Gay Erotic Stories

Triumvirate, Part 2

by Wardellb

The sun never shines in the depths of a castle. Davidius was awakened by the sound of keys unlocking his cell door. The first thing he saw was the two female servants who had attended to him all night. He remembered during his heavy slumber their gentle hands massaging and caressing his skin. They had done everything the king had ordered them to do. Although his chest was tender when touched, the red marks had disappeared. His belly muscles were sore, but it was the good kind of pain he had felt before after doing crunches to tighten them. He felt rejuvenated. Now the cell door opened and Davidius was presented with a lavish breakfast. It was his second meal since the ordeal of yesterday.

As Davidius accepted his breakfast tray he was elated to see that the server was his old friend Celeas. He looked at her with recognition, but said nothing. Celeas smiled and knelt with him on the floor. Davidius asked the other servants if he could speak with her while he ate and they agreed. He thanked them as they left and the door was locked.

"Celeas, what are you doing here?" He looked at her with consternation, as he knew there was only one way for a woman to obtain work in the castle. She had to offer herself to the king's army and any who wanted to have her could do so, starting with the highest rank on down. A pretty woman like Celeas most likely would have had to service several men on her first night. "How could you do this to yourself?"

"Listen Davidius, I had to do it for you and Glauken--and the revolt. He is coming for you. I have sent word of a secret entrance to the castle which will lead them down a hallway to the dungeon itself."

"So you know where he is?"

"Yes. I spoke to him while you were being tortured. I remembered a special place the three of us used to go to when we were children."

"The place I will never tell." "The only way I could get him information was to become a servant here, so last night I did what I had to do. Most of the army is in the countryside looking for him, so once he gets here he should face little resistance.

Davidius kissed her on the cheek. "You have sacrificed a great deal, little Celeas."

"I got word to my mother and she is getting the message to him now. I don't know what the king has planned for you today, but you can remain strong knowing that Glauken will soon be here."

"I think the king is fond of me. If not for him, I would be dead now. The torture I endured was even more than he could bear to watch."

"I know you suffered. The other servants told me what they did to you. You must be strong. We will attack them from the inside out."

Davidius finished his breakfast and Celeas summoned the guard to let her out of the cell. Before the door could be closed the king and two guards entered.

"Stand up, my prisoner."

Davidius rose to his feet and stood naked before the king.

"Thank goodness you look like a human being again. That maniac Balstok nearly killed you. He never told me part of his process was to beat you so. I believed you would only be stretched."

"Am I supposed to forgive you now?"

"I expect you to show me some respect. I am your king whether you like it or not and I did save your life."

"None of it would have happened if not for you."

"No, Davidius that's where you are wrong. It was a woman who put you here. Have you forgotton how you were betrayed? Had you shown a little more discipline you would never have been captured."

"You're saying I should never trust anyone. Why should I trust you?"

"I'm not asking you to. I want you to tell me where Glauken is so we can all three talk this out."

"There's nothing to say. You have oppressed our people long enough and you will pay for it.",

"Then we must return to the dungeon. Guards, take him away."

Four guards entered the cell; one of them carried Davidius' crucifixion board from the previous day. He fought them with fists flying. He managed to throw one of them against the cell wall, but the two guards already there joined the fray, making it five against one. Soon Davidius was subdued and his arms stretched and clamped to the board.

Two of them lifted the board and carried the man to the dungeon with his feet held behind him by two other guards. Once there they held the board while two guards secured it with chains hanging from the ceiling. Underneath, metal rings with chains attached to the floor were clamped on his ankles. Davidius was suspended naked six inches off the floor with his arms and legs spread far apart. His body formed an "X" shape. The king approached. "Oh, look. He got his feet dirty. Wash them off and scrub the soles."

Servants performed the task the king had ordered and he was pleased with their work. "Now, Davidius you will find my methods are vastly different from those used on you yesterday. But before I'm finished with you, you will gladly tell me the whereabouts of your friend. You could tell me now, but I am rather looking forward to what I have planned."

"You will soon be dead my friend."

