Gay Erotic Stories

Kiss of the Fallen, Part 5

by Limitless22

I woke up in a daze. Somehow I had been moved to the "master suite" as he called it. Him. Lucius. My god, he was awesome. So fuckin' sexy! I ain't never seen anyone couldn't place the words. A sharp pain in my ass reminded me of what occurred.

'Aw SHIT!' I thought to myself. 'I got plowed!'

Damn! What an experience that had been! My mind raced as I remembered what happened. I was just standin' there, tryin ta act like a hooker, hopin' that maybe some old fuck would drive by and throw some cash out or somethin'. Hell I didn't know what ta do! Ain't never been in that situation before. Then alluva sudden this tall dude with black hair was standin' beside me. Man he's got a body! The kind most faggots like me dream of. Before I could say or do anything POW he had me in that damn cab. We drove for what seemed like HOURS. The whole fuckin' time the tall dude was starin' at me all funny. Like he kept wantin' ta say somethin', but never did. All's I know, is for some reason I kept thinkin' I knew him from somewhere.

I used to have all kindsa weird dreams where I was down on my knees suckin' a guys dick, or whatever. And I would look up in the dream and all's I could remember was that the dude in the dream had long black hair and green eyes that or somethin'. Man he was stacked though! Milky white skin, long black hair, those damn green eyes. A body that wouldn't QUIT! That's who this dude reminded me of. The guy in my dreams from back when I was younger.

When I was younger...I sighed to myself and brought my arms around my belly, slightly holdin' myself as I remembered. My whole life I been treated like I was shit. My father was a mean motherfucker! He used to wake me up in the middle a the night and spit on me. Then he would drag me outta the bed by my hair, the whole time smackin the shit outta my face. Then he would drag me to the bathroom and make me watch him piss and then he would shove my face in the urine soaked toilet. Kept sayin' I was nothin' but a toilet boy with a whore for a mommy. One time he tried to make me drink his piss, right outta his willy! But momma burst into the bathroom before he could make me do it and started cursin' him and callin' him all kindsa names. He backhanded the shit outta her then, and they started fightin' and wrasslin'. I ran to my room and shut the door cryin' my eyes out. Momma took a helluva beatin' that night, tryin' ta protect her lil' boy. She musta done somethin' though, 'cause he never tried that again. But I would still get the beatin's.

Momma was probably the only person in my life that ever treated me with any bit a kindness. She would drink a lotta that Jack Daniels, though. I would come home from school and she would be passed out on the couch--the tv blarin'. The stench of JD and coke was always a greetin' I could come home to. I could tell she cried a lot. It seemed her cheeks were always streaked with tears. My father would beat her alot too. Sometimes I would wake up in my bed, way before he ever took ta beatin' me. I would latch onto my little teddy bear and cry and cry 'cause I could hear 'em fightin' in the back bedroom. He would come home drunk from the bar, and she would accuse him of fuckin' that bitch LeeAnne who lived down the street. Of course he would always deny it (although everyone on the block knew LeeAnne was bobbin' on his willy). I can't seem ta ever remember my momma without some kinda cut or scrape or black eye or broken bone. Wasn't nothin' I could do about it, I was too young then to stop it.

Yeah, my ole man...Erich Ivanos. I useta call 'im Erik the Red, after a comic book bad guy. He was tall and strong! Man was he strong! He was sorta built, but he had a beer belly the size of a Buick. His eyes always reminded me of the way the comic book Erik's were always nothin' but slits, glowin red. Naw, my father's eyes never glowed red, but you could never tell anythin' else 'cause they were always red with alcohol or pot...or both.

Anyway, a few weeks after I turned 18 I guess my momma just couldn't stand the thought a livin' with that bastard no more. So she took a pistol to her left temple. Dad was gone off somewhere, probly ta LeeAnne's, and I was sittin' in my room thinkin' 'bout different ways ta kill the bastard, when I heard a loud BOOM come from the garage. I jumped ten feet offa my bed and took off like a hawk towards the garage. There she was...laying flat down on the floor, the gun still in her hand, blood and other shit oozin' outta her head. Sad thing is, I didn't feel bad. I was shocked, of course. But I figured she was better off, now that she'd gone ta meet her Maker.

I also figured that I was better off leavin' too. Naw I didn't wanna off myself like she'd done. I was too scared ta do that. But, like I couldn't even stop myself, I went to my room and packed a duffel bag fulla clothes, took what little money I had stashed under my mattress, and high-tailed it outta there.

