Gay Erotic Stories

Superman vs TriDeathStar, Part 7

by Davidcirce

Final Chapter.

Superman’s chin is down on his muscled pecs his eyes shut TriDeathStar scans his mind-- it is blank. A smile goes across his handsome face he un-cuffs Superman and throws him over his shoulder and then tells A-1 to go with him to drop Superman off. A-1 follows and all three go into the Chamber and the door shuts.

They come out of the chamber into full sunlight. TriDeathStar tells A-1 to fly with him to where he plans to drop off Superman. TriDeathStar floats up into the air some fifty feet and then starts flying due south, A-1 right behind him. After a good 40 miles TriDeathStar lands; A-1 lands next to him. Superman is still out cold as TriDeathStar picks him up then lowers him down onto the sand onhis back. Superman’s legs are spread eagled with his red briefs just below his balls and ass.

TriDeathStar stands naked looking down at Superman. The handsome Villain did not put his costume back on. He starts putting thoughts into Superman’s mind to bring it back out of its blank state.

“Oh yeah Superman, I worked you over good and your super sperm is so good, Superman. It makes me feel great--like a natural high. I could have killed you Superman, but that would have been such a waste, so I didn’t.” TriDeathStar’s cock goes to full erection and he stands over Superman and starts fist pumping his rock hard fat ten inch cock faster and faster while looking down at Superman’s awesome muscled out body and fat limp penis.

The thoughts TriDeathStar put into Superman’s mind brought him out of his blank state, but his super brain was still stunned, his eyes opened half way and very drugged like. Superman’s super strength was coming back little by little in the full sunlight. Superman starts to moan and his head begins going from side to side slowly. TriDeathStar looks down and sees Superman’s incredible great looks and fat limp penis and round and firm pecs above his eight-pack abs, and hears the moaning coming from him. He can’t hold back his climax any longer.

He points his rock hard cock at Superman’s round muscled chest and starts shooting load after load onto Superman’s power pecs. Pointing first at Superman’s left pec and then going to his right, the red tainted sperm dripping off of Superman’s erect nipples. Superman doesn’t even know what TriDeathStar is doing, his super brain still too stunned and paralyzed. TriDeathStar finally finishes and looks down at the handsome defeated Superhero and smiles.

He shakes his rock hard penis up and down getting the last drop of his cum off of his cock. Then he turns and starts to leave and tells A-1 to follow. A-1 does not respond then completely shuts down. A shocked look spreads across TriDeathStar’s face and he goes to A-1 and calls to his Drone--nothing.

Then he hears something from behind and turns to see Superman floating up into the air. Superman’s entire body is enveloped in yellow light and he is wearing his complete costume. TriDeathStar is in dismay; his mouth hangs open looking at Superman floating above him. TriDeathStar soon finds out what is happening.

From up in the sky a huge silver round spacecraft appears. Not far behind two handsome men, one of them blond and in a green bubble, the other one with jet-black hair with a ring making the bubble and a muscled out all green man, comes floating up beside the spacecraft. Then a calm voice comes from the spacecraft and says, “Trids you knew better!”

TriDeathStar shouts, “No, this is not fair! You left me here all alone. WHY?! I didn’t kill him, he is unharmed why did you shut down my Drone? Don’t do this PLEASE!” TriDeathStar calls to his other Drones and they come up out of the sand and start moving towards him. They approach the vicinity of A-1 and they shut down.

TriDeathStar screams, “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Then the handsome young Villain points both of his fists towards the spacecraft and red blasts come from them and shoot towards the spacecraft. But they have no affect, the craft seems to be easily absorbing the red radiation blasts.

Then a round cylinder containment barrier forms around TriDeathStar and the huge spacecraft hovers over TriDeathStar blocking out all the yellow sunlight. TriDeathStar flies up but is stopped. He is trapped within the barrier and he floats back down and starts pounding from within the barrier shouting, “NO! Please don’t do this to me. Tell me why you are doing this? WHY!?”

As TriDeathStar keeps pounding on the barrier, tears start rolling down his handsome face. Superman is fully recovered and lands back down on the sand with a concerned look on his handsome face as he watches what’s going on.

MartianManHunter, Green Lantern, and Aquaman soon join him. Aquaman comes up beside Superman and puts his arm around Superman’s waist. All the Superheroes have concerned looks on their faces as they hear and watch what's going on. TriDeathStar with all his might pounds and keeps pounding the barrier, but soon his great strength is drained away and he slumps up against the barrier crying.

