Gay Erotic Stories

Haunted Encounters

by Kast

It was cold as I walked through the dark alley, my tattered and torn clothing blowing in the wind and my young body shivering. Fall was here, and soon winter would come. What was I going to do? I looked up at the moon hopefully. Maybe I could find a shelter somewhere to sleep the night. I'd have to find some warmer clothes within the next few days or I might freeze. Would that really be such a bad way to go? Just pass out and go to sleep... Why did my parents have to abandon me like that - disown me? Was it really so bad that I was gay? Did they really want me dead?

As I continued down the desolate streets, my thoughts turned to my next meal. I ran a hand down my side feeling over my ribs. Had it been two days or three since I had last had some real food? I couldn't even remember, but it was sure wonderful of that stranger. A whole half a sandwich! I sighed heavily. Maybe I could find a restaurant with a dumpster with something good in it for tonight. No kind strangers out this time of night who'd share with me.

I kept walking, getting very tired. I jumped a little as I heard a shuffling sound as four strangers emerged from the shadows. They were dressed darkly in leather and looked like they belonged to a gang. I started to step back in fear.

"Well, well, well..." said one of them in an amused voice. "What have we here? A poor little fag boy out for a stroll?" The three started circling me. I knew I was too weak to run. I just stood there, frightened, trying to back away a little but surrounded. "What you doing out here all by yourself, huh?" I just kept trying to back away, not responding.

The apparent leader of the gang lunged at me, striking me hard across the face and making a nasty gash on my cheek with his ring. I was able to keep my balance, but he proceeded to punch me hard in the stomach, causing me to collapse to the ground. He proceeded to kick me. "You answer me when I say something to you, fag!" I started crying, now on my knees as they circled around me.

"P...please..." I begged, not even trying to hold back the tears. "Please don't hurt me." They whispered among themselves a few seconds as I sat there, sobbing. One was pointing to a hill with an old-looking house on it as they snickered.

"Tell you what, punk..." the leader finally said. "You see that house up there?" I nodded nervously. "Well...rumor is it's haunted. In fact, last guy who made it out of there went crazy from the weird shit that happened. And he was only in there a couple of minutes."

I gulped hard. "Here's the deal," he continued. "You go up there and you go in that house and you stay there the night. We'll just stay out here and make sure you don't chicken out on us and try to run. If you make it, I'll give you this." He pulled out a gold necklace...probably stolen. I eyed it longingly. What I could do with that much gold... It'd be enough to eat for a few months...maybe even enough to buy some new warm clothes for winter if I rationed it well...

"And...and if I don't?" I asked timidly.

"If you don't," he said with hostility in his voice, "we'll beat the shit out of you and leave you for dead. You have to make it the whole night." He laughed, his friends along with him. "So it's up to you, fag. Do you want to take your chances with the ghost...or with us?"

I agreed, very frightened, as they led me up to the house. "This is our stop," the leader said. "There's only one entrance, and the windows are all boarded up, so no escaping except by us, and believe try to go by us and you won't escape." One of the bigger guys picked up an old board near the house. "Hey! I got an idea. Just to make it a little more interesting, let's board the door up when you go in. Don't think there'll be any way for you to get out period that way." The gang laughed, and the leader spoke once more. "But, do find a way and we catch you, you're dead. But I do keep my word. You make it until morning, and we'll let you out with the necklace."

My heart was racing as I slowly looked up at the ominous house and started slowly through the door. The gang members gave me a final shove inside and closed the creaky door behind me. I heard them laugh as they placed the board across the door. Then silence. I tried the door just to test it, and sure enough there was no going back now. I was in here for the night. No way out, and even if I found one they'd kill me. I just prayed that they might really let me out in the morning...maybe even with the necklace...if I could just survive that is.

I looked around. There was a creaky sound every now and then, but that was probably just the wind--hopefully at least. I trembled a little as I began walking around the first floor of the old house. The house was very dusty with a few cobwebs here and there. I didn't see any spiders around. I couldn't help but laugh - they probably deserted the place long ago too.

It was getting colder, and the house, while providing shelter from the wind, had no heat at all. I shivered some, unsure how much was the temperature and how much was fear. I'd heard stories of this house before, and it was indeed rumored to be haunted. Perhaps that was all nonsense though.

