Gay Erotic Stories

Construction Worker's Son, Part 8

by Rimpig

by RimPig (c) 2002 (

When we woke up, Josh and I continued to lay in each other’s arms on his bed in the room he grew up in. There was not greater pleasure, to me, than waking up in Josh’s arms. To feel and smell his body close to mine. We talked quietly about nothing in particular.

“God! I wished I’d known you when we were young. I bet we would have been friends then.” I said.

“Yes, and we both probably would have come out a lot sooner, too!” Josh smiled. “I know I wouldn’t have been able to keep my hands off you!”

“And you think I would have not taken every opportunity to touch you?” I smiled back.

“Was it hard for you, coming to grips with being Gay?” Josh asked.

“It was for a while. For a long time, I just ignored that fact that the only people who turned me on were guys. But as time went by and I saw more and more guys my age getting all wrapped up with girls and dating and shit, I started to wonder why there seemed to be something wrong with me. I wasn’t attracted to girls at all. For a short while, I kidded myself that I was just a ‘late bloomer’. But I realized that wasn’t true. I had bloomed--a long time before. I just ‘bloomed’ a different way. Then I got scared because I realized two things.” I told him.

“What?” he asked.

“The first was, that if anybody found out--especially at school--I’d be dead meat! I knew I wouldn’t be able to stand the jokes and the taunting. I’ve seen the abuse heaped on guys who don’t ‘fit in’. I didn’t want that to happen to me. So I withdrew. I tried to make myself as invisible as possible. If no one noticed me, no one would know that I liked guys.” I explained.

“It’s awfully hard not to notice someone as cute as you are.” Josh said and leaned down and kissed my cheek.

I know I blushed. I could feel my face getting red.

“I love it when I can make you blush.” Josh murmured in my ear. “So what was the other thing you were afraid of?”

“Well actually it was two other things, combined in one. My Dad. I’d run into this kid one day while I was at the mall. He wasn’t obviously Gay, but my ‘Gaydar’ went off - Big Time! We got to talking and we admitted to each other that we were both Gay. He warned me never to let my Dad find out. His parents had caught him in bed with another boy and had literally thrown him out of the house onto the street with nothing but the clothes on his back. They told him they never wanted anything to do with him again. Now he had to sell drugs and his body in order to live. I was afraid my Dad would do the same thing to me. Especially because I had something else I was desperately trying to hide - the fact that I wanted my Dad sexually. I was very turned onto him. He was my ideal male.” I told him.

“But your Dad would never do that to you!” Josh said.

“Oh, I know that NOW. I didn’t know that then. Dad did get a little angry with me when he found out that I thought that, but he said he could understand why I did. His anger was truly reserved for that kid’s asshole parents! What pieces of crap they are!”.

“How did you end up telling your Dad you were Gay?” Josh asked.

“I think it was about the time that I was licking his raunchy jockstrap and begging for his piss that he got the message.” I laughed.

Josh howled in laughter.

“You’re kidding, right?” he said.

“Nope. That’s what really happened. One Friday night - not too long ago, Dad came home earlier from work than I expected him and caught me lying in my room jacking off. One thing led to another and I was sucking his cock, drinking his piss and taking it up the ass from him. I told him then about being afraid of him finding out about me and how much I was turned on to him. Of course, he could tell about the ‘turned on’ part. When somebody is begging for you to fuck them, you kind of get the feeling they’re attracted to you.” I grinned.

“Just that simple?” Josh asked.

“Just that simple. You know Dad. He has a very straight forward idea about how to live life. You see something you want, you go for it. He told me a few days ago that he was afraid at first that you and I would be too shy with each other to get together. He was so happy when that didn’t happen. That’s why he gave us so much time together. He knew how good we were for each other and he wanted to make sure that we really had a chance to make a relationship with each other.” I said.

“And it certainly worked. Now, I just hope the same thing happens with our Dads.” he said.

