Gay Erotic Stories

Milking Tree, Parts 5 & 6

by Jardonn

by Jardonn

Part Five - Consecration

Cargill was completely exhausted. He had been bound in suspended crucifixion for hours. His body had been beaten, poked and drained of manly sperm again and again. The enormous amount of sweat he had produced was beginning to dissolve the stimulating paste and allow his erection to fade.

In the background stood Roger Trout; he had fully intended to continue the interrogation after Cargill failed the endurance test, but the man had not failed. His amazing performance had subdued the savage females and Trout himself had been more than impressed by the man’s virility. More than that, he was totally overwhelmed by the power and manly strength. Now it was his responsibility to provide this man’s sperm for the sacrifice to the tree. Beyond that, Trout was consumed by his own personal urges to become part of this amazing man and his own penis throbbed, as he entered the circle and approached Cargill.

Blue-face intercepted him, clutching his cock in hand to stop him dead in his tracks. She ordered Trout out of the circle, making it clear to him that she would be the one to perform this sacred duty. Trout obediently stepped aside. He no longer felt threatened by the Natashi warriors or Blue-face. He wanted to be part of this glorious ritual, which had already reached historic proportions. He joined the female warriors, sitting on the ground under The Milking Tree and absorbing the incredible masculinity displayed above them. All were enraptured.

Blue-face knelt before the tortured man and took his flaccid penis into her mouth. Cargill twitched from this attack, jolted out of his dream state to the realization that his ordeal was not yet over. His mind was stirred to defiance, as the paste had lost its effect and he knew only will power could save him. After all he had been through, he was not about to let Blue-face win this battle, execute him and sadistically sever his magnificent manhood. Cargill was not yet aware that this threat no longer existed, because the Natashi now worshipped him as a kind of man-god. Oblivious to this, Cargill focused every thought to one goal, and that was to shoot into this savage’s mouth and prove to her that, as a man, he was her equal. Between his will-power and her oral worship, the erection was achieved and Cargill resumed his animalistic, aggressive postures and verbalizations, motivating himself to perform for her.

"Tonight you have seen what a real man can do. Do you think you have drained me? You are wrong. I have plenty of cum for you and you can have it. None of your tortures will defeat me. I am more man than you can deal with, you beautiful savage. I will choke you when I shoot this load."

Trout had to restrain himself when he heard Cargill’s motivational speech. What kind of man was this? How could anyone service so many and still be prepared to give more? He clasped his hands behind his back to keep from jacking himself off, as one touch of his penis would cause him to explode.

Blue-face took control of her prisoner. She had watched the evening’s festivities with skepticism, but as this man had answered every beating and challenge one by one, she too had become enraptured by this man’s power. And now the focus of his strength was right where she wanted it to be - immersed into the depths of her warm, salivating mouth.

How long had they waited for such a man to come to them? What an incredible honor she had been given. Here was the only man in the history of the Natashi tribe to pass the test of The Milking Tree, and she was the one to sacrifice this greatest gift to their god. This overwhelming honor drove her to give the performance of her life. This was not any kind of oral service, but something divine, a gift from the gods themselves.

Cargill sensed the excitement coming from the mouth of Blue-face. Her intense praise of him reverberated from his dick to his head to his toes. He flexed his arms and pulled his shoulders up to the log, forcing Blue-face to follow him upwards in order to continue her oral worship.

The spectators gasped at this amazing display of strength. They could see his mighty chest and powerful belly flexed to capacity, his manly grunts and verbal taunts driving them to a lusting madness. One of the she-warriors lost all control and pounced upon Trout, inserting his hardened pecker into her pulsating pussy hole. Others now helped, as they pinned his arms and legs spread eagled onto the ground. All the females who had not been fortunate enough to partake of Cargill now used this man to fulfill their desires. Roger Trout was up to this task, having been primed and pumped from the moment of the prisoner's first fuck. As long as he was able to see the magnificent crucified man being serviced by the Natashi leader, Trout could perform for them and perform he did.

Cargill himself was mesmerized by the scene on the ground before him. Coupling this scene with memories of his own glorious orgasms, he could now see that two incredible displays of masculinity were quickly and simultaneously subduing the fierce Natashi warriors. As he watched the man below thoroughly satisfy one lust-crazed female after another, Cargill knew that both he and Trout had been elevated to the status of gods. This startling realization overwhelmed him and he easily summoned a load of sperm, flooding it into the gullet of Blue-face. The incredible velocity of the explosion nearly choked her, but she was sworn to carry out her sacred duty and recovered to completely consume and ingest every last drop of manly sperm.

Now she released the organ and rose to her feet, signaling to the rest of the tribe that it was time. They stopped their activities with Trout and drifted towards the symbol of Natashi power. Raising her hands to the sky, Blue-face gave praise to the mighty Milking Tree. Roger Trout rose to his feet still erect and followed them towards the tree, but then, stopping before the crucified man, he looked up and smiled. Cargill smiled in return. "One load left, my friend. It is yours."

