickly snap back to reality when I realize he was aware of me and turns.

"Hello," I said.

He replied with, "Hey."

"I'm from the Crazy Horse ranch. Big Al sent me out to pick you up. Can I give you a hand with those bags?"

He was more than quick to hand a couple to me. We started for the Hummer and I sensed that he wasn't following me anymore. I stopped and turned. He was standing in the middle of the road looking at the Hummer like it was some kind of UFO that just landed. "It's a Hummer," I said.

After a long pause his mouth slowly opened and all I heard was, "Yeah, I know." The kid was almost in shock!

"Come on, through your bags in the back here. We need to get back quick or Big Al will be sending a pose after us." I climbed in and began soaking up the cool air blasting out of the vents. I looked across to the passenger side mirror and saw the guy slowly coming around the side while his eyes were glued on every bend and curve.

He pops the door open and climbs in. I reach over, extending my hand and said, "I'm Aaron, one of the ranch hands." He shakes my hand and proceeds to tell me his name is Martin. We exchange small talk to break the ice a little while I drive away and head back to the ranch. "Might as well sit back and relax a little. We're about 10 minutes away." I couldn't help but look him over while trying not to run off the road. All I could think was, I hope he is put with me the first month. He was about 6 feet tall, dark hair, beautiful blue eyes and a smile that just melts your heart. He was a really cute young man. What an ass he packs! Something you would want to squeeze like a “fooze ball”. We chat back and forth a little to kill some time.

As we wind around a tight curve in the road, I slam my breaks on bringing the Hummer to a sliding halt. A dead tree that was on the Crazy Horse property apparently just decided today was the day to topple over. Where it fell, it pulled down two fence posts and messed up several yards of good wire. "Looks like this could be my first chore of the day."

We get out and survey the tree. It was more than one man could lift and move out of the way however with Martin there I thought we could give it a try. We sized the tree up and tried to calculate how to stagger our grips so we could move it. "On the count of 3..." When I was counting, I really wasn't thinking about what I was going to do after that. My eyes were locked on Martin's sweet ass as he was bent over waiting for my cue. When I got to "3" we both gave a manly grunt and pulled on the tree.

Just at that second my footing gave way. I was standing in some loose gravel and it shifted under foot. All I remember was going down very fast. Martin was struggling with managing the load of the tree by himself. After he realized what happened, he continued keeping the tree up in the air and walked it away from me, tossing it into the ditch along the road. Quickly turning on his heel, he ran back over to where I was at. I could tell by the look on his face that I looked a little rough.

When I fell, I landed right into the mass of barbed wire. I was cut up pretty good- bleeding around my face and neck. The wire was hung up in my shirt and jeans. Martin asked if I thought I broke anything. "Only my sorry-assed pride, buddy," I replied. I told him there were some gloves and wire cutters in the back of the Hummer. With careful but fast work, Martin had me cut out of the mess of wire. He told me that I was still bleeding pretty badly. I didn't realize it, but the wire really ripped me open as I fell trying to brace myself.

We opened the back of the Hummer up and I showed Martin where the first aid kit was at. He proceeded to tell me that he was a certified EMT from back home. It really was evident by his quick way around the various items in the kit. I could feel what I thought was sweat running down my chest, under my shirt. I looked down and through a large rip in the material and noticed blood streaming down my abs. Martin helped me get my shirt off. I had some pretty nasty slashes across my shoulder and abs. Martin began dabbing and swabbing the cuts with sterile pads and alcohol.

Even though the stinging and burning I noticed something... Martin was not just cleaning me up. He was checking me out. His eyes were roaming my chest and arms where not cuts or scrapes were to be found. I'm not the type to flaunt or show off my physique even though I have to say it looks damn good. My chest is pretty built with nice pecs, dark brown nips that hang off the edges of the cliff. I don't have a real defined 6-pak but it is pretty firm--all that and a nice medium brown coat of fur to cover the pecs and then trail down under my belt.

As I tried not to let Martin notice I was aware of his "expedition", I kept watching as he was looking ever so subtly at my pecs. "What the hell?" I thought to myself. “I'm going to see if I can have some fun with this hot stud.”

I began to randomly but carefully flew one pec or the other. When he noticed, he looked up at my face to see if I had caught on to him. I quickly looked away as if I was concentrating on what we were doing to get me cleaned up. He began to make his tending to me stretch out, giving him more time to enjoy the view. I knew then that this guy liked a manly bod that close to him. It was just then that a bead of sweat trickled down off my right shoulder, streaming its way over my pec and then onto my nipple.

The sun was very intense as we really had no shade to recluse to. The drop of sweat was dangling from my nipple like the morning dew hanging from a freshly ripened strawberry. Martin's eyes were captured by this. He followed every second of the event and almost lost in the moment as if he was ready to reach out and capture it before it dripped off my nipple. We both froze in time for what seemed to be minutes.

Anticipating his next move, I remained still and not taking a breath. I glanced down and noticed the huge form of his cock pressing down and across his thigh. It had been several days since I’d jacked off and I was about to go nuts! Without really thinking about it, my hand just reached out and over, grasping the back of Martin's head and pulling his face toward my nipple. Only a fraction of a second of resistance and then he slowly parted his lips.

It was at that second I saw his tongue glide out to meet my chest. He had the longest tongue I've ever seen. His tongue quickly lapped up the drop of sweat just before his lips pressed up to my nipple. Pressing his face into my pec, cold chills ran down my back as if an artic blast swept over the valley. I could feel his tongue tracing the circle of my nipple while sucking on my pec. My cock was like wild animal, pressing against my sweaty briefs and jeans, lusting to be freed.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Erikpbrg26181

The New Farm Hand, Part 1

It was one of those hot, sweaty days where the sun hits you in the eyes regardless of where you look and the sweat is running down your legs and chest. Don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid of what it takes to get a hard job done, but one thing that I have never gotten use to is having my briefs soaked with sweat. Anyhoo, it's about 11 AM and already 87 degrees. Alan, the ranch master told me to


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