“Oh, I’m not worried about that. I’ll bet they are fucking and sucking right now. And I’ll also bet, from what I saw on that video monitor that it won’t be long before they are as much in love and bonded to each other as we are.” I said.

“God! I hope so. It would be so perfect if your Dad and my Dad were lovers. It would make the four of us so close!” Josh said wistfully.

“You don’t feel that you’re already close to your Dad?” I asked.

“No. Not really. Not like you and your Dad are. And I don’t mean the sex. There’s always been like this wall between Dad and I. I don’t know what it is. I know he loves me. But he always seems to hide something - hold something back in his feelings about me. I don’t know how else to describe it.” Josh said.

“I think I know what the problem is.” I said.

“Okay, Dr. Freud. You tell me.” Josh grinned.

“The answer is simple. You Dad wants you. I told you that. Didn’t you notice the looks he was giving you when we got here?” I asked.

“Yes, this time I was watching him, watching for the looks, and you were right! He does look at me that way!” Josh admitted.

“I think he’s had an awfully hard time keeping his hands off you. You know it is perfectly normal for males to express their love sexually. That’s the usual response to strong, positive emotions in males. But I think you’re Dad was probably very horrified at himself for his desires and he’s had a tough time keeping himself in check. I think that’s the wall you’re feeling.” I explained.

“ could be right. Oh fuck! What a fucking waste of time! Here we’ve both wanted the same thing all these years and were afraid to tell each other!” Josh fumed.

“Hey! It’s not his fault and it’s not your fault. Society makes it very tough on people who break its taboos. Father/Son incest is one of those taboos. And, I guess, for very good reasons most of the time. But not at all times. Sometimes that taboo makes as much pain and heartache as it prevents.” I answered. “I wonder how many Gay guys grow up attracted to their Dads?” I asked Josh.

“A lot more than would ever admit it, I’ll bet.” Josh speculated. “After all, to most boys, Dad defines--at least for a time in their lives--what a man is. Of course, a lot of boys, especially Gay ones, grow up with very bad relationships with their fathers. I think some of that comes from their father recognizing their son’s ‘difference’ on some level, even when they’re very young and the father reacts against that difference. The son perceives his father’s reaction and feels rejected. He tries at first to regain his father’s approval at first but when that doesn’t happen, the son becomes angry and the relationship deteriorates from there. It’s especially bad because the boy feels rejected not only as a son but as a lover because there is the situation of his physical attraction to his father wrapped up in the whole thing as well.” Josh explained.

“Talk about Dr. Freud!” I gasped. “How did you figure out all of that?”

“Well, even though I didn’t go to college, I did a lot of reading. I even took several psychology courses online. I was trying to find out why there was always such distance between me and my Dad. For the longest time, I thought it was because I was Gay. Now it seems, it’s because we’re both Gay. But not honest about it.” Josh said.

“Gee, I married a genius!” I giggled. “But I think you’re right. Wasn’t it Lincoln who said that ‘honest is the best policy’? You live a lie and everybody ends up getting hurt.”

“So do we go to your Senior Prom?” Josh asked, looking me in the eyes.

“Well...I’m not Lincoln. And I guess there are some times and places where complete honesty isn’t necessary. I really don’t give a damn about the Prom. And, I’ll be honest with you, there’s something inside of me that says I don’t want to cheapen our relationship by displaying it in front of a bunch of ignorant assholes who aren’t mature enough to know what love is all about. Am I wrong to feel that way?” I asked Josh.

“No, I don’t think you’re wrong at all! I feel exactly the same way. If you really wanted to go, I would! But I’d rather take you out to dinner and make love to you all night long.” Josh said, licking the inside of my ear.

“Mmm. That sounds MUCH better than any fucking Prom! But do I have to wait until then?” I moaned.

“When would you like me to fuck you all night long?” Josh grinned.

“How about tonight?” I answered.

“You’ve got it, babe!” he said and pulled me closer to him.

