Gay Erotic Stories

Trip to Nowhere, Part 1

by Justacub

I’m a simple guy. One who takes life seriously, for the most part, and handles my responsibilities well. The year before I turned 40, I had a strong urge to get out of New England and see a little bit of the country. I didn’t know where I would end up, but I knew that I couldn’t live in New England any more. I wanted to live somewhere where I could see the horizon without a mountain in the way. I know that sounds strange, because everyone I have mentioned this to ALWAYS asks, “Why?”

Everyone, including me, loves the mountains. It represents the steadfastness of the earth – they are timeless in their entirety. Anyway, I grew up in New England, and have never really traveled to anywhere outside of that part of the country. So, I decided that enough was enough. It was time to go. The job was okay, but no room for advancement. The drive wasn’t too bad, but way too boring. Basically, I was in a rut. I had ended a 13 year relationship 2 years before, had a rebound fling for a short time, and now I was single with no ties other than family...and here I am, ready to pick up my roots and set them down somewhere where I can look out my window on a clear day and see…well, forever – no pun intended.

So on the morning of July 17th, I packed up my car with what I could fit in the trunk and back seat, and left. I took I-90 out of Massachusetts till I got to route 87, and then 80, heading west. I stopped at a few rest stops to catch some Z’s here & there. Having not been laid in a week, I was horny, but by the time I stopped for a little sleep, I was just too tired. I’d sleep for an hour or two, get out of the car to stretch my legs and hit the bathroom, and then I was off. I did see a couple of truckers looking me over, but I don’t know if it was because they were interested in a little “down time”, or because I looked odd. I really didn’t care. I wanted out of New England altogether, and so far, I hadn’t made it…I was still in PA. I was taking my time, stopping in small towns along the way when I wanted something to eat or drink and do a few hours of sightseeing before heading out again. After all, I may as well, seeing as how I’d never seen them before, and I doubt I’ll be back to see them again.

It was getting close to nightfall the following day when I crossed into Ohio. It was like going to a different world. Seemed rather harsh looking to me. The streets and highways of New England were paved with tar. When I got to Ohio, they changed to cement. It was strange to see. I really didn’t feel like stopping anywhere along the way and continued along until about 2 am. Pulling into a rest area, I saw that there were only two tractor-trailers parked. One was completely dark, and the other had the engine running, with its’ running lights on. I got out and stretched, and headed over to the building to use the john. Coming out, I got a coffee from the machine – surprisingly good for a change, and went back to my car. I leaned against it, taking in the night air and drinking my coffee, when the truck with the motor running turned on its headlights, revved up the engine and left. I strolled around, but staying near enough to my car. My path took me past the remaining truck. Glancing inside, I thought I saw the figure of a man sitting in the driver seat, but the shadows both outside and inside the truck were too deep, and I couldn’t be sure. I continued walking, and then eventually returned back to the car, circling around the truck instead of going in front of it. As I passed by the back of the truck, I looked at the driver side mirror. There was someone in the driver seat – and he had put the light on inside the cab. Not knowing what this guy was about made me a little nervous, so I made a casual beeline to my car. Excitement started to course through me. In my mind, I kept asking myself – what if he’s cute? What if he’s looking for some fun? So, instead of getting back into the car, I leaned against it, and continued to sip my coffee. A few minutes later, I heard the door to the truck open, then close. As he passed under the streetlight, I could see that he was taller than me. I’m no little guy – as I stand at an even 6 feet, and weigh around 220 lbs, but this guy seemed taller and bulkier than I, and from my view, had a gorgeous full ass in his tight blue jeans. He walked into the building and disappeared from my view.

I finished off my coffee, and decided that I wanted another cup. Okay, I really wanted to see what this trucker looked like from the front. I went back inside and walked up to the vending machines. I would have liked some type of cookies to go with my coffee, but I didn’t see anything that I liked, so I just got another coffee. As I was waiting for the coffee to finish dispensing, out from the men’s room came the trucker. The first thing I noticed was his eyes, and the way his dark moustache covered his upper lip, and a trim goatee with just a touch of white in it. He had a baseball cap on, with his dark brown hair sticking out from under it and hanging down to his shoulders. I thought to myself, “If he’s balding, I’ll lose my load!”