I noticed an old winding stairwell going up to the second floor. There didn't appear to be anywhere soft to curl up for the night here, so I decided to go up there. Perhaps there was a bedroom with a bed still in it. As I made my way up the dark stairs, they creaked eerily, and I could feel my heart racing again. What the hell had I gotten into this time? Would I even live the night? I gulped as I felt a little dizzy, collapsing against the stairs. I ran a hand over my face and looked at it. I was bleeding quite a bit from being struck. Damn. The cut must be pretty deep. My chest also hurt, and I was sure I'd have a large bruise there. Maybe even a broken rib or two. I was so used to being in pain from other encounters that I couldn't even tell anymore. I started crying again but stopped myself, slapping myself across the face. "Stupid...weak! Get hold of yourself, you worthless bastard!" I stopped myself, still sobbing, and proceeded to force myself to my feet.

As I made it to the top of the stairs, I could have sworn I noticed something white and moving at the edge of my vision. I figured I was just seeing things because I was so scared and hurt. I kept going, looking from room to room until I found a dusty old bed with no covers in a large, open room near the stairs. The room must've taken two thirds of the attic floor.

I crawled onto the bed and curled up into a tight ball, some blood dripping from my face onto the dusty old mattress as I wrapped my arms around my knees to try and generate more heat from my meek body. I was in pain, very frightened, and very alone. I sobbed, grateful that nobody would hear me to make fun of me and call me a baby. I kept hoping that I'd fall asleep quickly despite the fears coursing through my mind. Maybe if I fell asleep nothing scary would happen. Sleep was the one place I could escape. The nightmares would be there, but they were better than the fear, pain, and loneliness. Ever so much better... I passed out with that thought.

I awoke to a very strange feeling. Still in a ball, I could feel my clothes being pulled off of me. I panicked and screamed, flailing as I looked up and saw thick tendrils of white mist moving all about me. I screamed more in fear, trying to back up as much as I could to the wall to get away from the tendrils, now off of me but only a short distance away. They approached me slowly and menacingly as I shook, paralyzed from the fear now. They started pulling more at my clothes, tugging them off my already icy cold body as I heard an eerie laughter. It was a very frightening sound, like the voice of a child, but echoing and overlapping itself, sounding very distant. As my clothes were removed and thrown a distance away and over the banister of the stairs, I huddled against the wall naked, shaking and sobbing, curling up as much as I could.

I curled up more into a ball, beginning to cry and so very frightened. I was whimpering and begging not to be hurt as the tendrils of white started to encircle me again. "Don't be frightened..." the childlike voice said, still distant but almost sounding sympathetic. I felt the tendrils start to touch my bare skin. I was expecting coldness, but instead they were warm as they first reached around my stomach, then proceeded to engulf the rest of me. As they did so, I continued trembling and shaking. The ribbons of white wrapped around me, lifting me gently into the air and gently but forcefully uncurling me from the ball. I struggled against it, but it was no use. I was floating in the air, tendrils of this ghost surrounding my limbs and keeping me laid out, unable to curl up and just hovering helplessly. I cried out, more frightened than I had ever been before despite the voice telling me I didn't have to be.

I started to feel a tickling sensation under my arms and on my sides. I was very ticklish and tried to flail, but I couldn't move save squirming just a little bit. I started laughing as the tickling got more intense, now starting on the soles of my feet and my inner thighs as well. I kept trying to move but I couldn't. All I could do was laugh, very loudly now, trying to beg the torture to stop but unable to speak since I was laughing so hard. I felt the ghostly tendrils totally envelop me, tickling every part of my exposed body, making my weak lungs feel like they were going to explode from laughing. It was too much, and I choked from the laughing, beginning to cough up some blood from the gang abuse earlier. I was unable to breathe, my ribs hurting my already exhausted body, as I felt a desperate state of panic, so very scared.

The tickling instantly stopped. I still couldn't breathe as I felt the equivalent of a thousand hands caressing over my entire body, trying to soothe me. "I'm sorry..." the haunting voice said, letting it echo throughout the house eerily. "I was only trying to play. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm always so lonely here...I just wanted to play." The voice sounded almost desperate to apologize as the tendrils gently cradled me and began rocking me very softy above the bed, rubbing at my chest and trying to make me feel better. I had stopped coughing as I felt the spirit slowly lower me onto the bed, the tendrils becoming a white blanket and wrapping around me, making me feel warm. With the fear and the shortness of breath, I just passed out, not knowing if I'd ever wake up again or if this was it.

Who knows how long I was out, but it was still dark outside. I awoke, feeling very warm and comfortable. The white mist was still surrounding and covering me. I initially started to back away in fear but realized whatever this was probably wasn't going to hurt me or it would have already. "W...what are you?" I asked, unable to hide the level of fear and even dread in my voice.

The mist moved away from me, and I could feel the coldness engulf me once again, as I lay there beginning to shiver. I curled up into a ball again as I watched. The mist moved to the foot of the bed and started reshaping itself, pouring into another form. When it was finished, a handsome but colorless transparent apparition of a young male stood before me. He couldn't have been much older than I - still a teenager, and he was wearing some older style clothes. He had a kind look to him, if distant. "My name's Jacob," he said, his voice still sounding quite ghostly.