Our lips had just met in what would have been a very passionate kiss when there was a knock at the door to Josh’s room.

“Yes?” Josh called out.

“Dinner’s ready! Come down when you are.” Josh’s Dad’s voice called through the door.

“Okay, be there in a minute!” Josh called out. “Well, I guess we’ll have to postpone the fucking for fuel. It probably would give us more strength to go at each other all night if we were fed.” Josh laughed.

We quickly dressed and went downstairs. Josh took my hand and we walked into the dining room. It was a huge room with a table that could easily hold over 20 people comfortably. But there was nobody there! And nothing was set up for dinner!

“I guess we’re eating on the patio.” Josh said and we went to a pair of large French doors and walked onto the patio. There were our Dads sitting at a cabana table, sitting very close to one another and holding hands. And both of them naked!

“Oh my God!” I whispered to Josh. “Do you see what I see?”

“Fuck!” he whispered back. “Looks like our little plan REALLY worked!”

“Yeah, just like my Dad’s did with us!” I giggled.

“Shall we join them?” Josh said, stopping and unbuttoning his pants.

We were both naked in a heart beat and walked over to the table hand in hand.

“Well, there you both are!” Rob said to us.

“Seems like we’ve adopted a much more relaxed posture, huh, Dad?” Josh said.

“Well, it’s such a nice day, seemed silly to get dressed again.” Rob laughed.

It was obvious what the two of them had been up to. The smell of sex, sweat, cum and piss exuded from both of them.

Rob brought on the steaks and we all set to eating with a vengeance! Seems that sex really does make you hungry and we were all starved! At one point during the meal, Dad turned to me.

“It be best if you went home to your and Josh’s place tonight. I’m going to be spending the night here.” Dad said, looking all innocent.

I was taken aback by this. Not about Dad spending the night with Rob, but this was the first time Dad had ever acknowledged that Josh’s place was now ours. Something had definitely happened here.

“Okay, Dad. That just fine.” I said.

“Josh,” said Dad. “I think it’s about time we looked into getting Matt a car. After all, he’s going to need it to get to school. You’re not going to be able to drive him every morning with you working. Think we could find him one like yours?”

I was overwhelmed and the look on Josh’s face showed that he was, too! Not just about the car, but what Dad was saying was that I would be living with Josh when school started again!

“Dad, do you mean this? Are you saying that it’s ok for Josh and I to live together full-time?” I asked, almost afraid of the answer.

“Well, I was noticing those rings you have one when you sat down. I figure I pretty well know what they mean. And if the two of you are going to be a couple, you might as well live together. You’ll be 17 in a few weeks, so I figure you two pretty well know your own minds by now.” Dad said.

I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

“I love you, Dad!” I said.

“How do you feel about it, Dad?” Josh asked Rob. I could tell he had some concern about how Rob would react to this.

“How should I feel? My son has found someone to love and is, from all appearances, deliriously happy. I think that as long as Mike has no objections, I shouldn’t either. After all, son, that house belongs to you.” Rob said. “But what’s this about rings?”

Josh and I showed our Dad’s the rings that Josh had made for us. They both admired them.

“Well, congratulations to the two of you!” Rob said. “This calls for a toast. Let me get some champagne!” he said, getting up and walking into the house.

“I very happy for the both of you!” Dad said.

“And we’re happy for you, too, Dad.” I said.

And for the first time in my life, I saw my Dad blush! I couldn’t believe it. “It shows, does it?” He asked, sheepishly.

“Oh! It definitely shows! On both of you!” Josh said.

“I thought that shit like this only happened to kids your age!” Dad said with a sigh.

“Nope! Love hits wherever and whenever it pleases!” I told Dad.

“Well, I never thought that this could happen again to me! But, you know? I like it. I really do! I can’t believe what a great guy your Dad is, Josh! Of course, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised since you’re such a great guy yourself! I’ve gotta tell you, I nearly didn’t introduce you to Matt! I nearly made a play for you myself!” he laughed.

