Gay Erotic Stories

Kiss of the Fallen

by Limitless22

Kiss of the Fallen – Part One

By A.R Booth

The torrential blast of the fast-paced music was deafening. The bright strobe lights placed strategically around the dance floor were blinding. The odours of sweat and sexual tension were intoxicating. The entire floor was crowded with every facet of gay life you could possibly imagine. Different "scenes" mixed with one another until the sea of sweat-covered, lust-filled men simply blended together in a symphony of simulated sex.

You hardly noticed the straps of the Leather-Daddies or the flashy sparkle of the resident circuit boys. Looking out among the mass of toned shirtless sweaty men, you couldn't help but grow hard at the thought of taking any one of these gorgeous cover boy could-be's.

I however, had a different taste this night. The musty smell of sweat-dripping party boys long since ceased to awaken my desire. The painfully pleasurable crack of a daddy's whip, or strong smack of a dom's bare hand against my ass had been playfully overdone throughout my long years. None of these circuit types would do this night.

Taking my leave of the crowded dance floor, I pushed my way past lustful gropes and needful erotic whispers. I sauntered around to another of my favorite haunts--the men's restroom. It was a good place for a quick job. Opening the door quietly I peeked in. Only one stall had an open door and two couples were unabashedly engaging in oral sex right there in the open. The first couple was in a corner furthest from the entrance, barely hidden by the last and ironically empty stall. A muscle-stud leaned his head back in orgasmic pleasure; his ripped, hairless abs heaving in and out from strained breathing. His pulse was racing. Shiny beads of sweat trickled down every perfectly developed muscle. A scrawny blonde twink knelt in front of him eagerly lapping up the other's erect cock with his full lips. He was tonguing it, stroking it, loving it. Taking notice of my perusal, the muscle-stud beckoned me to join them apparently taking a liking to what he saw.

Glancing at myself in one of the mirrors above the sinks directly in front of me I almost got hard at my reflection. I am somewhat an egotist. I have taken care of my body and very happy with the way it looks. The white silk shirt--unbuttoned to the navel--caresses my lean and toned torso. A thin patch of black hair sweeps over my defined pectorals. My shoulder-length ebony hair is pulled back, a striking opposition to the fair cream-colour of my skin. My eyes have always been the favourite part of my body. A pair of bright emerald irises peered back at me in the mirror, glinting in the dim light of the public commode. My vision travels downwards in the mirror, showcasing the proud basket encased in black leather pants that fit tightly as to show my bubble-ass. It was not unusual to find the recognizable lump of manhood resting itself on my thigh. Although half-hard at the moment, it was still impressive and stunningly erotic trapped in it's leather binding. Taking a final glance at the overall impression, I was happy with what I saw and knew that for most it would be impossible to resist my charms.

I looked around the small room again, and the muscle-stud was still beckoning me over. I leered at him, letting a portion of my gaze penetrate his stare. I simply smile and take my leave of the disgusting display. I felt his disappointment just like the disappointment of so many others when I left the dance floor. Had I cared I might have went back and let him worship me a little as I knew he wanted to.

However, one doesn't live as long as I have just catering to the needs and wants of others. You see, I am one of the Cursed. I am The Fallen. As beautiful as I am on the outside, I know I am equally as ugly on the inside.

At one time, so long ago, I was one of the Chosen, made in beauty by magnificence Himself. I was one of the angels to see the dawn of mankind itself rise. I was there in the Garden of Eden when the seductress Lilith, Adam's first wife made from the dust as he was, refused to submit to him. I, like so many others of my kind, fell under Lilith's betraying spell. When she was cast out to the depths of Hell, we blindly followed her, damning ourselves for all eternity. At the loss of our immortal souls--and the betrayal of Lilith to many other demonic lovers--our own souls became embittered, and a lust arose out of the ashes of our former magnificence, a lust for blood, and a lust for sex. Above all, arose a lust for the thing that Lilith refused - mankind.

My entire existence in recorded and unrecorded history has been spent looking and searching, wanting that one soul, that immortal purity and innocence found only within the hearts of mortals.... and destroy it. Watch it writhe and become tainted under my touch, my Kiss of the Fallen.

Vampires have been slightly misrepresented throughout the years. My kind does not feed on blood. It is not the blood that helps us survive. More it is the essence--or the energy from the source. The energies that flow through a mortal's veins are derived from their purest soul, their most Holy existence. It is abhorrently ironic, that the sustenance of which we thrive, the evil that keeps us going, is fueled by the purest of Holiness, the soul-energy of a mortal. Human blood is simply the most powerful outlet for this most supreme source of energy.