"Not by your hand. You are not in a position to make threats. Think back two nights ago. Do you remember what you were doing? You were sewing the seeds of you downfall." The king turned to one of his guards. "Fetch her!"

Davidius soon saw a naked woman being carried down the stairs into the dungeon. It was Lyzelma, the woman he had slept with, the woman he had trusted--the woman who told the location of their camp.

"Let me go you bastards!' she screamed. Kicking and squirming herself free from the guards, she ran to the crucified man. She couldn't reach his face, so she started kissing his chest and belly as she wrapped her arms around his torso.

"Oh, Davidius please forgive me. They told me you would not be harmed. They gave me enough money so we could live free forever in the kingdom. None of this was supposed to happen. I did it for us." She continued kissing his torso as she pleaded. "They forced me to watch yesterday. I was bound and gagged. I wanted to cry out to you, to help you through your suffering. Watching your torture was like torture for me too."

The king closely watched the spectacle, paying particular attention to Davidius' penis. He was hoping his prisoner still had feelings for her. He soon had the answer.

"Get away from me, you cow!" Davidius swung his belly forward trying to get Lyzelma away from him. "You are just a woman. You'll believe anything. Did you really think you could trust a man who has forced us to live like slaves all our lives? What did you think we were fighting for?"

"Please, please my love. You must believe me. I wanted us to be together forever. I was blind. You must forgive me, Davidius."

"Love? I never loved you. You were just my cum tank for a few days. As soon as your pussy started getting stretched, I would have dumped you."

Lyzelma fell to the floor sobbing. The king was disappointed that Davidius had not been aroused, but was pleased by his attitude toward this woman. "Let's put her on my St. Andrews cross for being so foolish."

The cross was standing upright directly across the room from where Davidius was suspended. The broken woman was bound to the leather straps on the cross and left there. She was stretched in an "X" shape just like her "lover". This cross was attached to an axle with a metal handle, which when turned caused the cross to spin.

The king stayed close to his male prisoner. "This should give you some satisfaction seeing her suffer the way she made you suffer. Now watch."

The king nodded and a guard begin spinning the St. Andrews cross. As it did another guard stood in front with a thin rawhide whip and began lashing Lyzelma. The whip could strike her at any given spot as she was spun in a clockwise motion. She screamed with each lashing as the whip cut her legs, breasts, face, and stomach. Davidius watched as she slowly became a bloody mess. The king kept one eye on Davidius' penis and noticed a slight movement. He raised his hand and the spinning stopped.

Lyzelma's body was covered with bloody red lines. Her head fell backward as she sobbed and moaned. The king made a circle motion with his finger and the cross was turned one half revolution, suspending the woman upside down. "You boys play nice and take turns now. Go by rank."

One of them approached the cross and buried his face in the woman's crotch. While he was licking her others began removing their clothes. One by one they began ravishing her defenseless, bloody body. They were licking her nipples and belly. Soon one stepped up on a pedestal and entered her from behind. Lyzelma screamed in agony as she was butt-fucked. Now they took a pole and rammed it in her pussy-hole. Davidius watched as the poor woman was gang-raped.

"Don't you wish you could join them?" the king asked.

"You disgust me. Why don't you let her go? You already screwed her over once. She can't help it if she's stupid."

The king was pleased with himself. "I noticed your penis stirred a little bit as you were watching her punishment. Are you getting some satisfaction from this?"

"Don't worry about my penis. It does what I tell it to."

"Really!" The king laughed. "That sounds like a challenge." He scanned up and down the man's powerful form, fixing his eyes on the penis protruding in front of him. "You better tell it to calm down."

Then he turned to the men attacking the helpless woman. "I need four of you men over here." Four naked guards came to where the king was standing. He pointed to Davidius' penis. "Put a harness on that thing. I think it might get out of control."

One of the men took from the king a leather ring one-half inch wide and worked it down to the base of Davidius' half-erect penis. Attached to the bottom of the ring were three serpentine chains, each seven inches long.

"What the hell are you doing? Whatever you have in mind, it won't work."

The king smiled. "Davidius, I regret to inform you that I must return you to the slab. I've modified a few things, which will make it a little more bearable. Of course, you can tell me where Glauken is and I'll have to cancel my plans."