The ghost walked to the side of my bed slowly, and I looked up at him, gulping, still looking quite afraid. He held out his transparent hand. "It's OK. Go ahead and touch me." I did as I was told. He felt just like the touch of the white tendrils - warm, but definitely not like flesh at all. It was very much a type of energy, but the feeling was both unexplainable and wonderful. "'re not so scary," I said, still trembling some. He smiled and reached out, gently touching my chest and running his hand over it. His warm touch massaging my chest felt absolutely wonderful.

I looked up at him, redness filling my face with embarrassment from being nude and exposed to the touch of someone else, even if it was a ghost. "I...I've never been touched like this by anyone before." He looked at me surprised and with a little sadness on his face. I wished I could see his eyes, but alas his transparent and pale appearance wouldn't allow it.

"'ve never made love with anyone then?"

"No," I said, feeling ashamed and looking down. "Nobody'd ever love me anyway..." He took the warm energy of his hand from my chest and slid it up to the side of my face and head. I felt the same warm feeling on my cheek, but this time I felt something else, like he was reaching into me. When he finished, he reached behind the back of my head and pulled me to his equivalent of his chest. It was warm and welcoming as he reached his arms around me and just held me. "You poor, frightened boy," he said, his voice soft although still supernatural. "I looked into your mind.

I know everything. It's OK. Don't be frightened."

I just started sobbing uncontrollably. I couldn't believe it. In this place, this haunted house where I was...and afraid, a ghost...this spirit remnant of a young boy no older than myself...was showing me more tenderness and care than I'd ever experienced in my life. "It's OK," he repeated, pulling me even closer, his energy surrounding me, keeping me far warmer than any normal hug could hope for.

I looked up at him, tears in my eyes and a sudden thought crossing my mind as concern filled me. " did you...?" He looked down at me, knowing I was afraid to ask. "Die?" he said, almost in a whisper. I just nodded, still crying. "I had been out with some friends when...when they found out that I was gay and decided to beat me up. I didn't even try to fight back. I was hurt pretty bad and made it home, father was drunk...and he got angry that I didn't have the guts to fight back. It wasn't his fault. He didn't mean to hit me as hard as he did. But now I'm trapped here in this house, and the only thing that can free me to move on is to find the true love I looked for and never found in my lifetime. I've been trapped here for 23 years now."

I looked at him, now crying much more for him than for me as I wrapped my arms around his transparent waist and hugged him. I didn't even know if he could feel it, but I just hoped he could. He softly brushed my head and I just stayed close to the ghost, not wanting to leave. "I...I think," I started to say, shaking now and trying to force it out, "that maybe...maybe I love you...if it helps to know that. I...I can't explain it. I know this is fast, just seems like I just know I do without knowing you well, and I don't even understand it." There. I'd said it. Now I just looked up at him, lost as far as knowing what to do next.

He smiled down at me. "I read your mind and even your heart. I know I'm in love with you." He gently took my face in his hand and lifted it, leaning down and kissing me. The kiss was unimaginable. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced - one of pure energy. I "mmmed" and kissed back, never having felt a real regular kiss let alone this. It felt so warm and seemed to reach inside of me much like when he read my thoughts, but this touched my very heartstrings. As he kissed me, my mouth parted for him and part of his spirit flowed into it, filling me. My feelings of hunger suddenly vanished and were replaced by feelings of contentedness and fullness. As he released the kiss, he gently rubbed my back. "There...that should feel better."

I smiled at him shyly and he responded by putting a hand of energy on my inner thigh. I felt my cock immediately harden, and I blushed feeling very embarrassed. He giggled and rubbed my leg, the energy feeling wonderful. "Can I make love to you?" he asked, still rubbing my trembling leg.

"C...can you do that?" I asked. He giggled more as I watched his body fly apart and rebuild the white tendrils that I first came in contact with. "Don't be frightened of my form, love. It's still me." With that, the tendrils wrapped around me, warm and welcoming, and lifted me up over the bed, touching and caressing all over as they surrounded me. I moaned instantly as I felt one touch my sensitive and erect cock and start playing with it, teasing me.

I felt myself being rolled over so I was looking down at the bed, a tendril wrapped firmly around my tummy rubbing softly to make sure I knew I was safe. The feeling was a bit disorienting, and I was also a little afraid of heights, so I couldn't help but shudder. "It's OK," he said as I felt him taking both of my hands with tendrils and lowering me until I was on my hands and knees on the bed.

