Gay Erotic Stories

The Physical, Part 1

by TomThumb

I was nervous. There was no getting around it.

It wasn’t that I was afraid of doctors or anything…I just seemed to get aroused every time I went for a physical. This time I had no choice. My new employer had a policy insisting on physical exams for all new employees. So, here I found myself, on a late Friday afternoon, in the office of the company’s designated doctor for my pre-hiring exam.

I rifled through the months-old magazines, feigning interest, and trying to keep my mind off of the inevitable. A sweet young nurse asked me to follow her to examination room #1. The doctor, she said, would be with me shortly. I was to disrobe and put on the paper robe she handed me.

Sometimes, I think it would be better to be naked from the start, rather that have to put on the gown – which would be eventually discarded anyway. So, here I sit…in the chair by the table…sweating a cold sweat through the thin paper, once again trying to place my mind anywhere else than where I found myself.

Minutes passed…then more. I began to think they’d forgotten about me until the doctor knocked & came in. He introduced himself, but I wasn’t paying attention, as the white coat and stethoscope had me riveted. I came out of my trance long enough to hear “please have a seat here while I take your vitals.”

Stumbling to the table, I sat on the short edge with my legs hanging off the edge…adjusting the paper gown out of feigned modesty. Blood pressure, pulse, eyes, ears, throat, reflexes…all checked out. Now, I knew, came the tricky part.

I was asked to lie down so the doctor could continue the exam. Still nervous, my sweat glands were working overtime. The stethoscope was raised to my chest and as if it were necessary, I was asked to breathe in and out deeply. Having done this, the doctor asked me to lower the gown so the stethoscope could be applied directly to my chest. It was chilly…but not cold, and warmed as he moved it from position to position--chest, sides, upper abdomen…all were welcome targets for the doctor’s device.

Still deep breathing (despite the fact that that part of the exam had long passed) I was asked to remove the paper gown – my only source of refuge. Lying naked in front of this stranger, this consummate professional, I felt more exposed than I had in my entire life. Gently, he moved his hands over me…pressing, sometimes with both hands, on places I’d rarely be touched--abdomen, waist and finally the pelvic area.

Starting with the upper groin area, above the pubic bone, he pressed deeply – moving carefully from side to side. Moving slowly downward, his hands floated above my pubic hair, only to lower slowly – time after time – into the flesh above my penis. Seemingly unaware of my growing erection, he continued to press his strong hands against my body…first to the right, and then the left of my nearly erect penis.

Unaccountably, he asked me to stand to continue the exam. I stood, sheepishly, as he examined my testicles – slowly, one by one, beneath my inescapable erection. As if the hard-on weren’t bad enough, I was leaking enough pre-cum to launch the Queen Mary. Somehow, he ignored my plight – or seemed to.

I was then asked to remount the examination table, with its now pre-cum stained paper covering. Asked to lie on my side, I followed instructions as the doctor pulled on his rubber gloves. As he attempted to probe my ass, I tightened up making the exam impossible. Not to be undermined by my action, I was asked to step down from the table and bend over it instead. With knees shaking, I bent over the table, leaking still more pre-cum onto the paper covering that ran over the table.

He gently placed his strong hands on my cheeks, separating them slowly. He inserted one finger and probed my insides, while I tried (in vein) to recite the alphabet backwards to minimize my shame and lose my now evident erection. Unsatisfied with his initial exam, the doctor located a device that, while cone-shaped and hollow, would be inserted in my ass with a probe fitting into the hollow device to ease the penetration.

I sighed as the instrument was inserted – from pleasure, not pain. The doctor removed the probe and examined my insides through the hollow device for what felt like 20 minutes. Satisfied that everything was as it should be, the doctor removed the device, took off his gloves, asked me to sit on the table again and began to wash his hands. The pre-cum stains on the paper sheeting were unmistakable. He must know that this exam had brought me to the brink. As he turned around, I was wiping the head of my penis on the paper gown. He smiled, and said “Please don’t be ashamed…I enjoyed this as much as you did.”

“Let me leave you alone for a few minutes, and I’ll be back to speak with you.” I took this as a green light to finish what the doctor had unknowingly started. I grabbed a rubber glove from the drawer, and jacked off into a paper-towel from the wall dispenser. As I was nearly dressed, the doctor reentered and said that I had checked-out fine.

He said, inexplicably, that he like to see me again and gave me his card.

All it said was “rub down,” and an 800#

I’ll be calling soon!


2 Gay Erotic Stories from TomThumb

The Physical, Part 1

I was nervous. There was no getting around it. It wasn’t that I was afraid of doctors or anything…I just seemed to get aroused every time I went for a physical. This time I had no choice. My new employer had a policy insisting on physical exams for all new employees. So, here I found myself, on a late Friday afternoon, in the office of the company’s designated doctor for my pre-hiring exam.

The Physical, Part 2

’d always felt it was okay to be desperate, as long as you didn’t appear desperate. I waited nearly a week before calling the 800# I’d been given at my recent physical. In the meantime, I’d thought about the exam over and over…masturbating at least once a day as I recalled the sight, the smell and the touch of the handsome doctor. My call was received by an answering service…a Latino woman


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