Gay Erotic Stories

Frat Boys Spank Superman, Chapter 4

by Ribrav

By Ribrav

(The following is an original work of adult fan fiction involving the erotic spanking of Superman. Superman is the intellectual property of D.C. Comics. This story is strictly not for profit and no copyright infringement is intended. All "boys" depicted are fictional and at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is completely coincidental. No super heroes were harmed in the creation of this work. )

PREVIOUSLY: Superman has been rendered helpless, verbally humiliated, and his pants pulled down by a group of young fraternity pledges. The first of the boys--Kyle--has finished his spanking of the hero.

By the time Kyle stopped spanking Superman, the hero's tender, pliable bottom was red all over. A look of anguish covered his face. Superman had never felt such pain in his life. It was all he could do to keep from crying. And yet he knew the spanking was far from over. Steve had told him that each boy would have his turn, and only two of them had punished him so far.

Chapter 4

Mark was next. The muscled gymnast pulled up a chair and the other boys lowered Superman across his lap. Eric slipped the red briefs all the way off. Then, with Brian's help, he pulled Superman's tight pants and red boots off, all at once. Superman now lay across Mark's lap, naked from his chest down.

Mark wasted no time in beginning to spank Superman. He was nearly as strong as Kyle and his blows hurt every bit as much. Eric took hold of Superman's ankles to keep him from kicking and Brian held his wrists. The man of steel was far too weak to pull away from their grasps.

Mark's strong, firm hand spanked Superman's naked bottom relentlessly. The blows rang out loud and filled the old house. Superman's rock hard penis drove into Mark's leg. He tried to move his bottom about, but couldn't. All he could do was lay there and take the horrible spanking.

Abruptly, after about five minutes of spanking Superman, Mark stopped. Suddenly the room was quiet. Except for one thing.

Superman was sobbing. Tears were running down his face. He was crying. It had taken roughly forty minutes of constant, ferocious spanking, but the mighty, invincible Superman had been reduced to tears.

This only prompted Mark to renew the fierceness of the spanking. He hit Superman's bottom with all his considerable strength. Before long, Superman was crying out loud.

Superman's bottom was bright red, stinging, and hot to the touch. His erection continued unabated. Mark continued spanking him for nearly fifteen minutes longer. By the time he stopped, the man of steel was bawling at the top of his voice.

Kyle and Angelo helped Superman up off of Mark's lap. His handsome face was red from the tears and contorted with pain. He kept crying. Eric slipped the tight shirt up and all the way off.

Now Superman stood completely naked before the assembly of boys. His muscled body was totally vulnerable. His erection stood at full mast. More pre-ejaculate was forming on the tip of his penis. His bottom was glowing red. And he was crying uncontrollably.

Brian, the lean and tanned history major who served as one of the groups "gofers", was next to spank the sobbing hero. He elected to have Superman kneel with his head all the way down on the floor, his hands again behind his head, and his bottom extended up into the air.

Brian knelt beside him and placed a firm hand on the hero's back. With his other hand he began spanking him. Even though Brian was not as strong as the three boys who preceded him, Superman's bottom was now so tender that the blows hurt him as much as ever.

As Brian spanked him, Superman continued to bawl like a baby. Even though his cries were somewhat muffled by the floor, they were still loud enough to resound throughout the old house. And Brian's slaps on his bare bottom rang out just as loud.

Superman wailed and bawled. Brian kept on spanking him.

At one point, Superman tried to reach around with one hand to protect his stinging bottom, but Angelo was there to return the errant hand to its place behind Superman's head and to hold it there firmly. Brian responded to Superman's disobedience by increasing the force and frequency of the blows. Brian kept spanking him and Superman kept crying at the top of his voice.

With his face buried in the floor and his mind groggy from the pain, Superman was unaware that, after about fifteen minutes of severe spanking by Brian, Eric--the short, blond, muscular art major--took over.

Eric pushed the helpless, blubbering hero flat onto the floor. Superman's face was pointed straight down. Kyle positioned his arms forward with his palms flat on the floor. Mark held his legs extended backward with his feet flat and his toes pointed back. Thus, Superman was fully extended; face down, naked, on the floor.