“I probably would have said ‘yes’, Mike, if you had!” Josh smiled.

“No, it wasn’t meant to be. Something just told me that you and Matt were meant to be together. I don’t know why, it just felt right.” Dad said.

“For us, too, Dad.” I said.

At this point, Rob returned with an ice bucket, two bottles of chilled champagne and four crystal flutes. He popped the cork and poured the four flutes about three quarters full of the bubbly liquid. Then he raised his glass.

“To Josh and Matt, may your love endure and may you find happiness in each other all your lives!” Rob said.

“And may your cocks stay hard and your desire for each other never wane!” Dad added.

Josh and I laughed and we all drank. Josh then grabbed the bottle and re-poured all the glasses. He then raised his glass. “To our Dads, may you both find in each other the happiness that Matt and I have found!”

I stood as well and raising my glass said, “And may you both love each other with the devotion that you have loved both of us!”

We all clinked glasses again, but I thought I saw tears glistening in both our Dad’s eyes. To our surprise, my Dad leaned over, grabbed Rob around the neck, pulled him close and kissed him passionately right in front of us!

“Yeah! Dad!” I yelled like a football cheer and then turned to Josh and we ‘high-fived’.

Our Dad’s broke their kiss and they were both blushing. It was so beautiful to see the love in their eyes for one another. I guessed that this is how it looked when Josh and I looked at one another. I suddenly felt tears coming to my eyes as I felt Josh’s arms go around my shoulders.

My Dad, pulled Rob close again, but this time, he murmured something in his ear. Rob got a scared look on his face as he looked at my Dad questioningly. My Dad nodded his head as if to say “go on” to Rob. Rob then stood up and spoke to Josh.

“Josh, would you come into the house for a minute; there’s something that I need to show you.” Rob said, but I could tell that it was taking great effort for him to get the words out.

After they’d walked into the house, I gave Dad a questioning look. “Rob has some unfinished business with Josh. They’ll be a little while. We’ll join them later.” Dad said, not explaining any more. “Now, where can a man take a piss around this place!”

I immediately got down on my knees and took his half-hard cock into my mouth! His cock tasted of sweat and somebody’s butt. I could easily guess who’s! I licked at the folds of his hood and tasted more butt funk and cum inside. I was thinking about going for it, when his heavy, hot flow of piss started pouring into my mouth. I quickly began to gulp down the warm, salty liquid as it continued to fill up my eager mouth. Dad must have been holding this piss for a while because there was a lot of it. I knelt there and drank while leisurely pulling on my hard cock. I stilled loved the taste of Dad’s piss, second only to Josh’s.

Finally, Dad’s flow stopped and I was able to begin licking out all the funk from inside his hood. I could taste butt and knew that he’d been fucking, but I wondered if that had gone both ways. I looked up at Dad and took his cock out of my mouth.

“I’m still hungry.” I said with a horny grin on my face. “You wouldn’t be any chance have a nice load of man-cream up your butt I could have for dessert, do you?”

“I think I just might. A new taste for you, too! Somebody I don’t think you’ve tasted before.” He grinned.

He got up and knelt in the chair, pushing his raunchy butt into my face. His hole smelled like it had been fucked and I could tell there was a lot of sweat and funk in his trench. I buried my nose in his butt and took heady whiffs of his aroma. Whew!!! Did his ass reek of man-sex! I couldn’t hold back. I quickly began licking his butt, tasting his sweat and ass juices. His hole was loose and opened quickly to my tongue as I locked my mouth around his ass lips and began sucking out Rob’s load from Dad’s butt. Rob’s cum tasted strong, like it had been a while since he’d gotten off and there was a real load up Dad’s ass so I knew that this was probably the case.