Trout immediately knelt and took the half-erect organ into his mouth. Finally, it was his turn. He abandoned all notions of the sacred ritual. How many dicks had he been forced to suck so he could spit sperm onto a friggin’ tree? This was what he had waited for - 16 years of waiting. A real man. A man whose sperm meant something to him. His enthusiastic assault immediately brought Cargill to full erection. The man’s powerful penis once again throbbed, as it was lovingly worshipped. Trout took his moistened lips to the base of the unit, forcing the bulging head deep into his throat. He held it there and squeezed with all his might, pressing with his tongue and roof of the mouth.

Cargill flexed and groaned at this incredible sensation. Now Trout slowly drew back his lips, gently massaging the underside of the shaft with his tongue, as he approached the head. Once there, his tongue lovingly wrapped around the underside, further stimulating the throbbing mushroom. Cargill twitched his fingers and toes. The incredible oral worship was driving him to madness. He had serviced 13 females, but the sensational praise lavished on his penis by this man was beyond heaven. Only someone who owns a penis himself can know the correct and proper way to service one. Blue-face performed the sacrifice, gagging herself and regurgitating the powerful man’s sperm onto the trunk. Then, she gently placed her lips onto the tree and consecrated the sacred fluid with a gentle kiss, forever uniting this incredible masculinity with her Natashi tribe. Then, Blue-face began a woeful song of praise. For the first time since the festivities had begun, her gentle, feminine voice was heard.

This enchanting sound soothed Cargill’s tortured soul. The pure beauty of it nearly brought him to tears and he gazed down his racked body to see Trout kneeling before him, heaping praise upon his incredible manly/godly phallus. The expertise, the slavish worship, the incredible heights of ecstasy were more than any man could deserve. The love he felt for everyone in the village consumed him, as he enveloped the realization that he had conquered and subdued this tribe of females with his incredible masculinity. The Natashi women had found a new respect and admiration for the male gender because of these two men.

Trout’s incredible expertise finished him and he shot another manly load into the eager mouth below. This time the orgasm was not one of lust, but of admiration and respect for all those who had serviced him this night. This emotion overwhelmed him and he cried out, as Trout continued to coax the last drops of precious fluid from his he-man.

Realizing all had now been satisfied, the entire tribe encircled Cargill to release him from the suspension. The ropes were lowered and log cut from his wrists, then he was laid spread eagled on the ground and surrounded by the tribe, including Blue-face and Roger Trout. They began dribbling him with spit and washing away the remnants of erotic paste. Cargill basked in this worship, as they lovingly massaged his tormented body with fingers and palms of hands, working their saliva deep into his muscles and every crevice from his arm pits to in between the toes. The sacrifice made and tree god appeased, Richard Cargill was comforted and lavished with praise to befit a conquering hero, which is what he had become to them. The Milking Tree festivities were soon ended and all the Natashi drifted to their huts, dreamily enchanted by the magical evening they had experienced. ________________________________________

Part Six - Two Worlds are One

Cargill and Trout were escorted to the grand hut, the residence of Blue-face. There, Cargill was attended to by his two admirers. They fed him, bathed him and treated his skin with moisturizing ointments.

For three days and nights, Cargill, Trout and Blue-face were seen by no one. During the nights, nobody in the village slept. They laid awake on their straw mats, mesmerized by the animal sounds emanating from the grand hut. The men of the tribe were summoned from their dwelling. The ankle bindings were cut loose forever and they were shown the art of making love - not as slaves, but as real men. No longer were they subjugated to mere functional intercourse, but instead were taken to utopia, absorbed into the new-found enlightenment of the Natashi females .

The three inhabitants of the grand hut worshipped one another, constantly changing combinations to please each other two on one. Blue-face was fulfilled countless times. Triangles were formed. Lips, fingers and tongues massaged and stimulated, bringing untold orgasms to each of them. The three lovers from two different worlds melded all their morals and desires together, radically changing both worlds forever.

When they finally emerged from the hut, the three stretched their glorious naked bodies to greet the morning sun. All the arrangements had been agreed upon during the incredible 72 hour feast of earthly delights.

Cargill and Trout would now prepare to leave the village. They entered the hut of the three men and told them of the plan, offering the tribal males an opportunity to go with them, but they declined. These men knew that everything had changed. No longer would they be treated as inferiors, but as equals, because two white men had tamed the savage females.

Richard Cargill and Roger Trout were escorted by six Natashi she-warriors. Dressed for the journey in loin wrappings and rope sandals, they headed for the diamond encrusted tusks. They were taken to the edge of the Natashi jungle, there greeted by a vast plain. Two hundred miles stood between them and civilization, but they made it.

