Gay Erotic Stories

Frat Payback, Part 1

by Stranded Naked

I don’t think Brian knew how much trouble he was in with the rival frat. He had gone too far. In a frenzied, drunken state, Brian had tied some rope to the rival frat’s porch columns and pulled down the porch…it was a humiliating blow. However they had plans to get Brian back for his little mistake.

Brian had been working out in the gym late Thursday evening, and was walking back to his frat house when a van pulled up and a number of guys jumped out putting a bag over his head and hauling him yelling and kicking into the van. All he could hear was laughing and yelling, and the roar of the engine as they sped away. The bag was lifted off his head only long enough for a cloth to be placed over his nose and mouth…and gently, very gently the sounds diminished, and the images faded to black.

He woke up with a start, hearing whispers and feeling a cool breeze. His eyes were covered up, and as he started to raise his hands to move the cloth he realized that they were tied. He was on his back and his hands were tied above his head to each side…he started struggling and realized that his feet were tied as well. He heard laughing, and it made him realize that he was completely naked. “Hey what the fuck, why am I naked? Jeff? Dave? Is that you? I am fucking going to kill you, untie me now!” yelled Brian. This was greeted with even more laughter, which made him madder. “Fucking untie me and get me some clothes fags…” yelled Brian. He was suspecting that it was some guys from the rival frat, but there was some fear in his voice that it might be something more sinister.

Fingers gently slid along the bottom of his barefoot making him flitch in response. A nipple was gently grazed with a fingernail, a hand slid slowly up his strong naked thigh. Brian had a body any guy would envy. He was a wrestler all through high school and now continued on in college. His body was in hard, tiptop shape. From his perfect head of brown hair, all the way down his strong, almost hairless body, to his well-defined feet, he was model material. He was one of those guys that could, and did have any girl he laid eyes on. However he and this week’s girl were having a little fight over his drinking too much, she had kept her legs crossed the past week, but promised a great night on Friday if ‘Brian was a good boy”. So his penis that was clothed only in the breeze was plump and ready for some good action. Fingers lightly touched his plump penis, he jumped and yelled, “Hey fag, get your hands off me, I ain’t fucking gay!” With that a gag was pushed into his mouth muffling his insults. Now the only noise in the room was his struggle against the ropes and his muffled protests. He felt something wet and warm being applied to his groin. It was being rubbed in all around his penis; the hand cupped his balls and rubbed in the moisture. He began to feel the tingle of the mentholated shaving cream that they had applied to his pubic hair. Realizing what his captors were planning to do, he began to struggle all the more. Until he heard a gently whisper in his ear, “Going on…keep struggling, it will be up to you if we cut off your dick…”

With that he felt a hand rubbing in more of the shaving cream…rubbing his balls with one hand, the other hand massaging the shaft. He felt a tingle of pleasure in the rubbing; his mind began to fight the rush of blood that was going to his dick. With no sexual release for the past week, he was primed and ready to go. He heard laughter; he began to blush knowing that it was at his swelling dick. “Looks like you’re enjoying this,” whispered the voice in his ear.

This enraged him more, and he began to struggle against the restrains forgetting the first warning about moving. Then he felt them starting to shave his pubic hair. Fearing a knick in an uncomfortable place, he grudgingly went still. He was humiliated. Here he was tied up naked and his pubic hair being shaved off. How was he going to explain this to “this week’s gal’?

The person doing the shaving was holding his shaft and would gently rub the head while he was shaving around. He wanted to struggle and stop his rubbing, but not at the risk of being cut. His penis would slip out of the person’s hands only for a firmer grip to hold the tip of his penis. If that wasn’t enough, he felt fingers gently and slowly squeezing his nipples. At this point he wasn’t sure how many were in the room, his blindfold allowed no images or light to be seen. But as the shaving went on, more and more hands gently touched his body, rubbing, massaging, playing with his nakedness, increasing his pleasure and shame, his penis began to swell. He was angry with himself for finding pleasure in such things. When the shaving was complete, a warm cloth wiped away the excess shaving cream. The tingling of the shaving cream, and the cool air now surrounding his plump, but not fully erect penis, made him only feel more naked.