I felt him rubbing down my chest and tummy as a tendril finally started caressing my cock and balls once more. I moaned and a thin mist covered my body, thicker tendrils still in various places. I could feel sensation all over - that feeling of a thousand hands again massaging and touching me, but even more sensation where the thicker tendrils touched my body.

As he stroked my pre-cumming cock, I felt kisses all over me simultaneously and finally a kiss directly on my mouth. I parted my lips and closed my eyes, once again feeling his essence flowing inside me, exploring my mouth and even throat. It felt absolutely incredible. I also felt him touching and spreading my ass cheeks, a tendril at the edge of my virgin rosebud waiting to penetrate me.

I trembled a bit, not knowing what to expect. He felt this and released his supernatural kiss so I could talk. "Will it hurt?" I asked timidly since I had heard that being entered the first time does. "If I was a normal lover, perhaps, but I promise this won't," he promised. I felt a tendril of energy slowly push into my young hole. Pleasure immediately coursed through me, and I immediately noticed there was absolutely no pain associated with it. I moaned a little as another tendril wrapped around and then totally enveloped my dripping cock. Other tendrils surrounded and wrapped around virtually every part of my body, touching me tenderly and intimately. The thin fog covered the rest of me, also lightly massaging. I felt as if I was in heaven.

I let out a loud moan as I felt the ghost push his tendril further inside me, massaging my prostate as his other closed tighter around my hard cock. His tendril stayed deep inside me as I felt him send waves of energy up and down it, the intense feelings making me start to thrust. He continued sending pulses deeply inside me, his way of making love to me as I couldn't help but push into the part of him enveloping my cock, another part of him starting to tickle and teasingly pull at my balls. I moaned and even screamed a little. It felt so wonderful as I pushed into him. Each pulse against my prostate made me buck my hips more, fucking him as he in turn fucked me. It felt so wonderful, and he knew just how much pressure to put on my cock to keep me in pleasure the longest without cumming.

"You...ungh...can feel this too, right?" I barely managed to ask, panting. "Shush..." he said, my mouth once again being parted for a kiss. "Don't you worry about that..." he said softly. "It's not important." He deepened his kiss as every orifice of mine was penetrated by his supernatural form. I moaned and humped against the ghost, being taken deeper and deeper and pushing deeper and deeper into him.

"Feels sooo good," I mumbled in the kiss, so close to cumming, the feeling building and building until I thought I would surely explode. I could feel my incredible lover fondling and playing with my nipples and caressing my rump cheeks as he continued penetrating me and pleasing my cock and ballsack. My tummy was also being stroked and I could feel him supporting my weight and keeping me on all fours so I didn't get too exhausted. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!" I cried as my orgasm began and thick streams of cum began shooting out of me very forcefully.

I don't know how he was doing it, but somehow he was supernaturally prolonging and enhancing my experience, and I kept cumming and cumming more than should have been possible. He kept touching, tantalizing, and pleasuring my cock all during this, and while it became more and more sensitive with every passing moment, it never hurt in the least. More cum continued to shoot out of me, and my orgasm lasted for what must have been the better part of half an hour. When I was done, my voice was hoarse from all the screams of pleasure and moans I made. Jacob's tendrils wrapped around my waist and rump and gently lowered me to lie on my stomach on the cum-covered bed. It was literally coated with a thick layer of my juice.

With a swirling motion, the ghost lifted virtually all of my cum off the bed, making it dance and swirl around me before starting to apply the still warm liquid to my body and massage me with my own juices. It wasn't just regular cum and felt wonderful against my skin, making my skin softer and even more sensitive. As Jacob rubbed the liquid against my wounds from earlier, they slowly disappeared and felt much better. I let out soft moans as he coated my body with the soothing liquid from head to toe, then just softly touching me and caressing for a few minutes, picking me up, and finally laying me down on the bed on my back. I felt content, warm, and tired.

Finally, Jacob rematerialized back into the sensuous boy I met earlier as I lay on the bed exhausted. He climbed onto the bed and over me, clothes still on him in this form, and gave me a very soft kiss. "Did you enjoy it?" he asked, smiling a little. "It was wonderful," I said hoarsely, looking up at him lovingly. He put his arms around me and held me, the energy and warmth from his transparent body still amazing to me.

"C...could you feel it at all?" I asked in a soft voice. "No," he at last replied. " did that all...just to make me feel good?" I asked, astounded that somebody could care that much about me. "Yes...I did," he replied, smiling again and softly kissing my lips. "Is there anything...anything at all I could do for you?" I asked, hoping so much that I could repay him somehow. He paused a minute. "Do you think...that maybe you really do love me?" he asked. "Please answer honestly. I promise I won't hurt you if you don't."