"You are sick. You are more devious than I ever imagined. I will never tell you what you want to know."

"Good. You gave the right answer." The king grabbed the man's penis and gave a light squeeze. "Take him."

The guards released the ankle locks and unchained the crucifixion board. They carried Davidius back to the slab, once again securing his feet. Then they laid him on the slab, but this time the board was removed. Instead, his wrists were locked by metal rings which were attached to the floor chains. Then he was allowed to bend off the end of the slab naturally and the chains were tightened to secure him there. Although he was not stretched as tightly lengthwise, Davidius groaned as the pain from yesterday was revisited. The edge of the slab dug into his shoulder blades and his chest rose into the air. His elbows were bent at 45-degree angles while the wrists were parallel with his head, which was inverted nine inches below the edge of the slab.

Suddenly Davidius felt his penis being manipulated and he looked up to watch. One of the guards was attaching the chains from the ring to little hooks on the slab. His penis was now immobilized and standing straight up into the air. Lyzelma screamed and Davidius dropped his head to look. The guards had turned her upright and were fucking her from the rear and the front. Most of the blood had now been licked from her stretched body. He realized he was in the chains of a madman and wondered what sort of violations were planned for him.

The king had brought in one of his sitting chairs and had it placed on a pedestal. He now sat at Davidius' chained feet and could view the proceedings from above the slab. Davidius was thinking of nothing that would arouse him, but the ring had kept his penis half-erect and pointing to the ceiling.

"I think our prisoner is ready to begin. Bring in my male servants."

Davidius shuddered as six nude men descended the stairs. He remembered how Brutheim's penis had swung from side to side and now he was watching six at once. The difference this time was that these men were fully erect. They approached the slab and stopped, three standing on each side of the chained man.

The king pointed to one of the men and he knelt on the slab next to Davidius' chest. Then he leaned over and flicked the tip of his tongue on the man's left nipple.

Davidius lifted his head. "What are you doing to me?" The man took his forefinger and began lightly scraping the nipple as Davidius watched. He began flexing his arms and chest in a vain attempt to get at the tormentor.

The king rose and walked to the end of the slab where the victim could see him. "These men are experts at what they do. They each have a favorite body part and will make you feel things you've never felt before."

"I told you that I am in control here. There's nothing any of these men can do that will affect me."

The king let out a booming laugh. "Oh, yes. Stories of your womanizing are legend. I've heard about some of the amazing performances you've given. I want to see if it's true. Let me see this astounding organ of yours in action."

"The only performance you'll see is when this is over and I break your neck."

"No my friend. The body responds to certain activities whether the mind wants it to or not. Your body will perform exactly as I want it to." The king tapped the shoulder of the second man and he knelt next to the other nipple. Now both men began lightly pinching them, one working on the right and the other on the left.

As the king returned to his pedestal, Davidius dropped his head. The end of the slab was directly below the man's nipples. This caused them to be stretched and expanded to the greatest degree. As the men pinched on them they became firm and the tips rose even higher into the air. Davidius had never felt this before. It had never occurred to him that his nipples would be so sensitive and respond this way. Certainly no woman had ever shown him this. It had always been several quick pokes and he was finished. Now his testosterone began to rage and he felt like he was the manliest man in the world. The men engulfed his nipples with their mouths and started using their tongues, licking every inch of his stretched and erect nipples. Davidius raised his head and expanded his chest as he watched them work him over. He unconsciously sucked in his belly and raised his chest higher, offering his manly nipples for them to torture. Glancing over his chest, he noticed that his penis was fully erect as it was held in bondage by the ring and chains. The helpless man groaned.

The king was smiling at him. "Well, Davidius, does your penis still do what you tell it to do?" He pointed to the two men waiting at his end of the slab. They moved to the end and began licking Davidius' feet. They grabbed his toes and bent them back, working on his arched soles. Then, using their fingers to separate his toes, they drove their tongues in between and all around each toe. Soon he was arching his masculine feet for the men, giving them up for sacrificial worship.