His penis, still as hard as stone, pushed against the cold, hard, wood floor, causing it to ache from the pressure put on it. He cried unceasingly. He was by now too afraid to even move a muscle, so he just lay there, obedient and motionless as Eric began his turn at spanking him.

Eric, although not as powerful as Kyle, Mark, or Angelo, was considerably stronger than Brian and Superman felt the increase ferocity of the spanking immediately. His bawling turned to screaming. The stinging in his bottom was more than he could bear. But still he was afraid to move, to wriggle around, or even to wiggle his toes in response to the relentless pain. So he just lay there and took the merciless spanking, crying and screaming like a little baby.

Eric continued to kneel next to the naked, bawling super hero and spank the beautiful, round bottom which was redder and hotter than ever.

The pain made Superman's mind increasingly groggy. Now he could barely remember that he had intended to bust a drug lab, that he had immediately been overcome and rendered helpless, and that he had been told the reason for his being spanked was so that these nine boys could avoid a few swats on their backsides. Now the spanking had been going on for well over an hour and was nowhere near being finished. Superman's brain was too muddled to be able to count, but there were still four boys left to spank him. One thing he was acutely aware of however was the unbearable pain in his bottom.

Eric was enjoying the spanking so much he kept on for nearly thirty minutes. By the time he stopped, Superman was in absolute agony. His bottom was on fire and his face was a mess of tears and snot. When Kyle and Mark at last pulled him to his feet, he was practically choking on his tears. He was bawling at the top of his voice. His body quaked and shook. The pre-ejaculate continued to accumulate on his hardened penis.

Kyle and Mark led the naked, muscle-bound crybaby over to the table that stood in the middle of the room. They bent him over it and each one took hold of a wrist, stretching his arms all the way out to the side. With Superman thus bent helplessly over the table, Alan handed the camera to Jon and stepped up to take his turn at the man of steel's aching bottom.

He spanked the naked, bawling hero with all his might. Alan was only of average strength, but Superman's bottom was such a mass of tender, throbbing flesh that it hurt as much as if the strongest man in the world was spanking him.

Ironically, though, it was Superman who was the strongest man in the world. But he was unable to do anything to protect himself from the spanking that ravaged his vulnerable backside. All he was allowed to do was cry. And he cried with a vengeance. He screamed and bawled like a little girl. He was as helpless as a naughty little boy who had been stripped naked and was being spanked so hard he could no longer remember why.

But Alan was more into the photography than he was the spanking and so after about ten minutes with the man of steel, he stepped back and retrieved his camera from Jon, who moved forward to take his turn.

Kyle and Mark helped Superman up all the way onto the table. The hero was made to lay face down, spread eagle, with his arms stretched outward. Kyle and mark took hold of the wrists to hold them in place and Eric and Brian held his ankles. Then Jon began spanking the pathetic, crying super hero.

Jon, the Asian-American engineering student had an athletic body and he used his strength to deliver powerful, punishing blows to Superman's soft, pliable bottom. Superman continued to cry at the top of his voice.

When the man of steel again tried to wriggle around, Kevin got up on the table and sat on the small of his back to hold him in place. Superman was too weak and helpless to do anything but lay there and take the relentless spanking that the powerful Asian-American boy was giving him and cry uncontrollably.

Jon had put much effort into planning Superman's punishment and he wanted to give his share of the spanking. And so he spanked the helpless, bawling super hero for nearly a half an hour. When he finished, Superman's mind was virtually numb, but his bottom was still sensitive to the merciless spanking he had been receiving at the hands of these boys.

Next it was Kevin's turn to spank the once mighty hero. The physics genius who had played such an important part in Superman's downfall decided he wanted the man of steel bound when he spanked him. Not that Superman needed to be bound. He had been completely helpless from the moment he entered the house. Still, Kevin wanted him tied up.

The boys turned Superman over on his back. They pulled his powerful legs up and over his head. Kyle took a piece of rope and tied the hero's hands together behind his back, securing the rope at one end of the table.

Mark, using another length of rope, tied Superman's feet together and fastened that rope to the other end of the table. Another piece of rope was used to bind the man of steel's legs together, just above his knees. This was then wrapped around his body underneath.

When the binding was completed, the weak and helpless Superman's shoulders were pinned against the table, his legs were bent back over his head so his red, vulnerable bottom extended into the air, and his arms were pulled tight in the other direction. It was impossible for him to move even a single muscle, although he was too afraid to try. All the time he kept up his incessant crying.