"I think I do," I replied softly, not really knowing how to maintain a relationship with a ghost. He gave me a soft, pained look as he touched my cheek again, caressing. "If you want to go, you of course can. I can project myself enough outside to stop those thugs if they try to hurt you. But if...if you'd like, you could consider staying with me...and through true love we could even go to heaven..." He looked away, the same pain still in his face.

"I...I don't belong anywhere else, and nobody would miss me, but how?" I asked, confused. " this old house?"

"No..." he said, pain in his ghostly voice this time. "Do you trust me?" he asked, his voice being very gentle.

"I do," I said, troubled by the fact that he was upset about something but determined to be brave.

"If you wish to stay with me, you must...die..." he said, his haunting voice trailing off. "I can't keep you here. It would be cruel, and though I know a few tricks, I couldn't sustain you or care for you as you need to be cared for. You also can't just exist in one environment like this house, even if you aren't alone. I know what it does to you after a time..." I trembled a little as I looked down, tears coming to my eyes. I really loved him. I was sure of that. And I had nothing to lose and nobody to miss me if I did die. But was I ready for death? I'd always been so very afraid of it.

I felt his hand softly rub my shoulder as I noticed a mist separate from him, go to my clothes, and start to bring them over to me. "It's OK. Morning will be here soon and you can go. Please take care of yourself and find what you are looking for. If you can always come visit me... I love so much your company."

"No," I said as the clothes approached. "I...I will stay. I will die for you. I...I trust you, and damnit I love you no matter how afraid I am of what will happen." I hugged him tight and started crying against his chest, kissing it softly. "I love you." I took the clothes and threw them back towards the banister over which they emerged to make my point, a few of them making it, before hugging him tightly again.

He held me, gently stroking me. "It's alright. Please don't rush this decision. I...I would do anything for you to end the loneliness and leave this godforsaken house, but this needs to be your decision too...and please remember there's no going back once it's done."

I looked up at him, tears streaming down my face. "You beautiful soul. Nobody has cared for me or my feelings as you do. Nobody has ever loved me before as you do. I want to be with you more than anything.

W...will you be able to feel touch too once we move on...and will I be able to see your beautiful eyes?"

He smiled a beautiful smile at me. "And more..."

I gulped, still afraid and clinging to him. "L...let's get this over with...please..."

"Lie back," he said, his voice very gentle and patient. "I promise you this isn't going to hurt. Please don't be afraid. It is no joy to kill the mortal body of the one person I love most, even if it is to take us both into a better existence."

I lay back on the bed, my heart pounding. I was afraid even though I didn't want to be, but I tried to be brave. "W...will you hold me...while I die?" I asked.

"Of course, love. I'll be holding you the whole time. I promise." The reply put a smile on my face despite my fear. Someone actually cared enough about me to hold me and care for me like this when I'm so scared. "I...I know it sounds silly, but...but can you stay in the form you're in now to do your face is the last thing I see. So that I can die looking at you...” I literally shook as I asked.

"Yes," he said, his voice very tender. "But I promise you it won't be the last thing you see, love. I promise we'll be together after this." I nodded, shaking. I was very frightened to die, but then again, I was frightened to live too, and I knew things weren't going to get better. I started crying, not knowing what to do, my young body trembling. This was it.

"Shhh," the soft, surrealistic voice whispered as the human form of Jacob lay down next to me, wrapping his ghostly arms around me and engulfing me in warmth. "It's alright, love. It's OK. I shouldn't have asked this of you and scared you."

"No," I said, my voice more confident than I thought possible. "I love you. I want this. Do it." I gulped as the last of the words came out and just closed my eyes for a moment.

I felt his hand touch my chest right above where my heart would be and go inside it. It was warm...even warmer than usual. I let out a soft whimper; his hand feeling like it was reaching into me, touching my very heart. It didn't really hurt, but it felt different than anything I'd ever felt before.

I opened my eyes and looked at him, and he had an expression of love and tenderness on his wispy white face, though some pain. It was obvious he wasn't enjoying this. As I watched him, I started to feel very tired. I could hear my heartbeat and breathing, now quite a bit louder than usual, and I noticed they were both slowing. It was very gradual, and though I was starting to feel lightheaded and disoriented, it still wasn't painful.

He bent down and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips. "I love you," he said softly. I tried to reply and tell him I felt the same way for him too but found I couldn't. My mouth opened a little but I was too weak to make a sound. He must've seen the panic in my eyes because he gently brushed my cheek with the hand that wasn't inside my chest.

