Gay Erotic Stories

Frat Boys Spank Superman, Chapter 6

by Ribrav

By Ribrav

(The following is an original work of adult fan fiction involving the erotic spanking of Superman. Superman is the intellectual property of D.C. Comics. This story is strictly not for profit and no copyright infringement is intended. All "boys" depicted are fictional and at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is completely coincidental. No super heroes were harmed in the creation of this work. )

PREVIOUSLY: Superman has been given a ferocious, naked spanking by nine young fraternity pledges. It has been going on for over four hours. He as been crying at the top of his voice for most of it.

Finally all of the boys had finished their last round of spanking. Superman had endured over four hours of continuous punishment to his tender, vulnerable bottom. When they released the rope that had him nearly dangling from the ceiling, he slumped to the floor, a pitiful, pathetic mess of a man, too weak to even stand on his own two feet. He landed with his face in a remaining puddle of his own semen. He lay there bawling.

Alan was careful to photograph this sight from all possible angles, so as to capture Superman's absolute defeat and humiliation.

Chapter 6

With his hands and feet still bound, Kyle and Mark lifted the naked, bawling man of steel up off the floor. They carried the practically limp mass of aching muscle and stinging flesh outside the house to where Kyle had parked his S.U.V. The other boys followed. Brian carried Superman's costume and Eric had an extra length of rope. Alan was still filming.

Outside of the modified environment of the house, the boys' strength returned to normal, but Superman was still completely weak and helpless from the constant punishment.

Angelo opened the rear door of the vehicle and Kyle and Mark dumped the still blubbering, still naked hero unceremoniously into the back.

"Should we give this back to him?" asked Brian, holding up the costume.

Steve, who was just now putting his t-shirt back on, replied, "No, we need to keep that as further proof that we stripped him completely naked and spanked him."

Eric took his piece of rope and hog-tied Superman's hands and feet together behind his back.

As the man of steel lay crying and tied helplessly in the back of the S.U.V., Kyle got into the drivers' seat. Mark got into the other side and Alan got into the back seat, keeping his camera focused on the naked, blubbering hero in the back.

The boys drove off with Superman, leaving the rest of the group laughing about their accomplishment, congratulating each other, patting each other on the back and giving the high-five all around.

Kyle stopped the vehicle several miles from the house, by a drainage ditch. The boys got out and lifted Superman out of the back. They threw him roughly on the ground, causing him to emit a loud grunt, and removed the piece of rope that held him hog-tied--so they could again get at his bottom--but left the bonds on his wrists and ankles.

Then Kyle knelt down beside the sobbing hero and hoisted him up onto his knee. Just for good measure he gave him an extra spanking of about seventy-five good solid licks. Superman screamed and cried the whole time. Fortunately, they were still miles from nowhere, and it was the middle of the night, so nobody heard his pathetic bawling.

When Kyle had finished, he and Mark dumped Superman in the drainage ditch, his hands and feet still bound. He landed face down in a puddle of water. He coughed and sputtered and continued to cry. His final spanking over, and there being no more need of easy access to his bottom, they again hog-tied him, leaving him face down and utterly helpless in the filthy slime of the ditch.

After catching that final humiliation on tape, Alan shut off the camera and the boys got back in the S.U.V. and drove off.

Superman lay there in the ditch, naked, bound, and still crying his eyes out. His penis was still fully erect. He was too weak to break the ropes that held him and didn't even have the will to try. His bottom glowed a purplish red and hurt more than any mere mortal could possibly comprehend.

His mind was too cloudy to remember how he had even gotten into this situation in the first place or why he had received the spanking.

It would be hours before he stopped crying and his erection went down. By then, it was starting to get light outside. Superman, although still groggy and confused, at least had the presence of mind to realize that someone might see him like this. That they might actually help him didn't enter his befuddled mind. Through his swollen eye sockets he saw a drainpipe, about three feet in diameter, that the ditch ran into.

It was awkward and he was still quite weak--not to mention bound hand and foot--but he manage to squirm and wiggle his naked body enough to make his way into the pipe. There was even more water in the bottom of the pipe, but Superman didn't care at this point. He lay face down in the foul, grimy, disgusting fluid and just waited there for his strength and powers to return. Occasionally his crying would start again, prompted by his helpless, and utterly degraded state--not to mention the agonizing pain that still ravaged his tender bottom. But eventually his crying would subside and he would again lay there, waiting for some energy to return to his depleted muscles.

Much more time would pass before he had enough of his super strength back to snap the ropes that bound him--and even then it would require all the force he could muster to do so.

It would be even more time, many hours more, before he regained enough of his powers to finally fly back to his apartment in Metropolis, still naked. He was still humiliated and ashamed of himself. He no longer thought of himself as invincible. The pride which he felt at the beginning of the evening was completely gone.

It would be well over a week before his bottom stopped hurting and several more weeks before it returned to its previous lily-white shade. In that time he would don an extra costume that he kept, but he wouldn't wear it with the same pride and confidence as before. He would fly around doing good and fighting crime, but most of the people who saw him would wonder why he kept rubbing his bottom and why he seemed so timid and meek. Whenever he saw a young college boy he would actually back away in fear. It would be a long time indeed before he regained even a portion of his previous confidence. But he would forever remain more humble than before.

The nine boys who spanked him did get initiated into their fraternity, and they did so without ever getting any swats. The video--now transferred to DVD--remained a part of the permanent archives of the organization, as did the costume that the boys kept as a souvenir. Part of the secret tradition of the group became that, although all the members from then on got to see it (many watched it over and over with great zeal), none were permitted to reveal what they saw.

All of the boys would finish college and go on to their respective walks of life. But none would ever forget that incredible night when they gave Superman a spanking he would never forget.


6 Gay Erotic Stories from Ribrav

Frat Boys Spank Superman, Chapter 1

By Ribrav (The following is an original work of adult fan fiction involving the erotic spanking of Superman. Superman is the intellectual property of D.C. Comics. This story is strictly not for profit and no copyright infringement is intended. All "boys" depicted are fictional and at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is completely

Frat Boys Spank Superman, Chapter 2

By Ribrav (The following is an original work of adult fan fiction involving the erotic spanking of Superman. Superman is the intellectual property of D.C. Comics. This story is strictly not for profit and no copyright infringement is intended. All "boys" depicted are fictional and at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is completely

Frat Boys Spank Superman, Chapter 3

By Ribrav (The following is an original work of adult fan fiction involving the erotic spanking of Superman. Superman is the intellectual property of D.C. Comics. This story is strictly not for profit and no copyright infringement is intended. All "boys" depicted are fictional and at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is completely

Frat Boys Spank Superman, Chapter 4

By Ribrav (The following is an original work of adult fan fiction involving the erotic spanking of Superman. Superman is the intellectual property of D.C. Comics. This story is strictly not for profit and no copyright infringement is intended. All "boys" depicted are fictional and at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is completely

Frat Boys Spank Superman, Chapter 5

By Ribrav (The following is an original work of adult fan fiction involving the erotic spanking of Superman. Superman is the intellectual property of D.C. Comics. This story is strictly not for profit and no copyright infringement is intended. All "boys" depicted are fictional and at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is completely

Frat Boys Spank Superman, Chapter 6

By Ribrav (The following is an original work of adult fan fiction involving the erotic spanking of Superman. Superman is the intellectual property of D.C. Comics. This story is strictly not for profit and no copyright infringement is intended. All "boys" depicted are fictional and at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is completely

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