Gay Erotic Stories

A Superhero Called Blue

by Lycrastud02

Even from the back you can tell it’s him, and not just because he’s dressed head to toe in skin-tight sea-blue spandex; it’s the way he walks – like he owns the place. Around 6 feet of solid muscle, broad shoulders tapering to an oh-so-narrow waist, accented by a broad black leather belt. Then his ass!: twin melons of pure muscle filling out and stretching the body-hugging blue spandex, showing every curve and dimple as he struts along the corridor. And those thighs! Like tree-trunks, so broad and strong. No wonder all the girls, and quite a few boys, swoon every time he walks by. It can only be one person – Blue! Swaggering superhero heading home to his apartment after another villain put behind bars.

Blue – nice name, nice guy; name sorta stuck after his first mission as a superhero. Some guy in the crowd yelled out afterwards, ‘hey, blue guy, thanks buddy!’, on account of his all-blue spandex outfit. He liked the colour, liked the name; kept it. Sweet name for a sweet guy.

He turns the key and cautiously enters. On the lookout for evil villains? no – just Rik, his kid cousin over on a visit from Arkansas; 18 years old and training to be a marine – and hot!! he has dreams of flooring our hero but our hero know better; Rik is no match for Blue’s 26 year old muscular superhero body, no match at all.

Blue steps inside, shuts the door. Suddenly a primeval yell rents the air as a figure leaps from above at Blue, kicking, punching and screaming it tries to subdue the superhero, throwing punch after punch at his head, chest and abs. After about 5 minutes Blue gets bored, puts Rik in an arm lock and forces him to the ground, pressing down hard till Rik yells, “Enough! Enough! Let me up!”

“Guess you lose again!” laughs Blue and he lets the teen get to his feet, “and you know the rules!”

Rik turns in a huff and marches into the living room, stopping behind the big leather armchair. He darts a pissed-off look towards Blue who’s followed him in, then in a well-practised move hooks his thumbs into his shorts and drops them to the floor; then he bends of the back of the armchair! Blue meanwhile has gotten hold of a leather paddle that just happens to be hanging on the wall for such eventualities and steps towards the defeated kid.

“Usual 10 minute padding coming up kid; hold on tight!!”

He swings the paddle expertly, gently and slowly at first, but gathering pace and ferocity as the minutes tick by. Rick’s poor ass turns pink, then red, then bright red and Blue whacks every square inch of that delicious rump. Soon he’s squirming and wriggling – the leather paddle really stings his defenceless buns!, and despite his best intentions, starts sobbing, “please … OWWWW!! … Stop! Please … OUCHHH!!”…… but Blue doesn’t let up. The sight of that gorgeous smooth ass turning red and wriggling so seductively just drives him wild! His cock is soon rock hard, sticking out of his spandex at right-angles, 10 inches of solid throbbing cock, oozing pre-cum.

A bell rings. Blue stops mid stroke. He throws the paddle onto a chair. “Time’s up, punk! Hope you learned your lesson!” Rik sobs quietly, his ass ablaze. Blue steps right up behind the still bent-over teen and smiles, “Now for desert!”

He too hooks his thumbs into his spandex tights and pulls them down, letting his throbbing cock bounce up and out to freedom, now sticking up proud and tall, all his 10 inches of hot pre-cum-oozing manhood. He rests it against Rik’s crack, sliding it up and down slowly; his breathing getting heavier and heavier. Rick braces himself for the inevitable, part of the price of losing to his superhero cousin.

Blue takes hold of Rick’s waist and drives his thick tool up into his crack, oh-so-slowly. Rick let’s out a gasp; Blue moans as he humps his cute cousin. He takes his time in building to a climax but when he does he lets out a roar as the hot spunk shoots forth, filling Rick’s gut. He collapses over the top of Rick, breathing heavy, and kissing the back of Rick’s neck.

The sound of slow handclapping breaks the post-coital reverie; Blue jerks his head up in surprise; he looks back over his shoulder, eyes agog; “……YOU! How the hell did you get in here?!!”

A tall well-built figure all clad in skin-tight black leather is standing by the window; he wears a simple black mask to hide his features. “Well! Well! Well! So much for your squeaky clean image, Blue-boy; who’da thought the famous clean-cut all-American superhero was an ass bandit! Oh, and in answer to your question, someone left the window open and disabled the security alarm! By the way – did I ever tell you what a fabulous peachy ass you have? And to see it in action – completely naked and bucking back and forth like there’s no tomorrow – mmmmhhh! What a sight!”

Blue blushes with total shame; he looks down at Rick; “oops, sorry Blue; I just wanted some fresh air!”

“You’ll be sorry later on, young man, when I give your butt another thrashing! What have I said about the importance of security! Don’t you listen to anything I say??”