It was while I was so eagerly sucking out Dad’s butt that it dawned on me what must be going on in the house! Josh was finally getting his fondest dream - hot man-sex with his Dad!!! The thought brought both warm feelings of love for my mate and extremely horny feelings for me! I began to fantasize what it would be like to get off with both of them! Father and Son! Almost mirror images of each other! It blew my mind thinking about it and I almost blew my load on the pavement under Dad’s chair!

“I think it’s about time that we joined the guys, don’t you think, son?” Dad said.

I could see cock-snot dripping from his cock between his legs and knew that he was getting as hot as I was.

“Fuck, yeah! I want to watch Josh get off with his Dad!” I said eagerly.

Dad and I walked naked into the house, our hard cocks pointing the way before us. Dad took me upstairs and turned a different way down the hall then Josh and I had gone to his room. We went through double French doors and there, on a massive bed, was Josh and Rob. Josh was on his back with his legs in the air and Rob was pounding his cock in and out of his son’s ass.

“Fuck, yeah, Dad! Pound my fucking hole!!! Shove your cock all the way up me!!! Pound me HARD!!!” Josh yelled as he Dad proceeded to do just what he was begging for.

My Dad and I approached the bed and stood there mesmerized by the sight before us. Our two lovers, father and son, fucking their brains out for the first time! No porno could ever excite me the way the memory of this could! The man smells of their bodies and their fucking permeated the room. My cock began dripping a steady stream falling on the rug beneath me. I needed a cock up my ass NOW! I approached the bed and knelt so that my face was directly over Josh’s and my ass was open for what I hoped was a rear assault by my Dad’s hard cock.

“How you doing, lover?” I murmured to him.

He looked up and I could tell he was so far gone in ecstasy that it took a few moments to recognize me. When he did, he reached up and pulled my face down to his. We began licking out each other’s mouths as I felt my Dad get on the bed behind me and take a few licks of my ass with his tongue. Josh’s load up my ass from before was enough lube for Dad to shove his cock straight up my ass in one, hard-driving shove.

So there we were, Josh and I, kissing each other deeply and each of us being fucked hard by our Dad’s. It was something I knew that Josh had wanted for so long and I was so happy that we were here together as he experienced it. I pulled my face up and looked down at him. The bliss on his face was matched only by the look of love which he gave me.

“Oh, Matt! I’m so glad you’re here! I love this, babe! But I love you more! I wanted you to share this with me!”

“I’m here, lover! I’ll always be here for you!” I promised.

I began to move forward, intending to suck Josh’s cock while Dad fucked me. Dad realized what I was trying to do and, talented fucker that he is, moved forward with me without missing a stroke. I no more got Josh’s hard cock buried in my throat than I felt my own cock engulfed by the warm wetness of Josh’s mouth. I had the added pleasure of now getting to see Rob’s hard cock driving in and out of my lover’s eager hole and smell the scent of their fucking. It was incredible!!! I could also feel Dad leaning over my back and from the way I could see Rob leaning toward me, I could tell that they were sharing a deep and passionate kiss while they fucked their respective sons.

Unfortunately, this intense scene couldn’t last. I could feel Josh quickly reaching the point of no return and that triggered the rest of us. Josh’s load fired into my mouth and almost at the same time, my load shot from my cock down his eagerly sucking throat. The tightening of Josh’s hole when he came evidently triggered Rob who shot off in Josh’s ass about the same time that Dad’s load went streaming into my guts. I could hear the two of them, their moaning muffled by each other’s mouth, above us as they came.

As Rob pulled out of Josh’s ass, I leaned forward and took his hard cock into my mouth, cleaning off Rob’s cum and Josh’s ass juices. It was a heady combination and tasted wonderful to me. I could also hear Josh slurping on Dad’s wet cock as it came out of my ass. Then Josh and I buried out faces in each other’s butts and sucked our Dad’s load’s out - me tasting Rob’s again as I had from Dad’s ass while Josh feasted on my Dad’s load from my ass.