A calm voice comes from the spacecraft, “Trids, as you well know this planet was a test for you--and you failed. All of us Elder’s have decided to take you to a planet with a red Sun with no inhabitants and no yellow Sun.”


Then the calm voice asserts, “The decision has been made come Trids.” TriDeathStar turns and looks at Superman with tears falling down his handsome face and mouths the words, “I’m so sorry,” and then his head goes down and his eyes close. Then he and the cylinder are gone.

Then the calm voice addresses Superman, “We are so sorry Superman for what has happened here; we would have kept Trids from doing the things he did, but your planet is in the same orbit as ours and your moon blocked our view of him most of the time. Also, we see that what he told you about our race of males is somewhat true, but misleading. Yes we are either a submissive or a dominate, but both must be in agreement and never is anything done to a submissive without his knowledge or permission.”

Superman shakes his head up and down with a frown on his face. Then the calm voice says, “Superman we can fix what Trids did to your mind if you will allow us to.”

Superman says, “Yes please. I haven’t been myself and have been rather nasty at times to my friends.” Superman looks at MartianManHunter and Green Lantern, frowns and lowers his handsome head and looks down at the sand. Aquaman squeezes Superman’s waist with his hands and pulls him closer to himself.

With Superman’s head still looking down, a bright white beam comes from the spacecraft and goes to Superman’s head. His eyes open brightly and he seems to be in deep thought. Then the beam stops and Superman raises his head and looks up at the spacecraft and smiles. Superman asks, “Will he be all right?”

The calm voice says, “I think in time; Trids will be all right too. We can keep a closer watch on him this time. Punishment for his type behavior is solitary confinement--we do not believe in the death penalty. He will be told what we want of him and if he does not fail, then he will be allowed to come back to our planet. Also we were going to move his living areas here, but since there is no yellow Sun we will combine then into one large area. Speaking of death, we see that two human’s died because of Trids. That is never allowed and we can fix that.”

Shock waves appear next to the Superheroes, and then the outlines of two body forms appear. In no time two handsome well built men wearing red and light green bikini type briefs are lying asleep on the sand--both with jet-black hair. Then a white beam goes to both of their heads and stops.

The calm voice says, “We took away their memories of what happened here. MartianManHunter and Green Lantern, will you take them home we will telepathically give you their residences, and they will not wake until they reach home and you are away from them.”

Both MartianManHunter and Green Lantern look upward and blue circles go into their eyes, then the circles stop and they both smile and nod their heads up and down. Green Lantern and MartianManHunter bid farewell to Superman and Aquaman. Green Lantern forms a green bubble around both handsome men then they all fly away.

Superman asks, “Are you sure Trids will be all right?”

The calm voice says, “We can only hope for the best Superman, is there anything that we can do for you before we depart?”

Superman looks over at Aquaman and then says, “Yes, my friend here has a problem with a large sea trench that’s causing damage to his Kingdom. Do you think you can help with that?”

The calm voice says, “We know what you are talking about Superman, we detected it on our way here. I think we can help you with it; we have enough alloys to mix with the lead deposits Trids put down. And to keep it from being harmful to the sea life if you will allow us.”

Superman and Aquaman both say at the same time, “Yes please!”

The calm voice says, “Then consider it done. Aquaman and Superman it will be our pleasure to help you with this problem give us just a little bit of time. Aquaman can you tell your people we are going to fix the problem and not to be alarmed?”

Aquaman says, “Yes I can I will contact Garth and tell him you are helping us with the trench.” Aquaman adjusts a dial on his wrist-watch-type device, talks into it and tells Garth what is happening and to alert their subjects not to be alarmed. In a few seconds Aquaman looks up and says, “Okay done, and thank you so much I’m in your debt always.” Then a bright red light come down to the sand and then up from beneath the sand starts rising round lead deposits. They all start forming a huge ball, and then from three different directions three more huge lead looking balls appear. Then from the spacecraft a gray silver colored metallic like substance forms around the now very huge lead ball and then a bright light starts going around the huge lead ball it disappears.

Superman and Aquaman look at each other with smiles on their faces. Then the device on Aquaman’s wrist starts beeping. Aquaman pushes a button and says, “Aquaman here.”

Garth with happiness in his voice says, “This is incredible the trench is stable all our monitors showing no more weakness, no more tremors. It’s completely fixed! This is amazing!”