Blue slowly eases himself offa Rick; he needs time to think! Never fuck on the job, that’s rule #1 as a superhero. Why? ‘cause a superhero loses his superpower for around 30 mins after cumming; that’s why Blue always waits till he gets home. He’s safe there, or at least he was until tonight.

Rick takes the opportunity to get up and stands against the wall, rubbing his so recently abused ass, but watching with awe; he’s going to see a real superhero fight!

Blue knows he has to act quickly, before Leatherman – for it is he! – realises he’s low on resources. He slowly pulls up the skin-tight blue spandex tights to hide his impressive manhood once more, then suddenly lunges at the masked leather-clad figure intent of taking him down in one, but his adversary steps neatly aside, sticks his foot out and loudly guffaws as Blue trips and goes flying over the back of another leather armchair. As he does so Leatherman reaches out and manages to grab hold of the back of Blue’s costume! Down come his tights again as he goes head first over the armchair, ending up with his naked bubble-butt high in the air completely vulnerable. Before Blue knows what’s hit him Leatherman raises his leather-gloved hand and delivers a mighty WHACK! Across those succulent buns.

“YEOWWW!!” yelps a very surprised Blue. No-one’s ever dared to spank him before! He jumps up, his face almost as red as his ass cheeks. How totally embarrassing! And in front of his much younger cuz too! He quickly pulls up his tights over a very protruding package and rubs his smarting ass.

“Right Leatherman! That does it! I’m taking you down! Your criminal days are numbered!”

Blue faces up to his adversary again, then suddenly launches into a flying drop kick, his favourite move. But Leatherman is too quick for our weakened hero and dodges neatly aside and Blue crashes very heavily onto the floor. “OOOOFF!!” is all he got out as he writhes on the mat, arching his body in pain. Leatherman moves in quickly, grabs Blue’s hair, pulls the disbelieving hero to his feet, gets a good hold of his crotch much to Blue’s surprise, hoists him high in the air, then smashes him into the floor with the most horrendous body slam.

Blue’s now in real trouble, and is twisting around on the mat, holding his back with both hands in absolute agony. Leatherman strides around the floored Adonis, clearly enjoying every moment. He then drags Blue to his feet again, gets a grip of the back of his tights and hoists him high over his head. For a split second Blue is suspended in mid-air, then brought down with a tremendous crash onto the floor beneath.

“AAAGGGHHHH!!” roars Blue in total agony. Somehow he manages to haul himself to his feet in true superhero fashion, but just as he straightens up he walks into a vicious drop-kick from Leatherman – the very same move he’d tried only a few short minutes ago. He’s sent staggering back into the wall and as he bounces off Leatherman grabs him in a powerful bear hug which soon has the superhero screaming in agony. He keeps on applying more and more pressure until Blue, unable to fight back any longer, goes totally limp. Leatherman tosses him to the floor contemptuously and Blue lay there, face down and spread-eagled with his skin-tight spandex covered butt raised up in complete submission.

Leatherman strolls over to the defeated superhero, places one foot on the sprawling superhero’s ass and puts his hands on his hips, in a real victory pose.

Then he grabs a handful of Blue’s hair and hauls him up to his feet; our cute hero, still dazed, only just finds his balance. “To the victor, the spoils!!” yells Leatherman as he drags Blue over to a low stool; sitting down he hauls Blue over his knees, grabs him tight round the waist to prevent him getting up, then in a sudden move yanks down his tights for a third time! Those delicious melon-ripe buns are on full display again, and there’s no escape! Leatherman gently massages the hero’s muscular bubble-butt feeling its full, dimpled smoothness.

“Keep your hands off my ass, y-y-you evil villain you!!” shouts a struggling, squirming Blue.

“Time you learnt a lesson in humility, you arrogant, cocky, so-called superhero!” lectures Leatherman as he raises his leather-gloved hand and brings it down hard on the firm white cheeks of the defeated crime-fighter.

WHACK!! WHACK!! WHACK! …. “OOOWWWWEEEEEE! You son of a …. AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!” yelled Blue as he got the spanking of his life.

“Let me go you brute!! OUCHH! …. you’ll be sorry you messed with me!! … OWWWW!!! Stop now! …. YEOOOOWWW! Or else!”

Leatherman smiles as he increases his hits with more vigour as Blue wails in pain. Poor Blue has never, ever been spanked before … he’s sure getting a rude awakening now as Leatherman turns his ass cheeks a brilliant bright red!!

“AAAAAAGGGHHHHHH!!” howls Blue as his muscular long legs kick up and down, much to Leatherman’s amusement.

Twenty minutes later Blue is still yelling and kicking and wriggling but Leatherman shows no sign of being tired. Instead he picks up the very same paddle used earlier by Blue on Rik’s ass and, hardly missing a beat, continues the wild and brutal paddling.

WHACK!! WHACK!! WHACK!! “AAAIIIIIEEEEE!!!” screams Blue as the pain level increases ten-fold.