I took to walkin' along the high-way, never really knowin' where I was gonna go, but damned sure I was never gonna go back to the hell I left. Sure, I had my license to drive, but I didn't have no car, so I just walked and walked.

Well as it is, I guess fate just had it in for me from the start cuz after a long while; a car finally sped passed me then suddenly stopped. It got hocked into reverse and screeched to a halt right beside me. I was kinda nervous at first, but the passenger window rolled down and I looked in.

Sittin' in the driver's seat was a guy, probably 30, maybe 35 years old. He had straggly brown hair and a beard that I guessed hadn't been shaved in a month or two. He asked me where I was goin' an' I told him I didn't know. He just told me to hop in and we'd figure it out.

I just shrugged my shoulders, grateful for a ride, and hopped inside the dirty, obviously tired old car.

Aways, down the road he told me his name was Richard. I told him my name was Julian, and we seemed to get on like pretty good friends.

Awhile later, we pulled into a gas station and he said that he needed to take a leak, so I sat in the car while he went in, I guess to go drain his lizard. The next thing I know, Richard is runnin' like all get out towards the car, holdin' a gun and a large white sack. Another guy came outta the store screamin' and hollerin' shakin his fists. It was kinda funny, cuz the other guy wasn't in good shape and his belly jiggled all over the place as he ran like molasses towards the car. Richard threw open the driver's side door, scrambled inside throwing the white bag into the back seat, revved the engine and popped it into gear and off we sped.

I was kinda in shock and didn't really know what ta say or do. He just told me to keep quiet cuz he needed ta think. He had this real wild look in his eyes, sorta the same look my father had after a long night a drinkin'. I knew that look, and decided I should just do what he said.

A couple hours later, we were still speedin' like a bat outta hell, (come ta think of it, there were no cars around that long stretch of highway. None at all). There was an exit off the freeway comin up and he veered into the far right lane so's he could take the exit. There was an old motel a few blocks from the exit, I was ta find out.

We pulled into the motel and parked in front of one of the room doors. I kinda laughed at myself cuz the room number was "69".

"Get out." Richard said.

I did.

He tucked the gun safely away in the front of his jeans. He had had it in his lap the entire drive. He then took the white bag and walked up to the door of the room, and knocked three times. The door slowly creaked open and Richard told me to go inside. I went inside, followed closely by Richard, who shut the door and locked it behind him. The room went all dark with the only window covered by thick curtains, and the only light that had been was shut out with the closin' of the door. The first words I heard were...

"AW SHIT RICH!! What the hell ya doin bringin' some punk kid here?"

Richard glared at the man who had spoke, and simply said "Shut the fuck up, asshole."

After that I got ta gettin real scared. Richard told me to keep quiet and sit in the chair by the window. He turned on the small lamp by the bed, but it only made the room seem scarier, makin' all kindsa shadows around the rest a the room. He sat down next to "asshole" that I found out went by the name a Dirk.

Dirk was kinda goodlookin' I guess. He had a mop a fiery red hair and his body was real wiry, but toned, a lot like the liquid metal guy in the second Terminator movie. He wore a pair of dusty old jeans and no shirt. Not a bit of hair on his chest, but he had lotsa freckles. His blue eyes were always shiftin' over ta me, as if he expected me ta do somethin' he didn't like. I just sat there and listened to the two of 'em talk and whisper and shit. Couldn't ever figure out what they were sayin', but it sounded kinda like they were plannin' on goin' ta Mexico er somethin'.

After a bit, Richard said he needed a shower and went into the bathroom, closin' the door behind 'im. He told Dirk ta keep an eye on me, ta make sure I didn't go nowhere. I tell ya I had no intentions a goin' ANYWHERE. I was too scared that they would hurt me or even kill me.

Not that I couldn't've taken care of myself. I was kinda big for my age, and I had taken weight-training classes in school, 'cause I figured one day I would be strong enough ta hit my dad cold. I got stronger, but I could never lift a hand to my dad, outta fear mostly. But I got a nice body cuz of the classes, and was kinda proud of it when I stood in front of my mirror naked. I had started growin' hair in weird places when I was about 13. But I liked was a sign that I was becomin' a man, and thought that if I were a man I could beat my father senseless. In any case, I never did nothin' 'bout the hair that was growin like wildfire all over my chest and legs and arms.

