Gay Erotic Stories

Elysian Fields, Part 1

by Shadow bear

Hi and welcome to the Elysian Fields; this is a bar of some unusual customers and workers. First off there is me, I’m the owner and head bar tender; my name is Derrick. I’m a 6’10” man with white hair and brilliant green eyes that seem to glow in the dark they shift in shade but are always some shade of green, and the pupils are slit like those of a cat. I’m extremely muscular and covered in hair--so thick that I look like I’m dressed even when I’m not. The hair that covers my body is a reddish black in color and so is the close-cropped beard that is on my face. The bouncer is a tall black gentleman of African origin but an African that never experienced British rule and the slave trade. The headwaiter/cook is a 7 foot Humanoid Cat from somewhere else. That about does it for the staff, there are a few others but we’ll come to them in time.

As to how I became the owner of the Elysian Fields, well that will also explain why I look like I do now instead of a 300 lbs fat man. Well that story takes place in the Year 2004 and starts out by having yours truly walking down the street on a Monday morning in the latter part of July. As I was going along Main Street in this no name small town, I happened across a sign saying, “Gay men wanted for exciting new opportunity”.

Well what would you do? I ignored it and continued on my way to were ever the hell I was going to that day. When I got home I found a message waiting for me on my computer that was titled, “open me now for your dream come true.” So I took and opened it just to see what it was all about. It said that I could get every thing that I wanted out of life just by coming down to a address that I had never heard of which was located downtown. Well I decided to go and see just what kind of address that it was.

When I got to it, they were located on the top floor of a glass walled building over 80 stories in height. It was the only sky scrapper that the town had and the same company I thought owned every floor. The company that I was going to see had an entire floor to itself. So I decided to see just how far this would play out; “what was the harm in that?” I thought to myself, “I can leave at any time that I want to”.

So I go to the floor in question and find that on the door was gold lettering that said, “New Lives Unlimited”. After I opened the door I saw that familiar sign propped up against one of the lobby walls the one that said, “Gay men wanted for exciting new opportunity”.

I walked up to the receptionist and before I could open my mouth she said, “They are expecting you in conference room three, just down the hall to your right sir.” As I started to explain that I was probably not who she thought she says I am, “You are Derrick aren’t you sir?” And when I said yes, she responded, “Conference room three, sir, they’re waiting for you.”

So I head down the hall to the room in question and when I get there I hear this booming voice that says, “Come in, come in. What took you so long?” I respond that I didn’t know I was expected. As I turn to look at the room’s occupants I see the most gorgeous drop-dead looking guy I have ever seen. It was hard to tell his height by looking because he was sitting down, but he had black hair and a short clipped black beard that hugged his square-jawed face.

He had the rugged good looks of someone born to be a Forrest guide, and should have been living the life of a mountain man. He had broad muscular shoulders and arms his chest had the defined muscular look of someone who was a world class body building champion--but more so. He was wearing a Polo shirt that was stretched front to back and from side to side with the buttons of the collar open and thick black hair could be seen curling up from under the shirt. His jeans were so tight you could see that his legs were giving the material a very hard time; they were tucked into a pair of black leather half boots like you would see on a pirate but classier.

He said to me, “I’m so glad to finally meet you. I was hoping to get this chance. How can I change your life forever?”

My answer was sort of a cocky response, I said, “Give me the body I have always wanted.”

He said, “Okay and what will you do for a job? I have a suggestion why don’t you run a bar for us?”


“We need someone to run a bar for us and I think that you would be the perfect man for the job. And in return I will give you the body you have always wanted and you will run a bar for us.” I asked.

The bar will be in many places and many times and will be there for those who want to escape the world that they are in and redefine themselves. It will be a little like this office is for you. An ending of one life and the start of another or it will be a place for the person in question to step back and decide what they want to do with their life.”

“Okay,” I said, “and you get what out of this? I mean you help all of these people and what do you get in return?”