There are other ways a vampire can survive. One of the most common (and in my opinion, the most pleasurable) is through the energies given off in the act of sex. During lovemaking, a mortal's aura gives off a most splendidly potent wave of spiritual energy. This energy is absorbed directly into our system, and converted supernaturally, to what our bodies need to stay strong and virile. The best source of energy in this manner is through a young mortal--preferably just out of their teens and on up to the early to mid-thirties. During this time, they are at their sexual peak and radiate the most powerfully.

As I wandered through the dark corridors of the musty lust-filled gay haven appropriately titled "Ravenous", I became irritated with the wistful glances of the other patrons. Their pleading eyes and stiffened cocks only served to inflame my disgust. I would not find the purity I so craved here.

Although it is true that any sexual energy would suffice to thrive upon, the most delicious and most powerful is the blood or sex energy of a virgin male. His unspent cache of energy provided a very satisfactory meal indeed. That is what I searched for this night: a virgin whom I could corrupt and defile, partake of his vast untapped sexuality. It had been centuries since I last supped on the virgin energies of a male. I could remember the last as if it were yesterday. His name lingered upon my muffled memories; Euracles. Mmm, I remember him very well indeed.

Stepping out into the warm spring night, I looked up at the darkened sky illuminated by a bright full moon. It's craters and vast expanse of hidden trenches and valleys are unhidden to my powerful sight. If I focused my vision clearly enough, I could even make out the silhouette of the American flag posted there but a mere half century ago.

As I continued to walk along the darkened street, the only sounds to pierce the night came from the muffled club I had just exited. The quiet of the night and the warm evening breeze invoked feelings inside me I had not felt since the night I had found him. My mind wandered back to Euracles. It seemed millennia ago.

What a lucky find he had been. Such a perfect specimen of male adulthood not yet fully realized or tainted. He was barely into his 20s, a soldier of the Roman Empire if my memory serves me well. I still remember the way his sandy-blonde hair was always mussed and fell boyishly into his bright cerulean eyes. He had the body of a mortal god--maybe one akin to the portraits of Hermes or even Apollo. Well-defined muscles from long hours in training shaped his boyish body. Yet, his skin was like perfect silk, a tanned canvas of perfection to contrast the rough hardness of his lean, but bulky, musculature. I came upon him by chance one evening just as the sun had started to set in the western horizon.

I had left my current safe house (a den of others like myself) in search of a good meal to quench my undying thirst. We were not as many in those days as mortals had found a weakness--a way to dispose of our physical bodies. Even now, our numbers are in the low thousands worldwide. Of course, we do not truly die when our physical bodies cease to exist. Our souls, dark cesspools of evil, continue to live on. Chained and bound in the deepest recesses of hell itself, our damned souls endure eternal torment in retaliation of our betrayal to The Maker. The psychic connection between all of Lilith's children lives on even in the spiritual realm. We can feel the torments of our brethren, now physically deceased, but spiritually in everlasting torture. The knowledge that their fate is ultimately ours is also bitter tasting and foul. The few of us left are careful not to let our true identities out, should we be forced into that undesirable predicament. I tend to not let my thoughts dwell on these unfavorable matters. They will progress in time. But, I digress.

I had left the current safe house and went in search of nourishment. I happened upon Euracles, who was bathing in a nearby spring. I stood in awe at his amazing presence. Hidden among the shadows, I leered at him as he washed his body with the pure water and anointed it with precious oils. It was an erotic experience, watching this boy-man touch himself everywhere, cleaning the dirt and grime that the day's trials had accumulated.

In those days, it was not uncommon to find someone bathing in an open spring. It was even less uncommon to find public baths usually located in or near the center of a town or province. I sometimes ventured into these public baths and took part in mutual cleansing. I always came away full and satisfied.

This night, however, I found my prize in the form of Euracles. I sauntered down to the water’s edge; his strong and well defined back facing me. The two bubble globes of his ass taunted me. It was not uncommon to bathe with strangers. So, I slipped my tunic off and quietly waded in behind him. The soothing water of the spring was strangely warm and felt wonderful against my naked body. My cock immediately stiffened beneath the waters surface in conjunction to being around this boys radiating sexual aura as well as the pleasurable effect the soothing liquid had on my body. Noticing my presence, Euracles turned around and smiled warmly, welcomingly. His smile was enough to melt even the coldest and iciest of hearts. His full lips perked up at the corners in a playful grin and his eyes sparkled with mischief.

"Welcome friend, I gladly accept company,” he said. “Will you join me in my bath?"

I smiled and nodded, letting my long flow of raven locks fall about my face and tensed my own well-toned muscles to show I appreciated his kind offer.