But what was under the hair was a different story.

I kept on a trainin' with the weights, and my teacher said that I could be a bodybuilder one day. I didn't want no big bulging terminator muscles, I just wanted ta be strong. Through those classes and regular workouts I did when I had my privacy, I had built up a nice physique that I was proud of. So, no I wasn't scared of bein' beat up. I was scared that Dirk or Richard was gonna kill me if I did somethin' they didn't like.

So I just kept on sittin there until Dirk finally looked up at me. His cold blue eyes stared intensely into my own bluish-green eyes, and eventually raked themselves down and back up the length of my body.

"How old are you, kid?" He asked gruffly.

" I turned 18 a couple weeks ago, mister." I replied softly. I meant the words to come out strong and buff, but instead they just kinda squeaked out like a mouse.

"Where did ole Rich find ya?"

"I was hitchin'. Tryin' ta go anywhere but where I was."

"You don't have a home? No parents? No place to live? What's your story kid?"

I gave Dirk a basic overview of the recent events, and he kinda looked at me sympathetically, like he knew what I was talkin' 'bout.

"Damn. That's rough kid." Was all he said.

Dirk lay down on the bed and stretched himself out, gettin' comfortable.

"Why don’tcha come here, and sit with me for a bit." He patted the bed beside him as he said it.

"Why, Dirk?" I asked.

He looked at me with a glazed over expression. Then he put his hand on his groin, which I then realized had formed a veritable tent in his dusty old jeans.

"Because I want you to meet an old friend of mine, " he said petting the growing length of his willy.

Dutifully, I got up and sat down on the bed beside him, kinda scared, but noticed that my own jeans had become increasingly uncomfortable cuz my own willy had got hard. He musta noticed this, and decided he would take a chance that I was a faggot.

"Well whatcha waitin' for kid? He's beggin' to come out 'n' play."

I had never touched another man's willy before. And was kinda scared and horny at the same time.

Just as I had reached over and unzipped Dirk's fly, Richard came outta the bathroom with nothin' but a towel wrapped around his waist, his body still wet from the shower.

Without his clothes on, he was a lot more muscley than I'd thought before. Also he'd shaved off the beard, and was actually pretty good lookin' in the face. He only had a little bit a hair in the middle of his chest, which wasn't too big, or too small. I looked at his head, and noticed that he'd also shaved his head...leaving only a crew cut. He looked completely different than the scraggly man I met before. He looked good.

"What the hell do ya think your'e doing Dirk! We ain't got the time for this shit! We gotta pack up and get the hell outta town before the cops track us!"

Dirk looked at Richard with contempt.

"Well then what the hell did ja bring the kid here for then? You know you like to fuck a tight ass!"

I leaped offa the bed and jumped into a far corner of the room, lockin' my ass tightly between the the part where the walls met. I may be a faggot, and I may like to fantasize about other dudes, but I was gonna be damned if I was gonna be raped. My breathin' suddenly got a whole lot heavier and I felt again the same terror I'd felt the night my father tried to make me drink his piss. I would go down fightin' for sure, but I wasn't gonna be raped.

My eyes darted from Dirk to Richard and back to Dirk again. I wasn't sure which one of 'em was strongest, but then again I didn't care. My muscles were tensed and I was ready to take 'em both down.

Both of 'em looked at me with subtle amusement.

"By golly I think we got ourselves a virgin boy!" Dirk said through short audible laughs. His eyes sparked with cruelty, but were soon replaced with the same sympathy he had shown before when I told him where I'd been. He looked at me and I know I musta looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Sorry, kid. I didn't know. I just figured you were like any other American faggot. Didn't know you hadn't ever done nothin' before." He zipped his pants back up and threw his legs over the bed. He stood up and stretched and yawned and proclaimed that he himself needed a shower and walked bowlegged to the bathroom.

Now it was only Richard and I, and he looked at me like I had lost my mind.

"Julian, we are not gonna hurt you, honest. We just wanna get outta here as soon as possible. In fact, that's why I had took you along. Thought maybe you would wanna come with us. Hell we could use the company." He smiled at me then, and I felt a little bit more at ease.

The rest of the night I sat in that chair by the window. Richard and Dirk were sleepin' in the bed. It was big enough, I coulda squeezed in between 'em, and they had even offered ta let me sleep in the bed with 'em, but I figured I was just as comfortable stayin' right where I was. I didn't wanna take the chance that they would try...that...again.