He said, “We get back that which was taken from us--the return of our followers.”

“What? I don’t get it, who are you really?”

He said, “I am one of those that your kind has forsaken. I am a fallen god who has lost his followers. We need the return of those followers.”

“I said, “Okay, I’ll do it; I’ll run your bar and get you back your followers.” And with my uttering that agreement, I started to change. I grew several inches and lost all the fat from my body. Then my face felt as if it had become silly putty and was being shaped by some unseen hands. The rest of my body had started to undergo similar changes. My arms and legs started to develop large amounts of muscle and my chest started to expand like when you take a deep breath. But I had taken no breath my abs started to develop and I showed a serious six-pack and my pecks became squared off and rock hard and my nipples started to grow and become erect.

My dick, which had been a measly 1 inch soft, had started to grow in both size and girth it was now 10 inches--soft and had grown to 4 inches around. Also the foreskin had grown back long and loose. My balls, which had been average to small, had also grown and were now the size of tennis balls.

As I was noticing this, my clothes had started splitting the shirt I had on which was 4X to accommodate my large stomach had split because my chest and arms had outgrown it. My pants legs had started to rip due to the fact that my legs had grown to such a size that they could no longer fit in the pants legs. My waist had shrunk to a trim 30-inches. Now my face, which had started to feel like silly putty, was starting to harden and I could breathe again. The world looked strange though slightly out of focus and I realized that this was due to the fact that no longer needed my glasses.

And now I could feel a tingling sensation across my entire body and hair started to appear covering my whole body starting from the base of my neck and tingling its way down to the top of my feet, which had also grown and burst from the shoes I was wearing. I hadn’t noticed that now they were at least a size 14 and sexy in a way that I had admired on some men.

While all this was going on, my benefactor had moved to the office door and turned the lock so the door couldn’t be opened and had closed all the office blinds. And as the changes started to slow down he moved back to a position in front of me except that now he was on my side of the desk.

Now he moved closer to me and said, “Oh yes, I think that you will fill the position admirably.” And with that he leaned closer to me and kissed me on the mouth. The kiss was long and deep and involved the use of his tongue, which moved around my new mouth like it wanted to take up permanent residence. I moved my well-muscled and blunt fingered hands up his well-muscled chest, which had somehow lost its shirt. I ran my fingers through the dark hair on his chest and found his large prominent nipples and started to pinch and twist them, and as I did this he started to moan.

He panted out, “Oh yes! You do know what I like don’t you?” And then as we broke the kiss, he ran his hands down my fur covered chest and around to my now well muscled bubble butt and grabbed both cheeks and said, “You’ll enjoy this.”

As if I weighed nothing at all (but I had to weigh at least 500 lbs of pure bear muscle) he moved me around and sat me on the desk and pushed me on the chest to make me lay down. He then proceeded to lift my legs up on to his shoulders and proceeded to push his large and monstrous cock up into my newly virginal ass. He didn’t even wait for me to get accustomed to him before starting to fuck me like a jackhammer breaking up concrete.

It wasn’t it wasn’t love making, it wasn’t even rape, it was something else--like he wanted to fuck me in such a way that I would never be able to have anyone else fuck me. Because he would have destroyed any chance that anyone else would ever have with me. Because he would have permanently merged his seed with my body and fix it so my body would only accept him inside of me.

As he started to pound me harder and harder I could feel his body starting to tense as he approached orgasm--his monstrous balls started to draw up and I could feel a force building up inside of him. As he started to cum, it was with such a force that I had never felt before and as this started, a sound started to permeate the room and I realized that it was coming from him. The sound was nothing I had ever heard from a human mouth. The sound swirled around you and grabbed you by the balls and ass at the same time and made you want to cum--or at least make you pant really hard but with the work over that his monster cock was giving my prostate. I didn’t get that choice; I started to cum along with him producing more cum than I thought any man could. As he slowly started to finish the orgasm that had vibrated both of our souls he said in a whisper that I could almost not hear, “You are mine now my follower--my new disciple--my chosen one.”