My vision was blurring, and I could feel and hear my heartbeat slowing, each beat coming further apart than the last. I started to see tunnels around my vision, but I could still see him, and that was all that mattered. I started feeling weaker and sleepier, not wanting to give up yet...just a few more seconds gazing upon him.

Finally, my eyes still open, the tunnels of vision started to blur. I could barely see his face at the end of the tunnels, but I strained trying, wanting to see him just once more. It was all for naught, and the tunnels finally collapsed, blackness and silence engulfing me, my heart and breathing completely stopped and the cold stench of death filling the air.

The next thing I realized was that I was floating, viewing my own naked corpse lying there on the bed, noticing how lifeless and starved my abused body looked. I had no idea I looked so bad. It was very disturbing, and every part of me wanted to close my eyes, but it appeared I had no eyes to close.

I felt no physical pain - only coldness and a feeling of numbness. I could move somewhat, but I hadn't quite figured out how to control this new form. "Jacob!" I tried to call out in panic, hearing it myself in a now ghostly voice but not even knowing if he could. "I'm here, love," he said. "Don't be afraid." I saw him appear in his boyish form, floating now a few feet away from where I appeared to be, hand outstretched.

"I...I don't know how to take it," I stammered, trying desperately to take a human shape to touch his hand but unable to. "It's OK," he said soothingly. "It takes some practice." He floated towards me until the apparition's hand reached and flowed into my now fog-like depths. "Like this," his voice guided me as I could feel myself changing form, somehow affected by his linkage with me. I looked and was now able to see parts of my own pale, transparent, human-like body.

We now stood in the air floating a few feet away from each other. I reached out to try to take his hand now, and they connected, but there was no feeling. It was a vague, numb sensation, almost like a limb that had fallen asleep while I was alive. "'ve been like this for 23 years?" I asked, horrified. "Shhh..." he eased as he looked at me. "That's over now. Merge with me and we can both move from here to a better place."

I moved towards him, not quite sure what to do as I felt him push his human-like body into mine until they became one form. There was an intense tingling feeling, more intense than any other I had had in this form as I felt myself breaking apart into a more abstract form and intermingling with him. There was no more voice from him, but I could feel his presence and his calming nature within me. The room started to fade from view and was replaced by darkness, a very bright, very beautiful light appearing in the distance. We started to approach it, quite rapidly, a sense of excitement filling us as finally we reached it and were engulfed in light of every possible color, even those that don't exist in the mortal plane. Then, for a moment, nothingness.

The next thing I knew was that I was standing a few feet away from Jacob, but this time we were both in what seemed to be the flesh. He was absolutely beautiful - the most beautiful thing I could ever imagine. His soft, light pink skin glistened in the light. His smooth face was accented by his thin reddish lips, sparkling blue eyes, and dark, soft hair. He was naked as was I, and as I looked down his youthful, sensuous form I was amazed by the perfection.

While affixed on him, my eyes were able to take in the rest of the room. It was a paradise. There was a banquet on a table in what appeared to be an open dining room nearby, and everything I could ever hope for seemed to be there as well. couldn't all be mine. Never would any of this happen to a worthless soul like me.

I panicked and broke down, collapsing at his feet and wrapping my arms around one leg desperately, holding on for what seemed like dear life, kissing it and starting to cry. "Please..." I sobbed. "Please. I don't need much. Just don't make me go. Give me a closet...anything. I won't be a bother." I kept sobbing and whimpering, holding his leg with all my might. "I know...I know you're where you wanted to be now. I'm so happy I could help you get to this place. I know nobody could really love me. It's OK. I really do love you if it means anything. I...I...just a small place to sleep and a little to eat. Please sir...please...” I just kept crying, not even listening for anything he was saying, just in a state of total breakdown and fear of being abandoned again like I was throughout my life.

He knelt down close to me, and forcefully yet gently put his arms around my heaving sides, pulling me to him until my red, tear-streaked face was pushing into his chest. Though still crying uncontrollably, I couldn't help but notice the strong, wonderful scent of him and feeling of my face pressing into his warm chest. It was wonderful and much more potent than any scents and feelings when I was alive. All the senses here were beyond words, and it didn't appear that, besides lingering emotional pain, there was any hint of physical pain or discomfort.

As I sobbed loudly like a frightened child, he didn't say a word, knowing I was paralyzed with fear of abandonment and wouldn't hear him anyhow. He just firmly held me close to him as his hand started rubbing my back, trying to calm me. I felt him start a gentle rocking motion, and he just hugged me so very tightly, understanding how frightened I was and caring for me with tenderness.