Just as I started to nod off ta sleep, I heard that damn bed start a creakin. I could hear Dirk's voice whisper Richard's name over and over. Because of the darkened room, it was hard ta see what was goin' on but I'd a damn good clue. I could see the dark forms under the blankets a movin' wildly. I closed my eyes and tried ta force the sounds of them fuckin' outta my mind. Even though I didn't wanna hear what they were doin', the sounds of sex in the room made my willy hurt and get real hard in my jeans. Before I knew it I was rubbin' on my willy through the jeans, and that started ta hurt a little so I thought what the hell, and unzipped my jeans, letting my hard dick stand up through the opening. I looked at it, then looked at the two shapeless forms goin' at it in the bed, and started strokin it.

Man it felt good. I hadn't jacked in a long time. Not since my pecker had started gettin' hard.

I just watched 'em fuck, and stroked and pulled and whatever else felt good to my dick. It didn't take much, and before long I felt that hot twinge deep in my balls that told me I was gonna cum. I finally let go, and gasped sharply as I finally unloaded my cum into the dark air. I closed my eyes and just let it come. It didn't seem like it would stop and I just sat in that chair jerkin' it 'til I couldn't stand it no more. Finally I let go of my dick, which seemed ta hurt cuz I was so rough with it. My breathin' came in sharp huffs, and I was sweatin' all over.

I realized how silent it was then. Suddenly I could feel eyes on me and looked over at the bed. I guess I had made more of a racket then I realized, cuz Dirk and Richard had stopped their fuckin' ta watch me jerk off. When they saw that I seen 'em, they both clapped.

"Nice one, kid," Dirk praised.

Embarrassed, I zipped my fly back up, and they went back to their fuckin'.


7 Gay Erotic Stories from Limitless22

Kiss of the Fallen

Kiss of the Fallen – Part One By A.R Booth The torrential blast of the fast-paced music was deafening. The bright strobe lights placed strategically around the dance floor were blinding. The odours of sweat and sexual tension were intoxicating. The entire floor was crowded with every facet of gay life you could possibly imagine. Different "scenes" mixed with one

Kiss of the Fallen - Part 6

Kiss of the Fallen: A novelette of Gay Erotica by A.R. Booth Part 6 I musta dozed off ta sleep after that, 'cause the next thing I remember was wakin’ up needin' ta take a piss real bad. I got up outta the chair and stretched. My neck was kinda sore after bein tilted back in sleep for awhile. I walked over to the bathroom and went inside,

Kiss of the Fallen, Part 2

Determined to realize the seemingly impossible task I had put before me I let my senses guide me. The pull of sexual purity is very strong. My brethren and I are drawn to sexual intensity and a virgin's energies are erratic and strong...untainted...unspent. They have not yet given themselves over to sexually charged activity, and by so doing giving over a piece of their own soul-self to their

Kiss of the Fallen, Part 3

Leading Julian inside, I flicked the light switch located to the right of the door we had just passed through. He gasped as a hanging chandelier, decadently designed with many expertly chiseled crystal and diamond accents, softly illuminated the room. The room was larger than I expected he had ever seen one room to be. The rug we stood upon was a very oriental piece, woven delicately by hand.

Kiss of the Fallen, Part 4

I silently cursed at myself for revealing what shouldn't have been revealed to Julian. That one little four-letter word has so much power. I began to understand the humans' obsession with love. Finding it. Needing it. Wanting it so badly they could feel it pulsate through their very bones. As if eons of pent up desire and longing came to an end, my entire outlook had changed when I uttered

Kiss of the Fallen, Part 5

I woke up in a daze. Somehow I had been moved to the "master suite" as he called it. Him. Lucius. My god, he was awesome. So fuckin' sexy! I ain't never seen anyone couldn't place the words. A sharp pain in my ass reminded me of what occurred. 'Aw SHIT!' I thought to myself. 'I got plowed!' Damn! What an experience that had been! My mind raced as I remembered what

Kiss of the Fallen, Part 7

A Tale of Supernatural Gay Erotica By A. R. Booth Part 7 With no small amount of unease, I slipped back into my seat at the counter. Billy B. of course sat down next to me in his seat. I nervously stole a glance at him, a little unsure of what ta say or do, especially considerin' what had happened in the bathroom. He seemed to notice I was starin' and he shifted slightly in his seat to


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