Davidius pulled on his chains trying to break them. He felt the need to escape this assault as it was unnatural. The chains were too thick and he knew he would have to endure this torment. He was no longer in control of his masculinity and he was resigned to lay there stretched and exposed as they assaulted his body.

The king pointed to the final two men. One positioned himself between the man's legs and began licking his testicles. He pulled on the skin and placed it in his teeth, clamping down ever so lightly. He delicately tugged the hair of the testicles and scrotum. The other man jumped on the slab and drove his face into Davidius' stretched belly. His tongue worked into the navel and all around, up and down, covering every inch of the well-defined muscles. He grabbed part of the fur trail with his lips and gently tugged.

Davidius was slowly surrendering. He had lost all memory of his disgust that men, not women, were doing this to him. His penis throbbed and pre-cum began to engulf the head of it as it pointed to the ceiling. He began wishing someone would attend to that.

The king rose from his chair and took a tour around the slab. He was visibly impressed by the sight of his prisoner's powerful yet helpless body. He watched with delight as his experts engulfed the man with their tongues, fingers, and lips. And that beautiful penis was standing there, waiting for something to happen.

He stopped in front of the man's inverted head. "Davidius, we're going to play a game I call comparison and contrast. I suppose you've noticed that I am now in control of your penis. I will make it give the performance of a lifetime."

"Get on with it then, you sick bastard."

"Bring in the servant girl."

Davidius was stunned to see that it was his good friend Celeas. She had been stripped naked and was led down the stairs by two guards. As the men continued working him over, Celeas was allowed to kneel and speak to him. "Davidius, please forgive me. You know I have no choice in this."

"It's all right, don't worry. We all must suffer because of this tyrant."

The king smiled. "That was touching. Now my dear girl, I want you to mount him."

Celeas was led and lifted onto the slab. The testicle expert moved from there and began licking and kissing the man's powerful calves. The belly man joined him. Celeas knelt on either side of Davidius' hips and inserted his hardened penis into her vagina. She began moving her body up and down, riding him like a stallion.

Celeas had secretly longed for this. She had loved Davidius from afar for many years. She knew that one day he would tire of chasing women and that she would be waiting for him. Now his magnificent penis was right where she wanted it to be. Obviously this was not the setting she had envisioned, but now that the moment had arrived she became excited. Her muscles tightened as she worked him up and down.

The king watched the man's face as he tried to thrust in unison with her. "Davidius, let her do the work. You just lay there."

The king began massaging his own penis as he watched his prisoner taken to new heighths of ecstasy. The experts continued their body worship while Celeas increased the tempo and Davidius began to moan. The king knew the man was close to orgasm. He shouted, STOP!'

All the men jumped off the slab as guards pulled Celeas off of her mount.

Davidius screamed. "No! What are you doing? You can't stop now damn you."

"I said the game was comparison and contrast. How can you compare until you have something to compare it to? Was she good? She seemed to enjoy it quite a bit."

"Let her finish. You've got to let me get off."

"You will get off when I say you can. We will work on you all day. I don't even care about Glauken anymore. You are the most magnificent example of manhood I've ever had in this castle."

"You deranged lunatic. I'm not your goddamn monkey. Let me finish now!"

"No, my friend. It's much too soon."

By now Davidius' penis had returned to its half-erect state. The king pointed to it and barked, "Clean that thing off. I'm not dealing with what she left behind."

As his organ was washed and dried Celeas was led out of the dungeon. "Be strong, Davidius. I will always love you."

This pause caused Davidius to glance at poor Lyzelma. She was drifting in and out of consciousness as the brutal guards continued to have their way with her. Remembering the times he had fucked her seemed so uneventful now after what he had just felt. He knew he would never be able to return to his old ways after this experience.

The king clapped his hands and the still erect men simultaneously resumed their assault. Each returned to the same areas of Davidius' stretched body as the king stripped to his loincloth. Now it was his turn. Without saying a word he leapt onto the slab and knelt between his prisoner's thighs. Davidius had already returned to full erection as the king began rubbing the man's belly with the palm of his hand. Then he opened his mouth and engulfed the penis. He took his lips down to the ring and back to the head. Davidius groaned and flexed at this sensation. The king began wrapping his tongue around the organ as he worked up and down, keeping the penis firmly locked around his moistened lips. He now was massaging the belly with both hands as he moved them side-to-side and in small circles.

