Gay Erotic Stories

First Trial Of Pro'phallus...Trial By Fire!

by TheMightyOptimus


The guardians directed me to pass through the portal glowing red and I was immediately assaulted by an intense wave of heat. It seemed the entire surface of this strange world was burning. The air was thick with smoke and heat. My lungs burned causing my perfectly chiseled chest to heave in an attempt to acclimate myself.

Fear clutched at my stomach until I could call upon my manly well to quiet my trepidation. Sweat rained from my pliant young body, plastering my honey-golden hair to my head. As I reached up to smooth it back my turgid penis, my “Deliverer of Justice” began to tingle. This had happened only once before and had led me on my quest to assume my mantle of destiny as PENIS MAN!

The “Deliverer” urged me forward to enter some type of stadium, which teemed with indigenous people, all of who grew silent as I entered. My first thought was that of Ste’el, who had been defeated, disgraced and ravaged in this very place. My mighty cock leapt at the thought of the beautiful, nubile Ste’el being overcome by the black giant standing proudly in the center of the arena before me.

I strode purposefully towards the center and placed my large, powerful hands upon my trim hips and spoke.

“Greetings, Magmar. I am Pro’Phallus of Virilus, seeker of the mantle of PENIS MAN!” I spread my muscular thighs and clenched my smooth, rock hard butt cheeks and thrust my hips forward, causing all that made me a man to wave proudly at its stalk above my prodigious ball sack; my well of manhood.

“Greetings, pretender! How are you minding the heat?” He roared with laughter. “Do you feel worthy to engage me in battle?”

“I shall do what I must to fulfill my destiny, Magmar!” Suddenly I felt waves of fire lapping at my scrotum! I was half immersed in a pool of liquid flames! “What treachery is this?” I roared, gathering my considerable sack in my large palms.

Magmar took advantage of my surprise and charged me, striking a vicious blow to my chest and raking my unprotected nipples with his hot, stony hands. I staggered back, almost tripping, but I regained my balance just in time to receive a fireball to the groin.

“You’ll be even easier to defeat than the last fool they sent, you unseasoned teen!” Magmar bellowed as he pummeled my sculpted abs and chest with fiery fists. He forced me to my knees, immersing me in the pool of fire to my chest. He stood behind me. I was in a headlock from which I couldn’t escape.

Magmar ground his rock hard groin against my sweat-drenched honey-golden locks, the contact of heat and wetness causing steam to issue. He was clearly enjoying my domination. I struggled against his deadly embrace.

“Muscular fool! Soon your man milk will be cooked, boy! I’ll fetch a pretty price for you!” he taunted and the crowd cheered.

I indeed felt the intense heat sapping my strength and virility as the fire boiled around my mighty shaft and poached my tremendous bag of power. I knew that I must act quickly or all would be lost. I snapped my head back catching the Lava King fully in the engorged cock. He released his hold! I stood and beheld myself.

“By the gods!” My meaty sack hung all the way down to the middle of my thighs. The heat was really taking its toll on my powerful, toned, muscular young body, but I was determined to prevail. I charged Magmar and enveloped him in a crushing bear hug. Our immense cocks were pressed together between us as I squeezed. He grunted from my steely grip, then he smiled and drew me to him.

The incredible heat from his body was suddenly overwhelming. I realized I needed to stay away from the man-furnace in my arms and I picked him up and threw him across the arena. What I really needed to do was to cool him down! I took my mighty member in hand and began to stroke, calling upon my well of power. I gathered my testes in my other hand and applied gentle, massaging pressure. I pinched my mountainous nipples. The crowd cheered, urging me on.

Magmar feinted left, then charged right. “Have to time this perfectly,” I thought and waited until just the right moment to leap into the air. Still stroking, I somersaulted backwards and landed just behind the black giant. I put him in a full nelson, bending him forward slightly. I had neutralized his tremendous hands and arms! I had him!

I quickly thrust my full length into his exposed volcanic rim. Hot, burning lava surrounded my deliverer in the crater. I gasped at its severity. I began to pump and pound; thrusting ever deeper into the fiery depths until at last I began to orgasm; spewing thick ropes of Virilon man milk into the fiery breach.

Magmar screeched as molten lava belched forth from his own erupting member, coating his abs and massive chest then spilling into the pool of fire with great hissing plops. His mouth, ears and nose began to smoke and steam as he roared in defeat.

I withdrew and carried the smoldering giant out of the pool.

“See how you have been defeated and butt-mastered by this muscular fool, Magmar? As we speak my man-milk oozes from you.” I towered over his prostrate form, my perfect, naked body exuding strength, vitality and vigor. “Proclaim me victorious, Lava King!” I taunted. “I, ugh…”

I was suddenly weakened from using my cum-weapon. My mighty shaft drooped. I sank to one knee and my prodigious ball sack smacked against my sweaty thigh. Such devastating weakness overtook me; the heat, my orgasm both taking their toll on my magnificent body.

The Lava King began to laugh…great clouds issuing from his mouth as he did so. “You may think you have defeated me with your cum-weapon, young pup, but my minions will now conquer and enslave you while you are weakened, making me victorious!

I looked around and saw that I was indeed surrounded by Magmar’s loyal subjects. My spent member was only a chubby reminder of its recent glorious greatness. I struggled to stand and took my Deliverer in hand.

“Take him now before he can arouse his power! Penetrate him! Negate his strength!” the Lava King declared.

I stroked mightily but almost immediately fiery hands were grabbing at my hard, muscular body. I retreated until I had a stone wall at my back, defending me and protecting me from a rear attack. I knew that no Virilon could sustain their great strength while being penetrated. I would lose everything! Such an intrusion could not be allowed!

