Gay Erotic Stories

Frat Boys Spank Superman, Chapter 2

by Ribrav

By Ribrav

(The following is an original work of adult fan fiction involving the erotic spanking of Superman. Superman is the intellectual property of D.C. Comics. This story is strictly not for profit and no copyright infringement is intended. All "boys" depicted are fictional and at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is completely coincidental. No super heroes were harmed in the creation of this work. )

PREVIOUSLY: Superman has been tipped off to a ‘meth’ lab being operated by a group of college kids. He finds the old house out in the country, but on entering it he finds himself overpowered by the boys. Steve, the leader, explains to him:

"As you probably know, most fraternity initiations involve some sort of spanking. We weren't crazy about the idea, so we asked if there was any way for us to get out of being paddled and still get in the fraternity. Well, they told us there was: if we all spanked Superman and got it on tape then we didn't have to get spankings ourselves. Well, naturally, we jumped at the chance and devised this scheme to get you here and give you a spanking. You don't mind, do you?"

And now:

Chapter 2

"It-it's a little unusual," stammered the man of steel, somewhat taken back by the request. But he thought for a second and replied, "I don't mind taking a few swats to help you boys out. After all, you know it can't hurt me."

"That's where you're wrong," snapped Steve. "First of all, it's not going to be a 'few swats'. You're going to get a hard, severe spanking that will leave you crying like a little baby. And it will hurt. It will hurt very much. Haven't you noticed that Kyle and Mark here have an iron grip on your arms, which you've not been able to break free of?"

"I can break free whenever I want," retorted the man of steel, defiantly. And so, for the first time since his ordeal began, he tried to pull his arms away from the two boys. But Kyle and Mark tightened their grips. It hurt his wrists even more.

Superman struggled and strained, but he couldn't break free, no matter how hard he tried. He kept struggling, but the two boys only held him tighter. He also tried to pull his head free from the grasp the Latino boy had on his hair, but it only hurt as the boy yanked harder.

"Owww!" he yelped.

"And you'll also notice that Angelo there has your hair in a pretty strong grip," remarked Steve snidely. "Wha'sa matter big boy--does it hurt?"

Superman strained even harder, but it was useless against the powerful holds of the three young men.

Unable to escape from their grips, Superman began to kick his legs, which were still free.

"Eric! Brian!" barked Steve, indicating two other boys and motioning to Superman's legs. The two immediately came forward, knelt down and grabbed the man of steel--one hand around his ankles, and the other supporting his muscular thighs. These boys were not as strong as the other three, but they were able to easily hold Superman's legs in place.

Superman continued to put up a fight, but he couldn't pull himself free even a little bit. The five boys continued to hold him tightly. The struggle went on for several long minutes.

Finally the mighty Kryptonian, unable to gain even the slightest bit of slack from the boys, gave up. His powerful body went limp as he resigned himself to accepting the punishment Steve had described. And from the pain he already felt from the viselike grips of the five boys, he knew the spanking would hurt very much indeed.

"How--how are you able to do this to me?" the hero stammered. He would have hung his head in shame but for Angelo's grip on his hair.

"All in good time, Superman," said Steve calmly. "First let me introduce your captors to you. As I already said, my name is Steve. I'm a business major. I like to organize things, so I'm kind of in charge here, as you might have guessed.

"There there's Kyle there on your left. Kyle, as you can tell from his size and strength is a bodybuilder and a football jock." Angelo loosened his grip slightly on Superman's hair so the man of steel could glance at the powerful boy on his left. He had massive muscles, blond hair, a deep tan, stood about six-foot-three and wore a sleeveless t-shirt and baggy jeans.

"The guy on your right is Mark. He gets those round, gorgeous muscles from being a gymnast. Mark, how come all gymnasts have the same body?" Mark just shrugged. Superman had to agree about Marks's muscles. Mark was handsome, with a typical gymnast's muscular build, had light brown hair, and stood about five-feet-ten inches. The t-shirt and jeans which he wore were tight and showed off his powerful musculature.