I felt desperate, trying to think of ways to please him - to make him happy enough to let me stay. I still didn't understand that he loved me for me or even the concept of love itself since I had never experienced it before. In a frantic effort to please him, I planted soft kisses down his smooth chest, belly button, and stomach, smelling his musky yet pleasant scent. I quickly took his soft, flaccid cock into my mouth, still crying as I did so. I began working it with my tongue, and he immediately hardened and let out a sharp yelp of surprise and pleasure. I had never done this before, and for some brief seconds tried so hard to swirl my tongue over his head in a way that made him feel good before I felt a hand firmly grip my chin and lift me off of his pre-cumming penis.

"No," he said simply, pulling me once more into his stomach, my head and torso now resting in his lap against his erect maleness. I started crying more, thinking he didn't like what I did to pleasure him and that I messed up once more. For sure I'd get thrown out soon. He just kept holding me, cradling me gently and stroking my head and back, his large cock softening once more against my skin as he concentrated on just comforting me.

Finally, my sobbing turned into a soft murmuring and I fell fast asleep, my head and torso resting in his lap, exhausted from my tears. I awoke in the same position I fell asleep in, his arms still around me and stroking me and his soft crotch making an incredibly soft, sweet-scented, and wonderful pillow. I looked up at him with a few tears in my eyes, my face very red. I was much calmer now, but still upset.

"Good morning," he said, amused and in a low voice, a gentle smile on his face and his blue eyes scintillating as he looked down at me. " long was I out?" I asked, my voice shaky and a sleepy yawn sneaking out. "Mmm...there's no real time here, but I'd say at least a few hours by the living's standards."

"You stayed here...and held me the whole time?" I asked in disbelief.

"Of course, love." His reply was without a hint of regret or anything negative - just love. "I know you're scared that this isn't real and that I just used you to get to this place, but that's not true. Listen to me please. If it weren’t true and mutual love, we'd never be here anyhow. We're together forever now, and I promise you that. Remember when you were still alive in the physical world and I read your thoughts?"

I nodded, sniffling a little and looking up at him still scared but hopeful. "Well," he continued, his voice very patient and tender, "I knew you really loved me, but I also knew you didn't and still don't think anyone could love you. It hurt to know that, but I do know now. I just couldn't prove to you that I really do love you, but now I can, and I will, and I have eternity to do it. As far as food and a place to stay, whatever you desire here becomes real. You don't need food, sleep, sex, this environment, or anything else, but you can have anything you wish as well. It's all up to you." He smiled at me, and I watched a single tear form and fall onto me from his eyes, feeling warm and wet as it splashed against my forehead.

As he continued to speak, his voice remained strong although emotional. "I still just can't believe you were willing to die just to free me even though you didn't think I'd stay with you or love you afterwards." I looked up at him, feelings of wholeness filling me as I began to finally realize that I could in fact stay with him.

"I love you," I said, gazing into his beautiful azure eyes - eyes I could finally look deeply into and get lost in.

"I love you too," he replied, his voice soft and genuine. "Come here."

Slowly, he reached around me and pulled my slightly smaller body up onto him so that I was straddled facing him. His cock was not as flaccid any more and became harder against the smooth skin of my ballsac and undersides. He giggled as I felt his strong arms pull my thighs apart so my tight hole was rubbing against his enlarged penis. He was very flexible and, with his cock still pressed against my anus, he leaned up and looked deeply into my eyes. With a look of both love and desire, he pressed his sensuous lips to mine and kissed me. I was in heaven as I felt his tongue gently part my lips and slide into my mouth, the hand on my face brushing my hair softly. His other hand slid under me to position his cock for penetration, fingering my anus playfully while it was down there, making me release several soft moans into the kiss.

I gulped, wondering if it would hurt, especially without lubrication, as I felt him gently buck his hips and slowly slide his very long and thick member deeply inside me, stopping once he was fully inside and just letting me felt taken, filled by his massive cock. I moaned loudly, and he almost screamed from how tight I felt on his member. There was nothing but pleasure - intense, wondrous, unearthly pleasure. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before. It was the very definition of heaven.

He giggled softly in the kiss, and I began to actively explore his mouth, deepening the kiss and making it more intense. His right hand slid down my chest, brushing and playfully squeezing a nipple before rubbing down my tummy in between us, causing butterflies to run through me. After caressing a moment, his hand silkily moved down my thigh next to my throbbing maleness.

I was panting in the kiss, needing more and trying to push down on him, loving the feeling of his warmth and size inside me. It felt as if my entire inner lining was going to explode with pleasure. It was so much more sensitive that it ever could have been back on earth. As I moaned from the wondrous feelings, I felt him gently grope and begin fondling my ballsac, immediately causing me to shoot a thick stream of pre-cum onto his belly. He laughed and continued caressing as I made loud muffled noises in the kiss, my eyes tightly closed and my face red from the pleasure and pure intimacy.