Soon tummies became rounded at the Natashi village, including the belly of Blue-face, which was also pooching forward. She was to give birth to the first child gifted to the tribe by the mighty tree. It was a boy.

No longer would male infants be killed, as no child produced from the seed of these amazing men could ever be harmed. The men of the tribe were taught the ways of the warrior, learning to hunt for wild game and defend their territory. No more would male captives be brought to the village for slaughter, because now the Milking Tree god was appeased by the production of beautiful children. The Natashi civilization became stronger, as all were now one. The legacy of Cargill and Trout would spread and grow from one generation to the next, the seeds of these incredible men forever imbedded into Natashi society.

And what of the Kutambi Elephant? The statue and tusks were expertly mended together. At auction, Cargill and Trout watched in amazement as the bids climbed higher and higher, far surpassing the estimated value of their hard-earned treasure. The two men remained companions until Trout’s demise. In the house they shared together, a locked room contained their own make-shift Milking Tree. Here, Richard Cargill and Roger Trout would recreate the heaven of a certain magical evening, which took place in that far away African village, home of the fierce, but loving, Natashi Female Warriors.

The End Copyright 2004


11 Gay Erotic Stories from Jardonn


This is the first part of Rail Yard Trilogy by Jardonn When I worked for the railroad, my job was to off-load vehicles from the auto racks (railcars filled with new automobiles) brought into our fenced yard (the ramp). That was my day job. On weekend nights, I would patrol the ramp to watch all the automobiles parked there, as they waited for distribution by trucks to all

Milking Tree, Parts 1 & 2

by Jardonn Part One -- Wrath of the Natashi Dr. Richard Cargill was a professor, explorer and treasure hunter. His painstaking research and planning had always brought him his prize. Every one of his campaigns had been a success--until this one. At the moment, Cargill found himself stripped naked and suspended from the wrists under a giant tree. This tree stood

Milking Tree, Parts 3 & 4

by Jardonn Part Three -- The Human Pendulum The three men escorted Cargill towards their hut. He wearily staggered, as they shuffled along, his body exhausted from hours of torturous suspension, beatings and denial of water. Once in the hut, he was laid chest down onto a straw floor mat, where he immediately fell asleep. The men began washing away the sweat and dirt from his body, but

Milking Tree, Parts 5 & 6

by Jardonn Part Five - Consecration Cargill was completely exhausted. He had been bound in suspended crucifixion for hours. His body had been beaten, poked and drained of manly sperm again and again. The enormous amount of sweat he had produced was beginning to dissolve the stimulating paste and allow his erection to fade. In the background stood Roger Trout; he

Parking Lot, Part 1

by Jardonn Part One – Working the Graveyard "Kenny, this is Gary. He'll be coming into the lot for the next couple of weeks during your watch. Be sure and keep an eye open so you can let him in." That was my boss introducing me to one of the truck drivers. I worked at the automobile ramp for one of the major railroads in town. During the day, we'd off-load cars and park them at the ramp

Parking Lot, Part 2: Axle Grease

by Jardonn Part Two - Axle Grease Gary pulled his dick away from my lips. "Watch this." He reached up with each hand and took his nipples between forefinger and thumb. "I discovered this back when I was a kid and first started jacking off. Let's see if it still works." He started turning his nipples back and forth like knobs on an old time radio, then closed his eyes and tilted back his

Parking Lot, Part 3: Greased Wrestling

by Jardonn Part Three - Greased Wrestling At 2:30 on Sunday afternoon, I was rudely awakened by someone knocking on my door. I debated for several seconds before deciding to at least see who it was. Slipping on my boxers, I gingerly stepped up to the peephole. It was him. As I opened the door, Gary stood there and smiled at me, mischievously awaiting my approval.

Parking Lot, Part 4: Suckin' on a Fireplug

by Jardonn I came real close to being late for work. When I got into our office, the clock said 22:59, but I grabbed my card just as it changed to 23:00 and punched in. Doofus came through the door, as I was putting my card back in its slot. "Hey, you better watch out tonight. There's some driver comin' in here and he's a real dick." Assuming I knew to whom he referred, I started to

Parking Lot, Part 5: Fire All Torpedoes

PARKING LOT by Jardonn Part Five – Fire All Torpedoes Mondays usually were lightweight for me and the ramp guys. Today was no exception, with only five railcars to off load and three to load. During my morning break in our building, I wrote down my address and phone number on a small piece of scrap paper. Then, I caught Tolsen driving down one of the rows in a new Acura he was taking to the

Super Bowl Sunday

SUPER BOWL SUNDAY by Jardonn Part One – The Road to the Big Game “Oh, look honey; your team scored a touchdown. I guess I’ll have to give you a little taste. No, wait, that’s the other team. Sorry, it’s not my fault your guys are no good.” Pity poor Boris. Not only was he being denied the chance to watch his favorite team play for the National Football League’s biggest prize, he also

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