When we had both recovered from the soul joining sex that we had just had he said to me, “Oh yes, you’ll work out nicely for us. I think that we should get dressed and I’ll show you the bar you’ll be managing for us.”

With that he led me to a closet that was behind one of the mirrored wall panels of the room. What was in the closet would give any leather man a hardon that would never go away. It was full of harnesses and codpieces with and without studs. Also there were masks and boots. He motioned for me to choose what I would want to wear and I chose leather pants and vest with boots and a pair of sunglasses that were on a shelf above the clothes.

When I turned back to look at him he was similarly attired, but he also had on wristbands. As we turned to leave the room he said, “Boy, do you have a body to make me hard.” Then he took and kissed me again with his tongue re-inspecting my premises. As he pulled away I noticed that I now had a beard that was clipped close to the face. “Now let’s go inspect your new bar,” and he lead me out the conference room door and past the receptionist’s desk.

As we passed by she said, “Welcome to the family honey.”

I turned to say, “thank you” and was startled to see that she was now a female humanoid fox with red fur and a white chest with a tail that kept curling up over the top of the desk. It too was red with a white tip. We took the elevator down to street level and out the front doors. Parked in front of the building was a stretch black limousine with black tented windows. We got in and he told the driver to take us to the bar.

After about five minutes we came to a stretch of buildings that looked like they had all been one building at one time and had now been broken up into multiple storefronts. The door he led me to was an old worn wooden door that had a small brass sign on the door that said, “THE ELYSIAN FIELDS”. He opened the door and led me inside the building and down a long hallway that seemed to be longer than the building was. It then opened up into a large rustic room that looked like an old world Irish pub--exposed wooden beams and a large wooden bar that ran from one wall to another. There were wooden tables and chairs. The bar was backed with a large mirror and had shelves stocked with glasses. Behind it bottles ran along the bottom of the mirror and were stacked under the bar itself. Lanterns hung from the ceiling by chains which pleasantly lighted the room and offered just enough light to allow one to see were you were going, but little else. As he led me farther into the bar, I noticed a staircase along one wall leading to a second floor and a row of rooms that apparently ran around the upper floor of the bar.

I asked him what was going on. The bar was bigger than the building inside, that the door led into. He explained that the bar itself did not occupy the same space-time as the door that led into it. That the door would move to where it was needed and wanted so that people could enter and leave from where they came from if they wanted to. He also said that the rooms upstairs were for the staff and others that needed them.

My rooms were back behind the bar he explained as he led me to them and showed me. The rooms were spacious and very nicely decorated in a rustic modern kind of way. He showed me that the closets were stocked with clothes that looked similar to the ones I was now wearing and were also made of leather. Some of the pants were cotton drawstring pants that looked like they came from a movie set where the peasants were dressed in home spun garb.

He said that the bar itself would supply me with everything that I could want or that I needed. He said that he would be keeping an eye on me and would pop in from time to time to see how I was doing. And with that he slowly started to disappear right in front of me. As the last of him was vanishing he said, “I think you have your first customer, better see to his needs--all of them!” and he winked at me.

To be continued...


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Shadow bear

Elysian Fields, Part 1

Hi and welcome to the Elysian Fields; this is a bar of some unusual customers and workers. First off there is me, I’m the owner and head bar tender; my name is Derrick. I’m a 6’10” man with white hair and brilliant green eyes that seem to glow in the dark they shift in shade but are always some shade of green, and the pupils are slit like those of a cat. I’m extremely muscular and covered in

Elysian Fields, Part 2

By Shadow bear As the first customer ever to walk into the bar noticed me, I picked up a glass from the shelf under the bar top and began to clean it with a towel I found laying next to it. I did this more for aesthetic reasons than any real need to clean the glass. The kid that walked in looked to be about 18 or 19 not really old enough to be in a bar unless he came from somewhere were the


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