Davidius knew his domination was now complete. All his thoughts were given up to the incredible heights of masculinity to which these experts were taking him. No woman had ever serviced him this way. It was always as though they were going through the motions just to please him. This man obviously knew what he was doing. Davidius' penis had never been treated this way and he had never felt anything this good before.

The king's tongue was now frantically attacking the head of the penis each time his mouth rose to the top. One of the leg men slipped under the king and started licking the victim's testicles. The king could feel the penis about to explode. He released it and shouted, "STOP!"

Every man removed their mouths from Davidius' body. "No, please no," he screamed. "You can't stop now. Please, for god's sake finish me."

The king jumped to the floor and walked to the end of the slab. "Bring in Celeas." Soon both the king and Celeas were kneeling before Davidius.

"Well my friend, now your penis has felt two types of ecstasy. Which one do you prefer?"

"I don't care. Just get me off."

"No, you have to choose. You must have a preference."

"Yours, sire. Yours felt better. Yours felt like nothing I've felt before. I want you to finish me."

"Then I will finish you Davidius. If you tell me where Glauken is hiding."

"No. I can't. Please don't make me. I'll tell you after I cum."

"Sorry, we must play by my rules. Where is he?"

"I thought you wanted to see me perform. I could get off ten times today. I've done it before. The way you make me feel I could maybe cum 20 times. Please don't make me suffer any more."

"That's not the answer I wanted. Celeas you stay here and watch. Maybe you'll learn something."

Davidius had remained fully erect during this conversation. The only thought on his mind was shooting his load. The king returned to his position and waved the experts to join him. The assault began anew.

This session lasted only three minutes before Davidius was ready to cum. Again he was denied. Still he refused to answer the question. Once more they began the torment. It only took one minute before it was time to deny him.

"Oh my god I can't take any more."

"You must talk first."

Celeas rushed to the anguished man. "It's okay Davidius. I'm afraid all is lost. I'm not going to let them do this to you any longer. If you don't tell them, I will."

Davidius raised his head to see his throbbing, tortured penis. He could take no more. He was broken. "Angelan Stream. There's a waterfall. Behind it is a cave. There you will find Glauken." His head collapsed. "Please, sire. Finish me."

The king gently kissed his prisoner's nipple. "I will finish you Davidius. Do not be ashamed. I have no intention of harming your friend. You are the most magnificent man I have ever known."

"Release him from his chains!" Davidius was set free and his penis unchained. The ring was carefully cut and tossed to the floor. He laid flat on the slab exhausted and spread-eagled, awaiting his reward. "Celeas, find a spot and join us."

She cradled the man's head and began kissing his face and mouth as the king and experts returned to their duties. It took only 1 minute for Davidius to shoot his mighty load. The great volume would have choked most people, but the king was ready and he consumed it all. Needless to say, this was the most satisfying orgasm the man had ever experienced. Through all his years of whoring around, nobody had ever treated him this well.

Without a pause the king continued working on the man's penis and soon there was a second orgasm. The king was prepared to milk the man until he told him to stop. He continued to suck and Davidius said nothing. His mind was some place far away. Some place he never wanted to leave.

At that moment there was a commotion on the stairs. Glauken and his men had entered the dungeon.

The king's guards were still busy with poor Lyzelma and taken completely by surprise. They were stark naked with their weapons nowhere near them. They immediately surrendered. Everyone had run from the slab except Davidius, Celeas and the king, who remained knelt at Davidius' penis. Glauken approached the king and raised his sword to strike him.

"No, Glauken no!" Davidius shouted. "Spare him."

"You are right, my friend. I will leave him to you. It is your right for suffering through his tortures."

"Glauken, clear this room. Have your men release that woman and tend to her."

Glauken's men did as ordered and put the king's people into the holding cells upstairs.

Now the dungeon held only four. Davidius spoke, "Where is the king's army?"

"We destroyed them. The few remaining have scattered to the countryside. What has this tyrant done to you?"