He heard some faint whispers; he struggled to hear what they were saying, but only heard the mumbling. He felt someone grab his penis and gently slide something over the head that slid all the way to the base of the shaft. He wasn’t sure what it was, but it felt like metal and was a little cold. After that, it was an all out assault of pleasure. The hand that gripped his penis, dedicated itself to the under side of his sensitive head. A hand gently massaged his balls, applying slight pressure. His nipples were pinched a little harder, his feet were massaged, and his thighs were rubbed. It seems as if a thousand hands were all over his naked form. He tried struggling against the restrains and tried to flee the hands, but to no avail.

He tried yelling “NO, NO” through his gag, but it came out only muffled. He was not only yelling no the all-intrusive hands, but to his body for finding such pleasure in those hands. He felt his penis get firmer, the hand on his penis worked harder and it seemed as if those hands knew exactly were to rub. The hand increased it speed on his now fully erect member. He thrashed his head back and forth; it was great and horrible at the same time for him. His powerful, beautifully rounded butt clenched preparing for an orgasm. The orgasm started it way, he was yelling, “NO, NO” the whole time. But the orgasm never came; he was on the edge but could go no further. He felt the tightness around the base of his shaft, it must be that “thing” that was placed on his penis, he thought.

He heard laughter, but could not make out their voices. The hands slowed, but never left his body. He was embarrassed, his body was anticipating an orgasm, but it never came. He was mad at himself for getting so aroused by these hands, he was frustrated that he did not come to orgasm; so many thoughts were thrashing around in his head. The hands continued their slow and deliberate task to his pleasure and humiliation.

This torture went on for 3 more hours. It was now about 12:30 am; Brian was out of his mind. The humiliation had turned into complete frustration. The hands never let up, they only continued and explored more and more of his body. The hand gently squeezing his balls now began to finger his ass. When the fingers of the hand first slipped there, he felt himself blush with extreme humiliation because he had let out a moan. No sooner than the moan was released he heard laughter, this signaled that they knew what he had moaned about which only served to embarrass him all the more. They had removed the gag to see what he was moaning only to hear him begging… “Please…please, I can’t take any more, I have to cum, I am loosing my fucking mind, please, please.” Brian had been on the edge for over 3 hours, tittering on the edge of a pent up orgasm only to be denied release over and over again by the pressure at the base of his cock. The sensation of someone fingering his ass only shocked and humiliated him all the more. He was embarrassed because it felt so good, and this was being explored in front of strangers.

He then felt pressure on his asshole, his tightened, but was greeted with more pressure. He began to groan, but was surprised when he felt the pressure against his anus start to vibrate. “NO, No, don’t…” he groaned. He couldn’t believe there were sticking fucking vibrator up his ass. It was being wiggled around deeper inside him against his will, but he gasped when it hit that certain area he had never known before. It felt like someone was playing with his dick from the inside out. He was surprised at the sensation, and realized in an instant how deep and wonderful this sensation was.

“Are you enjoying yourself? We are going to take a little break and we will be back for you later.” Someone whispered into his ear. He was almost oblivious to it because of the overwhelming sensations he was feeling.

“NO, please don’t leave, you can’t do this to me…Please finish this,” he begged. But it was only greeted with silence, they had gone, leaving him to deal with this new pleasure that kept building in his loins, but allowed no relief.

An hour later they came back to Brian’s naked, shivering body covered in a glow of sweat. The shivering was not from cold, far from it, it was from the anticipation of an orgasm that never came. “Please, I’m begging you, I can’t take anymore of this, what do you want? Please, please I gotta cum…” begged Brian. A cloth that was placed over his mouth and nose muffled his words; he drifted off into a silent peace once again with the vibrator gently making his body shiver.

He awoke moaning, feeling nothing but his erection being slowly stroked, his now tender nipples gently pinched and the now all to familiar pressure in his balls wanting to blast out. He still could not see, but could feel that he was someplace different. The surface his naked backside was resting on was carpeted, his hands were now tied behind his back and his feet were free, but were being held down. He felt a swaying motion and decided he was in a vehicle, but his was all thrown to the back of his mind when he felt the vibrator was switched on that was deep inside him.