"The kid you can't see--the one behind you holding your hair--is Angelo. Angelo is a swimmer. They say swimming is the perfect exercise and it must be, as you can no doubt tell from Angelo's incredible strength." Angelo renewed his tight grasp on Superman's hair, just to show the man of steel how strong he was. Superman grimaced and let out a yelp as his head was jerked back even farther.

"These two guys that you haven't met yet are Kevin and Jon," said Steve, indicating two boys who were stepping forward into Superman's limited range of vision. "They are the brains of the outfit.

"Kevin," said Steve, indicating a thin, brown haired boy dressed in an Oxford shirt, slacks, and brown leather shoes, "is a physics major. He's also a genius. He and Jon figured out this whole scheme."

Jon was an athletic looking Asian-American boy with black hair. He wore a tight-fitting wife-beater shirt and loose fitting jeans, which he let sag halfway down his bottom, showing about an inch of skin and at least two inches of his white cotton briefs.

"Jon is also pretty smart," continued Steve. "He's an engineering major.

"You see, Superman, when we found out we were going to have to punish you, Kevin and Jon put their heads together and figured out how we were going to do it.

"I don't understand ninety-nine-point-nine percent of what they tried to tell me, but basically they've somehow reprogrammed the molecules of the atmosphere inside this house. I'd ask them to explain it to you, Superman, but, frankly, I don't want to have to listen to it again.

"But you know how everyone else here is really strong, and you've gotten weaker and more vulnerable...well, it's because they've somehow transferred some of your energy into the rest of us. We're not quite super-powered, but neither are you, anymore. Basically, we're all stronger than you right now. I don't understand it, but I'm amazed that it actually works. And you're the proof that it works. Look at you--you're absolutely helpless here."

To make the point, Kyle and Mark pulled Superman's arms harder, so that they were stretched all the way out to the sides and he let out a little scream from the pain. At the same time Angelo pulled his head back farther and pushed his hips even more forward. Eric and Brian held fast to his legs. Superman nearly burst into tears from the sheer agony and humiliation of the position he was in.

But Steve intervened. "Ease up a little, guys. We don't want our big baby here crying until he's actually had his spanking! The deal was, we spank him and make him cry. We don't want to end up getting paddled ourselves because of a technicality."

The five boys gave Superman a little slack. He gasped and breathed heavily, trying to catch his breath from the brief ordeal he had just experienced. He was still held in the unwieldy position, however.

"The guy over there taping the whole thing--I'm sorry, you can't see him, but trust me there is a guy over there taping the whole thing--is Alan. Alan is a film major and is going to put this whole epic adventure into a masterful presentation. We want the rest of the fraternity to see just how successful we were at giving you your spanking, Superman." If the man of steel had been able to see Alan he would have noticed that the cameraman had brown hair, an average build and height, and wore a button shirt with the tails hanging out over knee-length shorts.

"The two guys holding your legs are Brian and Eric. Brian is a history major and Eric's studying art."

Again, Superman couldn't see the boys from his restricted position of captivity, but Brian had dark brown hair, a nice tan, and a lean build. He also wore a t-shirt and jeans.

Eric was blond, five-foot-seven, with nicely defined muscles. He wore a tank top, shorts, and sandals.

"They're both talented, smart guys," Steve went on, "but since they don't have skills especially related to our project here, they kind of serve as gofers. But don't worry, Superman. Before we're finished, all of us will have our crack at--well--at your crack." Steve laughed at his little joke as did a couple of the other boys.

"And another thing about your spanking, Superman," Steve went on. "While most fraternity spankings involve the use of a paddle, as you know, we'll have to do it a little differently. Kevin and Jon tell me that to facilitate the transfer of your super energy to ourselves, the whole thing will have to be bare hand on bare butt. It's the contact with the skin that really serves as the best conduit. Isn't that right, Kevin?"

"Yes," replied Kevin, "that's right." Kevin was about to elaborate when Steve cut him off.