“Will you obey …?” demands Leatherman. “Superheroes don’t surr…… AAARRRRGGHH!!…SSHHIIITTT!”

WHACK!! WHACK!! “I will stop if you admit defeat!”, chuckles Leatherman as he feels the heat coming from the Blue’s glowing cheeks. Leatherman is only too aware of the superhero’s belief in his own superiority and if he is to win he must eliminate completely that ego-driven pride.

“FUCK YOOO…OOOWWWWW!!” Blue yelled, determined that the bastard would know that superheroes never surrender. But Leatherman continues his ferocious paddling until Blue, who, remember, has never been spanked before, can take it no more. His superhero ego dissolves in the searing burn radiating from his swollen, purple ass cheeks.

“PLEASE ….. STOP ……. OOOOUUUUCCHHHHH!! ….. PLEASE … I SURRENDER!! ….” a blubbering Blue begs as his mind and body breaks under the pain and degradation.

Rik is watching all this, totally gob-smacked. One hand gently strokes his rock-hard pre-cum-oozing cock as he’s transfixed by the stuff of dreams played out before his very eyes.

The macho hotshot superhero has been conquered for the first time in his life and by an old-fashioned bare-ass whipping! He has been taken down, and in front of his young out-of-town cousin too!

“You will obey me?” enquires a grinning Leatherman as he halts his hand in mid-air.

“Yes”, moans Blue, shocked by his own swift capitulation. He has disgraced his uniform and his superhero status and he knows it.

“IS THAT HOW YOU ADDRESS YOU MASTER?” roars Leatherman as he slaps Blue’s crimson bubble butt once more ….

“OOOOHHHHH… FUCK!!….I promise to obey……. sir!” sobs Blue.

“Sir sounds so formal”, laughs Leatherman as he rubs the hot butt on his lap, “be more informal….”; he leans over and whispers in Blue’s ear, “unless I should continue the lesson?…..”

Blue gulps as the shame of what he is about to say flowed through him until his very core felt the agony and humiliation of it.

“I will obey ….. DADDY!” he blurts out before breaking down into tears. He has been stripped of any last shred of self-worth as a superhero and thus, in his eyes, his manhood.

“Good, that is the proper respect I want from now on, punk!” replies Leatherman as he pushes Blue off his lap and onto the floor. Blue lay there, broken, red assed and submissive. Leatherman contemplates his next step.

It doesn’t take him long. Having those meaty buns squirm and redden under his control has given Leatherman a huge pre-cum-leaking boner. Time to take care of it.

He hauls Blue up, now totally limp in defeat, and tosses him over the leather armchair. That delicious ass is positioned perfectly and reader for the taking - like a red rag to a bull!

Blue stirs as he realises his predicament, “PLEASE don’t spank me any more…DADDY!” he wails.

“Oh, don’t worry, Blue-boy, there’s no more spanking for you”.

Blue breathes a sigh of relief, but his heart stops when he feels something warm and hard pushed up against his crack! “NO WAY!” and clenches his butt hole shut. Leatherman grins; ‘playing hard to get are we?’ as he prods his enormous heavy tool at the gates of paradise. Quietly from his pocket he takes out a short metal rod with a wooden handle. As he flicks a switch, sparks fly from the end. “1000 volts should do the trick, I think”. He wastes no time in prodding Blue’s nuts and flicking the switch. Sparks fly as high voltage electricity jumps across to Blue’s crown jewels and through his entire body. “AAAAGGGGHHHHH!!” … a few seconds is enough; Blue’s entire body muscle spasms uncontrollably. His pucker opens up invitingly.

Leatherman seizes his chance and thrusts his huge 14” rock-hard thick cock right up Blue’s virgin asshole in one swift movement - right up to his balls!

“AAAAIIIIIEEEEEE!!!” screams our hero.

“YAHOOOO!!” yells Leatherman, “I’ve popped your cherry, boy! popped your fuckin’ cherry!!”

“NOOO-OOO-OOOO!” not my cherry! “HEELLLPPPP!”

As Leatherman thrusts hard and fast into Blue’s ravaged ass-hole, Blue can only bob around like a rag doll, his head jerking wildly backwards at every deep thrust.

But Leatherman is no wham-bam-thank-you-stud performer; he’s a real expert and angles his throbbing cock so it brushes past Blue’s prostate, causing our hero never-before-known pleasures of long-suppressed secret desires. Soon his own cock is hard and throbbing and oozing pre-cum.

Rik is watching all this with mounting excitement. His own cock is begging for attention. Suddenly a thought crosses his mind and he approaches the fallen hero, grabs hold of his bobbing head and thrusts his hardon right down Blue’s throat. Blue has to suck just to be able to breathe. Now poor Blue is being fucked both ends.