“Good, you’re awake. Just in time for your payback,” the voice whispered into his ear.

“Please, I don’t care, just let me cum, I can’t take anymore of this”, he begged almost as if he didn’t hear the voice. He then felt the vehicle come to a stop and his blindfold was yanked off. He looked around sheepishly, but saw only ski masks. His mind was so clouded with the desire to get off that things seemed to be going in slow motion.

“This is going to be one long night, and maybe day for you Brian”, said the voice. This time was different; the voice had said his name. He saw that he was in a van, but did not recognize it. The back doors of the van swung open and his bare feet were put on a graveled road.

“Hey, what’s going on? What are you doing? Who are you? Where are we?” The cloudiness slowly fading and reality setting in now, a harsh reality, he didn’t recognize this area. It was dark, it was a dirt road, and he had no idea where they were.

“This is payback and paybacks are a bitch”, said the voice with a snicker. “You, are bare ass naked, you probably don’t know where you are, and from the looks of it your horny as hell, and with those hands tied behind your back there is little you can do about your naked and horny situation. I can only imaging how hard it is going to be to find your way back in your current state. If you’re bold enough to try and approach someone for help, I can only guess they will think your some kind of pervert with that raging hard on, and with that cock ring on it isn’t going away anytime soon. It will be getting light in about 5 hours which will make your bare ass more visible, so if I were you I would get walking.”

The cloudy mind now fully clear, his heart nearly stopped when trying to face his current situation. “No, you can’t do this, please don’t leave me like this, don’t leave me naked, please give me something. What if someone takes advantage of me?” he jabbered.

“Well it looks like you might enjoy it considering that boner,” this statement was followed with sidesplitting laughter from the masked figures.

“Oh god no. Please, I’ll do anything…Please no ...” Brian’s pleas were falling on deaf ears. They all ran back to the van, jumped in and started to pull away. Brian, now in one last attempt at reason, ran for the van when it suddenly stopped, he ran up to the driver’s side window and the masked figure said, “Oh yes, we almost forgot,” the driver showed Brian a remote and pushed a button on the key pad. As the driver pushed the button the now forgotten vibrator planted deep within Brian began to come to life. Brian gasped; it clearly hit the spot, his now tender prostate.

With laughter, the van sped away leaving Brian in clear shock. He looked down at his strong bare feet and muscular thighs trying to come to grips with his predicament. Naked…barefoot…completely aroused…hands bound behind his back making it impossible for him to cover himself, and an erection covered in precum, he had to face the cold naked facts. He didn’t know where he was, and didn’t even know that if he followed the direction of the van if that was even the right direction to walk back home. All Brian, in his complete aroused nakedness, knew was that he was in for a long night and more than likely a long day.

There was almost another certainty, the masked strangers weren’t the only one’s that were going to be seeing Brian in his current naked condition. Brian began the most humiliating walk of his life…

To Be Continued.


3 Gay Erotic Stories from Stranded Naked

Brian's Naked Adventure

Brian had a little too much to drink, he had had a hard day at work, the trial had not gone like he expected. With his new high profile he had to not only perform well in court, but also win. He had worked hard to get a top position with a well-known law firm, but in the back of his mind he also knew that his looks help out maybe a little. He had put aside long term relationships for his job

Brian's Naked Adventure, Part 2

Brian couldn't believe his situation. Here he was sitting completely naked in the passenger seat of a car in broad daylight. His tormentors were out to ruin him. He had worked hard for his place in a top law firm and now he was being blackmailed into doing things that he would never do. Marta and Jake, his tormentors, had seen an opportunity to get this hot lawyer out of his clothes and have

Frat Payback, Part 1

I don’t think Brian knew how much trouble he was in with the rival frat. He had gone too far. In a frenzied, drunken state, Brian had tied some rope to the rival frat’s porch columns and pulled down the porch…it was a humiliating blow. However they had plans to get Brian back for his little mistake. Brian had been working out in the gym late Thursday evening, and was walking back to his


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