He had deep blue/gray eyes that pierced me to the core, and a naturally beautiful smile. He was wearing a red plaid flannel shirt, opened a few buttons, and sleeves rolled up, with plenty of hair sticking out – both from the top of his shirt and along his arms, which looked pretty muscular. His frame was in good proportion to his height (which looked to be about 6’3” or 6’4”) and I found myself staring at him. “Hi,” he said as he smiled, and came over to the coffee machine. By that time, my coffee finished dispensing and I grabbed my cup and stepped aside to let this hot looking trucker get what he wanted. We made a little small talk while he made his selection and waited for his coffee to brew. He was trucking a load of dry goods from upstate Maine to Oklahoma and has been on the road for a couple of days. Said he’s got a just under a week to get it there, and decided to spend a night here. “Kind of, take my time”, he said with an easy smile. We grabbed a seat near the entrance as I told him about my trip to anywhere, and my reason for doing it. “I feel as though I’ve reached my middle age and haven’t been anywhere”, I told him. “I mean, I don’t really know anybody back home except for the people I worked with and my family, y’know?”

“Yeah”, he said, “I can appreciate that. It’s the same story with me. Grew up in a small town, never really went anywhere cuz my parents didn’t have the money and neither did I. By the time I was 30, I decided to move it along before I was too old to move. I’m Gene, by the way.”

“Paul”, I said, and offered my hand to shake. His grip was strong and sure, and his hand warm. We sipped our coffee in silence for a few moments before I got up the nerve to ask him how long he’d been a trucker. He had been at it for 10 years, and when I mentioned that it must get lonely out on the road all the time, he just smiled a sad smile and said that it did. “It would be better with a buddy, but you do what you have to do.” I was thinking to myself that this guy can’t be for real. This hunky trucker – alone? As in single? It was too good to be true. Well, if nothing else, I’ll have had the pleasure of his company for a while. If luck is with me, I’ll have one hell of a night.

We sat for a while, drinking our coffee, talking low, and sitting just a few inches apart. He set his coffee down and stretched his arms over his head, crossed them behind his head to stretch his shoulders, and then settled them on the top of the backrest, along my shoulder blades. I took a nervous sip of my coffee, which was almost empty, and settled back a little, pressing against his arm a bit more. He sat there for a moment, looking around at the night, and then he turned his handsome features to face me, his eyes paralyzing me, and asked me if I’d like to see his truck?

I was dumbstruck for a second. I mentally shook off the shock and replied, “Sure…lead the way.” With that, he got up, with me right behind him. His ass filled his jeans so perfectly, and his walk was sheer masculinity. I couldn’t believe my luck! He opened the passenger door for me, and I clamed up into the seat. He closed the door and went around to the other side, and clamed up into the driver’s seat. He explained what lever or button was for and basically gave me the ‘grand tour’ as it were. Some of the stuff was pretty commonplace in every vehicle, but there were some that I had no idea about.

All in all, it was pretty cool. The things you’d never know if you hadn’t taken a chance, huh? He twisted in his seat – there was plenty of room in between – and hooked his thumb behind me. “This is where I sleep when I’m on the road. I don’t really care for motels, really. It saves the money if I just sleep in here.” He got up from the seat and sat on the edge of the “bed”, looking out the windshield. I took a few moments to look him up and down, to take in the sight of this hot, sexy, muscular looking guy. When I glanced back at his face, he was doing the same to me. “So uh, what do you think? Do you um…what I mean is ummmm…” I stammered.

“Shhhh”, he said, putting a finger on my lips. He took both my hands in his, which seemed so much like big thick paws, and pulled me over to him. He patted the space next to him and said, “Sit.” Too entrance by him to do anything else, I obeyed. “What would you like?” he asked me.

Taking a deep breath to control myself, I said, “I want to undress you. The rest is up to you. I want to make you feel good in any way I can – within reason, of course.” He chuckled and said, “You don’t have to worry about that. I’m not really into anything kinky. Just not my thing…is that okay with you?”