Looking at him with curiosity, I spoke, "Well, friend, I do not believe I have had the pleasure of meeting you. I am a traveler to these parts and would welcome a friendly face."

He smiled and nodded. Aided by my vampiric sight, I could see his aura jump start with electric velocity as my supernatural pheromones began to embrace him. His manhood was starting to grow thick, and his sexual energies were on the rise almost to overwhelming levels.

"My name is Euracles," he said unafraid.

I caught a hint of lust in his tone and I smiled seductively in return.

I answered back, "I am called Lucius." It’s a slight variation of Lucephrus, my unbidden angelic name of old.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lucius," he smiled in unabashed playfulness.

He knew what was going to happen and made no objections to stop it. I suddenly, with a force even I didn't know I had, I lunged at him and threw my arms around his neck allowing my tongue to separate his lips. Surprised, but undaunted, he welcomed my tongue and replied by opening his mouth ever so slightly and wrapped his muscular arms around my back and caressed my ass. I pulled him closer and our bodies met.

Instantly, like a reflex, my sensitive aura took in his, slightly draining his life force. My spirit began feeding off of his. I was careful not to take too much, as I wanted this delicious morsel to last. I stopped the synchronization before its hold was complete. I knew the feeling it produced in him and I knew it well. It left him feeling euphoric and completely lost in bliss.

Almost like a drug, when energy exchange happens so fast, it is like the entire body stops for a split second and the flow of blood and endorphins, hormones and adrenaline stops minutely then restarts itself in a rush to regain its course. The overall effect on the mortal is agonizing and erotic at the same time.

Unprepared for this tremendous feeling he fell into me, holding on to me for support. When I pulled away from our kiss, he looked up at me the bright sparkle in his blue orbs only slightly diminished. This one had a strong will and an even stronger sexual tension. Instinctively I knew he was pure. He had never been tainted. He was a virgin in the best sense of the word. He was truly a golden boy.

He half smiled and half grimaced in painful pleasure as he said, "That was...amazing!"

I grinned in response and gently tugged his face next to mine.

"There is much more I can make you feel, dear Euracles," I whispered huskily into his ear.

Maybe it's by some kind of guilt over forcing my lovers to submit, but I always give them the choice whether or not to go through with the act of lovemaking. Very rarely has anyone refused my offerings. But, there have been a few instances when their strength of will overpowered my own. Maybe their survival instinct kicked in. Maybe some hidden psychic block prevented me from overpowering their will. Who knows? But, I knew that I would not have to overpower this one. He was willing from the moment he saw me even without me exerting my gaze over him. All the better for him, since I cruelly disposed of any that would refuse me.

However, holding true to my own tradition I asked him, "Do you want this? Do you want me?"

He eagerly nodded his head.

Not waiting for me to make my next move, he gently caressed the back of my head, grasping the thick ebony locks of my hair and slowly pulled my face toward his. I could only gaze into his twinkling eyes as he parted his lips to extend my tongue an invitation. With a passion I had not felt since my life as a vampire began, I eagerly accepted his offer and plunged my tongue into his waiting mouth. We kissed like that for several minutes, feeling each other’s naked body, gently massaging each other's buttocks, feeling our naked cocks dance together under the warm water.

After a bit, Euracles pulled away hesitantly.

“I have never done this before,” he confessed. “I am confused as to why I am smitten so by you, Lucius."

His voice trailed off, overpowered by his passion and he aggressively assaulted my lips with his own once again.

After a few more tongue wrestling sessions and lingering fingers on various body orifices, he pulled me to him in a great bear hug. My senses went into overdrive as my supernatural hunger kicked in involuntarily. I started gorging myself of his soul so violently that he shook in my arms.

With much effort, I ceased my feeding. I had only a taste really. But, it was more than enough to fuel my passion and sexual drive. I made him turn around so I could grasp him from behind. Using my tongue I caressed his earlobe as my hands roamed his chest and groin, feeling the taut love muscle that had so been aching my touch. He leaned back into me moaning as I mentally flooded his mind with desire, lust and passion.

As if on cue, he instinctively arched his back, causing his ass cheeks to separate and allow my now achingly throbbing cock to pass through his virgin hole. He gasped in pain. I feared I might have hurt him, causing him to snap out of the mental sexual trance I had put him in.

I whispered in his ear, "It is alright Euracles. Relax and let it happen."