“I’M GONNA CUMMM!!! Yells a thrilled Rik having the best blow job of his life. “Hold on kid, so am I” replies a wildly excited Leatherman as he drives his cock faster and faster into Blue’s gorgeous tight asshole. He reaches round and grabs Blue’s hard cock and starts pumping it!

“OH NO! Please! NOO!” protests our hero in vain. Looks like he’s gonna cum too!

Then amazingly all three cum at once! Rik shoots his load deep into Blue’s throat, quickly followed by Leatherman as he fills Blue’s butt with his thick, hot spunk. “YEEEE-HAAA!!!” And finally Blue explodes all over the leather armchair.

Leatherman dismounts, still grinning from ear to ear and pats Blue on his swollen beefy rump, “this is mine now boy, all mine. HA! HA!”

Blue can only groan at his totally humiliating defeat; completely out of it he just mumbles over and over, “cherry popped … cherry popped … ”.

Leatherman now removes Blue’s boots and strips him bare; he then hauls Blue to his feet. Blue can’t even look at Leatherman or Rik, his eyes are fixed to the floor and his head bowed in abject submission. His ass is on fire! – Inside and out.

“Here, put this on!” Leatherman hands Blue something unquestionably bright pink. Blue looks horrified as he slowly unwraps the material. It’s an apron – a pretty pink apron with frills. Tears well up in Blue’s eyes; he looks at Leatherman pleadingly. To no avail.

Blue knows what he has to do. Slowly he puts the apron round his waist and ties it as the back. His red, swollen ass is completely exposed. His face is just as red from this latest humiliating act.

“Now get into that kitchen and cook us some grub; there’s two hungry dudes here that are close to starving. MOVE IT, PUNK!”

Blue scuttles off to the kitchen to start his new role. Leatherman and Rik cuddle up together on the couch…

And that’s the beginning of Blue’s transformation to an all-in-one houseboy and sex-toy. Leatherman moved in, took over Blue’s bedroom which he now shares with Rik, whilst Blue is given a sleeping bag and a corner of the living room. He’s still allowed to go off fighting criminals in his oh-so-sexy macho spandex outfit, but as soon as he returns home in the early hours of the night it’s back to the frilly pink apron in his birthday suit and waiting on Leatherman and Rik hand and foot. Not forgetting satisfying their sexual needs, which he does SOOOOOO ably. And he’s sure to improve ‘cos he’s gonna get lots and lots of practice!!

And just in case Blue’s thinking of revenge and retribution, Leatherman has the whole episode on tape, which at the flick of a switch will be posted to several web sites world-wide. Blue knows only too well that that will put an end to his superhero career for good. The muscle-bound hunk has no choice but to obey his master! There is no escape ……..

….. “Oh, Bloooooo!”, calls out Leatherman in a cheeky sing-song voice, “come here, boy. It’s 6 o’clock; time for your daily spaaaaaaaannnking…!!!”

The End


5 Gay Erotic Stories from Lycrastud02

A Superhero Called Blue

Even from the back you can tell it’s him, and not just because he’s dressed head to toe in skin-tight sea-blue spandex; it’s the way he walks – like he owns the place. Around 6 feet of solid muscle, broad shoulders tapering to an oh-so-narrow waist, accented by a broad black leather belt. Then his ass!: twin melons of pure muscle filling out and stretching the body-hugging blue spandex, showing

AquaStud in Peril

AquaStud in Peril Chapter 1 AquaStud ran as fast as he could through the back alleyways; he was on a high. Having just single-handedly defeated the notorious Shanghai gang he was desperate to get back to his apartment. His superhero strength was at a dangerously low ebb and needed a long rest to get it recharged. But just one block from home he stopped dead in his tracks; straddling an

Captain Jake’s Big Space Adventure, Part 1

Captain Jake’s Big Space Adventure Chapter 1 - Attack by the Space Monsters of Uranus Stardate 2212.128; just twenty-four hours to Earth and the twenty-four year old Captain Jake Botham can hardly wait. It’s been five long years since he’s seen his home planet and Boy! is he homesick. But then so would anyone be after five years in the company of droids and robots. Oh! for a real fuck!

Warrior and Robin in Peril

CHAPTER 1 Catman had set his trap well and now two of his three arch enemies -- Warrior and Robin -- were in his control. He had ensnared these pesky 19-year old superhero teens numerous times before and put them into deadly situations, but they had always managed to escape. This time they would not, He vowed, for what he had planned for the duo was not deadly but would prove to be

Whatever Happened to Meatman?

Now the true story can be told! Ever wondered what happened to Meatman, that super-lewd, super-hung super-hero? Well, after months of painstaking investigation the truth can now be revealed! That great artist, Stephen, chronicled a few of his adventures but shyed away from the real facts as we now know them. Here then, is the true and shocking ending to “Meatman Meets the Bionic Fuker”.


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