Aquaman says, “That’s great Garth, a big relief! You take over for a week for me. I’m going to take a little vacation and don’t worry about me Garth, I’ll be just fine.”

Garth replies, “Will do, I will hold the fort down here. See you in a week. Garth out.”

Then the calm voice says, “Is there anything else we can do for you?”

Superman answers, “No, but is there anything we can do for you?”

The calm voice answers, “Not at the moment Superman, we know how to contact you if we need your help, and now we bid you farewell. We hope for peace for you Superman, Aquaman, and this beautiful Earth of yours!” Then the spacecraft starts spinning around very fast then is gone in a wink of an eye.

Superman says, “Wow! Their technology is very advanced. I’m glad they consider us friends.”

Aquaman says weakly, “Yea Kal-El I’m-I’m feeling dizzy!”

Then Aquaman’s arm that was around Superman’s waist slides across Superman’s back and Aquaman falls to the sand on his knees with his head down. Superman becomes very alarmed and goes to Aquaman and grabs him by his shoulders and pulls him up so he can look into Aquaman’s eyes. Aquaman looks tired with a sick look on his face.

Superman shouts, “Arthur, what's wrong tell me!”

Aquaman answers weakly, “Water, I need water! So dry here, feeling weak, can’t think. Feel like I’m going to pass out. Don’t take me to the Ocean, please take me to the pool you made for me at your Fortress!” Then Aquaman slumps over onto Superman’s shoulder and his legs begin to buckle. Superman wraps his arms around Aquaman holds him close and at the speed of light flies to his Fortress of Solitude.

Lightning fast he goes to the pool he made for Aquaman and lowers him in then jumps over Aquaman and holds him up and close to himself. Aquaman starts coming around fast, and then lowers himself from Superman’s hold and starts swimming into the water and goes to the end of the pool then dives underwater swims back to Superman and comes right up to him face-to-face with a big smile.

Superman says, “Well I see you feel a lot better,” and with a broad smile looks at Aquaman.

Aquaman says with a devil’s grin on his handsome face, “I was okay Kal-El. I just wanted to see how fast you could get me here--and wow that was faster then a speeding bullet!” and he winks and grins at Superman.

Superman says, “Arthur you had me worried and very concerned. What do you have to say for yourself your Highness?” Aquaman says with a beaming smile on his face, “I say I think you need to be my King for week and use your fat scepter on me. What do you say?”

Superman with a broad smile on his handsome face pulls Aquaman close to himself and says, “All right let’s strip naked and go to my royal bed--and then you will obey my commands!”

Aquaman says, “Yes, yes your Highness.”

The end. David Circe

Superman, Aquaman, Garth/Tempest, Green Lantern, MartianManHunter are property of DC Comics. This is work of adult fan art. No Copyright infringement intended. TriDeathStar is my creation.


16 Gay Erotic Stories from Davidcirce

Batman vs Python, Part 1

BatMan Vs Python: Part1 Tim Drake comes in from a hard day at college. He is sick of his Chemistry class. It's his first class of the day. And for the last couple of weeks a horny Bruce has kept him up late in their hidden room in the Bat Cave. His Chemistry class professor has caught him snoozing on several occasions but, today instead of just nudging him awake his professor pulls a referee

Batman vs Python, Part 2

Batman VS Python, Part 2 Tim pushes a hidden button to his and Bruce's secret room in the Bat Cave. Bruce is right behind him. They walk in and the door automatically closes behind them. Actually Alfred knows about their room but if a red indication light is lit up he is aware the room is being used and does not intrude. The room is very large and luxurious. Tim leads Bruce to the King

Batman vs Python, Part 3

Superman walks up to Python a blank look on his face his eyes are unblinking he stops next to Python. BatMan demands, "What have you done to him!" Python says, "Well that’s for me to know and you to never find out BatMan or should I say Bruce my old friend?" BatMan pushes another button near the smoking Bat Computer and white gas starts to spray out of three silver looking nozzles from up

Batman vs Python, Part 4

Python smiles seeing Superman out cold walks up to the conquered hero and Cotton Mouth and Copper Head. He reaches into his utility belt and pulls out some smelling sauce. And waves it under Superman’s nose. Superman shakes his head rapidly and his eyes blink fast. Python says, "AH! You are coming around Superman good." Cotton Mouth still has Superman impaled on his fat throbbing 12-inch