I had no sooner said that when his rectal muscles softened and allowed me to slowly push my full length inside of him. I must have hit a pleasure spot because just as his ass reached the base of my cock, he gasped in an entirely different manner. His entire body tensed as if every muscle, every cell, every atom had been paralyzed. The formerly strong sexual aura about him suddenly blast out and radiated all around us. It permeated my pores, my very inner being, as I viciously fed off of the current of sexual ecstasy. It showed no signs of weakening. So, I fed more, slowly at first, but escalating in synch to rhythmic slams, as I pumped my cock hard into him. He met me thrust for thrust as his moans intensified. Fisting his own impressive cock, he allowed my hands to explore the rest of his body as I mercilessly fucked him.

Deciding to indulge in a double pleasure I allowed my fangs to be bared and tickled the jugular vein, now very pronounced, trailing down his neck. I could almost smell the sexual heat that now pumped through his veins. Fucking and feeding, I sank my fangs deep into his throbbing neck, and took the hot liquid down my throat as if it were ambrosia.

If he knew what I was doing to him, he didn't care. He never failed to meet my thrust, never faltered in the rhythmic pumping of his own cock, never allowed a single pleasure-filled moan to go silent. Automatically, I transmitted the pleasure he was giving me directly into his thoughts. I permitted him to feel the same pleasure he was giving me as I felt the pleasure I was giving him. His forehead became permeated with beads of sweat as he called out an orgasmic cry. Jets of sweet virgin spunk streamed out of his cock, as I continued to fuck him. Eventually, I became close to cumming and I let him have it with all my might.

After many minutes, my hot load began to empty into his weakened body. My long canines withdrew themselves from their lodgings and I realized only too late that I had taken too much blood from him. So much so that my own senses and strength were increasing by the second. He was almost completely drained. The boy was close to death.

Swearing into the suddenly quiet air, I scolded myself for losing control. Euracles slumped against me. He was too weak to support his own weight. His head hung limp against my shoulder. His eyes closed in peaceful exhaustion. His perfectly tanned skin had taken on a lighter tone, now almost transparent. If death had a portrait, this young boy would have been the model.

I pulled my still erect cock out of him, picked him up and carried him to the shore of the small pool. Laying him down gently, I lay there beside him, determined not to let this beautiful young mortal die undeservingly alone. As I lay there with my arms around him listening to his heart slowly try to pump what little life force it had left, I knew he would be dead within minutes.

Wanting to feel his lips one more time, I leaned over him and placed my warm lips on his. They felt cold and stiff, as if he were already headed for the River Styx. Surprisingly, his cold wet lips kissed back. With effort, he opened his eyes and I stared into the cold darkness that had replaced the warm sparkle he previously sported. Still caught in the euphoric trance into which I had placed him, he tried to smile. Hoarsely he whispered my name into the cold night.

Taken by surprise at the strength of love and passion in this mortal, my next actions would haunt me for the rest of eternity. It was now or never. His next breath would most certainly be his last. I decided at that moment a being as perfect as he was should not be taken in this way. This earthbound angel had been ravaged by a demon's invocation of lust.

In a rare moment of compassion and guilt, I willed myself to tap into the stolen energies he had supplied me and spiritually reversed a large portion of it back into him. I had never before attempted it. I’d never before had a reason to try. So, I wasn't entirely sure it would work. Knowing he would need more than energy, I forced a bit of his blood, now trapped within my abdomen, back into my mouth. Taking my fingernail I sliced open a vein in his wrist and placed my lips upon it. Whereas before I had taken it, now I would give a little back.

My gift to this magnificent mortal would be his life. Of course, I would have to make him forget it ever happened. But, in some small way I felt I might have atoned for my invasion into his life. I was more bewildered at my sudden act of selflessness than anything.

Pausing only for a second to reflect upon my actions, I forced the blood in my mouth back into the vein I had opened. It soon flowed throughout his entire body. It wasn’t much. But, it was enough to suffice him to thrive. One last kiss and a look into his eyes told me that he would be all right.

Mentally I reached out and gently grasped his mind. I placed dark clouds over the past events. He would wake up feeling disoriented and weakened. But, the events that took place would seem only a dream and quickly retire to nothingness. He would be all right I silently hoped.

I lay there a bit longer, feeling his sleeping body start the slow process of rebuilding itself. Soon his eyes fluttered and he began to arise from deep sleep. I quietly got up, gathered my garments and left him there naked on the banks of the pool.

After that fateful encounter, I returned to my safe house. My body was fully rejuvenated and feeling stronger than I could recall in the eons. My already keen senses had been jumpstarted even further. I could hear the tiny rustle of beetles beneath the sand miles away from where I stood. The air itself opened up to me a cornucopia of scents and aromas I only faintly detected before. My keen eyes seemed to radiate with ferocious intensity.