Evidently, our mutual butt sucking was turning our Dad’s on again because before I knew it, I could see Dad’s cock arriving for business at Josh’s hole and could feel Josh move away from my ass and the unfamiliar width of Rob’s cock began to slide up my ass. With hardly any hesitation, I took Josh’s cock back in my mouth and he replaced mine in his while we were now having our respective butts pounded by each other’s Dad!

This fuck was longer. Rob was long-dicking my butt and giving me shivers each time his knob hit my joy-button. I could watch Dad doing the same to Josh. Our Dad rode our butts long and hard and Josh and I couldn’t hold back any longer and dumped our loads down each other’s throat before the had finished. That was all right, Josh and I continued to suck each other while our Dad’s continued their pounding of our asses. Our cocks went semi-soft and then hardened again before our Dad’s shot their juices up our butts for the second time.

That seemed to cause our Dad’s to need to rest for a while, but Josh and I were well on our way to our next orgasm. However, Josh pulled off my cock and I heard him say, “I want to fuck you, babe!”

I didn’t need any other prompting. I quickly pulled off Josh’s hard cock and lay down on the bed on my back, raising my legs as Josh got between them and buried his hardness in my butt with one, hard snap of his hips. He leaned down over me and kissed me deeply as his cock pounded in an out of my butt. I could taste my ass and the load he had eaten from it in his mouth and I moaned in delight at the taste. We were both far too close to slow down at that point and, very quickly, Josh pushed me over the edge just by the tremors of his cock shooting his load up my ass. I sprayed mine between the two of us and Josh collapsed on top of me. He kissed me deeply and I could see tears in his eyes when he finally pulled back.

I knew what those tears were--tears of complete happiness! I leaned up and licked one of the salty streams from his eyes and pulled him back down on me, cuddling his head in my arms.

“I love you so much!” I murmured in his ear as I held him to me.

“And I love you--forever!” he promised.

It hardly seems like it was ten years ago when all this happened. Dad and Rob did become lovers. Dad sold the house and moved into the “Big House”, as we jokingly call it, with Rob. Josh and I didn’t dance at my Senior Prom, but he took me to a beautiful inn where we had dinner and then went upstairs where he’d rented a beautiful suite and we made love all night in an antique canopy bed. We drove there, by the way, in my red ‘74 Trans-Am, which Josh and Dad bought me for my senior year.

Upon my graduation, I immediately enrolled at our local university and graduated with a degree in engineering and architecture. After that, the four of us opened D&S Development and are doing exactly what we dreamed of doing! Dad is still supervising the work crews (of which Joe and Randy are still a part) while Rob is the manager of our sales force. Josh has had his general contractor’s license for eight years now and I’m designing custom homes for very wealthy buyers who can interest me in their projects. Since we have more offered work than we could ever do, we have nothing to worry about for the future. In fact, we all plan to retire in 10 years and enjoy the rest of our lives--together.

Josh and I still get together with our Dads for mind-blowing sex and we also like to go down to the jobsite on a Saturday afternoon and have a few beers and some hot man-sex with Joe and Randy. But mostly, Josh and I love to be alone with each other in our converted firehouse where we still make love nearly every night. I still can’t be near him without getting a hardon and I seem to still stimulate that reaction in him.

I know this; I love him more now than I did when we met. Each day with him is more fulfilling than the last. We still sleep in each other’s arms every night and wake up every morning the same way. As to who’s cock is poking into who’s ass at that time, well...that just kind of varies from day to day.

The way I look at it, I’m the luckiest guy alive!