“Sure”, I said, as I breathed a sigh of relief. We chuckled and then he lay back on the bed, with his arms outstretched. I straddled his midsection and began unbuttoning his shirt. He lay there, watching me, watching the smile on my face widen into a grin as I opened his shirt to expose a broad muscular chest, thick with dark fur. I was in heaven! I looked into his eyes and said, “You have the most beautiful chest I’ve ever seen. Can I touch it?” He nodded, and I placed my hands on his fur, running my hands through it – feeling such a thrill of pleasure as his chest hair slid along my fingers and palms.

I moved back and stepped off the bed, leaned forward and began to undo his belt buckle. While I worked with that, he took his shirt off. Once I got the belt undone, and the top button opened, I felt my way down his legs. They felt strong, thick, and muscular. This guy really works out – I think I’ve reached Nirvana! Sliding my hands back up his thighs, I paused at his crotch and let my hands massage his cock through his jeans. What was semi hard, almost instantly became very hard indeed. I unzipped his jeans and pulled them down, with a little help from Gene. Next, I pulled his boots off, and removed his jeans. There he was in only his briefs, where his cock was begging for release from its’ prison. I traced a finger along the edges of his briefs, and then around and under his balls, which seemed pretty large – not unlike his cock. It jumped a few times as my finger traced the outline of it all the way up the shaft to the tip, then back down to his balls. I couldn’t stand it…I had to have just a nibble. I leaned forward and sucked the head of his cock through his briefs, smelling his musk, and letting it fill my nostrils with its’ heady scent.

“Come on up here, Paul”, Gene said in a husky voice. I crawled my way up to him, and he pulled me into a tight embrace, our lips meeting and our mouths opening. His tongue drove deep into my mouth and explored every bit of it. My hands were on his back, sliding up and down from his thick broad furry shoulders, down to his ass, where I squeezed, feeling the muscle and tightness. He moaned into my mouth, as our tongues danced around each other. His hands began to knead my ass cheeks. I melted into him. He pushed me onto my back, looked at me and said, “Let ME please YOU.”

He began kissing me, as he lay his body on top of me. His tongue, his lips and his body all combined to drive me wild. There was no going back now. If he wants me, he’s got me. Gene worked his magic tongue and mouth on my neck, where he nibbled and licked before moving down to my chest. His tongue teased each nipple until it stood erect then licked them until an intense thrill of pleasure shot from my nipple to my raging hard cock.

“Take off your hat,” I whispered. He looked at me for a moment, and then removed his hat. His hairline had receded about ½ way across his scalp. “This is the one!” I thought to myself. Gene lowered his head again onto my chest and continued to kiss, nibble, and lick his way down to my stomach. My cock was at his chin, his goatee teasing the tip. I placed my hands on his shoulders, urging him lower. He shifted further down and began to lap at my balls. I moaned loudly with pleasure and gasped as his mouth enclosed the tip of my cock and his tongue swirled around it. His hands ran up and down my thighs and stomach and chest, and tweaking my nipples.

As he worked his way down on my cock, his tongue continued its’ swirling motion, driving me to new levels of pleasure. He took his hot mouth off my cock and looked at me, his eyes glowing with lust. “I really need to be inside you”, he said in a way that sounded as if he would not take “No” for an answer. I smiled and said, “I really need you inside me too…right now”. Gene reached to one side and retrieved a bottle of lube. He put some in his hand then rubbed it against my love hole, slipping a finger in deeply a few times. Then he lubed up his cock, lifted my legs and pressed the tip of his cock against my waiting hole. It felt a larger than anything I’ve had in a very long time, and my desire for him grew to a roaring bonfire. “Please….”, I said, “just go very slowly at first, okay?”

He smiled in understanding and said, “Sure…anything for you.” He pushed slightly and the head entered me and I gasped in pleasure. “You okay?” he asked in concern.

“Yeah”, I said, “just take it nice and slow.” He nodded and pushed a little more in. His hands started caressing my stomach and chest as he slowly worked his cock a little deeper before pulling back a little. Within a short time, he was deep inside me, doing a slow grind before pulling almost all the way out, then he slowly worked his way back in. He leaned forward on his elbows and we kissed. As we kissed, he continued his slow backing out and easing in with his cock until my ass was relaxed enough.

We broke off the kiss and he got back on his knees, his meaty hands on my knees to hold me steady. He started to pump a little faster as I reached up and ran my fingers through his chest hair. He slowed down and asked, “Would it be easier on your stomach? Or do you like it doggy style?”