"I don't understand all the ins and outs of it, and I don't care to, but the upshot of the whole thing is that we'll take down your pants and spank you with our hands. I assume that's alright with you, Superman."

Hearing Steve talk about him getting a spanking on his bare bottom was beginning to cause a stirring in Superman's crotch. When he hesitated in answering this loaded question, Steve continued, "Well, it doesn't make any difference whether or not it's alright with you. That's how we're going to spank you.

All this time, Eric had kept his eyes on the muscled leg that he held. He had begun to toy with it gently with his fingers. He was the first to notice the hero's slight arousal and now he ran one hand up Superman's leg and around to his inner thigh.

"Oh," remarked Steve, "I didn't tell you. Eric's the gay one." Everyone chuckled, including Eric. Superman, however, was in too much of a predicament to chuckle.

One by one, the boys all began to notice that the bulge beneath Superman's red briefs was getting larger. And it wasn't just in reaction to Eric's caressing of his leg. It was a combination of things that was beginning to give him the involuntary erection. His helpless state, along with just having to stand and listen to Steve talk about giving him a bare-bottom spanking, also contributed to his arousal. It was making him weaker, too. Alan, the cameraman, not only noticed, but zoomed in on Superman's crotch.

"Look!" cried out Mark, the gymnast who held Superman's right arm. "He likes Eric stroking his leg! Brian, you do it to his other leg!"

"Aw, guys," replied Brian, I'm straight." Still Brian ran his hand up Superman's leg as Eric had done and rested it just beneath his crotch. Superman's penis responded by pushing out a little more against his red briefs.

Jon, the Asian-American engineering major, chimed in, "I told you he'd get a boner from this."

"Jon's right," said Kevin, the physics genius who had worked with Jon in planning the man of steel's capture. "It's a natural reaction to his helpless situation and the prospect of a spanking. Because he's normally so powerful, his reaction is so pronounced. And I'm guessing that the blood rushing to his dick is draining even more of his powers. Isn't that right, Superman?"

Angelo loosened his hold on Superman's head just long enough for the helpless hero to meekly nod in the affirmative, helped out by the Latino boy's pushing his head up and down. It was humiliating for Superman to admit, but it was true.

"Well enough of this," announced Steve.

"Take him into the other room and begin his spanking." Superman gulped audibly.


6 Gay Erotic Stories from Ribrav

Frat Boys Spank Superman, Chapter 1

By Ribrav (The following is an original work of adult fan fiction involving the erotic spanking of Superman. Superman is the intellectual property of D.C. Comics. This story is strictly not for profit and no copyright infringement is intended. All "boys" depicted are fictional and at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is completely

Frat Boys Spank Superman, Chapter 2

By Ribrav (The following is an original work of adult fan fiction involving the erotic spanking of Superman. Superman is the intellectual property of D.C. Comics. This story is strictly not for profit and no copyright infringement is intended. All "boys" depicted are fictional and at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is completely

Frat Boys Spank Superman, Chapter 3

By Ribrav (The following is an original work of adult fan fiction involving the erotic spanking of Superman. Superman is the intellectual property of D.C. Comics. This story is strictly not for profit and no copyright infringement is intended. All "boys" depicted are fictional and at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is completely

Frat Boys Spank Superman, Chapter 4

By Ribrav (The following is an original work of adult fan fiction involving the erotic spanking of Superman. Superman is the intellectual property of D.C. Comics. This story is strictly not for profit and no copyright infringement is intended. All "boys" depicted are fictional and at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is completely

Frat Boys Spank Superman, Chapter 5

By Ribrav (The following is an original work of adult fan fiction involving the erotic spanking of Superman. Superman is the intellectual property of D.C. Comics. This story is strictly not for profit and no copyright infringement is intended. All "boys" depicted are fictional and at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is completely

Frat Boys Spank Superman, Chapter 6

By Ribrav (The following is an original work of adult fan fiction involving the erotic spanking of Superman. Superman is the intellectual property of D.C. Comics. This story is strictly not for profit and no copyright infringement is intended. All "boys" depicted are fictional and at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is completely


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