He began to buck his hips and push in and out of me as his hand began caressing my cock, wrapping around it and beginning to masturbate me very slowly. I was screaming in the kiss. It all felt too much...indescribably wonderful and just building more and more. He kept kissing me deeply, not letting up, taking me and masturbating me and pleasuring every part of me as he picked up speed, fucking me and leaving me helpless in his wonderful care.

I was lost in the pleasure as he continued his ministrations, making love to me. I screamed his name and moaned into his mouth and he into mine as we both came to orgasm, his cum filling me and my cum splattering both our tummies, chests, and faces, even as we still kissed. I couldn't believe it as orgasm after orgasm hit me, cum running out of my ass and still splashing against him as we continued making love, our cocks more sensitive from cumming but only in more pleasurable ways. Sounds continued to come from us both in the kiss, growing louder and louder as the volume of cum increased.

I'm not sure how long we made love and came with one another. There was no time here, and it could have been hours, days, or even years. All I do know is that when we were done, we lay there with one another, the room completely splattered with juices and puddles of creamy, white liquid and our bodies soaked and covered with the stuff. We looked at all of the semen, then at each other, and giggled, rubbing our hands lovingly over each other. Jacob had a good-sized spot of cum on his cheek down to his chin. It looked really cute, and I leaned over, closing my eyes and giving him a soft kiss, licking the tasty, salty liquid from him and cleaning his beautiful smooth face.

After we were done playing and lovemaking in the warm liquid, we wished the room clean with a thought and just lay there, naked and soft, our sex drive gone for the moment only because we wished it to be. We kissed and just slept with one another, content in each other's arms and wanting to feel the warm feeling of sleep in each other's arms simply out of the pure joy of it instead of the need for it. There was plenty still to do and try in this new world, but there was no rush. After all, we did have eternity together, and for the first time, I knew love and happiness...eternal and unconditional love and happiness.

The leader of the gang looked up at the house. Sunrise had come almost an hour ago, and there was no sign of the faggot. He had to admit the kid had guts. He had expected him to cry and whimper at the door, begging to be let out, but besides a few strange noises he thought he heard, nothing. Finally, he got tired of waiting. "Come on," he said to the others. "Let's go find the little shit. Probably cowering in a corner somewhere. Nothing really happens in that house I'm sure."

The gang unbarred the door and cautiously made their way into the house.

"Hello?" the leader called. He waited a moment. Nothing. "Faggot, you come out here! I don't have time for this shit! If you want the gold, get the hell out here! You made it through the night!" Still nothing. "If I find you..." the leader threatened, shaking just a bit himself as he made his way into the house.

As he made his way in, he could see some clothes scattered at the top of the stairs. He paused, not sure if he dare go further. The other gang members saw this and started laughing and making fun of him. If he wanted to keep his tough-guy image, he would need to keep going. He gulped and started up the stairs, the gang following behind. As he reached the top, he looked and was able to see the fag's naked body spread on a bed in one of the rooms. He closed his eyes. "C'mon asshole! This isn't funny. Get your clothes on!" There was no response. He opened his eyes and looked, the gang members now staring too.

There appeared to be no breathing or movement. "Oh my God," the terrified leader said, almost a whisper. He ran over to the body, looking at it. There it was, spread out on the bed. A white, gooey liquid was covering the body, and a horrifyingly odd expression was on the dead boy's face. It looked like he was trying to say something in his dying breath...or cry for help. The leader touched the body, and it was icy cold and dead, even somewhat sticky. He screamed and began running down the stairs and out of the house, tripping several times, the gang members running behind him screaming and terrified as well. As he finally made it out of the house, he lit a match he was carrying in his clothes and threw it inside, catching some of the wood floor on fire.

The gang members left that night, but they never forgot what they saw or what they had done. They imagined all the horrible things that were done to that boy...the horrible way he must have died. And they knew it was all their fault. But they'd pay for it. None of them ever slept calmly or with a clear conscience ever again.

That night, the old creaky house burned down. Nobody ever found out what happened. The wreckage was never explored and the boy's body never found. No funeral was held, and nobody missed him. But for what it's worth, where he was, he never missed them either.

The End


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Kast

Haunted Encounters

It was cold as I walked through the dark alley, my tattered and torn clothing blowing in the wind and my young body shivering. Fall was here, and soon winter would come. What was I going to do? I looked up at the moon hopefully. Maybe I could find a shelter somewhere to sleep the night. I'd have to find some warmer clothes within the next few days or I might freeze. Would that really be


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