I continued my ministrations, taking time to tweak my mountainous nipples and fondle my enormous, pendulant ball sack. The heat was continuing to drain me, but I was getting results. The Lava King’s dastardly lackeys were almost upon me!

I backed closer to the wall, making contact. Suddenly molten rock surged over my arms and legs, solidifying on contact and holding me fast to the igneous formation! Liquid rock then spread over my throbbing groin and encased my sack and my cock straight out from my body. I could see my Deliverer’s huge, pre-cum dripping head exposed, the discharge evaporating immediately into steam as it trickled and made contact with the scalding rock.

“What treachery is this?” I cried. The rock was glowing with tepidity and I could feel my blood as well as my essence of power thickening as the heat sucked even more moisture from my pliant, young body. The Lava King’s men surrounded me as I struggled to escape my stony prison. My muscles strained and quivered with the effort. Sweat continued to rain from off my body.

“That’s it…use the last of your strength in a vain attempt to free yourself!” Magmar gloated. His ass and cock still spouted steam like a teapot as he spoke. “You almost defeated me, young, buck, but I feel my core burning away again now; rekindling itself. “Now I will cook your precious man-milk and make you have a dry cum!”

Magmar's fingers erupted in flame and he began to rub the stony prison between my legs. I struggled mightily as he cooked my cock and balls. I was beginning to think that I was done for as he heated my imprisoned groin again and again. Panic was beginning to set in and I nearly lost consciousness. I hung slackly in my stony bonds, my muscular arms straight out at my sides, my sinewy legs spread widely apart.

"No! I will not be denied my true calling as Penis Man!" I cried unto myself. I cleared my mind and called upon my very essence to empower me. All of a sudden, I felt an incredible presence speaking to me in my mind.

"Use the "Chant of Plenipotentious"! Utter the words Pro'Phallus," said a virile male voice from within. I felt as though I must be dreaming or near death. Magmar continued to laugh. The pain in my man-sack was excruciating. I panicked.

"I don't know the words," I said aloud. "I don't know…!" Then the words were there. I shouted them in a voice not my own in some dead, ancient language.


My penis surged to life, empowered by the chant of the mystic prophet. My Deliverer thrashed to and fro, breaking apart the rocky confines and clubbing Magmar in the face as he bent to apply his fiery grip.

I freed myself with a mighty effort and began to pump my once-again mighty shaft. I thought that, perhaps Magmar had succeeded in sucking away all the moisture from my essence. I felt a stabbing pain in my groin, but surely enough my balls constricted and a very thick volley of man-milk flew from the tip and on to the face of the Lava King!

"Nooooo!" he cried as my effusive cum sluiced across his face and dripped into his steaming mouth. He crumpled to the burning surface, defeated.

"RES FIRMA MITESCERE NESCIT!" The ancient words came again as my re-born, impressive, rock hard penis continued to swell and throb despite using my cum weapon again so soon.

I turned and walked to the exit, eager to leave this accursed place. Magmar's legions did not hinder or follow me. As I moved to the portal, which was glowing red, I heard a voice behind me.

"Pro'Phallus, wait!" It was Magmar, still dripping and steaming. "You have truly defeated me in combat and therefore you deserve a trophy for your victory." He presented me with a beautiful, black-stoned ring. "Wear this, if you so choose, on your middle finger. It contains the heat of my home world. It may aid you in your quest."

"Thank you, Lava King," I said. "Now I must leave. Eleven more trials await me."

"Wait, Penis Man! Call me some time. Let me give you my cell phone number! Maybe we can get together some time. Just the two of us! I'm really hot for you!"

I turned and stepped through the portal.


5 Gay Erotic Stories from TheMightyOptimus

A New Penis Man: The Third Trial of Pro’Phallus…Enter The Green Portal (Trial by Cellulose!) Conclusion

BY JOHNANYMOUSDOE@AOL.COM Part Two, Conclusion "So, conquered one, you awaken!" a voice creaked. It sounded to Pro'Phallus like a branch being scratched against a window. "Your man milk is excessively potent and plentiful. My beauties will flourish from your weed seed." Pro'Phallus opened his eyes and beheld a hoary being who looked as though he'd been carved from an ancient, petrified

A New Penis Man: The Fourth Trial of Pro’Phallus…Trial By Cellulose, Part One

By Chapter One Pro'Phallus was given a brief respite, a welcomed interlude between Trials. He was permitted by the Guardians of Manhood to enjoy a light snack, a short rest and the opportunity to scrub the dead plant matter from his impeccable body. The cool, clean water sluiced over every inch of his perfect tanned, toned form as he luxuriously soaped every muscular

A New Penis Man: The Third Trial of Pro'Phallus, Enter The Green Portal, Trial By Cellulose, Part One

Pro'Phallus was now directed by the Guardians of Manhood to pass through the portal glowing green. His questions to the Elders regarding the other challenger remained unanswered. His massive hand still clenched the ice crystal bestowed upon him by the Ice Queen, Freezia after his second trial. She had presented the token to him as she worshipped his imperial staff of virility in defeat. He

First Trial Of Pro'phallus...Trial By Fire!

By The guardians directed me to pass through the portal glowing red and I was immediately assaulted by an intense wave of heat. It seemed the entire surface of this strange world was burning. The air was thick with smoke and heat. My lungs burned causing my perfectly chiseled chest to heave in an attempt to acclimate myself. Fear clutched at my stomach until I

The Second Trial Of Pro'hallus, Part One

by (nods to cole for creating the character) Pro'Phallus stepped through the portal glowing white as directed by the Guardians of Manhood. His tanned, toned body still glistened with manly dew from his Trial by Fire encounter with Magmar. He expected to be attacked immediately and stroked his mighty cock, his Deliverer, all that made him a man! His honey-golden hair


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