And it was with Superman in this awkward and humiliating position that Kevin began to spank him. Kevin quickly figured out that he could control the effect of the swats by adjusting the force and velocity with which his hand moved and by varying the portion and amount of his hand that struck the hero's exposed, tender bottom.

If he used sharp, quick slaps with just his fingers, it would make the delicate skin on the surface of Superman's buttocks sting unbearably. If, however, he made slower, more powerful smacks with his palm, it would punish the massive and normally powerful muscles beneath the skin. He used both of these techniques extensively over Superman's entire backside, covering the backs of his upper legs, his hips all the way around to the sides, his lower back, and of course the main part of the buttocks.

The naked, hapless hero responded to each type of blow with a corresponding scream of pain. The quick, sharp slaps were greeted with high-pitched screeches. The more methodical punishment to the muscles of his bottom brought lower-pitched "ow's" and groans. These vocal reactions, along with Superman's frequent gasps and choking sounds, were the only things that broke the long, continuous, and pathetic "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" of his babyish crying. The tears streamed down the sides of his reddened face and puddled on the table beneath his head. And, although it was now hidden from view by his legs pressed tightly against his stomach, his penis continued to be completely and painfully erect during the entire ordeal.

By the time Kevin's long, methodical spanking was finished (and it took nearly forty-five minutes), the back and sides of Superman's entire mid-section were bright red. It ached and stung far beyond anything the pathetic hero had ever imagined possible. The pain was excruciating. His awkward, helpless, exposed position was utterly humiliating. And his bawling showed him to be nothing more than a big crybaby.

The spanking had been going on for just about three hours, without letting up except for the brief periods when the helpless man of steel was being moved to a new position.

It was not a sexual experience for the boys, even for Eric who would have killed to get his hands on such a gorgeous creature with such a massive erection. This was a power trip thing. They reveled in being able to dominate and punish the strongest man on earth. It was an incredible feeling of masculine pride to have him naked and helpless at their hands. It gave each of them a sense of power and magnificence at having total control over this awe-inspiring creature and having him crying uncontrollably just from the contact of their bare hands on his bare bottom. The extra measure of strength and energy that they drew from Superman's body didn't hurt either.

Eight of the nine boys had now spanked Superman. And now it was time for Steve, the business major who was the acknowledged leader of the group, to finally take his turn at spanking the pitiful, blubbering hero.


6 Gay Erotic Stories from Ribrav

Frat Boys Spank Superman, Chapter 1

By Ribrav (The following is an original work of adult fan fiction involving the erotic spanking of Superman. Superman is the intellectual property of D.C. Comics. This story is strictly not for profit and no copyright infringement is intended. All "boys" depicted are fictional and at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is completely

Frat Boys Spank Superman, Chapter 2

By Ribrav (The following is an original work of adult fan fiction involving the erotic spanking of Superman. Superman is the intellectual property of D.C. Comics. This story is strictly not for profit and no copyright infringement is intended. All "boys" depicted are fictional and at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is completely

Frat Boys Spank Superman, Chapter 3

By Ribrav (The following is an original work of adult fan fiction involving the erotic spanking of Superman. Superman is the intellectual property of D.C. Comics. This story is strictly not for profit and no copyright infringement is intended. All "boys" depicted are fictional and at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is completely

Frat Boys Spank Superman, Chapter 4

By Ribrav (The following is an original work of adult fan fiction involving the erotic spanking of Superman. Superman is the intellectual property of D.C. Comics. This story is strictly not for profit and no copyright infringement is intended. All "boys" depicted are fictional and at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is completely

Frat Boys Spank Superman, Chapter 5

By Ribrav (The following is an original work of adult fan fiction involving the erotic spanking of Superman. Superman is the intellectual property of D.C. Comics. This story is strictly not for profit and no copyright infringement is intended. All "boys" depicted are fictional and at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is completely

Frat Boys Spank Superman, Chapter 6

By Ribrav (The following is an original work of adult fan fiction involving the erotic spanking of Superman. Superman is the intellectual property of D.C. Comics. This story is strictly not for profit and no copyright infringement is intended. All "boys" depicted are fictional and at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is completely


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