By this time, the cool blanket of darkness had swept the sky. Yet, I could see as if it were the middle of day. My own fingers touching the bark of a nearby tree could feel all the tiny residents within squirming and hissing their curses at my fingertips’ invasion. Yes, this was the awesome beauty that was the pride of my brethren, the Fallen.

Euracles had been my first true virgin, the purest of energies within mortals, and never before have I felt the power that beautiful young man gave to me. Everything about me was heightened to limitless levels. The intensity of it was almost too much to bear.

Feeling very aroused at that moment, in the euphoria that was Euracles inside my very being, I stripped naked and frolicked around under the cover of the forest. Dancing and humming to myself in mischievous glee, I began to touch my body. I felt my own taut muscles, the silky soft hair that swept my chest, the sensitive nerve endings of my penis head. Even my sense of touch was heightened so erotically that my fingers roaming my body felt like a multitude of hands caressing me, teasing me, raping me.

Snapping out of my memorable trance I realized that I was still near the exit of "Ravenous". I was more determined than ever to find a soul like Euracles had, no matter how impossible the task seemed to me. However, this night when I found him, I would not simply restore him and leave him to live his life. Oh, no. I would make a slave of him and remember him as I remembered Euracles. I would find my Euracles again this night. I simply had to look for him. I might even taint him. Oh, how exotic and sensual that feeling would be. To feel his most holy self writhe and lament under my putrid touch. I longed to see his humanity die away in agony, to be replaced with only the promise of eternal torture in hell to look forward to.

Converting a soul was tricky at the most basic. They had to willingly give themselves over, or they would simply die and rejoin their spiritual brethren in Heaven. However, if accomplished correctly, another beautifully virgin soul would become poisoned and impure. He would walk the earth undying and wait for the day of Final Judgment. Like the rest of us, he would search for the one thing that could keep him strong, young, and healthy. He’d feast upon the things that he once was, an untainted and pure soul. He’d stop at nothing to satiate his own disgusting hunger.

Oh, it would be a glorious night, indeed!

End of Part One


7 Gay Erotic Stories from Limitless22

Kiss of the Fallen

Kiss of the Fallen – Part One By A.R Booth The torrential blast of the fast-paced music was deafening. The bright strobe lights placed strategically around the dance floor were blinding. The odours of sweat and sexual tension were intoxicating. The entire floor was crowded with every facet of gay life you could possibly imagine. Different "scenes" mixed with one

Kiss of the Fallen - Part 6

Kiss of the Fallen: A novelette of Gay Erotica by A.R. Booth Part 6 I musta dozed off ta sleep after that, 'cause the next thing I remember was wakin’ up needin' ta take a piss real bad. I got up outta the chair and stretched. My neck was kinda sore after bein tilted back in sleep for awhile. I walked over to the bathroom and went inside,

Kiss of the Fallen, Part 2

Determined to realize the seemingly impossible task I had put before me I let my senses guide me. The pull of sexual purity is very strong. My brethren and I are drawn to sexual intensity and a virgin's energies are erratic and strong...untainted...unspent. They have not yet given themselves over to sexually charged activity, and by so doing giving over a piece of their own soul-self to their

Kiss of the Fallen, Part 3

Leading Julian inside, I flicked the light switch located to the right of the door we had just passed through. He gasped as a hanging chandelier, decadently designed with many expertly chiseled crystal and diamond accents, softly illuminated the room. The room was larger than I expected he had ever seen one room to be. The rug we stood upon was a very oriental piece, woven delicately by hand.

Kiss of the Fallen, Part 4

I silently cursed at myself for revealing what shouldn't have been revealed to Julian. That one little four-letter word has so much power. I began to understand the humans' obsession with love. Finding it. Needing it. Wanting it so badly they could feel it pulsate through their very bones. As if eons of pent up desire and longing came to an end, my entire outlook had changed when I uttered

Kiss of the Fallen, Part 5

I woke up in a daze. Somehow I had been moved to the "master suite" as he called it. Him. Lucius. My god, he was awesome. So fuckin' sexy! I ain't never seen anyone couldn't place the words. A sharp pain in my ass reminded me of what occurred. 'Aw SHIT!' I thought to myself. 'I got plowed!' Damn! What an experience that had been! My mind raced as I remembered what

Kiss of the Fallen, Part 7

A Tale of Supernatural Gay Erotica By A. R. Booth Part 7 With no small amount of unease, I slipped back into my seat at the counter. Billy B. of course sat down next to me in his seat. I nervously stole a glance at him, a little unsure of what ta say or do, especially considerin' what had happened in the bathroom. He seemed to notice I was starin' and he shifted slightly in his seat to

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