“Oh, considering that you’re fucking me in such a hot way, I’d say doggy style.” I got on my hands and knees and he was there…filling my hot waiting ass with his thick, meaty cock. He built up a little speed, and then leaned down to lay over my back while he humped me. He nibbled the nape of my neck, and my shoulders. Growling in pleasure, his pumping got faster. “Oh yeah, Gene. That’s it baby. I love how your hot trucker cock is fucking my hungry ass!”

Gene started talking some pretty hot talk, about how a stallion fucks a mare just like he was fucking me. He slapped my ass, and the sting shot right to my brain, increasing my pleasure. Slapping my ass again, he said that he loves fucking my hot tight ass. I squeezed my sphincter muscles and clamped down on his cock, as he moaned in my ear, “That’s it baby…squeeze my cock.” Gene pumped my ass harder and faster for a few minutes before slowing down, and easing back. I lowered myself down onto my elbows, moaning in pleasure as waves of ecstasy coursed through my body. Gene pulled out and lay back. I lay on my side curled up next to him as we kissed and explored each other’s bodies, taking our time.

“You are one hot fuck”, I whispered. He smiled, and kissed me before whispering back, “And you have one of the best fuckable asses.”

We continued kissing and exploring our bodies for a while, then I straddled him and eased myself onto his throbbing cock again. His entry was easier this time, and I was soon having the ride of my life. Looking at Gene as I rocked my ass on and off his cock, I realized that this is what I had been missing all along – a hot, sexy guy, that truly enjoys taking his time, AND a top! Gene pulled me to him, holding me tightly, as he took over control of the pumping. He growled low in his throat, and his thrusts became more urgent as his drove his tongue deep into my mouth. After a moment or two more, he gave one hard thrust and held his cock deep inside my ass. I could feel his hot jizz shoot inside me as he moaned and gasped.

When I thought he was done, I slowly rocked back & forth on his cock, keeping him hard, while he stroked my cock, which was pretty well lubed with pre-cum. I kept riding him while he stroked me. The faster I rocked his cock, the faster his strokes until I could feel my load building. I wanted to cum on Gene’s furry muscular chest, and it wouldn’t take much more to make that happen. Gene tightened his grip on my cock and continued stroking. Moments later, I let out a loud moan and shot my load, the first spurt of which landed on his goatee with the rest not far behind it.

When it was over and we had separated, we lay curled up next to each other, Genes’ arms wrapped around me, and we slept. When we woke a couple of hours later, we dressed, went into the rest area building to clean up and get some coffee. We talked a little bit more, and told each other that we enjoyed ourselves. I told him that I’d never met anyone like him before, and I would really enjoy seeing more of him. He gave me his cell phone number and told me to call him sometime. As the sky was turning pale with the coming dawn, we parted after a brief kiss.

After his truck pulled out, I sat there for a short while finishing my coffee, thinking about the night before, and asking why I couldn’t have found someone like him back home? Oh well…life goes on. I started my car, and continued on my way down I-80 through the rest of Ohio and into Indiana.


3 Gay Erotic Stories from Justacub

Ken's Seduction, Part 1

Well, it happened. That’s all there is to it, and there isn’t anything I can do to change it, and in some respect, I wouldn’t want to change it. You see, I had been watching Ken for quite a while now – stealing glances at him as I walk by his desk, or listening to the sound of his voice when he would say hello to me. He had such a sexy voice. The pictures on his desk of his wife and kids

Ken's Seduction, Part 2

The following week at work, I saw Ken maybe two or three times. Each time, I was passing his desk, and he was involved with something and didn’t see me going by, although we passed each other a couple of times in the hall, and he stopped me to talk each time. This was definitely an increase in the frequency of conversation between us, since we rarely spoke to each other before about anything

Trip to Nowhere, Part 1

I’m a simple guy. One who takes life seriously, for the most part, and handles my responsibilities well. The year before I turned 40, I had a strong urge to get out of New England and see a little bit of the country. I didn’t know where I would end up, but I knew that I couldn’t live in New England any more. I wanted to live somewhere where I could see the horizon without a mountain in the


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