"Never mind that. I have a proposal. We will tell the people of our success and that the king was killed when you stormed the castle. But I want him kept alive. We will rule as three and this man will be kept here with us in secret. Let him keep six men of his choosing as his entourage." Davidius knew which six would be chosen.

"But why? After all he's done to our people you want him to rule with us? Our goal was to destroy this man and all he stood for."

"He will only be here for our pleasure--to make sure he never takes power again. The myth of his death will be enough to give us total rule so we can restore peace and prosperity to our people."

Glauken was still puzzled. "You say we will rule as three, but what power will this man have?"

"Not him." Davidius turned to Celeas. "If she agrees, I will take Celeas as my wife and we three will rule this land as a triumvirate."

Celeas embraced her soon to be husband. "I will marry you. I've loved you longer than I can remember."

"Come Glauken, let's tell the people the good news. I'll explain the rest later." Davidius hoped that someday Glauken could know what had been experienced in the dungeon that day.

Celeas knew. She was more than willing to accept that Davidius could never be serviced by anyone the way the former king and his helpers had done. She would learn new techniques from this man, so that her beloved Davidius would have the best of both worlds for the rest of his days.


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The Beam, Part 1

by Jardonn "Has he talked?" "Not yet" was the answer to Mr. S, the 5'7" fat man in charge of the interrogation. He walked to within three feet of his victim, John Higgins, who was suspended by his wrists and stripped to his underwear. "Well, I guess you'll have to soften him up some more." Mr. S stepped aside and motioned to his lead henchman, Bruno, to continue the torture. Bruno had

The Beam, Part 1

by Jardonn "Has he talked?" "Not yet" was the answer to Mr. S, the 5'7" fat man in charge of the interrogation. He walked to within three feet of his victim, John Higgins, who was suspended by his wrists and stripped to his underwear. "Well, I guess you'll have to soften him up some more." Mr. S stepped aside and motioned to his lead henchman, Bruno, to continue the torture. Bruno had

The Beam, Part 2

(Higgins is still chained and stretched while the three lovelies exploit his helpless body.) Higgins could feel that he was getting close to orgasm. If only Juliette would move her gentle hand to the head of his penis, he knew he would cum. Unbeknownst to him; however, Bruno was preparing a machine that would be the focal point of the next torture. A milking machine! Bruno grabbed the man's

The Beam, Part 2

(Higgins is still chained and stretched while the three lovelies exploit his helpless body.) Higgins could feel that he was getting close to orgasm. If only Juliette would move her gentle hand to the head of his penis, he knew he would cum. Unbeknownst to him; however, Bruno was preparing a machine that would be the focal point of the next torture. A milking machine! Bruno grabbed the man's

Triumvirate, Part 1

by Jardonn This story was inspired by the Poussin painting: "The Martyrdom of St. Erasmus". "What's all the excitement?" "They've captured Davidius. Everyone's going to the castle to see him brought before the king." The haggard woman dropped her sickle. "Does this mean the end of the revolt?" "Their army was scattered by a surprise attack last night. Supposedly they were

Triumvirate, Part 1

by Jardonn This story was inspired by the Poussin painting: "The Martyrdom of St. Erasmus". "What's all the excitement?" "They've captured Davidius. Everyone's going to the castle to see him brought before the king." The haggard woman dropped her sickle. "Does this mean the end of the revolt?" "Their army was scattered by a surprise attack last night. Supposedly they were

Triumvirate, Part 2

The sun never shines in the depths of a castle. Davidius was awakened by the sound of keys unlocking his cell door. The first thing he saw was the two female servants who had attended to him all night. He remembered during his heavy slumber their gentle hands massaging and caressing his skin. They had done everything the king had ordered them to do. Although his chest was tender when touched, the

Triumvirate, Part 2

The sun never shines in the depths of a castle. Davidius was awakened by the sound of keys unlocking his cell door. The first thing he saw was the two female servants who had attended to him all night. He remembered during his heavy slumber their gentle hands massaging and caressing his skin. They had done everything the king had ordered them to do. Although his chest was tender when touched, the


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