Batman vs Python, Part 5

Batman's head slams back hard and he is moaning very loud with each wave of cum gushing out of his piss slit. Both Python and Mamba's cocks still inside of him. Mamba is piston pumping Batman's stretched asshole, his fist wrapped firm around the defeated heroes’ cock and going up and down like he is milking Batman. Soon the cumming slows and stops. Mamba squeezes a little harder and a little

Batman vs Python, Part 6

Batman's eyes blinking fast--the words..."Python has me totally in his power" going over and over in his mind getting louder and louder! Soon Batman's eyes stop blinking and open very wide. Staring into darkness. Still the words..."Python has me totally in his power"…echoing loud in his mind no other thoughts possible. The sadistic Villain's drug is skull fucking Batman's mind into total

Batman vs Python, Part 7

Python sounding just like Bruce Wayne starts chatting away with Alfred, "Alfred I have missed you so much! How is Lord Randy and how are you?" Alfred replies, "Oh Master Bruce, he’s doing so much better, improving with each day and as for me, all this wet weather here in England is giving me the sniffles and it's all so dreary." Python replies sounding just like Bruce, "Oh so sorry to

Batman vs Python, Part 8

"Alex Fangorn somehow I knew it was you when I herd the report about the Jewelry Store robberies and one of Commissioner Gordan’s men getting killed by a snake and a Green Mamba at that, it had your face written all over it." "You’re the only person I know of that had Green Mamba snakes for pets, your parents being the leading venom toxicology experts in the world." Python says, "My! Ain't

Batman vs Python, Part 9

The final Chapter. Python walks over to Mamba and NightWing. He turns NightWing facing Mamba and tells Mamba to hold him up. Python reaches into his utility belt and pulls out a tube of clear thick lube. He starts putting allot of it on his now throbbing rock hard 14-inch cock when he is done he lets some of the lube go down NightWing's ass crack and runs a finger down the crack. He inserts

Superman vs TriDeathStar, Part 1

Superman leaves his Fortress of Solitude and flies South heading towards the Middle East. He wants to soak up some sun. And there’s a certain place in the desert that gives him a natural high. On the way he stops in Florence, Italy to look at the statues and the soak in the beauty of the city. He doesn't want to attract any attention, so he lands high on top of an ancient looking building in

Superman vs TriDeathStar, Part 2

TriDeathStar looks down at the unconscious Superman and smiles big. He throws Superman over his muscled shoulder and goes and gathers up Superman's costume then he starts flying South fast then he starts to descend. He lands and touches the white circular shape on his belt. From out of the sand a square silver box like shape appears and a door slides in a circular motion and opens.

Superman vs TriDeathStar, Part 3

Superman arrives back at the JLA Headquarters his mood is very black. He starts walking towards a monitoring station. On his way there PlasticMan comes walking up to him with a big smile on his face and puts his hand on Superman's shoulder and says, "Hey Superman! Wow you look ruough! You look like something the cat dragged up!" PlasticMan laughs loudly. Superman growls and grabs PlasticMan's

Superman vs TriDeathStar, Part 4

A very bright green glow comes from the frozen Green Lantern. The ice that was around him shatters, with his whole body shaking he looks up at Superman. Green Lantern with a very sad look on his face makes a green bubble around his body and floats out of the room. Superman comes back down to the floor and goes to one of the computers. He sits down and pushes a few buttons, then on the screen

Superman vs TriDeathStar, Part 5

The Drones keep blasting Superman with kryptonite. He drops to his knees; his grip on TirDeathStar stops and his arms go limp. Then he slumps to the sand, his eyes bulging out while he is moaning and groaning loudly. His pecs are indenting wildly as his super strength drains rapidly from his body. TriDeathStar falls to the ground barely alert; he starts sneezing hard--time after time--and

Superman vs TriDeathStar, Part 6

The door slides open and TriDeathStar with Superman impaled on his fat 10-inch rock hard penis, walk into another room of a different desert hideout. The red radiation sperm flowing deep inside Superman has taken away his super strength and the drugs TriDeathStar's Drone's put into the conquered Super hero are working over his super brain. Superman is indeed totally in TriDeathStar's power.

Superman vs TriDeathStar, Part 7

Final Chapter. Superman’s chin is down on his muscled pecs his eyes shut TriDeathStar scans his mind-- it is blank. A smile goes across his handsome face he un-cuffs Superman and throws him over his shoulder and then tells A-1 to go with him to drop Superman off. A-1 follows and all three go into the Chamber and the door shuts. They come out of the chamber into full sunlight. TriDeathStar


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