11 Gay Erotic Stories from Rimpig

Bath House Virgin

Disclaimer: This story is true. It actually happened on Saturday, February 8, 2003. BATH HOUSE VIRGIN by RimPig (c) 2003 It doesn’t happen often, but every rare ‘once in a while’, especially if you go to the baths as frequently as I do, you run into someone who has never been in a bath in their lives. Who knows what finally brings them? The lure of abandoning themselves to their own inner

Carolina Rest Stop

by RimPig ¨ 2003 It was late, around midnight. My friend Anne and I had been to the antique shows in Brimfield, MA and had come down through New York City to Washington, D.C. to go to the Smithsonian. It was also my one and only experience with “The Wall”. I never wanted to go back again. The way that it affected me emotionally was something I didn’t want to experience again. We started

Construction Worker's Son, Part 1

by RimPig (c) 2002 I guess I was about 12 when I first started noticing that all my jack off fantasies were about guys. I know now that this is not unusual. But I didn’t then. By the time I was 14, I pretty well figured out that I was probably not ever going to be as attracted to girls as I was to guys - if I was ever going to be attracted to girls at all, which I doubted. Okay, so I was

Construction Worker's Son, Part 2

by RimPig (c) 2002 I woke up very early the next morning. My cock was harder than hell and I needed to piss really badly. I guess having all of Dad’s piss from last night plus my own, really put a strain on my bladder. Plus the fact, that when I woke up my nose was in my Dad’s raunchy pit and smelling his pit-funk from yesterday. God! There’s no fucking better way to wake up than with my body

Construction Worker's Son, Part 2

by RimPig (c) 2002 - ( There we stood, me with my cock up Joe’s ass and Randy with is cock up mine! BUSTED!!! Dad stood there rubbing his hard cock and grinning--a very horny grin. I knew that he was just figuring which hole he’d like to plug that monster into. I have to admit, I sure hoped it was mine! “I should dock you all’s pay for fucking around. But I think I know

Construction Worker's Son, Part 4

by RimPig (c) 2002 ( The ride to Josh’s place took a while. Just like a couple of love-sick teens, we held hands the whole way. Even when Josh had to shift, he just put both our hands on the stick shift. It was exciting riding in the old “muscle car”. The roar of the V-8 engine and the blaring rock music from the killer CD system in the car prevented any real conversation.

Construction Worker's Son, Part 5

by RimPig (c) 2002 ( Now you might think that the rest of the night Josh and I fucked each other like rabbits. Well...we did make love to each other a couple of more times. But that was like icing on the cake. What we did do was talk. It was after I fucked him and pissed in his ass that we went to the shower room and I drank all of my piss and cum from his butt. He almost

Construction Worker's Son, Part 6

by RimPig (c) 2002 ( At Dad’s announcement of his horniness, both Josh and I leaned over and kissed Dad at the same time. It was a messy, sloppy, three-way kiss, but it was exciting for each of us. Dad reached down under my balls and started fingering my hole. I knew what he wanted. And I wanted it, too. Despite having that magnificent cock of Josh’s up my tail all weekend,

Construction Worker's Son, Part 7

by RimPig (c) 2002 ( The rest of the week became a simple routine: work, and then maybe a few beers with Dad and then home--to one home or the other. The every other day thing didn’t pan out. Dad was right, it seemed too regimented. We just played it by ear, and everybody concerned seemed happy about it. It was interesting sleeping with Josh in my old bed at Dad’s house. It

Construction Worker's Son, Part 8

by RimPig (c) 2002 ( When we woke up, Josh and I continued to lay in each other’s arms on his bed in the room he grew up in. There was not greater pleasure, to me, than waking up in Josh’s arms. To feel and smell his body close to mine. We talked quietly about nothing in particular. “God! I wished I’d known you when we were young. I bet we would have been friends then.” I

Speed Freak, Part 1

SPEED FREAK, by RimPig ¨ 2003 I’m not a bad guy; Maybe a little wild. Okay... a lot wild. I’m a real speed freak! No! Not the kind of speed that you snort or shoot in your veins! The kind you get in a real hot car or on a really hot motorcycle! Anything that goes fast, I love it! Even as a little kid. Used to ride my bike down the steepest and most dangerous hills I could find. Some people


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